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methylpy's Introduction


Welcome to the home page of methylpy, a pyhton-based analysis pipeline for

  • (single-cell) (whole-genome) bisulfite sequencing data
  • (single-cell) NOMe-seq data
  • differential methylation analysis

methylpy is available at github and PyPI.


  • Version 1.3 has major changes on options related to mapping. A new aligner, minimap2, is supported starting in this version. To accommodate this new features, --bowtie2 option is replaced with --aligner, which specifies the aligner to use. The parameters of --build-reference function are modified as well.
  • methylpy only considers cytosines that are in uppercase in the genome fasta file (i.e. not masked)
  • methylpy was initiated by and built on the work of Mattew D. Schultz
  • beta version of tutorial is released!

What can methylpy do?

Processing bisulfite sequencing data and NOMe-seq data

  • fast and flexible pipeline for both single-end and paired-end data
  • all the way from raw reads (fastq) to methylation state and/or open chromatin readouts
  • also support getting readouts from alignment (BAM file)
  • including options for read trimming, quality filter and PCR duplicate removal
  • accept compressed input and generate compressed output
  • support post-bisulfite adaptor tagging (PBAT) data

Calling differentially methylated regions (DMRs)

  • DMR calling at single cytosine level
  • support comparison across 2 or more samples/groups
  • conservative and accurate
  • useful feature for dealing with low-coverage data by combining data of adjacent cytosines

What you want to do

run methylpy -h to get a list of functions.

Use methylpy without installation

Methylpy can be used within docker container with all dependencies resolved. The docker image for methylpy can be built from the Dockerfile under methylpy/ directory using the below command. It will take ~3g space.

git clone
cd methylpy/
docker build -t methylpy:latest ./

Then, you can start a docker container by running

docker run -it methylpy:latest

methylpy can be run with full functionality within the container. You can mount your working directory to the container by adding -v option to the docker command and store methylpy output there.

docker run -it -v /YOUR/WORKING/PATH/:/output methylpy:latest

See here for details.

Install methylpy

Step 1 - Download methylpy

The easiest way of installing methylpy will be through PyPI by running pip install methylpy. The command pip install --upgrade methylpy updates methylpy to latest version.

Methylpy can also be installed through anaconda or [miniconda] (

conda env create --name methylpy_env
conda activate methylpy_env
conda install -y -c bioconda -c conda-forge methylpy              

Alternatively, methylpy can be installed through github: enter the directory where you would like to install methylpy and run

git clone
cd methylpy/
python install

If you would like to install methylpy in path of your choice, run python install --prefix=/USER/PATH/. Then, try methylpy and if no error pops out, the setup is likely successful. See Test methylpy for more rigorious test. Last, processing large dataset will require large spare space for temporary files. Usually, the default directory for temporary files will not meet the need. You may want to set the TMPDIR environmental variable to the (absolute) path of a directory on hard drive with sufficient space (e.g. /YOUR/TMP/DIR/). This can be done by adding the below command to ~/.bashrc file: export TMPDIR=/YOUR/TMP/DIR/ and run source ~/.bashrc.

Step 2 - Install dependencies

python is required for running methylpy. Both python2 (>=2.7.9) and python3 (>=3.6.2) will work. methylpy also depends on two python modules, numpy and scipy. The easiest way to get these dependencies is to install anaconda.

In addition, some features of methylpy depend on several publicly available tools (not all of them are required if you only use a subset of methylpy functions).

  • cutadapt (>=1.9) for raw read trimming
  • bowtie and/or bowtie2 for alignment
  • samtools (>=1.3) for alignment result manipulation. Samtools can also be installed using conda conda install -c bioconda samtools
  • Picard (>=2.10.8) for PCR duplicate removal
  • java for running Picard (its path needs to be included in PATH environment variable) .
  • wigToBigWig for converting methylpy output to bigwig format

Lastly, if paths to cutadapt, bowtie/bowtie2, samtools and wigToBigWig are included in PATH variable, methylpy can run these tools directly. Otherwise, the paths have to be passed to methylpy as augments. Path to Picard needs to be passed to methylpy as a parameter to run PCR duplicate removal.

Optional step - Compile rms.cpp

DMR finding requires an executable methylpy/methylpy/run_rms_tests.out, which was compiled from C++ code methylpy/methylpy/rms.cpp. In most cases, the precompiled file can be used directly. To test this, simply run execute methylpy/methylpy/run_rms_tests.out. If help page shows, recompiling is not required. If error turns up, the executable needs to be regenerated by compiling rms.cpp and this step requires GSL installed correctly. In most linux operating system, the below commands will do the job

cd methylpy/methylpy/
g++ -O3 -l gsl -l gslcblas -o run_rms_tests.out rms.cpp

In Ubuntu (>=16.04), please try the below commands first.

cd methylpy/methylpy/
g++ -o run_rms_tests.out rms.cpp `gsl-config --cflags --libs`

Lastly, the compiled file run_rms_tests.out needs to be copied to the directory where methylpy is installed. You can get the directory by running the blow commands in python console (python to open a python console):

import methylpy

Test methylpy

To test whether methylpy and the dependencies are installed and set up correctly, run

tar -xf methylpy_test.tar.gz
cd methylpy_test/

The test should take around 3 minutes, and progress will be printed on screen. After the test is started, two files test_output_msg.txt and test_error_msg.txt will be generated. The former contains more details about each test and the later stores error message (if any) as well as additional information.

If test fails, please check test_error_msg.txt for the error message. If you decide to submit an issue regarding test failure to methylpy github page, please include the error message in this file.

Process data

Please see tutorial. for more details.

Step 1 - Build converted genome reference

Build bowtie/bowtie2 index for converted genome. Run methylpy build-reference -h to get more information. An example of building mm10 mouse reference index:

methylpy build-reference \
	--input-files mm10_bt2/mm10.fa \
	--output-prefix mm10_bt2/mm10 \
	--bowtie2 True

Step 2 - Process bisulfite sequencing and NOMe-seq data

Function single-end-pipeline is For processing single-end data. Run methylpy single-end-pipeline -h to get help information. Below code is an example of using methylpy to process single-end bisulfite sequencing data. For processing NOMe-seq data, please use num_upstr_bases=1 to include one base upstream cytosine as part of cytosine sequence context, which can be used to tease out GC sites.

methylpy single-end-pipeline \
	--read-files raw/mESC_R1.fastq.gz \
	--sample mESC \
	--forward-ref mm10_bt2/mm10_f \
	--reverse-ref mm10_bt2/mm10_r \
	--ref-fasta mm10_bt2/mm10.fa \
	--num-procs 8 \
	--remove-clonal True \

An command example for processing paired-end data. Run methylpy paired-end-pipeline -h to get more information.

methylpy paired-end-pipeline \
	--read1-files raw/mESC_R1.fastq.gz \
	--read2-files raw/mESC_R2.fastq.gz \
	--sample mESC \
	--forward-ref mm10_bt2/mm10_f \
	--reverse-ref mm10_bt2/mm10_r \
	--ref-fasta mm10_bt2/mm10.fa \
	--num-procs 8 \
	--remove-clonal True \

If you would like methylpy to perform binomial test for teasing out sites that show methylation above noise level (which is mainly due to sodium bisulfite non-conversion), please check options --binom-test and --unmethylated-control.

Output format

Output file(s) are (compressed) tab-separated text file(s) in allc format. "allc" stands for all cytosine (C). Each row in an allc file corresponds to one cytosine in the genome. An allc file contain 7 mandatory columns and no header. Two additional columns may be added with --add-snp-info option when using single-end-pipeline, paired-end-pipeline or call-methylation-state methods.

index column name example note
1 chromosome 12 with no "chr"
2 position 18283342 1-based
3 strand + either + or -
4 sequence context CGT can be more than 3 bases
5 mc 18 count of reads supporting methylation
6 cov 21 read coverage
7 methylated 1 indicator of significant methylation (1 if no test is performed)
8 (optional) num_matches 3,2,3 number of match basecalls at context nucleotides
9 (optional) num_mismatches 0,1,0 number of mismatches at context nucleotides

Call DMRs

This function will take a list of compressed/uncompressed allc files (output files from methylpy pipeline) as input and look for DMRs. Help information of this function is available via running methylpy DMRfind -h.

Below is the code of an example of calling DMRs for CG methylation between two samples, AD_HT and AD_IT on chromosome 1 through 5 using 8 processors.

methylpy DMRfind \
	--allc-files allc/allc_AD_HT.tsv.gz allc/allc_AD_IT.tsv.gz \
	--samples AD_HT AD_IT \
	--mc-type "CGN" \
	--chroms 1 2 3 4 5 \
	--num-procs 8 \
	--output-prefix DMR_HT_IT

Please see tutorial for details.

Additional functions for data processing

Extract cytosine methylation state from BAM file

The call-methylation-state function allows users to get cytosine methylation state (allc file) from alignment file (BAM file). It is part of the data processing pipeline which is especially useful for getting the allc file from alignment file from other methylation data pipelines like bismark. Run methylpy call-methylation-state -h to get help information. Below is an example of running this function. Please make sure to remove --paired-end True or use --paired-end False for BAM file from single-end data.

methylpy call-methylation-state \
	--input-file mESC_processed_reads_no_clonal.bam \
	--paired-end True \
	--sample mESC \
	--ref-fasta mm10_bt2/mm10.fa \
	--num-procs 8

Get methylation level for genomic regions

Calculating methylation level of certain genomic regions can give an estimate of the methylation abundance of these loci. This can be achieved using the add-methylation-level function. See methylpy add-methylation-level -h for more details about the input format and available options.

methylpy add-methylation-level \
	--input-tsv-file DMR_AD_IT.tsv \
	--output-file DMR_AD_IT_with_level.tsv \
	--allc-files allc/allc_AD_HT_1.tsv.gz allc/allc_AD_HT_2.tsv.gz \
		allc/allc_AD_IT_1.tsv.gz allc/allc_AD_IT_2.tsv.gz \
	--samples AD_HT_1 AD_HT_2 AD_IT_1 AD_IT_2 \
	--mc-type CGN \
	--num-procs 4

Merge allc files

The merge-allc function can merge multiple allc files into a single allc file. It is useful when separate allc files are generated for replicates of a tissue or cell type, and one wants to get a single allc file for that tissue/cell type. See methylpy merge-allc -h for more information.

methylpy merge-allc \
	--allc-files allc/allc_AD_HT_1.tsv.gz allc/allc_AD_HT_2.tsv.gz \
	--output-file allc/allc_AD_HT.tsv.gz \
	--num-procs 1 \
	--compress-output True

Filter allc files

The filter-allc function is for filtering sites by cytosine context, coverage etc. See methylpy filter-allc -h for more information.

methylpy filter-allc \
	--allc-file allc/allc_AD_HT_1.tsv.gz \
	--output-file allc/allCG_AD_HT_1.tsv.gz \
	--mc-type CGN \
	--min-cov 2 \
	--compress-output True

Index allc files

The index-allc function allows creating index file for each allc file. The index file can be used for speeding up allc file reading similar to the .fai file for .fasta file. See methylpy index-allc -h for more information.

methylpy index-allc \
	--allc-files allc/allc_AD_HT_1.tsv.gz allc/allc_AD_HT_2.tsv.gz \
	--num-procs 2 \
	--no-reindex False

Convert allc file to bigwig format

The allc-to-bigwig function generates bigwig file from allc file. Methylation level will be calculated in equally divided non-overlapping genomic bins and the output will be stored in a bigwig file. See methylpy allc-to-bigwig -h for more information.

methylpy allc-to-bigwig \
	--allc-file results/allc_mESC.tsv.gz \
	--output-file results/ \
	--ref-fasta mm10_bt2/mm10.fa \
	--mc-type CGN \
	--bin-size 100 	

Quality filter for bisulfite sequencing reads

Sometimes, we want to filter out reads that cannot be mapped confidently or are likely from under-converted DNA fragments. This can be done using the bam-quality-filter function. See methylpy bam-quality-filter -h for parameter inforamtion.

For example, below command can be used to filter out reads with less than 30 MAPQ score (poor alignment) and with mCH level greater than 0.7 (under-conversion) if the reads contain enough (at least 3) CH sites.

methylpy bam-quality-filter \
	--input-file mESC_processed_reads_no_clonal.bam \
	--output-file mESC_processed_reads_no_clonal.filtered.bam \
	--ref-fasta mm10_bt2/mm10.fa \
	--min-mapq 30 \
	--min-num-ch 3 \
	--max-mch-level 0.7 \
	--buffer-line-number 100

Reidentify DMRs from existing result

methylpy is able to reidentify-DMR based on the result of previous DMRfind run. This function is especially useful in picking out DMRs across a subset of categories and/or with different filters. See methylpy reidentify-DMR -h for details about the options.

methylpy reidentify-DMR \
	--input-rms-file results/DMR_P0_FBvsHT_rms_results.tsv.gz \
	--output-file results/DMR_P0_FBvsHT_rms_results_recollapsed.tsv \
	--collapse-samples P0_FB_1 P0_FB_2 P0_HT_1 P0_HT_2 \
	--sample-category P0_FB P0_FB P0_HT P0_HT \
	--min-cluster 2

Cite methylpy

If you use methylpy, please cite

Matthew D. Schultz, Yupeng He, John W.Whitaker, Manoj Hariharan, Eran A. Mukamel, Danny Leung, Nisha Rajagopal, Joseph R. Nery, Mark A. Urich, Huaming Chen, Shin Lin, Yiing Lin, Bing Ren, Terrence J. Sejnowski, Wei Wang, Joseph R. Ecker. Human Body Epigenome Maps Reveal Noncanonical DNA Methylation Variation. Nature. 523(7559):212-216, 2015 Jul.

methylpy's People


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methylpy's Issues

DMRfind group statistics?

Hi @yupenghe , happy Friday! I'm wondering if DMRfind calculates statistics to assess methylation differences between experimental groups ("sample-categories") or if it only calculates within-sample statistics. I'm wondering if I need to run an additional statistical test to identify group differences in % methylation from my rms_results_collapsed.tsv file.

subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['wigToBigWig']

Hi, I have similar issue as #12 , but I can't solve it.
When I qsub a job for methylpy allc-to-bigwig with 1 or 10 CPU core and 10G memory, it sometimes shows the error and end the process:

methylpy allc-to-bigwig --allc-file allc_hs_NeuN_neg.tsv --output-file --ref-fasta hg19/genome/fasta/hg19.fa --mc-type CGN --bin-size 1

Traceback (most recent call last): File "anaconda3/envs/syniu/bin/methylpy", line 4, in <module> __import__('pkg_resources').run_script('methylpy==1.3.4', 'methylpy') File "anaconda3/envs/syniu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 664, in run_script self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns) File "anaconda3/envs/syniu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1444, in run_script exec(code, namespace, namespace) File "anaconda3/envs/syniu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/methylpy", line 5, in <module> parse_args() File "anaconda3/envs/syniu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 327, in parse_args add_chr_prefix=args.add_chr_prefix) File "anaconda3/envs/syniu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 252, in convert_allc_to_bigwig +output_file),stderr=subprocess.PIPE) File "anaconda3/envs/syniu/lib/python3.6/", line 291, in check_call raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['wigToBigWig', '', '', '']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

First few line of chrom.size file
chr1 249250621 chr2 243199373 chr3 198022430 chr4 191154276 chr5 180915260 chr6 171115067 chr7 159138663 chrX 155270560 chr8 146364022 chr9 141213431 chr10 135534747 chr11 135006516 chr12 133851895 chr13 115169878 chr14 107349540 chr15 102531392 chr16 90354753 chr17 81195210 chr18 78077248 chr20 63025520 chrY 59373566 chr19 59128983 chr22 51304566 chr21 48129895

few lines of wig file:
chr1 11992 11993 0.1 chr1 11994 11995 0.0 chr1 11995 11996 0.0 chr1 11997 11998 0.0 chr1 12000 12001 0.15384615384615385 chr1 12003 12004 0.0 chr1 12005 12006 0.0 chr1 12006 12007 0.1

chromosome name in .fa file is like chr1

It works sometimes when I restart it, but sometimes it doesn't. I can see the wigToBigWig help page when i use it in terminal. I also use around 10 CPU. Not sure if it's the subprocess issue.

Do you have any suggestion?

test methylpy failed


I have been trying to install methylpy, but when I run the test methylpy, I get the attached error messages. I am installing on ubuntu. Any information you could provide to fix the problem would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Error running methylpy paired-end-alignment

Hi Yupeng,

I am very much interested in trying using Methylpy, but I am not familiar with Python and I am stuck with an error that I am not able to fix.

I am running this command:

$ methylpy paired-end-pipeline --read1-files FCH2N2NBBXY_L7_ARAsbmMAAAAAAA-9_1.fq.gz --read2-files FCH2N2NBBXY_L7_ARAsbmMAAAAAAA-9_2.fq.gz --sample L5_0mM_minimap2 --forward-ref L5_background_one_T-DNA_minimap_f.mmi --reverse-ref L5_background_one_T-DNA_minimap_r.mmi --ref-fasta L5_background_one_T-DNA.fa --compress-output T --num-procs 4 --trim-reads F --check-dependency T --generate-mpileup-file F --aligner minimap2

and get the following error (using either minimap2 or bowtie2 as an aligner):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/methylpy", line 5, in <module>
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 185, in parse_args
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 342, in run_methylation_pipeline_pe
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 1370, in call_methylated_sites_pe
    keep_temp_files = keep_temp_files)
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 1498, in call_methylated_sites
    +" -q "+str(min_mapq)+" -B -f "+reference_fasta+" "+inputf
TypeError: bad operand type for unary +: 'str' 

Here is what I get when running the methylpy test:

Tue Mar 26 15:32:35 2019

Test importing methylpy module.
- importing call_mc_se: pass
- importing call_mc_pe: pass
- importing DMRfind: pass
- importing parser: pass
Check methylpy executable:pass

methylpy is successfully installed!

Check whether dependencies are available in PATH
- find bowtie: failed
- find bowtie2: found version 2.2.6
- find minimap2: found version 2.16-r922
- find samtools: found version 1.9
- find cutadapt: failed
- find java: found version 1.6.0_65
Only bowtie2 is available. Skip tests for bowtie related code

Test DMRfind: failed
Test reidentify-DMR: failed

Test build-reference with bowtie2: pass
Test build-reference with minimap2: pass

Test single-end-pipeline with bowtie2: pass
Test single-end-pipeline with minimap2: pass

Test paired-end-pipeline with bowtie2: pass
Test paired-end-pipeline with minimap2: pass

Test quality filter for BAM file of single-end data: pass

Test call-methylation-state for single-end data: pass
Test call-methylation-state for paired-end data: pass

Test merge-allc: pass

Test filter-allc: pass

All tests are done!
Tue Mar 26 15:34:09 2019
The tests took 94.28 seconds!

Many thanks for your help!

why are some regions with >= min_num_dms not called DMRs?

Hi @yupenghe ! In looking through DMRs and DMS in IGV, I'm finding some regions that look like they should be called DMRs, but there were not (see screenshot example). In the screenshot, the top 4 samples are one treatment group (orange), the next 4 are one treatment group (blue), and the last 4 are one treatment group (red).
Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 10 29 15 AM

To me, this is showing that generally the blue and orange groups are not methylated at these DMS while the red group is. Why would DMRfind not classify these DMS as a DMR?

methylpy DMRfind \
--allc-files EPI-103_S27_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-104_S28_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-111_S29_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-113_S30_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-119_S31_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-120_S32_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-135_S35_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-136_S36_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-127_S33_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-128_S34_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-143_S37_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
EPI-145_S38_L005_5xmerg_allc.tsv \
--samples EPI-103 EPI-104 EPI-111 EPI-113 EPI-119 EPI-120 EPI-135 EPI-136 EPI-127 EPI-128 EPI-143 EPI-145 \
--mc-type "CGN" \
--num-procs 8 \
--output-prefix day10_AllpH_DMR250bp_MCmax25_cov5x \
--mc-max-dist 25 \
--dmr-max-dist 250 \
--min-num-dms 3 \
--sample-category 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 1

--keep-temp-files not working


I am attempting to perform the bowtie2 alignments within methylpy with reads allowed multiple mappings as in issue #19 . However, the --keep-temp-files True option does not seem to be keeping any temporary files around. I can see the initial .sam files being written during the run but then they are deleted by the end. I am not getting any errors, indicating that methylpy recognizes the flag and its argument.

For reference, my full command is
methylpy single-end-pipeline --read-files $READS --sample $NAME --forward-ref $FREF --reverse-ref $RREF --ref-fasta $FA_REF --num-procs 6 --keep-temp-files True --aligner-options \"-a\"

I am using methylpy 1.3.8 installed via pip within a python 3.7 conda environment.

Running binomial tests per position seems random

Hi Yupeng,

I am running methylpy on sample and the way methylation calling seems a bit random (in the table below check positions Chr1:102 and Chr1:107. Both are covered by only 1 read but still they are counted as methylated.)

Chr1 101 + CCT 0 1 0
Chr1 102 + CTA 1 1 1
Chr1 107 + CCC 1 1 0
Chr1 108 + CCG 1 1 1
Chr1 109 + CGA 1 2 1
Chr1 110 - CGG 5 5 1
Chr1 114 + CCG 2 2 1
Chr1 115 + CGG 2 2 1
Chr1 116 - CGG 6 7 1
Chr1 117 - CCG 1 7 0

The methylpy version I am using is 1.1.9, is it resolved in the newer versions?


per site indicator of significant methylation is always 1

the allc file has all 1's even when the coverage is bad.
1 2 + CCT 1 3 1
1 3 + CTA 1 1 1
1 8 + CCC 1 1 1
1 9 + CCT 1 1 1
1 10 + CTA 1 1 1
1 15 + CCC 1 1 1
1 16 + CCT 1 1 1
1 17 + CTA 1 1 1
1 22 + CCC 1 2 1
1 23 + CCT 1 2 1
1 24 + CTA 2 2 1
1 29 + CCT 0 2 1
1 30 + CTC 0 2 1
1 32 + CTG 0 2 1

DMRfind error during merging DMS to DMR

Dear Yupeng,
I am having trouble with running DMRfind for some of my datasets that were downloaded from NCBI (Arabidopsis bisulfite seq GSE67216). I used methylpy to generate the allC files and then merge replicates for samples -all of which worked fine. When I run DMRfind, I get an error during residual cutoff stage (see below), and the final DMS/DMR files are not generated. Could you help me to figure out how to fix this?

Calculating Residual Cutoff
Tue Feb 18 11:16:32 2020

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/s/miniconda3/bin/methylpy", line 5, in <module>
  File "/home/s/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 71, in parse_args
  File "/home/s/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 274, in DMRfind
  File "/home/s/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 319, in merge_DMS_to_DMR
  File "/home/s/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 482, in get_resid_cutoff
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '-'

Here is the code I used for DMRfind

methylpy DMRfind --allc-files methylpy_results/merged_allc/allc_merged_A.tsv.gz methylpy_results/merged_allc/allc_merged_B.tsv.gz methylpy_results/merged_allc/allc_merged_C.tsv.gz --mc-type "CHH" --num-procs 8 --min-cov 3 --output-prefix repeat_dmrs/CHH_sig01_dms0_cov3

I have used the same code for other files and it works fine. The merged allC files don't seem to have any issue. Here are the first few lines from one of the allC files:

$gunzip -d -c allc_merged_A.tsv.gz |tail
3	23459756	+	CAC	1	4	1
3	23459758	+	CCT	1	4	1
3	23459759	+	CTT	0	4	1
3	23459762	+	CGA	0	3	1
3	23459763	-	CGA	0	1	1
3	23459765	+	CAC	0	3	1
3	23459767	+	CCA	0	3	1
3	23459768	+	CAG	0	2	1
3	23459770	-	CTG	0	1	1
3	23459771	+	CCT	0	1	1
$ gunzip -d -c allc_merged_A.tsv.gz |cut -f1|sort|uniq -c
10272463 1
6721681 2
8173516 3
6428501 4
9248527 5
  42315 chloroplast
  62756 mitochondria

Below are the codes to generate the allC files:

methylpy single-end-pipeline \
	 --read-files SRR1927188_GSM1642569.fastq.gz  \
	 --sample rep1_SRR1927188 \
	 --trim-reads True \
	 --unmethylated-control chloroplast: \
	 --forward-ref TAIR10_chr_all.fas.shIDs_f \
	 --reverse-ref TAIR10_chr_all.fas.shIDs_r \
	 --ref-fasta TAIR10_chr_all.fas.shIDs.fa \
	 --num-procs 8 \
	 --compress-output False \
	 --path-to-output methylpy_results/

methylpy merge-allc \
	 --allc-files methylpy_results/allc_rep1_SRR1927188.tsv methylpy_results/allc_rep2_SRR1927189.tsv methylpy_results/allc_rep3_SRR1927190.tsv \
	 --output-file methylpy_results/merged_allc/allc_merged_C.tsv.gz \
	 --compress-output True

PBAT alignment

Hi Yupeng,

Sorry for bothering yet again. I noticed that PBAT alignment mode is not implemented in PairedEnd mode(at-least thats what its said in Is it implemented in SingleEnd mode? I didn't find any apparent change with alignment with PBAT option set to True or False.

Many thanks & have a good one.

methylpy add-methylation-level issue

I have a similar issue to #48
But my output tsv file has only the bed file
This is the test bed file
chromosome start end
2 1 40001
2 40001 80001
2 80001 120001
2 120001 160001
This is the output I get
chromosome start end methylation_level_ACA methylation_level_ACB methylation_level_pCMT3-RNAiA methylation_level_pCMT3-RNAiB
2 1 40001
2 40001 80001
2 80001 120001
2 120001 160001

I checked that my files are using proper tab as delimiter and the allc files are not empty....
2 1647 - CAT 2 20 1
2 1649 + CGT 10 12 1
2 1650 - CGT 16 21 1
2 1653 + CCT 0 12 0

Here is the code
methylpy add-methylation-level
--input-tsv-file methylpy_wgenome.tsv
--output-file $outfile
--allc-files allc_ACA.tsv.gz allc_ACB.tsv.gz allc_pCMT3-RNAiA.tsv.gz allc_pCMT3-RNAiB.tsv.gz
--samples ACA ACB pCMT3-RNAiA pCMT3-RNAiB
--mc-type CHH
--num-procs 10

update- this is interesting. In the end I figured that it is because the allc files are not sorted. Shouldn't this be sorted automatically? This is my pair end pipeline code, did I miss anything???

methylpy paired-end-pipeline
--read1-files ./_1.fq.gz --read2-files ./_2.fq.gz --sample ${folderall[$indi]}
--merge-by-max-mapq True
--binom-test True
--unmethylated-control chloroplast
--min-cov 3
--forward-ref $fref --reverse-ref $rref --ref-fasta $reff
--num-procs 20 --sort-mem 35000000000
--path-to-output $directout
--remove-clonal True
--aligner-options "-p 8"
--trim-read False
1>$stdoutfile 2>$errfile

Error compiling rms.cpp in MacOS high sierra

Hi Yupeng, I am now trying to compile the rms.cpp but it's not working in my system, could you help to figure out the problem? I installed gsl in /usr/local/, when I run the code provided in the tutorial, it could not locate gsl:

 g++ -O3 -l gsl -l gslcblas -o run_rms_tests.out rms.cpp
rms.cpp:17:10: fatal error: 'gsl/gsl_rng.h' file not found
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
1 error generated.

Then I tried specifying the path for gsl header files, but this produces another error:

$g++ -O3 -I /usr/local/include -L /usr/local/lib -l gsl -l gslcblas -o run_rms_tests.out rms.cpp
rms.cpp:88:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
1 warning generated.

error in mapping.

Hi! yupenghe,

I am using methylpy first time and I am not very good in computer programming.
Any help will be much appreciated.

I am trying to map my paired-end reads to transposable elements of Arabidopsis with the following command line:
** methylpy paired-end-pipeline --read1-files New_Analysis/Data/Epiril368_4_C_R1_L001_R1.fastq.gz --read2-files New_Analysis/Data/Epiril368_4_C_R1_L001_R2.fastq.gz --sample New_Analysis/New_Output/TE/epiRIL368_4ยฐC_Rep1_Lane1_TE --forward-ref New_Analysis/TE_Genome/TAIR10_TE_f --reverse-ref New_Analysis/TE_Genome/TAIR10_TE_r --ref-fasta New_Analysis/TE_Genome/TAIR10_TE.fas --generate-allc-file True --num-procs 4 --compress-output True --remove-clonal True --path-to-picard="picard/" **
But with alignment I got the following warnings:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/bin/methylpy", line 4, in
import('pkg_resources').run_script('methylpy==1.3.4', 'methylpy')
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 664, in run_script
self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1444, in run_script
exec(code, namespace, namespace)
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/methylpy", line 5, in
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 185, in parse_args
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 342, in run_methylation_pipeline_pe
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 1343, in call_methylated_sites_pe
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 1265, in flip_read2_strand
for line in input_pipe.stdout:
File "/home/saurabh/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/", line 321, in decode
(result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 509: invalid start byte

I don't understand exactly what it is.

Thank you!


The program automatically throws away multi-mapped reads and analyzes unique reads. Is there an easy way to allow it to process multi-mapped reads?

error in testing single-end-pipeline with bowtie

Hi Yupeng, I am trying to test my methylpy installation on a Linux machine, but the fails at the stage of testing single-end-pipeline with bowtie. How can I fix this? Below is the terminal output:

$ python 
Tests start
Thu Aug 16 10:07:48 2018

Test importing methylpy module.
- importing call_mc_se: pass
- importing call_mc_pe: pass
- importing DMRfind: pass
- importing parser: pass
Check methylpy executable:pass

methylpy is successfully installed!

Check whether dependencies are available in PATH
- find bowtie: found version 1.2.2
- find bowtie2: found version
- find minimap2: failed
- find samtools: found version 1.9
- find cutadapt: found version 1.16
- find java: found version 1.8.0_171
Both bowtie and bowtie2 are available and will be tested.

Test DMRfind: pass
Test reidentify-DMR: pass

Test build-reference with bowtie: pass
Test build-reference with bowtie2: pass

Test single-end-pipeline with bowtie: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 204, in <module>
  File "/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/", line 291, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['methylpy', 'single-end-pipeline', '--read-files', 'data/test_data_R1.fastq.gz', '--sample', 'se_bt', '--path-to-output', 'results/', '--forward-ref', 'chrL/chrL_f', '--reverse-ref', 'chrL/chrL_r', '--ref-fasta', 'data/chrL.fa', '--num-procs', '1', '--aligner', 'bowtie', '--bgzip', 'True', '--aligner', 'bowtie', '--path-to-aligner', '', '--path-to-samtools', '', '--remove-clonal', 'False', '--trim-reads', 'False', '--binom-test', 'True', '--unmethylated-control', '0.005']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

Here is the content of test_error_msg.txt generated :

/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/stats/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq
)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  return np.add.reduce(sorted[indexer] * weights, axis=axis) / sumval
/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/stats/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq
)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  return np.add.reduce(sorted[indexer] * weights, axis=axis) / sumval
Building a SMALL index
Building a SMALL index
# reads processed: 93996
# reads with at least one reported alignment: 44539 (47.38%)
# reads that failed to align: 49457 (52.62%)
Reported 44539 alignments
# reads processed: 93996
# reads with at least one reported alignment: 44443 (47.28%)
# reads that failed to align: 49553 (52.72%)
Reported 44443 alignments
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/bin/methylpy", line 4, in <module>
    __import__('pkg_resources').run_script('methylpy==1.3.4', 'methylpy')
  File "/home/x/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 654, in run_script
    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
  File "/home/x/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1434, in run_script
    exec(code, namespace, namespace)
  File "/shares/x_share/private/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/methylpy", line 5, in <module>
  File "/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 134, in parse_args
  File "/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 323, in run_methylation_pipeline
  File "/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 1644, in call_methylated_sites
  File "/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.4-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 66, in bgzip_allc_file
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Error with new picard version


I get an error with methylpy with new picard version. Since picard has its own binary instead of jar file, methylpy is searching for picard.jar, can you please update this?

Here is the error

Error: Unable to access jarfile /picard.jar
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "~/.conda/envs/methylpy/bin/methylpy", line 5, in
File "~/.conda/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 185, in parse_args
File "~/.conda/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 276, in run_methylation_pipeline_pe
File "~/.conda/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 1338, in remove_clonal_bam
File "~/.conda/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.7/", line 328, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['java', '', '-jar', '/picard.jar', 'MarkDuplicates', 'INPUT=CBURWANXX_4#GCGTAGTA_719_libA_processed_reads.bam', 'OUTPUT=CBURWANXX_4#GCGTAGTA_719_libA_processed_reads_no_clonal.bam', 'ASSUME_SORTED=true', 'REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true', 'METRICS_FILE=CBURWANXX_4#GCGTAGTA_719_libA.metric', 'VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT', 'QUIET=true']' returned non-zero exit status 1.


Two minor bugs

Hi, I found two minor bugs in although the bugs wouldn't affect the results much:

  • Line 2,746 in "call_methylated_sites"
    avg_qual = total_phred / total_bases --> avg_qual = total_phred / float(total_bases)

  • Line 3,069 in "benjamini_hochberg_correction_call_methylated_sites"
    bh_value = float(fields[6]) * mc_class_counts[fields[3]] / (test_num[fields[3] + 1) --> bh_value = float(fields[6]) * mc_class_counts[fields[3]] / test_num[fields[3]

DMR results are empty


I was trying to identify the DMRs using methylpy. But the results file is empty with just header.
The command and its output are here.

>methylpy DMRfind --allc-files allc_temp17.tsv.gz allc_temp18.tsv.gz allc_temp19.tsv.gz allc_temp20.tsv.gz --samples temp17 temp18 temp19 temp20 --mc-type CG --num-procs 8 --output-prefix run4

Splitting allc files for chromosome Chr1
Thu Dec 28 13:04:39 2017

Running rms tests for chromosome Chr1
Thu Dec 28 13:04:39 2017

Merging sorted run4_rms_results.tsv files.
Thu Dec 28 13:04:39 2017

Begin FDR Correction
Thu Dec 28 13:04:39 2017

m0 estimate for iteration 0: 0
Histogram FDR correction did not converge. Using the smallest p-value 0.000333333333333 as cutoff.

Calculating Residual Cutoff
Thu Dec 28 13:04:39 2017

There are no null residuals to calculate resid_cutoff. Using 2 as the cutoff.
Begin Defining Windows
Thu Dec 28 13:04:39 2017

Adding Methylation Levels
Thu Dec 28 13:04:39 2017

Thu Dec 28 13:04:39 2017


problem loading picard

hello im having this issue.

[bam_sort_core] merging from 0 files and 8 in-memory blocks...
Error: Unable to access jarfile picard/picard.jar
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pocho/anaconda3/envs/BIT/bin/methylpy", line 5, in
File "/home/pocho/anaconda3/envs/BIT/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 185, in parse_args
File "/home/pocho/anaconda3/envs/BIT/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 276, in run_methylation_pipeline_pe
File "/home/pocho/anaconda3/envs/BIT/lib/python3.7/site-packages/methylpy/", line 1342, in remove_clonal_bam
File "/home/pocho/anaconda3/envs/BIT/lib/python3.7/", line 363, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['java', '-Xmx20g', '-jar', 'picard/picard.jar', 'MarkDuplicates', 'INPUT=result_pend/p_end_libA_processed_reads.bam', 'OUTPUT=result_pend/p_end_libA_processed_reads_no_clonal.bam', 'ASSUME_SORTED=true', 'REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true', 'METRICS_FILE=result_pend/p_end_libA.metric', 'VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT', 'QUIET=true']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

i have already added java path to enviroment variable and have the path to picard.jar
any idea what could be going on ?

Custom adapter


There is a parameter for the adapter sequence as input, but unfortunately it is not working. If I use cutadapt to remove the adapters first and then input to methylpy, the mapping is much better. Any chance the adapter sequence is hardcoded into the program or am I running the program incorrectly. The following command did not successfully clip the adapters before mapping:

methylpy single-end-pipeline
--read-files raw_reads/read.fastq.gz
--sample sampleName
--forward-ref index_methylpy_f
--reverse-ref index_methylpy_r
--ref-fasta template.fa
--num-procs 4
--unmethylated-control Control:
--binom-test TRUE
--min-cov 3
--remove-chr-prefix False
--pbat True
--compress-output FALSE
--path-to-output output/

Thanks for your help.

warning during DMRFind step

While running DMRFind module I get this warning:

/home/x/miniconda3/envs/methylpy/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/stats/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use 'arr[tuple(seq)]' instead of 'arr[seq]'. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, 'arr[np.array(seq)]', which will result either in an error or a different result. return np.add.reduce(sorted[indexer] * weights, axis=axis) / sumval

I am assuming this won't be a problem for my current analysis?

Low percentage of uniquely mapping read pairs

Dear Yupeng,

Methylpy output showed a low rate of uniquely mapping read pairs:

There are 258651069 total input read pairs
Wed Dec 25 08:40:05 2019

There are 15891937 uniquely mapping read pairs, 6.14416057179 percent remaining
Wed Dec 25 08:40:05 2019

There are 13360495 non-clonal read pairs, 5.16545129763 percent remaining
Wed Dec 25 08:40:05 2019

For the same dataset, however, the bowtie2 mapping report showed a pretty high mapping rate:

258648925 reads; of these:
  258648925 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
    109280474 (42.25%) aligned concordantly 0 times
    26355304 (10.19%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
    123013147 (47.56%) aligned concordantly >1 times
57.75% overall alignment rate
258648925 reads; of these:
  258648925 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
    109452788 (42.32%) aligned concordantly 0 times
    26285006 (10.16%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
    122911131 (47.52%) aligned concordantly >1 times
57.68% overall alignment rate

I am curious about why would this happen. Could you please take a look? Does this dataset look bad? Please let me know if you need any other information.

Thanks and happy holidays!!


ValueError: percentile must be in the range [0, 100]

Hey Yupeng, I have run into some issues while running a full DMRfind pipeline. Could you suggest if the errors are due to the options I used in the following command?

$methylpy DMRfind --allc-files A.tsv .B.tsv --samples A B --chroms 1 2 3 4 5 --mc-type CHH --output-prefix AB --resid-cutoff 2 --min-num-dms 4

At the FDR correction stage, I get the following error messages:

Begin FDR Correction
Mon May 21 16:13:09 2018

m0 estimate for iteration 0: 3819203
Histogram FDR correction did not converge. Using the smallest p-value 0.0003333333333333333 as cutoff.

Calculating Residual Cutoff
Mon May 21 16:13:11 2018

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/bin/methylpy", line 4, in <module>
    __import__('pkg_resources').run_script('methylpy==1.3.2', 'methylpy')
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 748, in run_script
    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1517, in run_script
    exec(code, namespace, namespace)
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.2-py3.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/methylpy", line 5, in <module>
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.2-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 71, in parse_args
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.2-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 274, in DMRfind
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.2-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 319, in merge_DMS_to_DMR
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.2-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 487, in get_resid_cutoff
    return scoreatpercentile(residuals, resid_cutoff)
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/stats/", line 1590, in scoreatpercentile
    return _compute_qth_percentile(sorted, per, interpolation_method, axis)
  File "/Users/x/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/stats/", line 1601, in _compute_qth_percentile
    raise ValueError("percentile must be in the range [0, 100]")
ValueError: percentile must be in the range [0, 100]

methylpy single/paired-end-pipeline

Hi ,

With methylpy paired or single end pipe line, if i havent missed, are there any input options for methylpy to trim 5' base in extract with normal adaptor trimming to to mitigate Mbias.

Many Thanks,

Suggestions about methylpy

Hi, Yupeng,

Some suggestions of methylpy based on my experience. I can work on improve these (since I already did these here But I'd like to know your opinions:

  1. chromosome names: I suggest always keep the chromosome name same as genome fasta, i.e. keep "chr" by default for genomes like mm10 and hg19, or never change chromosome names. I found this will decrease conflits in a lot cases.

  2. chromosome orders: Right now the order of chrom in ALLC is based on bam file, and there is no paticular "sorted or not" check for ALLC file. What's worse is in the merge_allc_files_worker function, the order of chrom may be random, because dict.keys() is not ordered.

  3. Use bgzip/tabix:

    1. Much faster then +
    2. allow more even parallel in funcs like merge ALLC (instead of chromosome level using current index, tabix allow query ALLC in any bin level)
      I known this need a lot changes in all functions, but I found it worthwhile. I implemented the open_allc and merge_allc function based on bgzip/tabix which can be several times faster then gzip + strategy using old index. I tend to fully drop the old index strategy.
  4. More universal map_to_region function:
    which is very important for single cell, my implementation here: map_to_region
    Given an ALLC file, this function count mC and cov for a list of regions, e.g. chrom 100kb bins, gene bodies, I use bedtools map internally, which is very fast.

bam filter

Hi yupenghe,

Can you look into the bam-quality-filter program? It does not function as its supposed to. I am trying to use it to filter reads with very high non-CG methylation >90%. The program is able to filter a subset of these reads successfully but not all of the highly methylated reads. In comparison, bismark's filte program is effectively able to remove all reads, but it needs initial mapping to be done in bismark and therefore I cannot use it for bam file generated through methylpy.

Thank you.

SNP Calling Hints?

Can you provide sample data for the SNP calling function? I'd like to call all variants across all known SNPs and I'm not quite sure how. Since the bisulfite process actually seems to work by corrupting one of the strands, I'm nervous about using "normal" WGBS-unaware tooling.

Tutorial needs to be updated

Hey there,

while running the Methylpy tutorial I noticed that some of the commands need to replaced to accomodate changes introduced in the latest version.

Specifically, change methylpy build-reference options " --bowtie2 True" and "--parallel True"


Christoph cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Hi Yupeng,
When I ran the DMRfind, I got such error information.
Annotation 2019-08-16 162357
The code I used is:
methylpy DMRfind
--allc-files ./Allc/ICE2-CR-1.tsv.gz ./Allc/ICE2-CR-3.tsv.gz ./Allc/ICE2-HR-3.tsv.gz
--samples CR-1 HR-3 CR-3
--mc-type "CGN"
--num-procs 8
--output-prefix ICE
And I found that gsl-2.5 didn't generate the file named Only gsl-1.6 could generate So could you adjust methlpy to fit both gsl 1.6 version and 2.5 verson?

output file by add-methylation-level

Hi Yupeng,

I was using add-methylation-level to summarize data to gene level. However, when I run the function, it seems something wrong with the output file.

The problem here is that the aggregated methylation data for each sample is not correctly aligned to match the genomic variables. In other words, I have 4 variables from genomic file, and 1 sample, so the output file is supposed to have 5 columns, but I only got 4 columns, and R can not read the sample column. It seems the methylation sample column was place to the next row instead of the same row. May I have your suggestion on dealing with it?


Thanks in advance and looking forward to your reply!

input files for add-methylation-level

Hi Yupeng,

Hope this finds you well!

I am now trying to use methylpy to summarize data into gene level by function "add-methylation-level". In other words, to generate a gene by cell matrix. However, I encountered a small problem, could you please be so kind as to do me a favor looking at it?

I inputted gene information to be the "input-tsv-file". For the input allc file, raw data is not available, so I am afraid single/paired-end-pipeline can not applied to generate allc file. What I could get is just 4 columns (i.e. chromosome, position, number of methylated reads and number of total reads). The remaining 3 columns (strand, sequence context, methylated) were missing in my case. Is it possible to run the "add-methylation-level" to get a gene by cell matrix?

Just for your information, I actually have used these 4 columns to run "add-methylation-level", but it turned out all the entries were "NA". I am quite confused about the result, and I guess it is because of the allc file.

Thanks in advance for your time! Looking forward to hear from you.

error during allc to bigwig conversion

I am trying to convert allc files to bigwig but I am getting some errors. Here is the command I ran:

$methylpy allc-to-bigwig --allc-file wtCol_R1_A_s.tsv --output --ref-fasta ../../../data/ref_annot/TAIR10.fasta --mc-type CHH --bin-size 100
The wigToBigWig script is installed in my PATH, I also ran methylpy by specifying the path, but I get the same error.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/xxxx/anaconda3/bin/methylpy", line 4, in <module>
    __import__('pkg_resources').run_script('methylpy==1.3.1', 'methylpy')
  File "/Users/xxxx/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 748, in run_script
    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
  File "/Users/xxxx/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1517, in run_script
    exec(code, namespace, namespace)
  File "/Users/xxxx/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.1-py3.6.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/methylpy", line 5, in <module>
  File "/Users/xxxx/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.1-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 313, in parse_args
  File "/Users/xxxx/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy-1.3.1-py3.6.egg/methylpy/", line 252, in convert_allc_to_bigwig
  File "/Users/xxxx/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/", line 291, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['wigToBigWig', '', '', '']' returned non-zero exit status 255.

Alignment issue with methylpy

I am new at BS-seq experiments ansd was hoping to get some help with the problem i encounter.
I have paired-end illumina fastq files (~350M reads R1 and ~350m reads R2) that were trimmed and clipped to remove adapters (with trim_galore) and then fastqc checked.

I am now trying to run methylpy 1.3.0 to align and extract methylation data.

The command I run is as follow:
methylpy paired-end-pipeline
--read1-files fileR1.fq.gz
--read2-files fileR2.fq.gz
--sample sample name
--forward-ref /path to/ genome_mm10_f
--reverse-ref /path to/ genome_mm10_r
--ref-fasta /path/to/mm10.fa
--path-to-output \path/to/output
--trim-reads False
--check-dependency True
--generate-allc-file True
--generate-mpileup-file True
--compress-output True
--aligner bowtie2
--path-to-aligner /path/to/bowtie2/2.3.2/
--aligner-options ["--dovetail","--fr"]
--remove-clonal True
--path-to-picard /share/pkg/picard/2.17.8
--path-to-samtools /path/to/samtools/1.4.1/bin
--binom-test True \

As an output I get:
two fastq files named:
one sam file:

my problem is:
the process never goes past that step
the sam file is empty

I also get a warning message:
Warning: Output file '[--dovetail,--fr,-S]' was specified without -S. This will not work in future Bowtie 2 versions. Please use -S instead.
I have tried to pass the -S option to Bowtie2 but still get the same warning.

As anybody encounterred the same problem?
I wonder if the alignment parameters are off in some way but I can't figure out what to change.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

ValueError when mapping samples

I have been getting ValueErrors when I attempt to map samples using methylpy 1.3.2 during the sorting steps after SAM file creation.

I have attached two examples of the error file output. Any help in how I can resolve this error would be most appreciated.


Thank you!

--min-cluster parameter clarification

Hi Yupeng!

I am looking for DMRs among 3 different categories with each category made up of 4 samples. I attempted to run DMRfind using the --min-cluster parameter set to 3 to require 3/4 samples per each category show coverage of the DMR. However, some DMRs returned had coverage of 3/4 samples from one category but only 1/4 samples from one other category and no coverage in any samples from the third category. For an example, see line 11 in the .txt (changed from .tsv for upload) results table created from the attached .sh.txt file. I interpreted category to mean treatment group. Am I misinterpreting what a category is or how this parameter should be used? Is there a away to require all groups or categories have coverage of a DMR in at least 3/4 samples per category?




add-methylation level not working

When I run add-methylation-level with an input tsv (genes that are differentially expressed, for which I'm interested in getting total methylation level) methylpy generates a blank output file.

rms ValueError: could not convert string to float

Hi Yupeng, happy friday!

I am attempting to run DMRfind on some destranded bismark cytosine coverage files that I have reformatted to look like allc files. The files are located here.

Here is an example of the first 10 lines of one file:

Scaffold_01	209		+	CGA	0	5	1
Scaffold_01	213		+	CGA	0	5	1
Scaffold_01	221		+	CGA	0	6	1
Scaffold_01	238		+	CGA	0	8	1
Scaffold_01	565		+	CGA	0	6	1
Scaffold_01	577		+	CGA	0	6	1
Scaffold_01	583		+	CGA	0	5	1
Scaffold_01	2509	+	CGA	0	7	1
Scaffold_01	2554	+	CGA	0	6	1
Scaffold_01	3002	+	CGA	0	5	1

Because these are destranded I have included "+" for each cytosine loci and since the context was not included in the original file, I added "CGA" for each cytosine loci.

When I run DMRfind on these files, I get a weird error:

gsl: discrete.c:238: ERROR: probabilities must be non-negative
Default GSL error handler invoked.
gsl: discrete.c:238: ERROR: probabilities must be non-negative
Default GSL error handler invoked.
gsl: discrete.c:238: ERROR: probabilities must be non-negative
Default GSL error handler invoked.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/strigg/anaconda3/bin/methylpy", line 5, in <module>
  File "/Users/strigg/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy/", line 71, in parse_args
  File "/Users/strigg/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy/", line 274, in DMRfind
  File "/Users/strigg/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy/", line 319, in merge_DMS_to_DMR
  File "/Users/strigg/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/methylpy/", line 482, in get_resid_cutoff
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '-0.0Scaffold_01'

It seems like there is some strange formatting happening in the rms_results.tsv.gz file that causes the script to break and not produce the collapsed.tsv file.

I tried updating methylpy and gsl (and recompiling), but still got the same error. I ran the script and everything passed, so I feel like it's probably my files. Here's my jupyter notebook documenting all this.

I also tried running this from another computer that methylpy has worked on and I get the same error (see my output logs here and here

Have you seen this behavior before? Any advice for moving forward? Thanks!

Error -- No space left on device

Hi Yupeng,
I am using methylpy to map 422 million paired-end reads (150 bp) to our draft genome (800 M bases), and get the "no space left on device" error. We reset TMPDIR to a directory with enough space (~4 T), but still get the same error. Could you please help us to figure out this problem? Please let me know if you need any other files.

Here is the script we used -- we use SLURM to submit our job:

#SBATCH --job-name=Processing_Paired-end_Data_2.temp
#SBATCH --mail-user=[email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL,END
#SBATCH --output=Processing_Paired-end_Data_2.temp_%j.out
#SBATCH --error=Processing_Paired-end_Data_2.temp_%j.error
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4gb
#SBATCH --time=30-00:00:00


Set tempdir to /orange since local disks are filling up

export TMPDIR=/orange/soltis/shan158538/methylpy_temp

echo "Temp dir is: ${TMPDIR}"

module purge
module load gcc/5.2.0
module load methylpy/1.2.9
module load picard/2.18.3

methylpy paired-end-pipeline
--read1-files ${IN}/HMCWKCCXY_s8_1_4981-LF_17_SL334590.fastq.gz
--read2-files ${IN}/HMCWKCCXY_s8_2_4981-LF_17_SL334590.fastq.gz
--sample T.dubius_3060-1-4
--forward-ref ${DB}/Tdubius_Ref_f
--reverse-ref ${DB}/Tdubius_Ref_r
--ref-fasta ${DB}/Tdub_lambda.fasta
--path-to-output ${OUT}
--num-procs 16
--trim-reads True
--bowtie2 True
--remove-clonal True
--binom-test True
--unmethylated-control "NC_001416.1_lambda:"
--keep-temp-files True

Here are a few lines of the error message:
Exception in thread "main" htsjdk.samtools.util.RuntimeIOException: No space left on device
at htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection.spillToDisk(
at htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection.doneAdding(
at picard.sam.markduplicates.MarkDuplicates.buildSortedReadEndLists(
at picard.sam.markduplicates.MarkDuplicates.doWork(
at picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMain(
at picard.cmdline.PicardCommandLine.instanceMain(
at picard.cmdline.PicardCommandLine.main(
Caused by: No space left on device
at Method)

Here is our output:
Begin splitting reads for libA
Mon Jul 29 11:36:26 2019

Begin trimming reads for libA
Mon Jul 29 14:09:34 2019

Begin converting reads for libA
Mon Jul 29 14:27:14 2019

Begin Running Bowtie2 for libA
Mon Jul 29 14:37:34 2019

Processing forward strand hits
Tue Jul 30 05:06:11 2019

Processing reverse strand hits
Tue Jul 30 19:20:55 2019

Finding multimappers
Tue Jul 30 20:20:12 2019

DMRfinnd RMS issue

Hi Yunpenghe,

I hope alls well with you.

I have a problem running DMRfind. which is giving me the below error. I think its not a file formate problem as I have been used the software well before and it might not be a dependencies problem because I run independently on the cluster and in anaconda environment and giving me the same error.

Could you please gimme a hit what might be happening.

Many Thanks,

[ranjith.papareddy@clip-c2-2 Main_Cot_stem_aligned_bams]$ methylpy DMRfind --output-prefix CotvsStem.CHH --mc-type 'CHH' --min-cov 4 --num-sims 1000 --min-num-dms 4 --samples allc_LowerStem_F1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.Chsort allc_Cotyledon_C1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.Chsort --allc-files ../../methylation_man/Dev.series.DMRs/BC.WT.tsv ../../methylation_man/Dev.series.DMRs/Heart.WT.tsv
Filtering allc files using single node.
Wed Feb 5 14:30:52 2020

Splitting allc files for chromosome chloroplast
Wed Feb 5 14:32:24 2020

Running rms tests for chromosome chloroplast
Wed Feb 5 14:32:25 2020

/software/2020/software/methylpy/1.2.9-foss-2018b-python-2.7.15/lib/python2.7/site-packages/methylpy-1.2.9-py2.7.egg/methylpy/run_rms_tests.out: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(<class 'subprocess.CalledProcessError'>, 204)
Command '['/software/2020/software/methylpy/1.2.9-foss-2018b-python-2.7.15/lib/python2.7/site-packages/methylpy-1.2.9-py2.7.egg/methylpy/run_rms_tests.out', 'CotvsStem.CHH_filtered_allc_allc_LowerStem_F1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.Chsort.tsv_chloroplast_0.tsv,CotvsStem.CHH_filtered_allc_allc_Cotyledon_C1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.Chsort.tsv_chloroplast_0.tsv', 'CotvsStem.CHH_rms_results_for_chloroplast_chunk_0.tsv', 'allc_LowerStem_F1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.Chsort,allc_Cotyledon_C1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.Chsort', '4', '1000', '100', '-1']' returned non-zero exit status 127
Running RMS tests failed.

[ranjith.papareddy@clip-c2-2 Main_Cot_stem_aligned_bams]$ tail ../../methylation_man/Dev.series.DMRs/BC.WT.tsv
4 18585035 - CCT 18 20 1
4 18585036 - CCC 17 18 1
4 18585041 - CTA 15 15 1
4 18585042 - CCT 13 13 1
4 18585043 - CCC 10 10 1
4 18585048 - CTA 7 7 1
4 18585049 - CCT 7 7 1
4 18585050 - CCC 6 6 1
4 18585055 - CTA 1 1 1
4 18585056 - CCT 1 1 1
[ranjith.papareddy@clip-c2-2 Main_Cot_stem_aligned_bams]$

IOError: [Errno 71] Protocol error

Hi Yupeng,
I am using linux to run methylpy. I have problem with the first step building references. when I run the following script I get IOError: [Errno 71] Protocol error error:

methylpy build-reference
--input-files wtMouseTGFBI.fa
--output-prefix wtMouseTGFBI
--aligner minimap2

would you please let me know what the problem is? should I run this with python in linux? or just linux?

DMRfind problem

Hi Yupeng,
I am facing a problem with methylpy DMRfind. Everything looks good when I run the :

Tue Nov 12 15:47:14 2019

Test importing methylpy module.
- importing call_mc_se: pass
- importing call_mc_pe: pass
- importing DMRfind: pass
- importing parser: pass
Check methylpy executable:pass

methylpy is successfully installed!

Check whether dependencies are available in PATH
- find bowtie: failed
- find bowtie2: found version 2.2.6
- find minimap2: found version 2.16-r922
- find samtools: found version 1.9
- find cutadapt: found version 2.6
- find java: found version 2019-03-19
Only bowtie2 is available. Skip tests for bowtie related code

Test DMRfind: pass
Test reidentify-DMR: pass

Test build-reference with bowtie2: pass
Test build-reference with minimap2: pass

Test single-end-pipeline with bowtie2: pass
Test single-end-pipeline with minimap2: pass

Test paired-end-pipeline with bowtie2: pass
Test paired-end-pipeline with minimap2: pass

Test quality filter for BAM file of single-end data: pass

Test call-methylation-state for single-end data: pass
Test call-methylation-state for paired-end data: pass

Test merge-allc: pass

Test filter-allc: pass

All tests are done!

However, when I try to use DMRfindon my data, I get the following:

/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/methylpy/ UserWarning: Module argparse was already imported from /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/argparse.pyc, but /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages is being added to sys.path
  from pkg_resources import parse_version
Filtering allc files using 2 node(s).
Tue Nov 12 15:44:40 2019

Splitting allc files for chromosome 1
Tue Nov 12 15:45:54 2019

(<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>, 184)
Running RMS tests failed.

May you please help me?

Suggestion for downstream analysis.

Hi! yupenghe,
I used methylpy which generated a bam file along with allc files. I need your suggestion regarding allc file contains all methylation context. I need to make separate files for CG, CHH, and CHG context and want to count (number as well in %) them individually.
Is there any way I can pull out all the context individually and count them as there is no separate file generated given details of methylation statics.

Thank you!


DMR type is not consistent with methylation level

I ran methylpy for multiple samples, and then tried to reidentify DMRs in a subset of those samples. When I reidentify DMRs, I found some cases where the methylation levels do not correlate with the DMR labels. For instance, The methylation levels for a DMR in one sample is 0.78 and in the other is 0.68, but the latter is labeled as hypermethylated in the DMR reidentify results. What is the reason for this? I should note that compared to my remaining samples in the whole dataset, 0.68 is hypermethylated. But I don't understand why it still appears as hypermethylated when I am comparing it with just the 0.78 sample.
Could you also elaborate on the min_cluster option? I read the documentation and it's still not clear to me. Thanks!
Here are the parameters I used for initial DMR finding and DMR reidentify steps:

methylpy DMRfind --allc-files <A B C D E F G H> --mc-type "CGN" --sig-cutoff 0.01
methylpy reidentify-DMR --input-rms-file rms_results.tsv.gz --sig-cutoff 0.01 --min-num-dms 5 --collapse-samples A B 

Merging of allc files


Merging of allc files doesnt sort the generated final allc file, will that be a problem during DMR calling? Also can you add an option to run binomial test for the generated file?


TMP DIR for the picard tools

Hello Yupeng,

Can you set TMP DIR option in remove_clonal_bam function? It is raising some writing errors.

something like this since TMPDIR can be set by user easily.$TMPDIR


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