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htmlmin's Issues

v2.0.2 Multiple horizontal whitespace characters not collapsed

The compressed output does not contain any vertical whitespace (e.g. newlines \r or \n) but does contain many runs of multiple horizontal whitespace characters.

                <input type="hidden" name="bar" value="baz">


<form><button>foo</button>  <input name=bar type=hidden value=baz></form>

Note that there are two spaces instead of one between </button> and <input.

This problem is endemic: it's all over the compressed file and not limited to just two spaces; sometimes there are three or more. Clearly all such cases should be compressed to a single space.

Minifier removes spaces between tags even when doRemoveWhitespaceAroundTags disabled

            <dd><span class="bar"></span>


<dl><dt>foo <dd><span class=bar></span></dl><a class=avatar></a>

This is invalid because the indentation between the closing </dl> and opening <a> creates a whitespace element which is rendered as a space on screen. Since there is no longer any whitespace between these two tags in the compressed version this affects the display.

Not all whitespace in <pre> tags is preserved

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

While spaces and tabs are preserved, newlines inside <pre> tags are gone.

string(23) "<pre>foo	bar		zoo</pre>"

How can I reproduce it?

$html = '<pre>

$htmlMin = new voku\helper\HtmlMin();
$result = $htmlMin->minify($html);


Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?


Any additional information?

Using 3.1.3 installed via composer on PHP 7.2.10.

HtmlMin cut html at the end of page

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

HtmlMin cut html code at the end of html page

How can I reproduce it?

Example page without use HtmlMin:

Example page with HtmlMin:

see difference in pagesources

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

i don't know

Any additional information?

li and td tags closed automatically by default

By default, the minifier is actually creating more content by enforcing a closing li tag (</li>), even when one does not exist in the source. HTML5 does not require a closing li element, it is closed implicitly when not specified. The minifier should not inject closing </li> tags.

Similarly, <td> tags are being closed after minification, even when they were not in the source. I do not think a minifier should be adding tags, even closing tags; that is not its job.

Tags inside .wrapAll()

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Script like this:

<p>Text 1</p><script>$(".second-column-mobile-inner").wrapAll("<div class='collapse' id='second-column'></div>");</script><p>Text 2</p>

after HtmlMin turns into:

<p>Text 1</p><script>$(".second-column-mobile-inner").wrapAll("<div class='collapse' id='second-column'></script></div>");<p>Text 2</p>

How can I reproduce it?

Add this script anywhere:
<script>$(".second-column-mobile-inner").wrapAll("<div class='collapse' id='second-column'></div>");</script>

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

I don't know

Any additional information?

Version 3.1.3 via composer
Php 7.0.28

Vanishing closing tag

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Some closing tags are vanishing. In my example, the </p> is suddenly gone.

string(94) "<div class=rating><p style="margin: 0;"><span style="width: 100%;"></span>  (2 reviews) </div>"

How can I reproduce it?

$html = '
<div class="rating">
    <p style="margin: 0;">
        <span style="width: 100%;"></span>

    (2 reviews)

$htmlMin = new voku\helper\HtmlMin();
$result = $htmlMin->minify($html);


Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?


Any additional information?

Using voku/html-min 4.3.0 and voku/simple_html_dom 4.7.14.

PRCE error handling

On a legacy project, I'm facing issues with some client who (I don't really know how) has inserted base64 encoded images.

Further more, those images aren't optimized at all (uncompressed PNG for photos...), resulting in huge base64 strings (multiple images up to 2mo):

<img src="....." />
<!-- base64 string is shortened for clarity 😅  -->

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

When minifying such HTML, I end up with an empty string because this replacement fails:

$html = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
static function ($matches) {
return '<' . $matches[1] . \preg_replace('#([^\s=]+)(=([\'"]?)(.*?)\3)?(\s+|$)#su', ' $1$2', $matches[2]) . $matches[3] . '>';

Because it exceeds the pcre.backtrack-limit and returns a PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR.

I'm fully aware this is all wrong: wrong image format for photo and more importantly, large images sources should be inserted as URLs.

However, technically speaking, all this crap is still valid HTML (the page displays when unminified) and I think such cases (even if it's kind of an edge case) should not fail.

Thus, I wonder if a sanity check should be inserted somewhere to prevent the script from failing and returning an empty string? Maybe catch errors on all preg_ calls and return the unminified HTML if an error occured? Or check the string length against the pcre.backtrack-limit value?

Wrapping preg_ calls the Guzzle json_decode way could be a nice solution (because it would not only handle backtrack-limit errors but all kinds of preg_ errors)?

try {
    $html = (string) Utils::preg_replace_callback(
        static function ($matches) {
            return '<' . $matches[1] . \preg_replace('#([^\s=]+)(=([\'"]?)(.*?)\3)?(\s+|$)#su', ' $1$2', $matches[2]) . $matches[3] . '>';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    return $html;

What do you think?

How can I reproduce it?

Try to minify some HTML with length that exceeds the pcre.backtrack-limit.

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

I think a couple hours should be enough, I can submit a PR but would like your feedback on the different proposed solutions before working something out.

Preserving of spaces after closing of an anchor tag

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Example html before minification:

<span> Click <a href="/">here</a> to see my other page. </span>


<span>Click <a href="/">here</a> to see my other page.</span>


<span>Click <a href="/">here</a>to see my other page.</span>

How can I reproduce it?

Load the library through composer and put the above html snippets into the minification call.

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

Not a clue, haven't started debugging through the library code yet, just reporting to see if it might be a quick fix or not.

Any additional information?

Any help would be very much appreciated, if i get time i'll try and have a look as well. I'll link a pull request if i manage to solve this one.

Too many single white spaces are removed

Hey @voku,

thanks for the great script!

Though, I have a small issue with the latest version. Single white spaces are removed between span elements. In my case only the first white space is preserved, all other for the next span elements are removed. The problem is that buttons are loaded via CSS and with the optimization they are glued together.


<p><span class="label-icons">XXX</span> <span class="label-icons label-free">FREE</span> <span class="label-icons label-pro">PRO</span> <span class="label-icons label-popular">POPULAR</span> <span class="label-icons label-community">COMMUNITY CHOICE</span></p>


<p><span class="label-icons">XXX</span> <span class="label-free label-icons">FREE</span><span class="label-icons label-pro">PRO</span><span class="label-icons label-popular">POPULAR</span><span class="label-community label-icons">COMMUNITY CHOICE</span>

Option doRemoveSpacesBetweenTags() is not set.


Sudden <head> insertion

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

It sucks.
If I do this.

<script async src="cdnjs"></script>

Since I use a different package to compress js. It suddenly insert a tag at the top. Which breaks the behaviour of the whole document.

How can I reproduce it?


use voku\helper\HtmlMin;
use MatthiasMullie\Minify;

$minifier = new Minify\JS();
$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();

echo $htmlMin->minify("
<script defer>

echo $minifier->minify("
//some js code

echo $htmlMin->minify("
<script async src="some cdnjs"></script>

## Result will be:
<head><script defer>//some js</script><script async src=some cdnjs></script>

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

Just remove the frikin autocomplete then we're done :D

Any additional information?

HTML closing tag into script text/template (escaping slash character)

Hi voku, thanks for this library ;-).

Have a question about minify, about HTML into my <script type="text/template">. The output return by compressor escaping the slash of my closing tag.

$htmlMin = new \voku\helper\HtmlMin();
return $htmlMin->minify('
     <script id="comment-loader" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
             <i class="fas fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i> Loading ... 

This code return (escaping with </i>)

<script id="comment-loader" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
    <i class="fas fa-spinner fa-pulse"><\/i>
     Loading ...

Shouldn't it return the closing tag without escaping the slash character? It is into a script[type=text/template].
And tag not seems work.

Minify inline Javascript

I used for years which worked great, but it doesn't support Twig 3 and is not maintained anymore, so I switched to HtmlMin for Twig. Migration was easy and it works perfectly, but I really miss inline Javascript minification.

According to #42 it looks such option is kind of supported? Would it be possible to minify inline JS in next release of HtmlMin?

Incorrect processing of <script type="text/html">


I often use the construct <script id="some-id" type="text/html"> some HTML code </script> to inject HTML code in the DOM. The HTML code between <script> and </script> is incorrectly processed by HtmlMin.

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Source code :

<!doctype html>
<html lang="fr">
    A Body

    <script id="elements-image-1" type="text/html">
        <div class="place badge-carte">Place du Village<br>250m - 2mn à pied</div>
        <div class="telecabine badge-carte">Télécabine du Chamois<br>250m - 2mn à pied</div>
        <div class="situation badge-carte"><img src="https://domain.tld/assets/frontOffice/kneiss/template-assets/assets/dist/img/08ecd8a.png" alt=""></div>

Expected behaviour :

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="fr"><head><title>Test</title></head><body>A Body<script id="elements-image-1" type="text/html">
        <div class="place badge-carte">Place du Village<br>250m - 2mn à pied</div>
        <div class="telecabine badge-carte">Télécabine du Chamois<br>250m - 2mn à pied</div>
        <div class="situation badge-carte"><img src="https://domain.tld/assets/frontOffice/kneiss/template-assets/assets/dist/img/08ecd8a.png" alt=""></div>

Actual behaviour :

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="fr"><head><title>Test</title></head><body>A Body<script id="elements-image-1" type="text/html">
        <div class="place badge-carte">Place du Village<br>250m - 2mn à pied
        <div class="telecabine badge-carte">Télécabine du Chamois<br>250m - 2mn à pied
        <div class="situation badge-carte"><img src="https://domain.tld/assets/frontOffice/kneiss/template-assets/assets/dist/img/08ecd8a.png" alt="">

How can I reproduce it?

Use the above source code.

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

Not sure about that. Maybe minutes to ignore <script type="text/html"> content ?

Any additional information?

Thanks for your work :)

Whitespace/ommited tags fidelity issue + headless browser testing proposal

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

HtmlMin should not add a whitespace when ommitting </p>
This was mentioned in issue #50 (after it was closed) so I think there was no follow up.

How can I reproduce it?

The following HTML


should minify to <div><p>Text</div> and NOT to <div><p>Text </div> (which is the current implementation).

If you pass these to a browser, you will notice the DOM output is not the same for the original and for the minified version:
"Text " != "Text" (notice the trailing whitespace in the DOM for the minified version that is not there in the non-minified HTML's DOM output).

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

It probably requires some work.

Any additional information?

One way to test for this, and similar fidelity issues is to add a headless browser to the unit tests.
The tests would use non-minified HTML and a minified version of that HTML fed seperately into the headless browser.
If the DOM output of the two versions are not exact - the tests would fail.

Such a tesing suite should pick up many similar fidelity issues (if there are any).

Vue.js @shorthand attribute problem

Hello, I am using your script "voku/html-min": "^3.0" for some time and it is working great.
Recently we integrated vue.js into our laravel project and an unexpected bug appeared.
After some investigation I realised that the minifier removes the vue js attributes that start with @.

Let me show you an example. This code:
<select v-model="filter" @change="getGraphData" :class="['c-chart__label']" name="filter">

If you minify it through:

$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();

return $htmlMin->minify($content);

You get this in the frontend:
<select v-model="filter" :class="['c-chart__label']" name="filter">

That means that HtmlMin it strips out attributes that start with @.
It shouldn't be a hard fix for you @voku.


Allow special HTML comments

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

I have just created a small plugin which is mainly a wrapper for your package for the Open Source CMS TYPO3.

However TYPO3 sets for uncached parts of the content some HTML comments which are later then replaced by uncached code. Because of various reasons I would like to minimize the HTML markup before this replacement which doesn't work anymore as those html comments are stripped away

How can I reproduce it?

It would be cool to have an option to keep comments, e.g. those starting with <!--INT_SCRIPT

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

I got no clue :(

Any additional information?

More W3C validator errors after minify

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Html minified has more errors then before in W3C Validator.

How can I reproduce it? gives in Validator 8 warnings/errors
After minify i have 11 warning/errors

Used following code

$html = (new \voku\helper\HtmlMin())->minify($html)

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

No idea

Any additional information?

Unnecessary line breaks are inserted in img tag "sizes" and "srcset" attribute values

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Expected behaviour is a single line of HTML

Actual beaviour is :

<img alt="PAIRE DE SILENCIEUX  TYPE MEGATON Lg 440 mm" class="img-responsive" height="170" itemprop="image" sizes="(max-width: 768x) 354px,
                            (max-width: 992px) 305px,
                            212px" src="" srcset=" 768w,
            1200w" width="212"></a><div class="col-sm-6 product-info">

How can I reproduce it?

Try to minify this code :

<img alt="PAIRE DE SILENCIEUX  TYPE MEGATON Lg 440 mm" class="img-responsive" height="170" itemprop="image" sizes="(max-width: 768x) 354px, (max-width: 992px) 305px, 212px" src="" srcset=" 768w, 992w, 1200w" width="212"></a><div class="col-sm-6 product-info">

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

Not sure.

Any additional information?

Thanks !

Incorrect processing before and after<nocompress> tag

Hello Lars Moelleken,
Thank you for sharing this great library, it's very useful ! :)

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

HtmlMin doesn't work properly when using <nocompress></nocompress> tag.

How can I reproduce it?

use voku\helper\HtmlMin;

$html = "
    <ul style=''>
      <li style='display: inline;' class='foo'>
      <nocompress><!-- Protect me --></nocompress>
      <li class='foo' style='display: inline;'>
      <!-- Remove me -->
$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();

echo $htmlMin->minify($html);

This code returns

<html><body><ul><li style="display: inline;" class="foo">
          <nocompress><!-- Protect me --></nocompress>
          <li class="foo" style="display: inline;">
          <!-- Remove me --></ul>

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

I don't know

Any additional information?

The code should return

<html><body><ul><li class=foo style="display: inline;"> à <!-- Protect me --><li class=foo style="display: inline;"> á </ul>

or at least

<html><body><ul><li class=foo style="display: inline;"> à <nocompress><!-- Protect me --></nocompress><li class=foo style="display: inline;"> á </ul>

Multiple <code> tags results in fatal error

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Having multiple <code> tags results in a fatal error.

Warning: Couldn't fetch DOMElement. Node no longer exists in vendor/voku/simple_html_dom/src/voku/helper/SimpleHtmlDom.php on line 485

Call Stack:
    0.0001     386032   1. {main}() scripts/test.php:0
    0.0240    2647432   2. voku\helper\HtmlMin->minify() scripts/test.php:7
    0.0241    2647616   3. voku\helper\HtmlMin->minifyHtmlDom() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1082
    0.0397    3298824   4. voku\helper\HtmlMin->protectTags() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1207
    0.0415    3397496   5. voku\helper\SimpleHtmlDom->parentNode() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1277

Notice: Undefined property: DOMElement::$parentNode in vendor/voku/simple_html_dom/src/voku/helper/SimpleHtmlDom.php on line 485

Call Stack:
    0.0001     386032   1. {main}() scripts/test.php:0
    0.0240    2647432   2. voku\helper\HtmlMin->minify() scripts/test.php:7
    0.0241    2647616   3. voku\helper\HtmlMin->minifyHtmlDom() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1082
    0.0397    3298824   4. voku\helper\HtmlMin->protectTags() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1207
    0.0415    3397496   5. voku\helper\SimpleHtmlDom->parentNode() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1277

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to voku\helper\SimpleHtmlDom::__construct() must be an instance of DOMNode, null given, called in vendor/voku/simple_html_dom/src/voku/helper/SimpleHtmlDom.php on line 485 and defined in vendor/voku/simple_html_dom/src/voku/helper/SimpleHtmlDom.php on line 61

TypeError: Argument 1 passed to voku\helper\SimpleHtmlDom::__construct() must be an instance of DOMNode, null given, called in vendor/voku/simple_html_dom/src/voku/helper/SimpleHtmlDom.php on line 485 in vendor/voku/simple_html_dom/src/voku/helper/SimpleHtmlDom.php on line 61

Call Stack:
    0.0001     386032   1. {main}() scripts/test.php:0
    0.0240    2647432   2. voku\helper\HtmlMin->minify() scripts/test.php:7
    0.0241    2647616   3. voku\helper\HtmlMin->minifyHtmlDom() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1082
    0.0397    3298824   4. voku\helper\HtmlMin->protectTags() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1207
    0.0415    3397496   5. voku\helper\SimpleHtmlDom->parentNode() vendor/voku/html-min/src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php:1277
    0.0461    3398192   6. voku\helper\SimpleHtmlDom->__construct() vendor/voku/simple_html_dom/src/voku/helper/SimpleHtmlDom.php:485

How can I reproduce it?

$html = '<code>foo</code> and <code>bar</code>';

$htmlMin = new voku\helper\HtmlMin();

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?


Any additional information?

Using 3.1.3 installed via composer on PHP 7.2.10.

HTML inside script tags is turned invalid

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Any HTML that's inside a <script type=text/html> tag is turned invalid. Similar to issue #26. Seems like voku/simple_html_dom@e6e597e#diff-c9aceb5e54e67d5f19805df3f679fb1bR389 only works on double quotes or single quotes (type="text/html" or type='text/html') rather than no quotes at all (type=text/html).

string(81) "<script type=text/html><p>Foo

	<div class="alert alert-success">

How can I reproduce it?

$html = '
<script type=text/html>

	<div class="alert alert-success">

$htmlMin = new voku\helper\HtmlMin();
$result = $htmlMin->minify($html);


Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?


Any additional information?

Using 3.1.3 installed via composer on PHP 7.2.10.

Problems with <wbr> tags

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

I started using HtmlMin and a couple of days later noticed such an error. It's better to look at it by example. Trying to minimize html:

<blockquote class="bg-gray primary">
	<p class="text-monospace">
User: User-\<wbr>u00d0\<wbr>u009f\<wbr>u00d0\<wbr>u009a\<wbr>User<br>
Windows (WMI): 0<br>

As a result, we get extra tags in the end.

<blockquote class="bg-gray primary"><p class=text-monospace> Malwarebytes<br><br> User: User-\<wbr>u00d0\<wbr>u009f\<wbr>u00d0\<wbr>u009a\<wbr>User<br> <br> Windows (WMI): 0<br> (end)<br> </wbr></wbr></wbr> </blockquote>

And if html has about 123 or more , then get the result at the end of 123 or more and then html is trimmed and lost.

How can I reproduce it?

As a result, I lose the end of the page, you can see here:

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

Any additional information?

Whitespaces before <strong> tag are removed, giving incorrect rendering

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Whitespaces before <strong> tags are removed, giving incorrect rendering :


How can I reproduce it?

Try to minify the following code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<p>Visitez notre boutique <strong>eBay</strong> : <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<p><strong>ID Vintage</strong>, spécialiste de la vente de pièces et accessoires pour motos tout- terrain classiques :<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<p>Magazine <strong>Café-Racer</strong> : <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<p><strong>Julien Lecointe</strong> : <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

Not sure

Any additional information?

Using version 3.1.30 installed with composer on PHP 7.1

Thanks !

Less-Than Sign

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

How can I reproduce it?

I have a table with specifications.
<table> <tr> <td><3</td> </tr></table>

And i use:
$htmlMin->doRemoveOmmitedHtmlTags(false); $htmlMin->minify($table);

I want:

I got:

How can I save <3 in html?

v2.0.2 Disappearing whitespace between </dl> and <a>

Given the following input:

                <dd><span class="bar"></span>
            <a class="baz"></a>


<dl><dt>foo <dd><span class=bar></span> </dl><a class=baz></a>

This is incorrect because the space between the closing </dl> and opening <a> has completely disappeared.

Bad minify text/x-custom-template

$html = "
            <!doctype html>
            <html lang=\"nl\">
              <div class=\"price-box price-tier_price\" data-role=\"priceBox\" data-product-id=\"1563\" data-price-box=\"product-id-1563\">
                <script type=\"text/x-custom-template\" id=\"tier-prices-template\">
                <ul class=\"prices-tier items\">
                    <% _.each(tierPrices, function(item, key) { %>
                    <%  var priceStr = '<span class=\"price-container price-tier_price\">'
                            + '<span data-price-amount=\"' + priceUtils.formatPrice(item.price, currencyFormat) + '\"'
                            + ' data-price-type=\"\"' + ' class=\"price-wrapper \">'
                            + '<span class=\"price\">' + priceUtils.formatPrice(item.price, currencyFormat) + '</span>'
                            + '</span>'
                        + '</span>'; %>
                    <li class=\"item\">
                        <%= 'some text %1 %2'.replace('%1', item.qty).replace('%2', priceStr) %>
                        <strong class=\"benefit\">
                           save <span class=\"percent tier-<%= key %>\">&nbsp;<%= item.percentage %></span>%
                    <% }); %>
            <div data-role=\"tier-price-block\"></div>

        echo $this->htmlMin->minify($html);

        <!DOCTYPE html><html lang=nl><head> <body><div class="price-box price-tier_price" data-price-box=product-id-1563 data-product-id=1563 data-role=priceBox></div> <script id=tier-prices-template type=text/x-magento-template><ul class="items prices-tier"><____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____ _.each="" ____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____="" function="" key=""><____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____ ____simple_html_dom__voku__plus____="" class=price-wrapper data-price-amount="' + priceUtils.formatPrice(item.price, currencyFormat) + '" data-price-type="" pricestr='<span class="price-container price-tier_price">' var="">' + '<span class=price>' + priceUtils.formatPrice(item.price, currencyFormat) + '</span>' + '' + ''; %> <li class=item><____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____ ____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____="" ____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____1="" ____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____2="" item.qty="" pricestr="" text=""><strong class=benefit> save <span class="%> key percent tier-<%=">&nbsp;<____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____ ____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____="" item.percentage=""></____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____></span>% </strong> </____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____></li> <____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____ ____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____=""></____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____></____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____></____simple_html_dom__voku__percent____></ul> </script><div data-role=tier-price-block></div>

Remove new lines in script type=application/ld+json

Google supports scripts tags in Structured Data. In that script tags white spaces are not removed:

<script type=application/ld+json>
                "@context": "",
                "@type": "LocalBusiness",

Is it possible to handle that case since there is always type attribute in script tag?

Request: removeHttpPrefix to remove https (also to work with srcset attribute)

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

  1. Allow removing of https: as well as http: prefixes.
    I believe this should be done by the existing function. A single function that removes both schemes is optimal IMO.

  2. Also remove prefix from srcset attribute as well as src attribute.
    This is technically a separate issue but it's all to do with the same hunk of code.

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

It takes a few seconds to fix.

<p> paragraphs break when compressing, closing tag missing

What is this bug about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

closing tag of a paragraph should still exist in HTML output after compressing:

closing tag is removed after compression

How can I reproduce it?

use voku\helper\HtmlMin;

$html = "
    This is a simple test to show compressing paragraphs does not work.
    #compressing html
$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();
echo $htmlMin->minify($html);

<p> This is a simple test to show compressing paragraphs does not work. #compressing html

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

not sure

Any additional information?

It also affects

JSON in data-* attributes

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Minification is breaking JSON placed in data-* attributes. Actually, it doesn't "break" the JSON part, it replaces single quotes with double quotes.

<div data-json='{"key":"value"}'></div>


<div data-json="{"key":"value"}"></div>

Unfortunalety, you can't use single quotes in JSON. But you can use single quotes in HTML.

How can I reproduce it?


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use voku\helper\HtmlMin;

$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();

    <div data-json='{"key":"value"}'></div>
$html = ob_get_clean();

echo $htmlMin->minify($html); 

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

I have no idea, I didn't dig into code.

Invalid whitespace trimming around <em> within <p>

Given the following code:

<p>Foo <em>bar</em> baz.</p>

By default the minifier outputs:


This means "foo bar baz" now reads "foobarbaz" on screen. This is not equivalent and therefore invalid.


It may be worth noting this is not even consistent, depending on other markup that may be used within the p element. For example:

<p>Foo <br> bar <em>baz</em> bat.</p>


<p>Foo<br> bar <em>baz</em>bat.</p>

This means "foo bar baz bat" now reads "foo bar bazbat" on screen. That is, insertion of the <br> element causes some whitespace to be preserved that otherwise, due to this bug, would not be.

Remove data attributes in tag

I need to remove all data attribute inside a tag. Could you please add it as an optional ?
For example:

<img src="http://path/to/png" data-src="http://path/to/png" data-slide="2" />
<img src="http://path/to/png" />

HTTPS issues with doRemoveHttpPrefixFromAttributes


If doRemoveHttpPrefixFromAttributes is set to true (default)
and your current website protocol is https
and you have external links in your website without https

the links will break because the minifier will remove the http or https part of the link and only leave //

Example site where your library is deployed --
External link in website is --
After minify link is transformed into // and when you click it it actually takes you to --
Therefore the link breaks because is working only on http and is not responding on https.

Probably adding an extra condition (after the rel external and target _blank conditions) to check the current protocol against the protocol of the link (so proceed only if protocols match) will make this feature a lot safer.

on https protocol, link with https, remove the protocol and leave only //
on https protocol, link with http, don't remove the protocol because the link will break
on http protocol, link with http, remove the protocol and leave only //
on http protocol, link with https, don't remove the protocol because while some websites will redirect to https, others might not and the link will break


PS: I know, I'm to blame for not using rel="external" on actual external links but sometimes I forget, okay? 😆

HtmlMin should not decode reserved characters entities (&lt;, &gt;)

How can I reproduce it?

The issue happens with &lt; and &gt;.


use voku\helper\HtmlMin;

$minifier = new HtmlMin();
echo $minifier->minify('<span>&lt;</span>');
// prints:  <span><</span>
// expects: <span>&lt;</span>

However, a lonely entity is not decoded.


use voku\helper\HtmlMin;

$minifier = new HtmlMin();
echo $minifier->minify('&lt;');
// prints:  &lt;
// expects: &lt;

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

I would say minutes.

Any additional information?

Voku version 3.0.4

v2.0.1: doRemoveWhitespaceAroundTags(false) both inserts spaces and removes spaces in places where it shouldn't

Erroneous insertion case

There are no spaces between tags in this input.

 <span class="foo"><span title="bar"></span><span title="baz"></span><span title="bat"></span></span>

HtmlMin injects spaces between all these tags, but only when doRemoveWhitespaceAroundTags is set to false.

<span class=foo><span title=bar></span> <span title=baz></span> <span title=bat></span> </span>

HtmlMin should absolutely not be introducing whitespace where none existed, no matter what settings are used, because this affects the content.

Erroneous removal case

Given the following input:

                        <span class="title">

HtmlMin removes white-space after the closing </a> tag despite doRemoveWhitespaceAroundTags(false) being set. This affects how the content is displayed.

<span class=title> 1. <a>Foo</a></span>

More issues with <code> and <p>

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

This seemingly basic HTML results in some very weird output:

<p><html-min--voku--saved-content data-html-min--voku--saved-content="0"></html-min--voku--saved-content></p>

    <h3>Vestibulum eget velit arcu.</h3>
    Vestibulum eget velit arcu. Phasellus eget scelerisque dui, nec elementum ante. <code>aoaoaoao</code>


  1. The content in the first <p> has been replaced with some internal code.
  2. The second <p> has been instantly closed leaving the content below missing a parent.
  3. None of the whitespace is removed.

How can I reproduce it?

use voku\helper\HtmlMin;

$html = '
	foo <code>bar</code>. ZIiiii  zzz <code>1.1</code> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
	<h3>Vestibulum eget velit arcu.</h3>

	Vestibulum eget velit arcu. Phasellus eget scelerisque dui, nec elementum ante. <code>aoaoaoao</code>

$htmlMin = new voku\helper\HtmlMin();
echo $htmlMin->minify($html); 

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

No clue, hopefully minutes. :)

Any additional information?

voku/html-min 4.4.8 HTML Compressor and Minifier
voku/simple_html_dom 4.7.29 Simple HTML DOM package.

v3 unexpected whitespace removal

Before compression:

                                                    <a href="bar">baz</a>

After compression:

<span>foo</span><a href=bar>baz</a><span>bat</span>

Notice that all whitespace has been removed, even though there was whitespace between <span> and <a> elements in the source. This is invalid because it changes the way content is displayed after compression.

html tag for AMP is modifed incorrectly

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

To use AMP properly, one has to use a specific html tag
<html ⚡>

unfortunately HtmlMin removed the important bit, leaving only

How can I reproduce it?

run the minifier over a sample document with the tag sahown above

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

depending on the source of the problem and how much you are into your code:
hours to days

Any additional information?

Self-closing tag "hr" is creating closing tag when minifying

Self-closing tag "hr" is creating closing tag when minifying the HTML code. It seems to happen when executing this function:

$html = $dom->fixHtmlOutput(

This makes the minifier to produce bad HTML markup that does not pass the W3C validation throwing this error: Stray end tag “hr”.

How can I reproduce it?

Try to minify <hr> or <hr/>

[Insight] Source code should not contain TODO comments - in src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php, line 247

in src/voku/helper/HtmlMin.php, line 247

TODO comments are left in the code when a feature (or a bug) isn't completely developed (or fixed). You should complete the implementation and remove the comment.

    if (
        ($element->tag === 'script' || $element->tag === 'style')
    ) {
      // TODO: protect inline css / js

    $attrs = array();
    foreach ((array)$attributs as $attrName => $attrValue) {

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

Unnecessary source closing tag

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

Without </source>

How can I reproduce it?

Try to minify:

$html = "\r\n
\t<source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg">\r\n
\t<source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">\r\n
\tYour browser does not support the audio element.\r\n

It produces additional </source> tags:

<audio controls><source src=horse.ogg type=audio/ogg><source src=horse.mp3 type=audio/mpeg> Your browser does not support the audio element. </source></source></audio>

<img> tag with srcset and/or sizes attribute with multiline values in not properly inlined

What is this feature about (expected vs actual behaviour)?

When an tag contains "sizes" or "srcset" attributes with multiline values, the tag is not inlined, some line breaks remains.

How can I reproduce it?

Try to minify the following code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<article class="row" itemscope itemtype="">
<a href="" itemprop="url" tabindex="-1" class="product-image overlay col-sm-3">
    <img width="212" height="170"
         srcset=" 768w,
         sizes="(max-width: 768x) 354px,
                            (max-width: 992px) 305px,
         alt="PAIRE DE SILENCIEUX  TYPE MEGATON Lg 440 mm">

You'll get :

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="fr"><head><title>Test</title></head><body><article class="row" itemscope itemtype=""><a class="col-sm-3 overlay product-image" href="" itemprop="url" tabindex="-1"> <img alt="PAIRE DE SILENCIEUX  TYPE MEGATON Lg 440 mm" class="img-responsive" height="170" itemprop="image" sizes="(max-width: 768x) 354px,
                            (max-width: 992px) 305px,
                            212px" src="" srcset=" 768w,
            1200w" width="212"></a></article></body></html>

instead of :

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="fr"><head><title>Test</title></head><body><article class="row" itemscope itemtype=""><a class="col-sm-3 overlay product-image" href="" itemprop="url" tabindex="-1"> <img alt="PAIRE DE SILENCIEUX  TYPE MEGATON Lg 440 mm" class="img-responsive" height="170" itemprop="image" sizes="(max-width: 768x) 354px,(max-width: 992px) 305px, 212px" src="" srcset=" 768w, 992w, 1200w" width="212"></a></article></body></html>

Does it take minutes, hours or days to fix?

Don't know.

Any additional information?

Using version 3.1.30 installed with composer on PHP 7.1

Thanks !

Do not "do"

You might find it interesting to read this. I suggest you pick another verb for your naming scheme such as enable or set, e.g. enableRemoveHttpPrefixFromAttributes.

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