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serde-bencode's Issues

Deserialization for enums with `#[serde(flatten)]` is not working

I think these two failing tests could be the same problem because they both use #[serde(flatten)] for an enum field.

  • cargo test ser_de_flattened_enum -- --nocapture
  • cargo test ser_de_flattened_adjacently_tagged_enum -- --nocapture

Failing test 1

$ cargo test ser_de_flattened_enum -- --nocapture
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/torrust_serde_bencode-61b7eea2ea5618bf)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/ (target/debug/deps/tests-b55451bec73c8180)

running 1 test
bytes: "d12:message_type8:Responsee"
bytes: "d12:message_type8:Responsee"
thread 'ser_de_flattened_enum' panicked at tests/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: InvalidType("Invalid Type: byte array (expected: `string or map`)")
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
test ser_de_flattened_enum ... FAILED



test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 42 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test tests`

Failing test 2

$ cargo test ser_de_flattened_adjacently_tagged_enum -- --nocapture
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/torrust_serde_bencode-61b7eea2ea5618bf)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

     Running tests/ (target/debug/deps/tests-b55451bec73c8180)

running 1 test
bytes: "d7:contentd5:tokeni456ee2:idi123e4:type7:Requeste"
thread 'ser_de_flattened_adjacently_tagged_enum' panicked at tests/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: InvalidType("Invalid Type: byte array (expected: `string or map`)")
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
test ser_de_flattened_adjacently_tagged_enum ... FAILED



test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 42 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test tests`

Related commits

not support complex struct?

My cargo.toml

serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_bytes = "0.10.0"
serde_bencode = { path = "serde-bencode" }

Version of rustc

rustc 1.35.0 (3c235d560 2019-05-20)

And my code

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use serde_bencode::de;
use serde_bencode::ser;

use std::str;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Node(String, i64);

fn main() {

    let nodes: Vec<Node> = vec![
        Node("aaa".to_owned(), 5665),
        Node("bbb".to_owned(), 5665),
        Node("ccc".to_owned(), 5665),

    let buffer: Vec<u8> = match ser::to_bytes(&nodes) {
        Ok(s) => s,
        Err(e) => panic!(e),

    println!("{}", str::from_utf8(&buffer).unwrap());

    match de::from_bytes::<Vec<Node>>(&buffer) {
        Ok(t) => {
            // println!("{}", t.len());
            println!("{:?}", t);
        Err(e) => println!("ERROR: {:?}", e),

And just got

[Node("aaa", 5665)]

By the way, I am just a rust noob. Maybe I just made some mistake?

Allow serialization of unit variant as string

Currently I can deserialize HashMap with key as an enum as example bellow:

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
enum Extension {
    #[serde(rename = "ut_metadata")]
serde_bencode::from_str::<std::collections::HashMap<Extension, u8>>("d11:ut_metadatai1ee").unwrap();

But I cannot serialize a HashMap to a string:

serde_bencode::to_string(&std::collections::HashMap::from([(Extension::Metadata, 1)])).unwrap();

If I modifiy the serialize_newtype_struct() to allow serialize unit variant as a string the above code work. I don't know if it will break anything else so please consider.

Write better documentation

We should be using better (some!) source code annotations to generate documentation for rustdoc/

Error round-tripping complex struct

I ran into a problem deserializing a complex struct:

fn ser_de_field_vec_tuple() {
    #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
    struct Foo {
        bar: Vec<(u16,)>,

    let foo = Foo {
        bar: vec![(1,), (3,)],


The error message is InvalidType("Invalid Type: sequence (expected: field identifier)")'

I wasn't able reduce the test case by removing the struct, the vec, or the tuple, so it seems to be some weird combination of the three.

Can't serialize struct with Encoder

I am trying to re-serialize the Info struct provided in the example code, but I am getting a stracktrace error. Basically I added a #[derive(Serialize)] to the Info struct, and then I am using the following snippet in main() to attempt to serialize...

let mut encoder = Encoder::new(); encoder);
let info_ser: Vec<u8> = encoder.into();
let info_str: String = String::from_utf8(info_ser).unwrap();

the error being thrown is:
"thread 'main' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 1 but the index is 1', .../serde_bencode-0.1.1/src/"

Encoding Vec<u8> as bytes

I would like to use this library to handle BT DHT messages. I represent some fields (like TransactionId, NodeId) as Vec but I see that it encoded as arrays of integers, not as byte strings as expected. I don't sure that it is a wrong behavior, but I need a way to fix it.

OOM when parsing byte string with extremely long (incorrect) length

use serde_bencode::value::Value;
use serde_bencode::from_bytes;

fn main() {
    let data = b"123456789123:1";
    let _: Result<Value, _> = from_bytes(data);

reproduced with git version (553adb4) and latest (0.2.3).

The issue is the preallocation in


Lines 211 to 222 in 553adb4

fn parse_bytes(&mut self, len_char: u8) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let len = self.parse_bytes_len(len_char)?;
let mut buf = vec![0u8; len];
let actual_len = self
if len != actual_len {
return Err(Error::EndOfStream);

specifically line 213

Probably best to just remove that preallocation. I'll make a PR to do that in a bit.

Tuple structs cannot be deserialized

It seems you can not deserialize a tuple struct like this struct Node(String, i64) from a nested list in encoded format. There are already two tests for this behavior.

    fn deserialization() {
        // todo: you cannot deserialize to the same struct used in serialization.
        // It does not work with a tuple struct `struct Node(String, i64)`
        // instead of a tuple `(String, i64)`.

        #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
        struct Torrent {
            info: Info,
            nodes: Option<Vec<(String, i64)>>,

        #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
        struct Info {
            pub length: Option<i64>,

            pub name: String,

            #[serde(rename = "piece length")]
            pub piece_length: i64,

            pub pieces: ByteBuf,

        #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
        struct Node(String, i64);

        // cspell:disable-next-line
        let b = "d4:infod6:lengthi8e4:name11:minimal.txt12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces1:pe5:nodesll15:";

        let r: Torrent = from_str(b).unwrap();

            Torrent {
                info: Info {
                    name: "minimal.txt".to_string(),
                    pieces: ByteBuf::from(vec![b'p']),
                    piece_length: 1,
                    length: Some(8),
                nodes: Some(vec![
                    ("".to_string(), 56711),
                    ("".to_string(), 13386),

Although you can serialize them:

    fn serialization() {
        #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
        struct Torrent {
            info: Info,

            nodes: Option<Vec<Node>>,

        #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
        struct Info {
            pub length: Option<i64>,

            pub name: String,

            #[serde(rename = "piece length")]
            pub piece_length: i64,

            pub pieces: ByteBuf,

        #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
        struct Node(String, i64);

        let torrent = Torrent {
            info: Info {
                name: "minimal.txt".to_string(),
                pieces: ByteBuf::from(vec![b'p']),
                piece_length: 1,
                length: Some(8),
            nodes: Some(vec![
                Node("".to_string(), 56711),
                Node("".to_string(), 13386),

        // cspell:disable-next-line
        assert_eq!(to_string(&torrent).unwrap(), "d4:infod6:lengthi8e4:name11:minimal.txt12:piece lengthi1e6:pieces1:pe5:nodesll15:");

Both options:

  • nodes: Option<Vec<Node>>, where Node is struct Node(String, i64)
  • nodes: Option<Vec<(String, i64)>>,

produce the same bencoded, but you can only deserialize the second one. The first one gives you only one item in the parent list (one node).

I am still determining if that's a bug. As bencoded format is ordered, there should be no problem assigning the values to the tuple struct fields (0 and 1). The first value should be assigned to the first element in the tuple.

Anyway, ti seems the problem is not even in this package but when the series values are mapped to the final struct (not sure).

Print what field gives a serializa/deserialize error

I was trying to write the PR myself but the code is quite confusing for me sorry.

The idea is that instead of a generic error:

Invalid Type: byte array (expected: a sequence)

A serializing library should give you the position, in this case we should know what field we are trying to parse:

Invalid Type for field "pieces": byte array (expected: a sequence)

RawValue as a type for deserializing

What do you think of a RawValue type like in serde_json?

Use case

I want to use it to deserialize a Torrent struct without having to declare all the fields. I only care for the Infohash so I only want the name of the torrent bdecoded and the raw encoded Infohash. I think this can be an enhancement over declaring all the complex structs and then encoding again.


At the top of my head we have two problems. First of all is that bencoding lacks the structure necessary to just crop the string without context. If we encode a struct with 3 integers: a:1, b:2 and c:3; we get "d1:ai1e1:bi2e1:ci3ee". If I wanted to leave the "c" field raw I cannot just crop the string like "1:ci3ee" because that is not valid bencoding.

Quick solution

Off the top of my head, we could just create a new type that decoded the data to any format without caring what it is and then encodes it to a bytestring.

pub struct RawValue(ByteBuf);

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for RawValue {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<RawValue, D::Error>
        where D: Deserializer<'de>
        struct RawValueVisitor;
        impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for RawValueVisitor {
            type Value = RawValue;

            fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
                write!(formatter, "any valid bencoded value")
            fn visit_i64<E>(self, value: i64) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
                E: serde::de::Error,
                let bytes = to_bytes(&value);
                match bytes {
                    Ok(b) => Ok(RawValue(ByteBuf::from(b))),
                    Err(_) => panic!("Unknown error during serialization and deserialization of RawValue"),

        let value = deserializer.deserialize_any(RawValueVisitor)?;

I have only implemented the visitor for i64 and I would have to implement all the others in the same manner.

I also tried to have deserialize into a generic type without caring what it is (only that is Serializable):

let value: Box<dyn Serialize> = Box::new(Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?);

But it does not work and I cannot figure out how can I use generics to get it working because the trait cannot be made into an object.

I don't know enough about serde and rust to figure out a better solution so, what do you think?

Failure to deserialize into adjacently tagged enum

Minimal reproducible test-case:

fn ser_de_adjacently_tagged_enum() {
    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    #[serde(tag = "t", content = "c")]
    enum Mock {


Fixed in #23

How to unwrap pieces?

Sorry, I am still a new Rust user. I realize it's a wrapper, but I can't seem to convert pieces to an Vec<String>!!!

pieces: b"J\u{a0}\u{c3}\u{fb}\u{ce}q&\u{8c}N\u{fb}V\u{fe}L\u{b1}\u{f4}\"&\u{bc}YY&\u{c5}\u{f5}\u{90}\u{f8}\u{8d}\u{c5}`\u{90}]-,\u{1d}J\u{82}\u{db}9O\u{ae}\u{98}\u{c4}Sa\u{a1}\u{85}\u{8c}7\u{cf}\u{df}w\u{bb}qlH\u{fa}6\u{8f}6\u{5}\u{af}MB\u{89}\u{c7}i\u{94}\u{ee}\u{95}\u{b0}0+v\u{ca}\r\u{f2}\u{a3}Q\u{a1}\n\u{fc}\u{84}\u{ea}\u{c8}-?8>l\u{1b}\u{b9}\u{d5}\u{a0}\u{c1}\u{8b}\\\u{db}\u{c1}\u{b7})\u{af}\u{db}&_\u{87}\u{a7}\u{f6}\u{4}y\u{16}\u{c3}\u{2}\u{98}G\u{9c}\u{ae}\u{3}\u{c9}\u{dc}\u{ec}\u{cb}\u{fa}(W\u{f4}\u{fb}\u{eb}M>\u{9d}}\u{84}~K\u{94}\u{c6}\u{b4}\u{18}\u{f4}\u{fa}\u{83}"

This is my current

Invalid type. Expected `Str`


I just started using serde and serde_bencode, and I get this result from serde_bencode: Syntax(Custom("Invalid type. Expected Str"), 0)

My code:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum QueryType {

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RoutePacket {
    query_type: Option<QueryType>,
    transaction_id: Vec<u8>,
    target_address: Option<String>,
    nodes: Option<String>,

extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_bencode;

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

impl RoutePacket {
    pub fn new_from_slice(v: &[u8]) -> Result<RoutePacket, serde_bencode::error::Error> {

    pub fn to_vec(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, serde_bencode::error::Error> {

mod tests {
    use bencode;
    use super::*;
    use rustc_serialize::Decodable;

    fn test_fn() {
        let s = "d1:q2:fn3:tar16:abcdefghhijklmno4:txid5:12345e".as_bytes();
        let m = RoutePacket {
            query_type: Some(QueryType::FindNode),
            target_address: Some("abcdefghhijklmno".to_owned()),
            nodes: None,
            transaction_id: b"12345".to_vec()

        let s_decoded = RoutePacket::new_from_slice(s).unwrap();
        let m_encoded = m.to_vec();

        assert_eq!(s_decoded, m);
        assert_eq!(m_encoded.unwrap(), s);

    fn test_n() {
        let s = "d1:n80:cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghi1234567qponmlkjihgzyxwvutsrstuvwxyzabcde23456784:txid5:12345e".as_bytes();
        let m = RoutePacket {
            query_type: None,
            target_address: None,
            nodes: Some("cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghi1234567qponmlkjihgzyxwvutsrstuvwxyzabcde2345678".to_owned()),
            transaction_id: b"12345".to_vec(),

        let s_decoded = RoutePacket::new_from_slice(s).unwrap();
        let m_encoded = m.to_vec();

        assert_eq!(s_decoded, m);
        assert_eq!(m_encoded.unwrap(), s);

Am I doing anything wrong?

Update to work with Serde 0.9.X

There are a number of breaking changes when you move from Serde 0.8 -> 0.9. The Serializer trait has changed the most but there are some changes to enum deserialization as well. serde-bencode needs to be reworked to be compatible.

Improve testing coverage

Current coverage report:

Filename                      Regions    Missed Regions     Cover   Functions  Missed Functions  Executed       Lines      Missed Lines     Cover    Branches   Missed Branches     Cover
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                             190                60    68.42%          36                 9    75.00%         237                43    81.86%           0                 0         -                           31                31     0.00%          12                12     0.00%          51                51     0.00%           0                 0         -                            118                43    63.56%          57                13    77.19%         277                59    78.70%           0                 0         -
ser/                      30                28     6.67%          30                28     6.67%         125               119     4.80%           0                 0         -                          174                13    92.53%         112                 5    95.54%         502                19    96.22%           0                 0         -
TOTAL                             543               175    67.77%         247                67    72.87%        1192               291    75.59%           0                 0         -

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