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notepad-plus-plus's Issues

8.3.2 No longer works on Ubuntu

This happens on multiple machines since the update. I cannot run it from the command line or the GUI. From the ocmmand line, I get:

Installing application..
Running hook '/snap/notepad-plus-plus/363/sommelier/hooks/pre-install'
Starting application..
wine: cannot find L"/home/xxx/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine/dosdevices/z:/home/xxx/snap/notepad-plus-plus/363/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus.exe"

I tried uninstalling and re-installing, reverting and purging. Nothing fixes the issue.

Cannot increase NPP menu font size

My system is Pop OS 21.04. However, the tab menu font size is too small to read. Is it possible to increase font size? I've not found any option under NPP Preferences either. I've read the similar issue #7 but running notepad-plus-plus winecfg from the terminal opens NPP with a new winecfg file instead, not a GUI, as on the image.

I don't have Wine installed, by the way.

Thanks! And a special thank you for snapcrafting NPP for Linux!

npp launched thru terminal: shortcut "[ctrl] + [shift] + u" disabled


  1. open a terminal
  2. run: notepad-plus-plus &
  3. type a text with upper and lower chars and select it
  4. type the shortcut: [ctrl]+[shift]+u

Results: The uppercase function is disabled and appears an u char out of the window

My Configuration

  1. Npp debug information
Notepad++ v7.6.1   (64-bit)
Build time : Dec 12 2018 - 01:22:05
Path : Z:\home\luis\snap\notepad-plus-plus\171\notepad-plus-plus\notepad-plus-plus.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows XP 64 bits (64-bit)
Plugins : ComparePlugin.dll DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExec.dll NppSnippets.dll 

  1. Os information: Linux 4.15.0-43-generic #46~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 7 13:31:08 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


npp_ctrl_u_2019-01-16 10-43-27

Release 8.6.6 not working for Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

While clicking on the icon, nothing happens.
This is the response i get when i am trying to open from terminal.

$ notepad-plus-plus
Installing application..
Running hook '/snap/notepad-plus-plus/403/sommelier/hooks/pre-install'
Starting application..
wine: failed to open "/home/user/snap/notepad-plus-plus/403/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus.exe": c0000135

Cannot open files from /data directory

I am using Ubuntu 16.04.
I couldn't open files using notepad++ from /data.
notepad++ doesn't recognize /data directory.

Here is my environment info
notepad-plus-plus 7.8.5 Rev227
wine-platform-3-stable 3.0.4 Rev6
wine-platform-runtime v1.0 Rev104

The permissions of /data are
drwxrwxrwx 7 root root 4.0K Feb 28 15:59 data
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4.0K May 6 2019 home

home also have the same permissions but able to access the files from /home but not from /data

Clipboard is failing alternately


  1. Open npp with 2 file tabs with clipboard panel open. The windows title appears [administrator] (??)
  2. Alternately I've copy one line at time from the first tab to the second one
  3. The clipboard panel shows the correct history but [ctrl]+v doesn't work alternately


  • ubuntu 20.04
  • notepad-plus-plus 7.8.9 - 238 latest/stable
  • connections
snap connections notepad-plus-plus
Interface               Plug                                Slot                                  Notes
content[icon-themes]    notepad-plus-plus:icon-themes       gtk-common-themes:icon-themes         -
content[wine-5-stable]  notepad-plus-plus:wine-5-stable     wine-platform-5-stable:wine-5-stable  -
content[wine-runtime]   notepad-plus-plus:wine-runtime      wine-platform-runtime:wine-runtime    -
cups-control            notepad-plus-plus:cups-control      -                                     -
desktop                 notepad-plus-plus:desktop           :desktop                              -
desktop-legacy          notepad-plus-plus:desktop-legacy    :desktop-legacy                       -
hardware-observe        notepad-plus-plus:hardware-observe  -                                     -
home                    notepad-plus-plus:home              :home                                 -
network                 notepad-plus-plus:network           :network                              -
opengl                  notepad-plus-plus:opengl            :opengl                               -
process-control         notepad-plus-plus:process-control   -                                     -
removable-media         notepad-plus-plus:removable-media   :removable-media                      manual
wayland                 notepad-plus-plus:wayland           :wayland                              -
x11                     notepad-plus-plus:x11               :x11                                  -


tail -f /var/log/syslog


Option for HiDPI display

I am running notepad-plus-plus on a High-DPI Monitor in Ubuntu 20.10 but the fonts and menu bars are all to small. I tried to start the snap package with the option:
/snap/bin/notepad-plus-plus --force-device-scale-factor=2 %F but it has no effect.
On a native WINE installation it is possible to run winecfg and change the resolution but I use the wine-platform-5-stable and winecfg is not available.
Is there a fix for this?

Not working in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Not working in Ubuntu 24.04
After installing it and starting it, it never completely runs, but it makes everything lock up untill I kills it.
I have removed it and installed it a couple of times with the same result.
I can't do anything else after I started it, everything is very slow, so I have to go to the terminal to kill it to get back the control of the sytem. I have left it running for hours to see if that makes any difference, but it's not working. I was not any problem with Ubuntu 22.04, bit it's not working with 24.04.
I have a completely fresh installation of Ubuntu 24.04 and I tried to install it from the app center and also with snap from the terminal.

Special characters on keyboard not recognized

I just installed the app from the Ubuntu Software store on Ubuntu 18.04.
I'm using a Keyboard with a german layout. while the standard keys work just fine, any special character such as Ä, Ö, Ü, ß do not work. Also combined characters like é ("´" + "e") do not work either.
Copy and paster just works fine.

Clipboard randomly fails in v7.8.1 64 bit

After upgrading to Ubuntu 19.10 from 19.04, NPP installed via Snap upgraded itself to v7.8.1 64 bit.

Since then ctrl+c, mouse context menu copy sporadically fails/rarely works. Issue is present between NPP tabs and NPP to external applications. External application to NPP always works reliably. Editing text within NPP tab like ctrl+d to duplicate line or simple keyboard operations work reliably.
Is there a way to install an older revision to see since when the issue had been introduced or whether NPP is the root cause at all?

Can't open file using notepad++

I'm using filezilla to work with my files and set notepad++ as my default editor. When I want to edit file it shows :

z:\tmp\folder\file.txt cannot be opened. folder 'z:\tmp\folder' does't exist

All other text editor doesnt have this error.

Steps I tried:
-) enable 'read/write files on removable storage devices' from permission (it won't save the permission, just roll back to disabled)
-) try installing in classic mode (doesn't work)
sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus --classic
-) force enable permission via terminal: (doesn't work)
sudo snap connect snap-app:removable-media

maybe this is because you don't have 'file-system' plug? Because file that i want to access is in tmp folder

GUI font too small when scaling - not consistent with display scaling

I use Ubuntu with display scaling 200% (14-inch display, 2560x1440pix so the pixel density is relatively high: more than 183 pix/inch or 70 pix/mm).
When I run Notepad Plus Plus the app doesn't scale as the rest of my display. All GUI elements are much too small to be readable. So the application is effectively unusable (although technically fully functional). I just have to use magnifying lens to use it (and this is not a joke: I actually use Zoom - a part of Accessibility options).

I can use CTRL+MOUSE_WHEEL to increase text area font size but I can't increase GUI itself (menus, button captions etc.) font size.

I think Notepad should take display scaling into account, not only display resolution.
Is there anything I can do to adjust Notepad to my system (and not my system to Notepad)?
Of course, decreasing screen resolution works and helps, but it degrades the rest of my system. I need to keep it high for other external displays.

Foreign characters e.g. chinese not displayed correctly

Thank you for bringing my favorite windows editor to Linux.
In the most recent version 7.8.4 I've encountered an problem, while opening files with chinese characters these characters are only displayed as rectangcles.
whereas this characters (执一) are display in other editors correct:
I'm not sure, but I this this working in the previous version.
snap 2.43.3
snapd 2.43.3
series 16
linuxmint 19.3
kernel 5.3.0-40-generic
I've installed the following snaps:

core                    16-2.43.3                   8689  stable        canonical✓   core
core18                  20200124                    1668  stable        canonical✓   base
gnome-3-28-1804         3.28.0-16-g27c9498.27c9498  116   stable        canonical✓   -
gtk-common-themes       0.1-28-g1503258             1440  stable        canonical✓   -
notepad-plus-plus       7.8.4                       223   stable        mmtrt        -
pycharm-community       2019.3.3                    179   stable        jetbrains✓   classic
snap-store              20191114.a9948d5            209   stable        canonical✓   -
traefik-nacc            1.0.1                       2     edge          nacc         -
wine-platform           3.0.4-4.6                   128   stable        mmtrt        -
wine-platform-3-stable  3.0.4                       6     stable        mmtrt        -
wine-platform-i386      1.0                         25    stable        mmtrt        -
wine-platform-runtime   v1.0                        89    stable        mmtrt        -

Needs wine-platform installed, but doesn't depend on it

At least on debian, after snapd is installed, if I immediately install the notepad-plus-plus snap, when I attempt to run it, it complains that it needs to be connected to the wine-platform snap. It would be preferable for the wine-platform snap to be automatically installed as a dependency, as the notepad-plus-plus snap requires it.

No protocol specified

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 and installed Notepad-Plus-Plus using Ubuntu Software since it is one of the featured apps in Editor's Picks.

I need to edit some Apache configuration files, so I need to start it with root privileges - but am getting an error when I do this:

test@uk-ubuntu-test:~$ sudo notepad-plus-plus
No protocol specified

I tried running these 4 commands to see if they would help, but it didn't:

test@uk-ubuntu-test:~$ sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:hardware-observe
test@uk-ubuntu-test:~$ sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:removable-media
test@uk-ubuntu-test:~$ sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:process-control
test@uk-ubuntu-test:~$ sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:cups-control

I also tried lxqt-sudo:

test@uk-ubuntu-test:~$ lxqt-sudo notepad-plus-plus

No protocol specified

Ultimately I'd like to create a desktop shortcut to start it as root:


[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sudo NPP
Exec=lxqt-sudo notepad-plus-plus

I can start it ok without using sudo:


error after last dist-upgrade ubuntu 16.04


After last ubuntu dist-upgrade, notepad-plus-plus doesn't run anymore

Expected behavior

# run on terminal terminal
luis@cygnusx1:~$ notepad-plus-plus
... Run ok this snapped app

Steps to reproduce the problem

luis@cygnusx1:~$ notepad-plus-plus
grep: /home/luis/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine/*.reg: No such file or directory
Drive C: total 12
drwxrwxr-x 3 luis luis 4096 Nov 11 10:06 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 luis luis 4096 Nov 11 10:06 ..
drwxrwxr-x 3 luis luis 4096 Nov 11 10:06 windows

Registry info:
wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string, error message "wine: WINEARCH set to win64 but '/home/luis/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine' is a 32-bit installation." 
wine: WINEARCH set to win64 but '/home/luis/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine' is a 32-bit installation.


  • URL:
  • Operating system:
    Linux 4.15.0-38-generic #41~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 10 20:16:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Browser:

update the app version

Yesterday notepad-plus-plus v8.6 was released but latest version in snapstore is 8.4.9 (which is way too old).
Please update this snap to latest version for this wonderful app

Not working since last refresh the 22-10-2021

The program does not start from Gui, neither from the terminal
Any suggestion? Thank you.

My distro is
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Intel® Core™ i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz × 4


hmvago@ubuntu01-casa:~$ notepad-plus-plus
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (failed to map segment from shared object): ignored.
chmod: changing permissions of '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.config': Permission denied
/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/snap/command-chain/desktop-launch: line 255: /home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.config/user-dirs.dirs: Permission denied
/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/snap/command-chain/desktop-launch: line 256: /home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.config/user-dirs.dirs.md5sum: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.config/user-dirs.locale': Permission denied
/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/snap/command-chain/desktop-launch: line 261: /home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.config/user-dirs.locale.md5sum: Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.local/share/themes': Permission denied
/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/snap/command-chain/desktop-launch: line 394: /home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf: Permission denied
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.local/share/themes': Permission denied
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.themes': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.local/share/glib-2.0/schemas': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.local/share/icons': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.config/ibus/bus': Permission denied
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.config/ibus/bus': Permission denied
/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/snap/command-chain/desktop-launch: line 573: /home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/.last_revision: Permission denied
Installing application..
Running hook '/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/sommelier/hooks/pre-install'
Starting application..
wine: cannot find L"/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine/dosdevices/z:/home/hmvago/snap/notepad-plus-plus/319/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus.exe"


hmvago@ubuntu01-casa:~$ snap info notepad-plus-plus
name: notepad-plus-plus
summary: notepad-plus-plus is a free source code editor.
publisher: Taqi Raza (mmtrt)
license: unset
description: |
Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, notepad-plus-plus is written in C++ and uses
pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By
optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, notepad-plus-plus is
trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can
throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.

  • notepad-plus-plus
  • notepad-plus-plus.winetricks
    snap-id: 155ZvKiCILXt4S5Ro8YZmzKHgNPPedVj
    tracking: latest/stable
    refresh-date: yesterday at 14:01 CEST
    latest/stable: 8.1.9 2021-10-22 (319) 5MB -
    latest/candidate: ↑
    latest/beta: ↑
    latest/edge: 8.1.9 2021-10-22 (320) 5MB -
    installed: 8.1.9 (319) 5MB -

I can't accent chars [pt-BR] depending on the way npp runs

If running from the command line, ok


If running from an Ubuntu desktop file, not ok


This is the desktop file to run npp:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Text Editor
Comment=Simple and free source code editor.
Exec=notepad-plus-plus %U

My ubuntu:

Linux 4.15.0-38-generic #41~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 10 20:16:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

snap: "wine: WINEARCH set to win64 but '/home/my-username/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine' is a 32-bit installation."

wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string, error message   
"wine: WINEARCH set to win64 but '/home/my-username/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine'  
is a 32-bit installation."

@mmtrt since you seem to know how to resolve these issues could you help these users? :)

Stopped working on Fedora 29 recently?

Hi there,

notepad-plus-plus stopped working on Fedora 29 the other day. Looking at the timestamps I can see, perhaps it was the update to 7.6.4. that broke it?

[@localhost ~]$ notepad-plus-plus 
execl failed: No such file or directory
child exited with status 1
[@localhost ~]$ snap interfaces | grep notepad-plus-plus
:desktop                         notepad-plus-plus
:desktop-legacy                  notepad-plus-plus
:home                            notepad-plus-plus
:network                         notepad-plus-plus
:opengl                          notepad-plus-plus
:wayland                         notepad-plus-plus
:x11                             notepad-plus-plus
gtk-common-themes:icon-themes    notepad-plus-plus
wine-platform:wine-base-stable   notepad-plus-plus:wine-platform-plug
-                                notepad-plus-plus:cups-control
-                                notepad-plus-plus:hardware-observe
-                                notepad-plus-plus:process-control
-                                notepad-plus-plus:removable-media
[@localhost ~]$ snap interfaces wine-platform
Slot                             Plug
wine-platform:wine-base-devel    -
wine-platform:wine-base-stable   notepad-plus-plus:wine-platform-plug
wine-platform:wine-base-staging  -
[@localhost ~]$ sudo snap info notepad-plus-plus
name:      notepad-plus-plus
summary:   Notepad-Plus-Plus is a free source code editor.
publisher: Taqi Raza (mmtrt)
license:   unset
description: |
  Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, notepad-plus-plus is written in C++ and uses
  pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By
  optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, notepad-plus-plus is
  trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can
  throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.
  - notepad-plus-plus
snap-id:      155ZvKiCILXt4S5Ro8YZmzKHgNPPedVj
tracking:     stable
refresh-date: today at 15:28 CET
  stable:    7.6.4 2019-03-13 (195) 3MB -
  candidate: ↑                          
  beta:      ↑                          
  edge:      7.6.4 2019-03-12 (195) 3MB -
installed:   7.6.4            (195) 3MB -
[@localhost ~]$ snap version
snap    2.37.4-2.fc29
snapd   2.37.4-2.fc29
series  16
fedora  29
kernel  4.20.16-200.fc29.x86_64

Raspberry Pi OS

Error Installing NotePad++ on Raspberry PI Version Bullseye 11
$ sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus
error: snap "notepad-plus-plus" is not available on stable for
this architecture (armhf) but exists on other
architectures (amd64, i386)

Note: Both snap & core installed, RPi rebooted

Any Suggestions?

Plugin manager in the snap version

I am testing N++ snap version. I encountered two issues:

Plugin manager is not installed - I had to manually install it via settings > import.
Once installed, the plugin manager does not connect to the web:

There was an error downloading the plugin list. Please check your Internet connection, and your proxy settings in Internet Explorer, Edge or Chrome


The network interface is connected:

snap interfaces notepad-plus-plus
:network gimp,lxd,notepad-plus-plus,review-tools,vlc

Wine is recognised as virus

I just wanted to get your attention to an issue posted on Reddit. Apparently, Wine binaries like arp.exe are seen as a virus by some anti-virus software. Some examples:

The AV was "Blackberry Cylance" on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.

Is there anything we can do to prevent this? Do you know how Wine shipped with Ubuntu solves this?


Unable to access Notepad after Version 7.5.9 upgrade

The version 7.5.9 upgrade happened on Nov 5, and since then, all the instances of Notepad stopped working.
Upon opening the current directory for the notepad-plus-plus snap, it is empty, with no file.
Tested fresh installation on alternate system with same environment, and had the same result.

OS: Ubuntu 18.0.4
Arch: amd64
Install: Fresh install and refresh install

Mouse sometimes not visible inside application, can't click anything

Sometimes when I start notepad++, the mouse is not visible at all except when in the top bar of the application window. While invisible, it seems clicking anywhere in the window has no effect. I'm only able to close or minimize the application window, nothing else. Most days I don't have any issues, but it seems when the issue starts, it persists after closing and opening the application again. Is this a known issue, sadly I don't see it in the ? Are there any workarounds besides restarting my system? I've had this issue occasionally come up when I open notepad++ right after a fresh boot.

I'm on notepad++ snap 8.4.4 and snapd itself is 2.56.2. My operating system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6.

snap changes gives

ID   Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
37   Done    today at 13:08 EDT  today at 13:08 EDT  Refresh all snaps: no updates

Please let me know if there's any other information that might be helpful.

Thank you!

Only English input works


After last update I cannot typing Russian, only English.

└──╼ $snap run notepad-plus-plus
error: Z:\home\max\snap\notepad-plus-plus\124\notepad-plus-plus\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.usr: cannot open

How to install plugin manager

I'd like to install plugin manager to install others. Is there a way to install it by a snap command or any other that avoid me put the plugins files directly in /snap/npp folder?

Chinese fonts not working

Chinese characters in the interface are not properly rendered by default, as depicted with the following screenshot:


The default font used in the system:

$ fc-match sans
NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK TC" "Regular"

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