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sass-loader's Issues

You may not @extend an outer selector from within @media.

I'm trying to build bootstrap-sass with sass-loader, and i'm getting the following error:

ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./~/sass-loader?outputStyle=expanded&includePaths[]=/Users/....../node_modules!./app/stylesheets/main.scss
Module build failed:
    .input-group-sm & {
      You may not @extend an outer selector from within @media.
You may only @extend selectors within the same directive.
From "@extend .input-sm" on line 48 of node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_input-groups.scss

      in /Users/jason/dev/goco-client/node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_forms.scss (line 189, column 39)
 @ ./app/stylesheets/main.scss 4:14-284

My relevant npm versions:

Is this a known issue?

example for using with node-bourbon

Hi @jtangelder While trying to use the loader with node-bourbon,

var bourbon = require('node-bourbon').includePaths;

module.exports = {
  entry: './src/js/main.js',
  output: {
    path: './build',
    filename: 'bundle.js'
  module: {
    loaders: [
      { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json' },
      { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader' },
      { test: /\.png/, loader: 'url-loader?limit=100000&mimetype=image/png' },
      { test: /\.scss$/, loader: "style!css!sass?includePaths[]=" + bourbon},
      { test: /\.js$/, loader: "jsx-loader" }
  resolve: {
    modulesDirectories: ['node_modules'],
    extensions: ['', '.js', '.json']

I got the following error:

➜  csviz git:(webpack) ✗ webpack
Hash: 42199728e42c6181b5ac
Version: webpack 1.4.0-beta10
Time: 6505ms
    Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
bundle.js  1620446       0  [emitted]  main
    + 329 hidden modules

ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./~/sass-loader?includePaths[]=/Users/fraserxu/projects/csviz/~/node-bourbon/assets/stylesheets!./src/scss/main.scss
Module build failed:
 @ ./src/scss/main.scss 4:14-296

Because the includePaths is an array, so I'm wondering whether it's because the way I write it is wrong.

Can you help me figure it out or you could give an example with using with node-bourbon.

I thought it maybe useful because many people will use node-bourbon in their project.


Relative URLs are funky

I'm not sure if this issue is a) not specifically to do with sass-loader, or b) already described in another issue, but hopefully this will at the very least enlighten me or others with the same issue. Apologies if it has been covered or I'm looking in the wrong place.

Given the following directory structure:

- fonts/
-- font-file.woff
- css/
-- app.css (build target)
- scss/
-- app.scss
-- partials/
---- _i-load-a-font.scss


@import "partials/i-load-a-font"


  src: url("../fonts/font-file.woff")

If we build scss/app.scss to css/app.css, the font path is correct - that is how SASS expects the path to resolve - as it resolves it based on the final output CSS. If we use webpack with sass-loader, this breaks, because it tries to find the font-file.woff relative to partials/i-load-a-font.scss.

So I've inherited a project that is compiled with SASS that compiles properly with grunt or whatever they used, but as soon as I try to compile it with webpack it won't work. Is there a way to get this to work with webpack? It would seem odd to me that we would have to rewrite the SASS for this reason.

Hot Module Replacement breaks on 0.3.1

HMR works on the exact same codebase on 0.2.0 and not on 0.3.1.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start the Webpack Dev Server
  2. Change a .scss file

Expected Result

Webpack recompiles the file and resends it to the browser.

Actual Result

It works on 0.2.0. Nothing happens on 0.3.1. (Webpack doesn't even recompile the file.)


In 0.3.1, I get this error on every compile:

File to import not found or unreadable: Roboto

I do not get it in 0.2.0.

Here's the only import that contains "Roboto":

@import url(,500italic,400,400italic,300,300italic|Roboto+Condensed:400);

And here's my webpack.config.js:

  "entry":          {
                      "jsx":    [

                      "styles": [

  "resolve":        {
                      "extensions": [

  "module":         {
                      "loaders":  [
                                      "test":   /\.jsx?$/,
                                      "loader": "react-hot-loader!jsx-loader?harmony"
                                      "test":   /\.scss$/,
                                      "loader": "style-loader!css-loader!autoprefixer-loader!sass-loader"

  "output":         {
                      "filename":       "[name].js",
                      "chunkFilename":  "chunk_[id].js",
                      "publicPath":     "http://tardis.local:8078/bundles/",
                      "pathinfo":       true,
                      "path":           "tardis/./bundles/"

  "plugins":        [
                      new Webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),
                      new Webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin(),
                      new Webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
                      new Webpack.DefinePlugin(
                          "__ambidexRoutesPath":  "\"tardis/routes.jsx\""

  "context":        "node_modules/Ambidex/src",

  "resolveLoader":  {
                      "root":           "node_modules/Ambidex/node_modules"

Update to Node SASS 2.0.1

Looks like both grunt and gulp sass have updated their version of node-sass. Could you please update the loader?

sourceMappingUrl is wrong

I nearly got source maps to work, but it's outputting the wrong sourceMappingUrl. I am getting ../../..//build/ instead of I am using sass-loader 0.4.1, webpack 1.4.15 and extract-text-webpack-plugin 0.3.8.

This is my configuration:

var webPackConfig = {
    output: {
        path: path.join(__dirname, "build"),
        filename: "bundle.js"

    entry: "./src/main.js",
    debug: true,
    devtool: "source-map",

    module: {
        loaders: [
            { test: /\.gif/, loader: "url?limit=10000&minetype=image/gif" },
            { test: /\.jpg/, loader: "url?limit=10000&minetype=image/jpg" },
            { test: /\.png/, loader: "url?limit=10000&minetype=image/png" },
            { test: /\.js$/, loader: "jsx" },
            { test: /\.json$/, loader: "json" },
            { test: /\.woff$/, loader: "url?limit=10000&minetype=application/font-woff" },
            { test: /\.ttf$/, loader: "file" },
            { test: /\.eot$/, loader: "file" },
            { test: /\.svg$/, loader: "file" },
            { test: /\.css/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("css?sourceMap") },
            { test: /\.scss$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(
                "css?sourceMap" +
                "!sass?sourceMap&sourceMapContents=true" +
                "&outputStyle=expanded" +
                "&includePaths[]=" + require("node-bourbon").includePaths +
                "&includePaths[]=" + (path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules"))
        noParse: /parse-latest.js/

    plugins: [
        new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin(),
        new ExtractTextPlugin("styles.css")

    resolve: {
        modulesDirectories: ['node_modules'],
        extensions: ['', '.js', '.json']

Any ideas?

Marked dependencies do not respect previous loaders in the pipe

Let's say main.scss has @import 'some-settings.scss' at the top. We have another loader that replaces 'some-settings.scss' with '/path/to/our/specific/settings-file.scss'. It compiles just fine, but the marked dependencies are incorrect. This is because sass-graph is used to mark dependencies from the original source file, ignoring the actual piped content, but node-sass is used to compile the sass from the piped content.

So the thing that marks the dependencies is marking them based off incorrect, "out-of-date" data. It should mark them based off the content parameter in the loader, not by reading in the file contents.

[Question] source-maps with css or sass?


I am using sass-loader to compile sass code. Can we have the source-map to trace back the source file with webpack for sass?

Currently, I setup Sass-loader by

 { test: /\.scss/, loader: "style-loader!sass-loader?outputStyle=expanded" },


    cache: true,
    debug: true,
    devtool: 'source-map',
    'output-pathinfo': true,

Is it possible to trace back the source sass file in chrome dev tools?

Pass variables to scss files

I'm wanting to pass variables from webpack to the scss files, for example opacity is able to be changed by a user and stored in the db. Ideally I'd pass the variable same way as you do to JS files via webpack and pass them straight through to the SCSS files before compilation.

Error on SASS Partials in 1.x

Hi @jhnns,

I am not a node-sass expert by any means, and so I cannot comment on exactly what the desired end result should be, but I make extensive use of SASS partials in my code and the handling of them seems to have changed when moving from 0.x to 1.x.

For example:
If I have file _my-partial.scss, I would expect to (as working in 0.x) be able to reference it in my main SCSS file as @import "my-partial".

In 1.x, you have to explicitly write the underscore, but as I understand it, the underscore is what signifies to SASS that it is indeed a partial.

More info:

Many thanks for your hard work on sass-loader!


webpack-dev-server breaking on sass error


I am using sass-loader in webpack-dev-server mode.
If an sass error occurs webpack-dev-server is halting and not reacting to subsequent changes.
Is there any way to fix this problems ?


Just pulled v1.0.0 and get an error

I'm getting this error:

Assertion failed: (handle->flags & UV_CLOSING), function uv__finish_close, file ../deps/uv/src/unix/core.c, line 171.

I'm going to try reverting to the prior version to see if that fixes the issue.

After going to this version: "^0.4.0-beta.1", the error goes away.

I'm seeing other issues after updating all modules. I'll post an update shortly.

Just ran

npm i --save-dev node-sass

and went back to 1.0.0

and the prior error went away. Still some other issues, but might be unrelated.

Error when upgrading from 0.1.1


I just upgraded to 0.2.0 from 0.1.1 and I am getting the following error:

53% 38/52 build modulesAssertion failed: (val->IsString()), function _NanGetExternalParts, file ../node_modules/nan/nan.h, line 1725.
Abort trap: 6

Not much luck looking it up.

I'm using:
webpack 1.3.1-beta4
grunt-webpack 1.0.7
grunt-webpack-server 0.1.0
css-loader 0.6.12
style-loader 0.6.4
autoprefixer-loader 0.1.1

Any ideas?


SCSS build error


I'm getting an error with a specific SCSS file:

'Module build failed:
$e: #{&}#{$bem-element-separator}#{$element};
Error reading values after
in /playground/app/styles/settings/_ben-constructor.scss (line 475, column 13)
@ ./app/styles/main.scss 4:14-225'

Seems to work fine with other scss compilers.

What am I doing wrong?

preventing duplicated imports

Hi, we're trying to keep things completely modular and have each component declaratively import everything it needs. This causes things to be put into style.css multiple times (using extractTextPlugin), giving us a huge css file.

Is there any way of preventing this? I tried using scss-only hacks, like in , but because sass loader is running node-sass afresh each scss that's required, the map in sass is not persisted.

Error messages are obscure (much worse than ruby sass)

When compiling sass, the error messages are obscure:

ERROR in ../~/css-loader!../~/sass-loader?outputStyle=expanded!../app/assets/stylesheets/test-sass-stylesheet.scss
Module build failed:
 @ ../app/assets/stylesheets/test-sass-stylesheet.scss 3:1-279 8:9-287

It turns out that this error was from:

/* Proof of concept of loading css from webpack */

// partial defines the $comment-text-color
import "test-sass-stylesheet-partial";

Note the lack of an @ before the import. And that was on line 4. So other than
the error saying which file has the error, it doesn't tell you much.

The Ruby error is way better:

Sass::SyntaxError (Invalid CSS after "...esheet-partial"": expected "{", was ";"
  (in /Users/justin/j/react/react-rails-tutorial/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss:4)):
  app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb__3489044243874918414_70294421247320'

Error when requiring an empty .scss

Hi there!

First, thanks for this loader!

now, regarding the issue, it seems like requiring an empty .scss is raising the following:

node: ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:1725: bool _NanGetExternalParts(v8::Handle<v8::Value>, const char**, size_t*): Assertion `val->IsString()' failed.
[1]    2678 abort      webpack

It seems like it is something related to sass/node-sass#337

Abort trap: 6

After upgrading to 1.0.0 I'm getting fairly inconsistent errors along the lines of:

Assertion failed: (handle->flags & UV_CLOSING), function uv__finish_close, file ../deps/uv/src/unix/core.c, line 171.
Abort trap: 6

Seems to be an issue with node-sass that has persisted into the pre-release sass-loader is using?


Dependency graph and duplicated dependencies on build

I am trying to understand how I should require a sass dependency that is a requirement to more than one of my other modules. Something like normalize.scss (I am using the scss fork just for convenience). Which in theory should be a dependency of everything (since it should be loaded first).

Suppose I have two modules, maybe:

play-button.scss, which would have a dependency to normalize:

@import 'node_modules/normalize.scss';

.play-button {
  // its style

and another module: restart-game-screen.scss, which would also have a dependency to normalize:

@import 'node_modules/normalize.scss';

.restart-game-screen {
  // its style

Shouldn't the loader identify that the normalize.scss is used in two places and only bundle it once? It looks like this might not be supported right now by the way libsass works. If it doesn't, what is the best approach to handle these shared common modules?

Just to be clear, I usually organize my application`s component (Backbone or React) like:

  • player-button.scss
  • player-button.js

Each component has its own dependency graph. Meaning that at the JS file I have a requirement to the SCSS file.

An old solution to this problem is to have a 'manifest file': a single entry point for the entire application stylesheet that requires (@import) everything.

"ModuleBuildError: Module build failed" error

I am getting this error from this file:

at DependenciesBlock.onModuleBuildFailed (./node_modules/webpack/node_modules/webpack-core/lib/NormalModuleMixin.js:288:19)

I tried with both version 0.3.1 and the version from master branch. Any ideas what might be happening?

Getting contents without loading

I'm wanting to be able to get the contents within JS I can use css-loader I know and that passes me back an array with a nested array which doesn't feel very nice as a small change could quite easily break that.

Can you think of anything to be able to get the contents straight away because I am wanting to do my own loading without having to use style-loader?

Error when upgrading from 0.1.1 to 0.2.0


I have upgraded and am getting the following error:

56% 38/49 build modulesgrunt(59323,0x7fff71003310) malloc: *** error for object 0x1074175a9: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap: 6

My working package.json is here:

This works with 0.1.1 but as soon as I upgrade I get the error even if I remove all SCSS files.

Any help would be appreciated.



Looking for a maintainer for this repo

I notice some issues and PRs, but I recently don't have a lot of time left to maintain some OSprojects. Also, haven't used this loader in a while so i'm a bit off the project. Therefore i'm looking for someone who would like to maintain this project with me.

@cody? @akiran?@jhnns?

Can't get hot module replacement to work with sass-loader version newer than 0.2.0

I'm trying to update my rails-webpack-reactjs tutorial project to the latest dependencies.

The only dependency that does not work is sass-loader. Any version greater than 0.2.0 gives the following error:

ERROR in ../~/css-loader!../~/sass-loader?outputStyle=expanded&imagePath=/assets/images&includePaths[]=/Users/justin/j/react/react-webpack-rails-tutorial/webpack/assets/stylesheets!./assets/stylesheets/test-sass-stylesheet.scss
TypeError: Object function (from) {
            return !!~this.indexOf(from);
        } has no method 'replace'

Thus, I'm stuck at 0.2.0. Any ideas on what I can do further pinpoint what change broke my app?

Has anybody else gotten the hot-reload server to work with a version greater than 0.2.0?


Regression in 0.3.0

I just tried upgrading to 0.3.0 and got this error in code that works in 0.2.0:

Module build failed: TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at resolveSassPath (node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/sass-graph/sass-graph.js:24:23)
    at Graph.addFile (node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/sass-graph/sass-graph.js:66:20)
    at Graph.addFile (node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/sass-graph/sass-graph.js:72:12)
    at Graph.addFile (node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/sass-graph/sass-graph.js:72:12)
    at Object.module.exports.parseFile (node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/sass-graph/sass-graph.js:122:9)
    at Object.module.exports (node_modules/sass-loader/index.js:33:27)
 @ ./application/styles.scss 3:1-339 8:9-347

problem with keyframes

I have the following code in my scss file:

@Keyframes animatedBackground {
from { background-position: 0 0; }
to { background-position: 0 -166px; }

When the sass loader runs, it fails with the message:
Module build failed: Error: Please check the validity of the CSS block starting from the line #7656

Also, the line numbers are not accurate which makes it very difficult to debug. Is there an way to run the loader from the command line so I can see the direct output?

Support indented syntax

node-sass now supports indented syntax, but sass-loader seems to expect scss style syntax.

Support for media queries

The current version seems to break when the sass file contains media queries.
ERROR in .//css-loader!.//sass-loader!./src/styles/responsive.scss
Module build failed: Error: Please check the validity of the CSS block starting from the line #2175

Error compiling .scss file

I am trying to compile .scss files using this loader.
I am getting the error below when I invoke webpack command:

Hash: 471ab211129c4252e031
Version: webpack 1.7.3
Time: 52ms
    + 1 hidden modules

ERROR in ./dummy.scss
Module parse failed: /home/chandu/www/sass-loader-test/node_modules/sass-loader/index.js!/home/chandu/www/sass-loader-test/dummy.scss Line 1: Unexpected token {
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| body {
|   background-color: #fff; }

I have created a repo to replicate the issue:

When I use node-sass directly I don't get any error. You can try this running node test.js from the repo linked above.

chandu@nobuntu:~/www/sass-loader-test$ node test.js 
body {
  background-color: #fff; }

Am pretty sure I am doing something wrong, but not sure what it is.
Can anyone help me with this?

Error when importing Compass

If I add

@import 'compass'

to may sass file I get an error Module build failed when trying to compile the file.
Any thoughts?

Ignore url()s import?

Is there a way I can tell sass-loader to ignore urls() states so that it doesn't try to import them?

@font-face {
font-family:'Myriad Set Pro';
src:url("../fonts/MYRIADPRO-REGULAR.OTF") format("OTF"), url("/resources/fonts/MYRIADPRO-REGULAR.OTF") format("truetype");

ERROR in ./resources/fonts/MYRIADPRO-REGULAR.OTF
Module parse failed: /~/Developer/Project/resources/fonts/MYRIADPRO-REGULAR.OTF Line 1: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

Uglify thinks style is dead code

I noticed that my webfont files were not getting copied over when I was using:

plugins: [new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()]

It gave me:

Dropping unreachable code [./~/style-loader!./~/css-loader!./~/sass-loader!./client/components/Dropdown.scss:6,0]

Turning off uglify solved the issue but ultimately I would like to minify code.

@font-face URLs not resolved

The loader doesn't seem to resolve @font-face URLs. I'm trying to @import "bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap"; from the bootstrap-sass npm package, and getting the following error:

ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./~/sass-loader?includePaths[]=./bower_components&includePaths[]=./node_modules!./src/styles/app.scss
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve file or directory ./bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot in /home/charles/projects/react/src/styles
 @ ./~/css-loader!./~/sass-loader?includePaths[]=./bower_components&includePaths[]=./node_modules!./src/styles/app.scss 2:2989-3044 2:3058-3113

node-sass ^3.0.0-alpha.0 is not stable

error message:
node: ../deps/uv/src/unix/core.c:171: uv__finish_close: Assertionhandle->flags & UV_CLOSING' failed.`

Then I tried to install an old version of node-sass by npm install node-sass, but come out this error message:

npm ERR! peerinvalid The package node-sass does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements!
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer [email protected] wants node-sass@^3.0.0-alpha.0

Maybe you can change the version number of node-sass to *, so I can specify the required version of node-sass.

How do I import bootstrap-sass?

added this stuff to webpack loaders:

    {test: /\.scss/, loader: 'style!css!sass?includePaths[]=' +
        (path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules"))},
    {test: /\.woff(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: "url-loader?limit=10000&minetype=application/font-woff" },
    {test: /\.(ttf|eot|svg)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: "file-loader" }

and in my scss:
@import "bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss";

But I get bunch of errors resolving the relative paths with bootstrap-sass

ERROR in .//css-loader!.//sass-loader?includePaths[]=/Users/kharriger/code/webpack-template/node_modules!./src/sass/all.scss
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ../fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot in /Users/kharriger/code/webpack-template/src/sass
@ .//css-loader!.//sass-loader?includePaths[]=/Users/kharriger/code/webpack-template/node_modules!./src/sass/all.scss 2:3068-3130 2:3144-3206

ERROR in .//css-loader!.//sass-loader?includePaths[]=/Users/kharriger/code/webpack-template/node_modules!./src/sass/all.scss
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ../fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff in /Users/kharriger/code/webpack-template/src/sass
@ .//css-loader!.//sass-loader?i

Use custom importer

Just wanted to point out that custom importers have been implemented with sass/libsass#21. They are currently being tested and it will take some time until node-sass provides an api, so it's still a way to go.

With custom importers we're able to plug-in webpack's resolving algorithm.

move node-sass to peerDependencies?

Hi, as node-sass currently have some issue with pre-build binaries, I'm wondering that if you have plan to move node-sass to peerDependencies instead of dependencies?

This will allow client to override custom node-sass version without fork the sass-loader project. Just specify "node-sass": "1.0.3" in their package.json and it will load the desired version of node-sass.

I've installed yesterday and worked, installed today and doesn't work

I've installed with npm install sass-loader.

I've noticed that in the package.json there are some diff.

Of today (that doesn't work):

"_from": "sass-loader@",
"readme": "ERROR: No README data found!"

Of yesterday (that works):

"_from": "sass-loader@^0.3.1",

So no readme error and added ^0.3.1.

With the today's version I get:

Error: `libsass` bindings not found. Try reinstalling `node-sass`?

With yesterday's version I get this error:

Error: ENOENT, open 'E:\a\dist\E:\a\node_modules\extract-text-webpack-plugin E:\a\node_modules\css-loader\index.js!E:\a\node_modules\sass-loader\index.js'

Why is messing this up?

My webpack config for scss is like this:

            test: /\.css$/,
            loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style", "css")
            test: /\.scss$/,
            loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style", "css!sass")

Ok, strange again, this happens in all my npm modules that were installed today vs yesterday...

Well, these are not the only changes now that I'm diff, I will put now them here:


Segmentation fault

I get a segmentation fault and the dev server crashes when modifying a watched file. On the initial compilation it works fine.
I think it could be related to upgrading to node-sass 1.0.1 because downgrading to prior version of sass-loader it works just fine...
It also seems that some imported styles don't get bundled (foundation's components in my case).

[Question] Compass with sass-loader?

I would like to use sass with compass through webpack. Any plans on supporting this in sass-loader, or ideas on how to achieve it in general?

errors crash webpack, even in --debug mode

The other loaders that I've tried right now display an error message gracefully in debug mode. With sass loader i get a message like

    throw err;
source string:2: error: file to import not found or unreadable: "variables"```

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