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coding-standard's Issues

False positive on UnusedUsesSniff

I have a use statement for GuzzleHttp\Promise. In my code I'm using a bare function from that namespace, as Promise\settle(). The UnusedUsesSniff is complaining that I'm not using GuzzleHttp\Promise, which I believe to be false.

I also tried use GuzzleHttp\Promise\settle and then using settle(), and I get an error from the sniff here too.

Notices are thrown because T_RETURN_TYPE is missing

Commit cf23871 causes phpcs to throw notices:

PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant T_RETURN_TYPE - assumed 'T_RETURN_TYPE' in /home/ubuntu/example/vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Helpers/ReferencedNameHelper.php on line 121

PHPStorm inspections does not work with TypeNameMatchesFileNameSniff

When you use path checking rules (e.g. TypeNameMatchesFileNameSniff), PHPStorm CodeSniffer inspection will report false-positives because temporary file with incorrect path is used for validation.

See the PHPStorm issue:

(I know this is not an issue of the sniffs or the coding standard itself, but I think it may be useful to have it noted here. Since the PHPStorm is widely used IDE I am probably not the last one to discover this problem.)

Installing globally?

Is it possible to install this package globally and have it work via the command line when not in a folder?

For example, I have the PHPCS sublime plugin which runs on save. I want to use this over the default PSR2 ruleset. But I believe I would need to install this globally to get it to work properly.

Any thoughts?

Apply TypeNameMatchesFileName to .phpt files

I'm trying apply SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName to all .php and .phpt files in my project but its working only for .php files.


 11 | ERROR   | Class name MyProject\Test\ExampleTest does not match
    |         | filepath
    |         | /Users/radek/WebServer/MyProject/tests/ExampleTest.phpt.
    |         | (SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName.NoMatchBetweenTypeNameAndFileName)

My ruleset looks like this::

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName">
            <property name="rootNamespaces" type="array"

This ruleset doesn't work too:

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName">
            <property name="rootNamespaces" type="array"
            <property name="extensions" type="array" value="php,phpt"/>
            <property name="skipDirs" type="array" value="tests"/>

File tests\ExampleTest.phpt looks like this:


namespace MyProject\Test;

use Nette\DI\Container;
use Tester\Assert;
use Tester\TestCase;

$container = include __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.php';

class ExampleTest extends TestCase

     * @var Container
    private $container;

    public function __construct(Container $container)
        $this->container = $container;

    public function setUp()

    public function testSomething()

$test = new ExampleTest($container);

TypeHintDeclarationSniff : Useless annotation reported even if it's needed to document a specific parameter

I am using version 2.4.3 of the coding standard, with phpcs 2.9.1.

My ruleset:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <rule ref="vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/TypeHints/TypeHintDeclarationSniff.php" />
    <rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.TypeHintDeclaration">
            <!-- If I don't set this property, @param annotations are never reported as useless even when they have no comment -->
            <property name="enableEachParameterAndReturnInspection" value="true" />

The class I'm using to test:


class SomeClass
     * @param string $param1 I want to document this parameter, but not the other
     * @return void I want to document this return value
    public function method(string $param1, int $param2): void

I'm getting this output:

FILE: /var/www/SomeClass.php
 12 | ERROR | [x] \SomeClass::method() has
    |       |     useless @param annotation for parameter $param1.

Time: 27ms; Memory: 6Mb

But I would expect the violation not to be there since, as it's done correctly for @return annotations, they are not reported as useless if there is an actual comment after them.

Is this a bug or am I misusing the sniff?

phpcs result depending on SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName configuration


I've just met strange behavior of subject's rule. When trying to configure my namespaces, I found that:

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName">
        <property name="rootNamespaces" type="array" value="tests/src=>X\Tests,tests=>X\Tests,"/>

works as expected. But this:

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName">
        <property name="rootNamespaces" type="array" value="tests=>X\Tests,tests/src=>X\Tests,"/>

results in an error. There's an example of configuration in documentation (, line 180, I don't know how to link better, sorry), but it's not mentioning the importance of values order.

Expected behavior

Sniff should work regardless on configuration values order.

composer configuration
"slevomat/coding-standard": "^3.0"

TypeHintDeclarationSniff incorrectly reports about missing typehint when parameter docBlock contains union of two types, one is traversable and the second one does not specify the traversable type

 273 | ERROR | [x] Method \Vanio\Stdlib\Uri::withQuery() does not
     |       |     have parameter type hint for its parameter $query
     |       |     but it should be possible to add it based on
     |       |     @param annotation "string|array".

I think it should report only when the annotation is something like "array|string[]". Am I right?
I guess you would probably typed it like string|mixed[] and then it would be probably quite OK but I don't use this notation for mixed arrays. I've excluded "MissingTraversableParameterTypeHintSpecification, MissingTraversablePropertyTypeHintSpecification and MissingTraversableReturnTypeHintSpecification" but still consider this sniff very handy.

BTW thanks for open sourcing this repo.

UnusedUses MismatchingCaseSensitivity on valid code


<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace Hele\Sms;

use Nette\Http\Url;

class Test

    const URL = '';  // line 10

    public function sendMessage()
        $url = new Url(self::URL);


lint output:

 10 | ERROR | Case of reference name URL and use statement Url do not
    |       | match
    |       | (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UnusedUses.MismatchingCaseSensitivity)

Missing function doc comment error

I have problem with Missing function doc comment.
When i have comment above a method, which i don't need, it properly returns error Method \App\Router\RouterFactory::createRouter() does not need documentation comment.

 * @return RouteList
public function createRouter(): RouteList

So i remove comment and it returns Missing function doc comment.

I don't know, where this error is located. I found it in PEAR_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff, but i don't use this sniff and even when i remove whole slevomat coding standard, this problem disappear.

Can i fix it anyway?

Btw. I use erything but this slevomat coding standards

<rule ref="vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/ruleset.xml">
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeyword"/>
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.FullyQualifiedExceptions"/>
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.FullyQualifiedClassNameInAnnotation"/>
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UseOnlyWhitelistedNamespaces"/>
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.AlphabeticallySortedUses"/>
    <!--<exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Types.EmptyLinesAroundTypeBraces"/>-->
    <exclude name="SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName"/>

Something enforces long type hint parameter

160 | ERROR | [ ] Expected type hint "integer"; found "int" for $positionId

 * @param int $positionId
 * @return void
public function handleRelease(int $positionId): void

Same ruleset as here #121


Please can you create full documentaion for all sniffs?

TypeHintDeclaration with disabled enableNullableTypeHints does not work with optional parameters

The fixer for enableNullableTypeHints disabled tries to add = null to the parameter even if it is already there.

Minimal reproducible example:


class Foo

	 * @param string|null $baz
	public function bar($baz = null)


Is converted to:


class Foo

	 * @param string|null $baz
	public function bar(string $baz = null = null)


So it produces string $baz = null = null, which is obviously incorrect. I think it is needed to look if the null (or probably any other default value) is already present.

Unused private properties when using magic __get

Hi, I want to use magic method for simple properties in object like in the example bellow. You can access them using {$order->orderNumber} in template thanks to the @method annotation. With this approach it's super easy to write custom getter without breaking code in the template. It's somehow possible to take @method annotations into account? Or should I think about better approach? Thanks! :)


 * @method getOrderNumber()
class OrderDTO extends \Nette\Object

    private $orderNumber; //Warning: unused private element

    public function __construct(\App\Orders\Order $order)
        $this->orderNumber = $order->getId();



Doesn't seem to work out of the box.

I added the 2 deps to composer, added the sample ruleset, and ran the example command, then got the error below.

dneilsen:rhino-debug davidneilsen$ vendor/bin/parallel-lint classes
PHP 7.0.0 | 10 parallel jobs
..........                                                   10/10 (100 %)

Checked 10 files in 0 seconds
No syntax error found
dneilsen:rhino-debug davidneilsen$ vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=ruleset.xml --extensions=php --encoding=utf-8 --tab-width=4 -sp classes
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\NoKeywordsException: Sniff SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff requires an array of keywords set in property keywordsToCheck in /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/Namespaces/FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff.php:43
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer.php(1394): SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff->register()
#1 /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer.php(561): PHP_CodeSniffer->populateTokenListeners()
#2 /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/CLI.php(818): PHP_CodeSniffer->initStandard(Array, Array)
#3 /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/CLI.php(95): PHP_CodeSniffer_CLI->process()
 in /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/Namespaces/FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff.php on line 43

Fatal error: Uncaught SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\NoKeywordsException: Sniff SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff requires an array of keywords set in property keywordsToCheck in /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/Namespaces/FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff.php:43
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer.php(1394): SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff->register()
#1 /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer.php(561): PHP_CodeSniffer->populateTokenListeners()
#2 /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/CLI.php(818): PHP_CodeSniffer->initStandard(Array, Array)
#3 /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/CLI.php(95): PHP_CodeSniffer_CLI->process()
 in /Users/davidneilsen/work/rhino/rhino-debug/vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/Namespaces/FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff.php on line 43

Namespaces.ReferenceUsedNamesOnly & Throwable

Hi, can you tell me please what is the best way to solve the following problem? We want to check if Throwable is used absolutely in catch statements, same as other exceptions.

I know I can solve it simply using the specialExceptionNames property like this

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.ReferenceUsedNamesOnly">
        <property name="specialExceptionNames" type="array" value="

But wouldn't it be cleaner to have a condition for it in the sniff? Since Throwable is not really a "special case" it should imho have same behaviour as other exceptions and so should the other new exceptions in PHP7.

What do you think? How should this be solved? I'd like to discuss this before I send a PR and spend time writing tests.

[2.0-dev] Unused use when used only as nullable return type

When use is used only as nullable return type hint, CS thinks that it is unused (2.0-dev - latest):


declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace Driveto\AppBundle\Catalog;

use DateTimeImmutable;

class Foo

	public function getDeleted($entity): ?DateTimeImmutable
		return $entity->getDeleted();


PDOException should (or should not?) be referenced via a fully qualified name

When checking this snippet of code in my code base, in setup_info.php, I get inconsistent advice:

// Attempt to connect to the database via PDO
    $test_pdo_db = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_host; port=$db_port; dbname=$db_name; charset=utf8mb4", $db_user, $db_pwd);
    $variables['pdo_conn_test'] = true;
    $variables['pdo_server_ver'] = $test_pdo_db->getAttribute(constant("PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION"));
catch (\PDOException $e)
    $err_msg = "Unable to connect to the " . $db_type .
               " Database.<br>\n Database Error: ".
               $e->getMessage() . "<br>\n";
    $variables['pdo_conn_test'] = false;
    $variables['pdo_conn_err'] = $err_msg;

# [03/13/17 09:39:22 PM] [[email protected]] [tki] $ php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/bin/phpcs.xml --ignore=templates,vendor . -s

FILE: /var/www/html/tki/setup_info.php
 150 | ERROR | Exception PDOException **should be referenced via a fully
     |       | qualified name.**
     |       | (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.FullyQualifiedExceptions.NonFullyQualifiedException)

Time: 5.11 secs; Memory: 26Mb

( EDIT setup_info.php to remove \ in front of \PDOException )
# [03/13/17 09:39:49 PM] [[email protected]] [tki] $ php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/bin/phpcs.xml --ignore=templates,vendor . -s

FILE: /var/www/html/tki/setup_info.php
 150 | ERROR | [x] Type \PDOException **should not be referenced via a
     |       |     fully qualified name**, but via an unqualified name without
     |       |     the leading \, because the file does not have a namespace
     |       |     and the type cannot be put in a use statement.
     |       |     (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.ReferenceUsedNamesOnly.ReferenceViaFullyQualifiedNameWithoutNamespace)

Time: 5.65 secs; Memory: 26Mb

Sniff AlphabeticallySortedUses sorts alphabetically also functions

I know this it not so common, but this sniff behaves differently then optimizing use statements for example in PhpStorm. I don't know if this is intentional so I'm noticing it here.

Expected order by this sniff (strict alphabetical):

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use function GuzzleHttp\Psr7\str as format_http_message;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;

Optimized by PhpStorm (functions at the end):

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use function GuzzleHttp\Psr7\str as format_http_message;

UnusedPrivateElementsSniff incorrectly reports about methods returning references

 121 | ERROR | Class UniversalJsonDeserializer contains unused
     |       | private method &().

It expects the method name to consist of one token but in case of returning reference it consists of two where the first one is the reference (T_BITWISE_AND).

Documentation of sniffs


any plans to create documentation for these awesome sniffs? I mean documenation in standard format like UnnecessaryStringConcatStandard doc.

When I use this sniff in my ruleset.xml and run

phpcs --standard=/etc/php/ruleset.xml --generator=HTML > coding-standards.html

documentation in HTML will be generated.
screen shot 2016-10-19 at 16 48 33

Thank you!

False positives with multiple interface inheritance

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace Hele\Type\Enum;

use Hele\Type\Comparable;
use Hele\Type\Type;

interface Enum extends Type, Comparable

    public static function getAvailableValues(): array;



 5 | ERROR | [x] Type Hele\Type\Comparable is not used in this file
   |       |     (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UnusedUses.UnusedUse)

TypeHintDeclarationSniff: optional nullable parameter reported as useless even if @param has description

I am using version 2.4.4 of the coding standard, with phpcs 2.9.1.


<rule ref="vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/TypeHints/TypeHintDeclarationSniff.php" />
  <rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.TypeHintDeclaration">
        <property name="enableEachParameterAndReturnInspection" value="true" />
class TestClass

     * @param string|null $param2 Has description
     * @param string|null $param3 Has description
    public function method(string $param1 = "", ?string $param2 = null, ?string $param3 = null): void

results in:

FILE: /var/www/TestClass.php
 31 | ERROR | [x] Method
    |       |     \TestClass::method()
    |       |     has useless @param annotation for parameter
    |       |     $param3.

NOTE: If I remove $param3, the same error is found for $param2. Looks like it only happens for the last parameter of the list. Not sure if related to the nullability or to the default value.

This seems related to #165 (BTW, thanks for fixing that and providing a tagged release so quickly!), probably an uncovered edge case.

False positives with *Error types

Newly introduced checking of *Error types in 1.1 has false positives, when a class is named *Error, but is not part of PHP's internal errors.

What's worse is that even PHP has class(es?) which are named like this, but are not an "exception".
In our code base I ran into:

$xml = @simplexml_load_string($result);
if (!($xml instanceof SimpleXMLElement) || libxml_get_last_error() instanceof LibXMLError) {
    // ...

which then reports error on LibXMLError, which is just a "normal" class.

This could have probably occurred with *Exception as well, although it is probably less likely.

I think, there should be a configurable list of types which are not "exceptions" - similar to the configurations of special exception names, which provide inverse functionality.

Dubious "Unused use" case


Imagine a class like


namespace App;

use Other;

class One

     * @var Other\Two
     * @inject
    public $property;


The injected property might be used somewhere else (let's pretend One is a magic class somewhow), but the real issue is that use Other is tagged as unused. I have the annotation parsing enabled for this sniff.

I think it assumes that because it is at the "root" and the annotation also starts with Other at the root so it is not necessary. However, this is not always the case. Imagine there would be a class \App\Other\Two. Then the use clause actually distinguishes between that and \Other\Two. I think the use here should only be declared useless if the annotation uses absolute namespace (starting with \)

I have created a little project you can use to check the various cases

git clone
cd slevomat-example
composer update
composer phpcs

False positiv for missingReturnTypeHint

I'm getting a missingReturnTypeHint error on this function:

     * Returns a map of possible roles for a user with descriptions
     * @return array
    public static function getRoles(): array
        return self::getTypeMap(

I'm using the php7 branch.

Uses of traits are not registered

The SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.MultipleUsesPerLine sniff does not register multiple uses of traits in class. Is that intentional?

This in combination with SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UnusedUses.UnusedUse sniff gives false hope for secure removal of unused use.



namespace Project;

use Package\TPhotoGallery;
use Package\TSeoInfo;

class CompetitionEntity 
    use TSeoInfo, TPhotoGallery;

When both mentioned sniffs are enabled, the UnusedUses will report TPhotoGallery as unused use available for automatic removal. The MultipleUsesPerLine does not register anything.

Class contains unused private method when I use array_map

I have a class like as:

class AwesomeClass {

    public function foo(): array
        $a = array_map([$this, 'bar'], [1, 2, 3]);

    private function bar(array $data): array
        return $data;

And I got error:

Class AwesomeClass contains unused private method bar().

differencies in configuration properties

When playing with SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName sniff, I found that there is a difference in the way different properties are treated. Given configuration

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.Files.TypeNameMatchesFileName">
        <property name="rootNamespaces" type="array" value="
        " />
        <property name="skipDirs" type="array" value="Exceptions," />
        <property name="extensions" type="array" value="php,phpt," />

results in two rootNamespaces, one skipDirs, but three extensions (last one empty).

rootNamespaces, skipDirs are trimmed too, but there's no way how to use multi-line configuration (as for rootNamespaces) with extensions.

I'm not sure if that is a bug or expected behavior. I just found the multi-line array configuration more readable (git diff mainly).

Disable ReferenceViaFullyQualifiedName for certain types

Type \DateTime should not be referenced via a fully qualified name, but via a use statement (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.ReferenceUsedNamesOnly.ReferenceViaFullyQualifiedName)

Is there a way to disable it for this type? Thanks!

PHP Fatal error when running against my project

Installed using:

        "slevomat/coding-standard": "^2.0",
        "consistence/coding-standard": "^0.13",

and php composer.phar update / php composer.phar install.

Then edited vendor/bin/phpcs.xml to add:

    <rule ref="vendor/consistence/coding-standard/Consistence/ruleset.xml" />
    <rule ref="vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/ruleset.xml" />

Not sure I understand the nature of the error, but its entirely possible that I installed wrong, am running it incorrectly, or that my project (with some code from php-4 days) is triggering an unusual corner case.

$ php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/bin/phpcs.xml . --ignore=templates,vendor
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\NoKeywordsException: Sniff SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff requires an array of keywords set in property keywordsToCheck in /var/www/html/tki/vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/Namespaces/FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff.php:42
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/tki/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer.php(1480): SlevomatCodingStandard\Sniffs\Namespaces\FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff->register()
#1 /var/www/html/tki/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer.php(595): PHP_CodeSniffer->populateTokenListeners()
#2 /var/www/html/tki/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/CLI.php(956): PHP_CodeSniffer->initStandard(Array, Array, Array)
#3 /var/www/html/tki/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/CLI.php(113): PHP_CodeSniffer_CLI->process()
#4 /var/www/html/tki/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/scripts/phpcs(25): PHP_CodeSniffer_CLI->runphpcs()
#5 {main}
   in /var/www/html/tki/vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/Namespaces/FullyQualifiedClassNameAfterKeywordSniff.php on line 42

TypeHintDeclarationSniff settings

I am on PHP 7.1, but I put this in my ruleset.xml for testing purposes:

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.TypeHintDeclaration">
        <property name="enableNullableTypeHints" value="false"/>
        <property name="enableVoidTypeHint" value="false"/>

This however doesn't seem to have any effect, even though I have nullable types and void returns in my codebase. Shouldn't it scream at me, or is there something I am missing?

Unused use warning for class in @return

I get fillowing even when my use is specified in @return doc comment.

Type ReturnedClass is not used in this file (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UnusedUses.UnusedUse)

Consider this:

use Some\Space\ReturnedClassFactory;
use Some\Space\ReturnedClass;

class MyClass {

     * Text
     * @param string $type
     * @return ReturnedClass
    private function getWriter($type) {
        return ReturnedClassFactory::createWriter($type);


TypeHintDeclarationSniff: support for @inheritdoc

Since this sniff does not support @inheritdoc for looking up @param and @return annotations in superclasses, when I extend framework classes I am forced to copy/paste annotations from there to my classes, or the sniff will report errors. Good examples might be Symfony forms or Doctrine types. Is there any intention to support this annotation, or does it pose significant issues/overhead?

ReturnTypehintSpacingSniff - array return typehint is not checked

This method signature has whitespace between closing brace and return typehint colon. The sniff does not report this error.

public function createData(FooClass $foo) : array

Issue is limited only to array type, If the return typehint contains anything else, the error is reported.

false positive for UnusedPrivateElements writeOnlyProperty

There is a false positive for SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.UnusedPrivateElements sniff when private property is used in a double-quoted string. The sniff is then reporting it as unused writeOnlyProperty.


class FalsePositiveWriteOnlyProperty
    private $dir;

    public function __construct($name)
        $this->dir = dirname($name);

    protected function buildIconPath($name)
        return "$this->dir/$name.png"; // here the property is used

Unused use warning for class in type comment

As far as I know, there is no support for parsing type comments by SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UnusedUses.

Consider this, which will be found as error SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UnusedUses.UnusedUse

use Bar\Something;
use Foo\MyType;


/* @var $variable MyType */
$variable = Something::create();

Could support for that be added please?

False Multiline array must have trailing comma

With next piece of code it shows false error "Multiline array must have trailing comma"

    return [

It's just empty array with empty comment, a lot of this stubs are generated in Laravel framework and it's not violating standard.

UnusedUses - invalid behaviour

use ArrayAccess;
use Countable;
use Iterator;

class NodeList implements ArrayAccess, Countable, Iterator

    public function count()

    public function current()

    public function next()

    public function key()

    public function valid()

    public function rewind()

    public function offsetExists($offset)

    public function offsetGet($offset)

    public function offsetSet($offset, $value)

    public function offsetUnset($offset)


CodeSniffer result is:

 11 | ERROR | [x] Type Iterator is not used in this file
    |       |     (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UnusedUses.UnusedUse)

When I have changed order like this:

class NodeList implements Countable, Iterator, ArrayAccess

Result is:

 11 | ERROR | [x] Type ArrayAccess is not used in this file
    |       |     (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.UnusedUses.UnusedUse)

Can you help me please?

DeclareStrictTypes fails with TypeError

<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes">
        <property name="spacesCountAroundEqualsSign" value="1"/>

TypeError: str_repeat() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given in path/vendor/slevomat/coding-standard/SlevomatCodingStandard/Sniffs/TypeHints/DeclareStrictTypesSniff.php on line 101

It works if you add an (int) cast to that line. But then there is also another problem with phpcbf, which cannot handle spacesCountAroundEqualsSign=0 and ends with ERROR. (caused by a conflicting sniff)

I can prepare a PR if you want.

Composer conflicts in requirements when following README in download

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
- consistence/coding-standard 0.10 requires squizlabs/php_codesniffer ~2.5.0 -> satisfiable by squizlabs/php_codesniffer[2.5.0, 2.5.1].
- consistence/coding-standard 0.10.1 requires squizlabs/php_codesniffer ~2.5.1 -> satisfiable by squizlabs/php_codesniffer[2.5.1].
- Can only install one of: squizlabs/php_codesniffer[2.8.1, 2.5.0].
- Can only install one of: squizlabs/php_codesniffer[2.8.1, 2.5.1].
- slevomat/coding-standard 2.0 requires squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^2.8.1 -> satisfiable by squizlabs/php_codesniffer[2.8.1].
- Installation request for slevomat/coding-standard ^2.0 -> satisfiable by slevomat/coding-standard[2.0].
- Installation request for consistence/coding-standard ^0.10 -> satisfiable by consistence/coding-standard[0.10, 0.10.1].

TypeHints.TypeHintDeclaration and traversableTypeHints


I'm not sure how to configure this. I only got it working if I set fully qualified types in the codesniffer configuration and then use the same fully qualified type in the @var annotation. Is this expected behaviour? Shouldn't it infer the types based on the use declarations? Surely that is possible because the UnusedUses sniff does the resolutions somehow.

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