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unofficialcrusaderpatch2's Introduction

Unofficial Crusader Patch UCP_Official


This project is an unofficial patcher for Firefly Studio's game Stronghold Crusader 1. It features bug-fixes, balancing and quality-of-life changes, as well as several AIV castles. To apply this patch you need to have Stronghold Crusader installed, the setup does not include any files created by FireFly Studios, but instead edits them or adds community-made files. Further information can be found on our official website.



To install the patch you just have to download the latest UnofficialCrusaderPatch , extract it, execute the UnofficialCrusaderPatchGUI.exe and choose the correct path of your Stronghold Crusader installation. You can then select several features you wish to install, recommended presettings are selected by default. The patch should work for most crusader versions, but only v1.41 and v1.41E are officially supported. If you encounter an error using a different version, you can upgrade to 1.41 for free using Firefly’s Crusader HD Patch.


In order to run the patcher, you need wine and winetricks.

After installing wine and winetricks, run the following in your terminal:

winetricks -q dotnet40

The GUI does not recognize hidden directories (any directory starting with ".") when you browse for files. You either move the game install location to a different location or create a symlink with:

ln -s ~/.steam/path/to/shc

Issues and Suggestions

If you have suggestions, you are welcome to post new ideas or discuss already existing ones in the issues section. It would be great if you could follow these guidelines:

  • try to only post one idea per issue to help us keep an overview
  • try to check if your suggestion already has a topic and join that discussion instead of creating a new one
  • keep the tone nice and civil

Furthermore you can join our Discord Server for quick help and feedback.

The team behind the UCP

Creator of the UCP


Project Management

Kimberly Azula
Krarilotus (YouTube)


Le spec


Lutel (YouTube) (Polish)
Lolasik011 (Russian)
Skysouls (e-mail) (Chinese)
Liegav (YouTube) (Hungarian)

Content Creators

Evrey (aiv)
Tatha (aiv,aic)
PitchNeeded (aiv)
Xander10alpha (aic)

Special thanks of course go to

Firefly Studios for the creation of the Stronghold series

And many more
Udwin (YouTube)

unofficialcrusaderpatch2's People


byburton avatar ckpengine avatar glad-dev avatar gynt avatar j-t-de avatar krarilotus avatar lespec avatar liegav avatar lolasik011 avatar lordhanscapon avatar lutel05 avatar patel-nikhil avatar radek2019 avatar randomanonymousperson avatar sh0wdown avatar


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unofficialcrusaderpatch2's Issues

Another recruitment speed setting for the AI

Hello, you currently released an recruitment speed setting for the AI's which allow all AI's to recruit as fast as the rat do. I like the idea of boosting the AI recruitment Speed but (as you already noted) some do lose their personalitys. Especially the Sultan.
My question is now, if you could do an other recruitment speed setting which boost every individual recruitment Speed of the AI's a bit but not as fast as the rat's. With that, every AI would keep their personality and also would recruit a bit faster.

Vorschlag für zusätzliche Angriffstruppen

wäre es möglich, die Angriffstruppen anderweitig zu erhöhen?
z.B dass die KI nach einem Angriff die zusätzlichen Truppen verdoppelt?
Sähe wie folgt aus:
Wolf greift beim zweiten Angriff mit 10 zusätzlichen Truppen an
Beim dritten mit 20, beim vierten mit 40 etc.
Für mich persönlich würde die KI dann nicht mehr so "festgefahren" wirken und menschliche (als auch Computer) Spieler würden schneller ins schwitzen geraten.

Mod Version Display Improvement: Configuration Hash

The mod version already is displayed ingame next to the game version, yet a single version of the mod yields many different possible configurations as any user may (de)select various different settings while installing the mod.

Hence, it might be cool to have some sort of additional display that reflects what configuration is in effect. Especially in order to find out reasons for "compatibility issues" between different same-version configurations in multiplayer, being able to perform a quick "sanity check", i.e. compare the configuration values for players experiencing issues could help quickly clear up what went wrong.

As it would be very hard to get a full configuration list to appear ingame, maybe some sort of short hash value of all options could work?
The hash values only need to be unique/different (and (alpha)numeric and not too long, to make display and comparison by humans feasible, but that should be a fairly easy to solve requirement) for every possible configuration of the same version of the mod. They may or may not change "arbitrarily" from version to version, as in that case comparing the version number is enough for players to know there's some difference.

AI setting production buildings to sleep

When the AI runs out of some resource, after some fixed amount of time, all buildings depending on that type of resource (e.g. bakeries for flour, fletchers and other wood-weapon workshops for wood, inns for ale) are set to sleep. And right after doing that, the AI tries to buy 2 units of the missing resource...

Now, what would be really cool is if the AI would buy those missing resources before / instead of setting everything to sleep (and possibly buying more than just 2 units at once, but the ideal amount is probably too situational to easily find a one-fits-all value there...).

Also, it could be helpful to simply increase the timer length until that setting-to-sleep behavior is invoked, in order to avoid situations where newly-bought resources are wasted right away by setting the corresponding buildings to sleep while they are still processing them.

Erhöhen des Truppenlimits für KI-Angriffe

Ganz nach Udwins Idee: Es wäre super, wenn das Truppenlimit eines jeden Angriffs durch die KI deutlich erhöht oder an das maximale Truppenlimit des Spiels angehoben werden könnte.

Nochmal im Namen aller Crusader Fans, Danke für den tollen Mod.

Marktplatz Autoverkauf ?

wäre es möglich im marktplatz eine option zu machen damit man sachen automatisch ab ner gewissen hohen menge verkaufen kann ?

hab das in stronghold crusader 2 gesehen und dachte das wäre ideal für crusader :D

Hunting hut !

It would be great if AI used hunting huts. But I know that it will not be effective on all maps. Although a good boost will be for the economy of AI.
Of course, you can make AI huts for hunters only as long as there are deers on the map.
Hunters with their arrows do the same damage as European archers, but will be killed with one shot :))

Thank you for this patch !!!

Thank you all for the work done on the Stronghold Crusade ! I was very much waiting for this moment, when, finally, someone would be engaged in AI scripts. Really looking forward to your new patches that improve AI and the game as a whole. I am your loyal fan! P.S I apologize for bad english. :). Very Good WORK !!!!

Patch does not install for macos version of SC

I have the macos version of SC downloaded fromm GOG. It is a wineskin wrapper. When try to install the patch .exe file within the wineskin wrapper, it doesn't work and no files are changed. I suspect it is a pathing problem.

Frage hinsichtlich der Steuerung

Frage an den Entwickler des Patches: Ich es theoretisch möglich, dass man die Steuerung verändert? Sprich, dass man bspw. mit WASD navigieren kann, anstatt nur per Pfeiltasten? Oder dass man neue Hotkeys einfügt, wie bspw. Speichern auf F5 und Laden auf F9 oder ähnliches? Danke. :)

AI Behaviour

Hi, Sh0wdown! Is it possible for you to edit some options of the AI's behavior, like his preferable troops, use of siege equipment, etc?


And what if you add a little HP Monks? I think the Abbot could be a little stronger.

Larger maps than 400x400?

I'm sure it's still in the realm of fantasy, but with all these nice new ai tweaks and fixes, it would be amazing if there was some way to increase the map size even further.

AI starting gold

It would be good to be able to have the AI be able to start a game with even more than 40,000 gold....maybe be able to change it to double that at least....especially as some of the AIs with big castles (Wolf, Emir, Saladin especially) can go down almost 20,000 gold at the start just to complete their castle and make their first attack force.

AI trading with each other

Would it be possible, to enable trading between allied ai's?
They do already ask for stuff, and send stuff to the player, so can that be used for trading with each other?
Just weirds me out, that this exists with the player, but not between computer opponents..

Would be pretty simple logic.
AI A requests for example 12 wood, because it wants to build a house. It always requests double the amount it wanted to buy. -> AI B sends the stuff if they have it, otherwise it declines, and AI A asks another ally if there are more and asking again the same ally is disabled for a short time.
Prioritizes human allies though.

Game Speed Changes / Spielgeschwindigkeitsänderungen

Ich habe im neuesten Video von Udwin zwar schon gehört, dass dir die Möglichkeit, die Spielgeschwindigkeitslimits zu ändern, prinzipiell bekannt ist und in diesen Patch mit einfließen soll. Allerdings weiß ich nicht, wie genau die Pläne diesbezüglich aktuell aussehen.

Zum ersten Vorstellungsvideo hatte ich in den Kommentaren schon unter anderem Folgendes geschrieben:

Wenn man die .exe-File ohnehin schon anfasst... es ist möglich (sogar verhältnismäßig einfach und seit Jahren "bekannt" / Informationen öffentlich verfügbar), die minimale und maximale Ingame-Geschwindigkeit (normal 20-90), sowie die Änderungsrate (normal +-5 mittels Tasten +/-) zu verändern. Die maximale Geschwindigkeits-Bandbreite geht soweit ich weiß von 1 bis 127 [Anm: selber schon getestet], und ich persönlich finde nach etwas Herumprobieren aktuell eine Min-/Max-Geschwindigkeit von 5 / 125 mit 15er-Änderungsraten durchaus angenehm in der Bedienung.
Eine Auswahl mehrerer "Geschwindigkeits-Werte-Setups" mit sinnvollen Werten sollte man mit relativ geringem Aufwand in den Launcher einbauen können, was z.B. für KI-Kämpfe oder manche Tests ziemlich praktisch wäre.

(#Edit: Ist es dir eigentlich allgemein lieber, Vorschläge, Probleme o.ä. hier auf Deutsch oder Englisch zu posten?)

Latest commit has an error :(

I wanted to try out things, but there is an error :(
Haha, I think I am addicted to your work.
I check every 20 to 40 minutes, and if I see a new commit download it ASAP!




Sorry 👍

Schild Einsatz von KI verbessern

Es wäre sehr interessant zu wissen ob es möglich wäre den Schild Einsatz der KI zu verbessern.
Dies ist offensive sowie defensive gemeint und würde Spiel Mensch gegen KI um einiges interessanter gestallten ohne dabei gross etwas am Grund-Prinzip des Spiels zu verändern.

Zudem wäre eine stärkere Verteidigung auf den Mauern und Türmen der KI sehr wünschenswert um so noch einmal den Schwierigkeitsgrad zu steigern.

AI food buying

This patch is amazing, I didn't think it was possible to change AI behaviour......

I have a suggestion to try and improve some of the AI's economies a little even in their original you know most AIs buy in other food varieties every so often even if they have food. It would be good to have more food variety for AIs, for example Emir buying in 10 apples and 10 cheese instead of his standard 20 apples and Sultan can buy 5 cheese, 5 apples, 5 meat and 5 bread instead of just buying apples. Even Rat could buy in 5 bread, 5 meat and 5 cheese instead of just apples. This would allow them to increase their tax rate. :)

Extended Resolution Selection

Is it easily possible to add 4K as a resolution (and maybe some other resolutions nowadays commonly used that are not yet preset in Crusader)?

Heilung aus Crusader Extreme

Wäre es möglich den Code des Heilungszaubers aus Crusader Extreme zu verwenden, um im Umkreis der Apotheke in gewissen Abständen Truppen heilen zu können ?

Standard Spielgeschwindigkeit

Könnte man vielleicht die standart Spielgeschwindigkeit ändern (liegt glaub ich bei 40 ) ?
Denn wenn man ein Multiplayer Spiel lädt wird die Geschwindigkeit immer wieder auf 40 gesetzt was quasi ein weiterspielen nach Absturz unmöglich macht da das Spiel dann unerträglich langsam ist.

90 oder zumindest 60 weil die Bauern Animationen usw. für Tempo 60 ausgelegt sind würde ich empfehlen

Rat, Wolf, Pig and Snake allied video messages

It would good to somehow provide Rat, Pig, Snake and Wolf with video messages if you are allied with him instead of 'my master informs you' all the time from their servant. It would make it more fun to be allied with them. Stronghold 1 is a good source of quotes from them, here are parts of their speech in Stronghold 1 that could be used....

Snake refuses to defend the player: 'Your men can take care of a few snivelling outlaws' : 0:50

Snake agrees to defend the player: 'Show some backbone, my contingency plan is already in motion. Trust me' : 1:10

Snake predicts victory as ally: 'You'll have your county back soon enough, trust me' 1:14

Snake predicts defeat as ally: 'That insolent little child has somehow managed to whittle me down to my final county and chosen to ignore my perfectly reasonable request for a truce' 0:23

Snake requests help: 'Ah - I find myself in desperate need of reinforcements' 0:17

Snake agrees to send goods: 'any conditions you make will be honoured' 1;27:58

Rat refuses to attack an enemy: 'Well er....I have to reclaim my counties first and I still don't have enough troops so er um' 1:25

Rat requests help: 'I can't believe it! My troops have scattered all over the place, there is nothing I can do. I've lost the county!' 1:02

Rat predicts defeat as ally: 'They have taken out half a dozen patrols and are actually invading one of my counties. What am I supposed to do now! 0:33

Pig agrees to attack an enemy: 'I love a good hunt, I'll sniff them out, run them down and make sure they die nice and slow' 1:29

Pig predicts victory as ally: 'All will pay a high tax and live a life of pain...hahaha' 0:35

Pig agrees to defend the player: 'Some of my men are nearby, I will send them along to join in the fun hahaha' 0:49

Pig requests help 'Aaah...They wreck my home. I hunt them down like the dogs they are and make them pay long time' 9:06

Wolf refuses to defend the player 'This is a waste of my time' 1:21

Wolf agrees to attack: 'I want to rip him apart personally' 0:41

Wolf agrees to defend the player 'My main force is marching half the length of the country to get to you. Hold him off until I arrive' 0:35

Wolf refuses to send goods: 'Silence!' 0:50

(an allied) Wolf reacts to you killing an enemy: 'Impressive' 31:32

Belagerungsgeräte im allgemeinen


wie sieht es mit folgenden Punkten aus, sind die machbar?

  • Eigene Mangen ballern automatisch, wenn Gegner (normale Feindliche Truppen) in reichweite sind

  • Balisten (die zum aufstellen am Boden) können Mönche beschießen (aktuell tuhen die das net und lassen sich somit einfach killen)

  • FriendlyFire aka die Mangen Steine können nicht mehr die eigenen Wälle so seltsam "einhauen"

Es gibt bestimmt noch ein paar mehr, aber die fallen mir grad ein. ^^

Ps: Großartige Leistung habt ihr mit dem Patch erschaffen! THX

Any leftovers

Complete off-topic: since you're editing executable, I wonder if there are any curious, unused lines of code left over by developers? Maybe any lines for removed "all" enemy, or any other cut personalities (bad_soldier, bad_arab)?

UCP no longer works with Stronghold Europe mod

Not a big problem as this was never meant to be a feature of the patch, but before the latest commit you could rename the 'Stronghold Europe.exe' to 'Stronghold Crusader.exe' and get all of the nice patch fixes and additions in the glorious SH1 setting!

Tried troubleshooting it a bit and it seems only the 'Units' edits work in the installer. Selecting anything else gives a ctd when running Stronghold Europe.

Guess I'll have to get used to the desert.

Ideas for new AI lords

Discussed this in another 'issue' briefly but decided it would better discussed in its own 'issue'. Now that it may be possible to change the AI behaviour, that raises the hope that eventually it may be possible to make a new AI lord: here some ideas:

  1. ByBurton mentioned this, but Robin Hood would be great as an AI character, according to legend he took part in the Crusades and with the Sheriff of Nottingham an AI character it would be apt to have his enemy there too. Both bandit videos on the invasion scenarios could be used for him as well, he would be the one with the green hood! Robin Hood would mostly use archers of course but to make him more unique as an AI lord, he could use some tunnelers for melee combat, they are quite fast to go with the archers, better than spearmen and also fit in with Robin's bandit personality with their appearance and makeshift use of picks as weapons. Of course a few of them can dig tunnels in sieges.

  2. As I have mentioned before on here, I think bringing back Lord Woolsack from Stronghold 1 would also be good, specialising in pikemen (to counter his old rival Sir Longarm's knights 😃), he would send big groups of about 20 or 30 pikemen across the map in his raids to destroy enemy quarries and farms, but wouldn't do his main sieges until he had a lot of troops as he is a careful strategist. For his main sieges he would send pikemen, archers and monks, monks because he would use religion as part of his economy and also because he kind of sounds and looks rather like a monk so would fit with his personality.

  3. Finally having a female AI character would be excellent for Stronghold Crusader though. Perhaps the Queen from Stronghold 2 could be introduced, in Stronghold 2 she was quite strong compared to most of the AIs, using a mix of horse archers, berserkers (which could be turned into macemen for Stronghold Crusader) and swordsmen. Macemen and horse archers would be an incredible combination for an AI siege I think, maybe she could use those in sieges in Stronghold Crusader, with swordsmen for defensive purposes.

Laddermen disappearing ladders

Hey i want to suggest a fix for the Laddermen.

After a Ladderman placed his ladder against a wall and dies, his ladder will also just disappear.
It would be nice if the ladder could stay on the wall permanently, like in Stronghold 2.
I have no idea if this is possible though, but i hope so :)

Anyway thanks for the great job, i'm really enjoying it!

Wooden Walls

It would be cool to return the wooden walls, gates and towers. Is it possible ?

Not working on Linux

will it be possible to create an installer which runs on Linux? because I can't run the installer with wine ( didn't start).

Bugs still ingame

I just felt like doing a list of bugs / quirky stuff I still know are a problem ingame, and I will list all I remember from the top of my head here.

  • European bowmen won't set pitch alight
  • AI will not erase tower ruins
  • AI will not build more than 3 tower mangonels / ballistae or trebuchets / Fire ballistae
  • Wolf won't man his towers with Arabic Bowmen
  • AI erases stables if they are not accessible
  • AI deletes all buildings outside its castle if not accessible (gate closed) sometimes.
  • Abbot and Emir do not buy bows
  • AI sets their bakeries to sleep if no flour is present in the stockpile. Even though some are still producing bread. Same with any weapon production or mills, or breweries and inns.
  • Rat is too bad :( Please buff my poor ratty :(

I wanted to add, that I am royally impressed with your accomplishments, and I could not wait for the next update, so I installed Visual Studio and compiled it myself ;)

Maybe I will also add a few things I feel like mentioning:

  • The AI should put more units on their towers / walls (I am looking at you, Rat, Richard)
  • The Rat should build a few more apple farms, or something, so he can actually earn some money. Would go a long way. I think the Rat is just a little too weak...
  • The Sultan should rebuild firethrowers. And also have some defensive archers next to his attacking ones.
  • Some AI opponents should have the number for attacker for their first attack set to something higher, because they attack very late anyways (Wolf for example)

Another bug:

  • The AI sometimes attacks the stockpiles for stone next to a quarry. And these sometimes stay, even if the corresponding quarry was destroyed.


Ich weiß nicht genau, ob sich das praktikabel umsetzen lässt, da gewisse Informationen zu den Spielerfarben ja pro Map-Datei gespeichert werden... aber...

  • Ein Ansatz wäre, bei Spielstart die ausgewählte Karte (im Speicher) zu kopieren, dort die Spielerfarben-Nummern wunschgemäß (z.B. Spieler in lila, oder "Teamfarben") zu verändern (also nur temporär / ohne Veränderung der Original-Kartendatei), und dann ingame mit den Wunschfarben zu spielen.
    Setzt allerdings voraus, das Format von Kartendaten genau genug herauszufinden, um zuverlässig die Farben zu finden und entsprechend ändern zu können, und außerdem ist das vom Ablauf her evtl nicht ganz leicht zu integrieren. Und bei Karten mit bereits vom Kartenersteller angepassten Farben stellt sich die Frage, ob man das dann überschreibt oder nicht.

  • Ein anderer Ansatz wäre ggf, die Farbwerte für die Spielerfarben zu ändern, die vermutlich in der .exe selbst gespeichert sind. Also quasi... nicht zu sagen "Spieler 3, nutze die Farbe, die normal Spieler 8 hat", sondern zu sagen "Farbe Gelb, du bist jetzt Grün!" - unabhängig davon, welche Spieler auf verschiedenen Maps "die Farbe, die normal Spieler 8 hat" dann letztendlich nutzen.

Tor und Wall aus Holz für Crusader bzw. Stronghold Europe

es gibt eine/ mehrere Modifikationen, die versuchen das Design von Stronghold auf Crusader zu übernehmen. Ursprünglich gab es eine deutsche und eine russische Version, deren Macher sich dann aber zusammengetan haben.
Wobei mir dort am meisten fehlt, dass Holzwälle und Holztore nicht vorhanden sind. Eventuell könntest du dich ja mit denen auseinandersetzen bzw. eine Funktion für das Spiel einfügen, die Holzwälle dem Orgiginal/ der Mod hinzufügt.

Hier mal ein paar Links:
Download der neusten Version (warum auch immer ohne arabische Lords) von Stronghold Europe:

(die deutsche Mod heißt jetzt übrigens doch anders, ist aber auch noch unter dem alten Titel zu finden)
Viele Grüße und vielen Dank für die bisherigen Leistungen!

Veränderung hinsichtlich der Burggräben

Wäre es möglich, dass die Burggrabenmarkierungen auch dann eingeblendet würden, wenn man normale Gebäude baut? Vanilla ist es ja so, dass die Markierungen nur dann gezeigt werden, wenn man die "Burggraben ausheben"-Schaltfläche betätigt oder Einheiten auswählt, um Burggräben zu graben bzw. umzugraben.
Wenn jedoch die Markierungen auch dann sichtbar wären, wenn man im Baumodus ist, sprich ein Gebäude ausgewählt hat, das man bauen will, wäre es einfacher zu verhindern, dass man in einen geplanten Graben baut.

Wazir does not buy flour / wheat?

I added that to the list of bugs still in game I think (issue #5 ), but I believe some AIs do not buy the mentioned things. I felt like making this a separate issue, because you mentioned in a comment in the code, that the AI does use the market now, which flour and wheat would include.

Emergency Houses?

As many know, the AI is generally not very smart with their houses. Some common examples:

  • They do not build houses that are part of their current AIV before their building step is reached.
  • While they do react to population changes, they tend to build new houses a little too late sometimes and prefer continuing with 1 free peasant for quite a while even when they have lots of gold and want to recruit.
  • When they set their economy to sleep (or it becomes inaccessible due to closed gates), they usually rapidly destroy many houses which often times would not be necessary and causes rebuilding of those same houses only moments later.
  • ...

But one thing that is particularly outstanding and detrimental is that they do generally not build any additional houses that are NOT part of their AIV, even when they suffer from severe "underpopulation".
Unless, of course, if they do not have any AIV in use at all
- because no AIV (with matching index) has been found - in which case the AI often happily builds (and rebuilds) a variety of typical castle buildings, arranged more or less randomly around their keep and including things such as granary, trading post, armoury, recruitment buildings, breweries, inns, bakeries, mills, weapon production buildings, and... houses!

Hence, I think it might be possible, and would be REALLY awesome, if the AI would place additional houses "randomly dotted outside their castle" when the AIV-builtin houses do not suffice.

Not only would this be a rather simple but effective fix for all those default (and mod) castles that have way too few houses altogether, but it would also make many more castles viable on maps where some of the regular AIV-builtin houses cannot be built due to obstacles in the way (neighboring castles, terrain, map borders, you name it...). Moreover, some particularly "resource-ful" maps can bring a number of castles to the edge of their population capacity when for once ALL possible external buildings can be built in the AI-specific maximum amounts (e.g. 10 pitch rigs for the Caliph).
Last but not least, the problematic "quarry and ox tether behaviour" of the AI (see here for more details: #5 (comment)) also can bring some, otherwise completely fine, AI castles to and well beyond their population limitations.
I've had games where one AI dominated completely for several dozen game years, but then the ox tether count exceeded what population was available, effectively paralyzing the AI, preventing it from finishing off its half-dead opponent, and even losing it the game eventually as the enemy could fully rebuild, stock up on troops and gold, and strike back with little resistance...

Having said all that, I really do think this would be very useful. But of course I do not know for sure if - by "abusing" the AIV-less house building or other means - this would be doable with manageable effort.

Question about additional AI tweaks

Just a quick question, @Sh0wdown do you think that it would be possible, to edit the executable in way, that you could edit what kind of stuff an ai uses?
-What economy it builds, and how much of each resource it saves on its stockpile
-Which kind of units are recruited and how many used on a defensive point, on aggressive patrols, on defensive patrols and of course for attacks

-Make the Sultan build up to 5 hunters.
-Let the rat build up to 7 apple farms, and add more defensive archers
-Make the Wolf build more iron mines
-Let the pig also recruit archers
-Change Frederick's swordsmen to pikemen
-Let the snake use assassins and very, very, very few arabic swordsmen
-Let the Wolf man his towers with more units, and enable arabic archers
-Let the Sultan recruit up to 5 defensive fire throwers
-Let the rat build supportive shields

More siege weapons AI !

Is it possible to create a script that would allow AI to build more siege weapons (siege towers, shields)?

Siege attacks and their aborting

Sometimes, the AI does not send forward their attack army's ranged troops if the opponent castle walls are not breached by melee troops or siege engines.
Then, the ranged troops can stay further back for quite a while (can sometimes be like 5 game years of effectively idling) before the AI finally aborts the siege and subsequently begins gathering a new army.

It would be cool if the AI would use their ranged troops, or at least abort siege attacks instead of letting them continue without anything effectively happening.

(If this has already been fixed, sorry, I must have missed it.)

Pathing Fix

Sämtliche Einheiten und ganz besonders die meuchelmörder könnten in ihrer Wegfindung verbessert werden.
Hier ein npaar Dinge, die nicht gut laufen:

  • wenn meuchelmörder auf feindliche mauern geschickt werden versuchen sie stets durch das torhäuschen hoch zu kommen, solang es offen ist anstatt den kürzesten weg zu nehmen und ihre fähigkeit zu benutzen. (möglicher fix: man ermöglicht meuchelmördern die wand 'anzugreifen' und wandelt diesen befehl in 'hochklettern' um)

  • wenn mehrere nahkampfeinheiten eine andere einheit angreifen sollen stellen sie sich nur im viereck um diese einheit herum anstatt sie tatsächlich anzugreifen

  • wenn einheiten ihren weg zum ziel suchen beachten sie dabei nicht ob und wie weit sie durch 'langsames terrain' laufen (z.b. moor oder furt).

  • wenn einheiten eine mauer angreifen verteilen sie sich entlang der mauer, anstatt ihren angriff auf den bereich zu konzentrieren, der beim angriffsbefehl angeklickt wurde

  • wenn meuchelmörder zum angriff auf ein weit entferntes ziel geschickt werden bleiben einige von ihnen auf dem weg dort hin einfach stehen und tun so als wären sie bereits 'angekommen'

Diese Sachen zu fixen wäre ein SEGEN für dieses Spiel!!
Ich hoffe du nimmst dir die Zeit diese Probleme mal anzuschauen. Wenn du Hilfe brauchst oder etwas 'nicht geht' meld dich gerne bei mir per Mail ;)


AI - Wachstumsrate der Angriffe


mit dem vorletzten Update wurde die maximale Angriffstärke der KI's erhöht, indem man das Truppenlimit aufgestockt hat. Das Problem ist hierbei aber noch, dass das Wachstum der Angriffe gleich geblieben ist.

Mir ist derzeit noch nicht bewusst wie diese Angriffstärke steigt, es könnte prozentualer Natur sein (z.B. 5% Wachstum) oder flacher natur (z.B.) 7 Einheiten mehr pro Angriff.

In jedem Fall brauchen die KI's jedoch unglaublich lang, um eine höhere Gruppenanzahl aufzustellen. Das habe ich in einigen Tests zumindest feststellen können. Darum würde ich es vorschlagen, dass die Angriffe schneller auf ein gefährliches Niveau kommen, als dass die AI's weiterhin ihr Geld in minimal größere Angriffe verschwenden.

Falls jemand das ähnlich sieht könnten hier wir über Vorschläge dieser Wachstumsrate reden.


Lower amount of speeds (20, 40, 65, 90, 150, 300, 600, 1000)

In vanilla and moded version there is a lot of speeds, and everyone needs to click "+" separatly. It is a lot of clicking.

What about larger steps between speeds? As wrote in topic, speeds are 20, 40, 65, 90, 150, 300, 600, 1000.
And maybe before 20 add 5 or 1 to build little faster (AI is improved, but no lower speed as compensation)

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