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msdialworkbench's Introduction

MsdialWorkbench contents

MS-DIAL - software for untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics

The program supports data processings for any type of chromatography / scan type mass spectrometry data, and the assembly is licensed under the CC-BY 4.0.

MS-FINDER - software for structure elucidation of unknown spectra with hydrogen rearrangement (HR) rules

The program supports molecular formula prediction, metabolie class prediction, and structure elucidation for EI-MS and MS/MS spectra, and the assembly is licensed under the CC-BY 4.0.

From e-mail to GitHub (for open science)

If you would like to discuss with us (for feedback, bug reports, and questions), we would appreciate it if you could do it on or (instead of e-mail).

However, if the discussion is something that cannot be done openly by any means, please email [email protected].

How to build MS-DIAL5 Desktop Application (for Windows)

Installing Visual Studio and cloning MsdialWorkbench source code

  1. Download and install Visual Studio Community 2022. (In the Workloads selection, choose .NET desktop development. )
  2. Git clone this repo with git clone

Building MsdialWorkbench with Visual Studio

  1. Double click MsdialWorkbench.sln in the cloned repo.
  2. Right-click on MsdialWorkbench in the Solution Explorer.
  3. Click Manage NuGet Packages for Solution....
  4. Add the Assemblies folder in this repo to the Package source:.
  5. Select Debug vendor unsupported from the Solution Configurations pull-down menu.
  6. Select MsdialGuiApp from the Startup Projects pull-down menu.
  7. Click ▶ MsdialGuiApp button on the right side of 8.


Lead developer: Hiroshi Tsugawa (TUAT/RIKEN)

Current main developers: Hiroshi Tsugawa (TUAT/RIKEN), Mikiko Takahashi (RIKEN), and Yuki Matsuzawa (TUAT)

Past developers: Diego Pedrosa (UC Davis), Ipputa Tada (SOKENDAI)


See the tutorial page:

About LBM file in MS-DIAL project

The LBM (*.LBM2) file contains the in silico MS/MS spectra of lipids. There are currently three files named with 'FiehnO (Oliver Fiehn laboratory)', 'AritaM (Makoto Arita laboratory)', and 'SaitoK (Kazuki Saito laboratory)'. These files contain the same MS/MS spectra information but have different predicted retention times which were optimized for the indivisual method. One of the '.LBM' files which contains lipid's in silico MS/MS should be also in the same folder as 'MSDIAL.exe' for Lipidomics project.


MRMPROBS software suite is sutable for targeted metabolomics and lipidomics, and it also supports MRM/SRM data.

Source code license

The source code is licensed under GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (LGPL) version 3. See LGPL.txt for full text of the license. This software uses third-party software. A full list of third-party software licenses in MsdialWorkbench is in the file THIRD-PARTY-LICENSE-README.txt.

msdialworkbench's People


yukimatsuzawa avatar kozo2 avatar htsugawa avatar mikikot113 avatar grifs avatar ssmehta avatar namisakamoto avatar rcannood avatar takakioka avatar motohiroogawa avatar bujee415 avatar ondrej-kuda avatar yotodo avatar tipputa avatar todorokiyo avatar


 avatar Şahabettin selek avatar  avatar Richard avatar Xueyao Wang avatar Eelblow avatar V avatar YANGJJ93_MS avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar longyingda avatar Miao YU avatar Marion Pang avatar  avatar jiankun yan avatar  avatar YaV avatar Zuber avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar y.o. avatar Prasad Phapale avatar  avatar  avatar Lefteri Kapnisakis avatar chenziru avatar Yu-Fong, Peng avatar szonebit avatar  avatar Zhimin Zhang avatar Yu_wt avatar Xupeng (Tony) Tong avatar EMCP avatar Carson Farmer avatar Niral Maruda avatar Ethan Bass avatar Jun Yang avatar Hualin Liu (刘华林) avatar  avatar Soumya Tarafder avatar Markus Fleischauer avatar Chen Yulin avatar kokitsuyuzaki avatar Eric Janusson avatar Helge Hecht avatar  avatar Qizhi Su avatar Ankush Singh avatar


 avatar Hualin Liu (刘华林) avatar  avatar Matyash avatar  avatar

msdialworkbench's Issues

Release distribution with GitHub Releases

We will move the release distribution from to this repo's GitHub Releases.

  • Change the target of FetchVersionDescriptionDocument in VersionUpdateNotificationService.cs from RIKEN to
  • Update the json serialization method for

Using peak list result's MS1 isotopes column to extract isotopic distribution

Dear MS-DIAL developers,

I am trying to use the MS1 isotopes column in the peak list results to extract the isotopic distribution (M0, M1, M2 ratio).

For MS-DIAL 4.8, I am curious about how the MS1 isotopes data are generated. Specifically, is the isotope data based on only the most intense slice, or is it derived from the average across the entire retention time of the peak?

In the case of MS-DIAL 5.1, I am wondering why the "Isotope region" setting is fixed at 2 Da when exporting the peak list results (refer to the figure) though I can set the region wider in MS-DIAL 4.8. Consequently, only the intensities of M0 and M1 isotopes are displayed, as M2's m/z is slightly above 2 Da. However, to calculate the flux, we require data for all M0, M1, and M2 isotope ratios.
Screenshot (412)

`No unable version of libssl was found` in MsfinderConsoleApp

Msfinder Console App for Linux version 3.52
outputs the following message and stops.

knishida@DESKTOP-T08EQK0:~/msftmp/msf352lin$ ./MsfinderConsoleApp predict -i Data -o . -m MsfinderConsoleApp-Param.txt
Loading library files..
No usable version of libssl was found

Documentation and other information regarding pre-installation of libssl is required.

timsTOF data causes MS-DIAL version 5 to crash but not MS-DIAL version 4

I am creating an issue that was raised on by user mecolley which I have also experienced myself. Here is a link to the thread:

The issue is that TIMS data causes MS-DIAL version 5 to crash. The OP on the thread I linked mentioned this occurs with .ibf files, but I have experienced this with the raw .d files as well. I can't recall which version exactly, but sometimes I have this occur in some of the version 4.9.xxxx of MS-DIAL. Usually if I struggle long enough troubleshooting, I can get it to process, but it seldom works the first time.

In general, I think MS-DIAL struggles to process timsTOF data. It's not clear if this is on MS-DIAL or Bruker side of things.. I've also had trouble processing TIMS data with other software as well. I have observed this with timsTOF Flex data, and mecolley says this occurs with both timsTOF Pro and timsTOF Flex data. Thanks!!!

Take care,

MSDIAL crashes for no peak information during GC-MS alignment

Dear MS-DIAL developers,

I am currently using MS-DIAL version 4.90 for GC-MS data processing.
The software crashed during the alignment step. We have noticed that during the peak detection step, some samples have not been run, and if we unticked "Together with alignment" and when we try to open those unrun samples, we get "There is no peak information in 'the sample'. So please select other files or check ion mode for it and re-analyzed it with the ion mode setting". We have tried to lower the "Minimum peak height" to even 10 amplitude, the problem remain.

The weird thing is that when we select a smaller subset (including those unrun samples), it works perfectly. Besides, we can open those files by Chemstation with no problem. which means that the data files should be fine.

Another thing is that when we try different times, different files have problems. Sometimes files A and B have problems, othertimes, files C and D have problems, which makes me quite confused.

in our experience, similar thing happened sometimes but not always.

We also tried Version 4.7, 4.8 and other computers, the problem remains.

Any clue?

Thanks a lot, in advance.


are raw data and results saved in a server?

Dear MS-DIAL developers,

I would like to use MS DIAL for processing and analysis of a big project where data are confidential. My question is whether the raw data files I upload and the projects I create, are saved in a server or any other space other than locally to my PC?
I run the .exe file every time that I process a dataset. Would it make any difference to install the app - would that make a difference where data are stored? Is there a dosumentation for my question?

My best regards

Problem with MS-CleanR peak filtering in MS Dial version5

Dear all,
I am trying to use the last version of MS Dial (vers. 5.1.230517) but once I come to the MS-CleanR peak filtering step, when I click on Apply after putting the different parameters (blank ratio, incorrect mass, RDS, RMD), nothing happens.
Can you please help me?
Thank you!

Questions about MSDial in command line


Thanks for your help and your great software :)

I have 2 projects with MSDial ; and for each project, i have 1 "issue" :(

1st project :

This project is based on Windows app. I would like to performed my GCMS treatment with MSDial (4.8) in command line, for optimize my results. For that, i need to have the possibiliy to export the aligned file (Area and Height).
How i can do that ? Actually i just obtain 1 .msdial file per sample. In linux version, i obtain this files, but not in windows.

2nd project :

This project is based on Linux app. For routine treatment, i have one linux server. All data treatment is perfect.
But, when i increase the number of thread, nothing change.
How i can increase that ?

Thanks again for your help,

Revert old column-wide export format in MS-FINDER.

The export format of MS-FINDER has become row-wide in version 3.6.0.
(We received feedback that the SMILES column was missing from the output.)

However, due to user requests, we will add an option to export the old column-wide format.

MsdialConsolelApp.exe for version5

I will create MsdialConsolelApp.exe for
The folder structure of that project will mimic .
Thus, the task list (to be implemented) is as follows

High priority

Mid priority

  • TBD

Low priority

  • TBD

Class ID and Sample Type Assignment in Console App


I am currently trying to use the MsdialConsoleApp.exe from version 4.9.221218 . I was able to set all the needed parameters in a txt file, however I am not sure how to assign the sample type (Blank/QC/Samples) and the Class id to different the different files in order to analyse biological groups using the method file for the command line (It would be of relevance for various settings in the alignment step).
If there is such possibility to assign it through the method file I would appreciate any help

Thanks a lot

P.S. Thanks for all the effort in making a user friendly Application for Metabolomics/Lipidomics


extracting feature list created from ms/ms fragment ion searcher


I was wondering if there is a way to export just the MS features contained within a given ms/ms fragment search? If not, is there an alternative approach within the msdial software by which i can mark the compounds found within the ms/ms fragment search prior to exporting the feature list?

I am currently using msdial v 5.1 .23

Thank you,

Warm regards,



I am trying to combine MS-DIAL preprocessing and SIRIUS/CANOPUS annotation in one workflow.

For this I take exported .mat spectra from MS-Dial vaersion 5.1.230517 to SIRIUS and want to perform batch processing.

Problem 1)
This bugs since Sirius expects no “null” in case no library annotation was made before.

I sent this to Markus and he wanted to change something on the SIRIUS side and asked me to delete the “null” entries as a workaround. This works but should be reararranged either in MS-DIAL or in SIRIUS.

Problem 2)
I next provide one entry of the .mat output of MS-Dial:
ID=613 is the alignment ID of MSDIAL but it is not separated from the mz mass (640.3454) in the NAME section
and the latter it is not indicated as "precursor mz" .

NAME: Unknown|ID=613640.3454|RT=13.113
PRECURSORMZ: 640.34544
RETENTIONTIME: 13.1132666666667
SMILES: null
IONMODE: Negative
Num Peaks: 11
640.34544 2605
640.40443 20
641.06957 21
641.34909 893
641.39291 18
641.4231 30
641.69005 17
642.26588 24
642.29664 19
642.34746 184
642.38204 29
Num Peaks: 22
122.00124 6
152.99574 17
196.0379 16
214.04885 5
238.04797 4
268.0583 15
281.2483 144
321.15853 2
340.33212 3
413.77283 2
415.28565 3
416.46199 2
421.19309 2
427.44831 3
446.4576 2
455.34643 2
478.29346 56
497.25931 3
520.3027 8
550.31365 4
622.32911 3
640.34624 208

For the corresopnding .tsv output file of SIRIUS after SIRIUS/CANOPUS processing this has the following consequence
for the feature ID.

Note that 614 is the SIRIUSID and ID613 represents the AlignmentID of MSDIAL....

In case MSDial had annotated something, this AlignmentID is replaced be the metabolite name here.
In this case the AlignmentID of MSDial is no longer present in the NAME section, that is the MSDIAL ID would be lost
as information is taken later from the NAME section.
(i.e. the PEAKID is found only under comments throughout all library entiries of the .mat export...)

Using workflows from mzMine to SIRIUS the final FeatureID in SIRIUS is actually a concatenation of
the SIRIUSID+FILENAME +PEAKID of the data source.

I think this should be better aligned between the individual pipelines
starting with the output .mat format of MSDIAL.

MS-DIAL command line

I am asking for a guidance to operate MS-DIAL ver 4 using a command line in a python code

Allignment IDs overwriten by updated MS-DIAL version

Bug report:
I have multiple versions of MS-DIAL installed for continuity with different ongoing lipidomics projects. I discovered that a reexported alignment result from one of my projects did not match the export I had originally generated months before. It had the same alignment IDs and metabolite names and such, but reference mass, reference rt, formula, ontology, INCHIKEY, and SMILES were all nonsensical for the listed metabolite name. After some testing, I’ve realized that if you save an MS-DIAL project, load it later and rerun the identification with a different version’s lipid library, the previous alignment result’s IDs will be replaced with lipids from the other version's library, which won’t necessarily correspond to the original IDs. When exporting the alignment parameters, it also replaces the library name, so there’s no record of the original processing and its IDs. This seems to be true for all the versions I’ve been using (4.70, 4.90, and 4.9221218).

Installation problem database authentic standards

I just recently started using MS-dial as an analysis tool. To use this I want to use the authentic standards available on the website as a reference but after downloading both positive and negative, I have been unable to install them. The following notification always pops up as also can be seen in the attachment: "This patch package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package". Is there any way to solve this problem?

Screenshot 2023-11-02 234633

Big difference in version EAD lipid identification 5.1.230222 vs 5.1.230807

Hi All,
I would like to highlight an important issue I recently faced, especially for EAD identification.
I am processing exactly the same sample which were acquired with sciex zeno tof 7600 DDA with EAD fragmentation.
In the version 5.1.230222 many PE lipids were identified however in version 5.1230807 they are all gone. (Slide 1) I can see some of the PE species only if I click suggested. I can share the files and open for discussion.
Thanks for your time.

MSDIAL 5 problem.pptx

Parameter setting of medial command line

Hi all,

I plan to use medial command line to do alignment since I have too many samples. But I have 2 questions.

  1. How to specify the order of the sample sequence in ms-dial command line in the parameter setting? The sequence of the output file looks randomly but I want to set the file type and class of each sample.
  2. I have added map file in parameter setting which is shown in the attached photo. But how to make sure the msp file is used and the compound ID managed in the output msdial file from command line.

Thank you very much!

Export function for peak quality score

The ms-dial program calculates several scores to estimate the peak quality, and it is used for deconvolution actually.
However, there is no export function for the scores so that users can evaluate.
(So I will add an export function for it).


  • MetaClean: A Machine Learning-based Classifier for Reduced False Positive Peak Detection in Untargeted LC–MS Metabolomics Data in the journal named Metabolomics.

MSDIAL ver.4.9.221218 cannot find libssl in Ubuntu version 22.04.

Discussed in #118

In an environment with Ubuntu version 22.04, the following issue occurs.
Installing the libssl-dev package does not resolve it.
On the other hand, in an Ubuntu 20.04 environment,
MsdialConsoleApp works even if the libssl-dev package is not installed.

./MsdialConsoleApp lcmsdda -i ./LCMS_DDA/ -o ./LCMS_DDA/ -m ./LCMS_DDA/Msdial-lcms-dda-Param.txt -p
Loading library files..
Start processing..
Reading data...
No usable version of libssl was found

MS-DIAL crushes for unknown reason - Windows

It seems we need some help with MS-DIAL software, Windows version.
The attached file is a screenshot from version 5.1.230517 and when we press the "Next" button on that screen the program thinks for some seconds then closes without any error messages. We also have tried version 4.9.221218 but the effect was similar. The computer where it all happens has 32 Gb RAM, last generation of i7 CPU, lots of free disk space and Win10 Pro. Turning off the antivirus software does not help.
My colleague runs the software successfully on a similar computer. Can you suggest any ways to solve the problem?

Thank you in advanced!

Problem with export normalised data using version 5

Dear all,
When I export normalised data from MS-DIAL, the output .csv file often appear in a confused format.

When I export normalised Area data, for a sample, each cell of the corresponding column should represent the lc-ms area corresponding to a substance of it, but in the data I exported, other sample names, FALSE, -1, data with ':' and so on are often appeared in the column, which is strange. A simple example is shown below.

average RT average MZ sample1 sample2
8.879 335.04319 80485.7791564993 92384.1259323545
25.266 112.986 6907.01276694368 -1
2.023 244.96782 A6.22.3.1 28173.6231583602
12.165 282.06686 FALSE 6.817:1000.39108

What is the reason for these confusing formats? Can you please help me?
Thank you very much!

Total Score Interpretation

Dear MS-DIAL developers,

I would need some of your help to understand the 'total score' in the exported alignment result.
I read the tutorial and the publication about the equations and how the total similarity is calculated with all four scores.
In my exported files (please see an example attached) I see the 'RT similarity', 'm/z similarity' and the dot and reverse dot products used for the MSMS similarity but I do not see the isotope ratio similarity column. Why is that please?
Another thing I am struggling with, is how to interpret the total score column. What would be the 'perfect' similarity score when using all four scores, like in this example here?
I get, for example, in the total score column a value of 1.64, how can I interpret this, if this is a high score or not?
exported alignment result.xlsx

Thank you and best regards

Reference for demo data


Is there any dummy .wiff available for testing? I am using the current version of MS-Dial. But, couldn't find any demo folder for mass spectrometry data. Any link/reference of the archive in the would be highly helpful!


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