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monogame-aseprite's Introduction

Hi, I'm Christopher Whitley, also known as Aristurtle. I am an indie game developer and game tool developer. I primarily create games and tools using the MonoGame Framework. All tools that I develop are released as free and open source here on my GitHub.

I write tutorials on game development and using the MonoGame Framework which can be found on my website

I am also a full stack .NET Developer professionally creating web applications for the East Carolina University libraries. So you may see some library technology related things here as well, such as my Kardashev library for reading MARC-21 formatted bibliographic data.


The following are some of the game development tools that I have created.

Import Aseprite files directly into your MonoGame projects


Import aseprite files directly into your MonoGame projects.

Cross-platform C# library for reading Aseprite File


Cross-platform C# library for reading Aseprite files.

Recent Tutorials

  • Collision Detection - In this tutorial series, we're going to discuss two different methods of collision detection used in 2D games
  • MonoGame Content Pipeline Extension - The purpose of this tutorial is to provide an overview of workflow known as the Content Pipeline and how you can create your own custom extension for the MGCB Editor to process and load custom content types that are not support out-of-the-box by MonoGame

Recent Videos

MonoGame Content Pipeline Extension Tutorial MonoGame Content Pipeline Extension Tutorial

A deep dive tutorial video that discusess the workflow of creating your own extension for the MonoGame Content Pipeline. This is the companion video to the MonoGame Content Pipeline Extension written tutorial

monogame-aseprite's People


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monogame-aseprite's Issues

Alpha Premultiply Not Applied

The pixel data from Aseprite does not have premultiplied alpha. The SpriteBatch in MonoGame defautls to using a blend state that assumed premultiplied alpha. Processor needs to be adjusted to premultiply alpha for all Color values to match what is expected by default.

Centerbounds on imported sprites' 9patch slices are wrong



Worked in older version

Steps to Reproduce

Use 6.0.3, create image in aseprite with 9 patch slice, import it and get a completely wrong centerbounds

Expected Behavior

Centerbounds area has some reasonable Height/Bottom

Actual Behavior

Centerbounds number Height/Bottom are way off


No response

Other Information

No response

`AnimatedSprite.Update(float)` and `AnimatedTilemap.Update(float)` both assume milliseconds when it should be seconds


Both the AnimatedSprite.Update(float) and AnimatedTilemap.Update(float) functions have a parameter that expects the elapsed time in milliseconds. Using milliseconds is not a typical use case for delta time. Generally delta time is done in seconds.

Steps to Reproduce

The typical use case will use delta time as total seconds not total milliseconds

// Assume an AnimatedSprite was created during the LoadContent method

protected override void Update(GameTIme gameTime)
    float deltaTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

Expected Behavior

It would be expected that the animated sprite updates accordingly using the common format of delta time being in seconds.

Actual Behavior

The animated sprite is not updated as expected since it assumes delta time in milliseconds.


Not applicable

Other Information

No response

[Feature Request]: support for .ase files


i tried to import .ase files in the mcgb content pipeline tool, but it used the OpenAssetImporter (wich obviously doesnt work here).

.aseprite extensions work but .ase would be good to have


easier use

Add option to import layers seperatly.

This was brought up on the discord server by Mooosik

I noticed that if I hide a layer in Aseprite, the layer will be hidden in Monogame aswell.
Being able to do enable / disable layers in Monogame would be super useful but I dont think its
possible yet, is it?

For example if I have one walk animation with several types of hand poses on other layers (for carrying
different types of items), i could just set the layer i need to "visible".

So ideally here, what would happen is instead of flattening the layers to a single layer texture, each layer itself would be its own texture data. One hurdle I can think of for this is how the blending between layers would be handled.

Aseprite v1.3 File Format Change

Aseprite Version 1.3 file format has changed. Importer/Processor needs to be updated to detect this change and handle file format appropriately

Error when building content. Pipeline needs reference to MonoGame.Aserpite assembly


When attempting to build any content using the MonoGame.Aseprite.Content.Pipeline.dll reference in the mgcb-editor, an exception is thrown stating that it has no reference to the assembly MonoGame.Aseprite

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create new monogame project, type doesn't matter, scenario below uses desktop gl
mkdir ./example
cd ./example
dotnet new sln -n Example
dotnet new mgdesktopgl -n Example
dotnet sln add ./Example
cd ./Example
dotnet add package MonoGame.Aseprite --version 5.0.0
dotnet restore
  1. Open the mgcb-editor
# from within the project directory
dotnet mgcb-editor ./Content/Content.mgcb
  1. Add the MonoGame.Aserpite.Content.Pipeline.dll reference to the mgcb-editor as documented here

  2. Add an aseprite file as content

  3. Choose any processor from the MonoGame.Aserpite.Content.Pipeline.dll reference

Expected Behavior

The content builds as expected

Actual Behavior

An exception is thrown stating that the MonoGame.Aseprite assembly could not be found


  • Which version of .NET are you using?
    • any
  • Which version of MonoGame are you using?
    • 3.8.1
  • Which version of Aseprite are you using?
    • >= 1.2
  • What operating system and version, and what distro if applicable?
    • any
  • What is the architecture (x64, x64)?
    • any

Other Information

No response

Unable to compile json

I'm using MonoGame 3.8.0, with Newtonsoft.Json and Cross-Platform Desktop Development installed. I'm making a Cross-Platform project (OpenGL). Whenever I attempt to compile within MGCB it does this:
a Cannot find json The Newtonsoft.JSON errors appeared even before I had Newtonsoft installed. Any answers as to what's causing this problem?

README links are all broken

Every link in your readme is broken. It seems you got rid of your github docs but never updated the README.

Add ability to import tags from Aseprite as non-looping


In the previous version of MonoGame.Aseprite it was possible to add the text [oneshot] to a tag in Aseprite, and then when it was imported, it was imported as a non-looping animation.

This was not carried over with the Version 4.0.0 update and should be re-implemented.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create an Aseprite file with multiple frames
  2. Create a Tag named anything as long as it has [oneshot] at the end of the name. (e.g. open_door[oneshot]
  3. Import the Asperite file in game using AsepriteFile.Load()
  4. Create a SpriteSheet with the SpriteSheetProcessor
  5. Create an AnimatedSprite based on the open_door tag
  6. Update the AnimatedSprite in the Update method and draw it in the Draw method
  7. Run the game

Expected Behavior

Since the tag has [oneshot] at the end of the name, it's expected it to not loop in line with the previous version of the library.

Actual Behavior

The animation continues to loop


  • .NET Version: net6.0
  • MonoGame Version: 3.8.1
  • Aseprite Version: 1.3-beta21
  • Operating System: Mac OS Monterey 12.6.1
  • *Architecture: x64

Other Information

No other information to provide.

XML Documentation not included in NuGet


The auto generated XML documentation is not included in the version 4.0.0 NuGet package. Due to this, intellesense is not included for any types in the library.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new project dotnet new console -n Example -f net6.0
  2. Add MonoGame.Aseprite package dotnet add package MonoGame.Aseprite --version 4.0.0
  3. Reference any type from the library


using MonoGame.Aserpite;
AsperiteFile file;

Expected Behavior

When hovering over the AsepriteFile type in the example from the Steps to Produce section above, the intellesense should show the information included in the XML documentation like the <summary> tags.

Actual Behavior

The XML Documentation is not included int he intellesense.


  • .NET Version: net6.0
  • MonoGame Not Applicable to issue.
  • Aserpite Version: Not applicable to issue.
  • Operating System: Mac OS Monterey 12.6.1
  • Architecture: x64

Other Information

No other information to provide.

Using shared AnimatedSprite for multiple characters

Hi there, first let me thank you for this wonderful library.
Thanks to everyone who keeps this project going!

Imagine a Lemmings-like scenario where you have multiple instances of the same animation. Since the animation is always the same, a single shared AnimationSprite should be sufficent to draw multiple characters at different positions. So far, this works as expected.

The animation of each character should be time-shifted, so that the animations do not run synchronously. Ideally there would be an offset that just shifts the animation in time. I have tried to forward and rewind the animation for each draw call with Update and IsReversed but nothing worked.

So, I'd like to suggest a feature that supports this use case - or find a workaround :-)

Content Builder Failure

I'm using Monogame.Aseprite and the the latest current Monogame packages (

After adding the reference to the Monogame.Aseprite.ContentPipeline.dll in the content builder, I get an error when building stating:
Couldn't find a default importer for

If I then add an aseprite file by adding an existing item in MGCB, I can assign the asprite importer and processor but the build fails with the same message and
"Failed to create importer 'AsepriteDocumentImporter'
on the imported aseprite file.

Edit the Content.mgcb file directly and remove the lines:

#begin /build=/reference:..\..\..\..\Users\ME\.nuget\packages\monogame.aseprite\\contentFiles\netstandard2.0\MonoGame.Aseprite.ContentPipeline.dll

and change relative path:

to and absolute path:

Import Aseprite File Directly

Support for importing an .ase/.aseprite file directly should be added instead of the current requirement of a PNG + JSON export from Aseprite for import.

Build issue trying to parse the first value

First, I must divulge that I have a very unorthodox way of importing my content into my game :

I have one project for each platform I currently support : DX and GL.

I also have a Content project, which holds all my content and the pipeline extension dlls. Those get imported later automatically using NoPipeline.

In my DX and GL projects, I have Content/Content.npl which is the file used by NoPipeline to create an MGCB file with all my assets from the Content project. It also automatically imports all the pipeline dlls like mentionned previously.

Here's the kicker : Your project isn't giving me your Pipeline dll in my bin folder, and I would need to refer to it from my .nuget folder, which isn't portable. I strive to keep things portable.

So I figured, what the heck, might as well just include the dlls directly in my Content project folder, then set them so they get copied into the bin folder like the rest.

Well... that fixed it. So yeah, a bit of a pain but it worked. That's my issue number 1 : I wish we could import the dll from the nuget without having to use an absolute path to the nuget package.

2nd issue is this : None of my aseprite files build correctly. They all get this error message in MGCB :

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: ´┐¢. Path '', line 0, position 0.
7>   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue()
7>   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load(JsonReader reader, JsonLoadSettings settings)
7>   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(String json, JsonLoadSettings settings)
7>   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(String json)
7>   at Ada2.Content.Pipeline.AsepriteSheet.AsepriteImporter.Import(String filename, ContentImporterContext context) in C:\Users\USERNAME\source\projects\Ada2\Ada2.Content\Pipeline\AsepriteSheet\AsepriteImporter.cs:line 22
7>   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.ContentImporter`1.Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.IContentImporter.Import(String filename, ContentImporterContext context) in /home/runner/work/MonoGame/MonoGame/MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline/ContentImporter.cs:line 45

Any ideas if this is on my end or yours? I can give you a .aseprite file to test if needed.

EDIT: Here's a test file you can use.

[Feature Request]: AnimatedSprite Update with `double` parameter


I'd like to have the option to pass a double instead of a float, for performance reasons.

Fix is basically to add this method in AnimatedSprite :

/// <summary>
///     Updates this <see cref="AnimatedSprite"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
///     This should only be called once per update cycle.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="deltaTimeInMilliseconds">
///     The amount of time, in milliseconds, that have elapsed since the last update cycle in the game.
/// </param>
public void Update(double deltaTimeInMilliseconds)
    GameTime fakeGameTime = new();
    fakeGameTime.ElapsedGameTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(deltaTimeInMilliseconds);


Improving performance so I don't have to convert a double to a float every single Update call.

`Slice.Origin` is not being set


When any of the processors create a Slice object for a TextureRegion the constructor of the Slice class takes in the Origin as a parameter but the value is never set for the property.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Import an Aseprite file that contains slices with pivot data
  2. Use the TextureAtlasProcessor or SpriteSheetProcessor to process the Aseprite file

Expected Behavior

The Slice.Origin value for any Slice element in any TextureRegion to contain the data from the slice's pivot data in Aseprite.

Actual Behavior

All Slice.Origin values are defaulted to Vector2.Zero


Not Applicable

Other Information

This is occurring because the Slice.Origin value is never set in the constructor.

Add link to sample project under the "Getting started" section of the documentation.

In the "Getting Started" section of the documentation, it recommends to the user that they should install nuget packages locally in the project, and then links to Microsoft's documentation about NuGet configuration. However MS's docs aren't always so clear. Adding a link to the sample project, or more specifically the nuget.config file within the sample project might make setup smoother for users who aren't as experienced with NuGet configuration (read: me), or are otherwise running into issue with configuring NuGet to install packages locally.

Support importing for more than just animations

Currently the import process is designed for importing animations done in Aseprite. However, Aseprite can be used to create other types of assets like static images, such as background or icons. Aseprite also has support for slice data and can be used for things like ninepatch buttons.

packages folder no being installed with VS 2019

Hi, I noticed the 'packages' folder doesn't get added when installing with NuGet on VS 2019.
I should mention Monogame templates don't work with vs2019 and I've had to use 'dotnet new mgdesktopgl' command to create project templates.

Luckily I have VS 2017 and just copied the packages folder from that. Just thought you might want to know

Pipeline Extension doesn't appear to build .xnb on macOS

When I try to build a .ase file in my project when referencing this extension (I checked, it works without the .ase), I get the following error:

Unhandled exception. Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException: The content file was not found.
---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file '/Users/gus/Projects/game-off-2021/src/GO21/Game/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/Content/penguin.xnb'.
File name: '/Users/gus/Projects/game-off-2021/src/GO21/Game/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/Content/penguin.xnb'
at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func2 errorRewriter)
at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode)
at System.IO.FileStream.OpenHandle(FileMode mode, FileShare share, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.PlatformOpenStream(String safeName)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.OpenStream(String assetName)

I checked and the file isn't there, and it doesn't appear to have been built. I'm on macOS M1, and I'm using Visual Studio for Mac. Thanks for any help!

[Feature Request]: Add Support For Aseprite 1.3-rc1


Support new features from Aseprite 1.3-rc1. Release notes can be found at

Things from the release note that will need to be implemented are

  • [x] New Repeat field for animations tags
  • [x] New User Data Chunk fields for properties
  • [x] Possibly the new tagname format (--tagname-format). This might only affect the JSON export, so might not need to implement. (Doesn't need implementing)


The motivation for this is to update MonoGame.Aseprite to support the latest release which is Aseprite 1.3-rc1.

`AsepriteFile.TryGetSlice(string, out AsepriteSlice)` Always Returns False


User nobledemon reported on discord that AsepriteFile.TryGetSlice(string, out AsepriteSlice?) is returning false, even when the slice name provided exists.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create Aseprite file
  2. Add a slice to file named TestSlice
  3. Import Aspeirte File using MonoGame.Aseprite
  4. Use AsepriteFile.TryGetSlice("TestSlice", out AsepriteSlice? slice);

Expected Behavior

The method returns true and slice contains the AsepriteSlice instance found

Actual Behavior

The method returns false and slice is null


  • Which version of .NET are you using?
    • .NET6.0
  • Which version of MonoGame are you using?
    • 3.8.1_HOTFIX
  • Which version of Aseprite are you using?
    • 1.3
  • What operating system and version, and what distro if applicable?
    • Windows 10 Home
  • What is the architecture (x86, x64)?
    • x64

Other Information

No response

Use `TitleContainer.OpenStream` instead of `File.OpenRead()`


For platform specific context, such as Android, File.OpenRead() is not well suited. MonoGame already offers a TitleContainer.OpenStream() method that considers the platform context when opening a file stream.


Not using the TitleContainer could lead to issues for users. This request is also being opened to track #47

Dependency on DesktopGL causes DirectX projects to be forced to use OpenGL


I'm using a DirectX project because of Monogame's limitations wrt texture arrays on OpenGL.
This project's dependency on MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL causes that project to run in OpenGL mode, giving an exception that texture arrays aren't supported.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a DirectX Monogame project, and add this line to its LoadContent:

Texture2D tex = new(GraphicsDevice,100,100,false,SurfaceFormat.Color,2);

add the Monogame.Aseprite nuget package, try to run the project.

Expected Behavior

It should run and display the monogame cornflowerblue hello world.

Actual Behavior

When the nuget package is installed, you get an error on the creation of the texture array.


  • .NET 7
  • Monogame 3.8.1
  • Windows x64

Other Information

You should in theory be able to not have the dependency on Monogame in the package, as Monogame.Extended does this too.

Change namespaces

In order to facility allowing users to import and process files at runtime, need to look into changing the namespaces of both the MonoGame.Aseprite and MonoGame.Aseprite.ContentPipeline assemblies.

Currently all importing and processing is done through the MonoGame.Aseprite.ContentPipeline.dll library In order for importing and processing to be performed during runtime, users would need to reference that library in their game project as well as the MonoGame.Aseprite.dll library.

The problem here is that both of these contain .Aseprite in their respective root namespaces, and it could potentially be confusing having the .ContentPipeline namespace as part of a completely different assembly.

Would potentially need to rename the namespaces to resolve this, which would be a breaking change.

Originally posted by @manbeardgames in #7 (comment)

monogame update


Monogame 3.8.1 is released recently.
Would it be possible to update monogame-aseprite so it works with 3.8.1?

Thank you

Make it possible to edit animations

Make it possible to edit animations, especially the IsOneShot parameter would be useful to edit.
Currently I made a workaround where I duplicate an animation like this:

if (treeAnim.Animations.TryGetValue("anim", out Animation anim))
    anim.IsOneShot = false;
    anim.Name = "anim2";

Or is there a way to set oneshot animations from aseprite that I am not aware of?

Edit: I found your solution in #20, but I think it would still be useful to edit, delete or replace animations

Stop method does nothing on a single animation document

Hello, I'm probably having an uncommon use case in my hands. I have an aseprite document with a single animation of 5 frames that I want it to run just once. I thought about doing this:

animatedSprite.OnAnimationEnd += animatedSprite.Stop;

but the animation loops anyway. I later found out the Pause method, but again it loops anyway with that too.

I tried OnAnimationLoop and it worked. I thought that OnAnimationEnd would fire after the last frame, my bad.

Extract loader to separate lib

This library seems to implement two separate pieces of functionality:

  • the monogame pipeline implementation, and
  • an Aseprite loader implementation.

As a separate package, the loader implementation could serve any kind of dotnet user, whether they're using the pipeline tool or not. The pipeline lib could then use this as a dependency and contain only the pipeline-related logic.

Tilemap with flipped tiles renders in wrong orientation.


Tile's that are flipped in a TileMap do not render in correct orientation.

Steps to Reproduce

Make tileset in aseprite.
Make tilemap in aseprite, with some flipped tiles (hold space then hit x,y and/or d to flip a tile when placing)
Import aseprite file directly into Monogame (not using the content pipeline)
When rendered, you should see the 'flipped' tiles in odd orientations. Results may vary.

Expected Behavior

Rendered tilemap looks the same in Aseprite as it does in Monogame.

Actual Behavior

Rendered tilemap looks off when rendered, only flipped tiles are off. They appear in the wrong orientation.


Aseprite v1.3.2
Monogame 3.8.1.whatever (the latest one)
MonoGame.Aseprite library version 5.1.3.-beta-2 (the latest one)

Other Information

No response



Can wehave a bigger code example that is doing

  • load tilemap
  • load animated sprite
  • walk around the sprite character with arrow keys
  • collisions : howto define them in aseprite tilemap?


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