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huixiangdou's Introduction


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InternLM2.5 series are released with the following features:

  • Outstanding reasoning capability: State-of-the-art performance on Math reasoning, surpassing models like Llama3 and Gemma2-9B.

  • 1M Context window: Nearly perfect at finding needles in the haystack with 1M-long context, with leading performance on long-context tasks like LongBench. Try it with LMDeploy for 1M-context inference. More details and a file chat demo are found here.

  • Stronger tool use: InternLM2.5 supports gathering information from more than 100 web pages, corresponding implementation will be released in Lagent soon. InternLM2.5 has better tool utilization-related capabilities in instruction following, tool selection and reflection. See examples.


[2024.07.19] We release the InternLM2-Reward series of reward models in 1.8B, 7B and 20B sizes. See model zoo below for download or model cards for more details.

[2024.07.03] We release InternLM2.5-7B, InternLM2.5-7B-Chat and InternLM2.5-7B-Chat-1M. See model zoo below for download or model cards for more details.

[2024.03.26] We release InternLM2 technical report. See arXiv for details.

[2024.01.31] We release InternLM2-1.8B, along with the associated chat model. They provide a cheaper deployment option while maintaining leading performance.

[2024.01.23] We release InternLM2-Math-7B and InternLM2-Math-20B with pretraining and SFT checkpoints. They surpass ChatGPT with small sizes. See InternLM-Math for details and download.

[2024.01.17] We release InternLM2-7B and InternLM2-20B and their corresponding chat models with stronger capabilities in all dimensions. See model zoo below for download or model cards for more details.

[2023.12.13] InternLM-7B-Chat and InternLM-20B-Chat checkpoints are updated. With an improved finetuning strategy, the new chat models can generate higher quality responses with greater stylistic diversity.

[2023.09.20] InternLM-20B is released with base and chat versions.

Model Zoo


Model Transformers(HF) ModelScope(HF) OpenXLab(HF) OpenXLab(Origin) Release Date
InternLM2.5-7B 🤗internlm2_5-7b internlm2_5-7b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-07-03
InternLM2.5-7B-Chat 🤗internlm2_5-7b-chat internlm2_5-7b-chat Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-07-03
InternLM2.5-7B-Chat-1M 🤗internlm2_5-7b-chat-1m internlm2_5-7b-chat-1m Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-07-03


The release of InternLM2.5 series contains 7B model size for now and we are going to release the 1.8B and 20B versions soon. 7B models are efficient for research and application and 20B models are more powerful and can support more complex scenarios. The relation of these models are shown as follows.

  1. InternLM2.5: Foundation models pre-trained on large-scale corpus. InternLM2.5 models are recommended for consideration in most applications.
  2. InternLM2.5-Chat: The Chat model that undergoes supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), based on the InternLM2.5 model. InternLM2.5-Chat is optimized for instruction following, chat experience, and function call, which is recommended for downstream applications.
  3. InternLM2.5-Chat-1M: InternLM2.5-Chat-1M supports 1M long-context with compatible performance as InternLM2.5-Chat.

Limitations: Although we have made efforts to ensure the safety of the model during the training process and to encourage the model to generate text that complies with ethical and legal requirements, the model may still produce unexpected outputs due to its size and probabilistic generation paradigm. For example, the generated responses may contain biases, discrimination, or other harmful content. Please do not propagate such content. We are not responsible for any consequences resulting from the dissemination of harmful information.

Supplements: HF refers to the format used by HuggingFace in transformers, whereas Origin denotes the format adopted by the InternLM team in InternEvo.


InternLM2-Reward is a series of reward models, trained on 2.4 million preference samples, available in 1.8B, 7B, and 20B sizes. These model were applied to the PPO training process of our chat models. See model cards for more details.

Model RewardBench Score Transformers(HF) ModelScope(HF) OpenXLab(HF) Release Date
InternLM2-1.8B-Reward 80.6 🤗internlm2-1_8b-reward internlm2-1_8b-reward Open in OpenXLab 2024-07-19
InternLM2-7B-Reward 86.6 🤗internlm2-7b-reward internlm2-7b-reward Open in OpenXLab 2024-07-19
InternLM2-20B-Reward 89.5 🤗internlm2-20b-reward internlm2-20b-reward Open in OpenXLab 2024-07-19


(click to expand)

Our previous generation models with advanced capabilities in long-context processing, reasoning, and coding. See model cards for more details.

Model Transformers(HF) ModelScope(HF) OpenXLab(HF) OpenXLab(Origin) Release Date
InternLM2-1.8B 🤗internlm2-1.8b internlm2-1.8b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-31
InternLM2-Chat-1.8B-SFT 🤗internlm2-chat-1.8b-sft internlm2-chat-1.8b-sft Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-31
InternLM2-Chat-1.8B 🤗internlm2-chat-1.8b internlm2-chat-1.8b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-02-19
InternLM2-Base-7B 🤗internlm2-base-7b internlm2-base-7b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-17
InternLM2-7B 🤗internlm2-7b internlm2-7b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-17
InternLM2-Chat-7B-SFT 🤗internlm2-chat-7b-sft internlm2-chat-7b-sft Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-17
InternLM2-Chat-7B 🤗internlm2-chat-7b internlm2-chat-7b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-17
InternLM2-Base-20B 🤗internlm2-base-20b internlm2-base-20b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-17
InternLM2-20B 🤗internlm2-20b internlm2-20b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-17
InternLM2-Chat-20B-SFT 🤗internlm2-chat-20b-sft internlm2-chat-20b-sft Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-17
InternLM2-Chat-20B 🤗internlm2-chat-20b internlm2-chat-20b Open in OpenXLab Open in OpenXLab 2024-01-17


We have evaluated InternLM2.5 on several important benchmarks using the open-source evaluation tool OpenCompass. Some of the evaluation results are shown in the table below. You are welcome to visit the OpenCompass Leaderboard for more evaluation results.

Base Model

Benchmark InternLM2.5-7B Llama3-8B Yi-1.5-9B
MMLU (5-shot) 71.6 66.4 71.6
CMMLU (5-shot) 79.1 51.0 74.1
BBH (3-shot) 70.1 59.7 71.1
MATH (4-shot) 34.0 16.4 31.9
GSM8K (4-shot) 74.8 54.3 74.5
GPQA (0-shot) 31.3 31.3 27.8

Chat Model

Benchmark InternLM2.5-7B-Chat Llama3-8B-Instruct Gemma2-9B-IT Yi-1.5-9B-Chat GLM-4-9B-Chat Qwen2-7B-Instruct
MMLU (5-shot) 72.8 68.4 70.9 71.0 71.4 70.8
CMMLU (5-shot) 78.0 53.3 60.3 74.5 74.5 80.9
BBH (3-shot CoT) 71.6 54.4 68.2* 69.6 69.6 65.0
MATH (0-shot CoT) 60.1 27.9 46.9 51.1 51.1 48.6
GSM8K (0-shot CoT) 86.0 72.9 88.9 80.1 85.3 82.9
GPQA (0-shot) 38.4 26.1 33.8 37.9 36.9 38.4
  • We use ppl for the MCQ evaluation on base model.
  • The evaluation results were obtained from OpenCompass , and evaluation configuration can be found in the configuration files provided by OpenCompass.
  • The evaluation data may have numerical differences due to the version iteration of OpenCompass, so please refer to the latest evaluation results of OpenCompass.
  • * means the result is copied from the original paper.


  • Python >= 3.8
  • PyTorch >= 1.12.0 (2.0.0 and above are recommended)
  • Transformers >= 4.38


InternLM supports a diverse range of well-known upstream and downstream projects, such as LLaMA-Factory, vLLM, llama.cpp, and more. This support enables a broad spectrum of users to utilize the InternLM series models more efficiently and conveniently. Tutorials for selected ecosystem projects are available here for your convenience.

In the following chapters, we will focus on the usages with Transformers, ModelScope, and Web demos. The chat models adopt chatml format to support both chat and agent applications. To ensure a better usage effect, please make sure that the installed transformers library version meets the following requirements before performing inference with Transformers or ModelScope:

transformers >= 4.38

Import from Transformers

To load the InternLM2.5-7B-Chat model using Transformers, use the following code:

import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("internlm/internlm2_5-7b-chat", trust_remote_code=True)
# Set `torch_dtype=torch.float16` to load model in float16, otherwise it will be loaded as float32 and might cause OOM Error.
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("internlm/internlm2_5-7b-chat", device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16)
# (Optional) If on low resource devices, you can load model in 4-bit or 8-bit to further save GPU memory via bitsandbytes.
  # InternLM 7B in 4bit will cost nearly 8GB GPU memory.
  # pip install -U bitsandbytes
  # 8-bit: model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_dir, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, load_in_8bit=True)
  # 4-bit: model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_dir, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, load_in_4bit=True)
model = model.eval()
response, history =, "hello", history=[])
# Output: Hello? How can I help you today?
response, history =, "please provide three suggestions about time management", history=history)

Import from ModelScope

To load the InternLM2.5-7B-Chat model using ModelScope, use the following code:

import torch
from modelscope import snapshot_download, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
model_dir = snapshot_download('Shanghai_AI_Laboratory/internlm2_5-7b-chat')
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_dir, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True)
# Set `torch_dtype=torch.float16` to load model in float16, otherwise it will be loaded as float32 and might cause OOM Error.
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_dir, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16)
# (Optional) If on low resource devices, you can load model in 4-bit or 8-bit to further save GPU memory via bitsandbytes.
  # InternLM 7B in 4bit will cost nearly 8GB GPU memory.
  # pip install -U bitsandbytes
  # 8-bit: model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_dir, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, load_in_8bit=True)
  # 4-bit: model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_dir, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, load_in_4bit=True)
model = model.eval()
response, history =, "hello", history=[])
response, history =, "please provide three suggestions about time management", history=history)


You can interact with the InternLM Chat 7B model through a frontend interface by running the following code:

pip install streamlit
pip install transformers>=4.38
streamlit run ./chat/

Deployment by LMDeploy

We use LMDeploy for fast deployment of InternLM.


With only 4 lines of codes, you can perform internlm2_5-7b-chat inference after pip install lmdeploy.

from lmdeploy import pipeline
pipe = pipeline("internlm/internlm2_5-7b-chat")
response = pipe(["Hi, pls intro yourself", "Shanghai is"])

To reduce the memory footprint, we offers 4-bit quantized model internlm2_5-7b-chat-4bit, with which the inference can be conducted as follows:

from lmdeploy import pipeline
pipe = pipeline("internlm/internlm2_5-7b-chat-4bit")
response = pipe(["Hi, pls intro yourself", "Shanghai is"])

Moreover, you can independently activate the 8bit/4bit KV cache feature:

from lmdeploy import pipeline, TurbomindEngineConfig
pipe = pipeline("internlm/internlm2_5-7b-chat-4bit",
response = pipe(["Hi, pls intro yourself", "Shanghai is"])

Please refer to the guidance for more usages about model deployment. For additional deployment tutorials, feel free to explore here.

1M-long-context Inference

By enabling the Dynamic NTK feature of LMDeploy, you can acquire the long-context inference power.

Note: 1M context length requires 4xA100-80G.

from lmdeploy import pipeline, GenerationConfig, TurbomindEngineConfig

backend_config = TurbomindEngineConfig(
        session_len=1048576,  # 1M context length
        tp=4)  # 4xA100-80G.
pipe = pipeline('internlm/internlm2_5-7b-chat-1m', backend_config=backend_config)
prompt = 'Use a long prompt to replace this sentence'
response = pipe(prompt)


InternLM2.5-Chat models have excellent tool utilization capabilities and can work with function calls in a zero-shot manner. It also supports to conduct analysis by collecting information from more than 100 web pages. See more examples in agent section.


Please refer to finetune docs for fine-tuning with InternLM.

Note: We have migrated the whole training functionality in this project to InternEvo for easier user experience, which provides efficient pre-training and fine-tuning infra for training InternLM.


We utilize OpenCompass for model evaluation. In InternLM2.5, we primarily focus on standard objective evaluation, long-context evaluation (needle in a haystack), data contamination assessment, agent evaluation, and subjective evaluation.

Objective Evaluation

To evaluate the InternLM model, please follow the guidelines in the OpenCompass tutorial. Typically, we use ppl for multiple-choice questions on the Base model and gen for all questions on the Chat model.

Long-Context Evaluation (Needle in a Haystack)

For the Needle in a Haystack evaluation, refer to the tutorial provided in the documentation. Feel free to try it out.

Data Contamination Assessment

To learn more about data contamination assessment, please check the contamination eval.

Agent Evaluation

  • To evaluate tool utilization, please refer to T-Eval.
  • For code interpreter evaluation, use the Math Agent Evaluation provided in the repository.

Subjective Evaluation

  • Please follow the tutorial for subjective evaluation.


We appreciate all the contributors for their efforts to improve and enhance InternLM. Community users are highly encouraged to participate in the project. Please refer to the contribution guidelines for instructions on how to contribute to the project.


The code is licensed under Apache-2.0, while model weights are fully open for academic research and also allow free commercial usage. To apply for a commercial license, please fill in the application form (English)/申请表(中文). For other questions or collaborations, please contact [email protected].


      title={InternLM2 Technical Report},
      author={Zheng Cai and Maosong Cao and Haojiong Chen and Kai Chen and Keyu Chen and Xin Chen and Xun Chen and Zehui Chen and Zhi Chen and Pei Chu and Xiaoyi Dong and Haodong Duan and Qi Fan and Zhaoye Fei and Yang Gao and Jiaye Ge and Chenya Gu and Yuzhe Gu and Tao Gui and Aijia Guo and Qipeng Guo and Conghui He and Yingfan Hu and Ting Huang and Tao Jiang and Penglong Jiao and Zhenjiang Jin and Zhikai Lei and Jiaxing Li and Jingwen Li and Linyang Li and Shuaibin Li and Wei Li and Yining Li and Hongwei Liu and Jiangning Liu and Jiawei Hong and Kaiwen Liu and Kuikun Liu and Xiaoran Liu and Chengqi Lv and Haijun Lv and Kai Lv and Li Ma and Runyuan Ma and Zerun Ma and Wenchang Ning and Linke Ouyang and Jiantao Qiu and Yuan Qu and Fukai Shang and Yunfan Shao and Demin Song and Zifan Song and Zhihao Sui and Peng Sun and Yu Sun and Huanze Tang and Bin Wang and Guoteng Wang and Jiaqi Wang and Jiayu Wang and Rui Wang and Yudong Wang and Ziyi Wang and Xingjian Wei and Qizhen Weng and Fan Wu and Yingtong Xiong and Chao Xu and Ruiliang Xu and Hang Yan and Yirong Yan and Xiaogui Yang and Haochen Ye and Huaiyuan Ying and Jia Yu and Jing Yu and Yuhang Zang and Chuyu Zhang and Li Zhang and Pan Zhang and Peng Zhang and Ruijie Zhang and Shuo Zhang and Songyang Zhang and Wenjian Zhang and Wenwei Zhang and Xingcheng Zhang and Xinyue Zhang and Hui Zhao and Qian Zhao and Xiaomeng Zhao and Fengzhe Zhou and Zaida Zhou and Jingming Zhuo and Yicheng Zou and Xipeng Qiu and Yu Qiao and Dahua Lin},

huixiangdou's People


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huixiangdou's Issues


我想考虑配一台机器来跑一下,不过出于预算原因,考虑用两张 nvidia 芯片的显卡,单张显存20G左右。




error log | 日志或报错信息 | ログ


context | 编译/运行环境 | バックグラウンド

Intern Studio 30% A100 with built-in Huixiangdou environment

how to reproduce | 复现步骤 | 再現方法

  1. 按照实战营教程 配置config.ini
  2. 运行python3 -m tests.test_query_gradio
  3. 打开http:// 输入“茴香豆如何在微信群部署?”
  4. 在终端看到报错信息

more | 其他 | その他

  1. 在上面第2步加了--standalone 也无济于事
  2. Hybrid-LLM环境下可以正常运行,不过似乎没有调用deepseek API

关于本地部署时公网 IP 和 redis 的一些问题

detail | 详细描述 | 詳細な説明 中既有 REDIS_HOST+REDIS_PORT 又有 ENDPOINT:redis 是运行在本地(例如 ubuntu)上吗,还是阿里云之类的云服务器?“然后将 7860 端口通过公网 IP 代理出去”,这里代理出去是指,数据从 7860(server_port)端口流向公网 IP,然后又流向 REDIS SERVER?可是配置里没有提到公网服务器是如何配置的


detail | 详细描述 | 詳細な説明

您好,我在跑python3 -m huixiangdou.main --standalone时,碰到如下报错:



  1. 本地服务器部署
  2. 模型:bce-embedding-base_v1, bce-reranker-base_v1 以及 internlm2-chat-7b均下载自
  3. 在开发机上根据教程跑程序,没有问题
  4. 除了第一个问题报错外,针对第二个问题:“茴香豆怎么部署到微信群”,输出结果为“ErrorCode.UNRELATED”,不知道问题可能出在哪里。(开发机上不存在这个问题)



config.ini 参数小问题

detail | 详细描述 | 詳細な説明

config.ini 中的 reject_throttle 这个参数是什么意思呢?

[Docs] A100算力加持!书生大模型实战营第3期全面升级,趣味闯关模式等你开启



书生·浦语社区于 2023 年年底正式推出了书生·浦语大模型实战营系列活动,半年来累计已有 15 万人次参与学习,并孵化出了超 600 个生态项目,在社区中收到广泛的好评。


亮点一. 前沿优质的课程内容,升级打怪的闯关学习模式



亮点二. 免费且充足的 A100 强力助学

本期实战营将在简单易用的 InternStudio 算力平台上进行授课。我们将提供充足的 A100 算力,帮助学员们解除后顾之忧。学员们可以自由探索大模型的部署、推理、微调和评测全流程,开发出有影响力的大模型项目。

亮点三. 丰富的算力及技术支持,打造出圈的大模型项目

在浦源大模型挑战赛(春季赛)中,20 个获奖项目中有 8 个来自实战营。其中,《基于 InternLM2 大模型的离线具身智能导盲犬》成为当届赛事冠军项目,获得了广泛的行业影响力。

亮点四. 使用 InternLM2.5 进行实战授课

2024 年 7 月 3 日,InternLM2.5 对外发布。作为书生·浦语系列大语言模型的最新版本,InternLM2.5 具备一百万词元(Token)的超长文本窗口及开源模型中领先的推理能力,并支持自主规划和在线信息整合,成为助力复杂问题高效解决的得力 AI 助手。本期实战营将使用最新的 InternLM2.5 进行授课,手把手教大家微调、部署、评测 InternLM 2.5。

亮点五. 官方结营证书,帮助你获得更大竞争力





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  • 每邀请 1 位同学填写报名问卷即可获得 50 算力点。
  • 成功邀请 3 人,解锁 InternStudio 平台 24GB A100 及 80GB 存储使用权限。
  • 成功邀请 6 人,解锁 InternStudio 平台 40GB A100 及 120GB 存储使用权限。
  • 成功邀请 16 人,解锁 InternStudio 平台 80GB A100 及 200GB 存储使用权限。




  1. web search超出免费限额的费用标准? 是否可以关闭web search功能?
  2. 本地部署支持的llm种类以及服务框架(fastchat?vllm?lmdeploy?)?是否支持自己微调后的模型?
  3. 本地单卡部署茴香豆,llm为finetune后internlm2-chat-20b,推荐显卡配置?




detail | 详细描述 | 詳細な説明


现在我的思路是这样的,搭建检索框架的话应该用langchain, faiss就可以,但是不是很清楚应该使用哪些模型来做特征提取?比如如果是用CLIP做特征提取的话,应该只能得到一个非常笼统的特征,如果需要很细粒度的特征的话,是不是可以把多模态大模型的视觉token存下来,或者用imagebind这种多模态的模型?



Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/.conda/envs/InternLM2_Huixiangdou/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 452, in _handle_request
resp = await request_handler(request)
File "/root/.conda/envs/InternLM2_Huixiangdou/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 543, in _handle
resp = await handler(request)
File "/root/huixiangdou/huixiangdou/service/", line 574, in inference
text = server.generate_response(prompt=prompt,
File "/root/huixiangdou/huixiangdou/service/", line 487, in generate_response
output_text =, history)
AttributeError: 'HybridLLMServer' object has no attribute 'inference'


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