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glean-dictionary's Issues

Run storybook tests in ci

Storybook snapshot tests in CI (where we verify that stories still render after a pull request) can often catch problems, e.g. it was helpful in the iodide project (see iodide-project/iodide#2506). I'm not sure how to set this up in Svelte but I'm guessing it should be possible. You can see the aforementioned PR for iodide for some ideas.

Make Metrics section filterable

While reading the proposal for glean-dictionary I came across this, Which proposes that the Metrics section on the ping page should be filterable


Currently, If we navigate to this page

It shows a large list of metrics for the fenix app which shows that the current Metrics section on the ping page is not filterable.

Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 1 11 55 AM

I think it would be great if we add the FilterInput.svelte component to the metrics section to make it filterable.

Add link to github repo of Applications

As per the Glean dictionary proposal :

Application page should have a link to the application's source repository which is currently missing.

Where to add:

  1. Below the Header for application name / Make the Application Name a hyperlink to the source repo

How to add:
We might need a pre-existing database with this information
have to store it in a JSON format , which would need maintenance if any application is added.

Code to change : src/pages/AppDetail.svelte

Metric pages show almost no info

This issue is intended as an onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

Despite having a bunch of metadata in them, we show almost nothing about the metrics on the metric page.

For a start, let's show everything the earlier glean dictionary prototype did:


The code that needs to be modified is here:

All the information we want to display should already be extracted. If you have the server running locally, go to e.g.:


This is the dataset corresponding to:


You can skip the "help" parts of this dialog for now. We'll tackle that in a separate issue. Also, don't worry about styling the component too much-- can just use a table for now (like we do in the table view already: http://localhost:5000/#!/apps/mach/tables/usage)


Currently there's only an example test. It would be a good idea to add some testing maybe with something like svelte-testing-library along with Jest. This way we can familiarise ourselves with the codebase through writing some tests.

Run ETL code after a schema deploy

This bug requires specialized knowledge and access to Mozilla's internal systems, so is not a good issue for contributors

The Glean Dictionary currently has some etl code which you need to run adhoc to create a bunch of static data assets in -- we may eventually move to storing this in an elastic search cluster (see discussion here: but this seems like the easiest approach for now. While we're in this phase, we should schedule this etl code to run after a schema deploy and upload it to the bucket we're using with protosaur (#60). Need to talk to someone from dataops when we're ready to do this.

External link should be opened in new tab

Opening an external link in a new tab allows one to explore the other site as much as they want without having to hit the back button again. It helps to keep focus in one place without losing other websites' information.

Currently, metrics page opens external links in new tab. Pings page and Tables page need to be updated.

Here another thing to be noted, we should not open internal link in the new tab because it might confuse users. Also, Glean dictionary has the flexibility to navigate back or elsewhere according to users' needs. So for this, keeping users in the same tab helps them understand the navigation flow better.

Persist search state in BigQuery table view

In the BigQuery table view we currently allow the user to search through the column names to find the ones of interest:


It would be very handy if we could persist that search in the URL (and restore it when they visit it), so that people could link to specific views and have the search prepopulated. In the above example, that would be:


To perform this task, have a look at the documentation for page.js, which is what we currently use for routing:

You will probably need to modify the main router (App.svelte) in addition to the component for the table view.

Include more application metadata

We don't have a ton of Glean application metadata currently, but we have more than we're currently displaying (name + description).

In particular, we should include the following:

  • source code URL -- where to look up the source code
  • application id -- the id of the application, corresponding to what we use on the play store with android applications
  • deprecated (if true) -- whether the application is deprecated (no longer under active development)

application id and source code URL should only be displayed in the application detail screen. For now, just display them as a table, as we do for the BigQuery table view e.g. http://localhost:5000/#!/apps/fenix-nightly/tables/activation

"deprecated" should be displayed as a pill (in both the application list and application detail screen). Create a new svelte component using tailwind with a pleasing style. You can see some documentation on how to create a pill here:

Have the UI flag when an app is on the prototype stage

On mozilla/probe-scraper#244 we added a flag that signals when an app is still on the prototype stage.

We should have the dictionary show that on the UI somehow.

This bug should be handled in two stages:

  1. Define how we are going to add this flag to the Glean dictionary's UI, discuss the proposed solution (can be done on this issue's comments);
  2. Implement whatever is decided.

Table search only searches in last part of the component

This issue is intended as an onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

Currently the filter search in the table view (e.g. http://localhost:5000/#!/apps/mach/tables/usage) only filters for content in the last "node" in the structure. e.g. if you have


and you search for "client", it will filter out all of the above except for client_info.client_id. Ideally the search would include all entries whose parent elements have the term in them (in the example above, this would be everything that includes client).

To fix this, you'll need to edit the schemaviewer component:

const filterTextChanged = (filterText = "") => {

We should collect all the labels ever used on a labeled metric

In Glean, we want to encourage users to remove deprecated labels from their metrics. But it would still be good to document in the dictionary all the labels that have been used on historical data.

This would basically require going through the entire history for a metric and collecting all of the labels used. Bonus points for flagging the ones that no longer exist in the latest revision.

See for additional context.

Processing invalid links in Bugs and Data Reviews Json

Issue description bugs and data reviews hyperlinks takes to invalid Bugzilla page.

Steps to reproduce the issue :
http://localhost:5000/data/glean-js/metrics/ , check the json key: value pair of bugs and data_reviews
"bugs": [""], "data_reviews": [""],

What can be done here :

  1. Check with the data source for wrong data reason and process it.
  2. Preprocess such noisy data at UI end.

Solving this issue might also require spec'ing what would the UI page say when such bugs/links are found.

Refine the metric page (transferred from old glean dictionary)

cc @spasovski

I know this is a pre-alpha, but I thought to share my feedback on this anyway :-) There's a few small nits that I believe would make this page a bit more digestible (see the relative colored numbers on the image):

  1. I'd change the label to resonate with the wording in the Glean Docs, i.e. relevant bugs
    1a. It also might make sense to drop the links from there, and just use a numbered list of links, for example, something that would look like this markdown [1](link to the first bug/GH issue), [2](...).
  2. It would be great to have tooltips/question marks icons like in GLAM to remind users what these entries mean. They are documented in the Glean docs and, for example, lifetime is usually confusing.
  3. Instead of Timing_distribution, this should probably drop the _ and also link to the proper glean docs (e.g. - note that the name of the metric type is also the same name of the documentation for that metric type. This is on purpose, so that you can do{metric_type_name}.html


Better handle cases where application/pings/metrics/table do not exist

Currently we just silently fail if the user navigates to an entity that does not exist. e.g.:


It would be better if we displayed some kind of friendly error page saying something like "Could not find application burnham2" or "Could not find ping application-doesnotexist". I don't expect this to happen frequently but this sort of thing can happen occasionally (e.g. if an application is added and then withdrawn)

To accomplish this task, you'll want to create a new Svelte component to cover this functionality and update each page to use/display it in the event that fetching information fails.

Improve filter

In the filter box when we search for something and it doesnt match with any item, just a blank page stares at us. There should a text telling search doesnt match with any application or martics.

Add info about the type of metric and expiry date on Metric Detail Page

Currently the enhancement on Metric detail page so far shows only Json data.

We should add the information about :

  1. Type of metric
  2. Expiry date of the metric
  3. Starting point(app) of the metric [ fenix/mach/...]

Where :
Below description of the Metric

More to do :

  1. We can also add more_info links as hyperlink to the type of metric
  2. Hyperlink to the starting point to take it back to the App page eg "mach/fenix" page in this case.

Add a footer to each page

This issue is intended as an onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

GLAM has a footer element with some useful information at the bottom of each page:


We should have something similar for the Glean dictionary.

You can mostly copy over the existing footer from GLAM (putting it into the src/components/ directory) and then put it into each of the pages we display:

Some styling should be adjusted and obviously the links should be different (e.g. the link to a slack channel should instead be a link to our channel on Matrix:

BigQuery table link doesn't fit into rest of metadata

I added a link to the BigQuery table view when working on the initial skeleton. With some of the recent changes, it now looks pretty out of place:

Screen Shot 2020-11-09 at 10 20 57 AM

It should be an item in the table below (just after "notification email"). I would propose the following structure:

  • Name: "BigQuery Table"
  • Link: name of stable table name in the table view (e.g. org_mozilla_fenix.activation for fenix activation table)

You may need to update the metadata gathering step in scripts/ to fetch the name of the stable table to put in the ping view.

We should gather all metric/ping types, not just those specified by the applications

This issue is intended as an onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

Currently we're only gathering metrics and ping data from the applications themselves, not those specified by the libraries (e.g. the events ping is part of glean-core:

Mozilla Schema Generator (which does something similar to what we do) enumerates dependencies for each application and gathers data for them e.g.

We should modify our script ( with similar logic.

Failed to fetch some metrics data for fenix apps.

Issue description

Failed to fetch some metrics data for fenix apps.
The issue arises only when the metric name starts with metrics.any_metric

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. navigate to http://localhost:5000/#!/apps/fenix

  2. search for a metric that starts with metrics.default_browser. Use this link http://localhost:5000/#!/apps/fenix/metrics/metrics.default_browser

  3. Check the browser's console, and It throws this error
    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch

  4. The issue arises only when the metric name starts with metrics.any_metric

What's the expected result?

  • It should show details about the metrics by rendering MetricDetail.svelte component.

What's the actual result?

  • It shows a blank screen.
  • An error on the browser's console.


  • Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 12 07 45 AM

Add comment sections to probe details

This is an off-the-wall idea that came up in the data science team meeting today: it would be super helpful if data scientists had a place to leave comments on probes to discuss their behaviour and share warnings for future travellers!

Maybe the answer is "just use Bugzilla," or maybe there's another place, but this is a place that many data scientists look and so it seems like it could profitably live here.

Moderation or authentication is an obvious concern; possibly this could link out to Discourse threads or some other already-moderated Mozilla space, but it would be great if we could see whether there's a comment available, and ideally what it is.

Add a filter box to the applications page

This issue is intended as an onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

If you look at the bigquery table view, you'll see that there's a filter box that lets you easily search for the subset of columns that you're interested in:


We should have a similar widget on the main page to filter through the list of applications where e.g. putting "firefox" into the box will only show applications with Firefox in the name.

Ping page has almost no info

This issue is intended as an onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

We show only a tiny subset of the data related to the ping on the ping page right now. You can see an example of markdown documentation which more fully represents the metadata we have here:

The code that needs to be modified is here:

All the information we want to display should already be extracted. If you have the server running locally, go to e.g.:


This is the dataset corresponding to:


Don't worry about styling the component too much-- can just use a table for now (like we do in the table view already: http://localhost:5000/#!/apps/mach/tables/usage)

Render markdown in description fields

Currently we're now rendering markdown in Glean description fields, which doesn't look great:


We should render these types of fields with markdown. For the schema dictionary I used the marked parser, which seems to work pretty well:

It seems most likely that we'll define a svelte component for rendering this type of information, in which case we should add a story for it in:

Storybook doesn't render components with styling

This issue is intended as an onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

We have a single story for the schema viewer, but it doesn't look great:


This is because the Tailwind css components aren't being imported directly into the story. It should be possible to fix this with some configuration changes. This repository may have some hints on how to configure things (my suggestion would be to look at the postcss configuration):

Display notification emails on application pages

We currently display email addresses on the ping page:

Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 3 57 49 PM

The repository metadata also has this information, however, and it would be good to display it on the application page (http://localhost:5000/#!/apps/mozregression).

As part of this implementation, let's create a component for rendering this type of information (maybe EmailAddresses?) nicely and create a story for it. One nicety we could add would be creating a mailto: URL for the email address, to make it a little easier to send a mail to the relevant party.

Don't show expired metrics by default

Many of the probes in the existing probe dictionary are expired or deprecated (and they don't always have build end dates). This causes confusion, since it might not be clear that no data will be available in those probes for currently-released products. While the ability to access historical probes should always exist, we should optimize for what is presumably the common case of looking at new data flowing in.

This might include:

  • A visually obvious identifier for deprecated or expired probes
  • Not returning search results for expired probes (unless checking a box)
  • Ranking search results by date of last update to the probe definition

Hide applications that are deprecated by default

This issue is intended as an onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

Currently we list all Glean applications in the UI by default on the home page (, regardless of deprecation status. Instead we should have a checkbox that allows you to show/hide the applications that are deprecated. Something like this:

  • Show deprecated applications

You can use the deprecated property in the apps json file to accomplish this task. Assuming you have the application running, have a look at this JSON payload:


Add Python linting to CI and make it easy to run

This issue is intended as an initial onboarding task for potential outreachy applicants. Please do not work on it unless you have completed the initial qualification task and it has been assigned to you.

We only have a minimal amount of python code so far, but we will accumulate more over time. To keep the quality level up, we should enable linting with flake8, black, and isort.

This is a somewhat non-trivial issue, as it will involve:

  • Setting up circleci to run python code (it only validates javascript at the moment)
  • Writing up the correct linter configuration (always harder than it seems)

Some prior art which might be helpful is the mozregression repository where I recently added some linter code:


Note however that it uses travis rather than circleci. You'll need to do some extra research to get this going with CircleCI.

Deploy a copy of Glean Dictionary to

This bug requires specialized knowledge and access to Mozilla's internal systems, so is not a good issue for contributors

We should deploy a copy of the Glean dictionary to on a regular basis. protosaur currently requires auth (making it inaccessible to those outside Mozilla), but that should be fixed soon by mozilla/protodash#16

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