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tarpc's Issues

[Async PR] Ctx should not be Clone.

Ctx is Clone right now as a workaround for needing to use the ctx in a move closure, but if the move closure is never executed (if no thread is available) the ctx is still needed to reply. So right now it's just cloned, but we can be smarter about this.

let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
match thread_pool.execute(move || {
    let ctx = rx.recv().unwrap();
}) {
    Ok(()) => tx.send(ctx).unwrap(),
    Err(_) => ctx.reply(BUSY)

[Feature] target rustc stable

Compiling tarpc-plugins v0.1.0 (
error[E0554]: #[feature] may not be used on the stable release channel
--> ~/.cargo/git/checkouts/tarpc-87655b19c07c6cd1/f9ff2c4/src/plugins/src/
1 | #![feature(plugin_registrar, rustc_private)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to previous error

error: Could not compile tarpc-plugins.

rustc version : rustc 1.15.1 (021bd294c 2017-02-08)
cargo version : cargo 0.16.0-nightly (6e0c18c 2017-01-27)
OS version : macOS Sierra 10.12.3

Make it transport-agnostic

I see you've said on reddit that you're thinking about making this library transport-agnostic. Here's my two cents:

urpc can listen on a single Read + Write object, which is perfect for my use case โ€“ I have a library called rusty-sandbox which creates a pipe between two processes and gives access to it as a File. Please add support for this!

warning: use of deprecated item: renamed to `send`

warning: use of deprecated item: renamed to send --> src\ | 23 | service! { | _^ starting here... 24 | | rpc simplify(src: String, target: String) -> String; 25 | | } | |_^ ...ending here | = note: #[warn(deprecated)] on by default = note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate

i use the code in the example on master branch

Make examples more practical

The examples right now show how to use a client to talk to a server in the same process. It would probably be more useful if the examples showed how to make a server binary (similar to the example at and a client binary. This kind of setup is closer to the actual way people are likely to use tarpc.

Breakage caused by recent changes to tokio

As far as I can tell there are three changes: removal of poll_ready from the Service trait in tokio-service and tokio-proto; rename and changes to tokio_core::easy; changes to the ways that NewService can be implemented.

I was able to work around the first two by removing implementations of poll_ready and pulling a older copy of into tarpc. I am struggling to understand how to respond to the NewService change though. This problem shows up when I try to build

API evolution?

What is the recommended way to evolve an API when using tarpc.
E.g. when serving 1000s of clients that are built using the same subcrate with the service definition, how to update the whole system (server and all clients) to the new version?
Since there are no numbered fields like in proto, is the only way to evolve the API (e.g. when they require more arguments etc.) to introduce new functions, (like appending the version at the end like _v1, _v2...)? (And then removing old functions when no client is running the old version anymore.)

Documentation improvements

@jonhoo @tikue

  • Explain | syntax
  • Write more about services and clients and when you might return what errors. Have some examples.
  • Make it more clear that service implementations must be Clone/Send/'static
    • Add to the readme
    • Add to the macro documentation if it's not there
  • Warn of the dangers of mixing FutureService with SyncClient
    • Namely, if the client runs on the same thread as the service's reactor, things hang
  • choose categories
  • Clearly specify the costs of sync services

Build failed

I get the following while trying to use tarpc:

   Compiling tarpc-plugins v0.1.0 (
error[E0061]: this function takes 1 parameter but 0 parameters were supplied
  --> /root/.cargo/git/checkouts/tarpc-87655b19c07c6cd1/a441fcb/src/plugins/src/
24 |     let mut item = match parser.parse_trait_item() {
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected 1 parameter

error[E0061]: this function takes 1 parameter but 0 parameters were supplied
  --> /root/.cargo/git/checkouts/tarpc-87655b19c07c6cd1/a441fcb/src/plugins/src/
90 |     let mut item = match parser.parse_impl_item() {
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected 1 parameter

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

error: Could not compile `tarpc-plugins`.

It also looks like you're failing in CI:

Unclear how to use FutureService correctly in multi-threaded context

As previously discussed in #56, finer grained control over how work is distributed to multiple cores is useful. FutureService tries to cater to that, but I have not yet been able to make it work when using multiple threads.

In particular, I run the following code, which I believe is how FutureService should be run with multiple threads(?)

let s = Server;
let addr = "localhost:7000".first_socket_addr();
for _ in 0..4 {
    let s = s.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut core = reactor::Core::new().unwrap();
        let lf = s.listen(addr, Options::default().handle(core.handle()));;

loop {}

When run, three of the four threads crash with an "Address already in use" error:

$ rustup run nightly cargo run
   Compiling test v0.1.0 (file:///home/jon/tmp/tarpc-multi)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4.86 secs
     Running `target/debug/main`
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { repr: Os { code: 98, message: "Address alreadyin use" } }', /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/nightly-dist-rustc-linux/build/src/libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { repr: Os { code: 98, message: "Address alreadyin use" } }', /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/nightly-dist-rustc-linux/build/src/libcore/
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { repr: Os { code: 98, message: "Address alreadyin use" } }', /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/nightly-dist-rustc-linux/build/src/libcore/

@tikue claimed in #56 that

Tarpc configures listeners to allow the reuse of ports, so it should work.

But this seems counter to the behavior I observe above. Am I using the API incorrectly?

Click for full program
name = "test"
version = "0.1.0"

futures = "0.1.9"
tokio-core = "0.1"
tarpc = {git=""}
tarpc-plugins = {git = ""}

name = "main"
path = "src/"
// src/
#![feature(conservative_impl_trait, plugin)]

extern crate tarpc;
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;

use tarpc::util::Never;
use tokio_core::reactor;
use tarpc::util::FirstSocketAddr;
use std::thread;
use tarpc::server::Options;

pub mod ext {
    service! { rpc foo() -> (); }

use self::ext::*;

struct Server;

impl ext::FutureService for Server {
    type FooFut = futures::Finished<(), Never>;
    fn foo(&self) -> Self::FooFut {

fn main() {
let s = Server;
let addr = "localhost:7000".first_socket_addr();
for _ in 0..4 {
    let s = s.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut core = reactor::Core::new().unwrap();
        let lf = s.listen(addr, Options::default().handle(core.handle()));;

loop {}

Abstract service over AsyncRead and AsyncWrite.

Please refer to #39 for the prior discussion.

For example, abstracts service over Read + Write trait. The benefit of doing this includes:

  1. Being able to plug-in any transport layer easily, stdin/out, IPC, UDP+KCP, Websocket, etc... #38
  2. Multiple services on one server/port. #153
  3. Supporting event-notification pattern #39


  • I don't know if this will affect API ergonomics, but I suspect that it will be trivial to provide a helper function, if it affects.
  • Simply using multiple services for 2 and 3 might not be ideal as we won't have the holistic view of the server state and make it harder to support features like rate-limiting, load-balancing, etc. But Using multiple services won't introduce additional complexity to tarpc so I think that's fine as a mid-term solution.

@tikue do you have any additional comment?

Allow for mutable self reference in services

Currently, the Service trait generated by service! passes immutable &self references to all methods. However for Service implementations that want to update some internal state in response to an RPC message, they can't update anything on self. Thus it might be nice to have some sort of extra pattern, ex. rpc mut that will generate a trait method that allows mutation. Not sure if the behavior I'm asking about is supported in some other way as I'm fairly new to Rust, so feel free to tell me I'm being silly here.

Multiple services on one server/port

I don't see a way to serve multiple services (for different 'concerns') on one server/port. Is there a way (like in gRPC)?

Similarly, if one client executable wants to use multiple services, can it reuse the same connection among the different instantiated clients? (like in gRPC)

Consider generalizing the rpc return type

Currently it's hardcoded to always be a result of some fashion -- by default the err variant is Never -- which allows us to flatten the returned future in the common case from Future<Item=Result<T, E>, Error=io::Error> to Future<Item=T, Error=tarpc::Error>. The benefit of not doing this would be further generalization (no need to deal with uninhabited types), slightly simpler macro code, as well as potentially the complete removal of tarpc::Error.

Feature request: more transports (was: stdin/stdout transport for IPC)

The spawner process would act as the server and its children as clients. The child process's stdin and stdout can be treated like a socket. The child process could initiate the connection in its main.

I would use that to build a plugin system that allows live load/reload/unload-ing the plugins.

Build failures with recent nightlies (due to bincode?)


Looks like current master is broken due to issues with bincode (using rustc 1.17.0-nightly (a559452b0 2017-03-17) on Ubuntu 16.04):

   Compiling tarpc v0.6.0 (file:///tmp/tarpc)
error: no associated item named `Infinite` found for type `bincode::SizeLimit` in the current scope
  --> src/
50 |                                 SizeLimit::Infinite)
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: no associated item named `Infinite` found for type `bincode::SizeLimit` in the current scope
  --> src/
94 |                                                            SizeLimit::Infinite);
   |                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

error: Could not compile `tarpc`.

It looks like upstream bincode also has trouble, although in a different way (cargo crashes; this also happens locally for me on bincode v1.0.0-alpha4).

Any ideas how to solve this, or simply wait until cargo and bincode are sorted out?

Feature: generic serializers

Currently we hardcode bincode. If we support generic serializers then bincode should become a default feature so it can be disabled.

UDP transport

I looked through source code (this branch) trying to understand how to use UDP as underlying transport. I saw this. Does it contain all available variants?

Thought about implementing TryFrom<Something> but you've already used it for TCP.

I know that branch is WIP but could you share your ideas about UDP support?

UPD. Not only Stream, but Listener too, of course.

PS. Sorry if my English is bad.


It would be useful to have metadata like in gRPC or HTTP Headers for authentication data that should be sent with every request.
(And then on top of that it would be useful to have a capability for something like BeforeMiddleware that can check if a client is authenticated before a request is processed. But then it's not pure RPC anymore?)

Add a fn to *ServiceExt to convert a tarpc service to a tokio NewService

It allows people to use tarpc in a more composable fashion with the rest of the tokio libraries (say, if they want to handle the incoming stream themselves) and larger ecosystem.

Likely I'd want to reserve the right to change the actual return type because once impl Trait works with traits it'd be nice to just return -> impl NewService<..>.

cc @jonhoo

Consider new constructor functions for Client

Client::new("", None) seems pretty cryptic if you don't remember what the type signature is. I think it would make sense to provide the following functions instead:

fn new<A: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: A) -> ...
fn with_timeout<A: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: A, timeout: Duration) -> ...

In my opinion, this makes the intent of the programmer more clear, especially in cases when you don't want a timeout.

If you like the idea I could submit a PR. This would probably require bumping the version of the library to 0.3.0 though.

Avoid spawning a new thread for every call.

Unless I'm mistaken, tarpc currently spawns a new thread for every RPC. For a high-traffic service where each RPC handler exist quickly, this adds a lot of overhead. It'd be nice if a thread pool could be used instead to save some of the overhead. Is this something that's on the roadmap? I noticed it was mentioned as a drawback in @shaladdle's Reddit post announcing the project in March, but haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else since.

Clean up crate structure

  • Which modules should be public?
  • Which types should be reexported from the crate root?
  • Which types must be public but should be hidden from documentation?
  • Which types are currently public but shouldn't be? e.g. client::Either, __tarpc_service_Request, etc.

RFC: server to client event/notification system

It would be nice if the server could notify the clients on its own, without needing the client to poll from the server. A client can register listeners to an event, and when the server triggers the event, it is multiplexed to all the listeners. Rough idea of what the code might look like:

service! {
    event fn something_changed(olddata: i32, newdata: i32);

let client = Client::new(...);
client.something_changed(|old, new| {
    println!("It changed!");

impl Server for MyServer {

    fn some_method(&self) {
        self.something_changed(self.old_data, self.new_data);


There is a precedent, the Deluge RPC supports events.

Consider a different logging framework

From @jonhoo:

an interesting observation: we get ~10-20% higher throughput by removing all the debug logging calls in tarpc
things like trace! compiles to a memory load and a branch in the final code, which actually ends up mattering for common calls
I know slog ( has unused logging calls be completely compiled away
and also compose a bit more nicely

Bincode updated

Please, consider to update bincode dependency. New version is 0.6.0. Main changes - new version of serde with performance improvements.

Document why services have to be `Clone`

Right now services must be Clone, but it's not obvious (imho at least) why they are clone. Users might make incorrect assumptions about what mutating their service object within a service implementation does. They might think they're modifying the one copy of the struct, while really they're just modifying a clone.

struct MyServer {
  counter: u64,

impl Service for MyServer {
  fn do_thing(&mut self) {
    self.counter += 1; // Only ever increments the copy that is made by the tarpc layer :(

documentation needed


Could you provide documentation on how to write the .proto files in rust code...

I'm trying to connect a rust client with a java server, so far I can't seem to reproduce the my proto file in rust


SyncClient with event loop driven by current thread

Following the observations in #88, I wanted to modify the code such that the thread making an RPC call is the one that drives the event loop. However, there doesn't seem to any way to do this with SyncClient as far as I can tell? When you make the function call representing an RPC method, you have no way to also make that thread drive the core until the call completes? Of course, with a FutureClient you could implement this yourself pretty trivially, but having this be a supported mode of operation for SyncClient would be really nice.

General interest question

Hi there, I'm scouting for a protocol to use for efficient transfer of statsd type events sometime next year, do you think tarpc would be a good fit? I'm still in the conceptual stages, but a high-level view would be:

  1. connection/session per topic (host.cpu.load)
  2. batched/compressed series of counters as efficiently packed as possible

Theoretically with tokio/mio under the hood I might be able to get something like that spun up? I'm really interested in efficient transmission.

Return a server future so users can decide how to run their server

cc @tikue

Currently, we force users to call server.listen(reactor_handle, addr);. Forcing users to use a handle is a little opinionated, since users of the futures API might want to be able to explicitly control how they run their server on their reactors.

This would change FutureService to expose a bind call, which would either return the bound address and a future which encapsulates the server itself, or just a future which exposes a local_addr method. Then users can choose how to run this future on their reactor(s).

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