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facial-landmark-detection-hrnet's Introduction


A TensorFlow implementation of HRNet for facial landmark detection.


Watch this demo video: HRNet Facial Landmark Detection (bilibili).


  • Support multiple public dataset: WFLW, IBUG, etc.
  • Advanced model architecture: HRNet v2
  • Data augmentation: randomly scale/rotate/flip
  • Model optimization: quantization, pruning

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


TensorFlow TensorFlow Model Optimizer Toolkit OpenCV Numpy


Get the source code for training

# From your favorite development directory
git clone --recursive

Generate the training data

There are multiple public facial mark datasets available which can be used to generate training heatmaps we need. For this training process the images will be augmented. The first step is transforming the dataset into a more uniform distribution that is easier to process. You can do this yourself or, use this repo:

# From your favorite development directory
git clone

# Checkout the desired branch
git checkout features/export_for_mark_regression

Use the module to generate training data. Popular public datasets like IBUG, 300-W, WFLW are supported. Checkout the full list here: facial-landmark-dataset.


Deep neural network training can be complicated as you have to make sure everything is ready like datasets, checkpoints, logs, etc. But do not worry. Following these steps you should be fine.

Setup the model.

In the module, setup your model's name and the number of marks.

# What is the model's name?
name = "hrnetv2"

# How many marks are there for a single face sample?
number_marks = 98

Set the training and testing datasets

These files do not change frequently so set them in the source code. Take WFLW as an example.

# Training data.
train_files_dir = "/path/to/wflw_train"

# Testing data.
test_files_dir = "/path/to/wflw_test"

Set the validation datasets

The loss value from this dataset will be used to decide which checkpoint should be preserved. Set None if no files available. Then about 512 of the training files will be used as validation samples.

# Validation data.
val_files_dir = None

Provide a sanity check image

This sample image will be logged into TensorBoard with detected marks drawing on it. In this way you can check the model's behavior visually during training.

sample_image = "docs/face.jpg"

Start training

Set the hyper parameters in the command line.

python3 --epochs=80 --batch_size=32

Training checkpoints can be found in directory checkpoints. Before training started, this directory will be checked and the model will be restored if any checkpoint is available. Only the best model (smallest validation loss) will be saved.

Resume training

If training was interrupted, resume it by providing --initial_epoch argument.

python3 --epochs=80 --initial_epoch=61

Monitor the training process

Use TensorBoard. The log and profiling files are in directory logs

tensorboard --logdir /path/to/facial-landmark-detection-hrnet/logs

Training speedup

You can download this checkpoint file to speedup the training process.


A quick evaluation on validation datasets will be performed automatically after training. For a full evaluation, please run the file. The NME value will be printed after evaluation.



Even though the model wights are saved in the checkpoint, it is better to save the entire model so you won't need the source code to restore it. This is useful for inference and model optimization later.

For cloud/PC applications

Exported model will be saved in saved_model format in directory exported. You can restore the model with Keras directly. Loading the model in OpenCV is also supported.

python3 --export_only=True

For Android phones, embedded and IoT devices

TensorFlow lite and TensorFlow Model Optimization Toolkit will help you to get a optimized model for these applications. Please follow the instructions of the later section Optimization.

For iPhone

Apple has developed a conversion tool named coremltools which can convert and quantize the TensorFlow model into the native model format supported and accelrated by iPhone's Neural Engine.

# Install the package
pip install --upgrade coremltools

# Do the conversion.


Check out module for details.

A pre-trained model is provided in case you want to try it in no time, or do not have adequate equipments to train it yourself.

Access code: qg5e


Optimize the model so it can run on mobile, embedded, and IoT devices. TensorFlow supports post-training quantization, quantization aware training, pruning, and clustering.

Post training quantization

There are multiple means for post training quantization: dynamic range, integer only, float16. To quantize the model, run:


Quantized tflite file will be find in the optimized directory.


Model pruning could dramatically reduce the model size while minimize the side effects on model accuracy. There is a demo video showing the performance of a pruned model with 80% of weights pruned (set to zero): TensorFlow model pruning (bilibili)

To prune the model in this repo, run:


Pruned model file will be find in the optimized directory.

Quantization aware training

Due to the conflict between pruning and quantization aware training, please checkout the other branch for details.

git checkout features/quantization-aware-training
python3 --quantization=True


Yin Guobing (尹国冰) - yinguobing





The HRNet authors and the dataset authors who made their work public.

facial-landmark-detection-hrnet's People


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facial-landmark-detection-hrnet's Issues

asking about dataset creation

Hello @yinguobing, thank for your code.

One thing I'm not really understand about the creation of dataset for training. From your description, we need use the code in repository: to generate the 'Cropped' images, which is from this line: So, I need to write some piece of code to save the 'image_resized' and 'mark_resized' somewhere else to constructing the dataset, is it correct ?

I see that you use the cropped and centered images as training data. However, for the real image, the face will not be in the center, therefore, I think this preprocessing will reduce the capability of the model isn't it ?

No access to the pretrained-model

Hello author,

is it possible to gain access to the pre-trained model besides the link you have posted in the readme file?
Doesn't work if you are Greek (cant even create an account :P). Working on my thesis project! Thanks for your time

how to create dataset?

Hello author, I'm having trouble with the "Set the training and testing datasets" step ,i didn't find any file call "wflw_train" & "wflw_train" in WFLW_images file?how can i create these two file ? Thank you.

Model Training

Hello, thank you so much for sharing your work. Your examples are very helpful for me learning about keypoint detection.

I have a question about training this model, when I train on the WFLW dataset I get increasing validation error after only a few training epochs. Is this from not enough training data, or is there some error in my setup?

For the saved checkpoint you provided, how many epochs was this trained and on which data sets?


need your help

Hello thanks for your code.
i want to train my model on nails images.
how can i do this.
i was convert the dataset json to .pts format.
like this version: 1
n_points :4
328.15 136.54
332.96 174.04
370.46 175.0
375.27 135.58
now what can i do for next steps .
can i pass the direct .pts files on
can i convert to pts into other format?
please help !

Checkpoints on Drive or Dropbox

Thank you for sharing the work with us. It is very useful.
Can you please share the pretrained checkpoints on Google Drive or DropBox or something else than Baidu?
Thank you

No module named 'face_detector.detector

大佬你好,我发现git下面的 face_detector文件夹下面的超链接是错的,导致我运行predict.py的时候报错 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'face_detector.detector', 请问能否修复一下该链接? 非常感谢!

Help to load HRNet model with OpenCV


First congratulate you on your amazing project. I have trained the network without problems and I was able to run the script on my webcam to check the operation of the model.

However, now I wanted to do a proof of concept to load this model with OpenCV DNN module. I have tried the following:

  1. Load the model in SavedModel format directly using cv.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow ("./ exported")

  2. Freeze the model and load the protobuf file with cv.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow ("frozen_graph.pb")

  3. Convert the model to OpenVino format and load it with cv.dnn.readNetFromModelOptimizer ("./ frozen_graph.xml", "frozen_graph.bin")

All these attempts return the following error when executing net.forward ():

cv2.error: OpenCV (4.3.0-openvino) /home/suaro/libs/opencv/repo/opencv/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp:2887: error: (-215: Assertion failed)! layers [0 ] .outputBlobs.empty () in function 'allocateLayers'

I suppose the problem is that you have to apply some kind of modification to the model when optimizing it to be able to load it with OpenCV, but I am not sure where to start.

Could you help me?

Thanks a lot.


File "C:/Users/RPPG/Desktop/pyCode/facial-landmark-detection-hrnet-master/", line 37, in
model = tf.keras.models.load_model("assets/face_model/saved_model.pb")
File "C:\Users\RPPG\Anaconda3\envs\ippg\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\keras\saving\", line 211, in load_model
File "C:\Users\RPPG\Anaconda3\envs\ippg\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\saved_model\", line 111, in parse_saved_model
raise IOError("SavedModel file does not exist at: %s/{%s|%s}" %
OSError: SavedModel file does not exist at: assets/face_model/saved_model.pb/{saved_model.pbtxt|saved_model.pb}

Restore the model.

model = tf.keras.models.load_model("./exported/hrnetv2")


Multi-face detection

hello author,

Does this repo has multi-face keyoint detection support?
I want to ask wheter the COCO person dataset is specialized for multi-person?
i have trained a simple model using FCN for face keypoint regression. Can you please tell me how we can get heatmaps of muliple faces in the bottom-up approach. My current model takes input of 96x96x1 image and gives 96x96x15 size heatmaps for 15 keypoints. I trained my model using kaggle datset consisting of images with single face pre cropped to 96x96. Do i need the dataset with multiple faces? and do I need bouding box information or mask information too?

Please give me your advice
thank you

Training error

Hello @yinguobing

It's me again,
I have found there is a problem in the implementation, when I was trying to train the network with the 300VW dataset, the following problem occurred:
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (19,19) into shape (20,19)

It turned out that the problem appear in here:

The int() is not always do the same thing, as you can see in the debugging output below:
Screenshot 2020-12-10 at 18 55 16

It's easy to solve this problem, I have replaced the int function by the following:

def r_int(f_number):
    if f_number >= int(f_number) + 0.5:
        return int(f_number) + 1
        return int(f_number)



Stability and accuracy

Yet I am working on project with dlib in unity. I am using 68_face_landmarks.dat but its not enough stable and accurate. So face mesh seems very vibrating. Can you share me your facial landmarks module as .dat file or can you guide me how can I use this dataset in unity.

NME with original image dimensions

Thank you @yinguobing for your work and blog, I am really enjoying them.

In the evaluation, before we compute NME, we to transform the marks back to the original image dimensions.
Do you know why the transform of the marks back to the original image dimensions is necessary for the NME ?

Thank you

edge TPU版本

作者您好,我使用你的开源代码去运行,成功生成了5个tflite版本,我选取全整型的hrnet_quant_int_only.tflite,在ubuntu上用edgetpu_compiler optimized/hrnet_quant_int_only.tflite进行编译,尝试使用TPU运行模型。但是我得到了这样的报错

after I use,A 300vw.record file was generated.But how should I use this file for model training.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 167, in <module>,
  File "/Users/liuyuhan/miniforge3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/", line 1110, in fit
    raise ValueError('Expect x to be a non-empty array or dataset.')
ValueError: Expect x to be a non-empty array or dataset.

how come can use tfrecord by face-mesh-generator?

Hi, I finished wflw dataset using face-mesh-generator in colab environment. I just got tfrecord and what is that? How can I use it for training on hrnet? do I have to save heatmapped image indivisually like figs??

when I check file, train dir path is wflw_cropped folder. how can I access crop? that means need to use face detector?


i have see your work, it is beautiful !
i have do all works before training, and i have see the HRNet lib for face landmark, it seem to have different size in input and output for images at current work ?

Need Help

(base) C:\Users\user\Desktop\facial-landmark-detection-hrnet\face-mesh-generator>python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\user\Desktop\facial-landmark-detection-hrnet\face-mesh-generator\", line 342, in
File "C:\Users\user\Desktop\facial-landmark-detection-hrnet\face-mesh-generator\fmd\", line 71, in populate_dataset
File "C:\Users\user\Desktop\facial-landmark-detection-hrnet\face-mesh-generator\fmd\", line 60, in _read_mark_file
with open(mark_file) as fid:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/robin/data/facial-marks/wflw\WFLW_annotations\list_98pt_rect_attr_train_test\list_98pt_rect_attr_train.txt'

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