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pandoc-latex-template's Introduction


A clean pandoc LaTeX template to convert your markdown files to PDF or LaTeX. It is designed for lecture notes and exercises with a focus on computer science. The template is compatible with pandoc 3.


A custom title page A basic example page
A custom title page A basic example page


  1. Install pandoc from You also need to install LaTeX.

  2. Download the latest version of the Eisvogel template from the release page.

  3. Extract the downloaded ZIP archive and open the folder.

  4. Move the template eisvogel.latex to your pandoc templates folder. The location of the templates folder depends on your operating system:

    • Unix, Linux, macOS: /Users/USERNAME/.local/share/pandoc/templates/ or /Users/USERNAME/.pandoc/templates/
    • Windows Vista or later: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\pandoc\templates\

    If there are no folders called templates or pandoc you need to create them and put the template eisvogel.latex inside. You can find the default user data directory on your system by looking at the output of pandoc --version.

Docker image

Alternatively, if you don't want to install LaTeX, you can use the Docker image named pandoc/extra. The image contains pandoc, LaTeX and a curated selection of components such as the eisvogel template, pandoc filters and open source fonts. A common use of the image looks like this (line breaks for readability):

docker run --rm \
       --volume "$(pwd):/data" \
       --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
       pandoc/extra -o example.pdf --template eisvogel --listings

For frequent command line use, you can define the following shell alias:

alias pandock='docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/data" -u $(id -u):$(id -g) pandoc/extra'

The example invocation with Docker from above now looks like this:

pandock -o example.pdf --template eisvogel --listings


  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder where your markdown file is located.

  2. Execute the following command

    pandoc -o example.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings

    where is the markdown file you want to convert to PDF.

In order to have nice headers and footers you need to supply metadata to your document. You can do that with a YAML metadata block at the top of your markdown document (see the example markdown file). Your markdown document may look like the following:

title: "The Document Title"
author: [Example Author, Another Author]
date: "2017-02-20"
keywords: [Markdown, Example]

Here is the actual document text...

Custom Template Variables

This template defines some new variables to control the appearance of the resulting PDF document. The existing template variables from pandoc are all supported and their documentation can be found in the pandoc manual.

  • titlepage (defaults to false)

    turns on the title page when true

  • titlepage-color

    the background color of the title page. The color value must be given as an HTML hex color like D8DE2C without the leading number sign (#). When specifying the color in YAML, it is advisable to enclose it in quotes like so titlepage-color: "D8DE2C" to avoid the truncation of the color (e.g. 000000 becoming 0).

  • titlepage-text-color (defaults to 5F5F5F)

    the text color of the title page

  • titlepage-rule-color (defaults to 435488)

    the color of the rule on the top of the title page

  • titlepage-rule-height (defaults to 4)

    the height of the rule on the top of the title page (in points)

  • titlepage-logo

    path to an image that will be displayed on the title page. The path is always relative to where pandoc is executed. The option --resource-path has no effect.

  • titlepage-background

    the path to a background image for the title page. The background image is scaled to cover the entire page. In the examples folder under titlepage-background are a few example background images.

  • page-background

    the path to a background image for any page. The background image is scaled to cover the entire page. In the examples folder under page-background are a few example background images.

  • page-background-opacity (defaults to 0.2)

    the background image opacity

  • caption-justification (defaults to raggedright)

    justification setting for captions (uses the justification parameter of the caption package)

  • toc-own-page (defaults to false)

    begin new page after table of contents, when true

  • listings-disable-line-numbers (defaults to false)

    disables line numbers for all listings

  • listings-no-page-break (defaults to false)

    avoid page break inside listings

  • disable-header-and-footer (default to false)

    disables the header and footer completely on all pages

  • header-left (defaults to the title)

    the text on the left side of the header

  • header-center

    the text in the center of the header

  • header-right (defaults to the date)

    the text on the right side of the header

  • footer-left (defaults to the author)

    the text on the left side of the footer

  • footer-center

    the text in the center of the footer

  • footer-right (defaults to the page number)

    the text on the right side of the footer

  • footnotes-pretty (defaults to false)

    prettifies formatting of footnotes (requires package footmisc)

  • footnotes-disable-backlinks (defaults to false)

    disables making the reference from the footnote at the bottom of the page into a link back to the occurrence of the footnote in the main text (enabling requires package footnotebackref).

  • book (defaults to false)

    typeset as book

  • logo-width (defaults to 35mm)

    the width of the logo. One needs to specify the width with a (TeX) unit e.g. 100pt or 35mm. The following units can be used:

    • pt: Point
    • pc: pica (12 pt)
    • in: inch (72.27 pt)
    • bp: Big point (72 bp = 1 in)
    • cm: Centimeter
    • mm: Millimeter
    • dd: Didot point
    • cc: cicero (12 dd)
    • sp: Scaled point (65,536 sp = 1 pt)
    • ex: Nomimal x-height
    • em: Nominal m-width
    • px: Pixel (only for pdfTeX and LuaTeX) The dimension given to the \pdfpxdimen primitive; default value is 1 bp, corresponding to a pixel density of 72 dpi.

    A visual overview of the length units is available at

  • first-chapter (defaults to 1)

    if typesetting a book with chapter numbers, specifies the number that will be assigned to the first chapter

  • float-placement-figure (defaults to H)

    Reset the default placement specifier for figure environments to the supplied value e.g. htbp. The available specifiers are listed below. The first four placement specifiers can be combined.

    1. h: Place the float here, i.e., approximately at the same point it occurs in the source text.
    2. t: Place the float at the top of the page.
    3. b: Place the float at the bottom of the page.
    4. p: Place the float on the next page that will contain only floats like figures and tables.
    5. H: Place the float HERE (exactly where it occurs in the source text). The H specifier is provided by the float package and may not be used in conjunction with any other placement specifiers.
  • table-use-row-colors (defaults to false)

    enables row colors for tables. The default value is false because the coloring extends beyond the edge of the table and there is currently no way to change that.

  • code-block-font-size (defaults to \small)

    LaTeX command to change the font size for code blocks. The available values are \tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, \small, \normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge and \Huge. This option will change the font size for default code blocks using the verbatim environment and for code blocks generated with listings.

Required LaTeX Packages

LaTeX manages addons and additional functionality in so called packages. You might get the following error when compiling a document with the Eisvogel template:

! LaTeX Error: File `footnotebackref.sty' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

Enter file name:
! Emergency stop.
<read *>

LaTeX informs you that the additional package footnotebackref is required to render the document.


Eisvogel requires a full texlive distribution that can be installed by running apt-get install texlive-full in the terminal. Because texlive-full is very large (about 5 Gigabytes) you can also install the smaller texlive bundles and add any missing packages manually.

A smaller texlive bundle is texlive-latex-extra. With texlive-latex-extra you also need to install these packages manually:

adjustbox babel-german background bidi collectbox csquotes everypage filehook
footmisc footnotebackref framed fvextra letltxmacro ly1 mdframed mweights
needspace pagecolor sourcecodepro sourcesanspro titling ucharcat ulem
unicode-math upquote xecjk xurl zref

Install them with the following command:

tlmgr install soul adjustbox babel-german background bidi collectbox csquotes everypage filehook footmisc footnotebackref framed fvextra letltxmacro ly1 mdframed mweights needspace pagecolor sourcecodepro sourcesanspro titling ucharcat ulem unicode-math upquote xecjk xurl zref

Additional information about the different texlive packages can be found at this TeX-StackExchange answer:


If you don't want to install all missing packages manually, MiKTeX might be an alternative.

MiKTeX has the ability to automatically install missing packages. You can turn this feature on or off. And you can let MiKTeX ask you each time a package has to be installed:

  • Click Settings to navigate to the settings page.
  • Click the General tab.
  • Click one of the radio buttons:
    • Ask me
    • Always install missing packages on-the-fly
    • Never install missing packages on-the-fly


Numbered Sections

For PDFs with numbered sections use the --number-sections or -N option.

pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel --number-sections

Syntax Highlighting with Listings

You can get syntax highlighting of delimited code blocks by using the LaTeX package listings with the option --listings. This example will produce the same syntax highlighting as in the example PDF.

pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel --listings

Syntax Highlighting Without Listings

The following examples show syntax highlighting of delimited code blocks without using listings. To see a list of all the supported highlight styles, type pandoc --list-highlight-styles.

pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel --highlight-style pygments
pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel --highlight-style kate
pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel --highlight-style espresso
pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel --highlight-style tango

Standalone LaTeX Document

To produce a standalone LaTeX document for compiling with any LaTeX editor use .tex as an output file extension.

pandoc -o example.tex --template eisvogel

Changing the Document Language

The default language of this template is American English. The lang variable identifies the main language of the document, using a code according to BCP 47 (e.g. en or en-GB). For an incomplete list of the supported language codes see the documentation for the hyph-utf8 package (Section 2). The following example changes the language to British English:

pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel -V lang=en-GB

The following example changes the language to German:

pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel -V lang=de

Typesetting a Book

To typeset a book supply the template variable -V book from the command line or via book: true in the metadata.

To get the correct chapter headings you need to tell pandoc that it should convert first level headings (indicated by one # in markdown) to chapters with the command line option --top-level-division=chapter. Chapter numbers start at 1. If you need to change that, specify first-chapter in the template variables.

There will be one blank page before each chapter because the template is two-sided per default. So if you plan to publish your book as a PDF and don’t need a blank page you should add the class option onesided which can be done by supplying a template variable -V classoption=oneside.

Example Images

A green title page A background image on the title page
A green title page A background image on the title page
images and tables Code blocks styled without listings
images and tables Code blocks styled without listings
A book Code blocks styled with listings
A book Code blocks styled with listings
A background images on all pages CJK Support (when using XeLaTeX)
A background images on all pages CJK Support (when using XeLaTeX)

Common Errors / Issues

The following section lists common errors and their solutions when using the Eisvogel template.

LaTeX Errors Missing endcsname inserted or File x not found when using titlepage-background, logo, or titlepage-logo.

Error producing PDF.
! Missing endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
Error producing PDF.
! Package pdftex.def Error: File `logo\T1\textunderscoreimage.pdf' not fou
nd: using draft setting.

See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

These errors occur when one includes a background image on the title page or a logo that has an underscore (_) in the filename.

A quick fix would be to replace all underscores in the filename of the image with a hyphen (-). If the background image is specified in your YAML front matter like so,

titlepage-background: "background_image.pdf"

you can advise pandoc to interpret this as LaTeX and include it in the document without parsing.

titlepage-background: "`background_image.pdf`{=latex}"

The same fix can be used for the logo image as well:

logo: "`logo_image.pdf`{=latex}"

Corresponding issues:

LaTeX Error Missing \begin{document}

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.7 <
     !DOCTYPE html>
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

This error indicates that you try to use some text file for conversion that is not the Eisvogel template. Please download the latest Eisvogel template from the releases page and start the conversion again.

LaTeX Error auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts

Error producing PDF.
! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable
\AtBegShi@Output ...ipout \box \AtBeginShipoutBox
                                                  \fi \fi
l.643 \begin{lstlisting}

This error likely occurs on Windows with MiKTeX installed. StackOverflow user Krebto provided the following fix:

To solve the problem navigate to C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64 and run updmap.exe. The program may seem as it hangs for a while, but its probably because it tries to update the whole font tree. This solved the problem for me. After re-compiling everything should work fine.

Corresponding issue:

LaTeX Error cannot find image file

Error producing PDF.
! error:  (file "/tmp/tex2pdf.-be734e802ef6d0c3/""fdcfc29edcf252186f1b0a52f18f50
43abaeb2d0".png) (pdf backend): cannot find image file '"/tmp/tex2pdf.-be734e802
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

In general this error means that LaTeX is unable to find the included image file. Please check all image references and file names for correctness.

This error also occurs if you use an old version of Eisvogel with the package grffile and have an old LaTeX distribution installed. Please update Eisvogel and your LaTeX distribution.

Corresponding issues:



This project is open source licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

pandoc-latex-template's People


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pandoc-latex-template's Issues

Add background to inline code

Hey, still a big fan of this template,

I was just wondering if there is a way to add a background to inline code rather than color, like this.

Add support for a cover page

It would be nice if there would be an option to generate a cover page along with a title page.
The cover page would have a bit less information. One of the pieces of information that would
not be shown is de date. This would be immenseley helpful.

An idea to this to maybe have a look the CoverPage package. This package provides an easy way to generate a cover page.

Does not compile on macOS

I am running pandoc 2.1.3 from homebrew. The commandline

pandoc -o xx.pdf --template eisvogel

results in the following error message:

"template" (line 626, column 111): unexpected "<" expecting letter

Bug or wrong usage? Can I help to fix this?

The content of

title: "The Document Title"
author: [Example Author, Another Author]
date: 2017-02-20
tags: [Markdown, Example]

# Header 1

Lorem ipsum

# Header 2

Here is the actual document text

Disable numbering in listings

Would be great to have an option to have nice listings (including background color, syntax highlight, border, etc), but without line numbering, or have them in a separate column.

The problem is I have some Linux commands listed in those listings, and I wish just to copy them entirely. But they are selected and copied with numbers, so I cannot paste them into terminal directly.

Maybe just need to edit source a bit to disable them?

Thanks for amazing document tho, great job!

including external pdf

I have a document in markdown and i want to attach some other documents in pdf. I tried to add
header-includes: \usepackage{pdfpages} in the YAML preamble. This unfortunately gives me:

Error producing PDF.
! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package xcolor.

I have edited the template and added \usepackage{pdfpages} after the \usepackage{xcolor}stuff around line 430. This fixes the error for me but I am unsure if it is the right thing to do.

By the way, is there a way to include a PDF page in a Document so that it gets scaled down a bit and is surrounded by the page header and footer, numbering etc.?

Source Sans Pro isn't applied as a main font family when using XeLaTeX

Hi, if I supply a lang: en-GB or lang: en-US metadata field to your custom-titlepage example, the main body text is not source sans pro any more, but the latex default:

screen shot 2017-05-31 at 17 16 25

removing it and all is fine...

title: "Vinaque sanguine metuenti cuiquam Alcyone fixus"
author: [Author Name]
date: 2017-02-20
subject: "Markdown"
tags: [Markdown, Example]
subtitle: "Aesculeae domus vincemur et Veneris adsuetus lapsum"
titlepage: true
titlepage-color: eeeeee
titlepage-text-color: ffffff
titlepage-rule-color: ffffff
titlepage-rule-height: 1
lang: en-GB

Color for table rows is applied to some table-like environments.

Table row coloring is used in some environments like array or cases where no coloring is expected.

x_d \notin [x_{min}, x_{max}] \Rightarrow 
& v_d \leftarrow 0\\
x_d < x_{min} \Rightarrow & x_d \leftarrow x_{min}\\
x_d > x_{max} \Rightarrow & x_d \leftarrow x_{max}\\

screen shot 2018-02-28 at 22 14 50

Backticks are not displayed in codeblocks.

If a codeblock contains Backticks, they are not displayed and pandoc outputs the following warning

[WARNING] Missing character: There is no ` in font SourceCodePro-Regular-tlf-ts1!

The issue can be reproduced with this example:

    expecting backtick here ->`<-

Compile with pandoc -o test.pdf --template eisvogel --listings

geometry package usage defined twice when "geometry" variable is set in yaml or -M option

in eisvogel.latex:

  • lines 158-160:
  • line 375:

line 375 defines geometry options while 158 also does it when geometry is defined in yaml header
or by -M option. 158 and 375 should be exclusive.

I think 375 overrides 158 but one would be warned like this

! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package geometry.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.



and this

LaTeX Warning: There were multiply-defined labels.

Table row colors are starting at different colors for each table.

I have multiple Tables in my document, and the backgroundcolor alternates on them.


| Ja | Nein | Enthaltung |
| 99 | 0    | 0          |

| Ja | Nein | Enthaltung |
| 99  | 0    | 0          |

| Ja | Nein | Enthaltung |
| 99 | 0    | 0          |

| Ja | Nein | Enthaltung |
| 99 | 0    | 0          |

| Ja | Nein | Enthaltung |
| 99 | 0    | 0          |

which results in
test pdf_-_adobe acrobat reader dc_2017-11-12_20-12-09

XeLaTeX and Custom Title page

If I use XeLaTeX and your custom page, the blue background leaks into the next page. Compiling with LuaLaTeX of PDFTeX and it works fine.

screen shot 2017-05-26 at 20 56 56_small

page breaks on top level heading (h1 / #)

I really like this template.

I'm using it for a book I'm self-publishing. As I understand you are not specifically targeting books but since my book show sample C# code I need something to properly format the code and your template does the trick.

Using documentclass: book seems to break things so I've removed that.

I would like to place page breaks on the top level headings (# in my markdown). For that I've tried the titlesec package and include a header-includes to a titlesec.tex file with the following:

% titlesec setup

However, this results in the following error:

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.100 t

This is really my first outing with pandoc so any help would be appreciated. I have been struggling quite a while trying to get a decent output and I feel that I'm almost there :)

Contents on a single page

Maybe there should be an option to left contents on a single page.

I mentioned this in #3, but you didn't reply me for this point. Now I submit another issue report, since these are separate and independent issues.

Landscape orientation support request

Before requesting anything I would like to say thank you for a great template. It's pretty awesome!

I use this hack for now, but its doesn't look very good. The page footer disappears and the header doesn't get reach all the way. I use it mainly for big pictures and big tables.


\caption{Use case diagram} \label{fig:use_case}


Error in custom-titlepage example (wrong color code)

Compiling the examples using Pandoc there is an error in the custom-titlepage example:

wandmalfarbe-latex-template/examples$ sh -x 
+ set -e
+ cp ../eisvogel.tex ../eisvogel.latex
+ pandoc basic-example/ -o basic-example/basic-example.pdf --from markdown --template ../eisvogel.latex --listings
+ pdftoppm -r 150 -png basic-example/basic-example.pdf
+ pandoc custom-titlepage/ -o custom-titlepage/custom-titlepage.pdf --from markdown --template ../eisvogel.latex --listings
Error producing PDF.
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.339 \color[HTML]{ffffff}

It seems, that LaTeX is unhappy about the color code ffffff ...

Book: Distinguish even/odd pages in header with twoside ...

Compiling the book example to produce a double-sided book using

sed 's/scrartcl/scrbook/g' < ../eisvogel.latex > ../eisvogel-book.latex
pandoc book/ -o book/book.pdf --from markdown --template ../eisvogel-book.latex --listings -V classoption=twoside --top-level-division=chapter 

In the generated output there is no difference between even and odd pages:

Please adjust your fancyhead settings to distinguish between even and odd pages in two-page mode.

Page break after TOC


Currently when generating document with --toc option, there's no page break between TOC and document content itself, so I need to add \newpage to the each document to add page break.

Is it possible to edit template or add an option to do it automatically, so there will be no longer need to add \newpage to each document?

Thank you a lot!

Idiomatic way to turn off page headers and footers?

Thanks for creating this template -- the resulting PDF documents are excellent.

Is there an idiomatic way to turn off page headers and footers in the resulting LaTeX/PDF? (This is for a smallish, special-purpose document).

Use the template in a thesis-like project

Let me point out that I'm quite new to the TeX world.
Is it possible to use such a template in a thesis-like project? More specifically I'd like to add a few things to the template:

  • Some kink of logo to the first page
  • A table of content that keeps track of the markdown headers (in a multi-markdown numbered pages scenario )
  • being able to add one (or more) footnotes to the pages


Long lines without spacing aren't broken at all

(this issue might already have been adressed in #2)

Hey! I'm pretty new to both Pandoc and this project, so take my criticism with a hint of salt, but I'd love it if this template took care of breaking long words.

For example in an assignment I'm writing I needed to add a long link. I ended up having to shorten it with one of those online shorteners, but I'd love it if the template just took care of that.

Another usage example is long lines of code without spacing (XPath for. Ex.)

I'm not sure if this is within the scope of this project, but personally I'd love to see linebreaks handled more gracefully :)

Table does not wrap properly

Tables with a lot of data do not wrap properly causing some columns to not be viewable. Ex

Column Description

custom-titlepage examples fail to compile on latest version

Recently I wanted to recompile an old assignment, and found it constantly failed, printing this:

pandoc: no parse

After trying to bisect pandoc, I realised the problem came from the titlepage declarations in the document's YAML header. The problem is fixed by quoting the values as follows:

titlepage: true
titlepage-color: '06386e'
titlepage-text-color: 'ffffff'
titlepage-rule-color: 'ffffff'
titlepage-rule-height: 1

Chapters look strange.

I never really tested chapters with my template so there are some strange chapter headings:

screenshot 2017-10-29 13 41 13

Add support for tikz

Would it be possible to add support for tikz, so that projects like pandoc-filter-graphviz
can be used with this template ? I made an pull request with my changes to the code base #37 .

It would then be possible to create tikz-pictures using pandoc filters, like:

pandoc -F ./pandoc-filter-graphviz -o example.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings -V tikz

Setting link, cite, URL color with HTML-style values?

Thanks for the great template!

I see that there are additional options that could be set, e.g.: linkcolor, citecolor, urlcolor. However, setting them as additional variables like the title page color etc. does not work, as they only seem to take xcolor names, not HTML-style FFFFFF values:

Error producing PDF.
! Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `006666'.

See the xcolor package documentation for explanation.

xcolor error when setting `colorlinks` latex variable

When I set the colorlinks latex variable for pandoc in combination with the eisvogel template, like so

pandoc -o foo.pdf --template eisvogel/eisvogel.tex --listings -V colorlinks

then I get the following error:

Error producing PDF.
! Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `Maroon'.

See the xcolor package documentation for explanation.

Looking at the template code, I found that if I set the linkcolor variable it to one of the basic latex colors then it does work, i.e.

pandoc -o foo.pdf --template eisvogel/eisvogel.tex --listings -V colorlinks -V linkcolor=blue


If I set it other colors defined by xcolor then it again fails with the same error.

I'm using pandoc 2.1.3, TexLive 2017 on macOS and eisvogel at fd7a45b.

Thanks for creating this cool template 🍻 :)

Error producing PDF. ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document} in Windows

Template works perfect in Linux environment. In Windows (7) unfortunately I get only the error message

Error producing PDF.
! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.384   \kvsetkeys{mdf}{framemethod=default,}

Pandoc works fine with other templates. I tried the examples from github folder here with same result.

Quoted blocks


Thanks for the great template! It would be great to have an either box style > quoted block or a sideline "a la github". Currently using markdown quotes doesn't change any style.



Add cover support

If I use this template to generate a long articles or notes. A cover and back cover support will be nice!

Ordered lists generate LaTeX error "missing item"

For example trying the basic example:

pandoc --from markdown --template eisvogel -i -o output.pdf

Gives following error output:

Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.357   D
         e neque iura aquis

./output.tex:357: LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.357   D
         e neque iura aquis

Seems that the error occurs when using numbered lists. For example:

  1. first test list item
  2. second test list item

I'm running the command in windows 10, pandoc version 2.2.1 and MikTex 2.9

How to change default template settings?


How can I change default template settings, like titlepage-color. titlepage-rule-color, listings-disable-line-number, etc?

Now I save those values in my .md files like that:

titlepage-color: ff0000
titlepage-rule-color: 00ff00
listings-disable-line-numbers: true

But as all my documents should look same, I need to add those lines in every source document.

This would ease document management.

Checked document management and wiki, but wasn't able to find how to change them.

Thank you a lot!

File eisvogel.latex not found in resource path

I have eisvogel.latex (renamed from eisvogel.tex) in $HOME/.pandoc/templates.

When I run pandoc -o my.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings I get the error:

File eisvogel.latex not found in resource path

Please advise.

Error on footnotes

It seems there is some problem with blank lines on footnotes:

This code from MANUAL.txt:

[^subtitle]: To make `subtitle` work with other LaTeX
    document classes, you can add the following to `header-includes`:


Throws an error:

Runaway argument?
\providecommand {\subtitle }[1]{\usepackage {titling} \posttitle {
! Paragraph ended before \FV@BeginScanning was complete.
<to be read again> 
l.1457 }

But if I remove the first white line:

[^subtitle]: To make `subtitle` work with other LaTeX
    document classes, you can add the following to `header-includes`:

All goes well.

Error producing PDF with **`#;`**

I am trying to convert a markdown file to a PDF using the Eisvogel template. My input file has lots of bold, italics, lists, backtick code sections and triple backtick code sections. Pandoc crashes when producing a PDF only containing **`#;`**.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a .md file with contents:
  1. Run pandoc -o example.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings, where is the name of the file

The error

When producing a markdown file named with the contents


and running pandoc -o example.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings, I get the output

Error producing PDF.
! Illegal parameter number in definition of \reserved@a.
<to be read again>
l.327 \textbf{\passthrough{\lstinline!#;!}}


Windows 10.

pandoc.exe 2.3
Compiled with pandoc-types, texmath 0.11.1, skylighting 0.7.2

titlegraphic usage ?


I'm no expert at all at latex, but it appears to be possible to insert a titlegraphic somehow...
Could anybody show me how that works cuz I fail miserably.


  • full path
  • relative path
  • markdown format
  • html format

Thanks in advance

Support multiple authors?

Hi, in the basic Pandoc template you can use multiple authors in the YAML metadata:

  - Joe Bloggs
  - Joanne Bloggs

However, if I use multiple authors with your template then compiling the TeX file breaks:

! Misplaced \crcr.
\endarray ->\crcr
                  \egroup \egroup \gdef \@preamble {}\CT@end
l.289 ...\textsf{\uppercase{Joe Bloggs \and Joanne Bloggs}}

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