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simple-thermostat's Issues

[FEATURE REQUEST] Custom temp settings

Will it be possible to have ability to add 1 button temp. selection?

example: I want to set my heater to specific temperature lets say 30C I have my thermostat currently set to 16C I have 1 button which I click and settings is changed to 30C

Allow "more-info" pop-up on optional sensors

If you specify additional sensors to display such as humidity, or even the default temperature sensor which is displayed does not allow you to click on them to display "more-info".

hide mode

Is it still possible to hide the mode?

Not working after 0.88.0 upgrade

2019-02-21 08:29:59 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201902200] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

HACS Availability?

Is this going to be available with HACS which is replacing custom_updater?

Away mode

Thanks for this great thermostat panel, this should be the default in HA Lovelace UI. I just miss the away mode feature like in was the old UI:

screenshot 2018-12-05 at 21 44 31

Default Configuration from page results in LoveLace error


Using the following lines from the main page, results in lovelace giving errors stating that the card is not available. The following are the lines I am referring to:

type: custom:simple-thermostat entity: climate.my_room

Using the following lines, resolved the issue for me:

type: 'custom:simple-thermostat' entity: climate.my_room

Support presets for quickly setting some predefined desired temperatures + modes

Personally I often use a few specific temperatures that are normally handled by automations, say 23℃ in daytime and 16℃ at night. Having these as presets with buttons would make it easier to manually trigger such temperatures and would also be an easier way for people who haven't figured out automations.

It would also be great for things like heat pumps / AC where you can have both a heat and cool mode.


  - name: Daytime
     temperature: 23
     mode: heat
  - name: Night
     temperature: 16
  - name: Hot summer
     temperature: 20
     mode: cool

How works the name of a specific mode under the modes?

I have updated today to the version 0.19 and all works fine.
No I want change the list of modes available in the card, and with the new modes key I'm able to do all these changes.
My question is related the key 'name', if I use a different name in my config, seems that it's ignored. I can see always the original mode name!

            include: false
            icon: mdi:av-timer
          "Tado mode":
            include: false
            name: Make it cold
            icon: mdi:cursor-pointer
          "Smart schedule":
            name: Test description
            icon: mdi:calendar-clock
            name: Make it cold
            icon: mdi:power
            name: Warmer!
            icon: mdi:fire

There is also a way to remove completely the name and use only the icon?

Old button graphics in hass 0.88

Hey man, thanks for your wonderful work.
Is it still possible to have the old buttons graphics in hass 0.88+?
I liked it more than these new blue-ish buttons.

This is the new graphics it it showing to me:


POP up Window

If you put your card inside and other card


     - type: custom:card-modder
         type: entities
         title: OFFICE
         show_header_toggle: false
           - entity:
             secondary_info: last-changed
             group: true
           - entity: fan.office_fan
             secondary_info: last-changed
           - type: custom:simple-thermostat
             entity: climate.office_temperature
             secondary_info: last-changed
           - entity: sensor.tempcheck

when you try to click to change the temp the POPup info shows

but if its a card by itself

     - type: custom:simple-thermostat
       entity: climate.office_temperature

works perfit

'N/A' text when thermostat is off

Hi there! Thanks again for the great custom card - but sadly it looks like 'null' still appears in the latest release (0.23) when the thermostat is off.

icon colours

The default icon colours appear to be in grey as opposed to matching the existing theme.

Separately it would be good to optionally change the colour depending on state.
e.g. Leave as standard for radiator-disabled, red for radiator (ie warming).

Temperature setting is too fast

The Daikin climate component is async in 0.91 and it seems like the simple-thermostat is too quick with updating the the temperature state. When I click temp down it immediately goes up to the previous value.

If I set the temperature in the standard lovelace climate card (or in the entity detail card) it works as expected (and before).

Related to #41

Show "friendly name" for mode

It would be great if state and mode would show the nicer formatting i.e. fan_only is shown as Fan only as for the traditional climate entity.

Allow open the entity card

The standard climate component card have three dots at top right that opens the entity card. It would be great if this also had that (or clicking on title/icon).

"NULL.0" when TADO is off

I have a TADO and when it is off, it does not report the set temperature.
The attribute "temperature" is then "null"

I have fixed it by changing to this(from line 90):

      const {
        attributes: {
          min_temp: minTemp = null,
          operation_mode: mode,
          operation_list: modes = [],
          temperature: _temperature,
      } = entity
      if (typeof _temperature != "number") {
        this._temperature = minTemp;
      } else {
        this._temperature = _temperature

multiple decimal points when changing temperature

When amending the temperature from the simple Thermostat card (see below for configuration) I'm sometimes getting multiple decimal places, please see attached screenshot below.

type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
step_size: 0.1
decimals: 1
entity: climate.garden_room
  - away: false
  - entity: input_boolean.gardenroom_virtual_heaters
    name: Virtual Heaters
  - entity: switch.garden_room_heat_1
    name: Kitchen End
  - entity: switch.garden_room_heat_2
    name: Lounge End


Truly loving this thermostat and thank you for all your hard work.

Stop at minimum and maximum when clicking arrows

First of all, thanks for doing this great card @nervetattoo !

Any chance you could change it slightly so it's not possible to go below minimum and maximum attributes for the climate entity ? E.g. not allowing the arrows to take you to minus degrees and high temperatures ? (I know that it's not being set, but it seems slightly silly and has no wife-acceptance =)).


(feature request) Change set temp text color while waiting for the thermostat to accept the change

The Thermostat "detail" window that opens up when clicking on the Set Temperature display on simple-thermostat has one nice feature: when changing the temperature setting in it, the new setting will change color until HA sends the command to the thermostat and confirms the change. I find this feedback information really useful.

This is a feature request to have the same behavior when change the temperature setting in the Card itself: after a change is made, change the font color (e.g. to red), wait a few seconds in case more changes are coming, and then send the command; when the setting is confirmed to be accepted by the thermostat, then return the font color ot the default value. For the choice of 'highlight' color - take in to account some ppl use dark themes so maybe make it configurable

Blacklist or whitelist for modes

My zwave thermostats have 5 modes but I need only heat and off. The three unused buttons take up a lot of space in the UI:
It would be nice to have an option for hiding modes.


Custom element doesn't exist with HA 0.91.2

I'm getting the error that the custom element doesn't exist. Finally got it to work last night and then new update to HA and Custom components changed and I lost my card. Love this card over the stock thermostat card. Please someone help me figure this out.

Sensor state name incorrect

The card does not show the correct state name for sensors.
See this example of a binary sensor that has the window device class:

screen shot 2018-12-10 at 00 59 36

I expected the card to show "Closed", instead of "off".

Action required: Greenkeeper could not be activated 🚨

🚨 You need to enable Continuous Integration on Greenkeeper branches of this repository. 🚨

To enable Greenkeeper, you need to make sure that a commit status is reported on all branches. This is required by Greenkeeper because it uses your CI build statuses to figure out when to notify you about breaking changes.

Since we didn’t receive a CI status on the greenkeeper/initial branch, it’s possible that you don’t have CI set up yet. We recommend using Travis CI, but Greenkeeper will work with every other CI service as well.

If you have already set up a CI for this repository, you might need to check how it’s configured. Make sure it is set to run on all new branches. If you don’t want it to run on absolutely every branch, you can whitelist branches starting with greenkeeper/.

Once you have installed and configured CI on this repository correctly, you’ll need to re-trigger Greenkeeper’s initial pull request. To do this, please click the 'fix repo' button on

Support for different regulations modes

It is not too uncommon for a HVAC system to set the operation_mode automatically based on the target temperature, and offer the user the option to set fan_mode instead. In such cases, the HVAC system may regulate the room temperature by selecting cooling, heating, idling et cetera without user intervention, whereas operation_mode is a read-only variable.

It would have been nice if it was possible to configure simple-thermostat to take the fan_mode/fan_list as input for the control icons instead of operation_mode/operation_list.

The operation_mode icon could however still be rendered alongside the card name, but should also be configurable to support modes such as heat/cool regeneration, et cetera. Related to this, I would also recommend to clarify the difference between mode and state in the documentation.

Custom Updater not working with the latest release

I have custom_updater up and running, showing various cards and components.
I manually installed simple-thermostat, added the card and it displays with not issue.

However, custom-updater does NOT list the card at all. Tried restarting HA, reloading the UI, forcing custom_update to re-check etc.

    - cards
    - components


  - url: /local/vertical-stack-in-card.js?v=v0.1.0
    type: js    
  - url: /local/tracker-card.js?v=0.1.5
    type: js
  - url: /local/simple-thermostat.min.js?v=0
    type: module


Unable to change temperature with version 0.21.0

I've installed version 0.21.0 to test out the new decimals capability. While this capability appears to be working (Thanks!), the ability to adjust the temperature no longer works. Whenever I change the temperature, it immediately goes back to the original value (even before the MQTT post). This problem does not appear to be related to the decimals capability as I'm having the issue with both decimals 0 and 1.

If I click on the temperature which brings up the "more info", I am able to update the temperature just fine.

Here is a screen capture of the issue.

I've installed version 0.20.0 and things work as expected. The problem is definitely with 0.21.0

Here is the code for the Front thermostat. I tested it with the minimal amount of configuration in order to isolate the issue. I still get the problem with this minimal configuration.

                - entity: climate.front
                    temperature: true
                    state: true
                  type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'


Since a few days (I would say since 0.20 but can't be certain of that), my thermostat card is showing null.0°C, which makes setting the temperature impossible.

Is there any breaking change that we should be aware of ? I'm using it with a Nest Thermostat.


Resize "state" combobox

In my card, i can see the state "Spento" (is equal to "off" in english language) but the field is not large enough and the text is truncated.
Can you fix this please?



Custom element doesn't exist

I am getting the big red box of doom with this card.

Custom element doesn't exist: simple-thermostat

Config as follows:


  - url: /local/simple-thermostat/simple-thermostat.js?v=1
    type: module
  - id: 4
    icon: mdi:weather-sunset
    title: Weather
    background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/galaxy-wallpaper-21.jpg") fixed
      - id: 60
        type: vertical-stack
          - id: 61
            type: weather-forecast
            entity: weather.dark_sky
          - id: 62
            type: horizontal-stack
              - id: 62a
                type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
                name: Temp
                entity: sensor.dark_sky_temperature
                # labels: true
                hours_to_show: 168
                # line_width: 3
              - id: 62b
                type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
                name: Humidity
                entity: sensor.dark_sky_humidity
                hours_to_show: 168
          - id: 63
            type: horizontal-stack
              - id: 63a
                type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
                name: Pressure
                entity: sensor.dark_sky_pressure
              - id: 63b
                type: "custom:mini-graph-card"
                name: Wind Speed
                entity: sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed

      - type: custom:simple-thermostat
        entity: climate.thermostat
        step_size: 1
          - sensor.inside_temp

file is named correctly and in the correct location

Display set point temperature as whole number if step size is a whole number

When using Fahrenheit temperature scale, temperatures are typically whole numbers and thus displaying the temperature in tenths is unnecessary and uses up space that may be needed elsewhere. Request that if the step size is a whole number that the set point temperature is also displayed as a whole number.

Optionally add a card configuration variable to enable/disable the displaying of tenths.

Icon not shown correctly for unknown states


thanks for that cool card! Really like it - looks way better than the default ones.

However, there seems to be a few small bugs: If a state other than on or off is set (e.g. manual or automatic), the icon will show a big "false". I think falling back to the on-icon would be a good thing here.
screenshot 2018-12-05 at 10 00 28

Also, as a side-note, the mode field doesn't widen for wider texts, it just cuts them off. Looks a bit chunky.

Localization seems not to work properly

As shown on the screenshot on the project page (thermostat-card.png), localization seems to not work properly for "Temperature" and "State". Neither have I been able to have localization of the state itself.

Also, given that the translations provided through hass is not always very accurate in this area (depending on context), and all possible states may not have translations at all, it would also have been nice to have the option to override these in the card configuration.

support attribute as well as a sensor

Rather than just supporting sensors, it would be useful to be able to support the attribute of a sensor also. Reason is that many temperature sensors will also report humidity and this would avoid the need to pull it out as an additional template sensor.

Settings with a temperature range results in "null" for current temp setting

Some thermostats (like the Nest) allow you to set a range of temperatures (IE: turn on the heat if it drops below 60F, turn on the a/c if it rises above 80F). When a Nest is in this mode, simple-thermostat shows "null" as the temperature setting.

Screenshot of my thermostat setting from the old legacy UI:

Screenshot of simple-thermostat at the exact same setting:

Incorrect handling of Ecobee target temps

Since the 0.20 upgrade, my Ecobee thermostats show two "null.0" temperature selectors when in standard heat or cool operation modes. I believe the card is looking for the target_temp_high and target_temp_low attributes when these are not used in these modes. It should just be using the single target named temperature.

Entity attribute dump:

                    State: heat
         ---------- Attributes ----------
            actual_humidity: 33
                   aux_heat: off
                  away_mode: off
               climate_list: ['Away', 'Sleep', 'Home']
               climate_mode: Home
        current_temperature: 69
                        fan: off
                   fan_list: ['auto', 'on']
            fan_min_on_time: 0
                   fan_mode: auto
              friendly_name: Upstairs
                  hold_mode: None
                   max_temp: 95
                   min_temp: 45
                  operation: idle
             operation_list: ['auto', 'auxHeatOnly', 'cool', 'heat', 'off']
             operation_mode: heat
         supported_features: 3575
           target_temp_high: None
            target_temp_low: None
                temperature: 67

Add fan icon for fan mode

I know you can specify it as an option, but heat, cool, dry and off all have default icons, so why not fan as well.


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