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realtime's Issues

Make custom events optional

Create an option to completely disable the custom events as requested on the Steam Workshop.

Makes sense and isn't that hard to implement.

Using a car

Our community noticed that VERY much dropped the use of the car, compared with the usual (vanilla) game. It's pretty nice for big cities, but still not everyone wants it. And not every city so strongly refuses the car. It would be wonderful to add a button to select the degree of car usage. And Thank you for your wonderful mod and your work!

Correct "per week" stats

In the PT lines overview, you have for example 3000 cims per week, but that is in the simulation time and in the real time. I guess it's more like 3000 per hour?

So either replacement of the word "week" to "hour" could work, or show the actual week stat, so i guess more like, 50000 per week.

This also applies for parks and unique buildings, and other stuff i forgot.

Configurable work shifts

The second shift and the night shift should be configurable - how many citizens work second and night shift. As of version 1.1, the distribution is hard-coded to 25% for each.
This can lead to way too heavy night traffic in large cities with lots of 24h-available workplaces.

Feedback on v1.6

The 'Wakeup and go to sleep' feature is working well, but after some play testing I have following feedback:

  1. Saturdays and Sundays feel like week days
    • Saturday: People will generally get up a little later than usual
    • Sunday: Like Saturday, people will get up later than usual, but they'll also be in bad much earlier
    • Suggestions:
      1. Slider to set Weekend wake up time
      2. Slider to set Sunday sleep time (Saturday sleep time = weekday sleep time)
  2. I yearn for half day during week
    • The city feels really weird without it
    • ...because RealTime is making all other aspects of my city feel more real, which exacerbates discrepancies
    • Suggestions:
      1. Drop-down to choose Half-day week day (defaults to "Disabled")
      2. Start of lunch hour (existing setting) defines time at which half-day kicks in on selected day of week
      3. Half-day shutdown amount option (probability tab) defines how many buildings will clos (ideally), or, alternatively, how many cims will go home after lunch.
      4. Could be staggered transition, based on hours defined by existing Overtime setting?
  3. Sometimes I want to 'skip to night speed' -- discussed below...

Skip to night speed...

I'm finding that at a certain point of day (usually late evening), I'm wanting to shift to faster rate of time rather than waiting for sleep time to kick in. I can do this manually, by going in to mod options and increasing day speed, but it's obviously cumbersome to keep doing that.

It's as if my brain is saying "I'm done for the day, let's see how those changes play out, and I'll continue in the morning". So I'm yearning for a "done for the day" button, which would instantly trigger night speed setting prior to reaching sleep time, but would not trigger night budgets (they remain in day mode until sleep time is reached).

Vacations for citizens

Currently, all citizens work all the year long having just breaks on Weekends.
Like in real life, some citizens should be able to go on vacation. The maximum duration should be configurable (not all players might like when lots of workers are hanging around for 2 weeks).
The vacation probability should depend on the current season and social status. Families should go on vacation all together (including children and teens).
Citizens will visit leisure, tourist, and parks as well as go shopping. More night activity on vacation for adults.

More precise citizens behavior simulation

Current citizens behavior simulation is based on the state that is provided by the vanilla game.
By introducing custom state structures, the simulation can be made more precise and realistic.

  • citizens remember how much time they need to get to work (in average) and start moving to work according to that
  • this should of course react on game changes (new transport networks, new roads, etc.)
  • more exact state tracking (lunch, relaxing, shopping, etc.)

The persistence has to be well thought thorough, because the game provides limited space for custom data.

Make construction speed depended on building height.

I love the realism the lowered construction speed gives, perhaps we can extend this even further by decreasing the construction speed if buildings get taller.
In the image above, you can see low density pub and a high rise office, their construction started at the same day.

Changing construction speed mid build = pancake buildings

I had construction speed set to 1, placed a few new buildings to be constructed. Got bored waiting and ramped construction speed up to 100. The buildings were then pretty much instantly constructed, however they were flat like pancakes. Changes to roads or doing any bulldozing in the area seemed to "inflate" them back to normal shape and size.

Make Work shifts depended on sector.

It would be more realistic if workshits would depend on sector for instance:
Industry: Shift1: 6am - 2pm Shift 2: 2 pm till 10 pm (not sure about agriculture
IT and offices : 9 am - 5:30 pm
Shops: 11 am - 8 pm
Leisure: shift 3 pm - 3 am ? in two shifts?
etc etc
Best would be if it could be user configurable, perhaps via an XML file?

Football events are buggy

The time bar shows sometimes, that a football event is upcoming.
However, this is not the case.
Sometimes these events even overlap in the time bar.

Also, citizens go to the stadium and then leave again, because there is no football match at that time actually.

Work hours for industries

As suggested on Steam Workshop, the ore industry should accept workers 24/7/365. It seems that it makes sense to do that for the oil industry too.

The forest and agriculture industries should accept workers even on Weekends.

The default industry doesn't need any changes.

Gradual 'rate of time' change between day and night speeds

I've got day speed set to 1 (almost real time) and night speed set to something much faster (can't remember exact value, but night speed is much faster than day).

When night transitioned to day, everything was fine - the 'rate of time' in game slowed down and everything continued working as normal.

However, when day transitioned to night, the sudden change in 'rate of time' from slow to pretty fast caused utter chaos.

First, there were major traffic jams because suddenly time was condensed. But then a bunch of weird stuff started happening - for example, info panels stopped working (note: Might be issue with Extended Building Info 1.10 mod), and TM:PE cargo train restrictions were skipped resulting in cargo trains in my passenger stations. After a while, everything settled and returned to normal, but it seems the sudden shift in 'rate of time' caused a spasm in multiple aspects of the game.

As such, I was wondering if rather than just switching immediately to different 'rate of time' it would be better to have a gradual 'tween' transition between the two rates? Ideally with the transition period happening in the section of the day/night cycle with the fastest speed - in my case, the transitions would therefore happen in the night phase, before dawn and after sunset, like so:


-----          -----   ↑ Faster
     \        /       
      \      /        
       ------          ↓ Slower


  • n = night
  • d = day
  • T = transition period (happens during night in my case, because night is faster)
  • - = rate of time (higher = faster)
  • \ and / = transition between rates of time

This way the change in rate of time happens smoothly rather than a sudden spasm-inducing jump.

Hope that somewhat cumbersome description makes sense lol.

Time warp while paused

While game is paused, allow time warping. Return to previous time when game is un-paused.

Also, auto-pause when time warping (so I don't have to manually pause prior to time warping). Un-pausing would still be manual process.

Make the statistics usable

With time advancing slowly, the statistics feature of the game is unusable.
It would be great to scale the statistics depending on the selected time flow speed.

Make time speed synchronized with the citizens' walking speed

Currently, there are modifications to customize the citizens' walking speed and the cars' speed. Activating those breaks the Real Time behavior because the citizens are way too slow for the time flow, and so they are always late.

Maybe it's a good idea to synchronize the time flow with the citizens' walking speed.

Wind turbine speed

When the 'rate of game speed' (or whatever the correct term is) is slowed to nearly real world time, the blades of wind turbines rotate very slowly - slower than one would expect them to turn in real life.

I ended up checking the wind overlay map a few times because the turbines were rotating so slow that my brain nagging me that the wind speed must be slow today or something.

I get why it's happening, but am wondering if for sake of gameplay they could be made to rotate a small amount faster when the 'rate of game speed' is on very low setting? (I'd still expect them to slow a bit, but not to a crawl).

School holidays

Suddenly thousands of kids run amok, causing huge increase in park and commerce usage. FOR WEEKS!

Parents also more likely to take holidays during this period = industry/offices could suffer worker shortages.

Maybe implement as an event, as this could potentially allow players to define specific dates for the holiday (multi-day events FTW!). It would also allow multiple school holidays to be defined - eg. summer hols, xmas hols, and so on.

IMO it would be good to use events to define all kinds of holidays - not just for school breaks. It could evolve in to "holiday calendar" event definition mods in the workshop?

Would be nice to see cim info panel state they holiday (ideally naming the holiday, as defined by the event).

See also: #28

Lights out when sleeping

Following on from discussion in #65, I've separated this out in case there's an asset creator or modder that can assist with the following:

dymanoid: This is a tough one. I'm not an asset editor and have no idea how to control all that 3D stuff. So of course we can list this feature here, but I doubt I can implement it any time soon. A help from some asset editor / Unity3D geek would be highly appreciated.

I suspect @ronyx69 might know how that stuff works as he's done a bunch of mods relating to visual stuff.

Info is required for the code is that toggles building window lights for the day/night cycle.

Simplified summary (eg. ignoring fact that in summer the sunset could occur after sleep time, etc):

  • Sunset: Base game turns lights on
  • Sleep time: RealTime makes some buildings go dark, because cims are sleeping
  • Wake time: RealTime relights some of those buildings as cims are getting up for work
  • Sunrise: Base game turns lights off

Prop lights would be largely unaffected, eg. the red flashing lights at top of skyscrapers, etc. That being said, if code is available to toggle those, I have some ideas for a separate mod that could make use of it :)

Synchronize the temperature with the daytime

Currently, the temperature changes too fast when Real Time is activated. This has to be fixed - the temperature change speed must be significant slower that in the vanilla game.

Scrutinise the budgets

Most budgets aren't affected by sun position. That situation was ignorable in the vanilla game, but becomes somewhat cringeworthy when RealTime is applied because the city starts behaving as it should (eg. people are at work when they should be at work, which is unaffected by sun position, rather than a random mess like vanilla).

For reference (probably missing stuff - eg. there's a heating budget, right?):

region capture 10


Concept of budget here is meaningless IMO. If you need more power, build more power gen buildings. Increasing budget isn't going to make a wind turbine kick out more juice.

Consumption based on clock time (ie. activity of citizens) and temperature rather than just sun position, eg:


IMO separate mod should refactor this slider in to a buy/sell price for trading power with off-map cities.

Water / Sewage

Uhm, same sort of thing as Electricity!


Not affected by sun position.

If anything should be main shift vs. other times.

Healthcare and deathcare

Pretty much 24/7 these days?

Certainly nothing to do with sun position.


Should just be single slider, fires don't care what time of day it is.


Not affected by sun position - if anything it's affected by work shifts and events? So probably peak vs. off-peak, with the mod working out from other settings when those periods are?


Not affected by sun position.

Should just be single slider to set budget during operational hours?


Relates to trees and paths.

Mostly done during daylight hours, pretty much nil outside main shift hours.

Should just be single slider defining budget during operational hours.

Monuments and Uniques

Not affected by sun position.

Single slider defining budget during operational hours (being main and evening work shift)?


I assume this means physical transport infrastructure (rail tracks, cable car wires, etc) but not stations or vehicles?

Again, not really affected by sun position. It's more about work hours (main workshift vs. other shifts).

Various PT types

Definitely not affected by sun position.

IMO bulk of discussion taking place in #41 is trying to determine the 'busy' period for PT.

While there are rush hours, as we've discussed elsewhere (#31 for example) they all sort of blend in to one another. Hence the discussion in #41 to define a period (that I call "shopping hours") during which the most activity occurs. Outside that period PT provision would generally decrease.

In Summary...

  1. Sunset and sunrise are pretty much meaningless concepts in terms of budgets.
  2. In vanilla game, that didn't matter because it was just complete chaos
  3. RT fixes that chaos, and now I cringe every time I think of day vs. night budgets
  4. Only Landscaping budget is conceivably dependant on sun position when RT is active
  5. PT budgets in particular are unusable (conceptually broken) when RT is active (even dynamic sunrise/sunset feature is disabled)

Use day/night sliders in settings UI

The settings UI has grown quite large and I assume it will grow further as the mod matures.

Would it be worth using the combined day/night sliders as seen on the budgets panel? This would allow several of the day/night and start/finish sliders to be merged, reducing amount of sliders in the mod settings.

Advanced status in info panels (was: Should students be "going home" at 5am?)

Yesterday I noticed, around 5am game time, lots of students driving home. Their college (university) is relatively short drive from where they live.

I suspect they were returning from distant leisure (I had a large amusement park on other side of map) but so far haven't found a way to check where they were coming from (the vanilla routes report tool only shows the remaining part of their journey which is somewhat annoying).

I guess it's just my mind being weird again, like the ill-fated #33 , but with RT active I suddenly feel an increased need to know what my cims are up to (eg. are they on the roads because they just finished a work shift or something else) - such info would help with planning transport routes, etc.

Would it be possible to mod the info panels for cars, cycles and pedestrians to show details about where they're coming from (currently it only shows where they are going to). For example "Was at {previous location}"?

Real/virtual citizens balance

Currently it is not possible to shift the balance. Almost all citizens are "real".
It would be great to have an option for configuring the amount of virtual citizens.
This will make large cities more playable, but of course less real.

Auto time dilation

Regardless of what speed I set the game to, there are certain periods of time where I'd like it to slow down a bit more (time dilation). For example, I find rush hours to be interesting, but currently (as of 1.1 release) have to go in to game options to manually slow time down further (as I might not want that 'rate of time' outside of rush hour).

Interesting periods of time:

  • Event starting/ending
  • Work shift starting/ending
  • School day starting/ending
  • Sunset / Sunrise
  • Natural disaster

Would be nice if I could tick a box next to those categories and to make time dilate (slow down another 10% or 20%?) when those things occur.

Show the date somewhere

Could you show the current date of the game somewhere?
As the sun dawns and sun sets are dynamic and depended on which time of the year it is, it would be nice to actual read that somewhere, or am i going blind?

Seems to be incompatible with WG realistic population and consumption mod as well as Ultimate Eyecandy.

I gave your mod today a trial run over several hours in my well balanced city save. From the start i directly saw that the established demands changed around drastically, from 80% residential demand and about 25% commercial demand and zero industry demand to 30% residential demand and 30% industry demand while commercial demand vanished completely. As i wrote in the title I'm using WG's realistic consumption and population mod. and this city is a model project of mine, it had the same demands for about three days without me changing anything and not expanding the city further as i was working on the network structure to eliminate traffic jams so i know where my city was at. Another issue I found so far is a possible interference from BloodyPinguins Ultimate Eyecandy mod. the times are not in sync and i guess your mod touches the same API parts and there might be an interference.

As well I can confirm that the demand for commercial sinks so drastically that about 60% of all commercial buildings vanish. Might be even more as i have run the simulation for about 4 hours only.

Beside that a good mod with a lot of potential, even if I will deactivate it for now because of the above mentioned, I really would love to give this a try. Holler if you need any testing.

Right now i run the saved test run without your mod to see if it will recover from that. No worries no harm will be done if not i have extra made a savegame before I tried your mod. Will report here if it will recover or not.

Bug? cim traveled to the industry --> teleports to his office workspot

I was Snooping around in my industrial traffic, there i noticed a driver going to a industry. but it was a worker at a office! Still he parked his car at the industry. Quickly i started following him, and while he was walking out of his parked car, he teleported back to his house. and finally after a few seconds, he teleported to his work in the office, which is miles away from his house and the parked car at a industry plot!
Here an overview of the area:


So i was wondering if this might be a effect of RT --> travelling of workers to their work. or perhaps TMPE related... what do you think?

Realistic logic for building problems

Currently, all building problem timers may run too fast. They are not synchronized with the time speed, but rather with the simulation speed. This may cause e.g. a 'no customer' problem when a commercial building doesn't get any buying visitors for several hours (depending on the time speed).
The problem timers have to adopt to the time speed.

Day off work for citizens

Some working citizens might take day off work or short vacations time to time. However, this shouldn't happen all too frequently.
It would also be great to see this state in the citizen's info window.

Commerce in industrial areas showing not enough customers

Due to the 'lunch hour' feature, I've put some commercial buildings in industrial areas - around lunch time, the configured percentage of cims do appear to be heading to the commerce to get lunch.

However, at all other times, cims in industrial areas are unlikely to visit the shops, causing the 'not enough customers' bubble to be displayed. I've placed the industrial area in a valley quite some distance from the nearest residential zones, so even cims willing to travel to shops are unlikely to visit the rudimentary commerce nestled amidst the industrial area.

If some cims visit commerce for breakfast on way to work, could some of those check for commerce near work and, if found, favor that over commerce near home? Same on way home - some cims could nip to shops near work before commuting home? Assuming those checks would be time consuming, maybe have a cached flag per workplace or district indicating presence of nearby commerce.

Citizens die/get sick while visiting a football match

Two Workshop players reported that there are too many ambulances/hearse vehicles approaching the football stadium while a football match is ongoing. The visitors seem to get sick and die unexpectedly.

To investigate. Maybe related to #62.

Restrict maximum active construction sites

Currently, the construction sites are all active at the same time. So it doesn't look realistic when the half of the city is upgrading/constructing. The maximum of active construction sites should be restricted.
This should be a configurable parameter.
For upgrading, this might cause issues: when many buildings want to upgrade at the same time, what happens with the "paused" ones? To investigate whether the upgrading triggers can be delayed or whether the paused upgrades affect anything.

Abandon a ride when too long in congestion

Cims should abandon the ride when they are too long in a traffic congestion. It doesn't make any sense to sit there all day long. This is especially useful when the vehicle despawn is deactivated (using another mods).

Overnight and free morning shifts

As reported on the Steam Workshop:

Could it be possible to reserve 10 or 20% of the cims to work at dawn, as it happens in the real world? It would be very good to further enhance the reality that this mod proposes to bring.

Additionally, there might be overnight shift jobs available in the city.

Too many citizens visit the same leisure buildings

In cities with not so many leisure areas, citizens tend to visit those buildings often, even if they are far away.

This logic has to be changed. The citizens should not travel too long for visiting a leisure building. They should search for it locally or in a restricted area.

No locale found

Hello, I've added your mod and its working nicely, the only problem is that the settings for the mod is all showing No locale found, meaning I can't set up the values because I don't know what they mean. Or at least screenshot of the normal settings would be helpful for setup. 👍

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