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electron-context-menu's Issues

Context menu is opened two times every time I right click.

  • I have added a context menu to my webview element via react.
  • I right click (i.e. two-finger click on OSX) a link and the context menu comes up.
  • I select an option, or click away, and the context menu pops up again at this secondary location.

I am counting the number of events that come through, and only taking the odd-numbered ones (I return false on even-numbered counts in the shouldShowMenu function).

Looking for a bit of help here as I am not doing anything particularly odd with the library I don't think. Just adding a context menu to my webview element after it has been mounted via react.

Make it more easily extendable

The append and prepend options solve most use-cases, but there are still some people that want 100% control. Would be nice to expose a way to build the menu with ready made components, like lego. I'm thinking:

    menu: x => [
            title: 'foo'

Where x.COPY is a Symbol that includes the built-in cut/copy/paste menus. That way it would be easy to add many more built-in menu types users could pick from.

How to enable webview context menu?

Hi! I try to use the code follow to enable webview context menu but it not work!

const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;
const WebView = electron.WebView;
    window: WebView,
    prepend: (params, browserWindow) => [{
        labels: {
            cut: 'Configured Cut',
            copy: 'Configured Copy',
            paste: 'Configured Paste',
            save: 'Configured Save Image',
            copyLink: 'Configured Copy Link',
            inspect: 'Configured Inspect'
        // Only show it when right-clicking images
        visible: params.mediaType === 'image'

I guess the key is the this statment const WebView = electron.WebView;, I don't know how where to get the WebView Type.
The result is still just work for BrowserWindow!
so, how can I fix the code to enable that? Thanks !

showInspectElement: false Causes unhandled exception

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Using the library in a global context with the following options causes an unhandled exception with every right click:

contextMenu({showInspectElement: false});

// causes this error
TypeError: Invalid template for MenuItem: must have at least one of label, role or type
    at Function.Menu.buildFromTemplate (D:\Users\<user>\Dev\excalibur\node_modules\electron\dist\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\menu.js:164:11)
    at WebContents.webContents.on (D:\Users\<user>\Dev\<project>\node_modules\electron-context-menu\index.js:182:74)
    at WebContents.emit (events.js:182:13)

This causes the context menu to not show up at all.

Windows 10 x64
using yarn
[email protected]

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medusalix medusalix has been rewarded.

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Different items depending the element clicked

Is it possible to modify the elements on the menu depending on the element clicked, for example, depending on the class or id?

In my case, I have certain boxes that should display a different context menu that other elements, I tried tinkering with the prepend callback but it doesn't provide any information about the clicked element.

Inspect Element with debug on

If the app has electron-debug then there should be an item to "Inspect Element" like in Chrome that opens the inspector and highlights the appropriate element in the DOM.


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I'm disinclined to use libraries with tests. We should add them!

There is a $40.00 open bounty on this issue. Add more on Issuehunt.

Multiple invocations, destroy function?

I intend to use a react hook for creating context menus "on the fly" in the renderer process, for particular DOM elements.
The current implementation is here and the usage is something like this:

const SomeListItem = (props) => {  
  const ref = React.useRef(null);
  useContextMenu(ref, [{
      label: 'Delete',
      click: () => props.onDelete(
  return (
    <li ref={ref}>...</li>

The hook effectively calls contextMenu() whenever the component is mounted to the DOM. Many components may do this many times.

What I wonder is... Shouldn't I be destryoing something when the components gets unmounted again?

I skimmed the code a bit, but it's still not clear to me whether one can or should destroy menus for cleanup reasons.

(I'm aware of the potential performance issues as explained by @fabiospampinato in 78 but I don't care about that that for now.)

Not seeing context menu even though defaults selected

I am not seeing the context menu rendered even though I am using simple settings. Am I missing something here? I am mainly interested in getting the inspect element menu item.

My code is below:

function createWindow() {
    // Create the browser window.
    mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
        width: 1200,
        height: 1200,
        webPreferences: {
            // nodeIntegration: false
            partition: 'persist:xxxx'

        window: mainWindow,
        showInspectElement: true

    // and load the index.html of the app.
        // pathname: path.join(settings.project.root, './static/html/google.html'),
        pathname: path.join(settings.project.root, 'static/html/site.html'),
        protocol: 'file:',
        slashes: true

    // Open the DevTools.
    mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools({mode: 'undocked'});

    // Emitted when the window is closed.
    mainWindow.on('closed', function () {
    // Dereference the window object, usually you would store windows
    // in an array if your app supports multi windows, this is the time
    // when you should delete the corresponding element.
        mainWindow = null;

Visible does not work

The default example doesn't work as expected. I can click wherever and the menu would show. It seems it should trigger only if an img tag was clicked, correct?

Seems to work great otherwise and much easier to integrate compare to other offerings.

doesn't show in webview

Using the latest version.
I am able to see the context menu in BrowserWindow however I dynamically render when needed using a react app and don't see the context menu.
I don't pass anything in the window option so according to the documentation it should be visible in the webview by default but isn't.

If I need to pass webview reference I'd like an example if possible, I don't understand how you expect to pass a reference to the webview which is in the renderer while the context menu is in the main process.
I have an ID for the element but can't access and get results from the DOM from the main process or pass the element itself using IPC since it doesn't work.


Showing twice when click

For some reason, the Context Menu is appearing twice after the click:

Electron: v1.6.2


const { download } = require('electron-dl');

  prepend: (params, browserWindow) => [
      label: 'Copy Audio Address',
      visible: params.mediaType === 'audio',
      click(item, win) {
        download(win, params.srcURL);

In preload.js (renderer process).

Any ideas?

showInspectElement: false not disabling "Inspect Element" states that showInspectElement is a boolean which should...

"Force enable or disable the Inspect Element menu item."

The following code does NOT disable the Inspect Element menu item:

prepend: (params, browserWindow) => [{
label: "Capital Flux™",
showInspectElement: false


Environment is Electron on Windows 7.

Unable to get it to work on Electron 6.0.0

I installed this in my app, created a basic context menu with contextMenu({window: MainWindow}), right clicked in my app, but no context menu appeared. I tried in both the main and renderer process. I even tried cloning electron-quick-start and trying it there, but still nothing.
OS: Windows 10 x64 1903 (build 18362.239)
Electron: 6.0.0

use electron-context-menu cause webview devTools not inspect

  • Output of node_modules/.bin/electron --: 4.2.12
  • Operating System (Platform and Version): win10 64bit
  • Output of node_modules/.bin/electron --version on last known working Electron version (if applicable): 4.2.12

Expected Behavior
When active the insect button, and the mouse hover the webview inside html element it should highlight the elemrnt.

Actual behavior
Noting happen.

To Reproduce
Add a webview tag with context-menu and open it's devTools.


qq 20181102132017

Additional Information

A different context menu in different parts of the app

I would like the context menu to be different in different parts of my application. For example, I have a top portion with textboxes and a right click should give me the ability to cut/copy/etc.

However, in a grid area, I would like completely different options, such as runCommandA and runCommandB

I understand this module can be declared in the render.js or the main.js side, however I am noticing that I can't simply re-declare the context menu in each separate component*.

I am thinking the way to go is to initially declare the context menu in main.js but then append custom items to individual components. Assuming this is right, how do I do this?

(If my assumption is incorrect, then simply... how do you create separate context menus in the app?)

*FYI: I am using React.JS

Update: I think I found a way to make the context menu more dynamic. I basically use ipcMain and ipcRenderer to send messages about the context of where I am:

ipcMain.on('removeListener', (x, y) => {

ipcMain.on('context-menu-row', (ev, args) => {
    prepend: (params, browserWindow) => [{
      label: `Library Compare ${args.msn}`,
      click: () => {
        ev.sender.send('emit', {
          event: 'onLibraryCompare',
          payload: args.msn
    append: (params, browserWindow) => [{
      label: '---',

But now I am noticing the context menu to be very jittery and sometimes the args.msn variable does not reflect properly. I am also noticing many new listeners being created. I have tried many variations, using ipcMain.once(..) and various ideas on removing listeners, but I think I am doing something fundamentally wrong.

Any advice here would be great!

Omitting default actions if already provided

I'm defining a custom "Copy" action, which does something a bit different than the default "Copy" action, to some buttons, but on right click the content of the button gets selected (and I can't make them unselectable) and so the menu displays 2 "Copy" actions, the one I defined and the one this library defines:

Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 18 14 34

I think I could generate the whole menu manually via the menu option but that would mean detecting all the cases where the default actions should be showed.

Could we instead add an option, canOverrideDefaultActions or something, where before inserting each default action the library check if another action with the same label has been provided already?

Crashes if is used to open finder without first focussing the electron window

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Either of the and API once successfully run, lead to a future crash when trying to click the context menu without first focusing on the electron window. Maybe, the behavior could be graceful, which first focuses the window, or refuses to context menu until user explicitly focuses.

Pertinent electron docs

Stacktrace from current crash:

Uncaught exception: Cannot read property 'webContents' of null TypeError: Cannot read property 'webContents' of null
    at click (/Users/charandas/serve/myproject/app/node_modules/electron-context-menu/index.js:93:9)
    at (/Users/charandas/serve/myproject/node_modules/electron/dist/
    at Function.executeCommand (/Users/charandas/serve/myproject/node_modules/electron/dist/
    at Menu.popup (/Users/charandas/serve/myproject/node_modules/electron/dist/
    at WebContents.on (/Users/charandas/serve/myproject/app/node_modules/electron-context-menu/index.js:127:9)
    at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
    at WebContents.emit (events.js:191:7)

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Add support for macOS Services submenu

Native context menus on macOS have a “Services” submenu to which other apps on the system can add actions.

I think this should be fairly trivial to implement using the services role from Electron's menu API.
I'll give it a go later and submit a PR.

Example from Safari:

Screenshot 2019-05-26 at 20 44 02

Error raised when inspecting element while window is not in focus


  • Open devtools, pop them out if in-window
  • Right-click main window and choose Inspect Element while the devtools window is focused

Error popup

Uncaught Exception:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'webContents' of null

Element clicked on should be inspected

It seems that the window argument passed to the context menu click callback is the focused window (which is null since devtools is focused), not the clicked window. This ought to be fixed upstream in electron. However, until that happens, you should null-check win here:

win.webContents.inspectElement(props.x, props.y);

Logged a bug upstream here electron/electron#8209

Improve performance

I've been profiling an app of mine and I've found that this library keeps the app busy considerably more than it should, the cause of that is that by using the remote module many times many synchronous IPC calls are sent to the main process and back, and while that's occurring everything stops in the renderer process basically.

My use case is basically creating a few context menus from the renderer process.

  1. Issue: first of all if we don't pass the window option then that's retrieved from the main process, basically for each new context menu that's created a new IPC call is made.

    • Solution: it would be good to note on the readme that passing this option is important for performance.
  2. Issue: there's a check here that checks if the webContents object actually exists. According to Electron's (v5) own typescript types that object always exists.

    • Solution: remove that check, unless maybe in previous versions of Electron that could have actually been undefined or the types are wrong? In any case if that object exists then we call the create function, which retrieves the webContents object again, that shouldn't happen I think.
  3. Issue: the webContents object of the window is retrieved multiple times, but I don't think that object ever changes, I haven't found anything about that in the docs.

    • Solution: the webContents object should be cached, by window id, if it exists (which maybe it's always the case anyway?).
  4. Issue: when a context menu is displayed it takes about 60ms on my system to do that, again mostly because of synchronous IPC calls. I think ideally that number should be closer to 16ms at maximum on an average computer, in order to make the app feel snappier.

    • Solution: I haven't looked into this much yet, but I guess there are probably some performance optimizations to be done here as well, maybe a big one could be that if a menu template didn't change at all we don't need to reconstruct the menu object again.

When implementing fixes for the first 3 issues I mentioned the time needed for the creation of a single context menu when down from ~12ms to ~2.5ms on my system. IMHO that's significant enough to deserve addressing, especially considering that those wasted ~10ms need to be multiplied by the number of context menus, in my case that added up to about 100ms, which is significant especially considering that those context menus are created at startup.

Should I submit a PR for addressing these issues?

Add menu item for looking up a word on OS X

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In Safari, it looks like the following:

screen shot 2016-06-16 at 12 43 02

And with too much text:

screen shot 2016-06-16 at 12 43 16


Should be possible to turn it off in the options.

Or should it be off by default?

IssueHunt Summary

caesar caesar has been rewarded.

Backers (Total: $40.00)

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Way to disable the label?

Right now I don’t have a need for the label. However if I set the label property in prepend to null or undefined, it just generates a blank label. Is there a way to disable it so the context menu just says Cut, Copy, Paste, and Inspect Element?

Alter behaviour of default actions/roles e.g. when copying a link


This issue is related to #14, but I think it is appropriate to discuss it separately.

The specific use case for altering the behaviour of the default roles is found in Caprine.
Currently it is impleted that clicking on links removes the tracking bits from the URL.
This is not the case when using the context-menu (e.g. "Copy Link").
Therefore it would be useful to be able to modify the content of that link without the need to rewrite some of the boilerplate.


Change selected text

Is it possible to change the selected text when opening and clicking the context menu?

This is my code

const {webFrame} = require('electron')
const SpellChecker = require('spellchecker')
const context_menu = require('electron-context-menu')({
  prepend: (params, browserWindow) => {
    var suggestions = [];
    SpellChecker.getCorrectionsForMisspelling(params.selectionText).forEach(function(element) {
        label: element,
        visible: true,
        click: function(selected){
          // what code here?
    return suggestions;

SpellChecker.setDictionary('nl_BE', '')

webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider('nl-NL', true, {
  spellCheck (text) {
    return !SpellChecker.isMisspelled(text);

Built in support for spell check suggestions

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Would make this a more attractive replacement for and should be simple enough to add.


IssueHunt Summary

nautatva nautatva has been rewarded.

Backers (Total: $100.00)

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Copy link is not working on Linux

I am using this module on Linux.
Read/writeBookmark is not implemented yet on Linux, see here.
I think it's better to use this version which works fine on all three platforms.

Allowing i18n of the labels.

What would be the recommended way of translating/overwriting the default labels? Maybe it would be interesting to take that into account when implementing an implementation for issue #14?

Expose function to create menu template


I'm looking to use electron-context-menu, but I would like to add additional menu options to the created template, of menuTpl and set up a callback for this myself.

Would it be possible to expose a function to create the template to do this, as illustrated in the example below below

// expose template creator in electron-context-menu
import {createContextMenuTemplate} from 'electron-context-menu';

win.webContents.on('context-menu', (e, props) => {
    // new exposed function to create the menu template
    const menuTpl = createContextMenuTemplate(props);

    // add more options
    // menuTpl.push(SOME_MORE_OPTIONS)

    const menu = (electron.Menu || electron.remote.Menu).buildFromTemplate(menuTpl);

I'll create a pull request for this if you're open to it!

Cannot paste copied links on Windows (10)

Hi there,

when I copy a link on WIndows a bookmark is being written to the clipboard:

electron.clipboard.writeBookmark(props.linkText, props.linkURL);

I'm not able to paste this bookmark in most applications including the electron app I copied it from. The only app I found which allows pasting these bookmarks is actually Chrome.

I could create a PR to make this configurable, but wasn't sure what the actual advantage of the bookmark API is and if there might be another way to fix this.

I can only see Inspect Element option

I have tried using this at the start of my main.js:

prepend: (params, browserWindow) => [{}]

I can only get the inspect Element menu and cannot figure out what extra things I need to do to add more options like Reload page to the context menu. Please help.

showInspectElement set to true - showing as disabled in 0.12.0

Our applications calls into electron-context-menu in order to show 1 Inspect Element menu. Simplified it is doing this (coffeescript):

contextMenu = require("electron-context-menu")

  showInspectElement: true
  window: win

The complete code in our project is here:

This menu is working in version 0.11.0 of electron-context-menu, but showing up as disabled in version 0.12.0.


Screen Shot 2019-10-30 at 4 29 58 PM


Screen Shot 2019-10-30 at 4 04 57 PM

We waited until now to update because of the breaking change for Electron - we recently updated to use Electron 5.0.10.

Forgive me if I missed something in the changelog that we were meant to update.

Installation not working

After running npm install --save electron-context-menu and adding

    prepend: [{}],
    showInspectElement: true,

I've tried a variety of configurations, nothing seems to add Inspect Element to my rightclick menu, which I don't have. I tried looking into the source and have come up empty so I'd love advice on how to get this working.


Add `Save Image As…` menu item

hello,i use save picture function,but i want to choice folder,can u provide an option to config this part , this download function's third parameter, thank you

        if (props.mediaType === 'image') {
            menuTpl = [
                    type: 'separator'
                    id: 'save',
                    label: 'Save Image',
                    click(item, win) {
                        download(win, props.srcURL)
                    type: 'separator'

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