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linearham's Introduction


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  1. Dhar A, Ralph DK, Minin VN, Matsen FA IV (2020) A Bayesian phylogenetic hidden Markov model for B cell receptor sequence analysis. PLoS Comput Biol 16(8): e1008030 (


Linearham's dependencies are described in the Dockerfile. We recommend that you run linearham inside a Docker container, since this will make installation much easier (if you're new to Docker, read this). However, you can also install the dependencies by hand, in which case you should clone the repository and run each command in the Dockerfile that's on a line starting with RUN (treat WORKDIR as cd). The more similar your system is to that described by the Dockerfile's FROM line (at the moment, debian), the easier this will be.

Using Docker

It's best to start by running an interactive session in the container:

docker run -it /bin/bash.

You can also create a shell script with your linearham commands for docker to run, and put it in place of /bin/bash (use as an example). If you want your run to be reproducible, choose a tag of the form v<stuff> from, then specify it like so:<stuff>.

To access your own data from within the container, or to persist your output beyond the container, you must use volumes by specifying -v. We recommend using this convention (other paths may not work):

  1. Choose a directory outside of Docker that contains both your input data directory and your desired output directory
  2. Mount it as a volume to /linearham/work inside the container: -v /your/local/path:/linearham/work
  3. All commands inside the container referencing paths inside that directory should do so via /linearham/work, e.g. setting --outdir=/linearham/work/output inside the container will persist your output outside the container in /your/local/path/output.

Note that because Docker must run as root, this means that you will be writing to the directory on your host machine as root, so a) be very careful and b) don't choose anything anywhere near / (something like /home/user/several/sub/dirs is good).

Running linearham

All linearham actions are run using scons in the main linearham directory. Available actions are --run-partis, --run-linearham, and --build-partis-linearham. Note that because of the way scons parses arguments, you must always use an = sign in all args: --arg=val. For the same reason, you also have to spell args exactly right, e.g. writing --arg-nam instead of --arg-name will silently ignore it.

The input for Linearham is a partis output file. If you've already run partis to create this file, you only need to run --run-linearham; if not, you can have linearham run partis for you with --run-partis.


This runs partis on an input sequence file:

scons --run-partis --fasta-path=<file> --locus={igh|igk|igl} --outdir=<dir> [--parameter-dir=<dir>]

--fasta-path can be any file type that partis --infname handles (see partis help). Partis uses a directory with fitted sample-specific parameters (--parameter-dir), which if not already present will be automatically inferred based on the sequences in the fasta file. These parameters are more accurate if inferred on the entire repertoire of many clonal families; thus because linearham runs on only a single family at a time it is better if you can use parameters cached in a previous partis run on the entire repertoire, and then pass them to linearham with --parameter-dir. However, if you don't, the automatically-inferred parameters will still work fine, they'll just be somewhat less accurate (since they'll only be based on the one family).

Other partis-related arguments:

option description
--all-clonal-seqs If set, attempts to force all sequences in the fasta file into the same clonal family; otherwise it runs partis partition to infer the clonal families. "Attempts" means everything will end up together that doesn't have, say, different cdr3 lengths or wildly different naive sequences.
--locus Which immunoglobulin locus (defaults to igh)?
--outdir The output directory (defaults to output).


Once you have a partis output file, whether you made it separately or with linearham, you can run linearham itself:

scons --run-linearham --outdir=<dir> [--partis-yaml-file=<file>] [--parameter-dir=<dir>]

If there is one clonal family (i.e. cluster) in the partis output file, linearham will run on that. If there is more than one, you'll have to select a cluster to run on using several options. In such a case you'll likely first want to run linearham with no cluster selection, in which case it'll print a list of the available clusters and exit (see also below). Partis performs clustering hierarchically, so its output stores a list of partitions, where each partition divides the sequences in the repertoire into clonal families (clusters). By default, linearham looks in the best (most likely) of these partitions, but you can specify the (zero-based) index of a different one with --partition-index. Within a partition, you can specify a cluster either by (zero-based) index with --cluster-index, or with the unique id of a particular sequence in the cluster with --cluster-seed-unique-id (see partis --seed-unique-id for more info). Options to specify the cluster on which to run:

option description
--partition-index zero-based index of partition from which to select the cluster on which to run (defaults to most likely partition)
--cluster-index zero-based index of cluster on which to run in the selected partition
--cluster-seed-unique-id choose the cluster in which the sequence with this name is found
--lineage-unique-ids same as --cluster-seed-unique-id, but also goes on to perform detailed lineage/mutation analysis. (see also below)

Other options:

option description
--partis-yaml-file Path to the partis output file that is linearham's input. Defaults to the location in --outdir to which the linearham --run-partis action will have written it (if it ran)
--outdir The output directory (defaults to output).
--parameter-dir Directory from which linearham reads partis hmm files. If not set, it defaults to the location in --outdir used by --run-partis. As for --run-partis (above), parameters will be much more accurate if you cache them with partis beforehand on the entire repertoire, but if this isn't possible they'll be inferred automatically on the one family on which you're running linearham, which should be fine.

If you don't have a clonal family/cluster of interest, or are not sure how to identify it using these options, you can run scripts/ to work it out.

For example, running:

./scripts/ lib/partis/test/reference-results/partition-new-simu.yaml --fasta-output-file parsed_cluster.fa --yaml-output-file parsed_cluster.yaml | less -RS

will print a table of available clusters in the best partition similar to this:

 available clusters in partition at index 29 (best):
index   size    unique_ids
0       71      [...]
1       11      [...]
2       262     [...]
3       4       [...]

Using the indices from this table, you can specify the corresponding clusters to Linearham. Running on the cluster with 262 sequences from the above table would look like:

scons --run-linearham --cluster-index=2 <args.. >

You can also figure out which sequences are in which clusters with the partis view-output action piped to less -RS.

Other linearham-related arguments:

option list? description
--template-path no The RevBayes template path (defaults to templates/revbayes_template.rev).
--mcmc-iter yes How many RevBayes MCMC iterations should we use (defaults to 10000)?
--mcmc-thin yes What RevBayes MCMC thinning frequency should we use (defaults to 10)?
--tune-iter yes How many RevBayes tuning iterations should we use (defaults to 5000)?
--tune-thin yes What RevBayes tuning thinning frequency should we use (defaults to 100)?
--num-rates yes The number of gamma rate categories (defaults to 4).
--burnin-frac yes What fraction of MCMC burnin should we use (defaults to 0.1)?
--subsamp-frac yes What bootstrap sampling fraction should we use (defaults to 0.05)?
--rng-seed yes The random number generator (RNG) seed (defaults to 0).
--asr-pfilters no The ancestral sequence posterior probability thresholds (defaults to 0.1).
--no-nestly-subdirs no if set, all output files are written directly to --outdir, rather than to a nested series of subdirs. Useful if you'd rather handle directory structure with the code that's calling linearham, and/or you don't plan to run many different combinations of mcmc parameters.

For the arguments that can be specified as a (,-separated) list (see middle column), linearham will run revbayes separately, writing to separate nested output directories, for all combinations of all such parameters. For more information on these arguments, run scons --help.


This compiles linearham, partis, and other dependencies. You'll only need to run this if you've either modified some source code or you're installing without docker.

Run steps

Running linearham consists of a series of steps, whose precedence and running is handled by scons. See also below for more detail on the various inputs and outputs of each step.

step command description
get linearham info lib/partis/bin/partis get-linearham-info reformat the information in all annotations in the partis output file for use by subsequent linearham steps, writes to partis_run.yaml
select single cluster scripts/ pull annotation for single specified cluster out of partis_run.yaml, and write it to cluster.yaml and its sequences to cluster_seqs.fasta
make revbayes input scripts/ use seqs in cluster_seqs.fasta and template revbayes config templates/revbayes_template.rev to write revbayes config for this run to revbayes_run.rev
run revbayes lib/revbayes/projects/cmake/rb run revbayes with config file revbayes_run.rev, writing output to revbayes_run.stdout.log. This step is usually by far the slowest; you can adjust e.g. the mcmc options above to trade off speed for confidence/accuracy.
run phylo hmm _build/linearham/linearham --pipeline run actual linearham phylo hmm, using cluster.yaml, <--parameter-dir>, and revbayes_run.trees to write lh_revbayes_run.trees
collect run statistics scripts/run_bootstrap_asr_ess.R collects info from lh_revbayes_run.trees and cluster_seqs.fasta to write three output files: linearham_run.{trees,log,ess}
calculate naive seq stats scripts/ collect info from linearham_run.trees to write aa_naive_seqs.{png,fasta,dnamap}
calculate lineage info scripts/ collect info from linearham_run.trees and aa_naive_seqs.fasta to write lineage summary info to aa_lineage_seqs.{,fasta,dnamap,pfilter0.1.png} (only run if --lineage-unique-ids is set)
write git version info git rev-parse write commit/tag info to enable reproducibility
write final annotations scripts/ Use original partis annotation in cluster.yaml and linearham stats in linearham_run.log to write final linearham annotations to linearham_annotations_{best,all}.yaml

Output files

Most of the output files you're likely to need are by default in the mcmc*/burninfrac*/ subdir of --outdir: e.g. burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/

file format description
linearham_run.log tsv posterior samples of annotations/naive sequences and parameters for the phylogenetic substitution and rate variation models
linearham_run.trees newick posterior tree samples with ancestral sequence annotations (formatted for use by Dendropy)
linearham_run.ess tsv approximate effective sample sizes for each field in linearham_run.log
aa_naive_seqs.fasta fasta each sampled naive amino acid sequence and its associated posterior probability
aa_naive_seqs.dnamap fasta (ish) map from each sampled naive amino acid sequence to its corresponding set of nucleotide naive sequences and posterior probabilities
aa_naive_seqs.png png logo plot of naive amino acid sequence posterior probability using WebLogo to visualize per-site uncertainties
linearham_annotations_all.yaml yaml annotations corresponding to the posterior tree samples (collapsing unique annotations, and with posterior probabilites set in 'logprob' key)
linearham_annotations_best.yaml yaml most likely annotation, i.e. the one that corresponded to the largest number of posterior tree samples

If --no-nestly-subdirs is set, instead of the cluster-*/mcmc*/burninfrac*/lineage_* subdirs, all files are written to the top-level dir (i.e. the calling program must specify a different dir in order to run with different parameters).

Every posterior tree sample corresponds to one sampled annotation; however before writing to linearham_annotations_all.yaml, duplicate annotations are collapsed. Each resulting unique annotation is assigned a probability proportional to the number of times it was sampled. These unique annotations are sorted by the resulting new 'logprob' key (in descending order) and written to linearham_annotations_all.yaml. Every sampled tree that contributed to each unique annotation is also added to that annotation (as a list in annotation['tree-info']['linearham']['trees']).

If --lineage-unique-ids is specified, there will also be additional lineage-specific output files, by default in subdirectories like lineage_<uid>/:

file format description
aa_lineage_seqs.fasta fasta for each intermediate ancestor in the lineage of the sequence with the specified id, the sampled amino acid sequence and its associated posterior probability
aa_lineage_seqs.dnamap fasta(ish) for each intermediate ancestor of the lineage of the sequence with the specified id, map from sampled amino acid sequence to its corresponding set of nucleotide sequences and posterior probabilities
aa_lineage_seqs.pfilterX.svg svg posterior probability lineage graphic made with Graphviz, where X is the posterior probability cutoff for the sampled sequences (see details below).

The posterior probability lineage plot (aa_lineage_seqs.pfilterX.svg) summarizes all the inferred ancestral sequences (and transitions among them) that were observed in the sampled trees. Each node represents an amino acid sequence: either inferred ("naive" if it was a naive sequence in any tree, otherwise "inter") or the seed sequence. The node's percent label (which also determines the color weight) is the fraction of trees in which it was observed, whether as naive or intermediate (so note that this can be larger than the probability in a naive sequence's name in the fasta file above, since in this plot we include also instances where it was an intermediate). Edges are labelled with the mutations separating their two nodes, and with the percent of transitions (in all trees) from the parent node that connect to the child node (which also determines the color weight). Edges with probability below are not plotted, so if you want to see more detail you should decrease this (note that this means plotted numbers generally don't add exactly to 100).

Most of the rest of the files in --outdir are just used to pass information among various linearham steps. By default, in the top-level dir are:

  • the partis output file that was used as input for linearham (e.g. partis_run.yaml), which contains partis-inferred clonal families (clusters) and annotations (including inferred naive sequence)
  • sub dirs for each cluster on which linearham was run, with name of form cluster-N/ for the cluster index N

Within each cluster's subdir cluster-N/ are:

  • a fasta file cluster-N/cluster_seqs.fasta with each of the cluster's input sequences, as well as its partis-inferred naive sequence
    • Note that the input sequences have SHM indels "reversed" (reverted to their state in the naive rearrangement), and non-variable regions (V/J framework) trimmed off.
    • This is equivalent to assuming that all shm indels occured at the tips of the tree, which is often not a good assumption, but standard phylogenetic approaches do not handle indels, so if you care about indels you'll need to handle them separately/by hand.
  • a partis yaml output file cluster.yaml resulting from pulling just this cluster out of the original partis output file that was used as input
  • the linearham output dir cluster-N/mcmciter<stuff> where <stuff> records the exact options of the revbayes run e.g. mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/

Within the linearham output dir mcmciter<stuff>

e.g. mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/:

file format description
revbayes_run.trees tsv results from tree sampling iterations, including phylogenetic substitution model and rate variation parameters and Newick trees
revbayes_run.log tsv results from tree sampling iterations but branch lengths are listed in tabular form rather than in a Newick tree
revbayes_run.rev Rev generated RevBayes script for tree sampling
revbayes_run.stdout.log txt stdout log of RevBayes tree sampling run
lh_revbayes_run.trees tsv results from tree sampling iterations plus V(D)J recombination information and contribution of each tree to posterior estimation
burninfrac<stuff> dir subdirectory for results from the run_bootstrap_asr_ess.R step onwards, i.e. final results

Naive sequence comparisons

One way to visualize the various output naive sequences and their probabilities is with lib/partis/bin/, which takes as input a linearham output dir and a partis output file (the latter preferably created with the --calculate-alternative-annotations option set). It then prints an ascii-art comparison of the amino acid and nucleotide naive sequences, as well as (for partis) a rundown of the alternative gene calls and their probabilities (the most likely of which was presumably input to linearham). More info here.

linearham's People


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linearham's Issues

Disable copy constructors?

One can disable copy constructors by making them private and not defining them. Should we do this for our big objects that we don't accidentally want getting passed by value?


A SmooshableStack will be a collection of smooshables that have the same left and right flexes. This is an abstraction for there being various alternate linear segments.

When two SmooshableStacks get smooshed together, the resulting SmooshableStack must be indexed by the product of the input stacks.

Can we use a common interface for Smooshables and SmooshableStacks so that they can both be part of a SmooshableChain?

B-W or stochastic EM?

How quickly can we do B-W or stochastic EM using linearham?

screenshot 2016-10-24 at 1 40 05 pm
screenshot 2016-10-24 at 1 40 35 pm


Lam, T. Y., & Meyer, I. M. (2010). Efficient algorithms for training the parameters of hidden Markov models using stochastic expectation maximization (EM) training and Viterbi training. Algorithms for Molecular Biology: AMB, 5, 38.

Do we really want to use scons?

I'm still orienting myself with how linearham works so I could be way off base, but I don't see how this is really something that scons is designed for. It seems like the vast majority of users will run linearham once on each sample, and won't ever do some complicated rerun of parts of a build, which is I think what scons is for. I'm sure we will fix the not-running problem that chaim is having, and i'm sure I'm doing something wrong in my command line to cause scons to tell me there's nothing to do when it hasn't done anything, but it just seems like most users' experience of linearham is going to be a lot of scons messages clogging up std out, and a lot of trying to figure out why scons isn't doing anything.

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
git rev-parse --verify HEAD >> _output/git.log && git describe --dirty >> _output/git.log
scons: done building targets.

i of course realize it may not be feasible to switch off of scons soon or even ever, but still.

linearham processing failure -- need help interpreting/solving error message

I'm trying to run linearham against the output of a partis partition. I started one job specifying cluster 0 and realized that it will take a very long time with the default parameters, so I picked a smaller cluster (sort of at random), reduced the tuning iterations and tried that analysis. My command line is:

Singularity linearham_latest.sif:~/v5x3838/linearham/linearham> scons --run-linearham --cluster-ind=10201 --partis-yaml-file=TSPN-m6-dedup2.part.yaml --parameter-dir=_output/._data_TSPN-Bulk-VH-M6_S1_L001_RM_001.Annot.seq.dedup2/ --template-path=templates/revbayes_template.rev --num-cores=4 --tune-iter=500 &

I get the following output (note that I also had a parallel job with the same command line running on cluster 15, so the outputs could be interleaved and there is definitely a message from the cluster 15 job -- apologies for the confusion; the same failure ultimately occurred for the cluster 15 job but I'm just showing the output for the cluster 10201 job).

I don't know how to address this error; I also note that the sequences listed in the error do not belong to cluster 10201, but to cluster 0 -- there are 1749, vs. the expected 13. The cluster 10201 analysis output folder does seem to have the correct set of sequences.

-bash-4.2$ pwd
-bash-4.2$ ls
cluster_seqs.fasta mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0
-bash-4.2$ fgrep -c Seq cluster_seqs.fasta

-bash-4.2$ fgrep -c Seq cluster_seqs.fasta
-bash-4.2$ head cluster_seqs.fasta

NNNNNNNNNNNN... [edited]

Note that the sequence numbers from cluster 0 are indeed the numbers appearing in the cluster 10201 output.

I'll go try to review the sequence lengths in a later addition to this issue.

Run log here

scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
_build/linearham/linearham --pipeline --yaml-path output/partis_run.yaml --cluster-ind 10201 --hmm-param-dir _output/._data_TSPN-Bulk-VH-M6_S1_L001_RM_001.Annot.seq.dedup2/hmm/hmms --seed 0 --num-rates 4 --input-path output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/revbayes_run.trees --output-path output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/lh_revbayes_run.trees
scripts/ templates/revbayes_template.rev --fasta-path output/cluster15/cluster_seqs.fasta --mcmc-iter 10000 --mcmc-thin 10 --tune-iter 500 --tune-thin 100 --num-rates 4 --seed 0 --output-path output/cluster15/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/revbayes_run.rev
Rscript --slave --vanilla scripts/run_bootstrap_asr_ess.R output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/lh_revbayes_run.trees output/cluster10201/cluster_seqs.fasta 0.1 0.05 4 0 output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.trees output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.log output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.ess
During startup - Warning messages:
1: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" 
2: Setting LC_COLLATE failed, using "C" 
3: Setting LC_TIME failed, using "C" 
4: Setting LC_MESSAGES failed, using "C" 
5: Setting LC_MONETARY failed, using "C" 
6: Setting LC_PAPER failed, using "C" 
7: Setting LC_MEASUREMENT failed, using "C" 
lib/revbayes/projects/cmake/rb output/cluster15/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/revbayes_run.rev > output/cluster15/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/revbayes_run.stdout.log
During startup - Warning messages:
1: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" 
2: Setting LC_COLLATE failed, using "C" 
3: Setting LC_TIME failed, using "C" 
4: Setting LC_MESSAGES failed, using "C" 
5: Setting LC_MONETARY failed, using "C" 
6: Setting LC_PAPER failed, using "C" 
7: Setting LC_MEASUREMENT failed, using "C" 
During startup - Warning messages:
1: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" 
2: Setting LC_COLLATE failed, using "C" 
3: Setting LC_TIME failed, using "C" 
4: Setting LC_MESSAGES failed, using "C" 
5: Setting LC_MONETARY failed, using "C" 
6: Setting LC_PAPER failed, using "C" 
7: Setting LC_MEASUREMENT failed, using "C" 
During startup - Warning messages:
1: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" 
2: Setting LC_COLLATE failed, using "C" 
3: Setting LC_TIME failed, using "C" 
4: Setting LC_MESSAGES failed, using "C" 
5: Setting LC_MONETARY failed, using "C" 
6: Setting LC_PAPER failed, using "C" 
7: Setting LC_MEASUREMENT failed, using "C" 
During startup - Warning messages:
1: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C" 
2: Setting LC_COLLATE failed, using "C" 
3: Setting LC_TIME failed, using "C" 
4: Setting LC_MESSAGES failed, using "C" 
5: Setting LC_MONETARY failed, using "C" 
6: Setting LC_PAPER failed, using "C" 
7: Setting LC_MEASUREMENT failed, using "C" 
scripts/ output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.trees --output-base output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/aa_naive_seqs
scripts/ output/partis_run.yaml output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.log --output-base output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_annotations
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/", line 72, in <module>
    update_partis_line_with_lh_annotation(partis_annotation_copy, lh_line, glfo)
  File "scripts/", line 56, in update_partis_line_with_lh_annotation
    utils.add_implicit_info(glfo, partis_line, check_line_keys=debug)
  File "/lrlhps/users/v5x3838/linearham/linearham/lib/partis/python/", line 1677, in add_implicit_info
    raise Exception('naive and mature sequences different lengths %d %d for %s:\n    %s\n    %s' % (len(line['naive_seq']), len(line['seqs'][iseq]), ' '.join(line['unique_ids']), line['naive_seq'], line['seqs'][iseq]))
Exception: naive and mature sequences different lengths 364 361 for Seq_101635 Seq_77199 Seq_31507 Seq_1228224 Seq_1406223 Seq_65283 Seq_140241 Seq_137393 Seq_266012 Seq_804603 Seq_37208 Seq_2354 Seq_280719 Seq_63290 Seq_346860 Seq_415247 Seq_893043 Seq_1276274 Seq_200797 Seq_220727 Seq_227062 Seq_1286156 Seq_1490066 Seq_305508 Seq_39626 Seq_836086 Seq_49250 Seq_578085 Seq_971382 Seq_313096 Seq_1484974 Seq_1521083 Seq_1639416 Seq_1742156 Seq_1485409 Seq_1218381 Seq_209536 Seq_299040 Seq_1586146 Seq_208873 Seq_1936063 Seq_328045 Seq_136842 Seq_385567 Seq_1274969 Seq_40662 Seq_250535 Seq_762960 Seq_275533 Seq_663926 Seq_21919 Seq_368872 Seq_173484 Seq_393546 Seq_5098 Seq_247192 Seq_471714 Seq_787082 Seq_836676 Seq_830684 Seq_805583 Seq_253507 Seq_822933 Seq_588810 Seq_810440 Seq_773318 Seq_291126 Seq_244975 Seq_410193 Seq_369511 Seq_369519 Seq_1158328 Seq_29907 Seq_1070999 Seq_750403 Seq_176910 Seq_32000 Seq_40034 Seq_619823 Seq_40038 Seq_405547 Seq_633393 Seq_497598 Seq_181125 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Seq_1541175 Seq_696102 Seq_522146 Seq_92559 Seq_5872 Seq_3438 Seq_48744 Seq_166521 Seq_218661 Seq_58903 Seq_455503 Seq_97792 Seq_1371851 Seq_922242 Seq_500842 Seq_751249 Seq_33041 Seq_119079 Seq_42580 Seq_311401 Seq_1334927 Seq_2236217 Seq_687746 Seq_24809 Seq_352602 Seq_316052 Seq_222223 Seq_11094 Seq_415140 Seq_459341 Seq_1816025 Seq_940450 Seq_373597 Seq_366298 Seq_979649 Seq_222524 Seq_216312 Seq_1451609 Seq_598890 Seq_1979387 Seq_152024 Seq_44568 Seq_167067 Seq_201896 Seq_67365 Seq_208641 Seq_782786 Seq_283375 Seq_113984 Seq_1191076 Seq_16742 Seq_1369481 Seq_859576 Seq_1408182 Seq_1667273 Seq_346010 Seq_459188 Seq_451539 Seq_915362 Seq_321493 Seq_241266 Seq_158149 Seq_1690814 Seq_80116 Seq_103019 Seq_8719 Seq_53696 Seq_139757 Seq_111139 Seq_406295 Seq_1587910 Seq_223175 Seq_140523 Seq_40569 Seq_49951 Seq_22118 Seq_334265 Seq_113045 Seq_1531956 Seq_548486 Seq_361922 Seq_127892 Seq_737080 Seq_288025 Seq_1635985 Seq_93076 Seq_9065 Seq_108558 Seq_641225 Seq_279132 Seq_689920 Seq_887237 Seq_594049 Seq_250454 Seq_96281 Seq_406479 Seq_19439 Seq_348222 Seq_792896 Seq_68172 Seq_660039 Seq_79480 Seq_286559 Seq_1701854 Seq_1121848 Seq_448942 Seq_948698 Seq_678631 Seq_615672 Seq_60665 Seq_627715 Seq_982874 Seq_1760817 Seq_1299477 Seq_936406 Seq_133855 Seq_216414 Seq_309654 Seq_851993 Seq_500670 Seq_176614 Seq_885440 Seq_86796 Seq_47404 Seq_866847 Seq_380285 Seq_253401 Seq_201011 Seq_994799 Seq_80392 Seq_662681 Seq_175858 Seq_870816 Seq_173040 Seq_117267 Seq_1448766 Seq_176799 Seq_282974 Seq_375289 Seq_332812 Seq_113563 Seq_188627 Seq_371549 Seq_9796 Seq_59594 Seq_1406982 Seq_253216 Seq_1860336 Seq_353273 Seq_63407 Seq_289564 Seq_131905 Seq_1733914 Seq_1112612 Seq_255490 Seq_640219 Seq_526883 Seq_103863 Seq_841100 Seq_767118 Seq_161782 Seq_653009 Seq_1431960 Seq_320144 Seq_419450 Seq_129075 Seq_660507 Seq_52987 Seq_279683 Seq_129323 Seq_254331 Seq_1181027 Seq_446951 Seq_645136 Seq_98782 Seq_1395408 Seq_322906 Seq_27512 Seq_1630127 Seq_579132 Seq_98464 Seq_169498 Seq_1414829 Seq_1572114 Seq_2012309 Seq_522122 Seq_607299 Seq_544072 Seq_66255 Seq_1634436 Seq_143839 Seq_178845 Seq_520079 Seq_315520 Seq_55833 Seq_193277 Seq_205188 Seq_81773 Seq_884977 Seq_227887 Seq_3912 Seq_118177 Seq_89073 Seq_502273 Seq_873357 Seq_1084235 Seq_454947 Seq_681728 Seq_29225 Seq_2069561 Seq_248252 Seq_526219 Seq_1202089 Seq_87578 Seq_154663 Seq_275490 Seq_225118 Seq_924982 Seq_97964 Seq_579530 Seq_696247 Seq_341938 Seq_16319 Seq_44467 Seq_304016 Seq_773180 Seq_67429 Seq_1471668 Seq_275404 Seq_592202 Seq_78683 Seq_22610 Seq_1342738 Seq_618636 Seq_1028055 Seq_748609 Seq_402058 Seq_140923 Seq_728474 Seq_527535 Seq_515944 Seq_1231281 Seq_525110 Seq_132757 Seq_1650611 Seq_92628 Seq_621653 Seq_5308 Seq_441246 Seq_1572775 Seq_1619896 Seq_90696 Seq_797867 Seq_964941 Seq_421640 Seq_252839 Seq_435552 Seq_1559637 Seq_261296 Seq_553237 Seq_1346639 Seq_171712 Seq_3011 Seq_3046 Seq_637205 Seq_441890 Seq_355084 Seq_1394955 Seq_763610 Seq_1136501 Seq_118088 Seq_451087 Seq_185022 Seq_120824 Seq_720991 Seq_243111 Seq_1632132 Seq_589255 Seq_1410122 Seq_355514 Seq_636869 Seq_781754 Seq_1053605 Seq_1339982 Seq_1825645 Seq_45024 Seq_791637 Seq_1229246 Seq_254135 Seq_413462 Seq_259675 Seq_312112 Seq_553642 Seq_595213 Seq_464489 Seq_1159402 Seq_687626 Seq_368503 Seq_899399 Seq_1164987 Seq_512489 Seq_136100 Seq_805514 Seq_33567 Seq_8688 Seq_1129536 Seq_616440 Seq_923984 Seq_2360417 Seq_2148738 Seq_166694 Seq_531474 Seq_1378925 Seq_968343 Seq_1208940 Seq_798590 Seq_90370 Seq_648535 Seq_231226 Seq_92733 Seq_363290 Seq_810360 Seq_815466 Seq_1146028 Seq_315513 Seq_290511 Seq_390136 Seq_2001233 Seq_441679 Seq_128759 Seq_1034622 Seq_196921 Seq_619552 Seq_83548 Seq_128158 Seq_1018520 Seq_1950654 Seq_171699 Seq_19789 Seq_20291 Seq_223665 Seq_958377 Seq_907592 Seq_764201 Seq_1460115 Seq_130544 Seq_56832 Seq_64395 Seq_146403 Seq_99182 Seq_4137 Seq_149071 Seq_270574 Seq_359677 Seq_925333 Seq_34121 Seq_20397 Seq_1023739 Seq_230956 Seq_1967323 Seq_141178 Seq_1025104 Seq_1541028 Seq_644686 Seq_371735 Seq_1003790 Seq_807996 Seq_340423 Seq_16734 Seq_413355 Seq_1524662 Seq_328782 Seq_281551 Seq_84148 Seq_73277 Seq_1430613 Seq_405637 Seq_266087 Seq_219251 Seq_996196 Seq_208573 Seq_191570 Seq_531392 Seq_662784 Seq_1069234 Seq_102255 Seq_315556 Seq_492447 Seq_180078 Seq_169412 Seq_1496395 Seq_5725 Seq_381359 Seq_272997 Seq_322163 Seq_201485 Seq_154122 Seq_112237 Seq_255600 Seq_88940 Seq_1698235 Seq_100489 Seq_524583 Seq_46988 Seq_47658 Seq_30069 Seq_9079 Seq_920926 Seq_1223788 Seq_543389 Seq_163285 Seq_314089 Seq_78370 Seq_156448 Seq_576040 Seq_1001908 Seq_93393 Seq_171996 Seq_306005 Seq_748098 Seq_246377 Seq_1293747 Seq_243441 Seq_195347 Seq_439156 Seq_54479 Seq_1252834 Seq_461406 Seq_219117 Seq_1447690 Seq_82676 Seq_115933 Seq_1134061 Seq_133863 Seq_298383 Seq_299036 Seq_588702 Seq_785511 Seq_476322 Seq_781362 Seq_360240 Seq_424665 Seq_32624 Seq_68449 Seq_1424811 Seq_1053172 Seq_1272977 Seq_597317 Seq_335033 Seq_104428 Seq_1582084 Seq_31588 Seq_1144004 Seq_1602878 Seq_672528 Seq_182266 Seq_1517873 Seq_199421 Seq_2667 Seq_174257 Seq_566909 Seq_750159 Seq_278415 Seq_897467 Seq_798901 Seq_188344 Seq_10311 Seq_369900 Seq_122459 Seq_285296 Seq_476651 Seq_554265 Seq_568107 Seq_86613 Seq_559449 Seq_534056 Seq_635493 Seq_586772 Seq_1059957 Seq_850917 Seq_379241 Seq_876955 Seq_402619 Seq_775140 Seq_964162 Seq_4040 Seq_169662:
scons: *** [output/cluster10201/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter500_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_annotations_best.yaml] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

make default tag on

I'm not sure if that's exactly what I mean that we should do, but I'm working on the readme and I think what we currently say -- go follow this link to and guess what tag you should use -- isn't a good long term choice.

The simplest comparison to ham

The simplest test comparison to ham would be an HMM of this shape:


two linear segments, with a collection of transitions between them in a range.

Can't seem to get linearham to run -- probably an issue understanding inputs


I successfully ran a partis partition job as follows:

/partis/bin/partis partition --infname ./data/TSPN-Bulk-VH-M6_S1_L001_RM_001.Annot.seq.dedup2.fasta --outfname ./TSPN-m6-dedup2.part.yaml --locus igh --initial-germline-dir ./data/germlines/aliva --sanitize-input-germlines --leave-default-germline --n-procs=8

(I had to use a partis Docker instance -- for some reason the partis code inside the linearham Docker image doesn't have your recent fixes, nor mafft.)

Then, using the linearham Docker image I try this:

scons --run-linearham --cluster-ind=0 --partis-yaml-file=../TSPN-m6-dedup2.part.yaml --outdir=../_output/ --parameter-dir=../_output/._data_TSPN-Bulk-VH-M6_S1_L001_RM_001.Annot.seq.dedup2/
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: `.' is up to date.
scons: done building targets.

(I've mapped in the linearham directory with all executables to be just below the directory where I created the partis outputs:
ls ..
TSPN-m6-dedup2.part.yaml data lham.recipe node plots run1.view_output.log
_output c hat3.seed linearham output pre

I don't really know scons and can't seem to get it to print out its steps. I tried deducing the command line to run outside of scons, but can't seem to get the parameters straight there.

My aim is to get the linearham analysis, hopefully in a graphical form as in your paper, for cluster 0 of the partis analysis. I'd really appreciate any help.


Test creation of [VDJ]Smooshables

  VGermline vgerm_obj(V_root);
  DGermline dgerm_obj(D_root);
  JGermline jgerm_obj(J_root);

  Smooshable VSmoosh = VSmooshable(vgerm_obj, std::make_pair(0,2),
                                   std::make_pair(5,7), emission_indices, 2);

  Smooshable DXSmoosh, DNSmoosh;
  std::tie(DXSmoosh, DNSmoosh) = DSmooshables(dgerm_obj, std::make_pair(4,5),
                                              std::make_pair(6,8), std::make_pair(10,11),
                                              emission_indices, 5);

  Smooshable JXSmoosh, JNSmoosh;
  std::tie(JXSmoosh, JNSmoosh) = JSmooshables(jgerm_obj, std::make_pair(5,6),
                                              std::make_pair(8, 9), std::make_pair(12, 13),
                                              emission_indices, 8);

Can we test the creation of these Smooshables?

What do we do with N bases in the middle of a read?

Partis' solution is to give a 1/4 emission probability to an N base, as described in ham's EmissionLogprob.

It seems clear to us that the emission probability should be 1 for an N, because N represents any base. We are not emitting a random variable, we are emitting a set.

Practically speaking in the code, our current solution is to map N's to (alphabet.size+1) and an extra row of the germline emission matrix with 1's. We can fill this row with 0.25 for the time being to match partis.

Cause of huge number of low-probability nodes


@mmshipley and I are wondering if it's expected that (or what would cause this) reducing the size of a family e.g. by tightening clustering definitions would result in a dramatically larger number of very low probability nodes in linearham's output? I think the numbers are going from roughly 50-100 seqs to 10-20 seqs, and the 10-20 are going to all be in the same sublineage that we care about, which is why i wouldn't expect results to change all that much?

This is an example of what things look like with the smaller cluster (whereas they look fine with the larger cluster):


(This is only with one of the filtering settings, but none of the other settings really improve things -- the tighter ones give nodes that aren't connected to the rest of the asr).

Docker image missing mafft

Trying to using your image at Dockerhub but I reach a point where mafft is called and it isn't part of the build.

(I'd also note that your build file doesn't seem to pull in the revbayes package as part of the build, but perhaps you address that manually since it's so big.)

Get partis SW results into linearham

Just to have everything in one place, here's the notation we've been using:

screenshot 2016-10-16 at 4 32 31 pm

For every gene we would like the query-level coordinates of every germline gene alignment, which is denoted m_G here for a germline gene G. We would also like the "flexes", which are the ranges of uncertainty in the beginning and end points for each of the germline gene matches.

AFACT everything we need is in the qinfo data structure.

  • qrbounds are the bounds of the S-W match indexing sites of the query sequence
  • glbounds are the bounds of the S-W match indexing sites of the GL sequence
{'first_match_qrbounds': (6, 299),
 'glbounds': {'IGHD2-15*01': (18, 31),
              'IGHD2-2*03': (15, 22),
              'IGHD2-21*02': (12, 21),
              'IGHD2-8*01': (9, 18),
              'IGHD3-10*01': (9, 19),
              'IGHD3-16*02': (22, 30),
              'IGHD3-22*01': (18, 24),
              'IGHD6-19*01': (9, 21),
              'IGHD6-6*01': (5, 18),
              'IGHJ1*01': (0, 52),
              'IGHJ2*01': (0, 53),
              'IGHJ4*02': (2, 48),
              'IGHJ5*02': (5, 51),
              'IGHJ6*02': (1, 62),
              'IGHJ6*03': (1, 62),
              'IGHV4-61*08': (6, 299)},
 'matches': {'d': [(34, 'IGHD3-16*02'),
                   (30, 'IGHD6-19*01'),
                   (29, 'IGHD6-6*01'),
                   (29, 'IGHD2-2*03'),
                   (29, 'IGHD2-15*01'),
                   (27, 'IGHD2-21*02'),
                   (26, 'IGHD3-10*01'),
                   (24, 'IGHD3-22*01'),
                   (21, 'IGHD2-8*01')],
             'j': [(175, 'IGHJ2*01'),
                   (158, 'IGHJ1*01'),
                   (152, 'IGHJ5*02'),
                   (146, 'IGHJ4*02'),
                   (143, 'IGHJ6*03'),
                   (143, 'IGHJ6*02')],
             'v': [(505, 'IGHV4-61*08')]},
 'name': '-2126437327330379358',
 'new_indel': False,
 'qrbounds': {'IGHD2-15*01': (299, 312),
              'IGHD2-2*03': (303, 310),
              'IGHD2-21*02': (299, 308),
              'IGHD2-8*01': (299, 308),
              'IGHD3-10*01': (299, 309),
              'IGHD3-16*02': (300, 308),
              'IGHD3-22*01': (299, 305),
              'IGHD6-19*01': (300, 312),
              'IGHD6-6*01': (299, 312),
              'IGHJ1*01': (312, 364),
              'IGHJ2*01': (311, 364),
              'IGHJ4*02': (318, 364),
              'IGHJ5*02': (318, 364),
              'IGHJ6*02': (302, 363),
              'IGHJ6*03': (302, 363),
              'IGHV4-61*08': (6, 299)},

Therefore it seems like

  • m_G is (left hand qrbound) - (left hand glbound) for G
  • the flexes are essentially the (min, max) of each of the entries in qrbounds, stratified by gene type

SCons not recognizing arguments to linearham?

root@d4094c82cf56:/linearham# scons --run-linearham --partis-yaml-file /linearham/data/linearham/partis_run.yaml --parameter-dir /linearham/data/partis_params/ --outdir /linearham/data/linearham/
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
usage: scons [OPTION] [TARGET] ...

SCons Error: --partis-yaml-file option requires an argument

root@d4094c82cf56:/linearham# ls -l /linearham/data/linearham/partis_run.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43392 Mar  6 16:23 /linearham/data/linearham/partis_run.yaml

root@d4094c82cf56:/linearham# scons --run-linearham --parameter-dir /linearham/data/partis_params/ --outdir /linearham/data/linearham/
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
usage: scons [OPTION] [TARGET] ...

SCons Error: --parameter-dir option requires an argument

root@d4094c82cf56:/linearham# cp -R data/partis_params/ data/linearham/paramter_dir

root@d4094c82cf56:/linearham# scons --run-linearham --outdir /linearham/data/linearham/
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
usage: scons [OPTION] [TARGET] ...

SCons Error: --outdir option requires an argument

Designing a Phylo object

I'd like to start getting to the nitty-gritty of how the objects will look for our phyloHMM implementation.

First, let's assume that there is a "Joe" class (named in honor of Felsenstein) that wraps all of the libpll data structures.

I propose a "Phylo" object:

  • Contains a Joe object with the current tree and the complete MSA (with all the germline bases that could align to the query sequences)
  • Contains information about the germline genes under consideration and their alignments to the MSA
  • Have methods such that we can ask for per-site likelihoods (and their derivatives?) for a specific gene

The idea then is that to calculate a marginal likelihood, we set up the corresponding Smooshables with the per-site likelihoods calculated by the Phylo object, then run the usual marginal likelihood algorithm. We can do whatever we want to the Joe object (modify tree and branch lengths, etc) and ask for such a re-calculation. This way the germline-encoded Smooshables only need to know what gene and range of that gene they represent; NTI Smooshables know what range of the MSA they represent.

I also propose that all Smooshishs have a dirty flag. In this way the calculation could proceed:

  1. Modify tree somehow
  2. Tell the Joe to update itself
  3. Mark every Smooshish in the Pile (recurring up through Chains, etc) as dirty
  4. Recalculate. If a Smooshable is dirty, it asks for its per-site likelihoods from the Phylo object, and if a Chain object is dirty it just recalculates based on its prev and curr (asking them to recalculate as well, which they do if they are dirty).

I haven't carefully thought out what to do with indels.

Remove matrix copy construction in Smooshable et al constructors?

@bcclaywell, should we just not worry about the overhead of the copy constructor used in the Smooshable constructor?

Seems like we are always building a matrix for the explicit purpose of putting in a Smooshable. Is there a way we could just move it into place?

We discussed this somewhere else, but putting it in an issue will remind me of the decision.

git describe crashes build

with error message fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.

It appears this happens when there's no tags in the local repo, which i think is a problem since if memory serves the default git pull/clone do not pull any tags.

Docker runs example and quits

This is probably a dumb "I don't know how to use Docker" question, but I when try to enter the Docker container, I can't get an interactive session. What am I doing wrong?

schrammca@cogsworth $> docker run -it -v /home/schrammca/2016201_Rv217/20170427/:/data

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
git rev-parse --verify HEAD >> output/git.log && git describe --dirty >> output/git.log
lib/partis/bin/partis annotate --all-seqs-simultaneous --infname data/liao_dataset.fasta --parameter-dir output/parameter_dir --locus igh --extra-annotation-columns linearham-info --outfname output/partis_run.yaml > output/partis_run.stdout.log
scons: done building targets.
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scripts/ output/partis_run.yaml --indel-reversed-seqs --fasta-output-file output/cluster-0/cluster_seqs.fasta --yaml-output-file output/cluster-0/cluster.yaml
 only one annotation in partis output file. Using it.
  writing 313 sequences to output/cluster-0/cluster_seqs.fasta
scripts/ templates/revbayes_template.rev --fasta-path output/cluster-0/cluster_seqs.fasta --mcmc-iter 25 --mcmc-thin 1 --tune-iter 0 --tune-thin 100 --num-rates 4 --seed 0 --output-path output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/revbayes_run.rev
lib/revbayes/projects/cmake/rb output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/revbayes_run.rev > output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/revbayes_run.stdout.log
_build/linearham/linearham --pipeline --yaml-path output/cluster-0/cluster.yaml --cluster-ind 0 --hmm-param-dir output/parameter_dir/hmm/hmms --seed 0 --num-rates 4 --input-path output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/revbayes_run.trees --output-path output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/lh_revbayes_run.trees
Rscript --slave --vanilla scripts/run_bootstrap_asr_ess.R output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/lh_revbayes_run.trees output/cluster-0/cluster_seqs.fasta 0.1 0.05 1 0 output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.trees output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.log output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.ess
scripts/ output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.trees --output-base output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/aa_naive_seqs
scripts/ output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.trees output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/aa_naive_seqs.fasta --seed-seq KC576081.1 --pfilters 0.1 --output-base output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/lineage_KC576081.1/aa_lineage_seqs
scripts/ output/cluster-0/cluster.yaml output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_run.log --output-base output/cluster-0/mcmciter25_mcmcthin1_tuneiter0_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/burninfrac0.1_subsampfrac0.05/linearham_annotations
git rev-parse --verify HEAD >> output/git.log && git describe --dirty >> output/git.log
scons: done building targets.

schrammca@cogsworth $> 

NRegion and SmooshableNRegion

Given emission probabilities for the various states, and a vector of N-region length prior probabilities, we need an object equivalent to a Germline that contains that information.

Then given an observed sequence (vector of indices) and an NRegion we can have a SmooshableNRegion analogous to the SmooshableGermline.

For purposes of comparison to ham, having the prior probabilities be geometric for first go would seem sage.

linearham crashed

root@d4094c82cf56:/linearham# scons --run-linearham                                                     
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scripts/ templates/revbayes_asr_template.rev --fasta-path output/cluster-0/cluster_seqs.fasta --mcmc-iter 10000 --mcmc-thin 10 --tune-iter 5000 --tune-thin 100 --num-rates 4 --seed 0 --output-path output/cluster-0/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/revbayes_run.rev
lib/revbayes/projects/cmake/rb output/cluster-0/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/revbayes_run.rev > output/cluster-0/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/revbayes_run.stdout.log
_build/linearham/linearham --pipeline --yaml-path output/cluster-0/cluster.yaml --cluster-ind 0 --hmm-param-dir output/parameter_dir/hmm/hmms --seed 0 --num-rates 4 --input-path output/cluster-0/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/revbayes_run.trees --output-path output/cluster-0/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/lh_revbayes_run.trees
linearham: _build/linearham/VDJGermline.cpp:51: std::unordered_map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>, linearham::GermlineGene> linearham::CreateGermlineGeneMap(std::__cxx11::string): Assertion `dir != nullptr' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
scons: *** [output/cluster-0/mcmciter10000_mcmcthin10_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_rngseed0/lh_revbayes_run.trees] Error 134
scons: building terminated because of errors.

Smooshables need likelihood scalers

Right now everything is stored in terms of probabilities, which is lovely and fast, though we need to avoid underflow.

I propose that they have a member variable that just stores a log likelihood, which scales the overall likelihood of each entry of each of the matrices.

This would also be handy for defining a smooshable from an alignment of a read to a germline gene, in which the part not incorporated in the smooshable could have its likelihood plopped into a simple variable.

(Reminder: both of the marginal and the Viterbi probabilities need to be scaled.)

biological validation data sets

Following Duncan's idea in lab meeting, let's talk about biological validation data. Simulation data is straightforward.

  • Chaim I guess has some data that would be appropriate due to depth of sampling?
  • There are experiments in which a mouse is engineered with a given naive sequence.
  • There are situations for HIV bnabs in which there are some samples that are close to the root, and some farther away. The samples close to the root "reveal" the naive sequence. Do we agree?

NodeList object where it expected a string

(linearham) [loraxis] linearham/ > scons --run-linearham --parameter-dir=~/work/partis/test/reference-results/test/parameters/simu --outdir=_output --partis-yaml-file=partis-out.yaml
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
AttributeError: 'NodeList' object has no attribute 'rfind':
  File "/home/dralph/work/linearham/SConstruct", line 332:
  File "/home/dralph/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nestly/", line 152:
    self.nest.add(key, nestfunc, create_dir=False)
  File "/home/dralph/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nestly/", line 174:
    for r in nestable(control):
  File "/home/dralph/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nestly/", line 150:
    return [func(destdir, control)]
  File "/home/dralph/work/linearham/SConstruct", line 345:
    + " --yaml-output-file ${TARGETS[1]}")
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 98:
    return genericpath._splitext(p, sep, altsep, extsep)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 99:
    sepIndex = p.rfind(sep)

linearham 2.0: the Awakening

As we discussed last week, a linearham re-structuring is required if we want to have objects that can be easily used for HMM hidden state sampling.

Remember for a standard HMM with x_1, ..., x_n being the hidden states and y_1, ..., y_n being the observed states (Scott, 2002):

gif latex

where the "alphas" are the cached HMM forward probabilities. This suggests a forward pass through the model to cache the "alphas", and then a backward pass to sample the hidden states. To make this easier to implement, we need to have data structures that store the quantities shown in the formulas above.

Currently, we've set things up (using Smooshables) that allows for easy computation of the HMM likelihood, but impossible hidden state sampling. One way to see this: we "smoosh" V, D, J marginal probability matrices left-to-right and then add these "Chains" up in our "Pile" top-to-bottom, when we really need to marginalize probabilities top-to-bottom at each site position as we go left-to-right (i.e. order of operations is swapped).

I propose the following:

Partition the HMM into distinct regions, the "germline" regions and the "junction" regions. The "germline" regions are guaranteed to contain germline states (known via the input S-W flexbounds) and thus have collapsed state spaces. The V-D and D-J "junction" regions are trickier to handle because there are many possible state configurations.

Our test example:

In the test example above, the V "germline" region would extend from sites 0-3 and the state space would consist of the different V germline genes (i.e. IGHV1-2*56, ....) with a cached forward probability per state. This would be computed by doing a "Smooshable-like" calculation with no exit probability (P(pad) P(emit 1) P(1 -> 2) P(emit 2) P(2 -> 3) P(emit 3) for our example V gene). We also have a transition probability matrix from the V "germline" region to the V-D "junction" region at sites 4-7. The state space here is ("V,3", "V,4", "D, N_a", "D, N_c", "D, N_g", "D, N_t", "D, 0", "D, 1", "D, 2"), thus the t.p.m. is (1 x 9) in our example. The forward probability matrix for this "junction" region would have rows indexed by the different states and columns by the different sites (i.e. 4, 5, 6, 7). There would then be a transition probability matrix from the V-D "junction" region to the D "germline" region, which would be treated similarly to the V "germline" region. The remaining regions have a similar structure.

Computationally, we'd store all the ^ matrices in some class (Data?). Of course, we want to compute the minimal number of libpll likelihoods for emissions so utilizing the work in #43 will be important. One big difference is that I think our initial thoughts of using a {germline base, germline rate, MSA pos.} -> xMSA pos. map should be adjusted to {germline base, MSA pos.} -> xMSA pos. as libpll doesn't seem to be adding per-site rates in the near future (let's stick to 4-rate gamma?). Extracting emission likelihoods is simple as each HMM state encodes a germline base and we iterate across the MSA positions. To make our lives easier, we could even store a vector<string> holding the states in a particular region and a vector<int> holding the corresponding germline bases. Right now, we have two maps germ_xmsa_indices_ and nti_xmsa_indices_ that stores the xMSA indices used to extract emission probs. in germline/NTI regions, respectively; we could do something analogous for the "germline" and "junction" regions in this proposal.

Given all of the storage requirements described ^, we'd have to use the parsed partis HMM parameter information (from the YAML files) to "fill in" these matrices/vectors/maps. Once we do that, we do our forward pass to fill in the forward probability entries and then can sample hidden states according to the backward recursion.

It does feel a bit like re-inventing the wheel WRT to partis's HMM state structure, but there seem to be a few benefits of having linearham:

  1. reduced state space in the "germline" regions, leading to faster HMM likelihood computation (otherwise we're doing "quadraticham" and would be slow when doing weighted SRS for tons of trees),
  2. hidden state sampling allows us to characterize naive sequence uncertainty (unlike partis viterbi),
  3. linearham can work on single sequence reads (star-tree) or phylogenetic MSAs (phylo-tree).

Thoughts, @matsen ??

Compare to bcrham

Time to cook up some tests comparing to bcrham.

Here are the sequences for which we have HMM parameters already in the linearham repo.


Let's use those to make some fake sequences that can be run through bcrham. The first one could be just concatenating the sequences together, then adding some insertions and deletions, etc.

Consistent naming convention

Right now sometimes matrices have matrix in the title, sometimes not. Same for vectors.

Make this consistent.

Add more info to manual


├── cluster0
│   ├── cluster_seqs.fasta
│   └── mcmciter100000_mcmcthin100_tuneiter5000_tunethin100_numrates4_seed0
│       ├── burninfrac0.0001_subsampfrac0.05: everything in this dir is an output file
│       │   ├── aa_naive_seqs.dnamap: complements the .fasta file, has dna sequences
│       │   ├── aa_naive_seqs.fasta: aa	naive sequences	with probabilities (should match up with numbers from linearham_run.log)
│       │   ├── aa_naive_seqs.png: logo	plot of of per-site aa naive sequence uncertainties corresponding to .fasta
│       │   ├── linearham_run.ess: unimportant
│       │   ├── linearham_run.log: each line is one sample. Ignore log likelihoods, treat each line as equal probability. (the log probs are for the distributions that were sampled from to *get* the lines in these files, i.e. ignore them)
│       │   ├── linearham_run.trees: each line is one sample.  Ignore log likelihoods, treat each line as equal probability.
│       │   └── seedseqQA013.2-igh: for	each seed sequence we have a aa_lineage_seqs file, which is analagous to aa_naive_seqs in parent dir
│       │       ├── aa_lineage_seqs.dnamap: includes same naive	seq stuff as in	parent dir, as well as similar stuff for intermediate ancestors	(except ignore probs for intermediates, since there isn\'t an easy way to compare them)
│       │       ├── aa_lineage_seqs.fasta: corresponds to dnamap
│       │       ├── each is a naive to seed lineage plot with the indicated probability threshold (threshold means we ignore potential ancestor chains/lineages less than that prob)
│       │       ├── aa_lineage_seqs.pfilter0.01.png
│       │       ├──
│       │       ├── aa_lineage_seqs.pfilter0.02.png
│       │       ├──
│       │       ├── aa_lineage_seqs.pfilter0.04.png
│       │       ├──
│       │       ├── aa_lineage_seqs.pfilter0.06.png
│       │       ├──
│       │       └── aa_lineage_seqs.pfilter0.08.png
│       ├── lh_revbayes_run.trees: ignore this file (the annotations seemed to not be self-consistent)
│       ├── revbayes_run.log
│       ├── revbayes_run.rev
│       ├── revbayes_run.stdout.log
│       └── revbayes_run.trees
├── partis_run.stdout.log
├── partis_run.yaml

Make matrices supporting Viterbi calculation optional?

Unless I'm mistaken, the extra matrices and data structures required to support Viterbi calculation incur a significant overhead.

Here's one proposal:

  • add a flag that turns Viterbi calculation on or off
  • raise an error if we ask for a traceback if it's off

A more elegant solution would be to have the current Smooshable class become something like a ViterbiSmooshable, and then have Smooshable just support the marginal functionality.

We should discuss this more before implementing.

figure out why output dir has to be under `/linearham`

Next problem:

root@e22536b936fb:/linearham# scons --run-partis --fasta-path=../data/VRC43H-min5.fa --all-clonal-seqs --parameter-dir=../data/partis_params --outdir=../data/linearham
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: `.' is up to date.
scons: done building targets.
root@e22536b936fb:/linearham# ls ../data/linearham/

Where do I look for an error message?

Viterbi calculations in the NTI region are incorrect

Currently, we calculate viterbi probabilities and paths through the NTI region by marginalizing over the hidden NTI states and just recording the best NTI exit point. We should, instead, be recording the viterbi probability at each NTI base, and store backpointers to the optimal hidden NTI bases (i.e. we shouldn't be calculating the NTI likelihood, we should be doing a standard HMM viterbi procedure in this region).

(Side note: We also should be doing proper viterbi analysis, instead of just getting viterbi paths for each VDJ smooshed chain, and then max'ing over all VDJ chains, but this is up for discussion).

change actions to positional argument

As far as i can tell there's a variety of boolean commands to specify which action to run, --run-partis, --run-linearham, --build-partis-linearham. This is pretty confusing.

Use new partis fcn add_seqs_to_line()

It's hard to believe when we talked about this before I didn't realize how easy it would be, but I wrote a function to add new sequences (i.e. inferred intermediates from a phylo program) to an existing partis annotation without running partis, it just uses a mafft step if there's some constant region cruft. I'm pretty sure there's at least one place in linearham that we want to use this rather than running partis from scratch?

0-indexing for flexes

... so that a flex of 0 corresponds with no uncertainty for the transition point. It is consistent with 0-indexing other places.

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