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arrowgene.dragonsdogmaonline's Issues

Gender locked equipment stays equipped after reincarnation

Describe the bug
After changing a character or pawns gender in the beauty salon, the gender-specific equipment stays on.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Beauty Salon
  2. Select Reincarnation for either a character or a pawn
  3. Change gender
  4. See how the gender locked equipment is still equipped even though the character should no longer be able to wear it (not like I agree with this decision, I think he looks fabulous)

Expected behavior
The gender locked equipment should be unequipped after reincarnation


Equipping an item while the equipment item bag is full disconnects you

Describe the bug
Equipping an item while the equipment item bag is full disconnects you

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Make sure the equipment item bag is full
  2. Equip an item on a slot that already has an item
  3. An exception will occur and you'll be disconnected from the game

Expected behavior
The items should swap positions, the equipped item would return to the item bag and the item being equipped would end up in the item slot.

MSQ 2 cutscene repeating

Describe the bug
Leaving a party while on second MSQ quest will cause the cutscene to play again.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Leave a party.

Expected behavior
Should only play once.

Dress Equipment (transmog/fashion) is no longer available since PR #237

Describe the bug
Since PR #237 the option is not available

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the equipment window
  2. The Dress Equipment option is no longer there

Expected behavior
There should be the Dress Equipment option

Additional context
The current quest state is from before the quest that unlocked that feature.

logger config should be separated from login/gamserver

Describe the bug
Right now only the first configuration for logging (ex Log Packet Payload) is applied, this is always LoginServers config.
The reason for this is that a config is tied to a type, and once the ServerLogger type hase been tied to login server config, it will not be updated.

Alterantive is to have GameServerLogger and LoginServerLogger to have separate configs.

Skills don't do damage after leveling it up

Describe the bug
In a party while not being the leader, after leveling up a skill, your attacks will show the damage number but the damage wont register.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Join someone else's party
  2. As Sorcerer, equip the Firestorm skill
  3. Fight enemies, use the skill, the attacks will deal damage
  4. Level up the skill to Level 2
  5. Fight enemies, use the skill, the attacks won't do damage
  6. The behavior will persist until relogging/switching jobs

Expected behavior
Attacks should do damage after levelling up the skill

Additional context
We may need to send an NTC informing the party leader of the new skill level

Crash when moving to Arisen Room

Describe the bug
Since the patch that allows to level up Pawns the game will crash with no error straight to desktop.
(The same way the game crashes when trying to move to Bitterblack Cove)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Arisen Room'
  2. Crash
  3. Profit???

Expected behavior
Not crashing and taking a nice cozy bath and looking at Mokog and Mikasa Plushy.

Some dungeons innacesible since PR #237

Describe the bug
Some dungeons now show "Locked by area master" where they didn't before

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Forsaken Well
  2. Try to enter
  3. Se "Locked by area master" message

Expected behavior
The area should be accessible.

Discarding multiple items gets the UI window stuck

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open the item bag
  2. Select an item
  3. Discard
  4. Discard more than one item
  5. The window will not close, the items wont be discarded, and the client won't let you do anything until you force close it.

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Additional context
Probably related to the update NTC update type field?

Non host party members can't use the lantern

While playing in a party, the host is able to use the lantern normally, but the other players aren't able to. The chat logs 'x28 used' when using a Lantern Kindling but the lantern doesn't turn on.

In the ItemUseBagItemHandler, an NTC (possibly S2C_START_LANTERN_NOTICE) is sent back to the requesting player, but not to the other players. It may be possible that either that, or S2C_START_LANTERN_OTHER_NOTICE, has to be sent to the host or to all party members for it to work.

Bug Gear vanishes when swapping equipment of the same type

Describe the bug
Using Fighter class as example, Create a new Bronze Sword, and swap between the 2, and poof, one will vanish.

However if you relog it'll show up in your inventory again.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Get extra sword
  2. Swap between the 2 swords
  3. See lost sword
  4. relog and find it again

Expected behavior
Swapping between gear shouldn't remove gear, even if seemingly temporarily



revisit what a pawn is made of

Please describe the idea.
Currently we use the Character class to provide look and other shared data for the pawn.
This might not be optimal since it also includes attributes that a pawn does not need.
It is also a bit confusing as pawns do not have characterIds and might be wrongly used in the context for sending pawn packets where it asks for characterId

Describe the solution you'd like

  • remove character from pawn
  • add what makes a pawn directly to the Pawn class
  • create separate database tables to serialize/deserialize a pawn from db

Core skills don't change properly when switching jobs

Describe the bug
It's possible to use a core skill that hasn't been unlocked yet when switching to that job from another where the skill was unlocked

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Play as sorcerer, without the floating core skill unlocked. You won't be able to float
  2. Switch to Priest, unlock the floating core skill. You'll be able to float
  3. Switch back to Sorcerer, still without the floating core skill unlocked. You'll be able to float in spite of that
  4. This error will persist until relogging

Expected behavior
You shouldn't be able to float until the core skill was unlocked

Additional context
We may need to send an NTC after job change informing of the current job's core skills

Revival power state isn't updated for other players

Describe the bug
The amount of revival powers doesn't get updated for other players

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Join a party
  2. Wait for the other player to recharge revival points/spend a revival point
  3. Look at the amount of revival points the other player has. It will be the same as before

Expected behavior
The amount of revival points should be in sync

Additional context
There's a packet ID in the PS4 build, S2C_UPDATE_REVIVE_POINT_NOTICE, that probably has an equivalent in the PC build, but is yet to be identified. It'll most likely have to be sent to the party members (or maybe all players in the server?) after spending/recharging revival power.

Not all cutscenes are viawable when they where in previous build.

Describe the bug
They where viewable in previous versions, No doubt a side effect of the latest changes in the server code.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Cutscene Globe thingy'
  2. Click on 'Latest accesible cutscene log'
  3. It will tell you 'You cannot view this yet' (Cus you haven't completed the quest yet.)
  4. Sad noices for being unable to view the final few cutscenes.

Expected behavior
As per previous builds you should be able to view all cutscenes.

It is not a bug persee but figured I would report it nonetheless.

Opening another player's Arisen Profile can crash the game

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Approach a player
  2. Interact with them and open their Arisen Profile
  3. If it doesn't crash, close it, and try again
  4. The game will crash sooner or later

Expected behavior
The Arisen Profile window opens with correct player data

Additional context
When the window opens and it doesn't crash, it shows garbage data, this behaviour likely implies that the game is accessing unallocated data.

Buying and trying to send Equipment items directly to Storage Box not working

Describe the bug
When trying to buy and send EQUIPMENT items directly from shop to your Storage Box, instead, it is put in your Item Bag, this doesn't happen for consumable items, it works fine for the latter.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to any Armor/Weapon shop.
  2. When buying an item, choose the number of items for purchase using the Storage Box Icon.
  3. It'll be sent to your Item Bag instead.

Expected behavior
When using the second option for purchasing Equipment items (the one with Storage Box Icon), it should be sent to your storage, not your Item Bag.

Reset revival power recharge time at 12:00AM JST

Please describe the idea.
To make it more accurate to the original server, the revival power reset time should be 12:00AM JST, rather than 24 hours since the last recharge as it is right now.

Multiple stacks of the same item sometimes behave strangely

Describe the bug
Performing operations with multiple stacks of the same item sometimes behaves unexpectedly.

To Reproduce

  1. Go to Vicelot or any other vendor with usable items and buy a few stacks of Healing Potions, or anything else that stacks and is usable.
  2. Use, sort, discard, and perform other operations that change their quantities or positions in your in your inventory. Strange behavior seems to occur around the transition to using the last stack, but also sometimes happens before or after that.
  3. Multiple things might happen:
  • Items you use or discard get removed from a stack other than the one you selected.
  • items won't stack together.
  • Items are unable to be used or discarded, with no feedback in the server log.

Re-logging into your character fixes this behavior, at least temporarily.

Expected behavior
Normally items should be used or discarded from the stack you selected, stack together into the largest possible stacks, be able to be used or discarded until depleted,


Additional context
I experienced some other strange inventory behavior which may or may not be related, where equipping a weapon would instead equip a blank slot, with no debug output from the log. Not sure if it's related. Less common and seems harder to reproduce.
Overly large gif

Using pawn interface while they are summoned always results in a DC

Describe the bug
Attempting to view a pawn's profile after summoning a pawn disconnects the client

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Summon a pawn
  2. Attempt to view its profile

Expected behavior
The pawn profile should show up the same as if the pawn wasn't summoned

It's possible to make an account and use it with the user and password fields empty

Describe the bug
Empty strings are valid usernames/passwords when they shouldn't be.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Send a request where the username and/or password fields are empty strings
  2. Send a login request with empty strings as username and password
  3. The server will happily comply

Expected behavior
Empty strings should be rejected both on registering and of course also on login

Drops/Gathering nodes sometimes grant exceptionally high quantites.

Describe the bug
When picking up a drop or gathering from a node, very rarely it will glitch and give you a ridiculously high quantity

To Reproduce
Unfortunately, after a couple of hours of trying to make it happen deliberately, it seems very unpredictable.

Expected behavior
When collecting the items they should be what they are defined as by the tools, (in this case, usually 1-3ish on average), never the 10s of thousands.



Additional context
Unreliable, making debugging exceptionally tedious.

Crafting Bug (discount not working)

Describe the bug
Discounts not applying and resulting in negative gold counts.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Check for an item Slightly above current gold count so you cant craft it with a single pawn
  2. Select 2 pawns to get the discounted price
  3. When crafting it substracts the full price without discount and puts you into negative Gold

Expected behavior
Application of the discount so you don't get into the negatives.


Additional context
Video for visuals just in case:

Players invited to a party receive experience before accepting the invite

Describe the bug
A player can receive experience before accepting the party invite.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Player 1 invites Player 2
  2. Player 1 kills an enemy
  3. Player 2 receives exp, even if they're not in the party

Expected behavior
Player 2 shouldn't receive experience from enemies killed by other party members until the invite is accepted.
Similarly, Player 1's party members shouldn't receive experience from enemies killed by Player 2 until Player 2 accepts the invite.

Item Duping due to crafting.

Describe the bug
Crafting can cause duping stacks of 65k when done "wrong"

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Take any item you wanna craft.
  2. Buy the materials for it (TO THE STORAGE BOX)
  3. Crafting using them will say "checking storage"
  4. After crafting you have a 99 stack (65k) in ur bag you cant discard
    Expected behavior
    Stuff being properly taken from the storage, no pulling to inventory of duped stacks.

Easier to have as video, but also clear to understand without it.

You cant receive bazaar proceeds when the total sum is 0

Describe the bug
Its possible to put up for sale items for 1G, minus 5% taxes that makes proceeds 0.
Other players are able to buy the items for 1G but the player that put them up for sale wont be able to receive the proceeds for it, taking up a slot in the bazaar exhibitions list.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Put up an item for sale for 1G
  2. Have another player buy it for 1G
  3. Try to receive the proceeds for that listing (0G)
  4. The button will be grayed out

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.


Additional context
We may have to set the minimum proceeds to 1 to work around this issue

I would like to attach a crest to a weapon in the craft room. If it's difficult, could you please give me an attribute crest (such as ice freezing)? Freeze quickly with Ice Freezing Crest X4 60. Similarly, Golden Crest x4 and Petrification Crest x4 are also interesting. If the weak point attributes match, the damage will also increase, so please do so. After that, it would be even better if the bracelet of fast running is reflected.

Please describe the idea.
A clear and concise description of the features functionality is. Ex. I'd like to have a command that [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Item duplication through dragging

Describe the bug
Item A replaces item B and inherits the stack number. Duplicating item A.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Take item A (quantity 10), drag it over item B (quantity 7), place it, item B is now gone, you now have two stacks of item A (10 and 7). Item A replaces item B and inherits the stack number.


Diconnecting when trying to equip items directly from storage box

Describe the bug
When you try to change your equipment using the "Change Equipment" function of the Storage Box and this item is in the "Storage Box (Expansion)", it'll disconnect you.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to your Storage Box.
  2. Put an Equipment Item in your Storage Box (Expansion).
  3. Go back go the initial Storage Box menu and click Change Equipment, select your character.
  4. Try to equip the item that is stored in the Storage Box (Expansion).
  5. It'll disconnect you.

Expected behavior
Should equip the item without disconnecting you.

Party ID pool runs out of IDs over time

Describe the bug
There may be some unhandled case in which a party disbands without the server knowing. The ID pool runs out and no more players can join the game anymore.

To Reproduce
Run the server and have players join and leave over time. It took about 3 months for this issue to happen.

Expected behavior
IDs should return to the pool in all cases the party no longer exists.

Have database versioning

Have the database file or database to contain a version
For the first implementation, only delete the database if the version does not match

It's not possible to make different pawn SP skill sets for each job

Describe the bug
All pawn jobs share the same SP skill set

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Arisen Room, select sp skill training, etc
  2. Make a set for, for example, the fighter vocation
  3. Exit, and re-enter sp skill training, this time, for a different vocation, for example, Priest
  4. Make a different set
  5. Exit, re-enter sp skill training for fighter again
  6. See how the set you had previously built has been replaced with the set you built for the priest

Expected behavior
Each vocation should have its own unique sp skill set

Bazaar listings show in insert order, not price order

Describe the bug
They show up in order of insertion instead of from cheaper to most expensive

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Bazaar
  2. Search an item
  3. See listings in insert order

Expected behavior
Listings should be sorted from cheaper to most expensive

Grabbing a barrel disconnects other party members

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Join a party with other players
  2. Grab a barrel
  3. Wait
  4. See other players time out from the server

Expected behavior
Not disconnect other party members

Additional context
It's an unhandled packet

consistent ServerId

  • ServerId is currently defined in Arrowgene.Ddon.config.json and GameServerList.csv
  • Have consistent system to retrieve ServerId for structures / packets, to manage multiple server IP entries
  • some packet structures have hardcoded serverId, ensure that all packets are set to correct serverId

You can't equip the same skill in both main palette and sub palette

Describe the bug
What the title says

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Equip skill on one palette
  2. Equip the same skill on the other palette
  3. See how the slot where you equipped the skill in the first palette is now empty

Expected behavior
You should be allowed to have the same skill in both palettes

Additional context
When equipping an skill, it's searched in the equipped skills and removed from any slot it's found. This search should be restricted to the current palette to fix this issue.

Gathered Materials end up in the Consumables tab

Describe the bug
Rather than going into the Materials tab as they should

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to any Gathering Spot with materials
  2. Gather materials
  3. Open Item Bag
  4. See the materials in the Consumables tab

Expected behavior
The materials should end up in the Materials tab

Additional context
Most likely we're going to have to add a list of consumables or materials and decide which StorageType to send the items to when gathered based on its item id

Login after tutorial fails

To Reproduce
after making a new character, you get sent to the tutorial
then you exit back to main menu (not char select, straight up main menu), try to log back in to the character select screen, and then you get a error

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