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champions's Issues

[Suggestion] Scaling Health's difficulty affecting the likehood of a Champion to spawn as well as their tiers.

Unsure if this mod or the mod author for Scaling Health has to add in support but I figure it could be a neat idea to see if Scaling Health's Difficulty could affect the likehood of a Champion spawning as well as affecting their tiers.

For example... at 50 difficulty... champions are more likely to spawn with the possibility of being at higher tier than with 0 difficulty and if at 250 difficulty which is scaling health's default value... if I recall... champions could be quite common and at their highest tier than with a low tier.

There's also a chance for the Champion to become a Blight since Scaling health gives the chance for mobs to become Blights with the odds increasing as the difficulty rises... that is if you get unlucky with the spawn. They are quite a scary thing that's for sure.

Options could be configurable if you want it reasonable... or wanna be evil if difficulty was at 500 and you want champions to spawn 100% of the time.

Endless Exceptions in Client Log


  • Champions: 1.0.3
  • Forge:

Not quite sure if this happened before I updated Champions to 1.0.3 from

Crash Log (MultiMC generated)

Isolated exception:

[12:34:25] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: FMLIndexedMessageCodec exception caught
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
	at$OutboundTarget$9.selectNetworks( ~[FMLOutboundHandler$OutboundTarget$9.class:?]
	at ~[FMLOutboundHandler.class:?]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageEncoder.write( ~[MessageToMessageEncoder.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageCodec.write( ~[MessageToMessageCodec.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannelHandlerContext.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[DefaultChannelPipeline.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at ~[AbstractChannel.class:4.1.9.Final]
	at [SimpleNetworkWrapper.class:?]
	at c4.champions.common.affix.AffixEvents.onLivingUpdate( [AffixEvents.class:?]
	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_388_AffixEvents_onLivingUpdate_LivingUpdateEvent.invoke(.dynamic) [?:?]
	at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( [ASMEventHandler.class:?]
	at [EventBus.class:?]
	at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.onLivingUpdate( [ForgeHooks.class:?]
	at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70071_h_( [vp.class:?]
	at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.func_70071_h_( [vq.class:?]
	at [ade.class:?]
	at [amu.class:?]
	at [amu.class:?]
	at [amu.class:?]
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l( [bib.class:?]
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J( [bib.class:?]
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( [bib.class:?]
	at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) [Main.class:?]
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_171]
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_171]
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_171]
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_171]
	at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main( [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_171]
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_171]
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_171]
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_171]
	at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launchWithMainClass( [NewLaunch.jar:?]
	at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( [NewLaunch.jar:?]
	at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( [NewLaunch.jar:?]
	at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( [NewLaunch.jar:?]

[Request] Config to disable HUD & Particles

I am working on a Pack where I boost the number of Champions and force Champion Status on some mobs, I noticed the HUD is pretty much always active. I'd wish to have a config option to disable the HUD(including the Naming Feature) such as the Particles. Some Mobs can turn invis and the Particles make them visible, which pretty much destroys their Kit.

Crash related with Lyca Mobs

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: 1.12.2-1.0.2
  • Forge: forge-

Observed Behavior:

A Random occuring Crash

Expected Behavior:

Running casually

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. I do not even know, I didn't do anything

I removed the Notice Parts, since I assume this is a Compat Issue with another Mod and I therefore didnt test without everything else. Also like I said, I do not know what caused it exactly, I have been in another tab while it crashed... in other words... I did nothing.

Crash Log:

Random Range in Always Spawn as Champion Config

    # List of mobs that will always spawn as champions, can optionally include specific tier (i.e. 'minecraft:spider;2')
    S:"Champion Mobs List" <

This section can make zombies generate 1 star, so how to make them random in 1 ~ 2?
I don't speak English well, can you understand what I mean?

[Suggestion] Look through glass to see champion bar & bar visibility range

Would be neat if we could see the champion bar through glass, as it already pops up from larger distances.
(this might be out of scope, though)

Additionally, an option to configure the overall visibility range of it when you look at a champion? 🐢

//e: the visiblity range of when the champion bar pops up when looking at a champion, just to make things... clearer? 🙈

Mob spawner

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions:
  • Forge: 1.12.2 (

Observed Behavior:

I currently have the Roguelike Dungeon mod, it shows structures with mobs spawners inside but champions mobs appear thanks to these spawners, except I deactivated the option to show champions mobs via the mobs spawners.

Expected Behavior:

I wish monster champions didn't appear in these mobs spawners.

Steps to Reproduce:

1.I have already disabled/enabled the "Champions from Spawners" option.
2.I checked with mobs spawners in vanilla structures and no champion mobs show up.

Crash Log: Please use a paste site like gist.

[Suggestion] Death Message when a Champion is killed.

If a champion dies... a message goes out in the chat box that mentions the champion being killed by... whatever killed them, much like how a message appears when a player/tamed mob dies. Example...

'mob Champion' was slain by 'player'.

'mob Champion' suffocated in a wall

'mob Champion' was killed by wild bees. They should've used a Smoker.

'mob Champion' walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape 'player'

etc. etc. etc.

Could be a config option enable/disable the message.

[Suggestion] A way to set the spawn rate


I am usually using InfernalMobs, but dicovered this mod. And so far i like it a lot!

However, i can't find a place where i can chance how often a mob should spawn as a champion? Is that not something you can chance? Like in InfernalMobs, you can se how often a mob should spawn as a infernal x tier.


  • Kehaan

You can add a Champions mob ai?

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions:
  • Forge:

Observed Behavior:

Expected Behavior:

Steps to Reproduce:


Crash Log: Please use a paste site like gist.

Suggestion: Desecrator Affix Enhancements

As the desecrator affix currently stands, it's free damage at a fixed interval, as it seems to just spawn under the player's feet. Some things I think would make it more engaging to play against:

A visual indicator of some duration before the lingering potion of harming effect gets dropped. Maybe just like, a second, or so. Maybe a configurable number of ticks?

Configurable potion effect / magnitude / duration?

Some % amount of the desecrator patches that, rather than being dropped on a player, get dropped around the environment near the targetted player instead?

This mod, is RAD, by the way, can't stop reccomending it, it's a party every time :D.

[1.15.2] NBT with /champions command


Is there a way we could add NBT information alongside the /champions summon command?

Currently to achieve this, I summon a champion with /champions summon, then I /data merge afterwards with NBT additions.

Would be cool if we could add NBT information alongside the /champions summon and summonpos commands.

For example:
/champions summon minecraft:zombie 2 {Team:"poyoteam",Tags:["testtag"],CustomName:'{"text":"Hello!"}',ActiveEffects:[{Id:10b,Amplifier:1b,Duration:199980}],Attributes:[{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:20}]}

I used mcstacker to generate the NBTs easier as an example. Thank you!

Champions config folder is not being created

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: FORGE-1.15.2-2.0-beta3
  • Forge: 31.2.30

Observed Behavior:

No ranks.json file is generated, nor was a champions folder created in the config folder.

Extra Info:

I tested this with minimal mods (JEI and Controlling) to make sure it wasn't somehow a mod conflict.

Expected Behavior:

To see a ranks.json file within a champions folder in the config directory.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch game with mod installed.

Suggestions and questions

I'm curious, why remove things like beacons prevent champions, champions copying reflected damage, etc?

Idk, personally i liked some of the changes (champions and beacons is great in my opinion, useful for bases/spawnpoints)

[suggestion/request] example configurations

I just downloaded the mod and there doesnt seem to be any explanation as to how each part of the config works, how im supposed to add mobs, multiple mobs per rank ; etc.
is there an explanation somewhere that im just missing? if there isnt, would it be possible for one to be added to the configs or to this git's wiki?

Enhancement: Adjustable damage for the molten class.

I ran into a little problem the molten damage could it be that it uses the damage class for fire or lava vanilla mc uses? Would it be possible in the next update or so to add a config for how much damage it does when touching/gettingattacked by a molten enemy? I pumped up the damage that touching fire and lava does via the dmg classes but this seems to also affect molten mobs (well I made this effect a tier 3 and up only effect like plague and so) but it still comes around rather deadly when a molten mob hits you for 50+ dmg.

BTW I like what you did with the infested ones the silverfish are way easier to handle now. Especially giving the mob a cap on how much it can have at a time and a timer in between spawns. Maybe scaling against max hp isn’t the best since mods like scaling health can easily give mobs over 1k hp maybe just have that scale to the amount of stars the champion has.

drop file

Add a new file for drop (like disable enchanted book, i find thats to much op for a public server)

[suggestion] beast of caerbannog

how likely is it that we'd be able to get some rabbits to spawn as their hostile variant through this mod as champions(especially if they get named "beast of *insertplacenamehere"?

[Suggestion] An Affix or two...

Just some Affix ideas that I was thinking of. Names can change of they're not good enough.

Affix: Hydra
Sorta like the 'Infested' champion in a way only this one occurs upon death. When this champion falls... it will split into more mobs of the same type.

Ex. you slay a Hydra Zombie, it splits into _ Zombies.

The amount can vary depending on the config values so if you want 2-5 mobs to appear after a Hydra Champion falls... set the min to 2 and max to 5. There should perhaps be a cap to this unless you want to be evil and have 1000 mobs spawn from one Hydra Champion... maybe cap the range at 0 to 10?

Mobs that spawn from a Hydra Champion will not become champions, in case you get another Hydra Champion due to Splitting.

Affix: Protector
Sorta like the 'Shielding' champion in a way but it works differently. While this champion is alive, the mobs that are within it's radius will become immune to all damage. You must slay the Champion before you're able to damage the mobs that surround it or lure the group or the champion away so you're able to damage it. Radius could be configurable.

If immune to all damage is too much, perhaps 10% of the damage that the mobs take... if within range will be inflicted onto the Champion himself so say I hit a mob for 20 damage, it'll be blocked and instead it will hit the champion for 2 damage. This could be a config option ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 for the damage taken.

If another Protector Champion is nearby, they aren't protected otherwise you'll have a problem with both of them being immune to damage / taking 10% of the damage.

Affix: Supporter
This type of champion will heal / grant potion effects for fellow mobs within range. The amount of healing can be defined in the config as a percentage with a cooldown of X seconds as well as what types of potion effects to give, same with the radius.

This Champion won't heal itself nor grant itself any potion effects.

Affix + alwaysOnEntity?

  • Champions: champions-1.12.2-
  • Forge:
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  1. Is it possible to apply the affix Adaptable to every tier? I want every tier to have more than 1 affix (ie. 1 always reserved for adaptable)

  2. If I add a mob to the alwaysOnEntity array...
    a) does this make that mob a champion?
    i) If true then can you add an option to not make them considered a champion?

    b) does this mob have particle effects?
    i) If true then can you add an option that only adds the particle effects to champions?

    c) If I want all mobs to spawn with the affix adaptable, then do I have to manually add every single mob to this array?

  3. If one of my villagers gets affected by the affix Plague, will they remain plagued forever, or will it go away over time?

Invisible Mobs?

Some mobs are invisible.

Sorry if this is already been posted, did a search for any issue with the "invisible tag" and found nothing, also checked comments at curse forge and no mention of this, so it might be a rare or weird problem.

Went to hunting Dim and a baby skeleton archer and a witch was totally invisible and it looked like I couldnt even hit them. This is with the MC Eternal Modpack. This same exact behavior was also observed during a YouTuber stream (Direwolf20) at the 11:56 mark.


  • Champions: champions-1.12.2-
  • Forge:

Observed Behavior: Some mobs completely invisible.

Expected Behavior: Mobs not being invisible?

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play game with mod loaded.
  2. Eventually some hostile mobs will be invisible.
  3. ...Profit???

Suggestion: Adjustable place where the Champions health bar shows up.

Many Mods add GUI additions at the top middle of the screen already.
Especially Mods that add mob health bars and things like waila and the one probe as most other Mods use the side corners like minimaps and information huds it’s kind of difficult to read the champions effects and names when they overlap with others.
Is there a way to adjust where the name plate shows up?
Like adjusting how far below the top it is or simply attaching it at the top of the mob?

Also here is some small ideas for neat champion abilities.

  1. Enchanter: Support type that adds potion effects to nearby mobs like strength, speed, resistance, etc

  2. Rocketeer: Shoots random firework rockets at the player (like arrows) that explode (not destroying terrain as an config option)

  3. Ghastly: can fly making it harder to fight when its above you XD shooting small ghast bombs down. (also no terrain dmg on config I hate griffin but I like explosions XD)

  4. Cursed touch: can inflict a random effect onto the player every hit a different one. Like slowness, poison, burn, wither, weakness, levitation, nausea, hunger.

Enhancement: Improving the specific mob function for always champion.

Is it possible to have the “is always champion function to be a bit more configurable?”

I have set it up so that for example boss mobs and certain others are always champions. This in itself works great but I have run into some limitations in my configurability options.

I set to balance the champions out a bit certain affixes to only appear on mobs with 2 or 3 starts meaning a 1 star can’t have for example scrapper or plague but only arctic and hast etc. this also works great.

And here is the problem I wanted to set certain bosses to always have a certain function for example the ice queen from the twilight forest should always have the slow effect and the crusshrom from the Erebus should always have infested. The snow queen works fine as the slow one is set to appear on 1 star mob so it always is on the queen. But for the crushshroom since I set the infested to only appear on 2 star mobs it doesn’t always appear on him only if he actually gets to be a 2 star mob.

Also if for example a boss that is always set to be champion gets randomly 4 stars they are unintentionally super op.

Is it possible for one to always have the mobs that have specific affixes set to them in the config to always have them even if they don’t fulfill the star requirement? And second is it possible to lock the star level of a mob that is set to always be a certain level?

So that I can say for example snow queen always 2 star with always slow and whatever as second skill. And Crushshroom always 3 star with infested to always be there or to always make him 1 star and never more and still have the infested one even if its set to only appear on 2 star mobs to balance out the general mobs.

This would greatly improve configurability for bosses and if wanted other mobs.

Suggestion: Config option to make Loot only drop when killed by a TRUE player.

This is a thing this mod really needs atm people who have some kind of mob farm that doesn’t use spwners just generate the good loot I set in the config for the mobs they should only drop their items if killed by a true player not a grinder or anything like that.

The same way that scaling health handles the drop for the extra hp crystals on true player would be good as that actually works for all Modded grinders I found.

Biggest problem is having these champions spawn on cursed earth from extra utile. Used in most Modpacks to make mob farms! here is an example of what shouldnt happen xd

Loot Tables

Observed Behavior: Champions drop increasing numbers of books

Expected Behavior: Champions drop items from a custom loot table

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. I read the config file, and it is set to loot_table, because there is it was too difficult to decipher the values to set if CONFIG, format is tier;modid:name;metadata;stacksize;enchant(true/false);weight
    Would this mean 4 ; creeper ; minecraft:emerald ; 1 ; false ; 1

Could this be described further?

  1. I tried following the Loot Table Primer by changing the loot table .json, but I'd need to use the source and recreate a .jar file

  2. I could use LootTweaker, but it would replace existing tables and entity values aren't clear

My desired loot table .json is
"pools": [
"name": "tier#1",
"rolls": 1,
"entries": [
"type": "item",
"name": "minecraft:emerald",
"weight": 1,
"conditions": [
"condition": "entity_properties",
"entity": "this",
"properties": {
"champions:is_champion": {
"min_tier": 1
"condition": "killed_by_player"

        "type": "item",
        "name": "minecraft:book",
        "weight": 0.7,
        "conditions": [
            "condition": "entity_properties",
            "entity": "this",
            "properties": {
              "champions:is_champion": {
                "min_tier": 1
            "condition": "killed_by_player"
        "functions": [
            "function": "enchant_randomly"
  "name": "tier#2",
  "rolls": 2,
  "entries": [
      "type": "item",
      "name": "minecraft:diamond",
      "weight": 0.6,
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "entity_properties",
          "entity": "this",
          "properties": {
            "champions:is_champion": {
              "min_tier": 2
          "condition": "killed_by_player"

        "type": "item",
        "name": "minecraft:wither_skeleton_skull",
        "weight": 0.3,
        "conditions": [
            "condition": "entity_properties",
            "entity": "this",
            "properties": {
              "champions:is_champion": {
                "min_tier": 2
            "condition": "killed_by_player"
  "name": "tier#3",
  "rolls": 1,
  "entries": [
      "type": "item",
      "name": "minecraft:diamond",
      "weight": 2,
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "entity_properties",
          "entity": "this",
          "properties": {
            "champions:is_champion": {
              "min_tier": 3
          "condition": "killed_by_player"

        "type": "item",
        "name": "minecraft:dragon_egg",
        "weight": 0.3,
        "conditions": [
            "condition": "entity_properties",
            "entity": "this",
            "properties": {
              "champions:is_champion": {
                "min_tier": 3
            "condition": "killed_by_player"
  "name": "tier#4",
  "rolls": 4,
  "entries": [
      "type": "item",
      "name": "minecraft:elytra",
      "weight": 0.2,
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "entity_properties",
          "entity": "this",
          "properties": {
            "champions:is_champion": {
              "min_tier": 4
          "condition": "killed_by_player"

        "type": "item",
        "name": "minecraft:enchanted_golden_apple",
        "weight": 0.3,
        "conditions": [
            "condition": "entity_properties",
            "entity": "this",
            "properties": {
              "champions:is_champion": {
                "min_tier": 4
            "condition": "killed_by_player"


Crash Log: Please use a paste site like gist.

Mobs spawners "Roguelike Dungeons"

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: champions-1.12.2-
  • Forge: forge1.12.2-

Observed Behavior: The mobs champions appear in the mobs spawners mod "Roguelike Dungeons" even after putting in the config file "B:" Champions from Spawners "= false"

Expected Behavior: The mobs spawners of the mod "Roguelike Dungeons" are modified mobs appear with armor which could disrupt the config file of mod "champions"

If you could make sure there is no conflict with this mod it would be great, otherwise great job nothing to say!
(Sorry I had to use google translation)

Crash Log: Please use a paste site like gist.

Some Effect Suggestions and suggestions towards "Fairer" existing effects.

Trainer: The mob is always accompanied by one of few companion listed mobs in the config which it summons upon finding it's target. At default it's normally a spider or wolf. While the mob is existing the trainer will always respawn this one mob with a 5 second charge up when it detects it has died. When it is respawned the trained/companion mob is buffed for a short time. As a secondary effect the mob may also ride the mob in question if allowed.

Alchemist: Periodically it's offhand will turn into a potion to telegraph it will throw a potion in a couple of seconds. Once the potion is thrown it returns to it's original item. The potions that alchemists can throw and the duration and strength can be specified in the config. Alchemists can also instead toss potions over all nearby other mobs of a beneficial buff nature.

Ninja: Periodically the mob will explode and drop a darkness potion effect on the ground and reposition itself. If the player is damaged by a ninja mob while afflicted with darkness they will take bonus damage from it. The effect can also proc when it is dealing damage so that it can damage the player with it's explosion and darkness easier. The explosion does not damage blocks.

Ender: The mob, like an enderman, will periodically teleport towards it's target and if damaged by a ranged attack it will evade it perfectly appearing somewhere nearby and continue attacking. However the effect is disabled if it is watered down.

Grappler: Sometimes on attack the mob will pick up the player and hold them and beat them up. When attacked too many times quickly in rapid succession The mob will be slowed and resistant while planning to counter and grab you. if this happens you get disarmed causing you to drop your weapon once picked up. You can dismount the mob by shifting.

Beatdown: Sometimes the mob will stop and stare at you for 2 seconds before leaping in your direction. if it manages to land an attack during this time it will mount and severely slow you while beating you up. Attack the mob to dismount them, the slow will go away quickly if not mounted by the mob.

Hooking: When away from the target and not having taken damage or been attacked for a short duration sometimes the mob will stop and lock onto you for 2 seconds. if he has direct line of sight he will fire a projectile that with latch and make him fly through the air and impact you. On impact you take bonus knockback and damage, but if you have a shield and block it or the projectile hits the wall and they hit the wall on grapple the mob will take damage and become stunned for a short time. After grappling it won't be used for atleast another 15 seconds.

Striker: Sometimes the mob will glow and be affected by strength for a short time. During this period if you get struck by the mob it will play the smash bros homerun bat sound and launch you up and away, HARD, for improved damage.

Final Blast: When the mob has final blast when it gets below 25% HP it will play a creeper fuse sound and begin to glow and gains an effect, "death blast" for 30 secs. When a mob has death blast it glows red and explodes in a large explosion on death or a similarly large but not block destroying blast after the effect times out. When it's low, kill it quick but don't be too close either!

Bursting: When the mob dies it will explode into a random amount of possible mobs who are set up in configs. Can include baby zombies, spiders, silverfish, vexes, bats at first, all with configurable mins and max amounts.

Retreating: When the mob is damaged sometimes it will switch to running away from the player and firing arrows backwards at it for a few seconds before returning to normal.

Fast Learner: When experience is dropped near the mob or it takes damage from a player with experience or damages a player it will take the experience for itself. After a certain amount of experience is gained it will gain a regeneration effect and it's stats will be improved. This can occur 2-3 times per champion rank.

Haunting: Has a reduced aggro range normally, but when it acquires it's target they will be affected by "haunted" for 10 seconds constantly. When the player is the haunt target of this champion the player will randomly hear sound effects of different vanilla mobs around them. If the player manages to escape the haunting mob's aggro it will be teleported to a nearby valid location around them and will continue to search for the player...

possible changes to other effects. From observations from a video from 2019 that I witnessed while considering the mod. I'm not sure if they're still as strong as they seemed.

Infested: Make there be a maximum amount of the infested mob in the area if there isn't already and the ability to choose what the mob from the infestation will be. So one can make like a rats infested, or baby spiders infested. Stuff will quickly get out of hand otherwise probably...

Desecrator: Make an effect appear at the player's location for atleast a second before spawning the cloud. The cloud just come out of nowhere with no warning and it's very cheesy and for people who can't move as fast it always results in free unblockable damage... which is bad.

Plagued: Why are you even radiating a WITHER effect in an area with no chance of removing it or blocking it? that is the ultimate cheese. Make it only apply the plague and wither on hit, or as a shield when taking melee hits with noticeable particles if it's gonna afflict you. The plague itself should also only transfer when being hit or within a couple block spaces. But from the video I saw it was a very wide area to what would be considered fair. :V

Ranks spawning issue

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: 1.12.2-
  • Forge: 2847

Observed Behavior:

Incorrect spawning of tier ranks on mobs added to the config under:

List of mobs that will always spawn as champions, can optionally include specific tier (i.e. 'minecraft:spider;2') or tier range (i.e. 'minecraft:spider;1;3
S:"Champion Mobs List" <

Expected Behavior:

Assigned a tier range of 4-6 to multiple mobs in the config under Champion Mobs List
(Yes, we created and personalized those two new ranks, 5 and 6. Worked pretty well before updating to this new version.)
As expected most of those spawns are assigned a rank 4, however whenever its supposed to spawn a rank 5 and 6 its instead spawning a rank 2 and 3.

Here is an example with twilightforest:yeti_alpha;4;6

Rank 4, expected since its a higher chance.

Rank 2 and 3, shouldnt be happening since the minimum is 4, maximum 6.

And it happens with every mob under that list with an assigned maximum tier range of 6.
Expected a chance to spawn 5s and 6s but instead 2 and 3 are replacing them.

And after updating to this version ( from none of the mobs added to the config would spawn as a champion, it only started working again once I added a tier range to each one of them. The phrase can optionally include specific tier under the config, was a little misleading.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create two additional rank tiers through the ranks.json file. Here is ours, just rename it back to a json.

  2. Specify any mob to always spawn as a champion under champions.cfg and assign it a tier range of 4-6

  3. You will still be getting 4s but never 5s and 6s, Instead you will be getting 4s and some 2s and 3s.

Crash Log: Please use a paste site like gist.

Suggestion: Config to disable champions from spawners

I like the concept here, but certain champion affixes are creating significant issues in mob farms, plus the enchanted book spam is less than ideal in a farm.

Being able to block champion spawns from spawners would be greatly appreciated.

Suggestion: Some new champion effect ideas

I came up with a few champion effect ideas that would be easy and fun to implement I think.

Cinder: shoots like the arctic a small slow fly projectile but on touch it gives a burn effect to the target for a few seconds like 3 or adjustable

Thrower: picks player up and throws him p in the air. (Fall dmg , annoying)

Growing: maybe not a dmg thing but it would be fun to see a mob grow in size when hitting it (and maybe growing in base dmg a tiny bit until death)(max size to prevent overgrowth)

Maybe I will add more if I find something funny or interesting.

Plague effect infects armor stands

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: champions-1.12.2-
  • Forge: ForgeMultipart-1.12.2-
    NOTE: Observed in MC Eternal Lite, could not get mod to run alone to reproduce as instructed. Apologies.

Observed Behavior:

Plague mobs, when near two vanilla armor stands, infect them. Armor stands show no indication of being infected, but nevertheless will infect nearby players. Effect is perpetual because armor stands don't die, and keep infecting each other. This creates a mysterious no-go zone even after the original champion mob is dead, and players can go for a long time without realizing the armor stand is the culprit (as I did).

Expected Behavior:

Plague should not infect armor stands- it doesn't even make sense, and only happens because armor stands are technically mobs. (They die to the /killall command, which can even fool players into thinking they killed a hidden actual mob causing the problem, which is so weird.)

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Put two armor stands in close proximity to each other.
  2. Spawn a plagued mob of any sort, or (I imagine) just walk near them while yourself plagued.
  3. Kill the plagued mob.
  4. Suffer.

Plague effect removal

The "Plagued" affix is a nice idea by itself; however, as soon as a cramped space is infected IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY.
All my pets have it because a enderman teleported into my base, with the plague instantly being spread from entity to entity. The effect disappears after a while, but not if animals keeping touching eachother.
I am not aware of any way of removing this effect on a large scale without cheating.

In my opinion, this is totally broken and I see two solutions:

  1. Remove the spreading between entities
  2. Only apply the potion effect for the remaining duration (and not at all with 1 second left)

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

"String index out of range: 0" crash when using random names in the config.

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions:
  • Forge:

Observed Behavior:

When adding custom names to champions.cfg, the game will sometimes crash with a "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0". I believe this might be happening since in my config file, I use commas sometimes in the names I want to add like ", Lord of Death" or "the Good, the Great". I'm not really positive though.

What's weird is that the names do work if you manually spawn in the creatures some place where natural spawns can't happen, like I'll actually get champions named 'Bob, Lord of Death'.

Expected Behavior:

It to not crash

Steps to Reproduce:

Just add names to the config file with commas in them. If you go into a normal world, chances are it'll crash pretty quickly because what I assume is happening is a champion spawns in the world with one of those custom names and it crashes.

Crash Log:

[1.12.2] Infested Champions with high Health will cause quite an FPS drop as they summon an army of Silverfish for any damage they take.

I don't suppose there could be a way to have the silverfish despawn after some time if they were summoned from an Infested Champion? Or put some sort of cap to how many silverfish they can spawn before they can't spawn anymore?

With the default config the "Silverfish per Attack" is set at 1 and apparently this could cause some FPS drops since the silverfish don't seem to despawn after some time, even if you kill their host.

By normal means... a Zombie for example has 20 health but if paired with Scaling Health since that allows you to increase Mob health depending on the difficulty... silverfish will spawn from ANY attack meaning that if the mob has... I dunno 5000 health for example and it gets damaged by lava or some other damage source... that's going to be a lot of silverfish that will be summoned when left alone in a cave or something.

I know I can just set "Silverfish per Attack" to 0 to avoid this from happening but... eh.

Interaction with Ice & Fire Dragons

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: champions-1.12.2-
  • Ice & Fire: iceandfire-1.9.1-1.12.2
  • Forge:

Observed Behavior:

Attempted to add the dragons from the Ice & Fire mod to the list of mobs that'll always spawn as Champions, but I've been unsuccessful in getting any to become one. Any other mob related to the mod (cyclops, gorgons, hydras) successfully spawned as Champions.

Expected Behavior:

Expected the dragons to become Champions. I'm guessing it has to do with the unusual way that the entities are handled (with their 'stages') but I have no clue how to resolve the issue. I tried allowing them to create a Champion from spawners thinking that might be how they're brought in with their nests, but to no avail.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install Ice & Fire and Champions
  2. Input dragons' mob entity into Champions config file. (iceandfire:firedragon and iceandfire:icedragon respectively.)
  3. Find a dragon in the wild or use a spawn egg to create a dragon.
  4. See no relevant change to the entity.

Big Problem with Champions and Aether Legacy Sun spirit

Ok here is the thing if the sun spirit ever gets any champion trait especially things like infested since he has a strange ai that makes him attack infinitely but instead uses special attacks he basically summons a million silverfish or potion effects etc. You should look into this or at least make the sun spirit blacklisted mob by default XD. Just wanted to let you know.

[Suggestion] Convert the damage taken from a Reflecting Champion into it's own Damage Source.

Reflecting Champions apparently reflects the damage taken by the damage source that was used on them. If used alongside Scaling Health which allows you to scale the damage taken, it becomes rather tricky to balance around it depending on the source.

For example... let's say I have the arrow damage source set at 5.0 and player damage source at 0.0, I toss a Tinker's Construct Shuriken at the Reflecting Champion, I die since the damage was quite painful when it was scaled by 5.0 since the damage source was an arrow. I use my sword instead and live because the damage source was 'player'. I know I can lower the arrow damage source but that would make skeletons barely damage you or anything that deals the 'arrow' damage source.

Some sources that I encountered were 'bleed' due to a Tinker's Tool having the Sharp trait, 'player' which is via melee attacks done by the player, and 'arrow' if hit by ranged attacks. I wonder if it's possible to convert the damage sources into it's own source called 'reflect'... that way no matter the damage source, it'll convert it to 'reflect' and then it would be easy to config the damage scaling for that source via Scaling Health.

In a survival world that I play on... I got caught off-guard when I got one-shotted by a Reflecting Champion when I tossed a Shuriken at it, I went back and used my sword instead and defeated it without taking that much damage. Reason being is that arrow damage source was set at 5.0 and player damage damage source was set at 0.0. If the sources were to be converted into it's own source I can config it to the point without it being a one-shot kill or barely any damage when it reflects.

Can't get mobs to always spawn as Champions

I can't seem to get certain mobs except vanilla mobs to always spawn as champions. (for this part of the config shown below).

List of mobs that will always spawn as champions
S: "Champion Mobs List" <

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: 1.0.4
  • Forge: 2806

I've tried various different methods to add mobs to the list in case my formatting was wrong. I assumed it was modid:entityid, e.g. = minecraft:wither_skeleton

These are the formatting options I've tried for this config

  • frostmaw
  • mowziesmobs:frostmaw
  • [mowziesmobs:frostmaw]
  • mowziesmobs:frostmaw

Mobs from both Mowzies Mobs & Primitive mobs don't seem to work, however I'm not 100% sure on the formatting still.

Now I tried just = wither_skeleton as well as = skeleton
and that worked, but only for the skeletons that spawned naturally or from a mob spawner. Using spawn eggs in creative didn't apply the champion bonuses.

Furthermore, the creative "spawn a champion" egg from the mod doesn't seem to do anything for me.

Enchant Min/Max and Treasure Enchants

For Config-based enchants it'd be nice if we could choose Min/Max levels and Treasure Enchants instead of just using the Enchant_Randomly loot table function.

In the same vein, a durability min/max would be nice too.

Champion’s abilities can crash the game when mob killers attack them or they try to attack them back

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: champions-1.12.2-1.0.8.jar
  • Forge:1.12.2 -

Observed Behavior:

It seems the knockback function of the champions doesn’t go well with mob grinders if a champion spawns on cursed earth or with another method or simply walls in range of the industrial forgoing mob crusher or the draconic evolution mob grinder. Certain abilities give it a hard time or crash.
Shielding or damage reducing abilities can protect the mob even from non player sources like these grinders.
If they try to attack the block back with abilitys like knockback it crashes also.

Expected Behavior:

mob gets normaly gridned not crashing.
The function for preventing champion item drops from grinders works great thought thumbs up for that one.

Steps to Reproduce:

1.Spawn champions in front of active grinders. Than wait for all the different crashes!
2.thats all

Crash Log: Please use a paste site like [gist]

Lycanite Mobs not affected by Champions' Attribute Changes

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: 1.12.2-1.0.2
  • Forge: forge-
  • Lycanite's Mobs:

Observed Behavior:

Checked with Health, Health never changed for any Lycanite's Mobs Mob, yet did for any other Mob.

Expected Behavior:

Lycanite's Mobs Mob's Health being higher with a higher Tier.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Put Lyca's Mobs + Champions in 1 Pack
  2. Change Champion Settings so you can test properly
  3. Observe

I assume this happens due to the Way Lyca registers his Mobs.
Also the Health Factor has been 0.125 and Rank 1 had as Multiplier 1

Champions Crash occasionally with Special Mobs for no discernible reason

Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):

  • Champions: 1.0.8
  • Forge: 2823

Observed Behavior:

No apparent cause. The crash log seems like Special Mobs was trying to replace a champion? I know I should probably take this to FatherToast...

Expected Behavior:

Not crashing

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install Special Mobs and Champions
  2. Enter a world
  3. Wait a bit, cranking up mob spawns would probably help

Crash Log:

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