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hh_extended_family's People


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hh_extended_family's Issues

Slovak translation


following the Slovak tanslation:

            case 'sk':
                return $this->slovakTranslations();     


    protected function slovakTranslations(): array
        // Note the special characters used in plural and context-sensitive translations.
        return [
            'Extended family' => 'Širšia rodina',
            'A tab showing the extended family of an individual.' => 'Záložka širšej rodiny danej osoby.',
            'Are these parts of the extended family to be shown?' => 'Vyberte príslušníkov širšej rodiny, ktorí sa majú zobraziť.',
            'Show name of proband as short name or as full name?' => 'Má sa zobraziť skrátené, alebo plné meno probanda?',
            'The short name is based on the probands Rufname or nickname. If these are not avaiable, the first of the given names is used, if one is given. Otherwise the last name is used.' => 'Skrátené meno je buď tzv. Rufname, alebo prezývka. Ak tieto neexistujú, tak sa použije prvé krstné meno. Ak ani toto neexistuje, tak sa použije priezvisko.',
            'Show short name' => 'Zobraziť skrátené meno',
            'He' => 'On', // Kontext "Für ihn"
            'She' => 'Ona', // Kontext "Für sie"
            'He/she' => 'On/ona', // Kontext "Für ihn/sie"
            'Mr.' => 'Pán', // Kontext "Für Herrn xxx"
            'Mrs.' => 'Pani', // Kontext "Für Frau xxx"
            'No family available' => 'Nenašla sa žiadna rodina',
            'Father\'s family (%d)' => 'Otcova rodina (%d)',
            'Mother\'s family (%d)' => 'Matkina rodina (%d)',
            'Father\'s and Mother\'s family (%d)' => 'Otcova a matkina rodina (%d)',
            'Grandparents' => 'Starí rodičia',
            '%s has no grandparents recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenaných žiadnych starých rodičov.',
            '%s has one grandmother recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu starú mamu.',
            '%s has one grandfather recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného starého otca.',
            '%s has one grandparent recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného starého rodiča.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandmother recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandmothers recorded.' => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d starú mamu.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d staré mamy.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d starých mám.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandfather recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandfathers recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d starého otca.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d starých otcov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d starých otcov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandfather and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandfathers and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d starého otca a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d starých otcov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d starých otcov a ',
            '%d grandmother recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d grandmothers recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d starú mamu (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d staré mamy (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d starých mám (spolu %d).',
            '%s has no parents recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenaných žiadnych rodičov.',
            '%s has one mother recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu matku.',
            '%s has one father recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného otca.',
            '%s has one grandparent recorded.' => '%s má jedného rodiča.',
            '%2$s has %1$d mother recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d mothers recorded.' => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d matku.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d matky.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d matiek.',
            '%2$s has %1$d father recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d fathers recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d otca.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d otcov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d otcov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d father and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d fathers and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d otca a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d otcov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d otcov a ',
            '%d mother recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d mothers recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d matku (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d matky (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d matiek (spolu %d).',
            'Uncles and Aunts' => 'Strýkovia a tety',
            '%s has no uncles or aunts recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenaného žiadneho strýka alebo tetu.',
            '%s has one aunt recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu tetu.',
            '%s has one uncle recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného strýka.',
            '%s has one uncle or aunt recorded.' => '%s jedného strýka alebo tetu.',
            '%2$s has %1$d aunt recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d aunts recorded.' => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d tetu.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d tety.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d tiet.',
            '%2$s has %1$d uncle recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d uncles recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d strýka.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d strýkov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d strýkov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d uncle and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d uncles and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d strýka a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d strýkov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d strýkov a ',
            '%d aunt recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d aunts recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d tetu (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d tety (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d tiet (spolu %d).', 
            '%s has no siblings recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenaných žiadnych súrodencov.',
            '%s has one sister recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu sestru.',
            '%s has one brother recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného brata.',
            '%s has one brother or sister recorded.' => '%s má jedného súrodenca.',
            '%2$s has %1$d sister recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d sisters recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d dcéru.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d dcéry.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d dcér.',
            '%2$s has %1$d brother recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d brothers recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d brata.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d bratov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d bratov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d brother and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d brothers and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d brata a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d bratov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d bratov a ',
            '%d sister recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sisters recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d sestru (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sestry (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sestier (spolu %d).',
            'Partners' => 'Partneri',
            '%s has no partners recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenaného žiadneho partnera.',
            '%s has one female partner recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu partnerku.',
            '%s has one male partner recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného partnera.',
            '%s has one partner recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného partnera.',
            '%2$s has %1$d female partner recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d female partners recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d partnerku.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d partnerky.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d partneriek.',
            '%2$s has %1$d male partner recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male partners recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d partnera.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d partnerov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d partnerov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d male partner and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male partners and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d partnera a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d partnerov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d partnerov a ',
            '%d female partner recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d female partners recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d partnerku (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d partnerky (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d partneriek (spolu %d).',
            'Cousins' => 'Bratranci a sesternice',
            '%s has no first cousins recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenaných žiadnych prvostupňových bratrancov alebo sesternice.',
            '%s has one female first cousin recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu prvostupňovú sesternicu.',
            '%s has one male first cousin recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného prvostupňového bratranca.',
            '%s has one first cousin recorded.' => '%s má jedného prvostupňového bratranca alebo sesternicu.',
            '%2$s has %1$d female first cousin recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d female first cousins recorded.'
                => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d prvostupňovú sesternicu.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d prvostupňové sesternice.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d prvostupňových sesterníc.',
            '%2$s has %1$d male first cousin recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male first cousins recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d prvostupňového bratranca.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d prvostupňových bratrancov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d prvostupňových bratrancov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d male first cousin and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male first cousins and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d prvostupňového bratranca a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d prvostupňových bratrancov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d prvostupňových bratrancov a ',
            '%d female first cousin recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d female first cousins recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d prvostupňovú sesternicu (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d prvostupňové sesternice (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d prvostupňových sesterníc (spolu %d).',
            'Nephews and Nieces' => 'Synovci a netere',
            '%s has no nephews or nieces recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenaných žiadnych synovcov alebo netere.',
            '%s has one niece recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu neter.',
            '%s has one nephew recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného synovca.',
            '%s has one nephew or niece recorded.' => '%s má jedného synovca alebo jednu neter.',
            '%2$s has %1$d niece recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d nieces recorded.'
                => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d neter.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d netere.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d neterí.',
            '%2$s has %1$d nephew recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d nephews recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d synovca.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d synovcov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s zaznamenaných %1$d synovcov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d nephew and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d nephews and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d synovca a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s zaznamenaných %1$d synovcov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s zaznamenaných %1$d synovcov a ',
            '%d niece recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d nieces recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d neter (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d netere (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d neterí (spolu %d).',
            '%s has no children recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenané žiadne deti.',
            '%s has one daughter recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu dcéru.',
            '%s has one son recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného syna.',
            '%s has one child recorded.' => '%s má jedno dieťa.',
            '%2$s has %1$d daughter recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d daughters recorded.'
                => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d dcéru.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d dcéry.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d dcér.',
            '%2$s has %1$d son recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d sons recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d syna.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d synov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d synov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d son and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d sons and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d syna a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d synov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d synov a ',
            '%d daughter recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d daughters recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d dcéru (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d dcéry (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d dcár (spolu %d).',
            'Grandchildren' => 'Vnúčatá',
            '%s has no grandchildren recorded.' => '%s nemá zaznamenané žiadne vnúča.',
            '%s has one granddaughter recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenanú jednu vnučku.',
            '%s has one grandson recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenaného jedného vnuka.',
            '%s has one grandchild recorded.' => '%s má zaznamenané jedno vnúča.',
            '%2$s has %1$d granddaughter recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d granddaughters recorded.'
                => '%2$s má zaznamenanú %1$d vnučku.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenané %1$d vnučky.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d vnučiek.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandson recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandsons recorded.' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d vnuka.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d vnukov.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d vnukov.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandson and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandsons and ' 
                => '%2$s má zaznamenaného %1$d vnuka a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d vnukov a ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s má zaznamenaných %1$d vnukov a ',
            '%d granddaughter recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d granddaughters recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d vnučku (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d vnučky (spolu %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d vnučiek (spolu %d).',            

New Czech translations for

The two additional strings:

'Family part' => 'Část rodiny',

'In which sequence should the parts of the extended family be shown?' => 'V jakém pořadí se části širší rodiny zobrazí?',

Tab Extended family - titles

I suggest that the part h2 titles be displayed even if the part has
'%s has no ... recorded.'
otherwise the message is drowned among the others.

Ukrainian translation

Hi, I did a translation into Ukrainian. Can you please integrate it into your module?

            'Extended family' => 'Розширена сім`я',
            'A tab showing the extended family of an individual.' => 'Додає вкладку з розширеним виглядом родини для картки персони',
            'Are these parts of the extended family to be shown?' => 'Чи будуть показані ці частини розширеної сім`ї?',
            'Show name of proband as short name or as full name?' => 'Показувати коротке чи повне ім'я об`єкту (пробанду)?',
            'The short name is based on the probands Rufname or nickname. If these are not avaiable, the first of the given names is used, if one is given. Otherwise the last name is used.' => 'Коротке ім`я базується на прізвиську або псевдонімі об'єкту. Якщо вони не є доступними, використовується перше з наявних імен. В іншому випадку використовується прізвище.',
            'Show short name' => 'Показати коротку форму імені',
            'He' => 'йому', // Kontext "ihn"
            'She' => 'їй', // Kontext "sie"
            'He/she' => 'йому/їй', // Kontext "ihn/sie"
            'Mr.' => 'Пана', // Kontext "Herrn xxx"
            'Mrs.' => 'Пані', // Kontext "Frau xxx"
            'No family available' => 'Не знайдено жодної сім`ї.',
            'Father\'s family (%d)' => 'Сім`я батька (%d)',
            'Mother\'s family (%d)' => 'Сім`я матері (%d)',
            'Father\'s and Mother\'s family (%d)' => 'Сім`я батька і матері (%d)',

            'Grandparents' => 'Бабуся і дідусь',
            '%s has no grandparents recorded.' => '%s не має жодного запису про бабусю чи дідуся.',
            '%s has one grandmother recorded.' => '%s має запис про одну бабусю.',
            '%s has one grandfather recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного дідуся.',
            '%s has one grandparent recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного дідуся чи бабусю.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandmother recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandmothers recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис бабусі.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи бабусь.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandfather recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandfathers recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис дідуся.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи дідусів.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandfather and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandfathers and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис дідуся та ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи дідусів і ',
            '%d grandmother recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d grandmothers recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d бабусю (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d бабусі (загалом %d).',

            'Parents' => 'Батьки',
            '%s has no parents recorded.' => '%s не має записів батьків.',
            '%s has one mother recorded.' => '%s має тільки запис матері.',
            '%s has one father recorded.' => '%s має тільки запис батька.',
            '%s has one parent recorded.' => '%s має запис одного з батьків.',
            '%2$s has %1$d mother recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d mothers recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про мати.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про матерів.',
            '%2$s has %1$d father recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d fathers recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про батька.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записів про батьків.',
            '%2$s has %1$d father and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d fathers and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про батька та ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про батьків і ',
            '%d mother recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d mothers recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d мати (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d матерів (загалом %d).',

            'Uncles and Aunts' => 'Дядьки і тітки',
            '%s has no uncles or aunts recorded.' => '%s не має записів про дядьків і тіток.',
            '%s has one aunt recorded.' => '%s має запис про одну тітку.',
            '%s has one uncle recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного дядька.',
            '%s has one uncle or aunt recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного дядька чи тітку.',
            '%2$s has %1$d aunt recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d aunts recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про дядька.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про дядьків.',
            '%2$s has %1$d uncle recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d uncles recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про тіток.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про тіток.',
            '%2$s has %1$d uncle and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d uncles and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про дядька та ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про дядьків і ',
            '%d aunt recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d aunts recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d тітку (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d тіток (загалом %d).', 

            'Siblings' => 'Брати і сестри',
            '%s has no siblings recorded.' => '%s не має записів про братів і сестер.',
            '%s has one sister recorded.' => '%s має запис про одну сестру.',
            '%s has one brother recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного брата.',
            '%s has one brother or sister recorded.' => %s має записи про одного брата чи сестру.',
            '%2$s has %1$d sister recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d sisters recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про сестру.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про сестер.',
            '%2$s has %1$d brother recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d brothers recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про брата.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про братів.',
            '%2$s has %1$d brother and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d brothers and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про брата і ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про братів і ',
            '%d sister recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d sisters recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d сестру (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d сестер (загалом %d).',
            'Partners' => 'Партнери',
            '%s has no partners recorded.' => '%s не має записів про партнерів.',
            '%s has one female partner recorded.' => '%s має запис про одну партнерку.',
            '%s has one male partner recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного партнера.',
            '%s has one partner recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного партнера.',
            '%2$s has %1$d female partner recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d female partners recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про партнерку.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про партнерок.',
            '%2$s has %1$d male partner recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male partners recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про партнера.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про партнерів.',
            '%2$s has %1$d male partner and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male partners and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про партнера і ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d запис про партнера і ',
            '%d female partner recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d female partners recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d партнерку (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d партнерок (загалом %d).',

            'Cousins' => 'Двоюрідні брати і сестри',
            '%s has no first cousins recorded.' => '%s не має записів про двоюрідних братів і сестер.',
            '%s has one female first cousin recorded.' => '%s має запис про одну двоюрідну сестру.',
            '%s has one male first cousin recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного двоюрідного брата.',
            '%s has one first cousin recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного двоюрідного брата чи сестру.',
            '%2$s has %1$d female first cousin recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d female firts cousins recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про двоюрідну сестру.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про двоюрідних сестер.',
            '%2$s has %1$d male first cousin recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male first cousins recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про двоюрідного брата.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про двюрідних братів.',
            '%2$s has %1$d male first cousin and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d male first cousins and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про двоюрідного брата і ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про двоюрідних братів і ',
            '%d female first cousin recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d female first cousins recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d двоюрідну сестру (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d двоюрідних сестер (загалом %d).',
            'Nephews and Nieces' => 'Племінники та племінниці',
            '%s has no nephews or nieces recorded.' => '%s не має записів про племінників чи племінниць.',
            '%s has one niece recorded.' => '%s має запис про одну племінницю.',
            '%s has one nephew recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного племінника.',
            '%s has one nephew or niece recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного племінника чи племінницю.',
            '%2$s has %1$d niece recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d nieces recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про племінницю.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про племінниць.',
            '%2$s has %1$d nephew recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d nephews recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про племінника.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про племінників.',
            '%2$s has %1$d nephew and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d nephews and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про племінника та ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про племінників і ',
            '%d niece recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d nieces recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d племінницю (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d племінниць (загалом %d).',

            'Children' => 'Діти',
            '%s has no children recorded.' => '%s не має записів про дітей.',
            '%s has one daughter recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного сина.',
            '%s has one son recorded.' => '%s має запис про одну дочку.',
            '%s has one child recorded.' => '%s запис про одну дитину.',
            '%2$s has %1$d daughter recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d ddaughters recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про дочку.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про дочок.',
            '%2$s has %1$d son recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d sons recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про сина.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про синів.',
            '%2$s has %1$d son and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d sons and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про сина та ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про синів і ',
            '%d daughter recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d daughters recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d дочку (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d дочок (загалом %d).',

            'Grandchildren' => 'Онуки',
            '%s has no grandchildren recorded.' => '%s не має записів про онуків.',
            '%s has one granddaughter recorded.' => '%s має запис про одну онуку.',
            '%s has one grandson recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного внука.',
            '%s has one grandchild recorded.' => '%s має запис про одного внука чи онуку.',
            '%2$s has %1$d granddaughter recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d granddaughters recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про онуку.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про онук.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandson recorded.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandsons recorded.'
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про внука.' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записів про внуків.',
            '%2$s has %1$d grandson and ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s has %1$d grandsons and ' 
                => '%2$s має %1$d запис про внука та ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%2$s має %1$d записи про внуків і ',
            '%d granddaughter recorded (%d in total).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d granddaughters recorded (%d in total).' 
                => '%d онуку (загалом %d).' . I18N::PLURAL . '%d онуок (загалом %d).',        

Czech translations of some phrases impossible

Within translations in each part there are pairs of phrases which cannot be properly translated into Czech as they are.
These are e.g. in Grandchildren (and similar pairs in all other parts):
'%s has %d female grandchildren recorded.' => ...
'%s has %d male grandchildren recorded.' => ...
They are plurals. In Czech each of them needs to be translated into two different plural phrases according to plural rule which is shown in webtrees script:
In Czech one plural is for (%d>=2 && %d<=4) and the other plural for %d>4.

It means that it should look like this:
'%s has %d male grandchild recorded. ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%s has %d male grandchildren recorded. '
=> '%s má %d vnuka. ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%s má %d vnuky. ' . I18N::PLURAL . '%s má %d vnuků. ',

Then the corresponding code in '/views/tab.phtml' would be:
<?php if ($extfam_obj->Grandchildren->femaleCount == 0): ?> <h3><?= I18N::plural('%s has %d male grandchild recorded.', '%s has %d male grandchildren recorded.', $extfam_obj->Grandchildren->maleCount, $extfam_obj->Self->niceName, $extfam_obj->Grandchildren->maleCount) ?></h3>

The result is


The same change should be done to 'female grandchild' and to the pairs in all other parts of translation.

Request: increase picture size and avoid text floating around the picture

I like the new option to show pictures of the individuals, but I usually have rather long PLACes which cause the lines for birth and death dates and places to extend below the picture and then float around it, especially because the pictures are rather small.

Would it be possible for you to increase, e. g. double or triple the picture size and avoid the text floating around the picture? I believe this would look even better than it already does.


I saw your question about showing living people.

In addition I think it would a great enhancement if you add a filter as in the General search page with Male/Female/Unknown and Alive/Dead.

Czech translation updated

Please replace the function czechTranslations() with new version in the attached file:
It contains the new strings as to compact design, parents-in-law and some minor amendments.
Thank you.

PDF output?

The module generates valuable overviews. A screenshot of this can easily be taken in the browser. But not all users know how to do that. For them, it would be easier to save the output as a PDF file.
Can that option be added?

Request: add full date of birth/death

Is it possible to add the full date of birth and death, rather than just the year?
This makes the overview more informative.

Perhaps by adding an option for this in the control panel (full date or just year of birth/death).

Request: use subject's full name instead of nickname

This is a nice module. Thank you, Hermann!

I nevertheless have a request. The extended family tab for an Edward Todd LASTNAME says "Toddy has 1 grandfather and 1 grandmother recorded (2 in total)." While this is factually correct I'd prefer to see his full name instead of his nickname Toddy.

Proposal: change sequence of family parts

Hermann, this is a great module and I wouldn't bother you if it weren't. I know there exist many solutions, but may I suggest to change the sequence of the relationships as follows:


  • Grandparents
  • Parents
  • Uncles and Aunts (because these are the brothers and sisters of the parents above)
  • Cousins (because these are the children of the uncles and aunts above)
  • Siblings
  • Nephews and Nieces (because these are the children of the siblings above)
  • Partners
  • Children
  • Grandchildren


  • Grandparents
  • Parents
  • Siblings
  • Partners
  • Children
  • Grandchildren
  • Nephews and Nieces (sidelines, 1 step up 2 steps down)
  • Uncles and Aunts (sidelines, 2 steps up 1 step down)
  • Cousins (sidelines, 2 steps up 2 steps down, children of the above uncles and aunts)

Please feel free to reject my proposal without explanation in case you feel you already have the best solution.

Questionable: 2 fathers because mother had 2 partnerships?

In my dataset I have an illigetimate son John (I3) where the extended family tab correctly says "John has 2 fathers and 1 mother recorded". John's father was the first and unmarried partner (I1) of John's mother (I2). A few years later his mother (I2) married a different man and this husband (I4) adopted the illigetimate John (I3). Then the married couple had a legitimate son David (I5) and the two sons John and David were brothers - not stepbrothers. So far so good.

The extended family tab for the legitimate son David (I5) now incorrectly says "David has 2 fathers and 1 mother recorded" as well. John (I3) and David (I5) share the same mother, but I don't see why the illegitimate father (I1) of John (I3) should be shown as father of David (I5).

Summary: John had both a biological father and an adoptive father. But David had only one father, i. e. his biological father. John's father was by no means somehow related to David, neither as biological father, nor as stepfather, nor as adoptive father.

I know this is a complex family situation, but I consider the current representation for David as incorrect. What do you think?

Extended family save options - error

After Control panel > Extended family > save comes an error:

Undefined index: showEmptyBlock …/modules_v4/hh_extended_family/module.php:1031
#0 …/modules_v4/hh_extended_family/module.php(1031): Fisharebest\Webtrees\Webtrees::Fisharebest\Webtrees{closure}()
#1 …/app/Http/RequestHandlers/ModuleAction.php(88): Hartenthaler\WebtreesModules\hh_extended_family\ExtendedFamilyTabModule->postAdminAction()
#2 …/app/Http/Middleware/WrapHandler.php(83): Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers\ModuleAction->handle()
#3 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\Middleware\WrapHandler->process()

Full error message:

Translations - the English phrases

In part 'Grandchildren' I suggest to replace:

'... female grandchild...' with '...granddaughter...'
'... male grandchild...' with '...grandson...'

Vietnamese language help!

Hello friends!
Your modules are great. But I'm a Vietnamese user, so it's difficult to translate. Can you please provide me the Vietnamese language? Thank you for reading!

allow admin to configure module

admin should be able to decide (per tree or for site?):

  • show only living people
  • which part of the extended family should be shown (uncles/aunts, grandparents, cousins, ...)

new strings needed for czech translation

There are some new strings in the latest version of this module. It would be nice if you can translate them:

'How should empty parts of extended family be presented?' => 'Wie sollen leere Blöcke der erweiterten Familie angezeigt werden?',
'Show empty block' => 'Zeige leere Blöcke',
'yes, always at standard location' => 'ja, immer am normalen Platz',
'no, but collect messages about empty blocks at the end' => 'nein, aber sammle Nachrichten über leere Blöcke am Ende',
'never' => 'niemals',
'Parts of extended family without recorded information' => 'Teile der erweiterten Familie ohne Angaben',
'%s has no %s recorded.' => 'Für %s sind keine %s verzeichnet.',
'%s has no %s, and no %s recorded.' => 'Für %s sind keine %s und keine %s verzeichnet.',

Check parents-in-law of traductions

In this line to get the translation I had to go from putting in the original line: "parents-in-law" to: "parents_in_law"
with low bar _. In the rest of the languages ​​it is with guinoes and not with a low bar, it is a good idea to see if in the other translations it also fails.

'%s has no parents_in_law recorded.' => '%s no tiene Suegros registrados.', // Bugfix change parents-in-law for parents_in_law

Un slaudo!

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