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sleap's Issues

Loading saved skeleton in new project and re-saving doesn't update nodes list


  1. New project
  2. Create skeleton with a few node names in common with saved skeleton
  3. Save
  4. Load saved skeleton
  5. Save
  6. Close and re-open project -> only nodes that existed in step 2 will be present

labels json doesn't add new nodes to:
"skeletons" -> "nodes" list.

IDs of previously existing nodes are updated, but new nodes are not added to this list.

Top-level "nodes" key is updated with new nodes though.

Refactor flow tracker

Implementation needs to more closely match the described algorithm in Xiao et al. (2018):


  • Greedy assignment instead of Hungarian matching
  • Generalize to similarity function and implement OKS/mPCK/etc
  • Add bounding box NMS for shifted instances
  • Break up into parallelizable sub-modules (e.g., loading, optical flow, matching)
  • Algorithmic correctness tests

Additional enhancements:

  • Allow for max tracks to be set and perform best assignments when possible

Loading saved skeleton doesn't trigger unsaved modifications check


  1. Start new project
  2. Load Skeleton from another saved project
  3. File -> Save is grayed out and Ctrl + S doesn't trigger saving.


  • Create any instance with the new skeleton to enable saving.
  • Use File -> Save as... to force overwriting of existing project file.

Adding/deleting node or edge does trigger unsaved modifications.

Auto-resolve paths to "/" version

Replace "" or "\" with "/" always when doing file path resolutions. Store all paths with forward slashes since they will work on all OSes.


  • Finish canonical DenseNet implementation
  • Fix Stacked UNet and generalize the stacked motif
  • MobileNetV1 (and V2 if possible)
  • HRNet [1] [2]
  • The rest of the ResNet, ResNeXT and VGG models from keras_applications

Visual model outputs doesn't release gpu memory

There's no way to remove a model you've loaded and release the gpu memory. Currently it's a bad idea to run active learning after you've used "visualize model outputs", but the gui doesn't tell you this.

Export training package to HDF5

A single HDF5 file analogous to the * training package.

Must include images and all other metadata to exactly unstructure it equivalently to the method.

Stop using deprecated tensorflow.distributions

import tensorflow_probability as tfp
tf.distributions.Normal -> tfp.distributions.Normal


def normal_probs(x, loc, scale):
    log_unnormalized = -0.5 * tf.math.squared_difference(
        x / scale, loc / scale)
    log_normalization = 0.5 * np.log(2. * np.pi) + tf.math.log(scale)
    return tf.exp(log_unnormalized - log_normalization)

should work and avoids the need for a new dependency, but will need to add tests and/or make sure that ndarrays <-> tensors <-> casting is all done properly

Running inference with models for different skeletons fails when initializing

Workflow 1 (works as expected):

  1. Create skeleton that matches a saved model
  2. Run inference on suggested frames using Predict -> Expert Controls -> select saved models
  3. Add new nodes/edges to the skeleton
  4. Initializing instances from predicted instances uses locations of old nodes and positions the new ones randomly as expected.

Workflow 2 (does not work):

  1. Create skeleton that matches a saved model
  2. Add new nodes/edges to the skeleton
  3. Run inference on suggested frames using Predict -> Expert Controls -> select saved models
  4. Initializing instances from predicted instances positions ALL nodes randomly instead of using predicted locations for subset of nodes that the model was trained on.

The only difference here is the order of steps 2 and 3. Is node identity checking based on ID instead of string name?

(I know equality checking probably is, but is matching from a saved model also done this way?)

Do the IDs of previously existing nodes change when the skeleton is modified? If so, how does workflow 1 work after new nodes are added?

GUI-configurable keyboard shortcuts

Would be a nice feature to be able to customize sleap/config/shortcuts.yaml from the GUI.

Can also double as a table to be displayed from the Help -> Keyboard Reference menu item.

file access collision when saving h5 during inference


   File "C:\Users\Sama\Anaconda\envs\sleap\lib\multiprocessing\", line 119, in worker
     result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
   File "c:\code\sleap\sleap\nn\", line 355, in predict
     Labels.save_hdf5(labels, filename=self.output_path)
   File "c:\code\sleap\sleap\io\", line 1076, in save_hdf5
     os.unlink(filename) PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:/Users/Sama/Desktop/abdus-saboor/grant\\models\\190923_104919.inferen ce.h5' """  The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "c:\code\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 344, in run
     with_tracking = with_tracking)
   File "c:\code\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 632, in run_active_learning_pipeline
     run_active_inference(labels, trained_jobs, save_dir, frames_to_predict, with_tracking)
   File "c:\code\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 777, in run_active_inference
   File "C:\Users\Sama\Anaconda\envs\sleap\lib\multiprocessing\", line 644, in get
     raise self._value PermissionError: [Errno 13] Access is denied: 'C:/Users/Sama/Desktop/abdus-saboor/grant\\models\\190923_104919.inference .h5'

Import labels with merging


  1. Open base Labels project
  2. File -> Import labels...
  3. Select another Labels file
  4. (Optional?) Dialog asking how to resolve merge conficts


  • Merging of Video, Track, Instance, PredictedInstance based on .matches() (value-based) identity, adding to appropriate LabeledFrames as needed or importing new ones
  • Implement .matches()-like merging for Suggestions
  • For merge conflicts, possible options for user to select:
    • Accept all from base Labels
    • Accept all from new Labels
    • (For PredictedInstances/Tracks:) Accept higher scoring predictions
  • Merging with mismatching skeletons:
    • Initially, just reject since they won't pass matches() tests
    • Lower priority but should be addressed before closing issue: handle use case of importing Instances/PredictedInstances with partially overlapping skeletons (e.g., 6 node vs 32 node flies), merge skeleton graphs, update existing instances if skeleton changed.

Test data:
These have the same suggestions, videos and predicted instances, but different user-labeled instances with some duplicates

UNet + PAFs

Using this profile results in two exceptions:

    "model": {
        "output_type": 1,
        "backbone": {
            "down_blocks": 3,
            "up_blocks": 3,
            "convs_per_depth": 0,
            "num_filters": 16,
            "kernel_size": 0,
            "upsampling_layers": true,
            "interp": "bilinear"
        "skeletons": null,
        "backbone_name": "UNet"
    "trainer": {
        "val_size": 0.1,
        "optimizer": "adam",
        "learning_rate": "5e-05",
        "amsgrad": true,
        "batch_size": 2,
        "num_epochs": 150,
        "steps_per_epoch": 200,
        "shuffle_initially": true,
        "shuffle_every_epoch": true,
        "augment_rotation": 180,
        "augment_scale_min": 1.0,
        "augment_scale_max": 1.0,
        "save_every_epoch": false,
        "save_best_val": true,
        "reduce_lr_min_delta": "1e-06",
        "reduce_lr_factor": 0.5,
        "reduce_lr_patience": 8,
        "reduce_lr_cooldown": 3,
        "reduce_lr_min_lr": "1e-10",
        "early_stopping_min_delta": "1e-08",
        "early_stopping_patience": 30.0,
        "scale": 1.0,
        "sigma": 5.0,
        "instance_crop": true,
        "bounding_box_size": 0,
        "min_crop_size": 0,
        "negative_samples": 0
    "labels_filename": null,
    "run_name": "",
    "save_dir": null,
    "best_model_filename": null,
    "newest_model_filename": null,
    "final_model_filename": null

This first prints this exception after selecting the file from the GUI:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 105, in <lambda>
    self.form_widget.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.update_gui())
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 218, in update_gui
    paf_job, _ = self._get_current_job(ModelOutputType.PART_AFFINITY_FIELD)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 246, in _get_current_job
    job_filename, job = self.job_options[model_type][idx]
IndexError: list index out of range

Which doesn't prevent the profile from being selected or subsequently used for training. After going through, this is what happens:

Use tf.cast instead.                                                                   the reporter controller/context.                        the training controller socket/context.                         
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                             
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\multiprocessing\", line 119, in worker              
    result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))                                                       
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\nn\", line 356, in train                                     
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\keras\legacy\", line 91, in wrap
    return func(*args, **kwargs)                                                               
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\", line 1418, in fit_
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\", line 40,
 in fit_generator                                                                              
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\keras\engine\", line 509, in _make
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\keras\legacy\", line 91, in wrap
    return func(*args, **kwargs)                                                               
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\keras\", line 501, in get_update
    self.updates.append(K.update(vhat, vhat_t))                                                
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\keras\backend\", line 97
3, in update                                                                                   
    return tf.assign(x, new_x)                                                                 
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\", line 224
, in assign                                                                                    
    return ref.assign(value, name=name)                                                        
AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'assign'                                      
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:                           
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                             
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 337, in run                                        
    with_tracking = with_tracking)                                                             
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 617, in run_active_learning_pipeline               
    trained_jobs = run_active_training(labels, training_jobs, save_dir)                        
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 692, in run_active_training                        
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\multiprocessing\", line 644, in get                 
    raise self._value                                                                          
AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'assign'                                      

Oddly, this training profile for PAFs using UNet does work and trains successfully:

    "model": {
        "output_type": 1,
        "backbone": {
            "down_blocks": 3,
            "up_blocks": 3,
            "convs_per_depth": 0,
            "num_filters": 16,
            "kernel_size": 5,
            "upsampling_layers": true,
            "interp": "bilinear"
        "skeletons": null,
        "backbone_name": "UNet"
    "trainer": {
        "val_size": 0.15,
        "optimizer": "adam",
        "learning_rate": "5e-05",
        "amsgrad": true,
        "batch_size": 2,
        "num_epochs": 150,
        "steps_per_epoch": 200,
        "shuffle_initially": true,
        "shuffle_every_epoch": true,
        "augment_rotation": 180,
        "augment_scale_min": 1.0,
        "augment_scale_max": 1.0,
        "save_every_epoch": false,
        "save_best_val": true,
        "reduce_lr_min_delta": "1e-06",
        "reduce_lr_factor": 0.5,
        "reduce_lr_patience": 8,
        "reduce_lr_cooldown": 3,
        "reduce_lr_min_lr": "1e-10",
        "early_stopping_min_delta": "1e-08",
        "early_stopping_patience": 30.0,
        "scale": 1.0,
        "sigma": 5.0,
        "instance_crop": true,
        "bounding_box_size": 0,
        "min_crop_size": 0,
        "negative_samples": 0
    "labels_filename": null,
    "run_name": "",
    "save_dir": null,
    "best_model_filename": null,
    "newest_model_filename": null,
    "final_model_filename": null

So I guess it's an issue with the kernel_size parameter. I think this defaults to 0 when using the LEAP CNN since it's not an attribute of the model. Maybe some parameter validation that's model-specific would be useful?

Unclear why this results in a GUI error though. And how the model manages to get constructed in the first place?

Predicting on suggestions using models from another project

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open labels project at: M:\talmo\wt_gold_labeling\pilot_test_0910.json
    If necessary, just create a new project with these videos:

And this skeleton:


The mount is: M: <-> \\\fileset-mmurthy <-> /tigress/MMURTHY

  1. Predict -> Expert Controls and select the following models:

Generate some suggestions for Predict On (or just use random frames).

Inference should start running, but first bug:

  • Crash when serializing to the temp(?) inference.h5 file if the models/ subfolder does not exist. Save to temp folder using tempdir or make sure the models/ subfolder exists.

If creating the subfolder manually, then:

  • No crash after inference, console shows instances are detected but nothing appears in GUI on any of the suggestion frames
  • Saving the project results in exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 1314, in saveProject
    compress = compress)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\io\", line 803, in save_json
    d = labels.to_dict()
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\io\", line 720, in to_dict
    dicts['labels'] = label_cattr.unstructure(self.labeled_frames)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 139, in unstructure
    return self._unstructure_func.dispatch(obj.__class__)(obj)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in _unstructure_seq
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in <genexpr>
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 204, in unstructure_attrs_asdict
    rv[name] = dispatch(v.__class__)(v)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in _unstructure_seq
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in <genexpr>
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\", line 696, in unstructure_instance
    for field in attr.fields(x.__class__)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\", line 697, in <dictcomp>
    if not in ['_points', 'frame']}
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 139, in unstructure
    return self._unstructure_func.dispatch(obj.__class__)(obj)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in _unstructure_seq
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in <genexpr>
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\io\", line 700, in <lambda>
    label_cattr.register_unstructure_hook(Node, lambda x: str(self.nodes.index(x)))
ValueError: Node(name='head', weight=1.0) is not in list
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\gui\", line 1314, in saveProject
    compress = compress)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\io\", line 803, in save_json
    d = labels.to_dict()
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\io\", line 720, in to_dict
    dicts['labels'] = label_cattr.unstructure(self.labeled_frames)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 139, in unstructure
    return self._unstructure_func.dispatch(obj.__class__)(obj)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in _unstructure_seq
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in <genexpr>
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 204, in unstructure_attrs_asdict
    rv[name] = dispatch(v.__class__)(v)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in _unstructure_seq
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in <genexpr>
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\", line 696, in unstructure_instance
    for field in attr.fields(x.__class__)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\", line 697, in <dictcomp>
    if not in ['_points', 'frame']}
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 139, in unstructure
    return self._unstructure_func.dispatch(obj.__class__)(obj)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in _unstructure_seq
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\sleap\lib\site-packages\cattr\", line 225, in <genexpr>
    return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
  File "d:\sleap\sleap\io\", line 700, in <lambda>
    label_cattr.register_unstructure_hook(Node, lambda x: str(self.nodes.index(x)))
ValueError: Node(name='head', weight=1.0) is not in list

Gaussian blur on confmaps after upsampling

On multiscale models that output tiny confmaps, if we blur the confmaps we aren't finding peaks. For now I've disabled blur if upsample_factor is set. If we're upsampling, it would probably be better if we apply the blur after the cubic resize.

code in sleap/nn/

test case:

python sleap/nn/ /tigress/MMURTHY/Brandon/FoxPdata/video/CS-males/190701_102018_18159211_20190701_102018/000000.mp4 -m /tigress/MMURTHY/Brandon/sLEAP/models/190812_144937.centroids.UNet.n=399.json -m /tigress/MMURTHY/Brandon/sLEAP/models/190812_135728.confmaps.UNet.n=794.json -m /tigress/MMURTHY/Brandon/sLEAP/models/190812_141241.pafs.LeapCNN.n=794.json --frame 123

Error handling when saving

Alert user in gui when a save fails. (This was happening with a file where the user didn't have write permissions on a file that I had generated on the cluster.)

update track spawn frame used by gui

currently gui uses track.spawned_on which doesn't get updated (e.g., when user removes instances from a given track). we should instead use Labels.get_track_occupany(video) since this is updated.

Better random node initialization

Explicit options when initializing (from scratch or when creating from predicted instance):

  • Copy from nearest frame
  • Random
  • Mean pose (average of pose coordinates for existing Instances relative to centroid; centroid in random location)
  • Force directed

Track identity swap

If the names of the tracks are changed so that the alphabetic order changes, then the track assignments get messed up during save/open. Maybe we're using index from before alphabetic re-order to access track list after re-order? It appears that bug only occurs when saving/loading labels in h5 format.

Suggestion sorting based on inference scores/metrics

Add suggestion sorting for suggested frames with predictions. Can just be mean score of all predicted instances.

In GUI: extra column in suggestions that is sortable.

This also enables a random --> predict --> sort by worst score type of workflow.

Unify Predictor inference modes

  • All modes should share a common interface to GPU-based peak finding
  • Image NMS vs global argmax should be a generic flag
  • Loading should happen asynchronously from downstream processing when possible
  • For modes with multiple models, a single TF execution graph should be built to avoid multiple transfers of the same data

Show track shortcuts when proofreading

When in "proofreading" mode (predictions showing in track colors?), show the list of tracks w/ numbers corresponding to keyboard shortcut for setting track. Maybe hover this over video when control/command held done?

Instance class method naming

Instance.points() and points_array() should be attribute getters or renamed with verb ("get_*")

Since points_array has an argument, rename to verb form and maybe create a convenience property method.

points() should just be property method.

Refactor PAF matching

  • Decouple line integrals from matching stages. Line integrals could probably be trivially parallelized also.
  • Cover cases of disjoint subgraphs, cycles, etc
  • Tests


  • Check for node centrality or use best scores to determine how to walk through the graph?

Refactor module layout and/or expose common high level API to base module

At a minimum, these should be available at the top-level:

import sleap as slp

slp.Video  # also subclasses? or maybe just through class/static methods?

Also inference, though Predictor might need some refactoring to be practical

Demo notebooks

  • Data input formats and I/O (basically demonstrating how to work with Video class and Labels for programmatic data import)
  • Interactive (synchronous) training (using Predictor in a notebook)
  • Programmatic inference and saving out data usable for analysis. Perhaps also with visualization if it's notebook compatible

Proofreading line plots of auxiliary measures

These are intended to be displayed above the trackbar and used to guide manual proofreading

  • Sum/max of total displacement of all points from frame to frame between instances of the same track
  • Sum/min of instance matching scores
  • Sum/min of track assignment scores
  • Sum/min of predicted point confidences
  • Count of predicted points

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