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Stm32 tools evaluation

Trying out some setup combination with "Ac6 System Workbench" (Eclipse plugin) and Stm32cubemx



  • create projects using System Workbench (eclipse plugin)
    • Name = Conclusion-01
    • ⦿ Cube Hal
    • ☑ Add low level drivers in this project
    • ⦿ As sources in the application project
    • about the CMSIS, HAL_Driver and Utility directory (and maybe even the startup directory), I think I'll move it later to a central place (e.g. Foundation)
  • create CubeMX project with the same name
    • locate it into a subfolder (cubemx) of the System Workbench project
    • Project
      • Name = Conclusion-01
      • Project Location = C:\Papa\git\Joe\Stm32-Tools-Evaluation\Conclusion-01\cubemx
      • Toolchain = SW4STM32
      • and ignore the generated .project / .cproject
      • save → C:\Papa\git\Joe\Stm32-Tools-Evaluation\Conclusion-01\cubemx\Conclusion-01\Conclusion-01.ioc → /D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/cubemx/Conclusion-01/Conclusion-01.ioc
      • generate code
  • add cubemx include path and source path to eclipse project
  • main redirect, missing include in gpio.c,
  • TODO ...


  • create projects using System Workbench (eclipse plugin)

    • new C++ project
      • Name = Conclusion-02
      • Location = /D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-02
      • Ac6 Mcu Project
    • Mcu Configuration
      • Series = Stm32F4
      • Board = Stm32F401C-Disco
    • Firmware Configuration
      • ⦿ Cube Hal
      • ☑ Add low level drivers in this project
      • ⦿ As sources in the application project
      • no additional drivers and no third party unitities (for the first)
    • add org.eclispe.cdt/core*.prefs to .settings
    • delete directories CMSIS, HAL_Driver, Utilities
    • delete stm32f4xx_it.h, stm32f4xx_it.c, syscalls.c
    • TODO: check if we could also delete system_stm32f4xx.c, startup_stm32f401xc.s, LinkerScript.ld
    • rename main.c to Main.cxx
    • add eclipse links for Foundation, Cubehal and Freertos
    • Path and Symbols, include paths (see below)
  • create CubeMX project with the same name

    • locate it into a subfolder (cubemx) of the System Workbench project
    • Project
      • Name = Conclusion-01
      • Project Location = C:\Papa\git\Joe\Stm32-Tools-Evaluation\Conclusion-01\cubemx
      • Toolchain = SW4STM32
      • and ignore the generated .project / .cproject
      • save → C:\Papa\git\Joe\Stm32-Tools-Evaluation\Conclusion-01\cubemx\Conclusion-01\Conclusion-01.ioc → /D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/cubemx/Conclusion-01/Conclusion-01.ioc
      • generate code
  • add cubemx include path and source path to eclipse project

  • main redirect, missing include in gpio.c,

  • TODO ...

  • Include Paths

    • ${ProjDirPath}/inc
    • ${Foundation}/include
    • ${Freertos}/FreeRtos/Source/Include
    • ${Freertos}/FreeRtos/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F
    • ${Cubehal}/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc
    • ${Cubehal}/Drivers/CMSIS/Include
    • ${Cubehal}/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include
    • ...
    • → unfortunately not working, see therefore set this instead:
    • ${ProjDirPath}/inc
    • ${ProjDirPath}/cubemx/Conclusion-02/Inc
    • ../../../N4/n4-Foundation/Framework/include
    • ../../../N4/n4-Foundation/Framework/lib/FreeRtos/FreeRtos_8.2.2/FreeRtos/Source/include
    • ../../../N4/n4-Foundation/Framework/lib/FreeRtos/FreeRtos_8.2.2/FreeRtos/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F
    • ../../../N4/n4-Foundation/Framework/lib/Stm/STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.9.0/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc
    • ../../../N4/n4-Foundation/Framework/lib/Stm/STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.9.0/Drivers/CMSIS/Include
    • ../../../N4/n4-Foundation/Framework/lib/Stm/STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.9.0/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include
  • - inc - src - startup - cubemx /Conclusion-02/Src - Cubehal/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver /Src - Foundation/src - Foundation/tests TODO - Freertos/FreeRtos/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F ...
  • C/C++ Build → Settings

    • All confiburations?
    • GCC
      • Dialect -std=gnu11
      • Optimization -Og (maybe) -fdata-sections
      • Warnings -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion?
      • Miscellaneous -Wundef
    • G++
      • Dialect -std=gnu++1y
      • Optimization like gcc
      • Warnings like gcc
      • Miscellaneous -Wundef -Weffc++ -Woverloaded-virtual
      • Miscellaneous allow exceptions and rtti
      • Miscellaneous TODO: what about -slow-flash-data?
    • Linker
      • Miscellaneous allow exceptions and rtti

Setup start with Eclipse

  • means "Ac6-Tools System Workbench for STM32 - Bare Metal Edition", plugin installed in eclipse luna sr2 running on Kubuntu 14.04 32 Bit

    • ARM Compiler for MCU (for Linux 32 bits)
    • External Tools for Linux (32 bits)
      • OpenOCD (for Linux 32 bits)
    • OpenSTM32 IDE
    • OpenSTM32 Linker Script editor
    • OpenSTM32 Remote debugging support
  • the "SW" in the project names below stands for "System Workbench"

  • all projects are located locally in /D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation

  • example project created for Stm32F401C-Disco board with STM32F401VCTx (256k Flash, 64k Ram)

  • File → new → C++ Project → Ac6 Stm32 Mcu Project

    • Name = Stm32F4-SW-nofw

      • Location = /D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Stm32F4-SW-nofw
      • Chips = Stm32F4, Board = Stm32F401C-Disco
      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ No Firmware → no main.c
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal
        • Stm32Cube_FW_F4_V1.9.0 ☐ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☐ Add low level drivers in this project → project looks same as "nofw"
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-sepfolder

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☑ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☐ Add low level drivers in this project → project looks same as "nofw" and "Stm32F4-SW-cubehal" → cube hal sources were put to to workspace/STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.9.0 (23608 files, 7288 directories, 1,1 GiB!)
      • including things like "audio_sample.wav", "SetupSTM32CubeUpdater-4.2.0.exe" ... → I'd moved them to my git repo
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-source

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☐ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☑ Add low level drivers in this project ⦿ As sources in the application project ⦾ As static external libraries → adds 3 directories (CMSIS, HAL_Driver, Utilities) to the project (171 files, 33 directories, 64 MiB) → much more stuff in .cproject → !!! for unknown reason, this generates a project with a linker script differen to e.g. Stm32F4-SW-cubehal
      • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal: Linker script for STM32F401VCTx
      • but here: Linker script for STM32F401CC
      • → different things in startup directory
      • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal: startup_stm32.s (author="Ac6")
      • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-source: versus startup_stm32f401xc.s (author="MCD Application Team") → 32 include paths added (all for 6 times gcc, gxx, asm / debug & release)
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-lib

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☐ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☑ Add low level drivers in this project ⦾ As sources in the application project ⦿ As static external libraries → adds a project "stm32f401c-disco_hal_lib" to the workspace (default workspace location) with the 3 directories (CMSIS, HAL_Driver, Utilities) (279 files, 37 directories, 65 MiB!) → I'd moved them to my git repo → when creating such project a second time, the .cproject seems to be incomplete (e.g. all of the includepaths, ...)
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-sepfolder-source

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☑ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☑ Add low level drivers in this project ⦿ As sources in the application project ⦾ As static external libraries
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-sepfolder-lib --->>> skipped

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☑ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☑ Add low level drivers in this project ⦾ As sources in the application project ⦿ As static external libraries
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-source-freertos

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☐ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☑ Add low level drivers in this project ⦿ As sources in the application project ⦾ As static external libraries ☑ FreeRtos
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-lib-freertos

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☐ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☑ Add low level drivers in this project ⦾ As sources in the application project ⦿ As static external libraries ☑ FreeRtos
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-sepfolder-source-freertos --->>> skipped

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☑ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☑ Add low level drivers in this project ⦿ As sources in the application project ⦾ As static external libraries ☑ FreeRtos
    • Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-sepfolder-lib-freertos --->>> skipped

      • Firmware Configuration = ⦿ Cube Hal ☑ Extract all firmware in separate folder ☑ Add low level drivers in this project ⦾ As sources in the application project ⦿ As static external libraries ☑ FreeRtos

Setup start with CubeMX

  • projects created with CubeMX Version 4.11.0, running on Windows 7, 64 Bit

  • File → New Project → Board Selector → Stm32F401C-Disco

  • Project Settings

    • see also 05_STM32L4_Putting_All_Together.pdf, page 49ff
    • Project
      • Name = Stm32F4-MX-copyAll
      • Project Location = C:\Papa\git\Joe\Stm32-Tools-Evaluation
      • Toolchain = SW4STM32
    • Code Generator
      • Cube Firmware Library Package
        • ⦾ Copy all used libraries into the project folder → TODO: check the effect
        • ⦿ Copy only the necessary library files → TODO: check the effect
        • ⦾ Add necessary library files as reference in the toolchain project configuration file → TODO: check the effect
      • Generated Files
        • ☑ Generate peripheral initialization as a pair of .c/.h files per IP → TODO: check the effect
        • ☐ Backup previously generated files when re-generating
        • ☑ Keep user code when when re-generating
        • ☑ Delete previously generated files when not re-generated
      • Hal Settings
        • ☐ Set all free pins as analog → TODO: check the effect
        • ☐ Enable full assert → TODO: check the effect
  • Save Project, results in a Stm32F4-MX-copyAll/Stm32F4-MX-copyAll.ioc

  • removed that "Configuration" postfix from .project (1x) and .cproject (5x) → STM32F401VCTx_FLASH.ld looks close like the LinkerScript.ld in Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-source and Stm32F4-SW-cubehal-lib →

Directory Structure

  • ProjectRoot
    • .project, .cproject, .settings → generated by Eclipse Wizard
    • cubemx → generated code from cubemx
    • inc, src → application source
    • Debug, Release → output directories

GCC Invocation

arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -DSTM32F401C_DISCO -DSTM32F401VCTx -DSTM32 -DSTM32F4 -DDEBUG -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F401xC -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/inc" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/STM32F401-Discovery" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Fonts" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/lis302dl" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/ov2640" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/stmpe1600" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/otm8009a" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/ft6x06" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/ili9325" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/cs43l22" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/ili9341" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/mfxstm32l152" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/lis3dsh" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/st7735" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/n25q512a" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/n25q256a" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/Common" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/ts3510" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/s5k5cag" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/ampire640480" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/s25fl512s" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/ampire480272" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/lsm303dlhc" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/stmpe811" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/exc7200" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/n25q128a" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/wm8994" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities/Components/l3gd20" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/Utilities" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/HAL_Driver/Inc" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/CMSIS/core" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/CMSIS/device" -I"/D/git/Joe/Stm32-Tools-Evaluation/Conclusion-01/cubemx/Conclusion-01/Inc" -O0 -g3 -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -ffunction-sections -c -MMD -MP -MF"cubemx/Conclusion-01/Src/usart.d" -MT"cubemx/Conclusion-01/Src/usart.o" -o "cubemx/Conclusion-01/Src/usart.o" "../cubemx/Conclusion-01/Src/usart.c" arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -DSTM32F401C_DISCO -DSTM32F401VCTx -DSTM32 -DSTM32F4 -DDEBUG -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F401xC

-fno-exceptions -mslow-flash-data -fno-rtti


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