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A fast C/C++ header only implementation for creating 2D Voronoi diagrams from a point set

Uses Fortune's sweep algorithm.

vanilla custom clipping


I was realizing that the previous 2D voronoi generator I was using, was taking up too much time in my app, and worse, sometimes it also produced errors.

So I started looking for other implementations.

Given the alternatives out there, they usually lack one aspect or the other. So this project set out to achieve a combination of the good things the other libs provide.

  • Easy to use
  • Robustness
  • Speed
  • Small memory footprint
  • Single/Double floating point implementation
  • Readable code
  • Small code (single source file)
  • No external dependencies
  • Cells have a list of edges (for easier/faster relaxation)
  • Edges should be clipped
  • A clear license

But mostly, I did it for fun :)


This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties and support


LICENSE (The MIT license)

Feature comparisons

Feature vs Impl voronoi++ boost fastjet jcv
Language C++ C++ C C
Edge clip * * *
Generate Edges * * * *
Generate Cells * * *
Cell Edges Not Flipped * *
Cell Edges CCW * *
Easy Relaxation *
Custom Allocator *
Delauney generation *


The main api contains these functions

void jcv_diagram_generate( int num_points, const jcv_point* points, const jcv_rect* rect, const jcv_clipper* clipper, jcv_diagram* diagram );
void jcv_diagram_generate_useralloc( int num_points, const jcv_point* points, const jcv_rect* rect, const jcv_clipper* clipper, void* userallocctx, FJCVAllocFn allocfn, FJCVFreeFn freefn, jcv_diagram* diagram );
void jcv_diagram_free( jcv_diagram* diagram );

const jcv_site* jcv_diagram_get_sites( const jcv_diagram* diagram );
const jcv_edge* jcv_diagram_get_edges( const jcv_diagram* diagram );
const jcv_edge* jcv_diagram_get_next_edge( const jcv_edge* edge );

The input points are pruned if

  • There are duplicates points
  • The input points are outside of the bounding box
  • The input points are rejected by the clipper's test function

The input bounding box is optional

The input clipper is optional, a default box clipper is used by default

Delauney triangulation

After generating the Voronoi diagram, you can iterate over the Delauney edges like so: (See main.c for a practical example)

jcv_delauney_iter iter;
jcv_delauney_begin( &diagram, &iter );
jcv_delauney_edge delauney_edge;
while (jcv_delauney_next( &iter, &delauney_edge ))


Example implementation (see main.c for actual code)

#include "jc_voronoi.h"

void draw_edges(const jcv_diagram* diagram);
void draw_cells(const jcv_diagram* diagram);
void draw_delauney(const jcv_diagram* diagram);

void generate_and_draw(int numpoints, const jcv_point* points, int imagewidth, int imageheight)
    jcv_diagram diagram;
    memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));
    jcv_diagram_generate(count, points, 0, 0, &diagram );


    jcv_diagram_free( &diagram );

void draw_edges(const jcv_diagram* diagram)
    // If all you need are the edges
    const jcv_edge* edge = jcv_diagram_get_edges( diagram );
    while( edge )
        draw_line(edge->pos[0], edge->pos[1]);
        edge = jcv_diagram_get_next_edge(edge);

void draw_cells(const jcv_diagram* diagram)
    // If you want to draw triangles, or relax the diagram,
    // you can iterate over the sites and get all edges easily
    const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites( diagram );
    for( int i = 0; i < diagram->numsites; ++i )
        const jcv_site* site = &sites[i];

        const jcv_graphedge* e = site->edges;
        while( e )
            draw_triangle( site->p, e->pos[0], e->pos[1]);
            e = e->next;

void draw_delauney(const jcv_diagram* diagram)
    jcv_delauney_iter delauney = jcv_delauney_begin( &diagram );
    jcv_delauney_edge delauney_edge;
    while (jcv_delauney_next( &delauney, &delauney_edge ))
        draw_line(delauney_edge.pos[0], delauney_edge.pos[1]);

Relaxing the points

Here is an example of how to do the relaxations of the cells.

void relax_points(const jcv_diagram* diagram, jcv_point* points)
    const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(diagram);
    for( int i = 0; i < diagram->numsites; ++i )
        const jcv_site* site = &sites[i];
        jcv_point sum = site->p;
        int count = 1;

        const jcv_graphedge* edge = site->edges;

        while( edge )
            sum.x += edge->pos[0].x;
            sum.y += edge->pos[0].y;
            edge = edge->next;

        points[site->index].x = sum.x / count;
        points[site->index].y = sum.y / count;

Double floating point precision

If you wish to use doubles, you can override these defines:

#define JCV_REAL_TYPE double
#define JCV_ATAN2 atan2
#define JCV_SQRT sqrt
#define JCV_PI 3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875
#include "jc_voronoi.h"

Custom clipping

The library also comes with a second header, that contains code for custom clipping of edges against a convex polygon.

The polygon is defined by a set of

Again, see main.c for a practical example

    #include "jc_voronoi_clip.h"

    jcv_clipping_polygon polygon;
    // Triangle
    polygon.num_points = 3;
    polygon.points = (jcv_point*)malloc(sizeof(jcv_point)*(size_t)polygon.num_points);

    polygon.points[0].x = width/2;
    polygon.points[1].x = width - width/5;
    polygon.points[2].x = width/5;
    polygon.points[0].y = height/5;
    polygon.points[1].y = height - height/5;
    polygon.points[2].y = height - height/5;

    jcv_clipper polygonclipper;
    polygonclipper.test_fn = jcv_clip_polygon_test_point;
    polygonclipper.clip_fn = jcv_clip_polygon_clip_edge;
    polygonclipper.fill_fn = jcv_clip_polygon_fill_gaps;
    polygonclipper.ctx = &polygon;

    jcv_diagram diagram;
    memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));
    jcv_diagram_generate(count, (const jcv_point*)points, 0, clipper, &diagram);

Some Numbers

Tests run on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7567U CPU @ 3.50GHz MBP with 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 ram. Each test ran 20 times, and the minimum time is presented below

I removed the voronoi++ from the results, since it was consistently 10x-15x slower than the rest and consumed way more memory _
timings memory num_allocations

Same stats, as tables

General thoughts


The Fastjet version is built upon Steven Fortune's original C version, which Shane O'Sullivan improved upon. Given the robustness and speed improvements of the implementation done by Fastjet, that should be the base line to compare other implementations with.

Unfortunately, the code is not very readable, and the license is unclear (GPL?)

Also, if you want access to the actual cells, you have to recreate that yourself using the edges.


Using boost might be convenient for some, but the sheer amount of code is too great in many cases. I had to install 5 modules of boost to compile (config, core, mpl, preprocessor and polygon). If you install full boost, that's 650mb of source.

It is ~2x as slow as the fastest algorithms, and takes ~2.5x as much memory.

The boost implementation also puts the burden of clipping the final edges on the client.

The code consists of only templated headers, and it increases compile time a lot. For simply generating a 2D voronoi diagram using points as input, it is clearly overkill.


The performance of it is very slow (~20x slower than fastjet) and And it uses ~2.5x-3x more memory than the fastest algorithms.

Using the same data sets as the other algorithms, it breaks under some conditions.


A C++ version of the original C version from Steven Fortune.

Although fast, it's not completely robust and will produce errors.


I'd love to see what you're using this software for! If possible, please send me images and some brief explanation of your usage of this library!

voronoi's People


dgavedissian avatar jcash avatar williamleong avatar


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voronoi's Issues

Duplicate points for site

Given 2 points, 144.15753183116175, 148.76233737400082 and -140.05365988451959, 143.19845406198522 with the polygon:

{  250,  200 },
{  250, -200 },
{ -250, -200 },
{ -250,  200 }

The pos[0].x and pos[0].y of the edges in site 0 is:

{ 0.994417, 200 }
{ 8.82505, -200 }
{ 250, -200 }
{ 250, 200 }
{ 0.994417, 200 }
{ 8.82505, -200 }
{ 250, -200 }
{ 250, 200 }

The first 4 points are correct, but they are duplicated, resulting in a total of 8 points.

Assertion error on jcv_diagram_generate

Hi. first of all, thank you so much for your great OSS.
This library is very useful and easy to use. Thanks!!

I might find an issue of this OSS.
When I input a certain data into jcv_diagram_generate function, an assertion was reported:

Assertion failed: (internal->numsites == 1), function jcv_fillgaps, file src/jc_voronoi.h, line 1143.

This repo is a fork of your voronoi repo and I added a test code for reproducing the issue.
If you have time, please take a look the file test/assert_text.c file.
test/invalid_data.h includes input x-y point data for the issue.

#38 might be a same issue.

Please help me, I understand how get neigbors


I am trying to get neighbors and getting wrong results. What am I doing wrong?

const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(&dia);
	const jcv_site* site = &sites[i];
	const jcv_graphedge* edge = site->edges;

        std::vector<int> neigborsIndex;

	while (edge)
		if (edge->neighbor) {
			const jcv_site* siteNei = &sites[edge->neighbor->index];
		edge = edge->next;

Assertion internal->numsites == 1 occasionally triggers on valid input.

There is a bug in this library that occasionally causes the assertion at line 1134 (internal->numsites == 1) to fail. I do not know what the issue is, but I have attached a test program and data file that faithfully reproduce the error. Apologies for the size of the data file—this is an extremely infrequent error, and I've only been able to trigger it with sets this large.

Test file:

Test code:

#include <stdio.h>

#define JCV_REAL_TYPE double
#define JCV_ATAN2 atan2
#define JCV_FLT_MAX 1.7976931348623157E+308
#include "jc_voronoi.h"

int main() {
  jcv_point *points = (jcv_point *)malloc(9216 * sizeof(jcv_point));

  FILE *in = fopen("mem.bin", "rb");
  fread(points, sizeof(jcv_point), 9216, in);

  /* should start with
     (x = 40.232121213226684, y = 13.714460519854523)
     (x = 168.23212121322669, y = 13.714460519854523)
     (x = -87.767878786773309, y = 13.714460519854523)
     (x = 40.232121213226684, y = 29.714460519854523)
     (x = 40.232121213226684, y = -2.2855394801454771)
     (x = 168.23212121322669, y = 29.714460519854523)
     (x = -87.767878786773309, y = 29.714460519854523)
     (x = 168.23212121322669, y = -2.2855394801454771)
     (x = -87.767878786773309, y = -2.2855394801454771)
     (x = 123.81366674520085, y = 1.1403291016984274)
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    printf("(x = %.14f, y = %.14f)\n", points[i].x, points[i].y);

  jcv_diagram diagram;
  memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));

  jcv_rect rect = {{-128.0, -16.0}, {256.0, 32.0}};

  jcv_diagram_generate(9216, points, &rect, &diagram);

  return 0;

Example use:

> unzip
  inflating: mem.bin 
> clang -lm test.c
> ./a.out
(x = 40.23212121322668, y = 13.71446051985452)
(x = 168.23212121322669, y = 13.71446051985452)
(x = -87.76787878677331, y = 13.71446051985452)
(x = 40.23212121322668, y = 29.71446051985452)
(x = 40.23212121322668, y = -2.28553948014548)
(x = 168.23212121322669, y = 29.71446051985452)
(x = -87.76787878677331, y = 29.71446051985452)
(x = 168.23212121322669, y = -2.28553948014548)
(x = -87.76787878677331, y = -2.28553948014548)
(x = 123.81366674520085, y = 1.14032910169843)
a.out: ./jc_voronoi.h:1134: void jcv_fillgaps(jcv_diagram *): Assertion `internal->numsites == 1' failed.
[1]    21138 abort (core dumped)  ./a.out

Support for Polygons with islands


Great work!

I would like to calculate the radius of the maximum inscribed circle in a polygon with islands and I think using the Voronoi diagram could be the best approach. Something like the situation represented in the following image, were the outher boundary (black) and the islands (red) are the input, while what I want to achieve is the maximum inscribed circle (purple):


Is it possible to achieve something similar with your library? If yes, is it possble to have an example of use of your library to face the problem I explained?

Site vertices

If I want to create a mesh from the sites can I use edges and assume they are connected, i.e. iterate through edges and add each starting point to a list of vertices ?

Indexes outside of allocated buffer.

Using 1000 points randomized in 0..2048 x 0..2048 space, the code goes into jcv_pq_push() with a pq->numitems extending over the pq->maxnumitems variable.

If I use 16 000 points, it happens as well. The reason to this is because the max_num_events in the jcv_diagram_generate_useralloc() seems to be very low, and is never checked against in runtime.

Bug: graph is missing edges

First of all, thank you very much for your great work!

We're are using your implementation in a RoboCup soccer league and believe to have encountered a bug.

The points are the player's positions {-4050,0}, {-3300,500}, {0,1000}, {0,-1000}, {2250,0}.
The bounding box to clip against is the field's corners {-4500,-3000}, {4500,3000}.

When iterating over the graph edges of the last point, the top right ({4500, 3000}) and bottom right ({4500,-3000}) corners of the field are missing entirely.
Interestingly, changing the point {2250,0} to {2250,1} will fix the issue and the Voronoi diagram is constructed correctly.

Please find my screenshot attached.

Any help would be much appreciated.
I'd be happy to submit a PR fixing the bug when found.


voronoi map:multiple polygons intersects

Hi, I'm using this code to generate voronoi with 1036 points in my project. but the result is
it't not a voronoi map and many polygons intersects.
I'm using this function:
jcv_diagram_generate(1036, points, &bounding_box, nullptr, &diagram)
bounding_box is
jcv_rect bounding_box = {{-45.8605, -653.969}, {746.861, 142.3}};
points is in the points.csv file.

diagram is definited as this:
jcv_diagram diagram; memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));
as a result, I'm using OGRGeometry library to render that diagram as above and I'm pretty sure it's not a problem of ogrGeometry library.
I also confirmed that all points are within the bounding_box and there is no abnormal point.

can you help me to handle this problem? thank you very much @JCash @dgavedissian @williamleong

jcv_fillgaps crashes on specific point configuration

Assertion failed: (internal->numsites == 1), function jcv_fillgaps, file jc_voronoi.h, line 1125.
fish: './relax -r 10 <test.csv >output…' terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)

Example file attached:

Here is a visualization of where the two problematic points are:

z0btmaaaaasuvork5cyii -1

If I remove either of these points, the problem goes away.

Bug when generating voronoi clipped in a rectangle with only 2 vertices

I was running simulations using your library, and I found some errors. Here's an example:

jcv_diagram d{};

// example that fails using double
//jcv_point points[]
//	{888.19238281250000, 377.82843017578125},
//	{914.00000000000000, 341.00000000000000},

// example that fails using the standard float version of the library
jcv_point points[]
		{883.382263f, 340.749908f},
		{850.622253f, 378.323486f},

jcv_rect rect;
rect.min = { 600, 250 };
rect.max = { 1000, 650 };
const auto count = sizeof(points) / sizeof(*points);
jcv_diagram_generate(count, points, &rect, 0, &d);
const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(&d);
for (int i = 0; i != d.numsites; i++)
	const jcv_site* site = &sites[i];
	const jcv_graphedge* e = site->edges;
	int cnt = 0;
	while (e)
		e = e->next;
	std::cout << cnt << " sides\n";

/* output:
4 sides
2 sides
Obviously wrong. One can clearly see the voronoi should have 5 sides and 3 sides in each cell

I believe it is associated with this issue, but this one is easier to reproduce because of only 2 vertices.

Provide simple example of usage

Thanks for the great library!

It would be helpful to provide a simple example program of usage. The main.c is a little verbose and has a lot of cruft dealing with coloring and saving to an image file.

Here is an example program:

// to compile:
// gcc jc_voronoi_example.c -I../src -o jc_voronoi_example  -lm

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// If you wish to use doubles
//#define JCV_REAL_TYPE double
//#define JCV_FABS fabs
//#define JCV_ATAN2 atan2
#include "jc_voronoi.h"

#define NPOINT 10

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int i;
  jcv_rect bounding_box = { { 0.0, 0.0 }, { 1.0, 1.0 } };
  jcv_diagram diagram;
  jcv_point points[NPOINT];
  const jcv_site *sites;
  jcv_graphedge *graph_edge;

  memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));

  for (i=0; i<NPOINT; i++) {
    points[i].x = (float)rand()/(1.0 + RAND_MAX);
    points[i].y = (float)rand()/(1.0 + RAND_MAX);

  // seed sites
  for (i=0; i<NPOINT; i++) {
    printf("%f %f\n\n", points[i].x, points[i].y);

  jcv_diagram_generate(NPOINT, (const jcv_point *)points, &bounding_box, &diagram);

  sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(&diagram);
  for (i=0; i<diagram.numsites; i++) {

    graph_edge = sites[i].edges;
    while (graph_edge) {
      printf("%f %f\n", graph_edge->pos[0].x, graph_edge->pos[0].y);
      printf("%f %f\n", graph_edge->pos[1].x, graph_edge->pos[1].y);

      graph_edge = graph_edge->next;



The generated seed sites:

0.840188 0.394383
0.783099 0.798440
0.911647 0.197551
0.335223 0.768230
0.277775 0.553970
0.477397 0.628871
0.364784 0.513401
0.952230 0.916195
0.635712 0.717297
0.141603 0.606969

Visualizing the seed sites and edges with gnuplot:


This assumes you're in an example subdirectory, say, to compile and run. The number of points is hard coded and it creates the points randomly in a 1x1 box, but the above example gets across clearly how to set up, use and get useful information out of the library. Presumably this 'double covers' the half edges but for illustration purposes I don't think that's a problem.

I'd be happy to submit a pull request if that's helpful.

Tesselation occasionally incorrect, seemingly involves having identical y coordinates

I have another malformed test case. This one returns successfully a system that is obviously not correctly tessellated. The correct tesselation (modulo a convex hull) via Mathematica:
The correct tesselation of the points, along with a convex hull wrapping via Mathematica
The tesselation returned by this library:
The tesselation returned by this library
I noticed this problem while processing the neighbors of points whose edges cannot have been clipped, only to find NULL neighbors. One such point, with the correct neighbors highlighted, is here:
The same point, with the neighbors indicated by the library highlighted along with the segment of bounding box the clipped edge is dual to, is here:
I say that this may be related to identical y coordinates because many of the points in the dataset have identical either x or y coordinates, and the malformed example involves incorrectly identified neighbors with identical y coordinates.

The data file is here:

Test code:

#include <stdio.h>

#define JCV_REAL_TYPE double
#define JCV_ATAN2 atan2
#define JCV_FLT_MAX 1.7976931348623157E+308
#include "jc_voronoi.h"

int main() {
  jcv_point *points = (jcv_point *)malloc(288 * sizeof(jcv_point));

  FILE *in = fopen("mem.bin","rb");
  fread(points, sizeof(jcv_point), 288, in);

  jcv_diagram diagram;
  memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));

  jcv_rect rect = {{-8.0, -8.0}, {16.0, 16.0}};

  jcv_diagram_generate(288, points, &rect, &diagram);

  const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(&diagram);

  for (int i = 0; i < diagram.numsites; i++) {
    if (sites[i].index == 238) {
      printf("site 238 at {%f, %f}:\n", sites[i].p.x, sites[i].p.y);
      const jcv_graphedge* e = sites[i].edges;

      while (e != NULL) {
        if (e->neighbor != NULL) {
          printf("%d is a neighbor\n", e->neighbor->index);
        } else {
          printf("edge clipped by bounding box\n");
        e = e->next;


  /* correct output should be:
   * site 238 at {6.798607, 5.040127}:
   * 76 is a neighbor
   * 86 is a neighbor
   * 139 is a neighbor
   * 148 is a neighbor
   * 166 is a neighbor
   * 221 is a neighbor
   * 265 is a neighbor
   * (or a permutation of these)

  return 0;

Example use:

> unzip
  inflating: mem.bin 
> clang -lm test.c
> ./a.out
site 238 at {6.798607, 5.040127}:
266 is a neighbor
edge clipped by bounding box
265 is a neighbor
184 is a neighbor
253 is a neighbor
185 is a neighbor

#define JCV_SQRT sqrt when using double

First of, I used you library and it works great out of the box!

When using double, and not doing #define JCV_SQRT sqrt, gives warnings. you just missed it in the

also a couple of feature requests, I could do some if you want:

  • let the user define JCV_REAL_TYPE double/float, and hide all other macros under the hood.
  • have a c++ wrapper, replacing the array pointer with std::vector etc.
  • support segments in addition to points - this is a big request.

List of unique vertices

One more issue :/

Because I want to create a mesh, I need a list of unique vertices. These are stored as x,y points. Any idea how to do this ?

My naive algorithm would go as follows:

  • Loop through all sites and their edges and add them all together (i.e. 5 sites each with, say, 5 edges gives a maximum of 25 vertices)
  • Now we have a maximum. Allocate an integer for each (to be used as boolean). Set all to 1.
  • Loop through again, this time with an inner loop starting from the outer loop +1
  • In the inner loop, check if the outer loop position as the same as inner. If so, set the value of the integer to 0 (not unique).

Now we have a list of unique vertices ...

Not very elegant. Any better ideas ?

Also - can I just use an equals check on the positions (x1==x2) even though they are floats ?

Undefined Behavior - misaligned address

thank you for a great library, super easy to use.
I have noticed runtime errors reported by Xcode.

jc_voronoi.h:784:2: runtime error: store to misaligned address 0x6290000079f4 for type 'void *', which requires 8 byte alignment

Suggestion for easier user experience

Hey @JCash this is super helpful. I am new to github/C/C++/Voronoi, but I can still make my own Voronoi image!

This is just a light suggestion from a C beginner standpoint -- feel free to close if that doesn't make sense to you!
When I fork and clone to my repo and run "cd src && gcc main.c -o main " it will complain the

yinglaoliu@Yinglaos-MacBook-Pro src % gcc main.c -o main
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_wrap_stbi_write_png", referenced from:
      _main in main-3c1ce3.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

the quick fix is to add this to the header of main.c

#include "stb_wrapper.c"

in the test.c file I will also need to include

#include "../src/jc_voronoi.h"

to get it run.

feel free to lmk what do you think? I can help submit a PR if you like.

Thanks again for the help!

memory crash

Love your library and it is very efficient.
I run the jcv_diagram_generate from the following points:
13.500000, 4.000000
8.500000, 0.000000
13.500000, 3.500000
8.500000, 0.500000
13.500000, 3.000000
8.500000, 1.000000
13.500000, 2.500000
8.500000, 1.500000
13.500000, 2.000000
8.500000, 2.000000
13.500000, 1.500000
8.500000, 2.500000
13.500000, 1.000000
8.500000, 3.000000
13.500000, 0.500000
8.500000, 3.500000
13.500000, 0.000000
8.500000, 4.000000
13.000000, 0.000000
9.000000, 4.000000
12.500000, 0.000000
9.500000, 4.000000
12.000000, 0.000000
10.000000, 4.000000
11.500000, 0.000000
10.500000, 4.000000
11.000000, 0.000000
11.000000, 4.000000
10.500000, 0.000000
11.500000, 4.000000
10.000000, 0.000000
12.000000, 4.000000
9.500000, 0.000000
12.500000, 4.000000
9.000000, 0.000000
13.000000, 4.000000

However, it results in the memory crash and I want to figure out the reason.

Assertion `pq->numitems < pq->maxnumitems' failed.

It is very rare, and saw it only once, but I was able to hit this assert:

jc_voronoi.h:887: int jcv_pq_push(jcv_priorityqueue *, void *): Assertion `pq->numitems < pq->maxnumitems' failed.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a core dump to investigate further.

I feed it between 2 and 16 points, with no duplicates.

From now on, I'll run my game in a debugger, so I can catch it and report back.

Many very small edges

Love your library, use it heavily. Been finding however that the algorithm generates many tiny edges. The visualization attached places transparent circles on each unique vertex in the mesh and where there are tiny edges the overlapping circles darken by addition. Red circles are the seed points. I would guess that maybe 20% of polygons in a large mesh contain tiny degerate edges. It seems to me these edges could be collapsed without violating the Voronoi rules.


Bug: Produces zero length edges

Thanks for the lib!


jcvBounds min x -6.418 y -5.500 max x 3.140 y 0.009
jcvPoints[0] x -5.544 y -3.492
jcvPoints[1] x -5.010 y -4.586
jcvPoints[2] x 3.030 y -3.045
jcvPoints[3] x -5.279 y -5.474
edge[0] pos[0] x -1.318 y -2.105 pos[1] x -1.428 y 0.009
edge[1] pos[0] x -0.667 y -5.500 pos[1] x -1.318 y -2.105
edge[2] pos[0] x -0.762 y -5.500 pos[1] x -0.762 y -5.500
edge[3] pos[0] x -6.418 y -4.618 pos[1] x -6.418 y -4.618
edge[4] pos[0] x -6.418 y -4.596 pos[1] x -1.318 y -2.105
edge[5] pos[0] x -6.418 y -4.643 pos[1] x -3.598 y -5.500

Gray lines are XY axis
Green box is bounds
Green lines are valid edges
Green crosses are input points
Two magenta crosses are problematic edge2 and edge3

I'm using double
#define JCV_REAL_TYPE double
#define JCV_ATAN2 atan2
#define JCV_SQRT sqrt
#define JCV_FABS fabs
#include <jc_voronoi/jc_voronoi.h>

Access to the site by its index

Now, to get access to a separate site by its index, you need to either make a separate array sorted by site indexes, or use a chart search.
Maybe there are other ways that I can't see?

Assertion on polygon bounds

Hey, congrats on the great library.

I am trying to generate a voronoi diagram inside one of the cells of another voronoi diagram.
I am converting the bounding polygon to a jcv_polygon and then making a clipper and setting it as a ctx.

The generation asserts at line 218 of jc_voronoi_clip.h at this assertion assert(min_edge >= 0);

Can you please help me understand what is happening?

Usage of Voronoi library

Hello, my name is Lena and I am trying to work with algorithm Event-chain and I need Voroni diagram to do it to find nearest neighbors (or 5 nearest neighbors). But I can not use your library because I work in Visual Studio 2019 and it asks for new and new files/libraries which I can not find here. Maybe you could help me to realize your library I really need it! In which program you realized your library? And maybe you know how else I can realize algorithm of find nearest neighbor. Regards.

Delaunay Triangluation

How can I generate a Delaunay triangulation (the dual of the Voronoi) using this code?
Can you provide a snippet to show this?

floor & ceil

I was just taking a look at the source and found these suspicious. It doesn't look like this would work for values outside the integer range.

Feature Request for more generalized clipping.

It would be great if the clipping, which is currently against a rectangle, could be performed on a more generic shape, for instance, a convex polygon.

This way, jc_voronoi would be able to decompose any given convex polygon.

Building a project with code from the voronoi fails in Visual Studio

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone the code
  2. Create a new console project in the Visual Studio
  3. Add a new cpp file and put the following code there:
#include <iostream>
#include "jc_voronoi.h"

int main()
	return 0;
  1. Go to Solution Explorer -> Project Properties -> C/C++ -> General
  2. Add a path to the voronoi\src folder (of the cloned code) in Additional Include Directories property.
  3. Apply
  4. Try to build Solution by using hotkey Ctrl + B

As the result you will get the following error:

error C2526: 'jcv_delauney_begin': C linkage function cannot return C++ class 'jcv_delauney_iter_'
message : see declaration of 'jcv_delauney_iter_'

My environment:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) - Version 17.4.4

SDL2 render?

Hello! Thanks for awesome work!

Do you have an example code below, but for the SDL2?

#include "jc_voronoi.h"

void draw_edges(const jcv_diagram* diagram);
void draw_cells(const jcv_diagram* diagram);

void generate_and_draw(int numpoints, const jcv_point* points, int imagewidth, int imageheight)
    jcv_diagram diagram;
    memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));
    jcv_diagram_generate(count, points, 0, 0, &diagram );


    jcv_diagram_free( &diagram );

void draw_edges(const jcv_diagram* diagram)
    // If all you need are the edges
    const jcv_edge* edge = jcv_diagram_get_edges( diagram );
    while( edge )
        draw_line(edge->pos[0], edge->pos[1]);
        edge = jcv_diagram_get_next_edge(edge);

void draw_cells(const jcv_diagram* diagram)
    // If you want to draw triangles, or relax the diagram,
    // you can iterate over the sites and get all edges easily
    const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites( diagram );
    for( int i = 0; i < diagram->numsites; ++i )
        const jcv_site* site = &sites[i];

        const jcv_graphedge* e = site->edges;
        while( e )
            draw_triangle( site->p, e->pos[0], e->pos[1]);
            e = e->next;

Site-point collisions

Not sure where to put these comments / requests for info ...

(Thanks for creating this library, btw ! Has saved me a lot of time and brain power)

Is there an easy way to determine which site within the rectangle belongs to an x,y co-ordinate ? All I can think to do is loop through each one and do a polygonal collision check using each edge but I figured Voronoi is sort-of designed to know which points belong inside (that's basically the definition of a Voronoi diagram).

Incorrect number of edges in specific case

When using jc_voronoi for a natural neighbor interpolation problem, I was testing jc_voronoi to make sure it was getting linked correctly by giving it a square of points at {0,0}, {val, 0}, {0, val}, {-val, 0}, and {0, -val}.

There appears to be a bug when val = 2 in this case.
I went through and was checking the number of edges that each site said it had, and the {0,0} site is always supposed to say 4. When val = 2, it says it has two. This doesn't seem to happen when I rotate or shift the square. This code runs through these cases and some other vals other than 2

#include "jc_voronoi.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

void printSquare( float val, int mode )
  std::cout << "\nStart Of Test\n";
  int pointCount = 5;
  jcv_point list[pointCount];
  // list[0] = {  0,   0 };

  if( mode == 1)
    //45 degree rotation on unit circle
    list[0].x = 0;
    list[0].y = 0;
    float valUpdated = val/(std::sqrt(2));
    // list[1] = { valUpdated, valUpdated };
    list[1].x = valUpdated;
    list[1].y = valUpdated;
    // list[2] = { -valUpdated, valUpdated };
    list[2].x = -valUpdated;
    list[2].y = valUpdated;
    // list[3] = { valUpdated, -valUpdated };
    list[3].x = valUpdated;
    list[3].y = -valUpdated;
    // list[4] = { -valUpdated, -valUpdated };
    list[4].x = -valUpdated;
    list[4].y = -valUpdated;
  }else if ( mode == 2)
    //offset from origin
    float xOffset = std::rand() % 100 + 1;
    float yOffset = std::rand() % 100 + 1;

    list[0].x = 0 + xOffset;
    list[0].y = 0 + yOffset;

    // list[1] = { val + xOffset , 0 + yOffset };
    list[1].x = val + xOffset;
    list[1].y = 0 + yOffset;
    // list[2] = { 0 + xOffset, val + yOffset  };
    list[2].x = 0 + xOffset;
    list[2].y = val + yOffset;
    // list[3] = { -val + xOffset, 0 + yOffset  };
    list[3].x = -val + xOffset;
    list[3].y = 0 + yOffset;
    // list[4] = { 0 + xOffset, -val + yOffset };
    list[4].x = 0 + xOffset;
    list[4].y = -val + yOffset;
    list[0].x = 0;
    list[0].y = 0;
    // list[1] = { val, 0 };
    list[1].x = val;
    list[1].y = 0;
    // list[2] = { 0, val };
    list[2].x = 0;
    list[2].y = val;
    // list[3] = { -val, 0 };
    list[3].x = -val;
    list[3].y = 0;
    // list[4] = { 0, -val };
    list[4].x = 0;
    list[4].y = -val;
  jcv_diagram diagram;
  memset(&diagram, 0, sizeof(jcv_diagram));
  jcv_diagram_generate(pointCount, list, nullptr, &diagram);

  const jcv_site *sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(&diagram);
  for( int i = 0; i < diagram.numsites; ++i )
      const jcv_site* site = &sites[i];
      std::cout << "\nAt site index " << site->index << " with position (" << site->p.x << ", " << site->p.y << ")\n";
      const jcv_graphedge* e = site->edges;
      int edgeCount = 0;
			while( e )
			// 	std::cout << "\nSite pos  = " << site->p.x << ", " << site->p.y << "\n";
      //   std::cout << "Edge 1 pos = " << e->pos[0].x << ", " << e->pos[0].y << "\n";
      //   std::cout << "Edge 2 pos = " << e->pos[1].x << ", " << e->pos[1].y << "\n";
				e = e->next;
      // std::cout << "\nSite pos  = " << site->p.x << ", " << site->p.y << "\n";
      std::cout << "Number of edges is " << edgeCount << "\n";
      if(site->p.x == 0 && site->p.y == 0)
        if(edgeCount != 4)
          std::cout << "At (0,0) the cell does not have 4 edges!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
          std::cout << "As expected, the cell at (0,0) has 4 edges\n";
  std::cout << "Done printing sites and edge counts for this test\n\n\n";
  jcv_diagram_free( &diagram );


int main( int argc, const char *argv[])

  float eps = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
  std::cout << "\nDemonstration of bug at 2\n\n";

  printSquare( 1, 0 );
  printSquare( 3, 0 );
  std::cout << "\nThis is the buggy one\n";
  printSquare( 2, 0 ); //issue is here
  std::cout << "\nEnd of the buggy one\n";
  printSquare( 2, 1 );
  printSquare( 2, 2 );
  printSquare( 2+2*eps, 0 );
  printSquare( 2-2*eps, 0 );

  std::cout << "\n\n\nEnd of Tests\n";

  return 0;


The result from this is

Demonstration of bug at 2

Start Of Test

At site index 4 with position (0, -1)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 3 with position (-1, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 0 with position (0, 0)
Number of edges is 4
As expected, the cell at (0,0) has 4 edges

At site index 1 with position (1, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 2 with position (0, 1)
Number of edges is 4
Done printing sites and edge counts for this test

Start Of Test

At site index 4 with position (0, -3)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 3 with position (-3, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 0 with position (0, 0)
Number of edges is 4
As expected, the cell at (0,0) has 4 edges

At site index 1 with position (3, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 2 with position (0, 3)
Number of edges is 4
Done printing sites and edge counts for this test

This is the buggy one

Start Of Test

At site index 4 with position (0, -2)
Number of edges is 3

At site index 3 with position (-2, 0)
Number of edges is 2

At site index 0 with position (0, 0)
Number of edges is 2
At (0,0) the cell does not have 4 edges!!!!!!!!!!!

At site index 1 with position (2, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 2 with position (0, 2)
Number of edges is 4
Done printing sites and edge counts for this test

End of the buggy one

Start Of Test

At site index 4 with position (-1.41421, -1.41421)
Number of edges is 5

At site index 3 with position (1.41421, -1.41421)
Number of edges is 5

At site index 0 with position (0, 0)
Number of edges is 4
As expected, the cell at (0,0) has 4 edges

At site index 2 with position (-1.41421, 1.41421)
Number of edges is 5

At site index 1 with position (1.41421, 1.41421)
Number of edges is 5
Done printing sites and edge counts for this test

Start Of Test

At site index 4 with position (8, 48)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 3 with position (6, 50)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 0 with position (8, 50)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 1 with position (10, 50)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 2 with position (8, 52)
Number of edges is 4
Done printing sites and edge counts for this test

Start Of Test

At site index 4 with position (0, -2)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 3 with position (-2, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 0 with position (0, 0)
Number of edges is 4
As expected, the cell at (0,0) has 4 edges

At site index 1 with position (2, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 2 with position (0, 2)
Number of edges is 4
Done printing sites and edge counts for this test

Start Of Test

At site index 4 with position (0, -2)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 3 with position (-2, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 0 with position (0, 0)
Number of edges is 4
As expected, the cell at (0,0) has 4 edges

At site index 1 with position (2, 0)
Number of edges is 4

At site index 2 with position (0, 2)
Number of edges is 4
Done printing sites and edge counts for this test

End of Tests

I am not sure why this is happening, especially since it works when val = 2 + 2 *numeric_limits::epsilon.

I am hoping someone more familiar with the code can find it the reason

The example Voronoi relaxation is a bit different than Lloyd’s algorithm on Wikipedia.

The example Voronoi relaxation


Lines 136 to 164 in 7dc36e7

## Relaxing the points
Here is an example of how to do the relaxations of the cells.
void relax_points(const jcv_diagram* diagram, jcv_point* points)
const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(diagram);
for( int i = 0; i < diagram->numsites; ++i )
const jcv_site* site = &sites[i];
jcv_point sum = site->p;
int count = 1;
const jcv_graphedge* edge = site->edges;
while( edge )
sum.x += edge->pos[0].x;
sum.y += edge->pos[0].y;
edge = edge->next;
points[site->index].x = sum.x / count;
points[site->index].y = sum.y / count;

 void relax_points(const jcv_diagram* diagram, jcv_point* points) 
     const jcv_site* sites = jcv_diagram_get_sites(diagram); 
     for( int i = 0; i < diagram->numsites; ++i ) 
         const jcv_site* site = &sites[i]; 
         jcv_point sum = site->p; 
         int count = 1; 
         const jcv_graphedge* edge = site->edges; 
         while( edge ) 
             sum.x += edge->pos[0].x; 
             sum.y += edge->pos[0].y; 
             edge = edge->next; 
         points[site->index].x = sum.x / count; 
         points[site->index].y = sum.y / count; 

Lloyd’s algorithm

It then repeatedly executes the following relaxation step:

The Voronoi diagram of the k sites is computed.
Each cell of the Voronoi diagram is integrated, and the centroid is computed.
Each site is then moved to the centroid of its Voronoi cell.


Lloyd’s algorithm on Wikipedia computes the centroids of Voronoi cells, while the example Voronoi relaxation on the README looks like it’s averaging vertices instead of computing centroids. The two would be similar in position, but not the same.

Speaking of the results, how would it be different compared to Lloyd’s on Wikipedia? I’m trying to evenly spread out some points and not sure which way I should follow to get more accurate results.

half edge neighbor is incorrect

when i iterate through a site's halfedges and look at their neighbors, they do not correspond to actual neighbors. and even if i look at the half edge's corresponding edge, its two sites are not neighboring in the diagram.

Missing a way to get an indexed diagram

Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't find a way to get an indexed diagram.
I mean an array with the same size of bounding box where each element is the index of the cell.

Am I missing something?

An all-in-one `#define` directive for the `double` precision.


It’d be convenient if jc_voronoi.h could provide a single #define flag that sets all the following directives by default:

#define JCV_REAL_TYPE double
#define JCV_ATAN2 atan2
#define JCV_SQRT sqrt
#define JCV_PI 3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875

because I believe that, most of the time, those settings are not configured separately.

Crashes on division by zero

Crashes on division by zero in the jcv_edge_create where dx AND dy is both 0. The reason to this is because s1 == s2 is true.

bounds are calculated incorrectly

If no bounding rectangle is passed to jcv_diagram_generate_useralloc or jcv_diagram_generate, the function _jcv_calc_bounds is used to calculate it. This function is incorrect, because it receives the modified number of points after duplicates have been removed, but uses the unmodified point array data passed by the user. The fix is as follows:

  1. Change the call to _jcv_calc_bounds to this:

_jcv_calc_bounds(num_points,internal->sites, &d->min, &d->max);

  1. Change _jcv_calc_bounds to the following:
static inline void _jcv_calc_bounds(int num_points, const jcv_site* points, jcv_point* min, jcv_point* max)
	jcv_point _min = points[0].p;
	jcv_point _max = points[0].p;
	for( int i = 1; i < num_points; ++i )
		if( points[i].p.x < _min.x )
			_min.x = points[i].p.x;
		else if( points[i].p.x > _max.x )
			_max.x = points[i].p.x;

		if( points[i].p.y < _min.y )
			_min.y = points[i].p.y;
		else if( points[i].p.y > _max.y )
			_max.y = points[i].p.y;
	min->x = floor(_min.x);
	min->y = floor(_min.y);
	max->x = ceil(_max.x);
	max->y = ceil(_max.y);

Time Complexity Question

In my knowledge, the time complexity of Fortune's Sweepline algorithm is O(n log n). This algorithm uses a balanced binary search tree(BBST) to insert/delete parabola and to do a binary search in O(log n).

I found that this code uses a linked list, instead of BBST. The linked list makes this code O(n^2), and it means this code will take lots of time to calculate Voronoi Diagram in specific inputs.

Generator of test input is here.

n = 1000000
n.times do |i|
	puts "%d %d" % [(i+1), -(i+1)]
	puts "%d %d" % [-(i+1), -(i+1)]

You can check that your program is almost stopped at this part or this part.

Actually, an implementation used linked list will work well in the average case.

Question about the 3D voronoi diagram

I have a question

I have information about the coordinates of a 3D point cloud and K-nearest neighbors. From there, what code should I refer to to create a 3D Voronoi diagram

jcv_find_polygon_edge asserts with large polygons

voronoi/src/jc_voronoi_clip.h:222: int jcv_find_polygon_edge(const jcv_clipper *, jcv_point): Assertion min_edge >= 0'

The assert happens for large polygons when the distance squared returned by jcv_length_sq is always larger than the initial value of min_dist, which is 1000000. I'd recommend replacing jcv_real min_dist = (jcv_real)1000000; with jcv_real min_dist = JCV_FLT_MAX.

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