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camp_zipnerf's Introduction

CamP Zip-NeRF: A Code Release for CamP and Zip-NeRF

This is a branch of, for those who don't want to have to check out that much larger repo.

This repository contains JAX code for two papers: Zip-NeRF and CamP. This is research code, and should be treated accordingly.


# Make a conda environment.
conda create --name camp_zipnerf python=3.11
conda activate camp_zipnerf

# Prepare pip.
conda install pip
pip install --upgrade pip

# Install rmbrualla's `pycolmap` (don't use pip's! It's different).
pip install git+

# Install camp_zipnerf.
git clone
cd camp_zipnerf
pip install -e .

# Confirm that all the unit tests pass.

You'll probably also need to update your JAX installation to support GPUs or TPUs.


This code is designed to run on the NeRF Blender and Mip-NeRF 360 Datasets. If you want to onboard a new dataset, check out the instructions for the MultiNeRF code release, they should roughly apply here.

Running Zip-NeRF

To reproduce all of the Zip-NeRF results on the two datasets, just runscripts/zipnerf/ --- be prepared to wait a long time! Unless you are at barron's workstation, you'll need to change some paths in the scripts that point to data folders. This script should recover a Zip-NeRF for all scenes, render out all test set images, render a few nice videos for the 360 dataset, and generate latex for tables. Because the paper's results were on 8 V100s and barron only has a GeForce RTX 3080 in his workstation, we dropped the batch size and learning rate by 8x while increasing the number of iterations by 8x (as per the linear scaling rule). Results are comparable to the paper (see the Zip-NeRF Results section below).

Note that we have results on the "single scale" mip-NeRF 360 Dataset (aka,"the mip-NeRF 360 dataset", see scripts/zipnerf/360_*.sh), as well as the "multi-scale" variant that Zip-NeRF presented in order to evaluate performance on multi-scale scenes, or scenes where the camera may be very far away (see scripts/zipnerf/ms360_*.sh). Unless you're explicitly interested in this multi-scale setting, you probably just want to use the "360_*.sh" scripts --- especially since they're the only ones that make nice videos.

Also note that the config we used in the Zip-NeRF paper to produce still images for evaluating error metrics (configs/zipnerf/360.gin) is different from the config we used to produce videos (configs/zipnerf/360_aglo128.gin). The latter includes the "affine GLO" per-image embedding that accounts for changes in exposure and white balance across images (see the supplement). Using this reduces floaters in the video renderings significantly, but also decreases test-set performance on these benchmarks. If you want maximally-accurate still images, use 360.gin, but if you want pretty videos, use 360_aglo128.gin.

Running CamP

There are multiple configs for CamP depending on the type of dataset (360 scene vs. object) and level of uncertainty (refining COLMAP poses vs. high noise).

  • camera_optim.gin contains the base CamP configuration.
  • camera_optim_perturbed.gin contains the CamP configuration for the perturbed 360 scene experiments. This will configure the data loader to add a significant amount of noise to the training camera parameters, and the training process will have to correct for this noise during scene fitting. Compared to be base config, the coarse-to-fine schedule is more aggressive to avoid falling into local minima.
  • camera_optim_perturbed_blender.gin contains the CamP configuration for the perturbed Blender scene experiments.
  • camera_optim_arkit.gin contains the CamP configuration for the ARKit experiments (note that these datasets have not been released at this time).

You can mix and match these configurations with the base NeRF configs (e.g., 360.gin). For example, to add camera refinement to Zip-NeRF, run the training pipeline like this:

python -m camp_zipnerf.train \
    --gin_configs=configs/zipnerf/360.gin \
    --gin_configs=configs/camp/camera_optim.gin \
    --gin_bindings="Config.data_dir = '${DATA_DIR}/${SCENE}'" \
    --gin_bindings="Config.checkpoint_dir = '${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/${SCENE}'"

A script is available in scripts/camp/ that runs Zip-NeRF + CamP on all of the Mip-NeRF 360 scenes.

To run different camera parameterizations, modify Config.camera_delta_cls to one of the following:

  • @camera_delta.FocalPoseCameraDelta: The Focal Pose parameterization.

  • @camera_delta.IntrinsicFocalPoseCameraDelta: The Focal Pose parameterization with radial distortion refinement.

  • @camera_delta.SE3CameraDelta: The SE3 parameterization, similar to BARF.

  • @camera_delta.SE3WithFocalCameraDelta: The SE3 parameterization with focal length refinement.

  • @camera_delta.IntrinsicSE3WithFocalCameraDelta: The SE3 parameterization with radial distortion and focal length refinement.

  • @camera_delta.SCNeRFCameraDelta: The SCNeRF parameterization.

    You can set these by modifying the config files, or by setting e.g., --gin_bindings="Config.config = '@camera_delta.FocalPoseCameraDelta'" in the launch command.

Zip-NeRF Results

For completeness we re-ran all results from the Zip-NeRF paper using this code repo, locally on barron's workstation. We've also linked to zip files of each rendered test-set, to allow others to evaluate their own error metrics.

Single-Scale mip-NeRF 360 Dataset Results:


Code Release 28.56 0.828
Paper 28.54 0.828


bicycle flowers garden stump treehill room counter kitchen bonsai
PSNR Code Release 25.85 22.33 28.22 27.35 23.95 33.04 29.12 32.36 34.79
Paper 25.80 22.40 28.20 27.55 23.89 32.65 29.38 32.50 34.46
SSIM Code Release 0.772 0.637 0.863 0.788 0.674 0.929 0.905 0.929 0.952
Paper 0.769 0.642 0.860 0.800 0.681 0.925 0.902 0.928 0.949

Download Results

Multi-Scale mip-NeRF 360 Dataset Results (Average):

Code Release 28.15 29.90 31.43 32.38 0.822 0.890 0.931 0.952
Paper 28.25 30.00 31.57 32.52 0.822 0.892 0.933 0.954

Download Results

Single-Scale Per-Scene Blender Dataset Results:

chair drums ficus hotdog lego materials mic ship
PSNR Code Release 35.78 25.91 34.72 38.05 35.79 31.05 35.92 32.33
Paper 34.84 25.84 33.90 37.14 34.84 31.66 35.15 31.38
SSIM Code Release 0.987 0.948 0.987 0.987 0.983 0.968 0.992 0.937
Paper 0.983 0.944 0.985 0.984 0.980 0.969 0.991 0.929

Download Results


If you use this software package, please cite whichever constituent paper(s) you build upon, or feel free to cite this entire codebase as:

  title={{CamP Zip-NeRF}: {A} {Code} {Release} for {CamP} and {Zip-NeRF}},
  author={Jonathan T. Barron and Keunhong Park and Ben Mildenhall and John Flynn and Dor Verbin and Pratul Srinivasan and Peter Hedman and Philipp Henzler and Ricardo Martin-Brualla}

camp_zipnerf's People


duckworthd avatar jonbarron avatar dpkay avatar


Sergey Prokudin avatar Youli avatar Keane :] avatar Johan Edstedt avatar Daniel Eneh avatar Zhizheng Xiang avatar Nils avatar codingbull avatar Mingyang Ding avatar Lukas Walter avatar  avatar MengtingWang avatar  avatar Adam Goh avatar Karan Inder Singh avatar İsmail Çetin avatar  avatar Michael T Tang avatar Mikhail Litvinov avatar Chuan Hu avatar Adam Vajda avatar VICTOR ROZA SOUZA avatar Juan Boirazian avatar  avatar Haolan Xu avatar Kaidong Zhang avatar ustcygl avatar Sirui Xie avatar Dr.AlexLiu avatar Yifan Wang avatar MinkwanKim avatar Linus Härenstam-Nielsen avatar JoonKyu Min avatar Adam Erickson avatar JT5D avatar Yiming Luo avatar Qianyue He avatar  avatar  avatar yuzy avatar Yuanhui Huang avatar ManGyu Gong avatar Sean avatar Bronya avatar Gautam A avatar Etienne Caron avatar Guandao Yang avatar yjsunnn avatar  avatar Soumava Paul avatar Rich Zhang avatar helmholtz avatar  avatar  avatar Harvey avatar Hongwei Fan avatar avatar  avatar Darren Garvey avatar  avatar  avatar Constantine Vlasov avatar Chenghong Li avatar  avatar Zhenhui Ye avatar Subin Kim avatar Yevhenii Kamenskyi avatar ritvik avatar Drewvv avatar Yongqing Liang avatar Jihyong Oh avatar HITXYR avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Swastik Haldar avatar Inquisitive Ibex avatar cheng zhang avatar leiyaocui avatar Seung Ha Kim avatar WendyYang avatar Anastasiia Ignateva avatar  avatar  avatar Zhensheng Yuan avatar Rexami avatar Homayoun avatar  avatar Z avatar Zilong Chen avatar Hossein Karamian avatar Namor Votilav avatar Luke Hollis avatar Philip Krejov avatar Hanzhe Hu avatar avatar Renaud Bouckenooghe avatar Rik van den Reijen avatar AI/ML Engineer avatar Tim Nguyen avatar


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camp_zipnerf's Issues


Thanks for the great work and code release. Currently trying out a test with the gardenvase dataset.

Not an "issue" with your code to report at the moment, but in this repo you do not refer to some of the datasets which are used in the examples, namely the NYC apartment, Alameda home, etc. Those are restricted?

flax.errors.ScopeParamShapeError at executing or after executing camp/

Hi, thanks for this great paper and code.
After running camp/, I am trying to run or, a flax.errors.ScopeParamShapeError always occur.
Is there a solution?
Below is the console log when running

2024-04-25 05:47:31.916448: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2024-04-25 05:47:31.916484: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2024-04-25 05:47:31.917323: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2024-04-25 05:47:32.577797: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
I0425 05:47:41.449953 140104660227264] Rendering config:

Parameters for eval/Config:


eval/Config.adam_beta1 = 0.9
eval/Config.adam_beta2 = 0.99
eval/Config.adam_eps = 1e-15
eval/Config.arcore_format_pose_file = None
eval/Config.autoexpose_renders = False
eval/Config.batch_size = 8192
eval/Config.batching = 'all_images'
eval/Config.camera_perturb_dolly_use_average = False
eval/Config.camera_perturb_intrinsic_single = True
eval/Config.camera_perturb_sigma_dolly_z = 0.0
eval/Config.camera_perturb_sigma_focal_length = 0.0
eval/Config.camera_perturb_sigma_look_at = 0.0
eval/Config.camera_perturb_sigma_position = 0.0
eval/Config.camera_perturb_zero_distortion = False
eval/Config.cast_rays_in_eval_step = True
eval/Config.cast_rays_in_train_step = True
eval/Config.charb_padding = 0.001
eval/Config.checkpoint_dir =
eval/Config.checkpoint_every = 10000
eval/Config.checkpoint_init = False
eval/Config.checkpoint_keep = 2
eval/Config.colmap_subdir = None
eval/Config.compute_disp_metrics = False
eval/Config.compute_normal_metrics = False
eval/Config.compute_procrustes_metric = False
eval/Config.data_coarse_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.data_dir = '/home/user/data/360_v2/garden'
eval/Config.data_loss_mult = 1.0
eval/Config.data_loss_type = 'charb'
eval/Config.dataset_loader = 'llff'
eval/Config.debug_mode = False
eval/Config.deterministic_showcase = True
eval/Config.disable_multiscale_loss = False
eval/Config.disable_pmap_and_jit = False
eval/Config.distortion_loss_curve_fn =
(@math.power_ladder, {'p': -0.25, 'premult': 10000.0})
eval/Config.distortion_loss_mult = 0.01
eval/Config.distortion_loss_target = 'tdist'
eval/Config.donate_args_to_train = True
eval/Config.dtu_light_cond = 3
eval/Config.early_exit_steps = None
eval/Config.eikonal_coarse_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.eikonal_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.enable_grid_c2f = False
eval/Config.enable_loss_scaler = False
eval/Config.eval_crop_borders = 0
eval/Config.eval_dataset_limit = 2147483647
eval/Config.eval_only_once = True
eval/Config.eval_quantize_metrics = True
eval/Config.eval_raw_affine_cc = False
eval/Config.eval_render_interval = 1
eval/Config.eval_save_output = True
eval/Config.eval_save_ray_data = False
eval/Config.exposure_percentile = 97.0
eval/Config.factor = 4
eval/Config.far = 1000000.0
eval/Config.far_plane_meters = None
eval/Config.focal_length_var_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.forward_facing = False
eval/Config.gc_every = 10000
eval/Config.grad_max_norm = 0.0
eval/Config.grad_max_val = 0.0
eval/Config.grid_c2f_weight_method = 'cosine_sequential'
eval/Config.image_subdir = None
eval/Config.jax_rng_seed = 20200823
eval/Config.llff_load_from_poses_bounds = False
eval/Config.llff_use_all_images_for_training = False
eval/Config.llffhold = 8
eval/Config.load_alphabetical = True
eval/Config.load_colmap_points = False
eval/Config.load_ngp_format_poses = False
eval/Config.lock_up = False
eval/Config.loss_scale = 1000.0
eval/Config.lr_delay_mult = 1e-08
eval/Config.lr_delay_steps = 20000
eval/Config.lr_final = 0.000125
eval/Config.lr_final_grid = None
eval/Config.lr_init = 0.00125
eval/Config.lr_init_grid = None
eval/Config.max_steps = 200000
eval/Config.multiscale_train_factors = None
eval/Config.near = 0.0
eval/Config.near_plane_meters = None
eval/Config.np_rng_seed = 20201473
eval/Config.num_border_pixels_to_mask = 0
eval/Config.num_showcase_images = 5
eval/Config.optimize_cameras = False
eval/Config.optimize_test_cameras = False
eval/Config.optimize_test_cameras_batch_size = 10000
eval/Config.optimize_test_cameras_for_n_steps = 200
eval/Config.optimize_test_cameras_lr = 0.001
eval/Config.orientation_coarse_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.orientation_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.orientation_loss_target = 'normals_pred'
eval/Config.param_regularizers =
{'grid_0': (0.1, @jnp.mean, 2, 1),
'grid_1': (0.1, @jnp.mean, 2, 1),
'grid_2': (0.1, @jnp.mean, 2, 1)}
eval/Config.patch_size = 1
eval/Config.predicted_normal_coarse_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.predicted_normal_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.principal_point_reg_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.principal_point_var_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.print_camera_every = 500
eval/Config.print_every = 100
eval/Config.rad_mult_max = 1.0
eval/Config.rad_mult_min = 1.0
eval/Config.radial_distortion_var_loss_mult = 0.0
eval/Config.randomized = True
eval/Config.rawnerf_mode = False
eval/Config.render_calibration_distance = 3.0
eval/Config.render_calibration_keyframes = None
eval/Config.render_camtype = None
eval/Config.render_chunk_size = 32768
eval/Config.render_delete_images_when_done = True
eval/Config.render_dir =
eval/Config.render_dist_adaptive = False
eval/Config.render_dist_percentile = 0.5
eval/Config.render_focal = None
eval/Config.render_looped_videos = False
eval/Config.render_path = True
eval/Config.render_path_file = None
eval/Config.render_path_frames = 480
eval/Config.render_resolution = None
eval/Config.render_rgb_only = False
eval/Config.render_rotate_xaxis = 0.0
eval/Config.render_rotate_yaxis = 0.0
eval/Config.render_spherical = False
eval/Config.render_spline_const_speed = False
eval/Config.render_spline_degree = 5
eval/Config.render_spline_fixed_up = False
eval/Config.render_spline_interpolate_exposure = False
eval/Config.render_spline_interpolate_exposure_smoothness = 20
eval/Config.render_spline_keyframes = None
eval/Config.render_spline_keyframes_choices = None
eval/Config.render_spline_lock_up = False
eval/Config.render_spline_lookahead_i = None
eval/Config.render_spline_meters_per_sec = None
eval/Config.render_spline_n_buffer = None
eval/Config.render_spline_n_interp = 30
eval/Config.render_spline_outlier_keyframe_multiplier = None
eval/Config.render_spline_outlier_keyframe_quantile = None
eval/Config.render_spline_rot_weight = 0.1
eval/Config.render_spline_smoothness = 0.03
eval/Config.render_video_crf = 18
eval/Config.render_video_exts = ('mp4',)
eval/Config.render_video_fps = 60
eval/Config.robust_loss_scale = 0.01
eval/Config.save_calibration_to_disk = False
eval/Config.scene_bbox = None
eval/Config.spline_interlevel_params = {'blurs': (0.03, 0.003), 'mults': 0.01}
eval/Config.train_render_every = 0
eval/Config.transform_poses_fn = None
eval/Config.use_exrs = False
eval/Config.use_identity_cameras = False
eval/Config.use_perturbed_cameras = False
eval/Config.use_tiffs = False
eval/Config.vis_decimate = 0
eval/Config.vis_num_rays = 16
eval/Config.visualize_every = 10000
eval/Config.vocab_tree_path = None
eval/Config.world_scale = 1.0
eval/Config.z_max = None
eval/Config.z_min = None
eval/Config.z_phase = 0.0
eval/Config.z_variation = 0.0

I0425 05:47:41.546334 140104660227264] Unable to initialize backend 'rocm': NOT_FOUND: Could not find registered platform with name: "rocm". Available platform names are: CUDA
I0425 05:47:41.548914 140104660227264] Unable to initialize backend 'tpu': INTERNAL: Failed to open cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
*** using 4x downsampled images
*** Finding COLMAP data
*** Constructing NeRF Scene Manager
Warning: image_path not found for reconstruction
*** Processing COLMAP data
*** Loaded camera parameters for 185 images
*** image names sorted alphabetically
*** Loading images from /home/user/data/360_v2/garden/images_4
*** Loaded 185 images from disk
*** Loaded EXIF data for 185 images
*** Constructed COLMAP-to-world transform.
*** Constructed 480 render poses via ellipse path
*** Constructed train/test split: #train=161 #test=24
*** LLFF successfully loaded!
*** split=DataSplit.TEST
*** #images/poses/exposures=24
*** #camtoworlds=480
*** resolution=(840, 1297)
I0425 05:49:08.581712 140104660227264] Restoring orbax checkpoint from //home/user/camp_zipnerf_output/zipnerf/360/garden/checkpoint_200000
I0425 05:49:08.584176 140104660227264] Restoring item from /home/user/camp_zipnerf_output/zipnerf/360/garden/checkpoint_200000.
W0425 05:49:09.925947 140104660227264] The transformations API will eventually be replaced by an upgraded design. The current API will not be removed until this point, but it will no longer be actively worked on.
I0425 05:49:09.927694 140104660227264] The following keys are not loaded from the original tree after applying specified transforms: opt_state/0/count, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_0/Dense_0/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_0/Dense_0/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_0/Dense_1/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_0/Dense_1/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_1/Dense_0/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_1/Dense_0/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_1/Dense_1/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_1/Dense_1/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_0/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_0/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_1/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_1/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_2/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_2/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_3/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_3/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_4/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_4/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_5/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_5/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_6/bias, opt_state/0/mu/params/MLP_2/Dense_6/kernel, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_0/grid_016, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_0/grid_032, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_0/grid_064, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_0/grid_128, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_0/hash_256, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_0/hash_512, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_1/grid_0016, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_1/grid_0032, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_1/grid_0064, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_1/grid_0128, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_1/hash_0256, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_1/hash_0512, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_1/hash_1024, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_1/hash_2048, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/grid_0016, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/grid_0032, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/grid_0064, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/grid_0128, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/hash_0256, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/hash_0512, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/hash_1024, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/hash_2048, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/hash_4096, opt_state/0/mu/params/grid_2/hash_8192, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_0/Dense_0/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_0/Dense_0/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_0/Dense_1/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_0/Dense_1/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_1/Dense_0/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_1/Dense_0/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_1/Dense_1/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_1/Dense_1/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_0/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_0/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_1/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_1/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_2/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_2/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_3/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_3/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_4/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_4/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_5/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_5/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_6/bias, opt_state/0/nu/params/MLP_2/Dense_6/kernel, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_0/grid_016, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_0/grid_032, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_0/grid_064, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_0/grid_128, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_0/hash_256, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_0/hash_512, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_1/grid_0016, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_1/grid_0032, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_1/grid_0064, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_1/grid_0128, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_1/hash_0256, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_1/hash_0512, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_1/hash_1024, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_1/hash_2048, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/grid_0016, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/grid_0032, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/grid_0064, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/grid_0128, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/hash_0256, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/hash_0512, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/hash_1024, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/hash_2048, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/hash_4096, opt_state/0/nu/params/grid_2/hash_8192, opt_state/1/count
I0425 05:49:09.967541 140104660227264] Finished restoring checkpoint from /home/user/camp_zipnerf_output/zipnerf/360/garden/checkpoint_200000.
I0425 05:49:09.968436 140104660227264] Rendering checkpoint at step 200000.
/home/user/miniconda3/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/ UserWarning: jax.host_id has been renamed to jax.process_index. This alias will eventually be removed; please update your code.
I0425 05:49:10.007920 140104660227264] Evaluating image 1/480
I0425 05:49:10.008137 140104660227264] Rendering chunk 1/34
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
File "", line 88, in _run_code
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/", line 199, in
File "/home/user/miniconda3/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/absl/", line 308, in run
_run_main(main, args)
File "/home/user/miniconda3/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/absl/", line 254, in _run_main
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/", line 194, in main
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/", line 155, in render_config
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/", line 99, in render_pipeline
rendering = models.render_image( # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types # jnp-array
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 1085, in render_image
chunk_renderings, _ = render_fn(rng, chunk_rays)
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 770, in render_eval_fn
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 279, in call
ray_results = mlp(
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 779, in call
raw_density, x = predict_density(means, covs, **predict_density_kwargs)
File "/home/user/_NeRF_Test/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 733, in predict_density
x = density_dense_layer(self.net_width)(x)
File "/home/user/miniconda3/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/flax/linen/", line 235, in call
kernel = self.param(
flax.errors.ScopeParamShapeError: Initializer expected to generate shape (36, 64) but got shape (12, 64) instead for parameter "kernel" in "/MLP_0/Dense_0". (
For simplicity, JAX has removed its internal frames from the traceback of the following exception. Set JAX_TRACEBACK_FILTERING=off to include these.


Noob questions

Hi, I hope you don't mind, but could you tell me if any of the errors/warnings underneath, selected and copied during the process, are problematic and/or potentially do hurt the performance of your code on my system?

E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered

E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered

E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered

W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT

I0124 13:07:20.764660 140638609667136] Unable to initialize backend 'rocm': NOT_FOUND: Could not find registered platform with name: "rocm". Available platform names are: CUDA

I0124 13:07:20.768469 140638609667136] Unable to initialize backend 'tpu': INTERNAL: Failed to open cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Warning: image_path not found for reconstruction

I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations. To enable the following instructions: AVX2 FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.

And a last question: the output of looks like this in my terminal, formatting is off due to only one result in my set?

Average Results:
Our Model &    \cellcolor{red}28.30 &    \cellcolor{red}0.864 & 8.02
Per-Scene Results:
 & \textit{360_v2_garden_1297x840/checkpoints} \\\hline
Our Model &    \cellcolor{red}28.30
 & \textit{360_v2_garden_1297x840/checkpoints} \\\hline
Our Model &    \cellcolor{red}0.864

CamP egocentric vs. allocentric parameterization

Hi, first of all thanks for this grat paper and code.
I have a few questions regarding the paper:

  1. In the paper you mention the two possible ways of modelling the cameras extrinsic pose (egocentric vs. allocentric), however I can't seem to find which one you actually used in the end. Looking through it seems to me that the residuals are modelled as egocentric parameters. Is that correct or am I misunderstanding something here?
  2. As far as I understand the preconditioning matrix is derived from how much a projected points "pixel-coordinates" change based on the change of the residuals. If the points to compute this matrix are sampled from each cameras frustum, meaning that they are essentially the same for each camera in its own reference frame, and the residuals are also defined in the cameras reference frame, would that not mean that the preconditioning matrices should be more or less equal for all cameras? Assuming they have identical focal length and intrinsics of course.

I hope I am not completely misunderstanding something here. I would really appreciate if you could find the time to answer these question!

Results on Tanks & Temples Dataset

Hi, thanks for the wonderful job again.

I first conducted tests on the Mip-360 dataset, and the experimental results completely matched those in the paper and README. Subsequently, I tested the deep blending and tanks & Templates datasets used in 3D-GS.

The results for the DB (Deep Blending) dataset are as shown in the following table, and they represent the state-of-the-art rendering quality:

drjohnson playroom
PSNR 30.150 30.946
SSIM 0.90905 0.90808
LPIPS (VGG) 0.21985 0.20522

However, when running the Tanks & Temples dataset, ZipNeRF appeared unable to converge, leading to highly fragmented outcomes. Theoretically, given that the format of the Tanks dataset is identical to that of DB, and considering the perfect results obtained on DB, this implies that my data loading process should be right. I am uncertain whether this issue pertains to the robustness of the ZipNeRF method itself or if the Tanks dataset necessitates a different configuration to achieve convergence.

I executed the following command:

SCENE=truck # train, drjohnson and playroom are in the same way

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train \
--gin_configs=configs/zipnerf/360.gin \
--gin_bindings="Config.data_dir = '${DATA_DIR}/${SCENE}'" \
--gin_bindings="Config.checkpoint_dir = '${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/${SCENE}'" \
--gin_bindings="Config.factor = 1"

Looking forward to your reply!


Running Zip-NeRF + CamP on TPUs

Hi there,
What are the configurations that need to be changed to get Zip-NeRF and CamP to work on the TPUs? I tried to use the default configs/zipnerf/360.gin to train the Mip-NeRF 360 datasets with, but I get the following error and can't quite figure out how to disable the hash encoding. In that case, would it be better if I ran Mip-NeRF 360 on the TPUs instead? Thanks!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tnguyen1/camp_zipnerf/", line 557, in <module>
  File "/home/tnguyen1/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/absl/", line 308, in run
    _run_main(main, args)
  File "/home/tnguyen1/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/absl/", line 254, in _run_main
  File "/home/tnguyen1/camp_zipnerf/", line 142, in main
    model, state, render_eval_pfn, train_pstep, lr_fn = train_utils.setup_model(
  File "/home/tnguyen1/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 828, in setup_model
    model, variables = models.construct_model(
  File "/home/tnguyen1/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 444, in construct_model
    init_variables = model.init(
  File "/home/tnguyen1/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 279, in __call__
    ray_results = mlp(
  File "/home/tnguyen1/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 779, in __call__
    raw_density, x = predict_density(means, covs, **predict_density_kwargs)
  File "/home/tnguyen1/camp_zipnerf/internal/", line 680, in predict_density
    raise ValueError('Hash Encodings should not be used on a TPU.')
ValueError: Hash Encodings should not be used on a TPU.
For simplicity, JAX has removed its internal frames from the traceback of the following exception. Set JAX_TRACEBACK_FILTERING=off to include these.```

Is there any interactive viewer to see results?


Thank you so much for your work.

I am testing and get nice rendering results.

However, it will be wonderful if I can render and check using an interactive viewer similar to nerfstudio. Is there any viewer which help me to do that, or guide me how to do?

Thank you in advance and hope get your help.

Multi-Resolution Hash Grid Implementation


I have been looking forward to this code release for the past few months and now it is finally here! Thank you for your awesome work. The code looks really clean and I think it is great that you uploaded test set renderings for comparisons!

I have a few questions regarding the hash grid implementation.

  1. Where exactly can I find the triton_grids_inferface that is used within I might be missing something very simple here, sorry.
  2. I assume I could easily figure this out myself with the answer to 1., but what exactly is the idea behind the precondition_scaling?
  3. Did you somehow evaluate your hash grid implementation compared to the one from tiny-cuda-nn wrt. reconstruction quality and speed?

Looking forward to your answer!

Run only CamP and extract optimized camera poses

Hi, thank you for making such a great achievement public!
This is not an issue, but a question. Can I run only CamP and obtain optimized camera poses?
I quickly checked the code, but it seems deeply integrated ZipNeRF and CamP. If there are any options which allow me to do it, it would be great if you could share it.
Thank you for your help in advance.

Jax Environment for CUDA 11.6

Thanks for the authors' outstanding work. However, due to JAX's high dependency on CUDA, the default environment is only compatible with CUDA 11.8 and CUDA 12.2. Here, I provide an environment that can be applied to CUDA 11.3-CUDA 11.7.

conda create -n camp_zipnerf python=3.10
conda activate camp_zipnerf 

Then, pip install the following requirements:


Finally, it's necessary to install the CUDA version of jaxlib to enable GPU-accelerated training.

# python 3.10
pip install jaxlib-0.4.6+cuda11.cudnn82-cp310-cp310-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl

# python 3.11
pip intall jaxlib-0.4.6+cuda11.cudnn82-cp311-cp311-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl

After that, you may need to replace flax.core.copy with flax.core.FrozenDict.copy in internal/ to save checkpoints correctly.

Resume possible?

I have run a test with the gardenvase dataset, did train, evaluate and then rendered the 480 frames, to then end abruptly, as it expected ffmpeg to be installed, which was not in the requirements. RuntimeError: Program 'ffmpeg' is not found

Rather not go through the +-90 minutes to render the frames again, I wondered if I can resume in some way from that point. Any advice? I now have a render-folder with 1920 files (4.3 GB) of generated data, for acc_, color_, distance_mean_ and distance_median_.

Apple Metal support

Very excited this has been released.
Will it work on a M3 Max?
If not, any plans to support Macs?

How to get 3D model (OBJ)

Thank you for your great work!
Is there any way to get a 3D model of the result to watch it in Blender for example.
Thank you.

Camera to worlds


Thank you for the open-sourced code.

I am digging the code to understand how to render an image.

However, when I checked dataset.camtoworlds matrix, the translations of z-axis are always 0. Below image shows a piece of the matrix value


I expect it should be x, y , and z values

Can anyone helps me to understand this.

Thank you

Final result after render

I have run:

python -m train \
    --gin_configs=configs/zipnerf/360.gin \
    --gin_bindings="Config.data_dir = '${DATA_DIR}'" \
    --gin_bindings="Config.checkpoint_dir = '${CHECKPOINT_DIR}'"

python -m eval \
    --gin_configs=configs/zipnerf/360.gin \
    --gin_bindings="Config.data_dir = '${DATA_DIR}'" \
    --gin_bindings="Config.checkpoint_dir = '${CHECKPOINT_DIR}'"

python -m render \
    --gin_configs=configs/zipnerf/360.gin \
    --gin_bindings="Config.data_dir = '${DATA_DIR}'" \
    --gin_bindings="Config.checkpoint_dir = '${CHECKPOINT_DIR}'" \
    --gin_bindings="Config.render_dir = '${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/render/'" \
    --gin_bindings="Config.render_path = True" \
    --gin_bindings="Config.render_path_frames = 240" \
    --gin_bindings="Config.render_video_fps = 30"

python scripts/zipnerf/ 

Now I have 4 video's in the render folder that was created.

Screenshot from 2024-01-22 20-24-38

The output says there are 2 videos missing as certain files were not created during the process.

I0122 20:01:14.943336 140617853252672] Rendered in 11.274s
I0122 20:01:15.526105 140617853252672] Creating videos.
I0122 20:01:15.769567 140617853252672] Video shape is (840, 1297)
I0122 20:01:15.769668 140617853252672] Making video /home/user/home/user/Documents/workspace/camp_zipnerf/checkpoints/360_v2_garden_1297x840//render/path_renders_step_200000/videos/360_v2_garden_1297x840_checkpoints_path_renders_step_200000_color.mp4...
I0122 20:01:29.177273 140617853252672] Images missing for tag normals
I0122 20:01:29.177362 140617853252672] Images missing for tag normals_rectified
I0122 20:01:29.177408 140617853252672] Making video /home/user/home/user/Documents/workspace/camp_zipnerf/checkpoints/360_v2_garden_1297x840//render/path_renders_step_200000/videos/360_v2_garden_1297x840_checkpoints_path_renders_step_200000_acc.mp4...
I0122 20:01:32.633051 140617853252672] Making video /home/user/home/user/Documents/workspace/camp_zipnerf/checkpoints/360_v2_garden_1297x840//render/path_renders_step_200000/videos/360_v2_garden_1297x840_checkpoints_path_renders_step_200000_distance_mean.mp4...
I0122 20:01:49.162443 140617853252672] Making video /home/user/home/user/Documents/workspace/camp_zipnerf/checkpoints/360_v2_garden_1297x840//render/path_renders_step_200000/videos/360_v2_garden_1297x840_checkpoints_path_renders_step_200000_distance_median.mp4...

All 4 videos are just blank back screens for a few seconds, files seem corrupt according to Github as you can see below. The images in the render folder show stuff, but also probably not as desired. I don't know what went wrong. The dataset and colmap output has been used thoroughly with other repo's without issues.



Failing or Skipping Unit Tests

Hi, I am trying to run the set up and I decided to run the unit tests. I see the following outputs where the tests have failed or skipped:

(camp_zipnerf) a@test-nerf-server:~/camp_zipnerf$ ./scripts/ 
./home/a/camp_zipnerf/internal/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  t1 = (corners[0] - ray_o) / ray_d
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/internal/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  t2 = (corners[1] - ray_o) / ray_d
Ran 11 tests in 19.966s

FAIL: test_construct_ray_warps_is_finite_and_in_range6 (0.5) (tests.coord_test.CoordTest)
tests.coord_test.CoordTest.test_construct_ray_warps_is_finite_and_in_range6 (0.5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/absl/testing/", line 323, in bound_param_test
    return test_method(self, testcase_params)
  File "/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/", line 93, in test_construct_ray_warps_is_finite_and_in_range
    self.assertTrue(jnp.all(s_recon <= 1))
AssertionError: Array(False, dtype=bool) is not true

FAIL: test_pos_enc_20_0.2 (tests.coord_test.CoordTest)
test_pos_enc_20_0.2(20, 0.2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/absl/testing/", line 321, in bound_param_test
    return test_method(self, *testcase_params)
  File "/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/", line 305, in test_pos_enc
    self.assertLess(max_err, tol)
AssertionError: 0.23938593 not less than 0.2

Ran 97 tests in 199.062s

FAILED (failures=2, skipped=13)
Ran 1 test in 4.156s

terminate called without an active exception
./scripts/ line 17: 70089 Aborted                 python -m unittest "$file"
Ran 24 tests in 4.341s

Ran 9 tests in 15.739s

Ran 73 tests in 13.668s

Ran 4 tests in 2.613s

Ran 10 tests in 8.186s

Ran 145 tests in 15.251s

OK (skipped=29)
Ran 7 tests in 3.810s

/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/internal/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in square
  return jnp.sign(x) * jnp.sqrt(1 - jnp.exp(-(4 / jnp.pi) * x**2))
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/internal/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply
  return jnp.sign(x) * jnp.sqrt(1 - jnp.exp(-(4 / jnp.pi) * x**2))
./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s......./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
.....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s.....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s......./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
...s../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  dn_true = scale / d
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in divide
  dn_true = scale / d
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply
  dd_true = -scale * r / d
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in divide
  dd_true = -scale * r / d
./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  dn_true = scale / d
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in divide
  dn_true = scale / d
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply
  dd_true = -scale * r / d
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in divide
  dd_true = -scale * r / d
.s/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  r = np.float32(n) / np.float32(d)
...../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  x = np.float32(np.exp(log_x))
Ran 247 tests in 23.489s

OK (skipped=43)
Ran 135 tests in 5.985s

/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
./home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s.../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  grad_true = (xyz[:, 1] ** 2 + xyz[:, 2] ** 2) / (scale * denom**3)
.s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s....s../home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  xyz / np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
..s/home/a/camp_zipnerf/tests/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  xyz / np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
Ran 648 tests in 25.003s

OK (skipped=128)
Ran 62 tests in 47.985s

....../home/a/camp_zipnerf/internal/ UserWarning: Explicitly requested dtype float64 requested in zeros is not available, and will be truncated to dtype float32. To enable more dtypes, set the jax_enable_x64 configuration option or the JAX_ENABLE_X64 shell environment variable. See for more.
  output = jnp.zeros((*locations.shape[:-1], data.shape[-1]), dtype=data.dtype)
/opt/conda/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/numpy/ UserWarning: Explicitly requested dtype float64 requested in astype is not available, and will be truncated to dtype float32. To enable more dtypes, set the jax_enable_x64 configuration option or the JAX_ENABLE_X64 shell environment variable. See for more.
  return lax_numpy.astype(arr, dtype)
Ran 14 tests in 9.194s

Ran 522 tests in 21.137s

Ran 328 tests in 21.759s

Ran 67 tests in 60.031s

Ran 2 tests in 1.513s

Ran 7 tests in 4.942s

(camp_zipnerf) a@test-nerf-server:~/camp_zipnerf$ 

This is my machine:

(camp_zipnerf) a@test-nerf-server:~/camp_zipnerf$ nvcc --version
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2022 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Wed_Sep_21_10:33:58_PDT_2022
Cuda compilation tools, release 11.8, V11.8.89
Build cuda_11.8.r11.8/compiler.31833905_0

Can you tell the reason for this failure and will this effect the final result?

About Large-scale Dataset Release

Congrats on the impressive works! I believe that they will inspire numerous future works.
Also, sorry for the unrelated question, but I would like to know whether there are any plans to release the large-scale dataset showed in the Zip-NeRF teaser video and described in SMERF (berlin, nyc, alameda, london)?

Two possible bugs found when training CamP

Hi, I have stumbled upon two problems when training CamP. I was using zipnerf/360.gin and camp/camera_optim_perturbed.gin.
The two Problems are:

  1. I got the error module 'camp_zipnerf.internal.math' has no attribute 'normalize'. I was able to fix this by changing math.normalize to spin_math.normalize here:
    perturb_dir = math.normalize(random.normal(key, camera_positions.shape))
  2. After resolving the first problem I got the error "Model" object has no attribute "grid_representation" raised here:
    if (
    model.grid_representation is None
    or model.grid_representation.lower() not in ['ngp', 'hash']
    raise ValueError('Only HashEncoding supports with coarse to fine.')
    Simply commenting out the lines fixed the issue and training worked.

Are these actually Bugs or am I missing something?

problem while training

*** Loaded 58 images from disk
*** Loaded EXIF data for 58 images
*** Constructed COLMAP-to-world transform.
*** Constructed 120 render poses via ellipse path
*** Constructed train/test split: #train=15 #test=43
*** LLFF successfully loaded!
*** split=DataSplit.TRAIN
*** #images/poses/exposures=15
*** #camtoworlds=15
*** resolution=(2048, 3840)
I0202 13:09:14.556802 23456247948864] Optimization parameter sizes/counts:
I0202 13:09:14.583516 23456247948864] grid_0 6590464
I0202 13:09:14.583668 23456247948864] grid_0/grid_016 (16, 16, 16, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.583768 23456247948864] grid_0/grid_032 (32, 32, 32, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.583875 23456247948864] grid_0/grid_064 (64, 64, 64, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.584216 23456247948864] grid_0/grid_128 (128, 128, 128, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.584261 23456247948864] grid_0/hash_256 (2097152, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.584302 23456247948864] grid_0/hash_512 (2097152, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.585829 23456247948864] MLP_0 897
I0202 13:09:14.585915 23456247948864] MLP_0/Dense_0 832
I0202 13:09:14.585976 23456247948864] MLP_0/Dense_0/kernel (12, 64)
I0202 13:09:14.586011 23456247948864] MLP_0/Dense_0/bias (64,)
I0202 13:09:14.586069 23456247948864] MLP_0/Dense_1 65
I0202 13:09:14.586101 23456247948864] MLP_0/Dense_1/kernel (64, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.586128 23456247948864] MLP_0/Dense_1/bias (1,)
I0202 13:09:14.586176 23456247948864] grid_1 10784768
I0202 13:09:14.586209 23456247948864] grid_1/grid_0016 (16, 16, 16, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.586237 23456247948864] grid_1/grid_0032 (32, 32, 32, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.586264 23456247948864] grid_1/grid_0064 (64, 64, 64, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.586291 23456247948864] grid_1/grid_0128 (128, 128, 128, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.586317 23456247948864] grid_1/hash_0256 (2097152, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.586342 23456247948864] grid_1/hash_0512 (2097152, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.586367 23456247948864] grid_1/hash_1024 (2097152, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.586392 23456247948864] grid_1/hash_2048 (2097152, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.587173 23456247948864] MLP_1 1153
I0202 13:09:14.587485 23456247948864] MLP_1/Dense_0 1088
I0202 13:09:14.587525 23456247948864] MLP_1/Dense_0/kernel (16, 64)
I0202 13:09:14.587555 23456247948864] MLP_1/Dense_0/bias (64,)
I0202 13:09:14.587608 23456247948864] MLP_1/Dense_1 65
I0202 13:09:14.587638 23456247948864] MLP_1/Dense_1/kernel (64, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.587666 23456247948864] MLP_1/Dense_1/bias (1,)
I0202 13:09:14.587712 23456247948864] grid_2 59916288
I0202 13:09:14.587743 23456247948864] grid_2/grid_0016 (16, 16, 16, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587779 23456247948864] grid_2/grid_0032 (32, 32, 32, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587811 23456247948864] grid_2/grid_0064 (64, 64, 64, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587838 23456247948864] grid_2/grid_0128 (128, 128, 128, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587872 23456247948864] grid_2/hash_0256 (2097152, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587897 23456247948864] grid_2/hash_0512 (2097152, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587923 23456247948864] grid_2/hash_1024 (2097152, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587947 23456247948864] grid_2/hash_2048 (2097152, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587972 23456247948864] grid_2/hash_4096 (2097152, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.587997 23456247948864] grid_2/hash_8192 (2097152, 4)
I0202 13:09:14.588317 23456247948864] MLP_2 225877
I0202 13:09:14.588375 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_0 3264
I0202 13:09:14.588407 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_0/kernel (50, 64)
I0202 13:09:14.588435 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_0/bias (64,)
I0202 13:09:14.588488 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_1 65
I0202 13:09:14.588523 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_1/kernel (64, 1)
I0202 13:09:14.588550 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_1/bias (1,)
I0202 13:09:14.588595 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_2 16640
I0202 13:09:14.588625 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_2/kernel (64, 256)
I0202 13:09:14.588653 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_2/bias (256,)
I0202 13:09:14.588695 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_3 72704
I0202 13:09:14.588736 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_3/kernel (283, 256)
I0202 13:09:14.588765 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_3/bias (256,)
I0202 13:09:14.589181 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_4 65792
I0202 13:09:14.589230 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_4/kernel (256, 256)
I0202 13:09:14.589262 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_4/bias (256,)
I0202 13:09:14.589311 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_5 65792
I0202 13:09:14.589342 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_5/kernel (256, 256)
I0202 13:09:14.589369 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_5/bias (256,)
I0202 13:09:14.589750 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_6 1620
I0202 13:09:14.589790 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_6/kernel (539, 3)
I0202 13:09:14.589818 23456247948864] MLP_2/Dense_6/bias (3,)
I0202 13:09:15.044798 23456247948864] Found no checkpoint files in /project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/ckpt/tools with prefix checkpoint_
/home/ad892/anaconda3/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/ UserWarning: jax.host_id has been renamed to jax.process_index. This alias will eventually be removed; please update your code.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
File "", line 88, in _run_code
File "/mmfs1/project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/", line 557, in
File "/home/ad892/anaconda3/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/absl/", line 308, in run
run_main(main, args)
File "/home/ad892/anaconda3/envs/camp_zipnerf/lib/python3.11/site-packages/absl/", line 254, in run_main
File "/mmfs1/project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/", line 210, in main
state, stats, rngs = train_pstep(rngs, state, batch, cameras, train_frac) # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types # jnp-type
File "/mmfs1/project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/internal/", line 476, in train_step
, (stats, mutable_camera_params)), grad = loss_grad_fn(state.params)
File "/mmfs1/project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/internal/", line 357, in loss_fn
renderings, ray_history = model.apply(
File "/mmfs1/project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/internal/", line 279, in call
ray_results = mlp(
File "/mmfs1/project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/internal/", line 779, in call
raw_density, x = predict_density(means, covs, **predict_density_kwargs)
File "/mmfs1/project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/internal/", line 682, in predict_density
File "/mmfs1/project/gwang/ankan/zipnerf/internal/", line 228, in call
values = self.param(f'{datastructure}
{grid_size_str}', init_fn)
flax.errors.ScopeParamNotFoundError: Could not find parameter named "grid_0000" in scope "/grid_1". (

For simplicity, JAX has removed its internal frames from the traceback of the following exception. Set JAX_TRACEBACK_FILTERING=off to include these.

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