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multiagent-particle-envs's Issues

Reward Setting for


I thank you OpenAI, amazing contributions, the papers and codes help my research work a lot.
I wonder how come the rewards for adversaries in are same among them while checking MADDPG working on multiagent-particle-envs. As far as I looked through, I guess it is a bug (not sure it is not supposed) at the reward function adversary_reward() in (called from reward() <- _get_reward() of MultiAgentEnv in <- step() <- env.step()... for example).
The bug is, each adversarial agent gets its own reward from other adversarial agents' reward, so every time their rewards are same, because do they share their reward together..? Please check the code below if need to fix.

The mentioned function in is:

def adversary_reward(self, agent, world):
    # Adversaries are rewarded for collisions with agents
    rew = 0
    shape = False
    agents = self.good_agents(world)
    adversaries = self.adversaries(world)
    if shape:  # reward can optionally be shaped (decreased reward for increased distance from agents)
        for adv in adversaries:
            rew -= 0.1 * min([np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(a.state.p_pos - adv.state.p_pos))) for a in agents])
    if agent.collide:
        for ag in agents:
            for adv in adversaries:
                if self.is_collision(ag, adv):
                    rew += 10
    return rew

then the last part:

    if agent.collide:
        for ag in agents:
            for adv in adversaries:
                if self.is_collision(ag, adv):
                    rew += 10
    return rew

should be:

    if agent.collide:
        for ag in agents:
            if self.is_collision(ag, adv):
                rew += 10
    return rew

With this fix, each agent, with MADDPG in, gets each reward.

Fixed frame for entire environment

Hi, I was wondering whether there's a feature to have a single, fixed frame rendering the entire environment (as shown in your demo video in this blog post), rather that individual windows rendering each agent's view for the interactive mode.


Example traing code?


Is there an example somewhere that shows how to train using the baselines implementations for DDPG or other system? Could you give a few pointers on what I'd have to do to try the baselines algorithm implementations on your environment?

I was wondering also environment did you originally train in?

Thanks in advance.

Build network for every agent?

Hi, I have an uncertainty thing about the paper. If I have 5 agents in the environment, I need to build 10 networks(5 for actors, 5 for critics) based on the algorithm from the paper, right?

TypeError: render() got an unexpected keyword argument 'close'

Hi, when I tried to run the, I came across some errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 21, in
env = MultiAgentEnv(world, scenario.reset_world, scenario.reward, scenario.observation, info_callback=None, shared_viewer = False)
File "/home/shao/projects-py2/rl/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/", line 68, in init
self.observation_space.append(spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=+np.inf, shape=(obs_dim,), dtype=np.float32))
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dtype'
Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
func(*targs, **kargs)
File "/home/shao/projects-py2/gym/gym/utils/", line 67, in close
File "/home/shao/projects-py2/gym/gym/", line 164, in close
TypeError: render() got an unexpected keyword argument 'close'
I tried to reinstall the gym, but it also failed.
I would appreciate it if anyone could help me.

Internal color setting error in simple_crypto

Hello, I am getting the following error when trying to display a trained policy in simple_crypto

The command I am running:
$ python experiments/ --scenario=simple_crypto --display

The trace:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "experiments/", line 202, in
File "experiments/", line 153, in train
File "/home/ryan/openai/multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/", line 233, in render
geom.set_color(*entity.color, alpha=0.5)
TypeError: set_color() got multiple values for argument 'alpha'

problem with gym version >= 0.10

Hi, problem seems to be related to version of gym used for multiagent-particle-envs.
Every time when I'm using methods of env like reset or render I'm getting this error.

    states = env.reset()
  File "/home/yakotaki/Downloads/gym-master/gym/", line 71, in reset
    raise NotImplementedError

after downgrading gym to any ver < 0.10 error disappear

couldn't run

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/gajam/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/", line 36, in
File "C:\Users\gajam\multiagent-particle-envs\bin..\multiagent\", line 261, in render
results.append(self.viewers[i].render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array'))
File "C:\Users\gajam\multiagent-particle-envs\bin..\multiagent\", line 110, in render
File "C:\Users\gajam\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyglet\window\", line 309, in flip
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'flip'

I changed the gym version. but still, have this problem. anybody can tell me what should do change?

Error with MultiDiscrete spaces

Hi everybody,
I run into a weird behaviour in the file in line: 56.

# total action space
if len(total_action_space) > 1:
    # all action spaces are discrete, so simplify to MultiDiscrete action space
    if all([isinstance(act_space, spaces.Discrete) for act_space in total_action_space]):
         act_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([[0,act_space.n-1] for act_space in total_action_space])

creates an error in the mulidiscrete space. It says that nvec expects an 1 dimensional vector, but it recieves a 2 dimensional vector.

partial observe function?

I wonder whether the framework support agents' partial observation.for example ,every agent just can see 1 miles around itself.

Is done() function necessary? When to finish episode?

Should done function return true only when agent is out of range?

def done(self, agent, world):
x = abs(agent.state.p_pos[0])
y = abs(agent.state.p_pos[1])
if (x > 1.0 or y > 1.0):
return True
return False
Or I also should add condition for terminating episode when goal is reached?

Thanks and sorry, I'm newbie here.

Image observation

Is there a way to receive the entire rendering screen as observation of each robot without actually rendering anything on the screen?

Closing rendered environment

Is anyone else having trouble closing the environment after it has been rendered? After I run the following code, the window just hangs there.

** stuff

reward of simple_reference

The reward for the simple_reference scenario is defined as follows:

def reward(self, agent, world):
    if agent.goal_a is None or agent.goal_b is None:
        return 0.0
    dist2 = np.sum(np.square(agent.goal_a.state.p_pos - agent.goal_b.state.p_pos))
    return -dist2

So every agent is rewarded based on the performance of the other agent, but shouldn't be the reward be the sum of both agents' rewards? For example, something like:

def reward(self, agent, world):
    reward = 0.0
    for agent in world.agents:
        if agent.goal_a is None or agent.goal_b is None:
        reward -= np.sum(np.square(agent.goal_a.state.p_pos - agent.goal_b.state.p_pos))
    return reward

In the first case, the agents have no direct incentive to move towards the goal because they only get rewarded if the other agent is close to their goal, but in the second case every agent is incentivised to communicate the goal to the other agent and to move toward its own goal.
So wouldn't be a shared reward more appropriate or is this a desired challenge which algorithms have to overcome?

[] Just hang and not rendering as animation

Hello Developers,

My Linux Ubuntu 18.04 x64 environment:

uname -a
Linux WorkStation 5.0.0-32-generic #34~18.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 10 10:36:02 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

python3 --version
Python 3.6.8

pip3 list

Package                       Version             Location                                   
----------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------
absl-py                       0.7.1               
alabaster                     0.7.12              
apache-beam                   2.16.0              
appdirs                       1.4.3               
apturl                        0.5.2               
asn1crypto                    0.24.0              
astor                         0.8.0               
astroid                       2.2.5               
asyncio                       3.4.3               
atari-py                      0.1.15              
atomicwrites                  1.3.0               
attrs                         19.1.0              
avro-python3                  1.9.0               
Babel                         2.6.0               
backcall                      0.1.0               
backports.csv                 1.0.7               
baselines                     0.1.5               /home/dragon/quant/python/baselines        
beautifulsoup4                4.7.1               
bintrees                      2.0.7               
bleach                        3.1.0               
blis                          0.2.4               
boto3                         1.9.240             
botocore                      1.12.240            
Box2D                         2.3.2               
Box2D-kengz                   2.3.3               
Brlapi                        0.6.6               
bs4                           0.0.1               
cachetools                    3.1.1               
certifi                       2018.1.18           
cffi                          1.12.3              
chardet                       3.0.4               
Click                         7.0                 
cloudpickle                   1.2.2               
colour                        0.1.5               
command-not-found             0.3                 
contextlib2                   0.5.5               
crcmod                        1.7                 
cryptography                  2.1.4               
cssselect                     1.0.3               
cupshelpers                   1.0                 
cycler                        0.10.0              
cymem                         2.0.2               
Cython                        0.29.10             
data                          0.4                 
dataclasses                   0.7                 
decorator                     4.4.0               
defer                         1.0.6               
defusedxml                    0.6.0               
devscripts                    2.17.12ubuntu1.1    
dill                          0.3.0               
diskcache                     3.1.1               
distro-info                   0.18ubuntu0.18.04.1 
dlib                          19.17.99            
dm-sonnet                     1.34                
docopt                        0.6.2               
docutils                      0.14                
dopamine-rl                   2.0.5               /home/dragon/machine_learning/dopamine     
easydict                      1.9                 
editdistance                  0.5.3               
entrypoints                   0.3                 
enum34                        1.1.6               
et-xmlfile                    1.0.1               
fake-useragent                0.1.11              
fastavro                      0.21.24             
fasteners                     0.15                
findspark                     1.3.0               
flatbuffers                   1.10                
funcsigs                      1.0.2               
future                        0.17.1              
gast                          0.2.2               
gin-config                    0.1.4               
gitdb2                        2.0.5               
GitPython                     2.1.11              
glfw                          1.8.1               
glob2                         0.6                 
gluonts                       0.3.3               
google-api-core               1.13.0              
google-api-python-client      1.7.11              
google-apitools               0.5.28              
google-auth                   1.6.3               
google-auth-httplib2          0.0.3               
google-cloud-bigquery         1.6.1               
google-cloud-bigtable         0.32.2              
google-cloud-core             0.29.1              
google-cloud-datastore        1.7.4               
google-cloud-pubsub           0.39.1              
google-pasta                  0.1.7               
google-resumable-media        0.3.2               
googleapis-common-protos      1.6.0               
gpg                           1.10.0              
graphviz                      0.8.4               
grpc-google-iam-v1            0.11.4              
grpcio                        1.20.1              
gym                           0.10.5              
gym-ctc-executioner           0.0.1               
gym-ctc-marketmaker           0.0.1               
gym-test                      0.0.1               /home/dragon/reinforcementlearning/gym-test
h5py                          2.9.0               
handyspark                    0.2.2a1             
hdfs                          2.5.8               
holidays                      0.9.11              
httplib2                      0.9.2               
icc-rt                        2019.0              
idna                          2.6                 
imageio                       2.5.0               
imagesize                     1.1.0               
importlib-metadata            0.17                
imutils                       0.5.3               
intel-openmp                  2019.0              
ipykernel                     5.1.1               
ipython                       7.5.0               
ipython-genutils              0.2.0               
ipywidgets                    7.4.2               
isort                         4.3.20              
jdcal                         1.4.1               
jedi                          0.13.3              
Jinja2                        2.10.1              
jmespath                      0.9.4               
joblib                        0.13.2              
jsonschema                    3.0.1               
jupyter                       1.0.0               
jupyter-client                5.2.4               
jupyter-console               6.0.0               
jupyter-core                  4.4.0               
Keras                         2.3.1               
Keras-Applications            1.0.8               
Keras-Preprocessing           1.0.9               
keras-rl                      0.4.2               
keyring                       10.6.0              
keyrings.alt                  3.0                 
kiwisolver                    1.1.0               
language-selector             0.1                 
latex                         0.7.0               
launchpadlib                  1.10.6              
lazr.restfulclient            0.13.5              
lazr.uri                      1.0.3               
lazy-object-proxy             1.4.1               
lockfile                      0.12.2              
louis                         3.5.0               
lxml                          4.3.3               
macaroonbakery                1.1.3               
Mako                          1.0.7               
Markdown                      3.1.1               
MarkupSafe                    1.0                 
matplotlib                    3.1.0               
mccabe                        0.6.1               
meld                          3.18.0              
mistune                       0.8.4               
mkl                           2019.0              
mkl-fft                       1.0.6               
mock                          2.0.0               
monotonic                     1.5                 
more-itertools                7.0.0               
mpi4py                        3.1.0a0             
mpmath                        1.1.0               
multiagent                    0.0.1               
murmurhash                    1.0.2               
mxnet                         1.4.1               
nbconvert                     5.5.0               
nbformat                      4.4.0               
neat-python                   0.92                
netifaces                     0.10.4              
networkx                      2.3                 
nltk                          3.4.5               
notebook                      5.7.8               
numexpr                       2.6.9               
numpy                         1.14.5              
numpy-stl                     2.6.0               
numpydoc                      0.9.1               
oauth                         1.0.1               
oauth2client                  4.1.3               
odfpy                         1.4.0               
olefile                       0.45.1              
openpyxl                      2.4.11              
opt-einsum                    3.1.0               
ordered-set                   3.1.1               
packaging                     19.0                
pandas                        0.25.2              
pandocfilters                 1.4.2               
parse                         1.12.0              
parso                         0.4.0               
pbr                           5.4.0               
pexpect                       4.2.1               
pickleshare                   0.7.5               
Pillow                        6.1.0               
pip                           19.3.1              
plac                          0.9.6               
plotly                        3.9.0               
pluggy                        0.12.0              
preshed                       2.0.1               
prometheus-client             0.6.0               
prompt-toolkit                2.0.9               
protobuf                      3.7.1               
psutil                        5.6.2               
ptyprocess                    0.6.0               
py                            1.8.0               
py4j                          0.10.7              
pyaes                         1.6.1               
pyarrow                       0.13.0              
pyasn1                        0.4.5               
pyasn1-modules                0.2.5               
pycairo                       1.16.2              
pyclipper                     1.1.0.post1         
pycodestyle                   2.5.0               
pycparser                     2.19                
pycrypto                      2.6.1               
pycups                        1.9.73              
pydantic                      0.28                
pydot                         1.2.4               
pydotplus                     2.0.2               
PyDrive                       1.3.1               
pyee                          6.0.0               
pyflakes                      2.1.1               
pygame                        1.9.6               
pyglet                        1.2.0               
Pygments                      2.4.0               
pygobject                     3.26.1              
PyLaTeX                       1.3.1               
pylint                        2.3.1               
pymacaroons                   0.13.0              
pymongo                       3.9.0               
PyNaCl                        1.1.2               
PyOpenGL                      3.1.0               
PyOpenGL-accelerate           3.1.0               
pyparsing                     2.4.0               
pyppeteer                     0.0.25              
pyprob                        0.13.0              
PyQt5                         5.12.2              
PyQt5-sip                     4.19.17             
PyQtWebEngine                 5.12.1              
pyquery                       1.4.0               
pyRFC3339                     1.0                 
pyrsistent                    0.15.2              
pyspark                       2.4.3               
pytesseract                   0.3.0               
pytest                        4.6.0               
pytexit                       0.3.3               
python-apt                    1.6.4               
python-dateutil               2.8.0               
python-debian                 0.1.32              
python-magic                  0.4.16              
python-telegram               0.10.0              
python-utils                  2.3.0               
pytz                          2018.3              
PyWavelets                    1.0.3               
pyxdg                         0.25                
PyYAML                        3.12                
pyzmq                         18.0.1              
QtAwesome                     0.5.7               
qtconsole                     4.4.4               
QtPy                          1.7.1               
records                       0.5.3               
redis                         3.2.1               
regex                         2019.8.19           
reportlab                     3.4.0               
requests                      2.22.0              
requests-html                 0.10.0              
requests-unixsocket           0.1.5               
retrying                      1.3.3               
rl                            3.0                 
rope                          0.14.0              
rsa                           4.0                 
s3transfer                    0.2.1               
sacremoses                    0.0.35              
scikit-image                  0.15.0              
scikit-learn                  0.21.1              
scipy                         1.3.0               
scons                         3.0.5               
screen-resolution-extra       0.0.0               
seaborn                       0.9.0               
SecretStorage                 2.3.1               
selenium                      3.141.0             
semantic-version              2.6.0               
Send2Trash                    1.5.0               
sentencepiece                 0.1.83              
setuptools                    41.0.1              
shutilwhich                   1.1.0               
simplejson                    3.13.2              
six                           1.13.0              
smmap2                        2.0.5               
snowballstemmer               1.2.1               
soupsieve                     1.9.1               
spacy                         2.1.4               
Sphinx                        2.0.1               
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.1               
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.1               
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        1.0.2               
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1               
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.2               
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3               
spyder                        3.3.6               
spyder-kernels                0.5.1               
SQLAlchemy                    1.3.8               
srsly                         0.0.7               
stable-baselines              2.5.1               
sympy                         1.4                 
system-service                0.3                 
systemd-python                234                 
tables                        3.5.2               
tablib                        0.13.0              
tabulate                      0.8.3               
tbb                           2019.0              
tbb4py                        2019.0              
Telethon                      1.10.6              
tempdir                       0.7.1               
tensorboard                   1.15.0              
tensorflow                    1.15.0rc3           
tensorflow-estimator          1.15.1              
tensorflow-metadata           0.14.0              
tensorflow-probability        0.8.0               
tensorflow-transform          0.14.0              
termcolor                     1.1.0               
terminado                     0.8.2               
testpath                      0.4.2               
testresources                 2.0.1               
tf-agents                     0.2.0rc2            
thinc                         7.0.4               
torch                         1.2.0+cpu           
torchvision                   0.4.0+cpu           
tornado                       6.0.2               
tqdm                          4.32.1              
trading-env                   0.0.1.dev0          
traitlets                     4.3.2               
transformers                  2.1.0               
trfl                          1.0.1               
typed-ast                     1.3.5               
ubuntu-drivers-common         0.0.0               
ufw                           0.36                
ujson                         1.35                
unattended-upgrades           0.1                 
unicodecsv                    0.14.1              
unidiff                       0.5.4               
uritemplate                   3.0.0               
urllib3                       1.22                
usb-creator                   0.3.3               
virtualenv                    16.6.0              
w3lib                         1.20.0              
wadllib                       1.3.2               
wasabi                        0.2.2               
wcwidth                       0.1.7               
webencodings                  0.5.1               
websockets                    7.0                 
Werkzeug                      0.15.4              
wget                          3.2                 
wheel                         0.30.0              
widgetsnbextension            3.4.2               
wrapt                         1.11.1              
wurlitzer                     1.0.2               
xkit                          0.0.0               
xlrd                          1.2.0               
xlwt                          1.3.0               
zipp                          0.5.1               
zmq                           0.0.0               
zope.interface                4.3.2      

I executed the python script:

~/machine_learning/multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/scenarios$ python3 ../../bin/ --scenario

It ran and generate few windows with circles on it. Soon after that, it hang or the circles not moving around or interacting with one and another.

Some of the end result/log:

First attempt:

~/machine_learning/multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/scenarios$ python3 ../../bin/ --scenario

agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
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agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
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agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../../bin/", line 36, in <module>
  File "/home/dragon/machine_learning/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/", line 261, in render
    results.append(self.viewers[i].render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array'))
  File "/home/dragon/machine_learning/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/", line 104, in render
  File "/home/dragon/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyglet/window/xlib/", line 856, in dispatch_events
    0x1ffffff, byref(e)):
ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 2: <class 'TypeError'>: wrong type

Second attempt:

~/machine_learning/multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/scenarios$ python3 ../../bin/ --scenario

agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 3 to agent 0: _   agent 4 to agent 0: _   agent 5 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 3 to agent 1: _   agent 4 to agent 1: _   agent 5 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   agent 3 to agent 2: _   agent 4 to agent 2: _   agent 5 to agent 2: _   agent 0 to agent 3: _   agent 1 to agent 3: _   agent 2 to agent 3: _   agent 4 to agent 3: _   agent 5 to agent 3: _   agent 0 to agent 4: _   agent 1 to agent 4: _   agent 2 to agent 4: _   agent 3 to agent 4: _   agent 5 to agent 4: _   agent 0 to agent 5: _   agent 1 to agent 5: _   agent 2 to agent 5: _   agent 3 to agent 5: _   agent 4 to agent 5: _   
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "../../bin/", line 36, in <module>
  File "/home/dragon/machine_learning/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/", line 261, in render
    results.append(self.viewers[i].render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array'))
  File "/home/dragon/machine_learning/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/", line 124, in render
  File "/home/dragon/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyglet/window/xlib/", line 500, in flip
  File "/home/dragon/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyglet/gl/", line 360, in flip
  File "/home/dragon/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyglet/gl/", line 245, in _wait_vsync
    2, (count.value + 1) % 2, byref(count))

I hope the developer or someone from the community able to resolve or figure what wrong with the mentioned issue.

Thank you

Undefined name: 'reward' in

reward is an undefined name in this context. Should it be self.reward instead?

flake8 testing of on Python 3.6.3

$flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./multiagent/scenarios/ F821 undefined name 'reward'
        return reward(agent, reward)
./multiagent/scenarios/ F821 undefined name 'reward'
        return reward(agent, reward)
2     F821 undefined name 'reward'

Fix: ImportError: cannot import name 'prng'

The problem of prng is that the gym package is updating, and prng function has been deleted.

you can fix this in code multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/

import gym
# from gym.spaces import prng             # this prng has been canceled

and change this line with:

np_random = np.random.RandomState()
random_array = np_random.rand(self.num_discrete_space)

Can't run

agent 1 to agent 0: _   agent 2 to agent 0: _   agent 0 to agent 1: _   agent 2 to agent 1: _   agent 0 to agent 2: _   agent 1 to agent 2: _   
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 34, in <module>
    obs_n, reward_n, done_n, _ = env.step(act_n)
  File "/mnt//Programming/python/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/", line 94, in step
  File "/mnt//Programming/python/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/", line 141, in _get_reward
    return self.reward_callback(agent,
  File "/mnt//Programming/python/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/scenarios/", line 96, in reward
    return self.adversary_reward(agent, world) if agent.adversary else self.agent_reward(agent, world)
  File "/mnt//Programming/python/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/scenarios/", line 120, in adversary_reward
    if not (agent.state.c == np.zeros(world.dim_c)).all():
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'all'
$ pip list | grep "gym|numpy"

gym                      0.10.5
numpy                    1.14.5
numpy-stl                2.8.0

$ python -V

Python 3.6.0

(a.state.c == np.zeros(world.dim_c)).all()

Can anyone tell me what this means?


AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'flip'

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/My_Research/MAS_code/Python/multiagent-particle-envs-master/bin/", line 36, in
File "D:\My_Research\MAS_code\Python\multiagent-particle-envs-master\bin..\multiagent\", line 261, in render
results.append(self.viewers[i].render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array'))
File "D:\My_Research\MAS_code\Python\multiagent-particle-envs-master\bin..\multiagent\", line 110, in render
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pyglet\window\", line 323, in flip
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'flip'

Process finished with exit code 1

Did anyone fix this issue?

bug in is_collision function

I am referring to the following function:

def is_collision(self, agent1, agent2):
delta_pos = agent1.state.p_pos - agent2.state.p_pos
dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(delta_pos)))
dist_min = agent1.size + agent2.size
return True if dist < dist_min else False

As I understand it, the above code is supposed to detect when an agent collides with another agent. However, it currently returns false positives when an agent "collides with itself". This is because the calling function passes the same agent entity in for agent1 and agent2 periodically within its loop.

In my fork, I have included the following lines of code to fix the bug:

if agent1 == agent2:
return False

So the code now reads:

def is_collision(self, agent1, agent2):
if agent1 == agent2:
return False
delta_pos = agent1.state.p_pos - agent2.state.p_pos
dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(delta_pos)))
dist_min = agent1.size + agent2.size
return True if dist < dist_min else False

Please let me know if I have misunderstood something. Thanks :)

Cannot run


I just cloned the repository and tried to run, but got the following traceback:

WARN: gym.spaces.Box autodetected dtype as <class 'numpy.float32'>. Please provide explicit dtype.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bin/", line 21, in
env = MultiAgentEnv(world, scenario.reset_world, scenario.reward, scenario.observation, info_callback=None, shared_viewer = False)
File "/home/name/code/multiagent-particle-envs/bin/../multiagent/", line 68, in init
self.observation_space.append(spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=+np.inf, shape=(obs_dim),))
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gym/spaces/", line 33, in init
Space.init(self, shape, dtype)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/gym/", line 161, in init
self.shape = None if shape is None else tuple(shape)
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

I have found that I can overcome this particular error if I change (in row 68)

self.observation_space.append(spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=+np.inf, shape=(obs_dim),))


self.observation_space.append(spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=+np.inf, shape=(obs_dim,)))

However, then I start getting a whole new bunch of errors.

Any clue as to what to I am doing wrong?


When I use command bin/ --scenario, it turns out an error:

    148             import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
--> 149             action = [action]

The action seems undefined.

Also, could you give a example of training? I even don't know what to feed in env.step(). A single integer or a list of integer seems doesn't work.

value return in get_done function is wrong

value returned in _get_done function of MultiAgentEnv class in file should be 'self.done_callback(agent,'.
correct me if i am wrong.

Error when display simple_crypto

Python (3.5.4)
OpenAI gym (0.10.5)
tensorflow (1.8.0)
numpy (1.14.5)

maddpg code:

I got an error when I run the maddpg code in the simple scene and display it
PS: 8 other environments can work

Step 1 : train and save model
$ python --scenario simple_crypto

2020-01-22 17:46:58.755855: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
Starting iterations...
steps: 24975, episodes: 1000, mean episode reward: -22.24953384943575, time: 26.487
steps: 49975, episodes: 2000, mean episode reward: -17.158019479170676, time: 43.373
steps: 74975, episodes: 3000, mean episode reward: -14.317337732475657, time: 43.159
steps: 99975, episodes: 4000, mean episode reward: -7.1827372802086815, time: 45.176

Step 2 : restore model and display
$ python --scenario simple_crypto --display

2020-01-22 17:50:47.412262: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
Loading previous state...
Starting iterations...
agent 1 to agent 0: B agent 2 to agent 0: C agent 0 to agent 1: A agent 2 to agent 1: C agent 0 to agent 2: A agent 1 to agent 2: B
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 211, in
File "", line 170, in train
File "/Users/likejiao/Documents/LKJDocument/Code/github/openai/multiagent-particle-envs/multiagent/", line 234, in render
geom.set_color(*entity.color, alpha=0.5)
TypeError: set_color() got multiple values for argument 'alpha'

Is there something wrong with the simple_crypto scenario?

cannot run

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/shy/桌面/multiagent-particle-envs-master/bin/", line 6, in
from multiagent.environment import MultiAgentEnv
File "/home/shy/桌面/multiagent-particle-envs-master/bin/../multiagent/", line 5, in
from multiagent.multi_discrete import MultiDiscrete
File "/home/shy/桌面/multiagent-particle-envs-master/bin/../multiagent/", line 7, in
from gym.spaces import prng
ImportError: cannot import name 'prng'

Action Discrete(5) and reward in "simple_tag" env

  1. The action for each agent is Discrete(5). However actually it is Box(5) within (-1, 1).
    The code here
    agent.action.u[0] += action[0][1] - action[0][2] agent.action.u[1] += action[0][3] - action[0][4]
    is used to get p_force and then to get p_vel, So what does action[0][0] do?

  2. The reward of adversary agents for each step is based on is_collision which turns out to be the same reward for each adversary agent even if we consider the penalty in the case shape = True.
    How is it different from self.shared_reward = True in

I don't mean to complain, just wonder how it works.
Appreciate it if you guys could answer me. observation function returns incomplete information

I find in the simple_world_comm environment that the obserbation function does not return the informaton you have defined such as food_pos, prey_forest, prey_forest_lead, and the comm variable is rewrited by comm = [world.agents[0].state.c], so comm does not contain communication of all other agents.
i wonder why and how to define the obserbation function

partial window

I run some scenarios like simple tag and I can only observed a partial window(sometimes the agent run out of the window,I can only see a part of the whole 'world')
Crying for helping T T..

error installing with gym 0.10.5


I wanted to use these environment in combination with some other code that expects a newer version of gym. It seems that one of your latest updates adapted your codebase to function with gym 10.x, but in practice when running
pip install -e .
I get an error message compalining about gym version, I seems that the "multiagent" package still asks for gym==0.7.
pip._vendor.pkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (gym 0.10.5 (/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('gym==0.7'), {'multiagent'})

How can I overcome this?

Simple tag scenario multiple adding of rewards for adversaries agents


    def step(self, action_n):
        reward_n = []
        for agent in self.agents:
        # all agents get total reward in cooperative case
        reward = np.sum(reward_n)
        if self.shared_reward:  # simple tag is not shared reward
            reward_n = [reward] * self.n

        return  ...  reward_n,    ... 

For each agent, it will calculate its corresponding rewards. In the

    def adversary_reward(self, agent, world):
        # Adversaries are rewarded for collisions with agents
        rew = 0
        shape = False
        agents = self.good_agents(world)
        adversaries = self.adversaries(world)
        if shape:  # reward can optionally be shaped (decreased reward for increased distance from agents)
            for adv in adversaries:
                rew -= 0.1 * min([np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(a.state.p_pos - adv.state.p_pos))) for a in agents])
        if agent.collide:
            for ag in agents:
                for adv in adversaries:
                    if self.is_collision(ag, adv):
                        rew += 10
        return rew

agent.collide is always true. If the agent is an adversary agent, the coder iterates all adversary agents. The results in multiple adding of reward for all adversary agents.

Compatibility with openai/baselines

Are those environments compatible with OpenAI baselines implementation?

At first sights, it looks like the agents in openai/baselines don't support environments with an observable list.

For example the code below gives the exception:

~/tmp/baselines/baselines/deepq/ in learn(env, network, seed, lr, total_timesteps, buffer_size, exploration_fraction, exploration_final_eps, train_freq, batch_size, print_freq, checkpoint_freq, checkpoint_path, learning_starts, gamma, target_network_update_freq, prioritized_replay, prioritized_replay_alpha, prioritized_replay_beta0, prioritized_replay_beta_iters, prioritized_replay_eps, param_noise, callback, load_path, **network_kwargs)
    202         make_obs_ph=make_obs_ph,
    203         q_func=q_func,
--> 204         num_actions=env.action_space.n,
    205         optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr),
    206         gamma=gamma,

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'n'

Code that instantiates a baseline agent with a multiagent environment:

from baselines.common.vec_env.subproc_vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
from import get_learn_function

from multiagent.environment import MultiAgentEnv
import multiagent.scenarios as scenarios

common_kwargs = dict(total_timesteps=30000, network="mlp", gamma=1.0, seed=0)

learn_kwargs = {
    'a2c' : dict(nsteps=32, value_network='copy', lr=0.05),
    'acktr': dict(nsteps=32, value_network='copy'),
    'deepq': dict(total_timesteps=20000),
    'ppo2': dict(value_network='copy'),
    'trpo_mpi': {}
alg = "deepq"

kwargs = common_kwargs.copy()
learn_fn = lambda e: get_learn_function(alg)(env=e, **kwargs)

def env_fn():
    scenario = scenarios.load("").Scenario()
    world = scenario.make_world()
    env = MultiAgentEnv(world, scenario.reset_world, scenario.reward, scenario.observation, scenario.benchmark_data)
    return env

env = SubprocVecEnv([env_fn])
model = learn_fn(env)

Creating the boundary of the environment

We are trying to add boundaries to the environment, but when we check the code of the entity in, there is only the size property, from our understanding, we can only create circle object. Are there any solutions to create other shape?

World.dim_c parameter meaning

I'm trying to figure out what the World.dim_c paramter does, does anyone know?

It is defined in here:

# multi-agent world
class World(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # list of agents and entities (can change at execution-time!)
        self.agents = []
        self.landmarks = []
        # communication channel dimensionality
        self.dim_c = 0

more document about environment

Hi, I am using your environment for mutliagent algorithm's test.

Can I get some more information about observation,, action, reward's information of environments you provide. I have been using simple push environment.

Global state

I see the env.step() function returns the observation of all the agents. Is there any way to get global state information?


Is it possible to run this project using the spyder?/ Otherwise, what is an easy tool? I have just started learning about this. Please explain how to run it. I import all the dependencies.

'Done' is always False for all environments

Is there any particular reason why the _step(self,action_n) function in just returns False for done_n for all agents, irrespective of what is happening in the environment?
Makes it very difficult to train MADDPG, because initially the agents just keep going out of the environment (the render window), and while I believe the environment should return done=True in this case, allowing the training to reset and start over, it just keeps going - making it difficult to learn IMO.

Another question is why are the environments not bounded?

5 undefined names in Python code can raise NameError at runtime

flake8 testing of on Python 2.7.14

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./ F821 undefined name 'arglist'
        env = MultiAgentEnv(world, scenario.reset_world, scenario.reward, scenario.observation, arglist, scenario.benchmark_data)

./ F821 undefined name 'arglist'
        env = MultiAgentEnv(world, scenario.reset_world, scenario.reward, scenario.observation, arglist)

./multiagent/ F821 undefined name 'envo'
        return np.concatenate([u. np.zeros(])

./multiagent/scenarios/ F821 undefined name 'reward'
        return reward(agent, reward)

./multiagent/scenarios/ F821 undefined name 'reward'
        return reward(agent, reward)

5     F821 undefined name 'arglist'

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