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viro's Introduction

ℹ️ Active development for Viro is now occurring at the Viro Community fork. We encourage all Viro developers to follow and get the latest updates at ViroCommunity/viro

Viro React

Viro React is a platform for developers to rapidly build augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences. Developers write in React Native, and Viro runs their code natively across all mobile VR (including Google Daydream, Samsung Gear VR, and Google Cardboard for iOS and Android) and AR (iOS ARKit and Android ARCore) platforms. More info here.

This project contains the full source code for Viro React, and various sample Viro projects.

The platform is free to use with no limits on distribution.

To report bugs/issues with Viro platform, please file new issues on this repository.

Viro Bridge CI Pipeline

Instructions for running sample projects using Testbed app:

  1. Follow directions on our Quick start guide to setup dependencies for trying these sample projects with the Viro Media App.
  2. Clone the repo into your workspace with git: git clone
  3. Go into the code-samples directory.
  4. Run npm install from the root of this project.
  5. Run npm start from the root of this project.
  6. Open the Viro Media App, slide out the left panel and select "Enter Testbed".
  7. Type the entire ngrok URL output ( at the top of the terminal into the text field and hit 'GO'
  8. You should now be in the application! Enjoy!

To rebuild the testbed app from source, please refere to the testbed repo here.

Instructions for running sample code as a stand alone project (with no Testbed app):

Tried the samples through our Testbed app and now want to try deploying sample code to your device as standalone apps? These quick steps below should get you started:

  1. Follow steps 1 - 4 from above (instructions for using with Testbed app)
  2. For Android, make sure you have downloaded and installed Android Studio from here to get required SDK and platform-tools for building android apps Make sure you have the required environment variables set - $ANDROID_HOME, and added platform-tools to $PATH variable. If not,
    export ANDROID_HOME=/YOUR_PATH_TO/Android/sdk
    export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
    export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$PATH
    Build and launch android app by executing the following from the root of the project
    react-native run-android --variant=gvrDebug
  3. For iOS, in Xcode open ViroSample.xcworkspace in ios/ directory. Select the right "Team" for ViroSample and ViroSampleTest target under General -> Signing Hit play to build and launch the app on your iOS device

Changing Between Samples

  1. Open App.js in a text editor.
  2. For AR, set showARScene=true at line 44.
  3. For VR, Modify line 61: scene: scenes['360 Photo Tour'], to a scene defined in the scenes dictionary on line 30.
  4. Reload/restart the application.

Instructions for using a CI-built Viro React platform from Mainline:

You can also try the latest mainline build containing bleeding edge features and fixes. Please keep in mind that mainline builds may not be as stable as release builds. To do so, simply:

  1. Go to the Viro Actions Workflows for this project.
  2. You should see a list of "Viro Bridge CI Pipeline" workflows.
  3. Click on the latest successfully built workflow pipeline (should be a checkmark next to it).
  4. Download the latest built ViroReact.tgz artiface.
  5. Clone this repo into your workspace with git: git clone
  6. Go into the code-samples directory.
  7. Run npm install from the root of this project.
  8. Remove the ViroReact framework that was pulled down from the npm install (you are going to use the pre-built one).
  9. npm install ../path/to/your/downloadedArtifact.tgz

Instructions for manually building the Viro React platform:

Building iOS Viro React:

  1. Follow directions on our Quick start guide to setup dependencies.
  2. Clone the repo into your workspace with git: git clone
  3. Build our iOS renderer using build instructions outlined in our Virocore repo.
  4. Verify you see new files created in ios/dist folder.
  5. Install pods in ios/ folder:
    cd ios
    pod install
  6. Install node_modules in test folder:
    cd test
    npm install
  7. Install pods in the ViroExample folder:
    cd test/ios/ViroExample
    pod install
  8. Open ViroExample.xcworkspace in Xcode. (Make sure you open the .xcworkpace file, and not* the .xcodeproj file!)
  9. Select Product->Scheme. If you don't see a React scheme, hit Manage Schemes.... In the dialog box, add React scheme.
  10. Go through build configuration (Debug vs Release) for schemes React, ViroReact and ViroExample and ensure they are all either Release or Debug, depending on what you are trying to build.
  11. That's it! Now build React scheme for Generic iOS Device, followed by ViroReact scheme for the same target. Note:
    11.a If you want the ability to run on Simulator, 
         change target to any of the `iOS Simulator` targets instead of `Generic iOS Device`. 
    11.b If in your own app project setup, you prefer to include Viro React as a static library 
         rather than relying on `use_frameworks!` - build scheme `ViroReact_static_lib` 
         instead of `ViroReact` as mentioned above in step #11. 
  12. You should see a new file libViroReact.a at ios/dist/lib/libViroReact.a.
  13. To run Viro React tests, run ViroExample scheme on your plugged in iOS device.

Building Android Viro React:

  1. Under the viro directory, run ./
  2. Your android bridge should now be built under release.
  3. You should see a new file created at android/react_viro/react_viro-release.aar
  4. To build android release tests:
    $ cd test/android
    $ ./gradlew assembleGvrRelease
  5. Install app-gvr-release.apk from test/android/app/build/output/gvr/app-gvr-release.apk onto your plugged in Android device.

Bundling and using built iOS and Android into a single npm tar package:

  1. The ./ you ran above builds android react bridge and bundles both iOS and Android bridge into a react-viro-*.tgz file. * for current version from package.json file.

More information

Check out our website.

Look at our documentation.

Join our Slack group here.

Sample Code

A repository containing the entire source code, built using ViroReact and React Native, for Viro Media's award winning Figment AR App. Available on Google Play and App Store.

Download complete source at

Sample Code Overview

A scene with a 360 photo that displays "Hello World".

360 photo tour example that shows you how to display a 360 photo with clickable hot spots.

This example showcases 3d objects. Orbit around a 3d Heart to see it from different angles!

Learn how to display and play 2d and 360 video with interactive play controls that can play, pause and stop.

Learn how to display and play 2d and 360 video with interactive play controls that can play, pause and stop. A demonstration on how to do an interactive shopping app for TV's. Uses flexbox for UI and 3d objects with animations.

A scene with objects, text and animation displayed on ARKit planes detected in the scene.

An ARScene that looks for this image and adds a model of a car with the ability to change its colors.

An ARScene that lets the user place a car on a surface and drive it around the world. See instructions in the project directory to enable the demo.

An ARScene that searches for this vertical marker and renders Black Panther jumping out of the marker.

An ARScene that tracks this business card continously using image tracking.

A complete React Native w/Viro AR Sample App. Demonstrates how to place, drag, and scale objects in the real world while providing 2D UI feedback.


viro's People


achuvm avatar dam00n avatar dthian avatar hless avatar manbod avatar radvani avatar vikadvani avatar virohalliday avatar


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viro's Issues

Scene click coordinates on cardboard

I'm looking to capture the click/tap coordinates on 360 degree scene image because I want the user to be able to position and build 2D or 3D objects on the fly. The scene has an onClick function (_onClick(source)) but there are no coordinates. The onTouch looked like it had potential but it's not supported on Cardboard. Is there a way to capture the cardboard click position on the scene? It looks like I could get the value from the onTouch event if I used a different system like Daydream.

How do I enable non-VR or mono mode?

I would like to view my app full screen when I am not using a headset. How do I get the non-VR mode like you have in the Viro Media App (tapping "No" when the "Do you have a VR headset?" screen appears)

Close or go-back button

Hi guys, thanks for the great tool. I am investigating an issue - I don't see a close or go-back button in VR mode(( Maybe there is a way to create a custom button which will close VR mode and land user back to the 2d menu?

[Question] Running App without any display

Warning: Native Component for "VRSceneNavigator" does not exist
Warning: Native Component fro "VRTARScene" does not exist
Warning: Native Component fro "VRTText" does not exist

What are the supported devices in android?

[Question] - What component is similar to SCNVector3?

Hi @achuvm,

I'm wondering whether there is something like the SCNVector3 I can use with the Viro lib?

I build a simple app in XCode using this function to calculate the length of two selected points on a plane:

func calculateDistance(from: SCNVector3, to: SCNVector3) -> Float {
  let x = from.x - to.x
  let y = from.y - to.y
  let z = from.z - to.z
  return sqrtf( (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z))

Is that possible with the Viro library?

ViroARPlaneSelector questions.

I am trying out the tutorial on AR on my iPad Pro (model number: mlmn2ll/a). The iPad has iOS 11.0.1 and ARKit apps like IKEA Place works fine on it. But I am unable to get the component ViroARPlaneSelector to appear consistently in the testbed on Viro Media's app.

  1. Are iPads supported?

  2. Is there a debug/feedback loop that will let us know whether the framework has detected plane(s) in the scene?

Android OvrRelease build

Okay, I really need some help here.

I've successfully created and installed my "cardboard release" app on my iPhone.

Getting it over to Android for the GearVR is a whole other story. So, when I run from the testbed app or I just run a debug app on my Android - everything works (more or less - the 360videos never load but I'm chalking that up the network). I do have an oculus signature at android/app/src/assets

So I've tried building a release and signing in through Android Studio. Everything seems to install okay - but it crashes on launch. So I ran adb logcat and saw that as soon as it crashes and I'm seeing:

E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: mqt_js Process: com.virosample.ovr, PID: 27935 java.lang.RuntimeException: com.facebook.react.devsupport.JSException: Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged correctly at com.facebook.react.bridge.DefaultNativeModuleCallExceptionHandler.handleException( at com.facebook.react.devsupport.DisabledDevSupportManager.handleException( at com.facebook.react.cxxbridge.CatalystInstanceImpl.onNativeException( at com.facebook.react.cxxbridge.CatalystInstanceImpl.access$400( at com.facebook.react.cxxbridge.CatalystInstanceImpl$NativeExceptionHandler.handleException( at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$ at Caused by: com.facebook.react.devsupport.JSException: Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged correctly at Method) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop(  at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$  at  Caused by: com.facebook.jni.CppException: Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged correctly at Method)  at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(  at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage(  at android.os.Looper.loop(  at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$  at  04-20 13:49:27.441 874-915/? E/MultiWindowProxy: getServiceInstance failed! 04-20 13:49:32.647 239-455/? E/MAL-Daemon: ( rds_ru_3gpp_status_ind, 1421) [RDS-E][RU][EVENT_RU_DM_3GPP_STATUS_IND] Invalid u43gpp_status:0x6 04-20 13:49:35.629 252-1145/? E/Drm: Failed to find drm plugin 04-20 13:49:35.669 252-1145/? E/Drm: Failed to find drm plugin

So a quick Google regarding BatchedBridge not being found - I see people saying that I need to run react-native start (which worked okay okay) and then run cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease - this gets me as far as this bit of code:

Loading dependency graph, done.
Warning: The transform cache was reset.

'node_modules/react-native/Libraries/CustomComponents/NavigationExperimental/assets/[email protected]' could not be found, because 'node_modules/react-native/Libraries/CustomComponents/NavigationExperimental/assets' is not a subdirectory of any of the roots ('/Users/ashtonl/Development/ViroSample')

:app:bundleOvrReleaseJsAndAssets FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':app:bundleOvrReleaseJsAndAssets'.

Process 'command 'node'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

  • Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 55.071 secs`

Now I'm pretty much stuck here. I dunno what else I should try. Help!

Video .mp4 didn't play


I have insert a 360 video with .mp4 extension.
I can see the video but she didn't play.(Frozen)

Is there any things to do to autoplay ?

Here is my code :

timeInSeconds={60} />

Thanks for your help.


Not compatible with Daydream.

Hi just to let you know that your application is not fully compatible with the Google PIXEL and Daydream Headset.

I have seen a pop up to tell me that's incompatible.

That's just for feedback if you want to update your app :)


Building on Huwaei Honor - Launching on iPhone 6s

Hello, I'm building my experience with my Huawei Honor 8 Pro which has a bigger screen resolution than the iphone 6.

I build my app for iOS and launch it but when I put it in my cardboard it's very blurred do you know why it hasn't been transformed properly for the iphone ?

I'm on iOS 10.3.3 and on my Xcode project I have about 120 warning regarding deprecated method, are you able to update your xcode project for the latest version of IOS ?

Thanks for your help


Run Script

Trying on a setup on Mac

Set up Android Studio with Viro
Run Script

-bash: ./ No such file or directory

Issues "Fetching JS Bundle"

Hi, I'm experienceing couple of problems recently .

I launched the npm start command from root directory.
I'm launching my app on the phone, enter the ip adress of my computer and check that both are on the same network.

The terminal say : "Loading dependency graph, done"
My phone has a black screen and say "Fetching JS Bundle"

I didn't have error message

I already try to restart with --no-caches.

Thanks for your help.

[Question] - Plane stay visible after selection

Hi @achuvm,

I have refactored the ViroARPlaneSelector for my own project to display different materials for the Plane, which works beautifully.

I can't figure out how to keep the plane visible after I select it. Right now the plane gets swapped with a ViroNode and hence disappears.

What I'm trying to do is to display the Plane. A user can click 3 times on the plane to place 3 objects. These objects should ONLY be draggable within that surface.

Sorry for all the questions but the examples provided here are too basic to understand how the library works and I want to reduce time during trial & error. I hope you understand.


ViroSpinner w/Viro360Video

With the 360Video, there are only a few callbacks. I really wanna use the ViroSpinner, to showing that the video is loading when changing scenes but there's not a callback method that seems to be very useful. For instance, the Viro360Image has callbacks for onLoadStart and onLoadHide. Unless there's another way you'd suggest hiding the Spinner once the video begins to play?


java.lang.RuntimeException: createContext failed: EGL_BAD_CONTEXT

09-21 17:53:45.852 3615-3720/com.hellovr E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 31579
                                                           Process: com.hellovr, PID: 3615
                                                           java.lang.RuntimeException: createContext failed: EGL_BAD_CONTEXT

React Viro 1.1.0 on Samsung S8

Reticule passing through the ViroImage

Hi, i'm experiencing something strange recently.

I have a background 360 photos and I put a ViroImage on it, When I click on this image it goes to the next scene BUT when the reticule is on it appears through the image and it's like squint.

Do you have any help on this ?


Recent update Bug

Hi, I've seen that you updated your project.

I have couple of problems while launching my project such as "No dimension set for key window"
I don't know what's happening .

And another previous one which said :

var PropTypes = require('react/lib/ReactPropTypes');

Any help would be great.



Billboarded Element's bounding box do not accurate reflect element.

There seems to be an issue with the hit test triggering events when the user looks at objects at certain camera rotations. For example from the video below, you can see that the onFuse event on an object sometimes does not trigger, even the user is hovering right on top of it.


The root cause is mainly that the bounding box of billboarded elements are not correctly computed at certain angles - this causes the box to "Shrink" there by resulting in click misses.

It doesn't work on samsung j7 prime and samsung j2 phones

09-30 01:27:23.227 8867-8978/com.virosample E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 288
Process: com.virosample, PID: 8867
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: eglChooseConfig failed
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$BaseConfigChooser.chooseConfig(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$EglHelper.start(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$

Special accents

Hi, I'm trying to use ViroText and enter my text between "" but when i'm trying to write "é" or a character like this I have something strange like é .

I save my file in UTF-8 but without success.

Thanks for your help.


[Question] - ViroSurface onlick data

Hi @achuvm,

Thank you for your help so far. I'm learning more an more about the library and I love it.

I have a question regarding the data I'm receiving when I click on the ViroSurface. Here the video

When I click on a grid intersection I almost get the same data that looks like X,Y,Z coordinates. What do these numbers actually represent?


Conditions "if"

Hello ViroTeam,

Do you think that we can setup conditions with your plateform like :

Imagine there are 3 questions with 3 differents answers for each question only one answer is valid per question (Like True/False)

Building something like

IF specific buttons are clicked during the 3 questions THEN we can show the results on another

Do you think it might work, I'm embarrassed to ask you again if you are able to build an exemple for this. If you can't I can understand

Thanks in advance


On Fuse Crash when Unmounting Views

Issue: Views with an onFuse callback, that has code to unmount itself, crashes.

For example:

_getImage() {
    if (this.state.showImage) {
      return (
        <ViroImage position={[0, 0, -1]}
          source={{uri: ",f_auto/p/50d2f4ce-96d1-11e6-8a53-00163ed833e7/3980672443/google-earth-screenshot.jpg"}}
          onFuse={()=>{this.setState({showImage : false})}} />
    } else {

Gear VR Remote ? Compatibility

Hello I was wondering if it's compatible with the remote of the Gear VR Headset ?

I already try with the Daydream and work properly but note with the Gear





I was wondering if you think that making a quiz will be easy to do with your plateform ?
Thanks for your help

Offline Application ?

Hi I have try to install the app from Xcode.
Everything went smooth but I have a question do we always need an internet connection to use the app once installed on iOS devices for exemple ?

Thanks for the answer.

[Question] - rawFeaturePoints

Hi there,

Is there a way to display the raw feature point clouds as described here

The reason why these points might be useful is when ViroARPlaneSelector can NOT detect a ViroARPlane because the internal method to detect a plane from the amount of points might have a certain threshold. It would be great to loop over these points to lower the threshold for plane detection.

Any Theater Project sample available ?

Hello once again lol.

I can see on your website than you offer 3 sample of your projects.

I would like to know if by any chance you are able to share your theater project ?

Thanks in advance


[Question] - Plane styling

First of all, well done with the lib. The docs are very comprehensive.

I have a question regarding the ViroARPlaneSelector. Is there a way to style (assign color, opacity or image overlay) the ViroARPlane?

Thank you in advance.


Is there any maximum size for the 360pictures ?

Hi when i'm trying to upload a 360 pictures it show me an error in the terminal.
It seems that it check the width and height in the index.js located here : ViroSample/node_modules/image-size/lib/index.js

Is there any modification to do on that file ?

Thanks for your help

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'nativeVersion.major')

Was trying to run the sample app as per the instructions on your website. I haven't changed anything in it, just downloaded it and ran it.

I'm running iOS 11.0.1 on an iPhone 6.

This is the stack trace:

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'nativeVersion.major')

global code

Preset GrvViewerParams

Hi folks,
First of all, thank you very much @VikAdvani for the help in the last days. We have managed to develop an awesome cardboard experience for both Android and iOS, everybody on the agency are going nuts with crazy ideias 😄 So also, thank you all for providing this amazing platform.

One of our ideias envolves delivering for each end-user a cardboard headset and a link to app on the stores. So we are wondering if its possible to define through Viro a default set of headset params (the same as we would deliver) so the user can skip the QR mapping process. How can we accomplish that? Didn't found anything like these on the docs.


Video goes black after a few seconds playing

Right, so a was able to replace the image from the sample to a 360 video that a have.
The surprise is that the video plays nice for a few seconds, but then it goes black, the sound still on, the UI too (the gear icon and the line in the middle), but the video stops showing up.
Any ideias?

Running the Cardboard mode on a S7.


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