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tikxml's Issues

Propsal for Annotations

Our requirements to the parser:

  1. Low memory usage
  2. Polymorphism is a very important
  3. Fast parsing. Since we are parsing huge xml documents (more than 3000 xml elements nodes) an annotation processing based solution for "type adapters"(mapping an xml element to the java class) will be implemented (adding a reflection based type adapter will be possible)
  4. Our xml elements have a lot of attributes: <element a="true" b="2015-12-15" />. We need "type adapters" for attributes as well. However, I'm not sure if the same type adapters can be used for both, xml elements and xml element attributes. Maybe we need some kind of "type converter" as addition to "type adapters" for xml element attributes.
  5. Compatibility to simple xml would be nice, but is not a requirement.

Ok, so I have written down a proposal for the annotation API.

The proposal can be read here:

Some parts of the API are inconsistent, but I don't know how to do it better way yet. XML is such a ugly format.

Inconsistency (maybe you find some more inconsistencies not listed here):

  1. Regarding polymorphism, it's a mix of using xml element name as java class property and java class type to resolve polymorphism.
  2. Especially @ChildElement vs. @ChildElementList (list has an inline option while @ChildElement has none), but do we really need two annotations for the similar thing? Can we use @ChildElement on Lists, if yes, what about inlining?
  3. @PropertyElement vs. @TextContent (plus @Path)

What do you think about the name of the annotations?

Fails to parse xml element with newline right after opening tag name.

This is with 0.8.9-SNAPSHOT

If you have the xml


it will fail to parse with

reader.endElement(); // fails here

with Expected a closing element tag </foo
> but found </foo> at path /foo

	at com.tickaroo.tikxml.XmlReader.syntaxError(
	at com.tickaroo.tikxml.XmlReader.doPeek(
	at com.tickaroo.tikxml.XmlReader.endElement(

It appears that it's incorrectly including a newline ('\n') char in the element tag name, causing it to fail to match the ending tag.

While the placement of the newline above may look odd, it's pretty common when attributes are included. Ex:


AutoValue Support

AutoValue 1.2 supports to hook in custom annotation processors so that TikXml's annotation processor can be integrated.

Kotlin's immutable lists compile-time error

I get such error:

error: no suitable method found for add(Replica);
    method Collection.add(CAP#1) is not applicable
      (argument mismatch; Replica cannot be converted to CAP#1)
    method List.add(CAP#1) is not applicable
      (argument mismatch; Replica cannot be converted to CAP#1)
  where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:
    CAP#1 extends Part from capture of ? extends Part

for such var:
var parts: List<Part>

Add option for ignoring not defined XML Tags


first of all: thank you for the great library ;-)

Could you please add a possibility to skip those fields that are not defined within the pojo but are provideed by xml?
For now tikxml throws an io-exception.

moritz$VarSymbol cannot be cast to javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException:$VarSymbol cannot be cast to javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement
21:21:46.218 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at com.tickaroo.tikxml.processor.scanning.FieldScanner.doScan(FieldScanner.kt:87)
21:21:46.218 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at com.tickaroo.tikxml.processor.scanning.FieldScanner.scan(FieldScanner.kt:53)
21:21:46.218 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at com.tickaroo.tikxml.processor.XmlProcessor.process(
21:21:46.218 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at
21:21:46.218 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at
21:21:46.220 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at$1800(
21:21:46.222 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at$
21:21:46.222 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at
21:21:46.222 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at
21:21:46.222 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at
21:21:46.222 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]    at

Support for reading List<String> and other primitves

As reported in #44 parsing an xml like


is not possible with @PropertyElement nor with @Element List<String> directly.

The current workaround is to use @TextContent but this requires an extra wrapper:

public class Week {
  List<Day> days;
public class Day {
  @TextContent String name;

Determine polymorphism by element attribute

Determine the type (resolve polymorphism / inheritance) by xml element's attribute value. Might not be as efficient as current implementation polymorphism resolving strategies (xml element name) because we have to read all xml attributes (and store / buffer them temporarily) before we can continue with parsing.

Question about usage


Is there any documentation where I can see how to use it?
I found only documentation about xml -> java mapping which is quite impressive, but I get some errors when I try to use it.
Do I need to write TypeAdapter for every class?

If I try to create object in following way
TikXml parser = new TikXml.Builder().build(); DataTable result =, DataTable.class);

I get the exception:
com.tickaroo.tikxml.TypeAdapterNotFoundException: No TypeAdapter for class

Support for xml namespace

Not really needed by us. However, some people might find it useful.

Ok, so after having thought about namespace support, this is what I cam up with:

We are going to have limited namespace support by allowing the user to write : in the names.
This means we only support STABLE namespaces (not dynamically changeable) as we simply treat namespaces + element names / attribute names as one single name (string). Furthermore, namespace can't be implemented dynamically (read dynamically namespace and prefix while parsing xml) as annotation processor has already to know which

  • support for@Path. Already implemented with #38
  • unit tests for @Attribute(name = "myNamespace:foo"), @PropertyElement(name = "myNamespace:foo"), @Element(name = "myNamespace:foo")
  • ignore namespace definitions like: xmlns:m="" so that .exceptionOnUnreadXml(true) will not throw an exception when reading namespace definitions.
  • Add a @NamespaceDefinition(prefix="m", namespaceName="") annotation that will be used when writing xml to add a namespace definition. Finde a better name for the annotation as the annotation will only be used when writing xml (has no impact to reading/parsing xml). The annotation name should state this out (only take into account while writing xml)

In a second step (maybe TikXml 2.0), we could also try to add full dynamic namespace support. i.e. we could read namespace prefixes while reading / parsing xml and update internal mapping of TypeAdapter'sinternal HashMaps for xml attribute names and xml elements as we read the namespaces ... but that is out of scope in version 1.0 as I'm pretty sure "stable" namespace support is enough for most users. Also, namespaces can be overridden in any child node at any time, which will effect all involved TypeAdapters. Maybe some kind of observer pattern will be needed to inform other TypeAdpters about overriden namespaces. To sum it up: not an easy task (doable though) and I'm not sure if it is worth the effort.

The original plan was to use annotations to represent namespaces, but it turns out that this is not possible with @Path() annotations like @Path("x:foo/y:bar") where we have 2 namespaces.

So this idea has been dropped!

The original idea was:
Would be nice to have namespaces annotation based, something like

public @interface FooNamespace{}

class Something {
     @PropertyElement String name;

@TextContent + @Path

Currently we are not handling @TextContent and @Path correctly since we ignore path and only allow one a @TextContent on AnnotatedClass.

Support for XML Declaration - Processing Instruction

The parser simply ignores xml declaration <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> and other Processing Instructions. Adding support for that is not simple and currently we don't need support for it.

However, we should consider that for feature development.

Update to latest okio

Okio 1.8 added a new APIs to match byte strings: indexOf(), startsWith(), and endsWith(). This should improve the performance for reading XML tags and attributes in your case.

onResponse doesn´t called after adding TikXmlConverterFactory.create

Im doing the following to create the TikXml object

TikXml tikXml = new TikXml.Builder()

adding the converter factory


My object

@Xml(name = "myroottag", scanMode = ScanMode.ANNOTATIONS_ONLY)
public class ResultData {

    @com.tickaroo.tikxml.annotation.Element(name = "user")
    private User mUser;


@Xml(scanMode = ScanMode.ANNOTATIONS_ONLY)
public class User extends RealmObject implements IIdentifyable {

    @PropertyElement(name = "id")
    private int mIdentifier;

Allow enabling type converters for primitive types

Add an option to the annotation processor, that primitive types like String can be "converted" by a TypeConverter

The idea is to can replace HTML encoding characters directly when reading the xml element. So we could write a TypeConverter that executes Html.fromHtml(string) to get a string that has replaced htlm encoding chars like &quot; directly with " (otherwise we would do this afterwards anyway. Probably on the main UI thread in RecyclerViews Adapter.
or other libraries like

XmlReader.getPath() should include the element position in a list of elements

When generating error messages XmlReader.getPath() doesn't display the position of the element that has caused the error is part of a list with sibling elements.


   <bar attr="123" />
   <bar attr="CausesErrorBecauseNotInteger" />

then the error message should print /foo/bar[1] (1 is the index/position of the element in the list, starting at 0) as path and not just /foo/bar as it is right now. Makes debugging easier, because we know which element (in the list of elements) has caused this issue.

Use a pool of StringBuilders

In the generated TypeAdapter we create a new StringBuilder to read text content annotated with @TextContent. We could optimize this by using a Pool of StringBuilders.

Jack TypeConverter warning

TypeConverter class com.tickaroo.tikxml.TypeConverter.NoneTypeConverter must provide an empty (parameter-less) public constructor

Annotation API

My proposal for the annotation API:

  1. Marking a class to be recognized by TikXml: Simple XML uses @Root annotation. In my oppinion not the best name, but we could use that one. Alternatively I purpose @Xmlable.

    @Root   // alternatively @Xmlable
    class Foo { }

    produces and reads the following xml:


    Simple xml's @Root specification looks like this: @Root( name = "foo", strict = true) and I think we can use the same one. Howerver, I think we should set strict to false as default value (simple xml has true as default). This is compareable to jacksons @IgnoreUnknownJsonProperties and will throw an exception if there are unknown or unparsed data. What do you think?

  2. Attributes

    @Root   // alternatively @Xmlable
    class Foo {
    String a;
    int b;

    produces and reads the following xml:

    <foo a="something" b="123"></foo>

    Simple xml's @Attribute(name="something", required = true, empty="default value if not parsed in feed) specification From my point of view @Attribute(required = true) is in conflict with @Root(strict = true). I would say, regadring kicker feeds, that nothing should be required per default and I would suggest to keep @Attributes(required = true / false) and @Element(required = true / false) and discharge @Root(strict = false). What do you think?

  3. Inner elements

    @Root   // alternatively @Xmlable
    class Foo {
    String a;
    @Element Person person;
    class Person {
    @Element String name;
    @Element int age;

    produces and reads the following xml:

    <foo a="something">

    @Element(name="something", required = true/false) Simple XML specification also provides CDATA support and Class type(). While I would add CDATA support I'm not sure about the specific type. Reading (parsing) xml is determined by the xml element name (i.e.maps to classFoo`). However, when writing xml we might have explicitly specify which class to use to resolve polymorphism:

    class Foo {}
    class Other extends Foo {} 
    class Something {
    Foo foo;

    The problem is that now = new Foo() or = new Other() . However the xml to write looks entirely different for Foo and Other. Hence we have to specify somehow an explicit type, or do you see a better solution?

  4. ElementList
    The Simple XML specification looks good to me, especially @ElementList(inline = true / false). However, we still have the same problem with polymorphism when writing xml as already discussed for a single element

    class Something {
    @ElementList List<Foo> foos;
    } Foo() ); Other() );

    Any good idea how to solve that issue? I think it can be estimated with annotation processing and instanceof while writing xml to an outputstream, but I'm not to sure about it. Any hint?

  5. XPath
    As you already now, there are still a lot of wrappers etc. in kicker feeds. Those can be "skipped" or virtually emulated with @Path annotation. I would use the same as Simple XML specification

Empty XML Tag errors

I can't control remote xml files.

When XML Tag is like

<empty />

I get error message which is Expected xml element text content but was ELEMENT_END.

Why not to leave a blank text on it?

Proguard breaks build if annotated classes are static inner classes

I got an issue when I tried to use annotated static inner classes with production build (Proguard obfuscated). With that config ClassLoader cannot find any of the generated classes that implement TypeAdapter. Unfortunately I couldn't modify Proguard config so that is works with that.

Solved it by not using static inner classes but I still had to exclude the classes from Proguard.

I think it's worth mentioning in the guide.

Throw error message for arrays

Originally reported in #44

Arrays are not supported because Arrays are inefficient to parse because we have to know the size of the array, which means we have to read the whole xml document and store the values somewhere temporary (i.e. in a list) to know the final size of the array and then we have to copy the values from temporary structure into array.
Therefore, we don't have plans to support arrays.

However, we should throw a compiler error message if people try to use arrays, but this would disallow using a global TypeConverter for arrays, but I think that this is acceptable.

Use ArrayMap instead of HashMap

Right now HashMap<String, ChildElementBinder<T>> or HashMap<String, AttributeBinder<T>> is used in generated Code. This could be optimized for Android to use ArrayMap

We should add an Annotation Processor Option to turn this on / off in case that TikXml is in a java project

Mistake in compile-time error

The class is not annotated with @Xml, but is used in 'behaviour' in class to resolve polymorphism. Please annotate with @Xml

There is must be something like:
Please annotate with @Xml

Kotlin data class compile-time error

I see such compile-time error:
Error:Gradle: The constructor parameter 'arg0' in constructor Narration(java.lang.String) in class is annotated with a TikXml annotation. Therefore a getter method with minimum package visibility with the name getArg0() or isArg0() in case of a boolean must be provided. Unfortunately, there is no such getter method. Please provide one!

there is my data classes:

@Xml(name = "paragraph")
data class Paragraph(
        @Attribute(name = "key") val key: String,
                typesByElement = arrayOf(
                        ElementNameMatcher(type = Part.Replica::class),
                        ElementNameMatcher(type = Part.Narration::class),
                        ElementNameMatcher(type = Part.Actions::class),
                        ElementNameMatcher(type = Part.GameOver::class),
                        ElementNameMatcher(type = Part.GameWin::class)
        ) val parts: List<Part>
) {

    interface Part {
        @Xml(name = "replica")
        data class Replica(
                @Attribute(name = "text_key") val textKey: String,
                @Attribute(name = "character_key") val characterKey: String
        ) : Part

        @Xml(name = "narration")
        data class Narration(
                @Attribute(name = "text_key") val textKey: String
        ) : Part

        @Xml(name = "actions")
        data class Actions(
                        typesByElement = arrayOf(
                                ElementNameMatcher(type = Action.Way::class)
                val actions: List<Action>
        ) : Part

        interface Action {

            val force: Boolean
            val textKey: String?

            @Xml(name = "way")
            data class Way(
                    @Attribute(name = "force") override val force: Boolean,
                    @Attribute(name = "text_key") override val textKey: String?,
                    @Attribute(name = "to") val to: String,
                    @Element(name = "behaviour", typesByElement = arrayOf(
                            ElementNameMatcher(type = NormalBehaviour::class),
                            ElementNameMatcher(type = WaitBehaviour::class)
                    )) val behaviour: Behaviour
            ) : Action {

                 * Do not use annotations as using
                 * @see

                interface Behaviour

                class NormalBehaviour : Behaviour

                data class WaitBehaviour(
                        val duration: Long
                ) : Behaviour


        @Xml(name = "gameover")
        data class GameOver(
                @Attribute(name = "text_key") val textKey: String,
                @Attribute(name = "restart") val restart: Boolean,
                @Attribute(name = "checkpoint_paragraph_key") val checkpointParagraphKey: String?
        ) : Part

        @Xml(name = "gamewin")
        data class GameWin(
                @get:Attribute(name = "text_key") @param:Attribute(name = "text_key") val textKey: String
        ) : Part



Kotlin must generate such getters&setters.

kotlin_version = '1.0.6'
tikxml_verions = '0.8.9-SNAPSHOT'

Remove ScanModes

We should remove support for different scan modes and only support annotations to scan fields / constructors. Especially constructors are confusing with ScanMode.COMMON_CASE

can't handle array of primitives

The version I'm using is

    compile 'com.tickaroo.tikxml:annotation:0.6.3-SNAPSHOT'
    compile 'com.tickaroo.tikxml:core:0.6.3-SNAPSHOT'

    apt 'com.tickaroo.tikxml:processor:0.6.3-SNAPSHOT'

Let's say I have a

            <temperature high="33" low="24" unit="Degrees Celsius"/>
            <temperature high="33" low="24" unit="Degrees Celsius"/>
            <temperature high="34" low="25" unit="Degrees Celsius"/>
            <temperature high="33" low="24" unit="Degrees Celsius"/>

I'll define a WeatherForecast class

    public static class WeatherForecast
        public String[] day;

        public List<Temperature> temperature;


    public static class Temperature
        public String unit;

        public String high;

        public String low;


For the WeatherForecast class, If I declare day as

  • String[], can compile and run, get crash

No TypeConverter found for type class [Ljava.lang.String;. You have to add one via TikXml.Builder().addTypeAdapter()

  • @PropertyElement List<String>, can't compile

    for WeatherForecast$$TypeAdapter, compile error = config.getTypeConverter(java.util.List<java.lang.String>.class).read(reader.nextTextContent());, Error:(43, 80) error: <identifier> expected

  • @Element List<String>, can't compile

    Error:(186, 29) error: The type java.lang.String used for field 'day' in can't be used, because is not annotated with @xml. Annotate java.lang.String with @xml!

Remove DelegatingTypeAdapter and NestedChildElementBinder

DelegatingTypeAdapter has already replaced with a purely generated (annotation processing) TypeAdapter. There are some Unit tests using DelegatingTypeAdapter, but really just for convenience reasoning (and / or to test DelegatingTypeAdapter himself).

From the newly implemented TypeAdapter code generator (introduced in version 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT) almost everything can be reused to generated highly optimized ChildElementBinders so that NestedChildElementBinder is not needed anymore

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