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poissonrecon's Introduction

Adaptive Multigrid Solvers (Version 17.00)

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This code-base was born from the Poisson Surface Reconstruction code. It has evolved to support more general adaptive finite-elements systems:
  • in spaces of arbitrary dimension,
  • discretized using finite-elements of arbitrary degree,
  • involving arbitrary function derivatives,
  • with both point-wise and integrated constraints.


  • For efficiency, the code is designed to compile for the specific FEM degree and boundary condition specified in PoissonRecon.h. (Specifically, DEFAULT_FEM_DEGREE is set to 1 and DEFAULT_FEM_BOUNDARY is set to Neumann.) You can change the default values in PoissonRecon.h. You can also compile the code so that it supports varying FEM degrees and boundary conditions by un-#define-ing FAST_COMPILE in PreProcess.h. However, this will make the compilation significantly slower.
  • By default, the implementation assumes that all indexing can be done with 32-bit integers. If you are reconstructing large scenes and need more bits for indexing, you should enable the BIG_DATA flag in PreProcessor.h. Note that if the generated mesh has more primitives than can be indexed by a 32-bit integer, the output .ply file will store the integers using 64-bit precision (designated by the long long type) instead of the standard 32-bit precision (designated by the int type). Note that this is not a standard format and software like MeshLab may not be able to read the file.
  • The distributed PSR code uses sockets for communication between the client and the server. These are supported in a cross-platform way via Boost. (The code was developed and tested under Boost version 1.80.0.)
  • To support reading/writing images, the code requires installation of the zlib, png, and jpg libraries. Source code for these is included for compilation using Visual Studios. The Makefile assumes that the header files can be found in /usr/local/include/ and that the library files can be found in /usr/local/lib/.

    PoissonRecon: Reconstructs a triangle mesh from a set of oriented 3D points by solving a Poisson system (solving a 3D Laplacian system with positional value constraints) [Kazhdan, Bolitho, and Hoppe, 2006], [Kazhdan and Hoppe, 2013], [Kazhdan and Hoppe, 2018], [Kazhdan, Chuang, Rusinkiewicz, and Hoppe, 2020]
    --in <input points>
    This string is the name of the file from which the point set will be read.
    If the file extension is .ply, the file should be in PLY format, giving the list of oriented vertices with the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the positions encoded by the properties x, y, and z and the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the normals encoded by the properties nx, ny, and nz .
    If the file extension is .bnpts, the file should be a binary file, consisting of blocks of 6 32-bit floats: x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the point's position, followed by the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the point's normal. (No information about the number of oriented point samples should be specified.)
    Otherwise, the file should be an ascii file with groups of 6, white space delimited, numbers: x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the point's position, followed by the x-, y- and z-coordinates of the point's normal. (No information about the number of oriented point samples should be specified.)
    [--envelope <constraint envelope>]
    This string is the name of the file from which the constraint envelope will be read.
    The file should be a water-tight triangle mesh in PLY format, oriented so that the normals are pointing in the direction that should be outside of the reconstructed surface.
    [--out <output triangle mesh>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the triangle mesh will be written. The file is written in PLY format.
    [--tree <output octree and coefficients>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the the octree and solution coefficients are to be written.
    [--grid <output grid>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the sampled implicit function will be written. The file is written out in binary, with the first 4 bytes corresponding to the (integer) sampling resolution, 2^d, and the next 4 x 2^d x 2^d x ... bytes corresponding to the (single precision) floating point values of the implicit function.
    [--degree <B-spline degree>]
    This integer specifies the degree of the B-spline that is to be used to define the finite elements system. Larger degrees support higher order approximations, but come at the cost of denser system matrices (incurring a cost in both space and time).
    The default value for this parameter is 1.
    [--bType <boundary type>]
    This integer specifies the boundary type for the finite elements. Valid values are:
    • 1: Free boundary constraints
    • 2: Dirichlet boundary constraints
    • 3: Neumann boundary constraints
    The default value for this parameter is 3 (Neumann).
    [--depth <reconstruction depth>]
    This integer is the maximum depth of the tree that will be used for surface reconstruction. Running at depth d corresponds to solving on a grid whose resolution is no larger than 2^d x 2^d x ... Note that since the reconstructor adapts the octree to the sampling density, the specified reconstruction depth is only an upper bound.
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    [--width <finest cell width>]
    This floating point value specifies the target width of the finest level octree cells.
    This parameter is ignored if the --depth is also specified.
    [--scale <scale factor>]
    This floating point value specifies the ratio between the diameter of the cube used for reconstruction and the diameter of the samples' bounding cube.
    The default value is 1.1.
    [--samplesPerNode <minimum number of samples>]
    This floating point value specifies the minimum number of sample points that should fall within an octree node as the octree construction is adapted to sampling density. For noise-free samples, small values in the range [1.0 - 5.0] can be used. For more noisy samples, larger values in the range [15.0 - 20.0] may be needed to provide a smoother, noise-reduced, reconstruction.
    The default value is 1.5.
    [--pointWeight <interpolation weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that interpolation of the point samples is given in the formulation of the screened Poisson equation.
    The results of the original (unscreened) Poisson Reconstruction can be obtained by setting this value to 0.
    The default value for this parameter is twice the B-spline degree.
    [--iters <Gauss-Seidel iterations per level>]
    This integer value specifies the number of Gauss-Seidel relaxations to be performed at each level of the octree hierarchy.
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    Enabling this flag tells the reconstructor to output the estimated depth values of the iso-surface vertices.
    Enabling this flag tells the reconstructor to output vertex normals, computed from the gradients of the implicit function.
    If the input points are in ASCII/binary format and contain color values, this flag lets the reconstruction code know that (1) each sample is represented by nine floating point values instead of the expected six, and that (2) color values should be output with the vertices of the reconstructed surface. (For input samples in the .ply format, the presence of color information, as well as any other additional per-sample data, is automatically determined from the file header.)
    [--data <pull factor>]
    If the input points have additional data (e.g. color) that is to be sampled at the output vertices, this floating point value specifies the relative importance of finer data over lower data in performing the extrapolation.
    The default value for this parameter is 32.
    [--confidence <normal confidence exponent>]
    This floating point value specifies the exponent to be applied to a point's confidence to adjust its weight. (A point's confidence is defined by the magnitude of its normal.)
    The default value for this parameter is 0.
    [--confidenceBias <normal confidence bias exponent>]
    This floating point value specifies the exponent to be applied to a point's confidence to bias the resolution at which the sample contributes to the linear system. (Points with lower confidence are biased to contribute at coarser resolutions.)
    The default value for this parameter is 0.
    Enabling this flag when outputing to a grid file has the reconstructor sample the implicit function at the corners of the grid, rather than the centers of the cells.
    Enabling this flag has the reconstructor use linear interpolation to estimate the positions of iso-vertices.
    Enabling this flag tells the reconstructor to output a polygon mesh (rather than triangulating the results of Marching Cubes).
    [--tempDir <temporary output directory>]
    This string is the name of the directory to which temporary files will be written.
    [--threads <number of processing threads>]
    This integer specifies the number of threads across which the algorithm should be parallelized.
    The default value for this parameter is equal to the numer of (virtual) processors on the executing machine.
    [--maxMemory <maximum memory usage (in GB)>]
    If positive, this integer value specifies the peak memory utilization for running the reconstruction code (forcing the execution to terminate if the limit is exceeded).
    Enabling this flag provides running time and peak memory usage at the end of the execution.
    Enabling this flag provides a more verbose description of the running times and memory usages of individual components of the surface reconstructor.
    PoissonReconServer: The server responsible for distributed Poisson Surface reconstruction
    --in <input points>
    This string is the name of the file from which the point set will be read.
    The file is assumed to be in binary PLY format, giving the list of oriented vertices with the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the positions encoded by the properties x, y, and z and the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the normals encoded by the properties nx, ny, and nz. (If additional properties, e.g. color, are provided per sample, these will be interpolated in the reconstruction.)
    --tempDir <networked temporary output directory>
    This string is the name of the directory to which temporary files will be written.
    The specified (networked) path is assumed to accessible to the server and all clients.
    --out <output polygon mesh (header)>
    This string is the name of the file to which the polygon mesh will be written (or the header, in the case --keepSeparate is specified).
    The file is written in PLY format.
    --count <client count>
    This integer values specifies the number of clients that will be connecting to the server to peform the partitioning.
    [--port <listening port>]
    This optional integer specifies the port at which the server should listen for client requests.
    If no port is specified, the server will ask the system to provide one.
    Regardless of verbosity value, the server will print out the address and port to the command line.
    [--depth <reconstruction depth>=8]
    This integer is the maximum depth of the tree that will be used for surface reconstruction. Running at depth d corresponds to solving on a grid whose resolution is no larger than 2^d x 2^d x ... Note that since the reconstructor adapts the octree to the sampling density, the specified reconstruction depth is only an upper bound.
    [--pDepth <partition/server depth>=5]
    This integer is the depth of the tree at which the server performs the reconstruction and is also the depth at which the partitioning of the points happens. Running at a partition/server depth d corresponds to having the server solve over a grid whose resolution is 2^d x 2^d x ... and partitions the point set into 2^d slabs.
    [--width <finest cell width>]
    This floating point value specifies the target width of the finest level octree cells.
    This parameter is ignored if the --depth flag is also specified.
    [--degree <B-spline degree>=1]
    This integer specifies the degree of the B-spline that is to be used to define the finite elements system. Larger degrees support higher order approximations, but come at the cost of denser system matrices (incurring a cost in both space and time).
    This option is only available if the code is compiled without the FAST_COMPILE flag #define-ed.
    [--bType <boundary type>=3]
    This integer specifies the boundary type for the finite elements. Valid values are:
    • 1: Free boundary constraints
    • 2: Dirichlet boundary constraints
    • 3: Neumann boundary constraints
    This option is only available if the code is compiled without the FAST_COMPILE flag #define-ed.
    [--scale <scale factor>=1.1]
    This floating point value specifies the ratio between the diameter of the cube used for reconstruction and the diameter of the samples' bounding cube.
    [--samplesPerNode <minimum number of samples>=1.5]
    This floating point value specifies the minimum number of sample points that should fall within an octree node as the octree construction is adapted to sampling density. For noise-free samples, small values in the range [1.0 - 5.0] can be used. For more noisy samples, larger values in the range [15.0 - 20.0] may be needed to provide a smoother, noise-reduced, reconstruction.
    [--pointWeight <interpolation weight>=2*<B-spline degree>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that interpolation of the point samples is given in the formulation of the screened Poisson equation.
    The results of the original (unscreened) Poisson Reconstruction can be obtained by setting this value to 0.
    [--iters <Gauss-Seidel iterations per level>=8]
    This integer value specifies the number of Gauss-Seidel relaxations to be performed at each level of the octree hierarchy.
    Enabling this flag tells the reconstructor to output the estimated depth values of the iso-surface vertices.
    [--data <pull factor>=32]
    If the input points have additional data (e.g. color) that is to be sampled at the output vertices, this floating point value specifies the relative importance of finer data over lower data in performing the extrapolation.
    [--confidence <normal confidence exponent>=0]
    This floating point value specifies the exponent to be applied to a point's confidence to adjust its weight. (A point's confidence is defined by the magnitude of its normal.)
    [--confidenceBias <normal confidence bias exponent>=0]
    This floating point value specifies the exponent to be applied to a point's confidence to bias the resolution at which the sample contributes to the linear system. (Points with lower confidence are biased to contribute at coarser resolutions.)
    [--verbose <verbosity>=0]
    This integer value specifies the level of verbosity of output provided by the client and server, with "0" corresponding to no output and "4" giving the most.
    Enabling this flag has the reconstructor use linear interpolation to estimate the positions of iso-vertices.
    [--threads <number of processing threads>={number of (virtual) processors on the executing machine}]
    This integer specifies the number of threads across which the algorithm should be parallelized.
    [--maxMemory <maximum memory usage (in GB)>]
    If positive, this integer value specifies the peak memory utilization for running the reconstruction code (forcing the execution to terminate if the limit is exceeded).
    The default value for this parameter is 0.
    Enabling this flag provides running time and peak memory usage at the end of the execution.
    Enabling this flag keeps the server from fusing shared vertices across slabs. (The reconstructions from the different clients will still be merged into a single .ply file.)
    Enabling this flag keeps the reconstructions computed by the clients separate. In this case, the value of --out is treated as a header and the the geometries are output to files <output header>.<client index>.ply.
    PoissonReconClient: The client responsible for distributed Poisson Surface reconstruction
    --port <server port>
    This integer specifies the port at which to connect to the server.
    [--address <server address>=""]
    This optional string specifies the IPv4 address of the server.
    [--multi <sub-client multiplicity>=1]
    This optional integer specifies the number of sub-clients the client should be running serially.
    [--threads <number of processing threads>={number of (virtual) processors on the executing machine}]
    This integer specifies the number of threads across which the algorithm should be parallelized.
    The default value for this parameter is equal to the numer of (virtual) processors on the executing machine.
    [--maxMemory <maximum memory usage (in GB)>=0]
    If positive, this integer value specifies the peak memory utilization for running the reconstruction code (forcing the execution to terminate if the limit is exceeded).
    Enabling this flag has the client wait for the user to enter [ENTER] before closing the process. (Useful if the client is opened in a temporary window, you are running the client with verbose output, and want to see the output.)
    SSDRecon: Reconstructs a surface mesh from a set of oriented 3D points by solving for a Smooth Signed Distance function (solving a 3D bi-Laplacian system with positional value and gradient constraints) [Calakli and Taubin, 2011]
    --in <input points>
    This string is the name of the file from which the point set will be read.
    If the file extension is .ply, the file should be in PLY format, giving the list of oriented vertices with the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the positions encoded by the properties x, y, and z and the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the normals encoded by the properties nx, ny, and nz .
    If the file extension is .bnpts, the file should be a binary file, consisting of blocks of 6 32-bit floats: x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the point's position, followed by the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the point's normal. (No information about the number of oriented point samples should be specified.)
    Otherwise, the file should be an ascii file with groups of 6, white space delimited, numbers: x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the point's position, followed by the x-, y- and z-coordinates of the point's normal. (No information about the number of oriented point samples should be specified.)
    [--out <output triangle mesh>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the triangle mesh will be written. The file is written in PLY format.
    [--tree <output octree and coefficients>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the the octree and solution coefficients are to be written.
    [--grid <output grid>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the sampled implicit function will be written. The file is wrtten out in binary, with the first 4 bytes corresponding to the (integer) sampling resolution, 2^d, and the next 4 x 2^d x 2^d x ... bytes corresponding to the (single precision) floating point values of the implicit function.
    [--degree <B-spline degree>]
    This integer specifies the degree of the B-spline that is to be used to define the finite elements system. Larger degrees support higher order approximations, but come at the cost of denser system matrices (incurring a cost in both space and time).
    The default value for this parameter is 2.
    [--depth <reconstruction depth>]
    This integer is the maximum depth of the tree that will be used for surface reconstruction. Running at depth d corresponds to solving on a grid whose resolution is no larger than 2^d x 2^d x ... Note that since the reconstructor adapts the octree to the sampling density, the specified reconstruction depth is only an upper bound.
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    [--width <finest cell width>]
    This floating point value specifies the target width of the finest level octree cells.
    This parameter is ignored if the --depth flag is also specified.
    [--scale <scale factor>]
    This floating point value specifies the ratio between the diameter of the cube used for reconstruction and the diameter of the samples' bounding cube.
    The default value is 1.1.
    [--samplesPerNode <minimum number of samples>]
    This floating point value specifies the minimum number of sample points that should fall within an octree node as the octree construction is adapted to sampling density. For noise-free samples, small values in the range [1.0 - 5.0] can be used. For more noisy samples, larger values in the range [15.0 - 20.0] may be needed to provide a smoother, noise-reduced, reconstruction.
    The default value is 1.0.
    [--valueWeight <zero-crossing interpolation weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that interpolation of the point samples is given in the formulation of the screened Smoothed Signed Distance Reconstruction.
    The default value for this parameter is 1.
    [--gradientWeight <normal interpolation weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that interpolation of the points' normals is given in the formulation of the screened Smoothed Signed Distance Reconstruction.
    The default value for this parameter is 1.
    [--biLapWeight <bi-Laplacian weight weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that the bi-Laplacian regularization is given in the formulation of the screened Smoothed Signed Distance Reconstruction.
    The default value for this parameter is 1.
    [--iters <GS iters>]
    This integer value specifies the number of Gauss-Seidel relaxations to be performed at each level of the hiearchy.
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    Enabling this flag tells the reconstructor to output the estimated depth values of the iso-surface vertices.
    Enabling this flag tells the reconstructor to output vertex normals, computed from the gradients of the implicit function.
    If the input points are in ASCII/binary format and contain color values, this flag lets the reconstruction code know that (1) each sample is represented by nine floating point values instead of the expected six, and that (2) color values should be output with the vertices of the reconstructed surface. (For input samples in the .ply format, the presence of color information, as well as any other additional per-sample data, is automatically determined from the file header.)
    [--data <pull factor>]
    If the input points have additional data (e.g. color) that is to be sampled at the output vertices, this floating point value specifies the relative importance of finer data over lower data in performing the extrapolation.
    The default value for this parameter is 32.
    [--confidence <normal confidence exponent>]
    This floating point value specifies the exponent to be applied to a point's confidence to adjust its weight. (A point's confidence is defined by the magnitude of its normal.)
    The default value for this parameter is 0.
    [--confidenceBias <normal confidence bias exponent>]
    This floating point value specifies the exponent to be applied to a point's confidence to bias the resolution at which the sample contributes to the linear system. (Points with lower confidence are biased to contribute at coarser resolutions.)
    The default value for this parameter is 0.
    Enabling this flag when outputing to a grid file has the reconstructor sample the implicit function at the corners of the grid, rather than the centers of the cells.
    Enabling this flag has the reconstructor use quadratic interpolation to estimate the positions of iso-vertices.
    Enabling this flag tells the reconstructor to output a polygon mesh (rather than triangulating the results of Marching Cubes).
    [--tempDir <temporary output directory>]
    This string is the name of the directory to which temporary files will be written.
    [--threads <number of processing threads>]
    This integer specifies the number of threads across which the algorithm should be parallelized.
    The default value for this parameter is equal to the numer of (virtual) processors on the executing machine.
    [--maxMemory <maximum memory usage (in GB)>]
    If positive, this integer value specifies the peak memory utilization for running the reconstruction code (forcing the execution to terminate if the limit is exceeded).
    Enabling this flag provides running time and peak memory usage at the end of the execution.
    Enabling this flag provides a more verbose description of the running times and memory usages of individual components of the surface reconstructor.
    PointInterpolant: Fits a function to a set of sample values and/or gradients by finding the coefficients of the function that minimize an energy composed of a point-wise interpolation term and Laplacian and bi-Laplacian smoothness terms
    --inValues <input sample positions and values>
    This string is the name of the file from which the positions and values will be read.
    The file should be an ascii file with groups of Dim+1, white space delimited, numbers: the coordinates of the point's position, followed by the value at that point.
    No information about the number of samples should be specified.
    --inGradients <input sample positions and gradients>
    This string is the name of the file from which the positions and gradients will be read.
    The file should be an ascii file with groups of 2*Dim, white space delimited, numbers: the coordinates of the point's position, followed by the gradient at that point).
    No information about the number of samples should be specified.
    [--dim <dimension of the samples>]
    This integerl value is the dimension of the samples.
    The default value is 2.
    [--tree <output octree and coefficients>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the the octree and function coefficients are to be written.
    [--grid <output grid>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the sampled implicit function will be written. The file is wrtten out in binary, with the first 4 bytes corresponding to the (integer) sampling resolution, 2^d, and the next 4 x 2^d x 2^d x ... bytes corresponding to the (single precision) floating point values of the implicit function.
    [--degree <B-spline degree>]
    This integer specifies the degree of the B-spline that is to be used to define the finite elements system. Larger degrees support higher order approximations, but come at the cost of denser system matrices (incurring a cost in both space and time).
    The default value for this parameter is 2.
    [--bType <boundary type>]
    This integer specifies the boundary type for the finite elements. Valid values are:
    • 1: Free boundary constraints
    • 2: Dirichlet boundary constraints
    • 3: Neumann boundary constraints
    The default value for this parameter is 1 (free).
    [--depth <reconstruction depth>]
    This integer is the maximum depth of the tree that will be used for surface reconstruction. Running at depth d corresponds to solving on a grid whose resolution is no larger than 2^d x 2^d x ... Note that since the reconstructor adapts the octree to the sampling density, the specified reconstruction depth is only an upper bound.
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    [--width <finest cell width>]
    This floating point value specifies the target width of the finest level octree cells.
    This parameter is ignored if the --depth is also specified.
    [--scale <scale factor>]
    This floating point value specifies the ratio between the diameter of the cube used for reconstruction and the diameter of the samples' bounding cube.
    The default value is 1.1.
    [--valueWeight <value interpolation weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that interpolation of the samples' values is given in the fitting of the function.
    The default value for this parameter is 1000.
    [--gradientWeight <gradient interpolation weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that interpolation of the samples' gradients is given in the fitting of the function.
    The default value for this parameter is 1.
    This value is ignored unless gradient interpolation is specified.
    [--lapWeight <Laplacian weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that Laplacian regularization is given in the fitting of the function.
    The default value for this parameter is 0.
    [--biLapWeight <bi-Laplacian weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that bi-Laplacian regularization is given in the fitting of the function.
    The default value for this parameter is 1.
    [--iters <GS iters>]
    This integer value specifies the number of Gauss-Seidel relaxations to be performed at each level of the hiearchy.
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    Enabling this flag provides running time and peak memory usage at the end of the execution.
    Enabling this flag provides a more verbose description of the running times and memory usages of individual components of the surface reconstructor.
    SurfaceTrimmer: Trims off parts of a triangle mesh with a per-vertex signal whose value falls below a threshold (used for removing parts of a reconstructed surface that are generated in low-sampling-density regions)
    --in <input triangle mesh>
    This string is the name of the file from which the triangle mesh will be read. The file is read in PLY format and it is assumed that the vertices have a value field which stores the signal's value. (When run with --density flag, the reconstructor will output this field with the mesh vertices.)
    --trim <trimming value>
    This floating point values specifies the value for mesh trimming. The subset of the mesh with signal value less than the trim value is discarded.
    [--out <output triangle mesh>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the triangle mesh will be written. The file is written in PLY format.
    [--smooth <smoothing iterations>]
    This integer values the number of umbrella smoothing operations to perform on the signal before trimming.
    The default value is 5.
    [--aRatio <island area ratio>]
    This floating point value specifies the area ratio that defines a disconnected component as an "island". Connected components whose area, relative to the total area of the mesh, are smaller than this value will be merged into the output surface to close small holes.
    The default value 0.001.
    Enabling this flag tells the trimmer to output a polygon mesh (rather than triangulating the trimming results).
    Enabling this flag tells the trimmer to discard small disconnected components of surface.
    Enabling this flag provides a more verbose description of the running times and memory usages of individual components of the surface reconstructor.
    ImageStitching: Stitches together a composite of image tiles into a seamless panorama by solving for the correction term (solving a 2D Laplacian system) [Agarwala, 2007]
    --in <input composite image> <input label image>
    This pair of strings give the name of the composite image file and the associated label file.
    All pixels in the composite that come from the same source should be assigned the same color in the label file.
    PNG and JPG files are supported (though only PNG should be used for the label file as it is lossless).
    [--out <output image>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the stitched image will be written.
    PNG and JPG files are supported.
    [--degree <B-spline degree>]
    This integer specifies the degree of the B-spline that is to be used to define the finite elements system. Larger degrees support higher order approximations, but come at the cost of denser system matrices (incurring a cost in both space and time).
    The default value for this parameter is 1.
    [--wScl <successive under-relaxation scale>]
    This floating point value specifies the scale for the adapted successive under-relaxation used to remove ringing.
    The default value 0.125.
    [--wExp <successive under-relaxation exponent>]
    This floating point value specifies the exponent for the adapted successive under-relaxation used to remove ringing.
    The default value 6.
    [--iters <GS iters>]
    This integer value specifies the number of Gauss-Seidel relaxations to be performed at each level of the hiearchy.
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    [--threads <number of processing threads>]
    This integer specifies the number of threads across which the algorithm should be parallelized.
    The default value for this parameter is equal to the numer of (virtual) processors on the executing machine.
    [--maxMemory <maximum memory usage (in GB)>]
    If positive, this integer value specifies the peak memory utilization for running the code (forcing the execution to terminate if the limit is exceeded).
    Enabling this flag provides running time and peak memory usage at the end of the execution.
    Enabling this flag provides a more verbose description of the running times and memory usages of individual components of the image stitcher.
    EDTInHeat: Computes the unsigned Euclidean Distance Transform of a triangle mesh (solving two 3D Laplacian systems) [Crane, Weischedel, and Wardetzky, 2013]
    --in <input mesh>
    This string is the name of the file from which the triangle mesh will be read. The file is assumed to be in PLY format.
    [--out <output octree and coefficients>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the the octree and solution coefficients are to be written.
    [--degree <B-spline degree>]
    This integer specifies the degree of the B-spline that is to be used to define the finite elements system. Larger degrees support higher order approximations, but come at the cost of denser system matrices (incurring a cost in both space and time).
    The default value for this parameter is 1.
    [--depth <edt depth>]
    This integer is the maximum depth of the tree that will be used for computing the Euclidean Distance Transform. Running at depth d corresponds to solving on a grid whose resolution is no larger than 2^d x 2^d x ...
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    [--scale <scale factor>]
    This floating point value specifies the ratio between the diameter of the cube used for computing the EDT and the diameter of the mesh's bounding cube.
    The default value is 2.
    [--diffusion <diffusion time>]
    This floating point value specifies the time-scale for the initial heat diffusion.
    The default value is 0.0005.
    [--valueWeight <zero-crossing interpolation weight>]
    This floating point value specifies the importance that the EDT evaluate to zero at points on the input mesh is given.
    The default value for this parameter is 0.01.
    [--wScl <successive under-relaxation scale>]
    This floating point value specifies the scale for the adapted successive under-relaxation used to remove ringing.
    The default value 0.125.
    [--wExp <successive under-relaxation exponent>]
    This floating point value specifies the exponent for the adapted successive under-relaxation used to remove ringing.
    The default value 6.
    [--iters <GS iters>]
    This integer value specifies the number of Gauss-Seidel relaxations to be performed at each level of the hiearchy.
    The default value for this parameter is 8.
    [--threads <number of processing threads>]
    This integer specifies the number of threads across which the algorithm should be parallelized.
    The default value for this parameter is equal to the numer of (virtual) processors on the executing machine.
    [--maxMemory <maximum memory usage (in GB)>]
    If positive, this integer value specifies the peak memory utilization for running the code (forcing the execution to terminate if the limit is exceeded).
    Enabling this flag provides running time and peak memory usage at the end of the execution.
    Enabling this flag provides a more verbose description of the running times and memory usages of individual components of the EDT computation.
    AdaptiveTreeVisualization: Extracts iso-surfaces and a sampling on a regular grid from an implicit function represented over an adapted tree
    --in <input tree and coefficients>
    This string is the name of the file from which the tree and implicit functions coefficients are to be read.
    [--samples <input sample positions>]
    This string is the name of the file from which sampling positions are to be read.
    The file should be an ascii file with groups of Dim white space delimited, numbers giving the coordinates of the sampling points' position.
    No information about the number of samples should be specified.
    [--grid <output value grid>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the sampling of the implicit along a regular grid will be written.
    The file is written out in binary, with the first 4 bytes corresponding to the (integer) sampling resolution, R, and the next 4 x R^D bytes corresponding to the (single precision) floating point values of the implicit function. (Here, D is the dimension.)
    Enabling this flag when outputing a grid file samples the implicit function at the corners of the grid, rather than the centers of the cells.
    [--mesh <output triangle mesh>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the triangle mesh will be written. The file is written in PLY format.
    This is only supported for dimension 3.
    [--iso <iso-value for mesh extraction>]
    This floating point value specifies the iso-value at which the implicit surface is to be extracted.
    The default value is 0.
    Enabling this flag has the reconstructor use quadratic interpolation to estimate the positions of iso-vertices.
    Enabling this flag tells the reconstructor to output a polygon mesh (rather than triangulating the results of Marching Cubes).
    Enabling this flag flips the orientations of the output triangles.
    [--threads <number of processing threads>]
    This integer specifies the number of threads across which the algorithm should be parallelized.
    The default value for this parameter is equal to the numer of (virtual) processors on the executing machine.
    Enabling this flag provides a more verbose description of the running times and memory usages of individual components of the visualizer.
    ChunkPly: Decomposes a collection of mesh/point-set files into a set of chunks with prescribed bounding box widths.
    --in <input geometry file count, geometry file #1, geometry file #2, ...>
    These white-space separated strings give the number of geometry files (containing representing either a point cloud in 3D or a mesh) and the names of the individual files.
    [--out <output ply file name/header>]
    This string is the name of the file/header to which the chunks should be written. If the width of the chunk is W, the file containing the geometry inside the cube [W·i,W·(i+1)]×[W·j,W·(j+1)]×[W·k,W·(k+1)] will be named <output header>.i.j.k.ply.
    [--width <chunk width>]
    This floating point value specifies the width of the cubes used for chunking.
    The default value for this parameter is -1, indicating that the input should be written to a single ouput. (In this case the value of the --out parameter is the name of the single file to which the output is written.
    [--radius <padding radius>]
    This floating point value specifies the size of the padding region used, as a fraction of the total width of the cube.
    The default value for this parameter is 0, indicating that no padding should be used.
    Enabling this flag lets the chunking code know that, in the case that the input is a point cloud in raw ASCII/binary format, the points do not have normals associated with them..
    Enabling this flag lets the chunking code know that, in the case that the input is a point cloud in raw ASCII/binary format, the points have color associatd with them.
    Enabling this flag lets the chunking code know that, in the case that the input is a point cloud in raw ASCII/binary format, the points have scalar values associated with them.
    Enabling this flag provides a more verbose description of the running times and memory usages of individual components of the visualizer.
    PointsToDisks: Converts oriented points to disks.
    --in <input points>
    This string is the name of the file from which the point set will be read.
    The file is assumed to be in PLY format.
    [--out <output ply file name>]
    This string is the name of the file to which the disks should be written.
    The file will be written out in PLY format.
    [--scale <radius scale>]
    This floating point value specifies the radius of the disks, relative to the width of the bounding cube.
    The default value for this parameter is 0.005
    [--res <angular resolution>]
    This integer v value specifies thangular resolution of the disk.
    The default value for this parameter is 12.
    [--keep <number of points to keep>]
    This integer value specifies the maximum number of point to transform to disks.
    If the value of this parameter is less than the number of points, the subset of points transformed to disks will be generated by regular sub-sampling.
    If the value of this parameter is not set and the --fraction parameter is not set, then all points will be transformed to disks.
    [--fraction <faction of points to keep>]
    This floating point value specifies the fraction of points to transform to disks.
    The default value for this parameter is 1.0.
    If both the --keep flag and the --fraction flag are set, the --fraction flag will be ignored.
    Enabling this flag provides a description of running state.

    Reconstruction.example.cpp In addition to executables, the reconstruction code can be interfaced into through the functionality implemented in Reconstructors.h. Using the functionality requires requires choosing a finite element type, FEMSig and defining one input stream and two output streams.
    • The template parameter FEMSig describes the finite element type, which is a composite of the degree of the finite element and the boundary conditions it satisfies. Given an integer valued Degree and boundary type BType (one of BOUNDARY_FREE, BOUNDARY_DIRICHLET, and BOUNDARY_NEUMANN defined in BSplineData.h), the signature is defined by setting:
      static const unsigned int FEMSig = FEMDegreeAndBType< Degree , BoundaryType >::Signature;
    The three streams are defined by overriding virtual stream classes. In the descriptions below, the template parameter Real is the floating point type used to represent data (typically float) and Dim is the integer dimension of the space (fixed at Dim=3). The namespace Reconstructor is omitted for brevity.
    • Input sample stream: This class derives from the InputSampleStream< Real , Dim > class. The base class has two pure virtual methods that need to be over-ridden:
      • void reset( void ):
        This method resets the stream to the start (necessary because the reconstruction code performs two passes over the input samples).
      • bool base_read( Point< Real , Dim > &p , Point< Real , Dim > &n ):
        This method tries to read the next pair of positions/normals from the stream, returning true if the read was successful and false if the read failed (i.e. the end of the stream was reached). The class Point< Real , Dim > represents a point in Dim-dimensional space, can be accessed like an array (i.e. overloads the bracked operator) and supports algebraic manipulation like addition and scalar multiplication.
    • Output polygon stream: This class derives from the OutputPolygonStream class. The base class has one pure virtual method that needs to be over-ridden:
      • void base_write( const std::vector< node_index_type > &polygon ):
        This method writes the information for the next polygon into the stream, with the polygon represented as a std::vector of integral indices. (The type node_index_type is an unsigned int if the BIG_DATA macro is not defined an unsigned long long if it is.)
    • Output vertex stream: This class derives from the OutputVertexStream< Real , Dim > class. The base class has one pure virtual method that needs to be over-ridden:
      • void base_write( Point< Real , Dim > p , Point< Real , Dim > g , Real w ):
        This method writes the information for the next vertx into the stream. The data includes the position of the vertex, p, as well as the gradient, g, and density weight, w if the extraction code is asked to compute those.
    The reconstructed surface is then computed in two steps:
    • Poisson::Implicit< Real , Dim , FEMSig >::Implicit( InputSampleStream< Real , Dim > &sStream , SolutionParameters< Real > sParams ):
      This constructor creates a Poisson reconstruction object from an input sample stream (sStream) and a description of the reconstruction parameters (sParams) desribing the depth, number of samples per node, etc. (Reconstructors.h, line 229). This object derives from Implicit< Real , Dim , FEMSig >.
    • void Implicit< Real , Dim , FEMSig >::extractLevelSet( OutputVertexStream< Real , Dim > &vStream , &pStream , LevelSetExtractionParameters meParams ):
      This member function takes references to the output vertex and polygon streams (vStream and pStream) and parameters for level-set extraction (meParams) and computes the extracted triangle/polygon mesh, writing its vertices and faces into the corresponding output streams as they are generated (Reconstructors.h, line 98).
    Code walk-through:
      These steps can be found in the Reconstruction.example.cpp code.
      • The finite-elements signature is created in line 254.
      • An input sample stream generating a specified number of random points on the surface of the sphere is defined in lines 78-115 and constructed in line 301.
      • An output polygon stream that pushes the polygon to an std::vector of std::vector< int >s is defined in lines 164-179 and constructed in line 311.
      • An output vertex stream that pushes just the position information to an std::vector of Reals is desfined in lines 182-192 and constructed in line 312.
      • The reconstructor is constructed in line 304.
      • The level-set extraction is performed on line 315.
      Note that a similar approach can be used to perform the Smoothed Signed Distance reconstruction (line 302). The approach also supports reconstruction of meshes with auxiliary information like color (lines 263-295), with the only constraint that the auxiliary data type supports the computation affine combinations (e.g. the RGBColor type defined in lines 60-75).

    PoissonRecon / SSDRecon / SurfaceTrimmer / ChunkPly For testing purposes, four point sets are provided:
    1. Horse: A set of 100,000 oriented point samples (represented in ASCII format) was obtained by sampling a virtual horse model with a sampling density proportional to curvature, giving a set of non-uniformly distributed points.
      The surface of the model can be reconstructed by calling the either Poisson surface reconstructor:
      % PoissonRecon --in horse.npts --out horse.ply --depth 10
      or the SSD surface reconstructor
      % SSDRecon --in horse.npts --out horse.ply --depth 10
    2. Bunny: A set of 362,271 oriented point samples (represented in PLY format) was obtained by merging the data from the original Stanford Bunny range scans. The orientation of the sample points was estimated using the connectivity information within individual range scans.
      The original (unscreened) Poisson reconstruction can be obtained by setting the point interpolation weight to zero:
      % PoissonRecon --in bunny.points.ply --out bunny.ply --depth 10 --pointWeight 0
      By default, the Poisson surface reconstructor uses degree-2 B-splines. A more efficient reconstruction can be obtained using degree-1 B-splines:
      % PoissonRecon --in bunny.points.ply --out bunny.ply --depth 10 --pointWeight 0 --degree 1
      (The SSD reconstructor requires B-splines of degree at least 2 since second derivatives are required to formulate the bi-Laplacian energy.)
    3. Eagle: A set of 796,825 oriented point samples with color (represented in PLY format) was obtained in the EPFL Scanning 3D Statues from Photos course.
      A reconstruction of the eagle can be obtained by calling:
      % PoissonRecon --in eagle.points.ply --out --depth 10
      (with the RGBA color properties automatically detected from the .ply header).
      A reconstruction of the eagle that does not close up the holes can be obtained by first calling:
      % SSDRecon --in eagle.points.ply --out eagle.ssd.ply --depth 10 --density
      using the --density flag to indicate that density estimates should be output with the vertices of the mesh, and then calling:
      % SurfaceTrimmer --in eagle.ssd.ply --out eagle.ssd.trimmed.ply --trim 7
      to remove all subsets of the surface where the sampling density corresponds to a depth smaller than 7.
      This reconstruction can be chunked into cubes of size 4×4×4 by calling:
      % ChunkPly --in 1 eagle.ssd.trimmed.ply --out eagle.ssd.trimmed.chnks --width 4
      which partitions the reconstruction into 11 pieces.
    4. Torso: A set of 3,488,432 (torso.points.ply) and an envelope (torso.envelope.ply).
      A reconstruction of the torso that constrains the reconstruction to be contained within the envelope can be obtained by calling:
      % PoissonRecon --in torso.points.ply --envelope torso.envelope.ply --out --depth 10
      using the --envelope flag to specify the water-tight mesh constraining the reconstruction.
    PoissonReconServer / PoissonReconClient For testing purposes, two point sets are provided:
    1. Eagle: A set of 796,825 oriented point samples with color was obtained in the EPFL Scanning 3D Statues from Photos course.
      Assuming the point-set is placed in the networked file <in dir> and that a networked temporary folder <temp dir> exists, a distributed reconstruction of the eagle over 4 clients at depth 10, outputting the reconstruction to eagle.ply (relative to the directory from the server is run), can be obtained by calling:
      % PoissonReconServer --count 4 --depth 10 --in <in dir>/eagle.points.ply --tempDir <temp dir>/temp --out eagle.ply
      (with the RGBA color properties automatically detected from the .ply header).
      This will initiate the server which will output the address and port for the clients to connect to:
      Server Address: <IPv4 address>:<port>
      The four clients can then be executed by connecting them to the server:
      % PoissonReconClient --port <port> --address <IPv4 address>
      % PoissonReconClient --port <port> --address <IPv4 address>
      % PoissonReconClient --port <port> --address <IPv4 address>
      % PoissonReconClient --port <port> --address <IPv4 address>
      Alternatively, the four clients can be executed serially:
      % PoissonReconClient --port <port> --address <IPv4 address> --multi 4
    2. Safra Square: For testing purposes, the Safra-Square point set, containing 2,364,268,059 oriented point samples with color, has been generously provided by Resonai.
    PointInterpolant / AdaptiveTreeVisualization For testing purposes, a pair of point-sets is provided:
    1. fitting samples: A set of 1000 random 2D samples from within the square [-1,1,]x[-1,1] along with the evaluation of the quadratic f(x,y)=x*x+y*y at each sample point (represented in ASCII format).
    2. evaluation samples: A set of 4 2D positions at which the fit function is to be evaluated (represented in ASCII format).

    The function fitting the input samples can be by calling the point interpolant:

    % PointInterpolant --inValues quadratic.2D.fitting.samples --tree quadratic.2D.tree --dim 2
    Then, the reconstructed function can be evaluated at the evaluation samples by calling the adaptive tree visualization:
    % AdaptiveTreeVisualization --in quadratic.2D.tree --samples quadratic.2D.evaluation.samples
    This will output the evaluation positions and values:
    0 0 1.33836e-05
    0.5 0 0.25001
    0.5 0.5 0.500006
    2 2 nan
    Note that because the (last) evaluation position (2,2) is outside the bounding box of the fitting samples, the function cannot be evaluated at this point and a value of "nan" is output.
    ImageStitching For testing purposes, two panoramas are provided: Jaffa (23794 x 9492 pixels) and OldRag (87722 x 12501 pixels).

    A seamless panorama can be obtained by running:

    % ImageSitching --in pixels.png labels.png --out out.png
    EDTInHeat / AdaptiveTreeVisualization The Euclidean Distance Tranform of the reconstructed horse can be obtained by running:
    % EDTInHeat --in horse.ply --out horse.edt --depth 9
    Then, the visualization code can be used to extract iso-surfaces from the implicit function.
    To obtain a visualization near the input surface, use an iso-value close to zero:
    % AdaptiveTreeVisualization.exe --in horse.edt --mesh horse_0.01_.ply --iso 0.01 --flip
    (By default, the surface is aligned so that the outward facing normal aligns with the negative gradient. Hence, specifying the --flip flag is used to re-orient the surface.)
    To obtain a visualization closer to the boundary of the bounding box, use an iso-value close to zero:
    % AdaptiveTreeVisualization.exe --in horse.edt --mesh horse_0.25_.ply --iso 0.25 --flip
    (Since the default --scale is 2, a value of 0.25 should still give a surface that is contained within the bounding box.)
    To obtain a sampling of the implicit function over a regular grid:
    % AdaptiveTreeVisualization.exe --in horse.edt --grid horse.grid

  1. The implementation of the --samplesPerNode parameter has been modified so that a value of "1" more closely corresponds to a distribution with one sample per leaf node.
  2. The code has been modified to support compilation under MSVC 2010 and the associated solution and project files are now provided. (Due to a bug in the Visual Studios compiler, this required modifying the implementation of some of the bit-shifting operators.)
Version 4:
  1. The code supports screened reconstruction, with interpolation weight specified through the --pointWeight parameter.
  2. The code has been implemented to support parallel processing, with the number of threads used for parallelization specified by the --threads parameter.
  3. The input point set can now also be in PLY format, and the file-type is determined by the extension, so that the --binary flag is now obsolete.
  4. At depths coarser than the one specified by the value --minDepth the octree is no longer adaptive but rather complete, simplifying the prolongation operator.
Version 4.5:
  1. The algorithmic complexity of the solver was reduced from log-linear to linear.
Version 4.51:
  1. Smart pointers were added to ensure that memory accesses were in bounds.
Version 5:
  1. The --density flag was added to the reconstructor to output the estimated depth of the iso-vertices.
  2. The SurfaceTrimmer executable was added to support trimming off the subset of the reconstructed surface that are far away from the input samples, thereby allowing for the generation of non-water-tight surface.

Version 5.1:

  1. Minor bug-fix to address incorrect neighborhood estimation in the octree finalization.

Version 5.5a:

  1. Modified to support depths greater than 14. (Should work up to 18 or 19 now.)
  2. Improved speed and memory performance by removing the construction of integral and value tables.
  3. Fixed a bug in Version 5.5 that used memory and took more time without doing anything useful.

Version 5.6:

  1. Added the --normalWeight flag to support setting a point's interpolation weight in proportion to the magnitude of its normal.

Version 5.7:

  1. Modified the setting of the constraints, replacing the map/reduce implementation with OpenMP atomics to reduce memory usage.
  2. Fixed bugs that caused numerical overflow when processing large point clouds on multi-core machines.
  3. Improved efficiency of the iso-surface extraction phse.

Version 5.71:

  1. Added the function GetSolutionValue to support the evaluation of the implicit function at a specific point.

Version 6:

  1. Modified the solver to use Gauss-Seidel relaxation instead of conjugate-gradients at finer resolution.
  2. Re-ordered the implementation of the solver so that only a windowed subset of the matrix is in memory at any time, thereby reducing the memory usage during the solver phase.
  3. Separated the storage of the data associated with the octree nodes from the topology.

Version 6.1:

  1. Re-ordered the implementation of the iso-surface extraction so that only a windowed subset of the octree is in memory at any time, thereby reducing the memory usage during the extracted phase.

Version 6.11:

  1. Fixed a bug that created a crash in the evaluation phase when --pointWeight is set zero.

Version 6.12:

  1. Removed the OpenMP firstprivate directive as it seemed to cause trouble under Linux compilations.

Version 6.13:

  1. Added a MemoryPointStream class in PointStream.inl to support in-memory point clouds.
  2. Modified the signature of Octree::SetTree in MultiGridOctreeData.h to take in a pointer to an object of type PointStream rather than a file-name.

Version 6.13a:

  1. Modified the signature of Octree::SetIsoSurface to rerun a void. [cloudcompare]
  2. Added a definition of SetIsoVertexValue supporting double precision vertices. [cloudcompare]
  3. Removed Time.[h/cpp] from the repository. [cloudcompare/asmaloney]
  4. Fixed assignment bug in Octree::SetSliceIsoVertices. [asmaloney]
  5. Fixed initialization bug in SortedTreeNodes::SliceTableData and SortedTreeNodes::XSliceTableData. [asmaloney]
  6. Included stdlib.h in Geometry.h. [asmaloney]
  7. Fixed default value bug in declaration of Octree::SetTree. [asmaloney]

Version 7.0:

  1. Added functionality to support color extrapolation if present in the input.
  2. Modified a bug with the way in which sample contributions were scaled.

Version 8.0:

  1. Added support for different degree B-splines. (Note that as the B-spline degree is a template parameter, only degree 1 through 4 are supported. If higher order degrees are desired, additional template parameters can be easily added in the body of the Execute function inside of PoissonRecon.cpp. Similarly, to reduce compilation times, support for specific degrees can be removed.)
  2. Added the --primalGrid flag to support to extraction of a grid using primal sampling.
  3. Changed the implementation of the grid sampling so that computation is now linear, rather than log-linear, in the number of samples.

Version 9.0:

  1. Added support for free boundary conditions.
  2. Extended the solver to support more general linear systems. This makes it possible to use the same framework to implement the Smoothed Signed Distance Reconstruction of Calakli and Taubin (2011).
  3. Modified the implementation of density estimation and input representation. This tends to define a slightly larger system. On its own, this results in slightly increased running-time/footprint for full-res reconstructions, but provides a substantially faster implementation when the output complexity is smaller than the input.

Version 9.01:

  1. Reverted the density estimation to behave as in Version 8.0.

Version 9.011:

  1. Added a parameter for specifying the temporary directory.

Version 10.00:

  1. The code has been reworked to support arbitrary dimensions, finite elements of arbitrary degree, generally SPD systems in the evaluated/integrated values and derivatives of the functions, etc.
  2. For the reconstruction code, added the --width flag which allows the system to compute the depth of the octree given a target depth for the finest resolution nodes.
  3. For the reconstruction code, fixed a bug in the handling of the confidence encoded in the lengths of the normals. In addition, added the flags --confidence and --confidenceBias which allow the user more control of how confidence is used to affect the contribution of a sample.

Version 10.01:

  1. Modified the reconstruction code to facilitate interpolation of other input-sample quantities, in addition to color.

Version 10.02:

  1. Set the default value for --degree in PoissonRecon to 1 and change the definitiion of DATA_DEGREE to 0 for sharper color interpolation.

Version 10.03:

  1. Cleaned up memory leaks and fixed a bug causing ImageStitching and EDTInHeat to SEGFAULT on Linux.

Version 10.04:

  1. Replaced the ply I/O code with an object-oriented implementation.
  2. Updated the code to support compilation under gcc version 4.8.

Version 10.05:

  1. Added cleaner support for warning and error handling.
  2. Minor bug fixes.
  3. Added a --inCore flag that enables keeping the pointset in memory instead of streaming it in from disk.

Version 10.06:

  1. Improved performance.
  2. Modified PoissonRecon and SSDRecon to support processing of 2D point sets.
  3. Modified the 2D implementations of PoissonRecon, SSDRecon, and AdaptiveTreeVisualization to support ouput to .jpg and .png image files.

Version 10.07:

  1. Removed a bug that would cause memory access errors when some slices were empty.

Version 11.00:

  1. Added support for processing point-sets so large that 32-bit indices for octrees are not sufficient. (Enabled by defining the preprocessor variable BIG_DATA in the file PreProcessor.h.
  2. Added C++11 parallelism for compilers that do not support OpenMP.
  3. Added the code for ChunkPly which breaks up large meshes and/or point-sets into chunks.

Version 11.01:

  1. Fixed bug with _mktemp that caused the code to crash on Windows machine with more than 26 cores.

Version 11.02:

  1. Added error handling for numerical imprecision issues arrising when too many samples fall into a leaf node.

Version 12.00:

  1. Added functionality enabling AdaptiveTreeVisualization to output the values of a function at prescribed sample positions.
  2. Added the implementation of PointInterpolant that fits a function to a discrete set of sample values.

Version 13.00:

  1. Enabled passing in a constraint envelope to PoissonRecon, allowing one to define a region that is known to be outside the surface.
  2. Updated ChunkPLY to support processing of input points in either ASCII or binary format.

Version 13.50:

  1. Enabled support for automatically detecting attirbutes of input point cloud (in addition to positions and normals) when provided in .ply format.

Version 13.60:

  1. Modified the implementation of PointInterpolant to support separately prescribing value and gradient constraints.

Version 13.61:

  1. Bug fix addressing the problem that the memory for a DynamicFactory object is dynamically allocated and not only known at construction time.

Version 13.70:

  1. Using the updated PLY libraray with the less restrictive BSD license.

Version 13.71:

  1. Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect point weighting when the samples were too sparse.

Version 13.72:

  1. Fixed a bug that could result in the reconstruction not solving up to the finest depth when the --width argument is used.

Version 13.73:

  1. Re-fixed a bug that could result in the reconstruction not solving up to the finest depth when the --width argument is used.

Version 13.74:

  1. Fixed a bug that could result in reconstruction failure when the reconstruction depth (e.g. computed using the --width argument) was lower than the full depth value.

Version 13.80:

  1. Updated the SurfaceTrimmer code to better handle small islands.

Version 13.99:

  1. Modified the --width parameter so that it serves as an upper bound on the width of a cell at the finest resolution.
  2. Modified the code so that the output mesh no longer has statistics about processing time/memory.

Version 14.00:

  1. Added support for distributed screened Poisson Surface Reconstruction.

Version 14.01:

  1. Added support for fixed width integer types.

Version 14.02:

  1. Fixed overflow bug when there are more than 2^32 nodes in the tree.

Version 15.00:

  1. Added support for header-only interface.
  2. Added example using the header-only interface for reconstructing surfaces from points randomly sampled from a sphere.

Version 15.01:

  1. Cleaned up interface into the reconstruction library.

Version 15.02:

  1. Changed Poisson and SSD to be classes for cleaner library interface in Reconstruction.example.cpp.

Version 15.03:

  1. Fixed --width bug in estimating scale factor.

Version 15.10:

  1. Added iso-curve extraction support (for 2D reconstruction)

Version 16.01:

  1. Added support for separte value interpolation in Poisson Surface Reconstruction

Version 16.02:

  1. Added support for additional .ply types

Version 16.03:

  1. Fixed --width compatibility bug with default depth.

Version 16.04:

  1. Fixed --exact bug.

Version 16.05:

  1. Fixed ChunkPly bug.

Version 16.06:

  1. Added --keepSeparate flag to PoissonReconServer to output non-fused geometry..

Version 16.07:

  1. Fixed --width bug.

Version 16.08:

  1. Fixed --kernelDepth bug that occured when the --width flag was used to set the reconstruction depth.

Version 16.09:

  1. Removed dependence on _mktemp.

Version 16.10:

  1. Removed dependence on _mktemp.

Version 17.00:

  1. Added code for converting oriented points to disks for visualization.


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poissonrecon's Issues

Not able to read .ply voxel output.

 PoissonRecon --in bunny.points.ply --voxel bunny.voxel.ply --depth 10

My understanding is that the line above outputs bunny.voxel.ply file that contains 3D array (voxel grid), where each element is a value of the implicit function.

I tried reading bunny.voxel.ply with pcl library, but getting read error... Even though with the same code I am able to read the mesh file bunny.ply produced by

PoissonRecon --in bunny.points.ply --out bunny.ply --depth 10

So my question is how can I read that 3D array from bunny.voxel.ply?

Divide-by-zero exception thrown with --density

Problem traced to _GetSampleDepthAndWeight() in MultiGridOctreeData.WeightedSamples.inl

Suggested fix:
double denom=log( newWeight / oldWeight ) ;
depth = Real( _Depth( temp ) + log( newWeight ) / denom);
} else {
depth = Real( _Depth( temp ));

Process additional properties in source point cloud for mesh generation


I have some colored point clouds and I use this code to generate the mesh using the PoissonRecon and SurfaceTrimming codes.

I also have some material ids in the point cloud. For example each point in the cloud has, position(x,y,z), color(r,g,b), normals(nx,ny,nz) and Material ID(m_id). After the reconstruction I surely lose the material ID. Could you please tell me what would be the best way to keep the material id even after I construct the mesh?

It would be very useful because, I can get the material id while the data is in image level and definitely can use a mapping to pass this information till point cloud. If I could pass it though mesh generation it would allow me having material maps in UV.


Code does not compile

I saw that there were a lot of changes a day ago and pulled the latest version. But the code does not compile at this moment. The error I get is:

g++ -o Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon Bin/Linux/PlyFile.o Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon.o -lgomp -lstdc++ -lz -lpng -ljpeg -O3 -g
g++ -o Bin/Linux/SSDRecon Bin/Linux/PlyFile.o Bin/Linux/SSDRecon.o -lgomp -lstdc++ -lz -lpng -ljpeg -O3 -g
g++ -o Bin/Linux/SurfaceTrimmer Bin/Linux/PlyFile.o Bin/Linux/SurfaceTrimmer.o -lgomp -lstdc++ -lz -lpng -ljpeg -O3 -g
g++ -o Bin/Linux/EDTInHeat Bin/Linux/PlyFile.o Bin/Linux/EDTInHeat.o -lgomp -lstdc++ -lz -lpng -ljpeg -O3 -g
mkdir -p Bin/Linux/
g++ -c -o Bin/Linux/ImageStitching.o -fopenmp -Wno-deprecated -Wno-write-strings -std=c++11 -O3 -DRELEASE -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -I. Src/ImageStitching.cpp
In file included from Src/PNG.h:38:0,
                 from Src/Image.h:110,
                 from Src/ImageStitching.cpp:41:
Src/PNG.inl: In constructor ‘PNGWriter::PNGWriter(const char*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)’:
Src/PNG.inl:115:40: error: ‘Z_BEST_SPEED’ was not declared in this scope
  png_set_compression_level( _png_ptr , Z_BEST_SPEED );
Src/PNG.inl: In member function ‘virtual unsigned int PNGWriter::nextRows(const unsigned char*, unsigned int)’:
Src/PNG.inl:147:131: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘png_struct {aka struct png_struct_def}’
  for( unsigned int r=0 ; r<rowNum ; r++ ) png_write_row( _png_ptr , (png_bytep)( rows + r * 3 * sizeof( unsigned char ) * _png_ptr->width ) );
In file included from Src/PNG.h:7:0,
                 from Src/Image.h:110,
                 from Src/ImageStitching.cpp:41:
/usr/include/png.h:470:16: note: forward declaration of ‘png_struct {aka struct png_struct_def}’
 typedef struct png_struct_def png_struct;
Makefile:149: recipe for target 'Bin/Linux/ImageStitching.o' failed
make: *** [Bin/Linux/ImageStitching.o] Error 1

Stdin/stdout support

We've been loving this library but recently realized that our code is executing in an environment where disk space is shared across multiple requests. For compliance purposes, we need to either use encrypted files on disk (would definitely require a fork), switch how we're passing information to PoissonRecon, or something else

One promising option we can think of is to pass in files via stdin and receive the result via stdout (leaving stderr to report any issues). There's at least 1 rabbit hole down the avenue but aside from that it seems straightforward:

  • We currently sniff filenames to determine how to parse the data
    • sampleData = new std::vector< ProjectiveData< Point3D< Real > , Real > >();
      if ( !strcasecmp( ext , "bnpts" ) ) pointStream = new BinaryOrientedPointStreamWithData< Real , Point3D< Real > , float , Point3D< unsigned char > >( In.value );
      else if( !strcasecmp( ext , "ply" ) ) pointStream = new PLYOrientedPointStreamWithData< Real , Point3D< Real > >( In.value , ColorInfo< Real >::PlyProperties , 6 , ColorInfo< Real >::ValidPlyProperties );
      else pointStream = new ASCIIOrientedPointStreamWithData< Real , Point3D< Real > >( In.value , ColorInfo< Real >::ReadASCII );
    • Most likely easily resolved if we add another flag for how to parse input (and probably how to output as well)

We'd be more than happy to help out with implementing a solution to this issue =)

When the Depth is certain how does pointWeight change

When the Depth and others parameters is certain, pointweight is respectively 1,2,4,8,16,the corresponding CPU time is 73.53s,73.18s.72.63s, 77,78s and 77.56s. Shouldn't CPU time like a logarithmic increase?Can you help me to answer this questions,thanks.

Comments in Code

Is there any version of the code which contains enouth comments?
I'm sorry that I have difficulty in reading the code. So I desire to know whether there are more comments about the code.

About block Gauss-Seidel solver

Hi. In the Poisson surface reconstruction paper 2006, you mentioned block Gauss-Seidel solver to solve the issue of large memory requirement of solving the Lx = b equation (size of sparse matrix L could be 125 * octree node numbers in this depth d).

To address this issue, we augment our solver with a block Gauss-Seidel solver. That is, we decompose the d-th dimensional space into overlapping regions and solve the restriction of Ld to these different regions, projecting the local solutions back into the d-dimensional space and updating the
residuals. By choosing the number of regions to be a function of the depth d, we ensure that the size of the matrix used by the solver never exceeds a desired memory threshold.

I wonder how to implement this block Gauss-Seidel solver, how to decompose the large matrix L into small ones and solve them one by one ? Could you kindly give some guidance ? I don't find much information or code on the net.

Normals in the output file

I'm quite sure that the output PLY file of PoissonRecon included the normals. Now the output file doesn't contain the points normals. What could have happened?
Can you confirm that the output file should contain the normals?
Thank you.

crash on startup

I'm trying to run the last version (binary distibution of v8, 64 bit) on a Windows 10 system. I have installed the VS2013 redist package. The application crashes on startup (even with no arguments).
Instead the 32 bit version seems to work, if I run it with no arguments it prints the usage.
There are some dependencies needed?

The PossionRecon stops work.

I tried to use the newest version of the PoissonRecon but it simply doesn't execute.
I compiled under Win10 VS2017 with Windows SDK 10.0.10586.0.

I only changed the Windows SDK because I don't have the default one and I downloaded the test data from the code website.

The sentences of this pic means : The PossionRecon stops work.


I also tried the older version and everythign works.

SurfaceTrimmer data extraction


I'm trying to collect values inside the execute function of surfacetrimmer.cpp

In version 9 it was like

   for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)


In version 10.00 after including roughness as you instructed this part changed to

for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)



But now in 10.01 it does not work the same way I believe and if I print out this:

    for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
       std::cout << vertices[i].point.coords[0] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[1] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[2] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[3] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[4] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[5] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[6] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[7] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[8] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[9] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[10] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[11] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[12] << " "
                 << vertices[i].point.coords[13] << std::endl;


I see the values of position, color, normals etc. but I'm not sure how does the coords[i] get it's sequence from. It looks like it prints points first then roughness then normals etc. Will this sequence be the same if I do not use a property as i.e. normals? How does it work?


float32 type size error

In PlyFile.cpp: ply_type_sizes,

  1. float 32 is set to be 8 bytes
  2. an entry for float64 is missing.

axis-aligned bounding box around output triangle mesh is larger than expected

Hello there,

I have a question about the PoissonRecon command-line program. I'm interested in sampling the output voxel grid (i.e., output by the --voxel flag) over the output triangle mesh. In other words, I'd like to color each vertex of the output triangle mesh according to the corresponding value in the voxel grid.

I am aware that the output voxel grid sampled over the output triangle mesh should always be 0, because the triangle mesh is exactly the 0 level set of the voxel grid. But I still want to be able to sample the voxel grid in this way, because I ultimately want to want to compute derived quantities over the voxel grid, and sample these derived quantities over the triangle mesh.

Sampling the voxel grid in this way requires care, because the voxel indices need to be mapped into the coordinate system of the output triangle mesh.

In my code, I assume that the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the voxel grid is exactly 1.1x the size of the AABB of the input point cloud along each dimension (i.e., I am using the default value for the --scale parameter). I also assume that the AABB of the voxel grid has the same center as the AABB of the input point cloud. Together, these assumptions uniquely determine the mapping from triangle mesh coordinates to voxel indices.

These assumptions also seem to imply that the AABB of the output triangle mesh should be at most 1.1x the size of the AABB of the input point cloud along each dimension. But I am finding that this isn't the case. I am getting a larger-than-expected AABB for the output triangle mesh. In my particular case, the size of the of the output triangle mesh's AABB along each dimension, relative to the input point cloud's AABB is [ 1.02068782 1.16858709 1.34913611]. Note that the relative size of the output triangle mesh's AABB is noticeably larger than the maximum expected relative size of 1.1x along the last two dimensions.

Is the voxel grid's AABB indeed 1.1x the size of the input point cloud's AABB? If so, where are these output vertices coming from that are so far outside the AABB of the voxel grid? I understand that PoissonRecon implements marching cubes, but as far as I am aware, marching cubes only produces triangles that are interior to a voxel grid (i.e., marching cubes does not extrapolate).

This behavior is potentially problematic, because it suggests that I'm not aligning my voxel grid and my output triangle mesh correctly.

I'm using PoissonRecon version 9.0 on Mac, and I'm invoking it as follows:

./PoissonRecon --in pset_mvs_si.ply --out poisson_surface_si.ply --voxel poisson_function_si.bin --depth 9 --color 16 --density --verbose

In case it's helpful, I've uploaded my input point cloud and output triangle mesh below.

Input point cloud:
Output triangle mesh:


Use OS' temporary directory for BufferedReadWriteFile

We are using PoissonRecon in AWS Lambda which only permits creating files in its /tmp directory (OS' temporary directory):

Currently BufferedReadWriteFile writes to the current working directory. As a workaround for now, we've hardcoded the BufferedReadWriteFile template to use the /tmp directory:

I believe it's possible to find the OS' temporary directory via environment variables but am rather inexperienced in C++ and wanted to check the PR would be accepted first. If I wrote a PR to switch over to the OS' temporary directory, would you be interested in it in PoissonRecon?

How closely does SSDRecon approximate a distance function?

Hello there,

I have a quick silly question about the volume returned by SSDRecon with the --voxel option. How closely does this function approximate a distance function, assuming noise-free synthetic input data and default parameter settings?

When I examine the output volume I get using my noise-free synthetic input data, I see that the distance values appear to be "normalized", in the sense that they seem to be between -1 and 1 for my data. Based on this observation, I am assuming that the largest distance value you'd ever expect to see in the output volume is sqrt(3), because this would be the normalized distance from the origin to the most distant corner of the unit bounding box. So far, so good.

However, if I assume that the volume extends from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1), then the distance values do not seem to approximate a distance function very closely. For example, here is a slice of the distance function I obtain from my input data. I am not doing any of my own scaling here, I am simply displaying the raw values from the output volume:


The zero level set of this function approximates my surface very accurately:


But when I numerically compute the gradient magnitude of this function, it seems to be non-constant and less than 1 almost everywhere. Here is a slice of the gradient magnitude, which I computed in 3D:


Assuming that I call SSDRecon with default parameter settings, how strictly is the constraint enforced that the gradient magnitude is constant? Am I wrong to expect that the distance function returned by SSDRecon is approximately correct far away from the surface?

The problem about the MFC interface

First,thank you for providing the PoissonRecon project.
I recently used your code and made some changes to it.I used the MFC interface to run the code,rather than the console cause I found it will take part of the memory when the end of the operation.So I have some problems.When I first choose the point-set file ,run the code and it run perfectly,however when I choose the file(the same as the first or not)and run the code,it collapsed(I did not withdraw MFC in this process).
I try to debug this code,but I could not find th reason.My compiler is visual studio 2013.Thank you.


I put together a small CMake script for building your library. If interested in adding it please find it attached.

Thank you for this great library!


Two questions about the algorithm

I have two questions about the algorithm. I'd be appreciated if you could offer some information.

  1. Is there a paper or something to explain the algorithm of the surface trimming method ?
  2. Do you know any methods related to the GPU implementation of your screened Poisson reconstruction algorithm ?

Questions about the algorithm

Hi , I have not read the code much. Instead I read the papers (the original one, screened one, and the GPU implementation one by MSR Asia). I implemented all the codes mainly according to the MSR paper (in CPU codes, not GPU), which is based on your paper published in 2006. But sadly I have not got the desired mesh and cannot find the problem by far. My mesh is distorted along the boundary . I have two questions. Hope you could give me some direction.

  1. How do we impose the boundary constraints (Dirichlet or Neumann) to the linear system Lx = b? The descriptions about boundary constraints just appeared in screened poisson paper. And I don't know where to implement this constraints.
  2. For uniformly distributed samples, is the way to compute the implicit function value is sum(F * ϕ) ? Right now I use the following algorithm given by MSR to compute the isovalue of an arbitary point:
Listing 4 Compute Implicit Function Value ϕq for Point q
1: ϕq = 0
2: nodestack ← new stack
3: nodestack.push(proot)  // push root node (depth 0 node)
4: while nodestack is not empty
5:     o ← NodeArray[nodestack.pop()]
6:     ϕq+ = Fo(q)ϕo
7:     for i = 0 to 7   // traverse 8 children of this node
8:         t ← NodeArray[o.children[i]]
           // the node function range of each node is set to be [-width, width]
9:         if abs(q.x −t.x) < t.w and abs(q.y −t.y) < t.w and abs(q.z −t.z) <t.w then
10:           nodestack.push(o.children[i])

I use this algorithm to compute isovalue in sample points and cube vertices.
This simple algorithm just iterate the nodes whose node function cover the point and accumulate F*ϕ.
But I think since the nodes are discrete and sparse, the total number of nodes that contribute ϕ to the arbitary point is not stable and can always vary, which may lead to the incontinuity of implcit function value ϕ in the 3D domain. Let alone finer depth nodes cannot cover most vertices of coarser depth leaf nodes. By the way, since the magnitude of node fuction is scaled according to node depth ( 1 / (width^3)), the contributions of coarse depth nodes are very low, and the implicit function value may change greatly in vertices from different depth nodes. I really suspect whether this method could result in a continuous, smooth and watertight isosurface. Is this algorithm enough for computing isovalue of sample points or cube vertices? I'd appreciate a lot if you could explain it to me :)

Questions from original paper

Hello, I'd like to ask about two questions from your original paper(2006), mainly related to implement with non-uniform samples case:

  1. is an evaluated value of local sampling density is formed in scalar?

WˆD(q) ≡ Σs∈SΣo∈NgbrˆD(s) αo,s*Fo(q)
(sorry for readability why it doesn't rendered :| )

  • I thought that every node function Fo(q) will returns scalar since it can be separated into three functions, and the evaluation can be done by multiplying all separated function's value for each queried point's coordinate.
  • For the case of αo,s, I'm understanding that it'll return 3D vector type value since it'll return three interpolation parameters like tx, ty, tz.
  • Finally, It seems obvious that the resulting density WˆD(q) should return a scalar value, since it's literally a density... and later when we calculate a desired depth Depth(s.p), density from a sample point is divided by average density. (Of course the average seems to be formed in scalar too). Furthermore in isovalue selection, the inverse of density is being used, which can't be done with vector form.
  • However, as I tried to derive the expression, the multiplication part αo,s*Fo(q) seemed return 3d vector since it's multiplication between 3d vector and a scalar...

Did I missed something with deriving the equation? How can I derive it correctly?

  1. I wonder why sample's normal didn't used for calculating vector field for non-uniform samples case. I mean, in here:

V(q) ≡ Σs∈S (1 / WˆD (s.p)) Σo∈Ngbr(Depth(s.p))(s) (αo,sFo(q))

  • Should I consider sample's normal manually when I try to solve linear system?

If more description is required, I'll explain it more.

Thanks in advance!

Debug build of PoissonRecon.cpp needs /bigobj compilation option

Using Visual Studio 2015 doing a debug build fails with the message:

PoissonRecon.cpp : fatal error C1128: number of sections exceeded object file format limit: compile with /bigobj
After adding the /bigobj compilation option the build succeeds and the binary can be run successfully.

Never completes

I tried compiling on Linux and running it, but it never seems to complete and uses 100% of all my cores. I am trying the bunny example with a depth of 9

Interpolation of other input sample in version 10.01

I saw this update in the latest diff :

Modified the reconstruction code to facilitate interpolation of other input-sample quantities, in addition to color

Although I followed your suggestion and was able to finally integrate the roughness property to the code but if you include it in the main repo I will just stash mine. But unfortunately I could not find an updated README to follow on how to run with the additional property. Could you please update the README or let me know here on how to use this new functionality? Once I can build the 10.01 version I will be able to start testing. I'll have to make it CMake compatible after.



Hello Sir
I want to know the exact effect of --depth on the out put reconstruction and how the mechanism work.
i mean is the lower the voxel rez the less point you take into consideration when reconstructing a surface ?

Than you


Color Interpolation

When I run my model with depth 10 (color=16), the resulting color is somewhat blurry (detail level is excellent).
Is there any way to influence the interpolation process to limit it's spatial extent?

I've attempted to make it sharper by:

  1. In MultiGridOctreeData.WeightedSamples.inl : Octree< Real >::_evaluate(), I limited the evaluation to the last depth levels.
  2. Changing the BSpline degree (DATA_DEGREE in MultiGridOctreeData.h). Hoping that higher order polynomials, would result in higher sharpness.
    Both were unsuccessful.

Do I have any alternative to using depth 11?

EDTInHeat: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Under linux mint 18.3 bash:
$ ./PoissonRecon --in horse.npts --out horse.ply
$ ./EDTInHeat --in horse.ply --out horse.edt
then, I get the error : Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Under the windoows 7 x64, I get the same error.

I have tried with the binary downloaded from github and compiled by myself, the error is same.

Can someone help me?

Fill input ply file automatically instead of reading from file


I want to link this code with my own program to do some research experiments, but I find it is hard to fill points and normals easily by passing ,like two vectors, pts, normals. Could you help release some filling data interface?

Thanks a lot

omp.h library not enclosed in #ifdef _OPENMP

I'm using the submodule functionality of git to include your repo in a project (MeshLabJS), and I don't want to modify your code. Also, I don't want to use the omp library. Thus, I don't define the macro _OPENMP, but in the file MultiGridOctreeData.h, row #57, the library is not enclosed in #ifdef _OPENMP, unlike the functions in rows 65-66 on the same file, and compilation fails.

[ERROR] Failed to close loop

I'm using poisson mesh generation on Android devices, and i run into the following issue multiple times:

Tree set in: 2.9 (s), 0.2 (GB)
Input Points: 86490
Leaves/Nodes: 397769/454593
Memory Usage: 0.195 GB
Constraints set in: 1.3 (s), 0.2 (GB)
Memory Usage: 0.195 GB
Depth[0/8]: 8
Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 (0.195 GB)
Depth[1/8]: 64
Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.001 (0.195 GB)
1Depth[2/8]: 512
Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.001 / 0.002 (0.195 GB)
Depth[3/8]: 4096
Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.009 / 0.004 (0.195 GB)
Depth[4/8]: 32768
Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.073 / 0.016 (0.195 GB)
Depth[5/8]: 262144
Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.620 / 2.431 (0.195 GB)
Depth[6/8]: 54352
1Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.304 / 1.266 (0.198 GB)
Depth[7/8]: 100016
Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.354 / 0.382 (0.199 GB)
Depth[8/8]: 632
Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.030 / 0.835 (0.199 GB)
Linear system solved in: 6.5 (s), 0.2 (GB)
Memory Usage: 0.199 GB
Got average in: 0.086310
Iso-Value: 3.226770e+00
[ERROR] Failed to close loop [8: 144 36 42] | (454465): 756464301900354

(You may notice i altered the printout for memory usage, as the currently used reading of '/proc/self/stat' resulted in gibberish on Android. I'm using 'getrusage' to retrieve the 'ru_maxrss' value for consumption tracking)

What bothers me is that its non-deterministic. The issue comes up around 3 times in 10 run. I tried to resolve the issue with the following:

  • Compile the code without funroll-loops and ffast-math
  • Turn on lInear interpolaion
  • Turn on double precision

None of the above resolved the error. Do you have any suggestion what went wrong and how to eliminate it?

-1 depth removal

Hi Michael,

I saw that you have "-1" _tree node in Octree<> class,
and i was wondering what is the main purpose of additional nodes (_tree node as a container of the _spaceRoot and its 7 siblings, therefore all points from stream are contained in _spaceRoot node only). There are a lot of checks: such as

if(depth > 0)
if(depth > _minDepth)

and some inconvenient variables such as "_minDepth" and "_maxDepth" which differs from actual input parameter Depth by 1.

Could you give some more insight on it?

Thanks in advance.

Lucy.ply [ERROR] Failed to find property in ply file: nx

I'm trying to run the last version on a Windows 7 system. I have installed the VS2013 package. while running the Lucy model ,there is wrong that Failed to find property in ply file: nx. but eagle.points.ply's
property containing nx,ny,nz is OK

Cannot Run Code in Loop

I would like to be able to run the Poisson code in a loop over multiple meshes, but running more than once in the same process causes the program to crash.

Specifically, line 204 of Octree.inl fails because the variable _depthAndOffset is not set.
inline int OctNode< NodeData >::depth( void ) const {return int( _depthAndOffset & DepthMask );}

What needs to be modified so that the code can be run in a loop?

-aRatio with SurfaceTrimmer

I'm trying to use the aRatio parameter to get rid of "blobs" around my reconstruction.
but actually I'm getting the opposite of what I intuitively thought would happened , ie the results is like keeping the blobs there a way to remove the little disconnected area and keep the surface ?

SurfaceTrimmer --in MVE/Poisson-L2-node1.ply --trim 5 --out MVE/Poisson-L2-trim5

SurfaceTrimmer --in MVE/Poisson-L2-node1.ply --out MVE/Poisson-L2-trim5-aRatio1 --aRatio .5

thanks in advance

Some Questions About the Code of Screened Poisson Surface Reconstruction

Hello Misha,
There are some questions about the code of "Screened Poisson Surface Reconstruction " . They are:
(1) Why do you normalize the input data as mapping the data into the 0-1 range when you construct Octree?
(2) I have found that the functions SetSliceIsoCorners(...) , SetSliceIsoVertices(...) and so on are executed on the slices that located between 0-0.5 range at all depth, but not 0-1. I mean corners and iso-vertices are gotten by going through a part of slices, but not all slices, and just process the nodes whose returned value of function _IsValidNode< 0 >( ...) is true, which makes me confused. Could you please tell me why set node flags? And why do not go through all slices or node to get corners and iso-vertices?
(3) The reconstructed surfaces are different when using Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, why does Neumann boundary condition could result in an open surface, but the Dirichlet boundary condition leads to a closed surface?
And I have other two questions that are not related to the code, what are the differences for constructing surface between triangular mesh and quadrilateral mesh? And quadrilateral mesh could be a wider application?


Functions like SetSliceIsoEdges(...) and SetXSliceIsoEdges(...)

Hello Misha,
The code :
if( !neighborKey.neighbors[depth].neighbors[1][1][2z] || !neighborKey.neighbors[depth].neighbors[1][1][2z]->children )
in the function SetSliceIsoEdges(...) ,
and the code:
if(!xValues.faceSet[ eIndices[e] ] && ( !neighborKey.neighbors[depth].neighbors[xx][yy][zz] ||
!neighborKey.neighbors[depth].neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->children ) )
in the function SetXSliceIsoEdges(...).
I do not understand why you must assess whether the neighbors are empty in the if statement. Could you please explain it?

Question about implementing notation in paper +

Hello, first of, greatly appreciated to providing your implementations!

I'm trying to implement my own version of Screened Poisson Surface Reconstruction, however I'm currently stuck on the problem with implementing some notation.

In your original paper(2006), there're a bunch of notation 'q', and it seems like it means an arbitrary 3D position.
We have an example of node function , which is unit integral base function aligned at node o. This notation is also can be seen in various expressions: Kernel density, Vector field, Isosurface extraction etc (Even for solving linear systems?). Unfortunately, I couldn't find any descriptions for q.

I assumed it as sample's position, however there's already a notation s.p which has equivalent meaning. It also can't be octree node's position since there's notation o.c defines node center.

  1. Can I ask for the meaning of the notation q?


  1. Will there be no problem if I substitute Base function (n-th convolution of box filter: approximates to Gaussian distribution) as Unit Variance Gaussian distribution? I thought you used convoluted filter for efficiency & only wants to use in specific range (which is different point against Gaussian, since Gaussian is defined in infinite range), however I'm wondering is there any other reason you used approximated Gaussian.

Thanks for reading, and I'll looking forward for the answers! If more explanation is required, I'll post it more!


Undefined reference to StaticWindow::Size in Debug

make debug leads to:

mkdir -p Bin/Linux/
g++ -c -o Bin/Linux/PlyFile.o -fopenmp -Wno-deprecated -Wno-write-strings -std=c++11 -DDEBUG -g3 -I. Src/PlyFile.cpp
mkdir -p Bin/Linux/
g++ -c -o Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon.o -fopenmp -Wno-deprecated -Wno-write-strings -std=c++11 -DDEBUG -g3 -I. Src/PoissonRecon.cpp
g++ -o Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon Bin/Linux/PlyFile.o Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon.o -lgomp -lstdc++ -lz -lpng -ljpeg 
Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon.o: In function `void FEMTree<3u, float>::finalizeForMultigrid<2u, FEMTree<3u, float>::HasNormalDataFunctor<UIntPack<6u, 6u, 6u> >, SparseNodeData<Point<float, 3u>, UIntPack<6u, 6u, 6u> >, FEMTree<3u, float>::DensityEstimator<2u> >(int, FEMTree<3u, float>::HasNormalDataFunctor<UIntPack<6u, 6u, 6u> >, SparseNodeData<Point<float, 3u>, UIntPack<6u, 6u, 6u> >*, FEMTree<3u, float>::DensityEstimator<2u>*) [clone ._omp_fn.5]':
.../PoissonRecon/Src/FEMTree.inl:491: undefined reference to `StaticWindow<RegularTreeNode<3u, FEMTreeNodeData, unsigned short>*, UIntPack<5u, 5u, 5u> >::Size'
Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon.o: In function `void FEMTree<3u, float>::finalizeForMultigrid<2u, FEMTree<3u, float>::HasNormalDataFunctor<UIntPack<7u, 7u, 7u> >, SparseNodeData<Point<float, 3u>, UIntPack<7u, 7u, 7u> >, FEMTree<3u, float>::DensityEstimator<2u> >(int, FEMTree<3u, float>::HasNormalDataFunctor<UIntPack<7u, 7u, 7u> >, SparseNodeData<Point<float, 3u>, UIntPack<7u, 7u, 7u> >*, FEMTree<3u, float>::DensityEstimator<2u>*) [clone ._omp_fn.165]':
.../PoissonRecon/Src/FEMTree.inl:491: undefined reference to `StaticWindow<RegularTreeNode<3u, FEMTreeNodeData, unsigned short>*, UIntPack<5u, 5u, 5u> >::Size'
Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon.o: In function `void FEMTree<3u, float>::finalizeForMultigrid<2u, FEMTree<3u, float>::HasNormalDataFunctor<UIntPack<8u, 8u, 8u> >, SparseNodeData<Point<float, 3u>, UIntPack<8u, 8u, 8u> >, FEMTree<3u, float>::DensityEstimator<2u> >(int, FEMTree<3u, float>::HasNormalDataFunctor<UIntPack<8u, 8u, 8u> >, SparseNodeData<Point<float, 3u>, UIntPack<8u, 8u, 8u> >*, FEMTree<3u, float>::DensityEstimator<2u>*) [clone ._omp_fn.301]':
.../PoissonRecon/Src/FEMTree.inl:491: undefined reference to `StaticWindow<RegularTreeNode<3u, FEMTreeNodeData, unsigned short>*, UIntPack<5u, 5u, 5u> >::Size'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:127: recipe for target 'Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon' failed
make: *** [Bin/Linux/PoissonRecon] Error 1

P.S. Release builds Ok.

poissonRecon nodes order on given slice

Hi Michael,

Can you please explain the order of the nodes for a given slice before MC algorithm.
given to the poisson sphere ptCloud, I'm dumping nodes of the middle slice just before the MC (Marching Squares), having problem to understand the spatial order of sValues.mcIndices[i - sValues.sliceData.nodeOffset] hence corners indicator data.


Find node neighbors in octree

Hi. I think neighbors of octree nodes should be used in the algorithm. How do you compute octree node neighbors in a fast way ? Do you save 1-ring or 2-ring neighbors of each node?

Memory control of the algorothm

Hi. Many days ago I asked a question about how to compute node neighbors. You said that when computing neighbors in a certain depth (level), all node neighbors in lower (parent) depth should be known. I think much memory will be consumed when storing all node 2-ring (125 in total) neighbors, since you may use 2nd order B-splines, where the suppor function range is [-1.5, 1.5]. However I noticed that your program consumes really small memory and computes very fast! I'm really amazed at this memory control and speed. I wonder how could you control the memory so well ?

SurfaceTrimmer.exe has stopped working


I am trying to use Regard 3D which seems to use the PoissonRecon code. It shows success on everything else but it always crash when trying to create surface.
I am using Windows 8.1.
If I click 'debug', it open visual studio and shows this:

Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF673747FF2 in SurfaceTrimmer.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000000000000000C.

Not sure what other information I could provide but here is the console output:
Using the OPENMP thread interface

  • Features Loading -
    0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

  • Features Loading -
    0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

Track building

Track filtering

Track export to internal struct

Track stats

-- Tracks Stats --
Tracks number: 449
Images Id:
3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

TrackLength, Occurrence
2 433
3 16

A-Contrario initial pair residual: 77.0975

Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):
#views: 2
#poses: 2
#intrinsics: 1
#tracks: 350
#residuals: 1400
Initial RMSE: 0.906527
Final RMSE: 0.777161
Time (s): 0.0277111

-- #Tracks: 210
-- Residual min: 0.000116665
-- Residual median: 0.223267
-- Residual max: 5.90642
-- Residual mean: 0.691327

MSE Residual InitialPair Inlier: 0.691327

-- Structure from Motion (statistics):
-- #Camera calibrated: 2 from 10 input images.
-- #Tracks, #3D points: 200

-- #Tracks: 200
-- Residual min: 0.000116665
-- Residual median: 0.20109
-- Residual max: 3.77725
-- Residual mean: 0.60566

Histogram of residuals:

0 | 487
0.378 | 72
0.755 | 71
1.13 | 48
1.51 | 55
1.89 | 24
2.27 | 16
2.64 | 10
3.02 | 9
3.4 | 7

Compute scene structure color
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

Reading bundle...2 cameras -- 200 points in bundle file

2 cameras -- 200 points
Reading images: *Divide:
Set widths/heights...done 0 secs
done 0 secs
slimNeighborsSetLinks...done 0 secs
Rep counts: 200 -> 35 0 secs
setScoreThresholds...done 0 secs
sRemoveImages... **
Kept: 0 1

sRemoveImages: 2 -> 2 0 secs
slimNeighborsSetLinks...done 0 secs

Cluster sizes:
Adding images:
Image nums: 2 -> 2 -> 2
done 0 secs
1 images in vis on the average

g:\Program Files\Regard3D\pmvs\pmvs2.exe

--- Summary of specified options ---

of timages: 2 (enumeration)

of oimages: 0 (enumeration)

level: 1 csize: 2
threshold: 0.7 wsize: 7
minImageNum: 3 CPU: 8
useVisData: 1 sequence: -1

Reading images: **
0 1 Harris running ...Harris running ...6381 harris done
DoG running...6350 harris done
DoG running...7715 dog done
7737 dog done
adding seeds
---- Initial: 0 secs ----
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 27212 0 27212 0 0
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 100 0 100 0 0
Expanding patches...
---- EXPANSION: 0 secs ----
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 0 0 0 0 0
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind)
Gain (ave/var): 0 0
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
Filter Exact: **
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
FilterNeighbor: FilterGroups: STATUS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Expanding patches...
---- EXPANSION: 0 secs ----
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 0 0 0 0 0
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind)
Gain (ave/var): 0 0
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
Filter Exact: **
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
FilterNeighbor: FilterGroups: STATUS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Expanding patches...
---- EXPANSION: 0 secs ----
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 0 0 0 0 0
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind)
Gain (ave/var): 0 0
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
Filter Exact: **
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
FilterNeighbor: FilterGroups: STATUS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
---- Total: 0 secs ----
Running Screened Poisson Reconstruction (Version 9.01)
--in pictureset_1\matching_1\triangulation_0\densification_0\PMVS\models\option-0000.ply
--depth 9
--out pictureset_1\matching_1\triangulation_0\densification_0\surface_0/model_surface.ply
--samplesPerNode 1.000000
--pointWeight 4.000000
Input Points / Samples: 0 / 0

Read input into tree: 0.0 (s), 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB)

Got kernel density: 0.0 (s), 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB)

Got normal field: 0.0 (s), 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB)

Finalized tree: 0.0 (s), 3.4 (MB) / 3.4 (MB) / 3.4 (MB)

Set FEM constraints: 0.0 (s), 3.6 (MB) / 3.6 (MB) / 3.6 (MB)

#Set point constraints: 0.0 (s), 3.6 (MB) / 3.6 (MB) / 3.6 (MB)
Leaf Nodes / Active Nodes / Ghost Nodes: 64 / 72 / 1
Memory Usage: 3.598 MB
Depth[0/0]: Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.000 (3.789 MB) Nodes: 1

Linear system solved: 0.0 (s), 3.8 (MB) / 3.8 (MB) / 3.8 (MB)

Got average: 0.0 (s), 4.0 (MB) / 4.0 (MB) / 4.0 (MB)
Iso-Value: -nan(ind)
Vertices / Polygons: 0 / 0

Got triangles: 0.0 (s), 4.1 (MB) / 4.1 (MB) / 4.1 (MB)

Total Solve: 0.0 (s), 4.1 (MB)

Using the OPENMP thread interface

  • Features Loading -
    0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

  • Features Loading -
    0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

Track building

Track filtering

Track export to internal struct

Track stats

-- Tracks Stats --
Tracks number: 449
Images Id:
3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

TrackLength, Occurrence
2 433
3 16

A-Contrario initial pair residual: 77.0975

Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):
#views: 2
#poses: 2
#intrinsics: 1
#tracks: 350
#residuals: 1400
Initial RMSE: 0.906527
Final RMSE: 0.777161
Time (s): 0.0579963

-- #Tracks: 210
-- Residual min: 0.000116665
-- Residual median: 0.223267
-- Residual max: 5.90642
-- Residual mean: 0.691327

MSE Residual InitialPair Inlier: 0.691327

-- Structure from Motion (statistics):
-- #Camera calibrated: 2 from 10 input images.
-- #Tracks, #3D points: 200

-- #Tracks: 200
-- Residual min: 0.000116665
-- Residual median: 0.20109
-- Residual max: 3.77725
-- Residual mean: 0.60566

Histogram of residuals:

0 | 487
0.378 | 72
0.755 | 71
1.13 | 48
1.51 | 55
1.89 | 24
2.27 | 16
2.64 | 10
3.02 | 9
3.4 | 7

Compute scene structure color
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%

Reading bundle...2 cameras -- 200 points in bundle file

2 cameras -- 200 points
Reading images: *Divide:
Set widths/heights...done 0 secs
done 0 secs
slimNeighborsSetLinks...done 0 secs
Rep counts: 200 -> 35 0 secs
setScoreThresholds...done 0 secs
sRemoveImages... **
Kept: 0 1

sRemoveImages: 2 -> 2 0 secs
slimNeighborsSetLinks...done 0 secs

Cluster sizes:
Adding images:
Image nums: 2 -> 2 -> 2
done 0 secs
1 images in vis on the average

g:\Program Files\Regard3D\pmvs\pmvs2.exe

--- Summary of specified options ---

of timages: 2 (enumeration)

of oimages: 0 (enumeration)

level: 1 csize: 2
threshold: 0.7 wsize: 7
minImageNum: 3 CPU: 8
useVisData: 1 sequence: -1

Reading images: **
0 1 Harris running ...Harris running ...6350 harris done
6381 harris done
DoG running...DoG running...7715 dog done
7737 dog done
adding seeds
---- Initial: 0 secs ----
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 27280 0 27280 0 0
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 100 0 100 0 0
Expanding patches...
---- EXPANSION: 0 secs ----
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 0 0 0 0 0
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind)
Gain (ave/var): 0 0
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
Filter Exact: **
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
FilterNeighbor: FilterGroups: STATUS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Expanding patches...
---- EXPANSION: 0 secs ----
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 0 0 0 0 0
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind)
Gain (ave/var): 0 0
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
Filter Exact: **
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
FilterNeighbor: FilterGroups: STATUS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Expanding patches...
---- EXPANSION: 0 secs ----
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: 0 0 0 0 0
Total pass fail0 fail1 refinepatch: -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind) -nan(ind)
Gain (ave/var): 0 0
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
Filter Exact: **
0 -> 0 (-nan(ind)%) 0 secs
FilterNeighbor: FilterGroups: STATUS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
---- Total: 0 secs ----
Running Screened Poisson Reconstruction (Version 9.01)
--in pictureset_1\matching_2\triangulation_0\densification_0\PMVS\models\option-0000.ply
--depth 9
--out pictureset_1\matching_2\triangulation_0\densification_0\surface_0/model_surface.ply
--samplesPerNode 1.000000
--pointWeight 4.000000
Input Points / Samples: 0 / 0

Read input into tree: 0.0 (s), 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB)

Got kernel density: 0.0 (s), 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB)

Got normal field: 0.0 (s), 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB) / 3.2 (MB)

Finalized tree: 0.0 (s), 3.4 (MB) / 3.4 (MB) / 3.4 (MB)

Set FEM constraints: 0.0 (s), 3.6 (MB) / 3.6 (MB) / 3.6 (MB)

#Set point constraints: 0.0 (s), 3.6 (MB) / 3.6 (MB) / 3.6 (MB)
Leaf Nodes / Active Nodes / Ghost Nodes: 64 / 72 / 1
Memory Usage: 3.598 MB
Depth[0/0]: Evaluated / Got / Solved in: 0.000 / 0.000 / 0.001 (3.789 MB) Nodes: 1

Linear system solved: 0.0 (s), 3.8 (MB) / 3.8 (MB) / 3.8 (MB)

Got average: 0.0 (s), 4.0 (MB) / 4.0 (MB) / 4.0 (MB)
Iso-Value: -nan(ind)
Vertices / Polygons: 0 / 0

Got triangles: 0.0 (s), 4.1 (MB) / 4.1 (MB) / 4.1 (MB)

Total Solve: 0.0 (s), 4.1 (MB)


Question about the B-spline function

Hi. I have two questions.

  1. In Poisson Surface Reconstruction (2006), the value of the base function is sacled by (1 / o.w^3).
    2018-03-05 15_27_23-2006 2117 poisson surface reconstruction pdf _ -
    Do you implement this feature in screened Poisson, i.e. is the B-spline function scaled by (1 / o.w^3) in 3D or (1 / o.w) in 1D whenever it is called ?
  2. Is the implicit function value of an arbitary point computed as the linear combination of the solution of related nodes ( x(p) = sum(xiBi(p) ) ? Except for B-spline function, there is no other scaling factor to adjust the weight of solution value of different depth nodes, right ?

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