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kerbalism's Issues

Remote Tech friendly?

I love Kerbalism - but I've always played with remote-tech and would like to continue in that. Is there a way to disable just the signals part of the mod?

Also, Kerbalism doesn't play with Near Future Solar panels. Keeps saying it has run out of charge, because it treats the panels as though they can't re-direct towards the sun. I'm not a coder, so I don't know what the Near Future Solar CFG file does, but it doesn't appear to work.

1.1.3 TimeWarp.SetRate change

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'TimeWarp.SetRate'.

Potential fix: either

  1. recompile
  2. change TimeWarp.SetRate(TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex - 1, true); to TimeWarp.SetRate(TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex - 1, true, true);
    find in src/Lib.cs lines 178-179. I am not sure what the 3rd parameter does, and have not found any information to what it does

fix 2 found here:

Erroneous warnings displays

I've seen two cases of erroneous warnings (the red popup with "life support is off" or "we lost control").

When the command pod's reserves falls to zero, but there are other storage on the ship, sometimes you get the warning "no food" or "no energy", but when you check the ship, everything is fine since there are reserves in other parts.

I've also seen the warnings appear right after the ship's destruction. This one is minor but slightly frustrating :)

Automation device for ScanSAT throw exception

When the DMagic Multi-Spectral Imaging Platform sensor is installed on a craft, the Auto menu does not display, and the following line shows up in the log:

[EXC 21:22:09.166] ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt32,KERBALISM.Device].Add (UInt32 key, KERBALISM.Device value)
KERBALISM.Computer.boot (.Vessel v)
KERBALISM.DevManager.devman (KERBALISM.Panel p, .Vessel v)
KERBALISM.Monitor.update ()
KERBALISM.Launcher.update ()
KERBALISM.UI.update (Boolean show_window)
KERBALISM.Kerbalism.Update ()

Can provide logs if needed.

support for new Science data storage in fat-finger unplanned event

The breakdown fat-finger event remove some science data at random from the vessel. It has not been updated to work with the new Science data storage system.

Technically it could actually work for loaded vessels (as HardDrive implement IScienceDataContainer), and need only to be adapted to work for unloaded vessels (as right now it scan for ScienceData sub-nodes in the serialized data).

However, you better implement it ad-hoc for new Science data storage system. Consider also only removing part of the data for a subject.

Not sure where to post this question as i do not find this on the KSP forum.

Does this work along side TAC life support or conflict with it? I assume the "Food" and "Oxygen" are the same resource TAC uses but your .dll running alongside his will cause problems? not an issue really I can switch to your model if it does conflict, but I like the idea of "Food", "Oxygen", and "water". as it also gives us a better model for green houses and the ability to use the water for oxygen, and hydrogen etc.

or alternatively can we disable the life support function of this mod, and just use TAC instead?

And all of these questions basically duplicated for Remote Tech. does your mod work along side, or conflict with remote tech?

Kerbalism breaks remote tech

All but com16 and 88-88 antennas is broken for direct control of probes for remote tech if kerbalism is present.

Possible exploit / lack of realism of Climate Control

This is a minor one.

When your Kerbals are cold or sweating because life support is off, a tiny drop of energy clears their status instantly instead of doing it progressively. I'm not an expert in life systems, but I believe it should take a few dozen minutes to regulate the ship's temperature. As long as the life support is on, the situation will slowly get better, so the Kerbals are safe.

I noticed this issue when my pod was doing a reentry without energy and the Kerbals were burning hot inside the pod (which was amazingly stressful really <3 )

The exploit is, if you lock a battery on the ship, you can unlock it in tiny burst to "fix" the Kerbal's status. So if a maneuver requires time without energy and you know your Kerbals will die, just lock a battery, and you're good.

[feature - radiators] Kerbal's body heat

This is a feature request to give some love to the game's radiators which are really useless right now. The game and Kerbalism handles heat decently, but it's missing one very important thing : Body heat.

When you have ten kerbals inside a space station, the joules generated by their biological bodies in this tiny confined space should make the ambiant air heat up very quickly and cook them alive without life support. I haven't noticed a difference with Life Support when you have one or ten kerbals onboard.

Then, with the Life Support on, it should transfert this biological heat to the parts themselves (internal heat). This heat will propagate through the vessel and radiate to space through the skin... but with many kerbals onboard, the skin just won't be enough, the parts will heat up, and Life Support should be overloaded (unable to cool down the air if the internal heat is too high).

Here comes radiators, cooling the parts, helping Life Support in its function, and saving the nice Kerbals.

To recap :

  • X kerbal onboard = X * internal part heating
  • life support is inefficient if internal heat is too high

That's it.

This is a dream I've had for a looong time, Kerbalism is an amazing mod and I really love it, I would totally donate to see this feature implemented :)


Missing a forum for discussion and contribution elementary elements such as water and waste in the Mod.

Shaders asset bundle loading causing problems in HullcamVDS and Kronal Vessel Viewer

Kerbalism is causing errors in HullcamVDS, in a very strange way. I temporarily fixed them, and am seeing errors from Kerbalism only in the configure area.

Log file:

Error fragment:

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KERBALISM.Configure.configure () [0x00000] in :0
at KERBALISM.Configure.OnGUI () [0x00000] in :0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KERBALISM.Configure.configure () [0x00000] in :0
at KERBALISM.Configure.OnGUI () [0x00000] in :0

Somehow it's (among other things) causing a function in Hullcam to be called in an inappropriate manner.

I only took a brief look, but it seems that Kerbalism is trying to initialize/configure ALL modules that it finds. This is VERY intrusive, which is the intent, and if not done properly, causes issues.

food weight

sorry for my language, I use the translator.
food weight for day = 50kg? It is not too much ? rocket`s too heavy. =(
real diet weighs about 2kg

Custom Greenhouse stuck on 199d growth


I am attempting to patch UKS to work w/ Kerbalism. It works, except the MKS (haven't tested OKS) "Agricultural Module" (called MKV_AgModule in the patch) won't produce food, as it is stuck on 199d left, or 177d 4h with a full supply of crap, lights full. Note that the crap was generated w/ HyperEdit, I don't see a way to CREATE crap.

sun visibility issue for unloaded vessels

It seem that in some cases sun visibility for unloaded vessels is not correct. Reports of the UB have surfaced from time to time, in various forms. It doesn't seem related to analytical sun visibility evaluation at higher timewarp speeds. Also worth nothing it is reportedly not happening for loaded vessels.

See description here and useful files there.

UB in ResourceCache after quick-load or reverts

Reports indicate issues with the levels of resources shown by telemetry panel (and consequently there must be issues with the resource data stored in cache) after quick-load or reverts.

According to these reports, it happen to unloaded vessels, and then persist if the vessel in question is loaded. It even persist if the savegame is reloaded. It seem to only be fixed when KSP is restarted, that lead to the hypothesis that some static data is involved.

See here for a simple test case, and here for additional info.

An active Science Lab doesn't consume energy in background

Kerbalism simulates vessel's energy consumption in background and it seems to work with antennas, but I noticed it doesn't work with an active science lab : it calculates as if the lab was disabled.

When the mod shots a warning and turns off unessential systems, it should turn off the science lab as well (if it doesn't already).

PS: I would totally love the Climate Control system to make use of radiators (these babies are useless otherwise)

shortAntenna is missing

I have installed RemoteTech. With 1.0.0 vessels with a shortAntenna can not be loaded any more. I assume this has been changed on purpose. Since I have both RemoteTech and Kerbalism parts on my station, I can't save the Kerbals. Any ideas?

SCANsat support

I see in your code comments that SCANsat scanning isn't disabled when out of EC, is that accurate? It looks like your code should work (though it would probably be best to cache the SCANcontroller object rather than running through the whole reflection thing every time).

The only problem with disabling scanning this way is that it is not uncommon to run out of EC while in a planet's shadow. SCANsat has a very kludgy way of handling this; continuously trying to reactivate scanning unless the user manually disables scanning.

Having to constantly switch back to a vessel to reset the scanners because you don't have enough batteries would get really old. Coming up with a better solution to how it is currently handled has been on my list since I picked up the project, but I've never spent much time on it. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them (other than just telling people to pack more batteries, as I don't see running out of power temporarily as a major issue, since it really only delays acquiring a full scan).

Also, SCANsat resource scanners use a different module, "ModuleSCANresourceScanner" but it inherits from the SCANsat module and uses the same fields and methods for scanning.

Feature-Hooks.cs idea

You could add a module that disables food and oxygen so that other life support mods are compatable.

ETT Techtree High Gain Antenna Tech can't be researched

I've discovered a strange Bug with Kerbalism and the Engineering Tech Tree. The two Nodes "High Gain Antennas" and "Advanced Long Range Antennas" don't work properly:

High Gain Antennas: The Technode can got the Purchase Button from the Start of the Game (See Screenshot). If you research the Node and purchase the Items, it removes the Funds, but you dont get the parts. All the Parts are missing in the VAB, even in Saves where they were available before the installation of Kerbalism. If i had them already on a vessel, its fine, but saved Vessels wont work.

Advanced Long Range Antennas: This Node is unlocked from the Start and can be researched.

When i start a game with the Stock tree, everything workes fine.

KSP 1.2.2
Kerbalism 1.1.5


Science hijacker

A few things about your science dialog hijacker:

It looks like you are just constantly checking to see if the dialog is active from Update. A better way to handle it, unless there is some specific reason why this wouldn't work, is to add a simple MonoBehaviour script to the dialog prefab, then fire an event whenever it is created. See Science Relay:

When you process the results dialog you are searching for ModuleScienceExperiment, it might be better to use IScienceDataContainer.

You can use it to determine if an experiment is rerunnable and to get the vessel, and you can get the transmit value from the results dialog.

It looks like the only sticking point is setting the experiment inoperable, which you could probably handle by just checking if the IScienceDataContainer is a ModuleScienceExperiment and going from there.

And, from the forum post on the issue, continuously firing the science transmission event is probably a bad idea. I'm not sure about other mods, but Orbital Science uses it for contracts and for a couple of other things (none of which are particularly demanding), and Surface Experiment Package uses it in a way that could cause problems if it is constantly being fired.

do not show detail panels with no EC or connection

When the vessel has no EC, do not show telemetry or the other detail panels in Monitor/Window. Instead, somehow indicate to the user that there has been an 'hardware error'.

Similarly when the vessel has no connection (and is not manned), do not show the panels and instead pretend the connection 'timed-out'.

Kerbals Not Eating

Is this just a problem with my client? I go take food on my ship, I even looked at it while I was in time lapse, none of the food was depleting, but my colonists were starving, they had PLENTY of food in each module. I tried getting out, and back in, right clicking to see if there was a "Feed kerbals" button, is there anything I'm missing addon wise? (I have this + module manager)
Should I reinstall?

Scrubbers reverting

Advanced scrubbers (anything above %50) revert back to %50. Happens when they are shut off & turned back on again or docking with another ship (all scrubbers revert in that case).

Minor copy-editing in Message.cs


I did some minor copy editing on the messages in the Post methods. I've attached a text file
message.cs excerpt.txt
. Search for "FIXED" to see the comments that explain the changes. (Sorry, I would do a diff if I had the capacity on this computer.)

Really enjoying the mod; thanks for your super-quick replies on the forum. Looking forward to the future.

Signal and debris

Categorizing a Vessel as Debris lets you command it despite total lack of signal.

Question about adding back the internal antenna

I wanted to add the internal antenna for the command pads but I don't know what to do with the code, if I just add it like this will it be a new part? Can I just remove the "cost" since it's internal? I'm new to configuring and it seems to me that everything is wrong with these code I wrote. I love your mod btw :D

// ============================================================================
// Remove internal antennas from pods
// ============================================================================

   name = Antenna
   type = high_gain
   cost = 0.1
   dist = 5e5
   rate = 0.010

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

DMagic/Universal Storage Modules

I noticed that the goo and science lab "wedges" for Universal Storage from the dmagic orbital science mod are in the original tech nodes. I assume this is not intentional (or hasn't been seen/fixed yet)?

Small fix for ScienceTweaks.cfg:

  @TechRequired = basicScience
  @TechRequired = spaceExploration

Docked with stranded ship- EC, Food, & Oxygen added to all parts.

I docked with a stranded ship (standard kerbal rescue mission) using vanilla grabber. Game paused for just a second to add supplies to derelict command pod (so the occupant won't die immediately I assume). But it added EC, food, & oxygen to all parts of rescue ship. So now my fuel tank, engine, RCS thrusters, etc, all hold charge, food, & oxygen. Has happened 3 times now.

EC High script trigger too low

The EC high trigger is set to 15%, which does not make much sense. I suggest setting it to 85% or another value that is actually "high".

Currently I see no good use for the trigger. Its the same value as the EC Low trigger.

I have a vessel that has a fuel cell. Unfortunately, the fuel cell produces more fuel then the vesel consumes, but without a running fuel cell, the vessels EC depletes. I though fine, just add some trigger. I set the fuel cell to enable when EC drops below 15%, and set the fuel cell to enable on EC high. Since both are at 15%, the vessel is now constantly at 15% EC and constantly switches the Fuel Cell on and off.

That behavior is obviuosly nonsense. It would make much more sense to activate the fuel cell at 15%, let it run until 85%, then disable it, rinse and repeat. this would also allow someone to do some EC intense things that greatly dminish EC reserves, and then let EC fill up again, without having to enable/disable the parts manually. Not to mention that is constantly screws with time-warping if the script enables/disables constantly.

I'm not sure if its intended that EC High is at 15%, but I don't see any usage case for that. (85% would be much more reasonable).

The script system is really great btw ;)

False EC alerts and sudden Kerbal death with high time warp

While in time warp level 5 or 6 I get "EC depleted" alerts for my LKO and Mun surface stations, then have about 5 seconds to switch to them before I get fatality messages. When I switch, it invariably turns out that I have lots of EC, sometimes a full supply, so I get the "relax" messages.

I suspect it may be the resource routing problem from #13. If I lock command pod batteries this problem disappears. I haven't tested if I need to lock just any battery, or if the battery's position relative to root or to inhabited parts matters.

v1.1.4, KSP 1.1.3 (x64)

`Configure` module depends on all `ProcessController` modules it references to be defined before it

If a ProcessController is referenced by a Configure module, but is defined textually after the Configure module, then an option to choose a given setup will be present, but there will be no values displayed for a given process.


  1. in Default.cfg move ProcessController for SOE after Configure of chemical plant
  2. try to use SOE in game, see that the description is shown but there are no values for the process.

This is making writing patches to add processes harder, as MM seems to add new modules at the end of the list by default. 58288e3 works around that by using MODULE,0, but it would be easier for contributors if this wasn't necessary.

Antennas don't break in atmospheric flight

The Kerbalism Antenna module does not have a max pressure/Q value which results in antennas being indestructible to aero forces unlike stock, removing some of the balance between fixed and deployable antennas

Entering a capsule kills Kerbals

When going on EVA a Kerbal takes some resources. When boarding a ship, the message "Kerbal ran out of electricity" is shown, followed by "Kerbal is out of oxygen". Some very sad Kerbals now look through the hatch at the lifeless body of their friend.

(Could reproduce this issue 100% of the time so I had to uninstall the mod - if logs are needed I can reinstall and try to reproduce again).

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