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data_tamer's Introduction

Data Tamer

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DataTamer is a library to log/trace numerical variables over time and takes periodic "snapshots" of their values, to later visualize them as timeseries.

It works great with PlotJuggler, the timeseries visualization tool (note: you will need PlotJuggler 3.8.2 or later).

DataTamer is "fearless data logger" because you can record hundreds or thousands of variables: even 1 million points per second should have a fairly small CPU overhead.

Since all the values are aggregated in a single "snapshot", it is usually meant to record data in a periodic loop (a very frequent use case, in robotics applications).

Kudos to pal_statistics, for inspiring this project.

How it works


DataTamer can be used to monitor multiple variables in your applications.

Channels are used to take "snapshots" of a subset of variables at a given time. If you want to record at different frequencies, you can use different channels.

DataTamer will forward the collected data to 1 or multiple sinks; a sink may save the information immediately in a file (currently, we support MCAP) or publish it using an inter-process communication, for instance, a ROS2 publisher.

You can easily create your own, specialized sinks.

Use PlotJuggler to visualize your logs offline or in real-time.


  • Serialization schema is created at run-time: no need to do code generation.
  • Suitable for real-time applications: very low latency (on the side of the callee).
  • Multi-sink architecture: recorded data can be forwarded to multiple "backends".
  • Very low serialization overhead, in the order of 1 bit per traced value.
  • The user can enable/disable traced variables at run-time.


  • Traced variables can not be added (registered) once the recording starts (first takeSnapshot).
  • Focused on periodic recording. Not the best option for sporadic, asynchronous events.
  • If you use DataTamer::registerValue you must be careful about the lifetime of the object. If you prefer a safer RAII interface, use DataTamer::createLoggedValue instead.


Basic example

#include "data_tamer/data_tamer.hpp"
#include "data_tamer/sinks/mcap_sink.hpp"

int main()
  // Multiple channels can use this sink. Data will be saved in mylog.mcap
  auto mcap_sink = std::make_shared<DataTamer::MCAPSink>("mylog.mcap");

  // Create a channel and attach a sink. A channel can have multiple sinks
  auto channel = DataTamer::LogChannel::create("my_channel");

  // You can register any arithmetic value. You are responsible for their lifetime!
  double value_real = 3.14;
  int value_int = 42;
  auto id1 = channel->registerValue("value_real", &value_real);
  auto id2 = channel->registerValue("value_int", &value_int);

  // If you prefer to use RAII, use this method instead
  // logged_real will unregister itself when it goes out of scope.
  auto logged_real = channel->createLoggedValue<float>("my_real");

  // Store the current value of all the registered values

  // You can disable (i.e., stop recording) a value like this
  channel->setEnabled(id1, false);
  // or, in the case of a LoggedValue

  // The next snapshot will contain only [value_int], i.e. [id2],
  // since the other two were disabled

How to register custom types

Containers such as std::vector and std::array are supported out of the box. You can also register a custom type, as shown in the example below.

#include "data_tamer/data_tamer.hpp"
#include "data_tamer/sinks/mcap_sink.hpp"
#include "data_tamer/custom_types.hpp"

// a custom type
struct Point3D
  double x;
  double y;
  double z;

namespace DataTamer
template <> struct TypeDefinition<Point3D>
  // Provide the name of the type
  std::string typeName() const { return "Point3D"; }
  // List all the member variables that you want to be saved (including their name)
  template <class Function> void typeDef(Function& addField)
    addField("x", &Point3D::x);
    addField("y", &Point3D::y);
    addField("z", &Point3D::z);
} // end namespace DataTamer

int main()
  auto channel = DataTamer::LogChannel::create("my_channel");

  // Array/vectors are supported natively
  std::vector<double> values = {1, 2, 3, 4};
  channel->registerValue("values", &values);

  // Requires the implementation of DataTamer::TypeDefinition<Point3D>
  Point3D position = {0.1, -0.2, 0.3};
  channel->registerValue("position", &position);

  // save the data as usual ...


Compiling with ROS2

Just use colcon :)

Compiling with Conan (not ROS2 support)

Note that the ROS2 publisher will NOT be built when using this method.

Assuming conan 2.x installed. From the source directory.


conan install . -s compiler.cppstd=gnu17 --build=missing -s build_type=Release
cmake -S . -B build/Release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
cmake --build build/Release --parallel


conan install . -s compiler.cppstd=gnu17 --build=missing -s build_type=Debug
cmake -S . -B build/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
cmake --build build/Debug --parallel

How to deserialize data recorded with DataTamer

I will write more extensively about the serialization format used by DataTamer, but for the time being I created a single header file without external dependencies that you can just copy into your project: data_tamer_parser.hpp

You can see how it is used in this example: mcap_reader

data_tamer's People


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data_tamer's Issues

Colcon build error

The project name is data_tamer_cpp or data_tamer?

project(data_tamer VERSION 0.9.1)


--- stderr: data_tamer_cpp                                                                                                                                                           
CMake Error at /opt/ros/humble/share/ament_cmake_core/cmake/core/ament_package_xml.cmake:53 (message):
  ament_package_xml() package name 'data_tamer_cpp' in '/package.xml' does
  not match current PROJECT_NAME 'data_tamer'.  You must call project() with
  the same package name before.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /opt/ros/humble/share/ament_cmake_core/cmake/core/ament_package.cmake:63 (ament_package_xml)
  CMakeLists.txt:92 (ament_package)

Another error is

/src/data_tamer/data_tamer_cpp/include/data_tamer_parser/data_tamer_parser.hpp:45:19: note: ‘std::variant’ is only available from C++17 onwards
   45 | using VarNumber = std::variant<bool, char, int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t,

Should we add the following line to cmakelist?


Plotjuggler support

I'm not sure if the written MCAP is already readable with plotjuggler or I need a plugin?

MCAP sinks sometimes fail

I modified example.cpp, with the only change being that I used an MCAP sink instead of the dummy sink. Sometimes with this change (not always), the program will fail with the following error.

[henry-picknik-laptop][add_example] data_tamer$ ./build/Debug/examples/example 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  _Map_base::at
Aborted (core dumped)

This also happens sometimes (but seems to be more rare) in Release mode:

[henry-picknik-laptop][add_example] data_tamer$ ./build/Release/examples/example 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  _Map_base::at
Aborted (core dumped)

Here's a screenshot of my code modifications

Question about real time safety of snapshot call

This isn't an issue more of just a question about the snapshot call. I see a lock there so i'm assuming it's not considered a real time safe call? If i'm mistaken could you maybe comment further on it or if you have any future plans to address it? Thanks!

Serialization format for data_tamer

Hi, I would like to understand more about the serialization format of data_tamer. I saw the header file that you provided, however deserialize it in python because I need to use another module which is written in Python.

By going through the code, I understand the msg_buffer consist of

<mask_size> <active_mask> <data_size> <serialized payload one after the other....>

Am I correct?

so with the following example,

  int32_t v3 = 129;
  uint16_t v4 = 129;
  Pose pose;
  pose.pos = {4, 4, 4};
  pose.rot = {4,4,4,4};

  channelA->registerValue("val_int32", &v3);
  channelA->registerValue("val_int16", &v4);
  channelA->registerValue("pose", &pose);

The message_buffer in bytestring is:

01 00 00 00 <--- mask_size
ff <--- active_mask
3e 00 00 00 <-- data_size
81 00 00 00 <-- v3
81 00 <-- v4
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 40 <-- should be pose.pose.x, but the encoding is weird.... am I wrong?
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 40 
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 40 
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 40 
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 40 
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 40 
00 00 00 00 00 00 10 40 

Decode mcap files with Python


great tool! It is really easy to integrate this in C++ code to log data for debugging controller code.
I am able to visualize the mcap files in plotjuggler but I have not managed to open them in python yet.

Do I need to re-implement the DataTamerParser as a DecoderFactory in python?
If yes, do you plan to plan to do this and add a python package to the project?
I thought that one of the advantages of mcap was that the file format is self contained but if it requires the users to write custom parsers it makes things a bit complicated.

Using as static library in ROS1 cause linking error with LZ4


I built the library following Compiling with Conan instruction.
Then I want to install so I did sudo cmake --install build/Release (Is this the correct way to install?)

Then in the CMakeList of the ros1 package I did find_package(data_tamer REQUIRED) and
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} data_tamer ${catkin_LIBRARIES} )
and added the example code.

Then after calling catkin_make, I get the following error, would you please give some instruction on using this with ROS1?
Should this be built as shared library?

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libdata_tamer.a(mcap_sink.cpp.o): in function `mcap::ZStdWriter::~ZStdWriter()':
mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x9eb): undefined reference to `ZSTD_freeCCtx'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libdata_tamer.a(mcap_sink.cpp.o): in function `mcap::LZ4Reader::~LZ4Reader()':
mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0xa60): undefined reference to `LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libdata_tamer.a(mcap_sink.cpp.o): in function `mcap::ZStdWriter::ZStdWriter(mcap::CompressionLevel, unsigned long)':
mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x1a51): undefined reference to `ZSTD_createCCtx'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x1a6d): undefined reference to `ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libdata_tamer.a(mcap_sink.cpp.o): in function `mcap::LZ4Reader::LZ4Reader()':
mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x3c84): undefined reference to `LZ4F_createDecompressionContext'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x3c8f): undefined reference to `LZ4F_isError'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x3cc4): undefined reference to `LZ4F_getErrorName'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libdata_tamer.a(mcap_sink.cpp.o): in function `mcap::LZ4Writer::end()':
mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x71fb): undefined reference to `LZ4F_compressFrameBound'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7229): undefined reference to `LZ4F_compressFrame'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7234): undefined reference to `LZ4F_isError'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x72e4): undefined reference to `LZ4F_getErrorName'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libdata_tamer.a(mcap_sink.cpp.o): in function `mcap::ZStdWriter::end()':
mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x732e): undefined reference to `ZSTD_compressBound'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x735d): undefined reference to `ZSTD_compress2'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7368): undefined reference to `ZSTD_isError'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x737e): undefined reference to `ZSTD_CCtx_reset'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x73fc): undefined reference to `ZSTD_getErrorCode'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7422): undefined reference to `ZSTD_getErrorName'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x744c): undefined reference to `ZSTD_getErrorString'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libdata_tamer.a(mcap_sink.cpp.o): in function `mcap::ZStdReader::DecompressAll(std::byte const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, std::vector<std::byte, std::allocator<std::byte> >*)':
mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7681): undefined reference to `ZSTD_decompress'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x76d1): undefined reference to `ZSTD_isError'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x76e5): undefined reference to `ZSTD_getErrorName'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libdata_tamer.a(mcap_sink.cpp.o): in function `mcap::LZ4Reader::decompressAll(std::byte const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, std::vector<std::byte, std::allocator<std::byte> >*)':
mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7acb): undefined reference to `LZ4F_resetDecompressionContext'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7af8): undefined reference to `LZ4F_decompress'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7d44): undefined reference to `LZ4F_isError'
/usr/bin/ld: mcap_sink.cpp:(.text+0x7d58): undefined reference to `LZ4F_getErrorName'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [iiwa_interactive_controller/CMakeFiles/iiwa_interactive_controller_cartesian_bringup.dir/build.make:145: /home/yifei/kuka_ws/devel/lib/iiwa_interactive_controller/iiwa_interactive_controller_cartesian_bringup] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:6997: iiwa_interactive_controller/CMakeFiles/iiwa_interactive_controller_cartesian_bringup.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:146: all] Error 2
Invoking "make -j16 -l16" failed

clang build error

Hi there,

I got the build error data_tamer_cpp/include/data_tamer/channel.hpp:309:22: error: lambda capture 'this' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-lambda-capture] followed by multiple successive errors in the same vain with using clang17. The self-reference could either be removed or the error suppressed.

Nice work by the way 😀

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