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djangorecipe's Introduction

Djangorecipe: easy install of Django with buildout

With djangorecipe you can manage your django site in a way that is familiar to buildout users. For example:

  • bin/django to run django instead of bin/python
  • bin/test to run tests instead of bin/python test yourproject. (Including running coverage "around" your test).
  • bin/django automatically uses the right django settings. So you can have a development.cfg buildout config and a production.cfg, each telling djangorecipe to use a different django settings module. bin/django will use the right setting automatically, no need to set an environment variable.

Djangorecipe is developed on github at, you can submit bug reports there. It is tested with travis-ci and the code quality is checked via Code Health


You can see an example of how to use the recipe below with some of the most common settings:

show-picked-versions = true
parts =
eggs =
develop = .
# ^^^ Assumption: the current directory is where you develop 'yourproject'.
versions = versions

Django = 1.8.2
gunicorn = 19.3.0

recipe = djangorecipe
settings = development
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
project = yourproject
test = yourproject
scripts-with-settings = gunicorn
# ^^^ This line generates a bin/gunicorn-with-settings script with
# the correct django environment settings variable already set.

Earlier versions of djangorecipe used to create a project structure for you, if you wanted it to. Django itself generates good project structures now. Just run bin/django startproject <projectname>. The main directory created is the one where you should place your buildout and probably a

Startproject creates a script for you. You can remove it, as the bin/django script that djangorecipe creates is the (almost exact) replacement for it.

See django's documentation for startproject.

You can also look at cookiecutter.

Supported options

The recipe supports the following options.

This option sets the name for your project.
You can set the name of the settings file which is to be used with this option. This is useful if you want to have a different production setup from your development setup. It defaults to development.
If you want a script in the bin folder to run all the tests for a specific set of apps this is the option you would use. Set this to the list of app labels which you want to be tested. Normally, it is recommended that you use this option and set it to your project's name.

Script names you add to here (like 'gunicorn') get a duplicate script created with '-with-settings' after it (so: bin/gunicorn-with-settings). They get the settings environment variable set. At the moment, it is mostly useful for gunicorn, which cannot be run from within the django process anymore. So the script must already be passed the correct settings environment variable.

Note: the package the script is in must be in the "eggs" option of your part. So if you use gunicorn, add it there (or add it as a dependency of your project).

Like most buildout recipes, you can/must pass the eggs (=python packages) you want to be available here. Often you'll have a list in the [buildout] part and re-use it here by saying ${buildout:eggs}.
If you set coverage = true, bin/test will start coverage recording before django starts. The coverage library must be importable. See the extra coverage notes further below.

The options below are for older projects or special cases mostly:

Use this option to specify a custom settings path to be used. By default, the project and settings option values are concatenated, so for instance myproject.development. dotted-settings-path = somewhere.else.production allows you to customize it.
All paths specified here will be used to extend the default Python path for the bin/* scripts. Use this if you have code somewhere without a proper
The name of the script created in the bin folder. This script is the equivalent of the Django normally creates. By default it uses the name of the section (the part between the [ ]). Traditionally, the part is called [django].
Specify some Python initialization code to be inserted into the control-script. This functionality is very limited. In particular, be aware that leading whitespace is stripped from the code given.
An extra script is generated in the bin folder when this is set to true. This is mostly only useful when deploying with apache's mod_wsgi. The name of the script is the same as the control script, but with .wsgi appended. So often it will be bin/django.wsgi.
Use this option if you need to overwrite the name of the script above.
In the wsgi deployment script, you sometimes need to wrap the application in a custom wrapper for some cloud providers. This setting allows extra content to be appended to the end of the wsgi script. For instance application = some_extra_wrapper(application). The limits described above for initialization also apply here.
This is the name of the testrunner which will be created. It defaults to test.

Coverage notes

Starting in django 1.7, you cannot use a custom test runner (like django-nose) anymore to automatically run your tests with coverage enabled. The new app initialization mechanism already loads your, for instance, before the test runner gets called. So your shows up as largely untested.

With coverage = true, bin/test starts coverage recording before django gets called. It also prints out a report and export xml results (for recording test results in Jenkins, for instance) and html results.

Behind the scenes, true is translated to a default of report xml_report html_report. These space-separated function names are called in turn on the coverage instance. See the coverage API docs for the available functions. If you only want a quick report and xml output, you can set coverage = report xml_report instead.

Note that you cannot pass options to these functions, like html output location. For that, add a .coveragerc next to your buildout.cfg. See the coverage configuration file docs. Here is an example:

omit =
source = your_app

show_missing = true

directory = htmlcov

output = coverage.xml

Example configuration for mod_wsgi

If you want to deploy a project using mod_wsgi you could use this example as a starting point:

<Directory /path/to/buildout>
     Order deny,allow
     Allow from all
     ServerName      my.rocking.server
     CustomLog       /var/log/apache2/my.rocking.server/access.log combined
     ErrorLog        /var/log/apache2/my.rocking.server/error.log
     WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/buildout/bin/django.wsgi

Corner case: there is a problem when several wsgi scripts are combined in a single virtual host instance of Apache. This is due to the fact that Django uses the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. This variable gets set once when the first wsgi script loads. The rest of the wsgi scripts will fail, because they need a different settings modules. However the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is only set once. The new initialization option that has been added to djangorecipe can be used to remedy this problem as shown below:

settings = acceptance
initialization =
    import os
    os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '${django:project}.${django:settings}'

Generating a control script for PyDev

Running Django with auto-reload in PyDev requires adding a small snippet of code:

import pydevd
pydevd.patch_django_autoreload(patch_remote_debugger=False, patch_show_console=True)

just before the if __name__ == "__main__": in the module (or in this case the control script, normally bin/django, that is generated). The following example buildout generates two control scripts: one for command-line usage and one for PyDev, with the required snippet, using the recipe's initialization option:

parts = django pydev
eggs =

recipe = djangorecipe
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
project = dummyshop

<= django
initialization =
    import pydevd
    pydevd.patch_django_autoreload(patch_remote_debugger=False, patch_show_console=True)

Example usage of django-configurations

django-configurations ( is an application that helps you organize your Django settings into classes. Using it requires modifying the file. This is done easily using the recipe's initialization option:

parts = django
eggs =

recipe = djangorecipe
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
project = myproject
initialization =
    # Patch the manage file for django-configurations
    import os
    os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myproject.settings')
    os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_CONFIGURATION', 'Development')
    from import execute_from_command_line
    import django = execute_from_command_line

djangorecipe's People


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djangorecipe's Issues

sys.path order incorrect on Windows

I have Django 1.1 installed in Windows. I am using buildout to create a Django installation using Django 1.2.

The generated sys.path in (and the other scripts) has this:


which makes the new installation use the system Django, not the buildout version needed.
If I reorder those 2 lines it works correctly.

Here's my buildout.cfg:

parts = python django django-patches css dojo
develop = .
eggs = django-notify
portal_python = 2.6
portal_django = 1.2
dojango_version = dojango-0.4.6-py${buildout:portal_python}
dojo_version = 1.4.2
download-cache = ${buildout:directory}..\download-cache

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
interpreter = python
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}

recipe = djangorecipe
version = ${buildout:portal_django}
project = myproject
projectegg = myproject
settings = settings
wsgi = true

wsgilog = ${buildout:directory}\var\rp.log

extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}..
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
test = portal


fix for Django ticket 11797

support Dojo 1.4 in Dojango

recipe = iw.recipe.cmd
on_install = true
on_update = true
cmds =
copy ${buildout:directory}\patches\1.2\ ${buildout:directory}\parts\django\django\test
copy ${buildout:directory}\patches\dojango\conf\ ${buildout:directory}\eggs\dojango-0.4.6-py2.6.egg\dojango\conf

recipe = iw.recipe.cmd
on_install = true
on_update = true
cmds =
mkdir ${buildout:directory}..\var
mkdir ${buildout:directory}\var
mkdir ${buildout:directory}\var\django_cache
mkdir ${buildout:directory}\var\django_sessions
mkdir \home\dhat\portal\rp
mkdir \home\dhat\portal\rp\teacher
mkdir \home\dhat\portal\admin
xcopy ${buildout:directory}\rp* \home\dhat\portal\rp /E /D /Y
copy ${buildout:directory}\config${buildout:portal}\ ${buildout:directory}
copy ${buildout:directory}\bin\ ${buildout:directory}..\myproject.wsgi

recipe =
strip-top-level-dir = true
destination = ${buildout:directory}/eggs/${buildout:dojango_version}.egg/dojango/dojo-media/src/${buildout:dojo_version}
url =${buildout:dojo_version}/dojo-release-${buildout:dojo_version}-src.tar.gz

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh. seems to be out of date

when running the bootstrap code I get this error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 36, in
exec urllib2.urlopen(''
[... snip ..]
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Replacing with the one from*checkout*/zc.buildout/trunk/bootstrap/ seems to fix the problem.

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Generated test scripts do not have a --noinput option

Django test has a --noinput option in case the user is running tests from an automated script. In my case, I'm running the djangorecipe-generated tests from fabric.

Excerpt from the Django documentation (
    Use the --noinput option to suppress all user prompting, such as "Are you sure?" confirmation messages. This is useful if is being executed as an unattended, automated script.

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WSGI-script produces a different path than the management wrapper

I ran into a small problem where the order of the sys.path components was relevant and I noticed that the generated django.wsgi script appends the local components while bin/django prepends them. IMO local path components should be prepended in both cases.

Tested with zc.buildout 1.2.1

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Allow use of svn ssh tunnels with djangorecipe

We now use an in office fileserver for storing all of our repo's, the repo's are reachable through svn+ssh on a non standard port. This can be configured to work in subversion by adding a tunnel in the ~/.subversion/config file so instead of the normal svn+ssh part in the url one can for example have repo's like: svn+maykin://myproject in which the maykin part already specifies user and port in the subversion config. Very handy :P

But djangorecipe unfortunately cannot use these kind of url's yet, this patch add's that functionality to djangorecipe.


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test runner failure

Ran bootstrap and bin/buildout, but bin/test gives some error output, but seems to run OK. Known problem?

$ bin/test
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
/bin/sh: spamspamspameggs: not found
Error loading the settings module 'cheeseshop.tilsit': No module named tilsitError loading the settings module 'cheeseshop.tilsit': No module named tilsit Ran 37 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.038 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.

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Use existing egg as project

djangorecipe creates a project specified in the 'project' option in buildout.cfg. It would be very useful to be able to specify an existing egg as your django project. I may have time to implement this if you like the idea.

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Admin site not working against Django trunk

The that is generated by djangorecipe does not work with Django trunk. (Or any version of Django > 1.0?)

When you hit a 500 error is thrown:
AttributeError at /
'AdminSite' object has no attribute 'root'

The fix is to update ~jvloothuis/djangorecipe/trunk/files/head:/src/djangorecipe/ at line 127 to say:
(r'^admin/(.*)', include(,

I'm not including a patch because I'm not sure how you'd like to handle backwards compatibility -- also, this seems like something that would have been found a long time ago and I can't help but think I'm missing something.

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dajngo.fcgi calls runfastcgi() with default options

Right now djangorecipe specifies only "outlog" and "errlog" keyword arguments when calling runfastcgi() which can be suboptimal.
For example by default runfastcgi() uses method='prefork' which leads to the increased memory usage.

djangorecipe should provide some way to specify custom runfastcgi() options

For example use some variable defined in the project settings. I think it's a good place for fastcgi options. Djangorecipe already provides a facility to use one of available settings modules.

I slightly modified djangorecipe and made following changes to djangorecipe/ (the same as attached diff):

diff --git a/src/djangorecipe/ b/src/djangorecipe/
index 10eef4e..e814d2b 100644
--- a/src/djangorecipe/
+++ b/src/djangorecipe/
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ def main(settings_file, logfile=None):
# Setup settings

  • options = {}
  • from django.conf import settings
  • options = getattr(settings, 'FASTCGI_OPTIONS', {})
    if logfile:
    options['outlog'] = logfile
    options['errlog'] = logfile

In I've added:

'method': 'threaded',

It works for me.

Please consider using this diff, or provide some other way to specify custom fastcgi options.

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djangorecipe does not fulfill 'django' dependency on eggs

I am creating a buildout that uses django via djangorecipe, but also some other eggs that require 'django>=1.0'.

When the eggs begin to install, the django install fetched by djangorecipe does not satisfy that dependency, so buildout will download the newest version of django from PyPI, overriding what's fetched by djangorecipe.

It seems the problem can be fixed by installing the checkout as a develop-egg, and I have attached a quick, hacky patch I did that seemed to fix my issue. I'm not really very familiar with buildout recipes, so I might be flying in the face of some really basic guidelines here, but it did at least let my django project build and run.

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SVN hangs during checkout of Django's trunk version

First of all I've created:
virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=2.6 ENV
then after runing python everything is fine, but after runing bin/buildout I can see that SVN is trying to CO trunk version of djago but it hangs and nothing is happening. After CTRL+C those errors appears:
svn: Could not save the URL of the version resource
svn: Caught signal
Next I've used bin/buildout -v and everything works just fine. Most of the users on #django-pl has the same problem.

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If a versions part is specified and it contains a django version specification, djangorecipe could use this

Currently, I set version to ${versions:django} to keep all my versions in one place. For backwards compatibility djangorecipe could fallback to the versions part:django if no version is specified. This behavior still allows you to specify a specific version for a django part, to test multiple versions for example.

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location variable incorrect since django is installed as a dependency with djangorecipe


The location option is set based on the parts-directory. Djangorecipe of course used to install django into the parts directory <= 0.23.1. But now that djangorecipe uses a dependency on Django, location points nowhere:

 23         options['location'] = os.path.join(
 24             buildout['buildout']['parts-directory'], name)

We use location for patching Django when required, eg.:

recipe = collective.recipe.patch
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
path = ${django:location}
patches = var/patches/django-add-view-permission-to-user-model.diff

I would love to contribute a patch for this, but don't know what would be the right way to fix this. Any thoughts?

Returning location from the install method causes Buildout to un-install and install every run

The return line from Recipe.install returns a list of created files + options['location']:

    return script_paths + [location]

Location, in my case is BUIDLOUT_FOLDER/parts/django . However with my config, the location is not created (as it is not needed). Returning it to buildout causes buildout to continuously think it is missing an output file. This causes it for the part to be uninstalled and re-installed every run.

Changing the return line to read:

    return script_paths

works perfectly fine and solves the issue.

For reference, my config is:

recipe = djangorecipe
wsgi = True
projectegg = DjangoSite
settings = settings
eggs = BrandMonitor


Djangorecipe uses pythonpath where most recipes use extra-paths

Djangorecipe uses pythonpath in the buildout config where most other recipes uses extra-paths

Example, to add mock to the django & django.wsgi paths with djangorecipe you would add the following line to the django section of buildout

pythonpath = ${mock:location}/mock-${versions:mock}

Whereas in most recipes one would do:

extra-paths = ${mock:location}/mock-${versions:mock}

Maybe it is a good idea to stick to the defacto extra-paths?

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version = 1.0 fails within an svn project

This happens because is_svn_url() returns 0 whenever it is called inside an svn-versioned directory.

$ ls -A
.svn  branches tags  trunk
$ svn info 1.0
1.0:  (Not a versioned resource)
$ echo $?

Since the documented version specs are 'trunk', a version number, or a full url, is_svn_url() could be something like

return version == 'trunk' or is_valid_url(version)

Off the top of my head, I don't know what is_valid_url() would look like.

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

versions described

The [versions] has no description whatsoever. It should tell if there is a way to try retrieve the latest stable 1.3x version for example and how 1.3 differs from 1.3.0.

djangorecipe does not update scripts when there are new egg dependencies

Suppose you have a buildout.cfg like so:

parts = django
versions = versions

recipe = djangorecipe
version = 1.1
projectegg = myproject
eggs = my.egg.dep

my.egg.dep = 1.2.3

When you first run buildout, the django script will have my.egg.dep-1.2.3 in it's path. If you change the buildout.cfg [versions] section to be "my.egg.dep = 1.2.5" and rerun buildout, the django script will continue to point to my.egg.dep-1.2.3 in it's path instead of the new version requirement of my.egg.dep-1.2.5.

The workaround for this bug is to delete the .installed.cfg file in the buildout directory before running buildout. This will force buildout to run the install method for all recipes.

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

Use system django

Hi! Maybe I miss some buildout magic, but I didn't find a way to use Django system installation.
That would be nice option for some deployment strategies.

wsgi stub generation should have initialization option ala zc.recipe.egg interpreter stuff

so say you need to initialize a library, or monkeypatch ( django_localeurl) or want to wrap the django wsgi handler in middleware.

the wsgi stub presents the best place to do so, i propose an option for djangorecipe to add a wsgi_initialization parameter which allows
you to put a code block into generated django.wsgi file.

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

Environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE undefined

Hecko, good sir,

Your recipe has served me wonderfully with Django 1.2 to 1.3.1, but now I’m in the process of upgrading my project to Django 1.4, and I’m running into a problem.

$ bin/django 
Error loading the settings module 'yoursiblings.development': Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined.

The new default sets the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, as described here. When I do this manually, the error vanishes as would be expected.

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=yoursiblings.development bin/django

I hope this is not just a misconfiguration on my part, and that, if it is not, you’ll easily be able to update the recipe.

Many thanks,

broken wsgi script generation in 0.17

generating a wsgi stub on the 0.17 release creates a broken wsgi file.. here's some of the output


recipe = djangorecipe
project = wdl
settings = settings
pythonpath =
eggs =
version = 1.0.2
wsgi = true

wsgi stub bottom half

Set our settings module

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'wdl.settings'

import datetime
class logger(object):
def init(self, logfile):
self.logfile = logfile

def write(self, data):

def writeline(self, data):

def log(self, msg):
    line = '%s - %s

' % ('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S'), msg)
fp = open(self.logfile, 'a')
sys.stdout = sys.stderr = logger('')

import django.core.handlers.wsgi

Run WSGI handler for the application

application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

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skip svn update if buildout newest option is set to true

Wouldn't it be wise ?

def update(self):
    newest = self.buildout['buildout'].get('newest') == 'true'

    if newest and (not self.install_from_cache and \
        self.svn_update(self.options['location'], self.options['version'])

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[patch] Username being part of svn url doesn't work with the current form of searching for revision

When using a username in the SVN url like: http://user@testing/trunk@2531 the current way of searching for the revision breaks. Not a big deal when using the main django svn, but not very handy when you have django in private subversion repos. The patch fixes this by using a regular expresssion.

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

Error: Couldn't install: djangorecipe 0.9

I used the example buildout.cfg but I get the error below. I got further when I set djangorecipe==0.8 and version == trunk. I created the missing directories just in case and it's not a permissions problem AFAIK. It worked fine when I pulled the trunk from bzr and did a install. The dummyshop only show links to admin and media for me :(

I'm new to buildout but I know python & linux.


james@t61jc:~/src/python/buildout$ uname -a
Linux t61jc 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

james@t61jc:~/src/python/buildout$ buildout
Getting distribution for 'djangorecipe'.
error: /tmp/easy_install-9P1nPQ/djangorecipe-0.9/CHANGES.txt: No such file or directory
An error occured when trying to install djangorecipe 0.9.Look above this message for any errors thatwere output by easy_install.
Getting section django.
Initializing section django.
Installing recipe djangorecipe.
Getting distribution for 'djangorecipe'.
Error: Couldn't install: djangorecipe 0.9

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Django 1.4

Is support for Django 1.4 being planned?

Celery 2 requires addition to wsgi script

Our Django project uses Celery to start asynchronous tasks. Celery 2 now requires the following addition to the WSGI script:

os.environ["CELERY_LOADER"] = "django"

Bug #338735 is about adding code injection into the WSGI script, which would be the best way to add this piece of code. In the mean time, though, would it be possible to just always add this line? It does no harm if Celery is not used.

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Buildout settings option does not propagate to django instance

I tried setting the settings option in the Django recipe. This put the value into the bin/django script, but djangorecipe.manage.main does not seem to use the value as expected. It does use it to locate the base directory of the project, but it does not actually use this config file.

in setup_environ the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable is set to project_name.settings
then in execute_from_command_line DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is optionally overridden using the --settings command line option
and finally down the line in vim django.conf.init.LazySettings DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is used to load the settings file.

For my installation I added the following lines to ./bin/django, just before the djangorecipe.manage.main line:

I couldn't see how to do this with zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts, otherwise I would have provided a patch.

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Cannot use a settings file outside of my project package

I want to use the djangorecipe's wrapper and the test script in a new
created django app.

I have the following directory structure:


And here is the django part of my buildout.cfg:

recipe = djangorecipe
version = 1.1.1
project = app
projectegg = app
settings = testsettings
test = app
eggs =
extra-paths =

Unfortunatelly djangorecipe will fail here. It will not find my settings file
correctly, because it always prepends the settings module name with the project
name which results in app.testsettings in this case. This not a good
behaviour and is limiting my project layout. Ofcourse i considered moving the file into the app direcotry, but I think it is no good habit
for a django app to ship with its own settings file.

Just give me nice hint if I have overlooked an option that makes djangorecipe
behave the way which is needed in this case.

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"django" script uses system Python instead of env Python

When the bin/django script is generated, it uses the Python that was used to run the buildout script. It should use whatever Python is available in the current environment.

For example, currently the bin/django script starts with (in my case):


Some of the other generated scripts (such as the wsgi script) start with:

!/usr/bin/env python

This uses whatever Python is currently available.

My current buildout script creates not only my Django environment, but also the virtualenv to be used, but when I enter that virualenv (python2.6/bin/activate) Django continues to use the system-wide python instead of the local Python as it should.

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Version svn path doesn't support spaces

Version 0.20

Specifying a url or "trunk" as the version attribute of djangorecipe generates an svn command on line 251 of

cmd = 'svn co %s %s' % (svn_url, download_location)

If the project name / path contains any spaces, these do not get quoted or escaped, so the svn command sees the extra path parts as invalid command options. The fix is to quote the parameters, changing the line to:

cmd = 'svn co "%s" "%s"' % (svn_url, download_location)

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

wsgi = True ignores projectegg

When both projectegg and wsgi=True are specified, the generated wsgi file does not have the correct settings file in it. Attached patch fixes this. (Note - can't seem to run the tests any more, where does 'mock' come from?)

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh. subcommand from django-staticfiles isn't available in bin/django

I've added the django-staticfiles add-on (, which adds a "build_static" subcommand.

It does not show up in the bin/django command as generated by djangorecipe. "bin/django help" does not list it and "bin/django build_static" gives "Unknown command: 'build_static'"

I'll start digging into this myself later this week unless I missed something obvious.

For completeness sake the contents of my bin/django::


import sys
sys.path[0:0] = [

import djangorecipe.manage

if name == 'main':

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Test script ignores projectegg option

I the documentation says: "projectegg: Use this instead of the project option when you want ..."

But in the generated tests scripts the projectegg is ignored.

My buildout configuration:
parts =

newest = false
prefer-final = true

extensions = mr.developer
sources = sources

auto-checkout =

eggs =

recipe = iw.recipe.subversion
urls = django-command-extensions

recipe = djangorecipe
version = 1.2.3
settings = development

project = finances

projectegg = finances
wsgi = true
eggs =

extra-paths =

test = contas
testrunner = django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner

finances = hg /Users/lucianopacheco/src_rm/lucmult/web_finances/tmp/finances # the project
contas = hg /Users/lucianopacheco/src_rm/lucmult/web_finances/tmp/contas # the application

The workaround is use both "project" and "projectegg" options.

I'll submit a patch

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error when getting alpha or beta versions of django

The untarred_dir is incorrectly set. We need to define a filter to know exactly which folder was included in the tgz.

Have a look at the patch which also includes:

  • using offline version (don't update svn if offline)
  • logging

This may not apply cleanly as we had local changes.

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Fix deprecation warning in Django 1.4 is deprecated in Django1.4.

The new djangorecipe.manage (dropping support for older Django versions) could be like this:

import os
import sys
from django.core import management

def main(settings_file):
    os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', settings_file)

To support also other Django versions, I suggest this:

import sys
import django
from django.core import management

def main(settings_file):
    if django.VERSION[0:2] >= (1, 4):
        # In Django 1.4 changed a bit
        import os
        os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', settings_file)
            mod = __import__(settings_file)
            components = settings_file.split('.')
            for comp in components[1:]:
                mod = getattr(mod, comp)

        except ImportError:
            # XXX: Hack for python < 2.6
            _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
            sys.stderr.write("Error loading the settings module '%s': %s"
                                % (settings_file, e))


I could prepare a pull request for this, but creating a new fork only for this seems too much :-)

version 0.12 of djangorecipe does not contain CHANGES.txt file = installation fails

Here is an error output generated by "buildout -v":

Installing 'djangorecipe'.
We have no distributions for djangorecipe that satisfies 'djangorecipe'.
Getting distribution for 'djangorecipe'.
We have the best distribution that satisfies 'setuptools'.
Picked: setuptools = 0.6c9
Running easy_install:
/usr/bin/python2.5 "-c" "from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mUNxd" "/home/xxx/yyy/eggs/tmpIiKhWL" "-q" "/home/xxx/yyy/downloads/dist/djangorecipe-0.12.tar.gz"

error: /tmp/easy_install-E0ZhlZ/djangorecipe-0.12/CHANGES.txt: No such file or directory
An error occured when trying to install djangorecipe 0.12.Look above this message for any errors thatwere output by easy_install.
Getting section django.
Initializing section django.
Installing recipe djangorecipe.
Getting distribution for 'djangorecipe'.
Error: Couldn't install: djangorecipe 0.12

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

Use urllib2 instead of urllib

If youre behind a proxy djangorecipe cant download django:

File "/export/home/p950dia/proj/inv.zc/eggs/djangorecipe-0.17.1-py2.4.egg/djan
gorecipe/", line 327, in get_release
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 89, in urlretrieve
return _urlopener.retrieve(url, filename, reporthook, data)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 222, in retrieve
fp =, data)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 190, in open
return getattr(self, name)(url)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 313, in open_http
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 818, in endheaders
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 699, in _send_output
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 666, in send
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 632, in connect
IOError: Errno socket error

In urllib2 that handles proxy settings transparently should be used instead of urllib

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Move django from parts and install it as egg

Why Django is not installed as egg, but instead added to parts?

This leads to dependency checking errors if a package requires django...

In other words, for other packages it is not possible to check if django is installed, because it is simply added to parts and to pythonpath.

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

When using full URL with @ notation HEAD is still checked out from SVN

using the following configuration in my buildout.cfg

recipe = djangorecipe==0.9.1
settings = settings
project = tsi
version =
wsgi = True
eggs =

djangorecipe still checks out the HEAD revision of trunk:

Installing django.
At revision 8053.

Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh.

How to use the django development version

Could you explain me how I can use the django development version with djangorecipe?
There is a comment in the djangorecipe documents that says that mr.developer should be used, but an example buildout that uses djangorecipe and the django development version would be very helpful.


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