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Add new increment filter to Numbers

I'm using Sourcery, I can't create my own filters and I've tried many times to increment an Integer, I'd like to ask if it's possible to add this as a new filter for numbers here at StencilSwiftKit (or please help me how I'd achieve this without a new filter)

For context what I'd like to do in Stencil:
{{ forloop.counter + 5 }}

Unfortunately this is not yet supported (see for reference: stencilproject/Stencil#117)

I'd like to propose a new filter that would look similar to this:
{{ forloop.counter|increment:5 }}

Any thoughts? Again if I can do that with the existing filter please let me know

Add a removeNewLinesAndSpaces filter

So we can write complex if conditions like the {% macro className %} in multiple lines to make it more readable and have it compact the output. Until Stencil supports ejs-line newline-stripping tags

Map only works with strings

I am trying to filter an array using map. In this case I filter Sourcery variables:

{% map type.allVariables into vars using variable %}{% if variable.readAccess != "private" and variable.readAccess != "fileprivate" and not variable.isComputed %}{{ variable }}{% endif %}{% endmap %}

Afterwards I want to print these filtered vars.
{% for variable in vars where variable != "" %}{{ }}: {{ }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}

A get following Exception:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<TtGCs19_SwiftStringStorageVs6UInt16 0x7fb2a2df64f0> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key name.'

My guess is the problem lies here:

let mappedValues: [String] = try values.enumerated().map { index, item in

The MapNode expects the mapped 0utput to be a String.
I could dig into this and provide a fix if you recognize it as an issue.

generating swift method signatures / extra comma

while I have been able to get some code smashed out using stencil

I'm using this code

func {{ op._storage._name}}(scope:Scope, {% for arg in op._storage._inputArg %} {{}}:tf.Output,{{arg.type}} {% endfor %}) -> ({% for arg in op._storage._outputArg %} {{}}:tf.Output, {% endfor %}) {

but end up with this extra , at end
func AccumulatorApplyGradient(scope:Scope, handle:tf.Output, local_step:tf.Output, gradient:tf.Output**,** ) -> () {

I noticed this c++ template which is used to generate swift classes in antlr has this syntax

public static let <lexer.tokens:{k | =<lexer.tokens.(k)>}; separator=", ", wrap, anchor>

it might be worth cherry picking some of the logic here.

Slightly unrelated / (and not an issue) but you maybe interested
This is every language gramma file from antlr spat out as swift tokens / parsers

These base tokens / parsers are generated via c++ template(stg) in antlr then java.

I had envisaged one day that these could be generated from swift.
perhaps with this library

Pool swift reserved words en masse into a single list.

it would be useful to have a list of swift reserved words that that could be separately maintained.

I came across this just today

kind of fits the bill.

Having trouble using the java / c++ code generation tool with antlr.
being able to plug in a list would pay dividends down the track.

Build failure using Swift 4.2 from Xcode 10 Beta

I'm running into an issue building StencilSwiftKit with SPM using Swift 4.2.

/.build/checkouts/StencilSwiftKit.git-5443537928707802040/Sources/SwiftIdentifier.swift:16:55: error: the compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions
private let headRanges: [CountableClosedRange<Int>] = [

It looks like the same issue was detected by the Swift source compatibility suite:

Has anyone else seen this / know of a work around?

Test Swift 4.2 (or drop support for it)

As discussed in #127, we need to decide what to do with Swift 4.2.

Do we expect lots of people to still use Swift 4.2? Any platform that supports Swift 4.2 also supports Swift 5, so we may as well drop it?

defect on getters / setters - iterating over nodes in context

I have confirmed this sample working fine.

stencil string 
{% for article in operations %}
    <li>{{ article.title }} by {{ }}</li>
{% endfor %} 

struct Article {
        let name: String
        let author: String

let articleContext = [
        "articles": [
            Article(name: "Migrating from OCUnit to XCTest", author: "Kyle Fuller"),
            Article(name: "Memory Management with ARC", author: "Kyle Fuller"),

 let environment = stencilSwiftEnvironment()
 let template = StencilSwiftTemplate(templateString:stencilString,environment:environment)
 let generated = try template.render(["articles": articleContext["articles"]])

For my case, I have some swift protobuffer classes that are auto generated by Apple.

here's the actual class

Basically it implements SwiftProtobuf.Message
public struct Tensorflow_OpDef: SwiftProtobuf.Message (protocol only)

from what I can see - the only difference between the
struct Article
struct Tensorflow_OpDef

is the getters / setters

public var name: String {
  get {return _storage._name}
  set {_uniqueStorage()._name = newValue}

when I reference the internal code / then it works.

{% for op in operations %}
name:{{ op.**_storage._name** }}
{% endfor %}


{% for op in operations %}
name:{{ }}
{% endfor %}

doesn't render any results.

(I get that this may not be fixable. but maybe some warnings could be added to help debug.)

screen shot 2017-05-31 at 3 21 26 pm

Calling macro with a parameter invoking a filter crashes

So I have a macro
{% macro someMacro someParameter %}

And when I attempt to invoke it like this:
{% call someMacro myType.storedVariables|annotated:"someAnnotation" %}

I get this fatal exception:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<SourceryRuntime.Struct 0x7f94a2e1a5a0> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key storedVariables|annotated:"json".'

Calling the macro without the filter on storedVariables works just fine:
{% call someMacro myType.storedVariables %}

question: how to combine keys of multiple dictionaries in a single list and remove duplicates

hello swiftgen team!
i am working with stencil in the context of a custom swiftgen template.
i am attempting to iterate over a list of dictionaries and extract all the unique keys which will then represent the cases of an enum.
something like this:

{% macro extractUniqueKeys dictionaries %}
public enum AnalyticsPropertyKey: String {
  {% for dict in dictionaries %}
  {% for key,value in dict %}
  // Only want to execute setting key name and declaring case if I haven't already found that key!
  {% set keyName %}{{key|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|lowerFirstWord|escapeReservedKeywords}}{% endset %}
    case {{keyName}} = "{{key}}"
  {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

Is there a way to do this? I also asked on the stencil repo, in case that's the better forum. thank you!

new release

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹

Currently StencilSwiftKit stable branch depends on Stencil 0.14.0, which depends on PathKit 1.0.0. But last tagged version (StencilSwiftKit 2.7.2) depends on Stencil 0.13.1, which depends on PathKit 0.9.0. The change of major version in PathKit makes it impossible to use a fixed StencilSwiftKit version, if you also depend on other packages that depend on PathKit 1.0.0.

Would it be possible to have a new release of StencilSwiftKit so it is possible to depend on it and on PathKit 1.0.0 at the same time without having to use StencilSwiftKit stable branch?

How can I keep {{ }} in stencil?

want a output with {{ }} like {{(key)}}, how can I keep {{ }} ?

args.forEach { key, value in
result = result.replacingOccurrences(of: "{{(key)}}", with: value)

but output comes as:
args.forEach { key, value in
result = result.replacingOccurrences(of: "", with: value)

Make `Filter`s public

Is there a particular reason the filters are scoped internal? It would be nice if they were public to use the filters directly in other customs filters.

Create enum from multiple JSONs removing duplicated

I have this simple custom template:

// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen โ€”

{% if files %}
{% macro fileBlock file %}
  {% call documentBlock file.document %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro documentBlock document %}
  {% for key,value in %}
  {% if key == "tests" %}
  {% for testKey,testValue in %}
    {%- set propertyName %}{{testKey|lowerFirstWord}}{% endset -%}
    case {{propertyName}} = "{{testKey}}"
  {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
import Foundation

// MARK: - ABTest Names

enum ABTestNames: String {
{% for file in files %}
    {% call fileBlock file %}
{% endfor %}

{% endif %}

It reads from multiple JSON files and creates an enum with the keys of the elements in the "tests" property.
The problem is that some of these keys are the same in different files and I want to remove the duplicated elements.

Is there a way to do that?

Map Node is not working as expected

I have been trying to use the map function but without success.
I used this documentation sample

// map the list without item name
{% map list into result1 %}{{maploop.item|uppercase}}{% endmap %} 

// map with item name
{% map list into result2 using item %}{{item}}{{item|uppercase}}{% endmap %} 

// map using the counter variable
{% map list into result3 using item %}{{maploop.counter}} - {{item}}{% endmap %} 

This is what it is rendering, always empty.

// map the list without item name

// map with item name

// map using the counter variable

Change our filters to accept a `mode` parameter instead of a boolean.

Some of our current filters accept a boolean parameter, which isn't always clear "what" that parameter is for:

  • camelToSnakeCase: lowercase the components or not
  • snakeToCamelCase: trim empty components

For some of our other filters, we already use a "mode" string parameter, that says a bit more about what it does:

  • removeNewlines: all or leading
  • swiftIdentifier: normal or pretty

Suggestions for modes:

  • camelToSnakeCase: lowercase or none
  • snakeToCamelCase: trim-empty or none

reusable macro templates

I've a lot of similar templates with a lot of common macros, I'd like to just have a copy of each single macro stored inside a common file included by all templates. Unfortunately it looks like I can't just {% include .. %} a macro template and use the macros defined there. When I do call them they are not defined. Is it possible to export macros in a way that could be used from the "outer" context ? thanks in advance

Allow to use strings filters on CustomStringConvertable

This was proposed in #58. The idea is that at the moment all strings filters from Filters+Strings... expect String parameter and throw exception if it's not satisfied, however we could change this rule to accept all parameters that can be described as a string, which CustomStringConvertable is made for ๐Ÿ˜„

We'll also make use of it in Sourcery

swiftIdentifier converts all caps to title case

I'm currently using this through SwiftGen for generating localized strings.

If I have the strings PDF-title it returns the identifier PDFTitle, but if it's passed PDF it results in the string Pdf which isn't the correct capitalization for an abbreviation. It seems like there is a difference in behaviour if the passed string has some capitals vs all capitals.

Mutations inside forloop not visible outside

When mutating a variable inside a for-loop, these changes get reverted on loop exit.
This is quite unlike most programming languages. Unfortunately this makes you use more boilerplate code inside templates than necessary.

SwiftIdentifier filter: add modes for more flexibility

The current modes will always uppercase the first letter of each component, which is detrimental for some users that prefer to have the same keys as (for example) in their strings files.

Our current modes are:

  • normal: converts to a valid identifier, uppercases first letter of each component
  • pretty: same as normal + snakeToCamelCase

I propose adding some sort of raw mode, that only converts to a valid identifier, leaving the rest of the string as is. If need be, we can consider renaming the current modes to new names that better reflect their functionality.

For backwards compatibility, if we rename modes, we can always keep the old names as aliases for a few versions.

Release 2.6.0

I'm not sure if I consider this a breaking change:

Migrated to PathKit for url filters. The dirname will return '.' for a filename without base directory.

I think it's more of a bug fix TBH (we're bringing the output in line with PathKit).

Depending on our choice, the version'll be 2.6.0 or 3.0.0.

For range loop or alternative

I've done my due diligence but I can't seem to find a way to do this:

{% for i in range(1,5) %}
... do something with i ...
{% endfor %}

I apologize beforehand if there's an obvious way to do it but I can't seem to find it.
The closest thing I've been to a solution is using an array that has at least the number of elements I want, doing a map to get the counter and then filter the counters outside the range (which is way too ugly)

I also tried to create an array variable using {% set %} to no use.
And I also tried "1,2,3,4"|split but there's no such filter.

Am I missing something obvious?

Replace filter: unescape backslashes

In a template, if I try:

The search and replace strings become "\\n" and "\\\\n" respectively. I think we should un-escape these backslashes, so that users correctly can search for newlines (for example). Or is this something that we should handle in Stencil itself?

HEX Data for Colors.xcassets

Trying to add comments to my custom template for colors from .xcassets Catalog. But seems there is no that data.
Is it possible to get data from Contents.json from each color? Actually, there is contains a data for that...

Currently we have the next data in {asset} variable in templates:

["type": "color", "value": "backgroundGreen", "name": "backgroundGreen"]

Actually the result should be like this:

/// x339933
static let backgroundGreen = UIColor(name: "backgroundGreen")

This will really be helpful for development since you can't remember all values for each name. When you checking UI design and colors - that comment will help to quickly find the right value without "xcassets" Catalog checking.

`set` tag not respecting scope in `for` loop

I'm trying to create a variable that is updated within the scope of a for tag, but have been unsuccessful:
In the following example, lastCaseName is never mutated, always taking the value initial.
Is this possible with Stencil or perhaps swifttemplate?

{% for root in types.implementing.BeRoot %}
    {% set lastCaseName %}initial{% endset %}
    class func reduce(_ state: State, with event: Event) -> State {
        switch(state.mode, event) {
        {% for case in root.cases %}
            case (.{{ lastCaseName }}, .did{{ lastCaseName|upperFirstLetter  }}):
            return state.with { $0.mode = {{ }} }
            {% set lastCaseName %}{{ }}{% endset %}
        {% endfor %}
        return state        
{% endfor %}

Migrate some filters to use parameters

Some Filters were created at a time when Stencil didn't support filter parameters yet.

As a result, we have some filters that have been duplicated to allow some variations, but now that Stencil filters support parameters, these duplications can be removed and changed to a filter parameter instead.

One typical example is filters StringFilters.snakeToCamelCase + StringFilters.snakeToCamelCaseNoPrefix that can be unified to a single StringFilters.snakeToCamelCase filter with a parameter (prefix: Bool)

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