Your excellent new documentation led me to try using enter() and exit(), but I seem to be doing something wrong.
I have the most recent version of d3 (git log says feb 2011).
To try to make a simple example, I edited your stack.html example as follows, starting at about line 85 in the original. I didn't see an easy way to add an id to the array of arrays, so I used a summation. I figured that summing the data y
values should produce a unique id.
var vis ="body")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h + p);
var layers = vis.selectAll("g.layer")
.data(data, function(d,g,i){
var sumd = 0;{ sumd += val.y ; });
return sumd;
.attr("fill", function(d, i) { return color(i / (n - 1)); })
.attr("class", "layer");
However, while the sums work, the layers object is an array of nulls, and the enter().append
line does nothing, and the subsequent bars lines do nothing either.
I started to dig at the source code, and I can't see what might be going on...but mostly because I don't understand all of the logic flows yet. It does seem like the join function might get called twice, but I was only seeing it called once, so I'm not sure.
My use case is to have stacked bar charts, and to be able to insert and remove series in the stack, as well as to extend or shrink the time scale (x-axis), so being able to use enter and exit would rock. Any help or insight would be appreciated.
I've been using raphael lately and I really like the ability to make a set of attributes, see the example below. Does this functionality exist in d3? Do you think it ever would?
//d3 way to make a simple circle.
.attr("cx", 150)
.attr("cy", 140)
.attr("r", 40)
.attr("fill", "#F00")
.attr("stroke", "black");
// The way I would like to do it.
p.append("svg:circle").attr({cx: 250, cy: 240, r: 40, fill: "#F00", stroke:"black"});
Should there be a
module to contain the data-related utilities? Currently, that includes: ascending, descending, min, max, keys, values, entries, split, merge, range, format, nest (map, key, sortKeys, sortValues, rollup). There are also some AJAX utilities, which could be in the data module or a separate ajax module: xhr, text, json, html, xml. And csv, but that's already in a separate module.