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vimpager - pager using vim and less.vim


vimpager [options] 'some file'

# or (this won't always syntax highlight as well)

cat 'some file' | vimpager [options]

For vimcat see here or 'man vimcat'.


  • vim, version >= 7.3
  • a POSIX conformant shell, see the standard common variants are searched for, bash is fine


  • sharutils or some uuencode (only if you change the /.vim sources)
  • pandoc (for man pages and html, optional)
  • doctoc (for markdown TOCs, optional)
  • bats (for tests, optional, get it from:


On Ubuntu or Debian, use the following to install a package:

git clone
cd vimpager
sudo make install-deb

To just build the '.deb' use make build-deb instead.

Otherwise use 'make install':

git clone
cd vimpager
sudo make install

The following make settings are supported at make install time:

Variable Purpose
DESTDIR base dir where files will be written, for packaging
PREFIX install prefix to configure for, e.g. /usr/local
prefix prefix for writing files, e.g. for GNU stow
POSIX_SHELL POSIX shell to use to run the scripts

NOTE: you should make clean before modifying these make settings, as the 'install' make target does not account for their change.

If you got vimpager from the scripts section, just put it somewhere in your PATH, e.g.:

cp vimpager ~/bin
chmod +x ~/bin/vimpager

In your ~/.bashrc add the following:

export PAGER=/usr/local/bin/vimpager
alias less=$PAGER
alias zless=$PAGER


cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

If you installed using one of the above methods, you can add the runtime to your runtimepath by putting the following in your .vimrc:

set rtp^=/usr/share/vimpager

Set PAGER and aliases as above with the path into ~/.vim/bundle/vimpager.

See Using From Vim.


A PAGER using less.vim with support for highlighting of man pages and many other features. Works on most UNIX-like systems as well as Cygwin and MSYS.

On GitHub:

To use a different vimrc with vimpager, put your settings into a ~/.vimpagerrc or ~/.vim/vimpagerrc or a file pointed to by the VIMPAGER_RC environment variable.

You can also have a global config file for all users in /etc/vimpagerrc, it will be used if the user does not have a .vimrc or .vimpagerrc.

These are the keys for paging while in vimpager, they are the same as in less for the most part:

Key Action Key Action
Space One page forward b One page backward
d Half a page forward u Half a page backward
Enter One line forward k One line backward
G End of file g Start of file
N% percentage in file ,h Display this help
/pattern Search forward ?pattern Search backward
n next match N Previous match
:n next file :N Previous file
ESC-u toggle search highlight
q Quit ,v Toggle Less Mode

The commands that start with , will use your value of g:mapleader if you set one instead.

To disable loading plugins, put "set noloadplugins" into a vimpagerrc file.

You can also switch on exists('g:vimpager.enabled') in your vimrc to set alternate settings for vimpager.

WARNING: Option names have changed from the previous releases to use a dict, if you use the old option names and check on exists('g:vimpager') everything will work the same way, if you use the new option names you must check exists('g:vimpager.enabled') instead.

NOTE: Before setting the vimpager and less.vim related options described below, make sure the g:vimpager and g:less dicts exist like so:

if !exists('g:vimpager')
  let g:vimpager = {}

if !exists('g:less')
  let g:less     = {}

If you want to disable less compatibility mode, and use regular vim motion commands, put this into your .vimrc/vimpagerrc:

let g:less.enabled = 0

You can still enable less mode with this setting by pressing ",v". If you define g:mapleader then it will be the value of g:mapleader plus v instead of ,v.

Put the following into your .vimrc/vimpagerrc if you want to use gvim/MacVim for your pager window:

let g:vimpager.gvim = 1

To turn off the feature of passing through text that is smaller than the terminal height use this:

let g:vimpager.passthrough = 0

See "PASSTHROUGH MODE" further down.

To turn on line numbers set:

let g:less.number = 1

they are turned off by default. You can also invoke vimpager with the -N option to turn on line numbers.

To turn off search highlighting set:

let g:less.hlsearch = 0

this can always be toggled with ESC-u.

To start vim with -X (no x11 connection, a bit faster startup) put the following into your .vimrc/vimpagerrc:

let g:vimpager.X11 = 0

NOTE: this may disable clipboard integration in X terminals.

The scroll offset (:help scrolloff), may be specified by placing the following into your .vimrc/vimpagerrc (default = 5, disable = 0):

let g:less.scrolloff = 5

The default is 5 only in less mode, with less mode disabled the default is the user's scrolloff setting.

The process tree of vimpager is available in vimpager.ptree, an example usage is as follows:

if exists('g:vimpager.enabled')
  if exists('g:vimpager.ptree') && g:vimpager.ptree[-2] == 'wman'
    set ft=man

To disable the use of AnsiEsc.vim to display ANSI colors in the source, set:

let g:vimpager.ansiesc = 0

see the section ANSI ESCAPE SEQUENCES AND OVERSTRIKES for more details.

You can also set your own function for the message on the statusline via g:less.statusfunc, see autoload/vimpager_utils.vim for the default one as an example.


If you installed vimpager via Pathogen or added it to your runtimepath, then the Page command is available from normal vim sessions, and it is also available when invoking the vimpager script.

If your global keywordprg is set to man or :Man, which is the default, the plugin will reset it to :Page!\ -t\ man to page man pages in a new tab. See the example below for how to set this for other file types.

You may want to add something like the following to your .vimrc to enable the mapping to turn on less mode:

let g:mapleader = ','
runtime macros/less.vim

Then ,v will toggle less mode in any buffer. The default mapleader is \.

NOTE: If you are using Vim 7.3 or earlier, the Surround plugin will conflict with less.vim mappings such as Ctrl-D, on 7.4+ this is not an issue as the <nowait> tag is used for mappings.

The syntax of the Page command is:

Command Option Arg Action
Page -t, -v, -w or -b file_path open file in less mode
Page! -t, -v, -w or -b shell_command open output of command in less mode
Page toggle less mode for current file
Page! turn on less mode for current file

The option switch is optional and determines where the file or command is opened:

Option Target
-t new tab
-v vertical split
-w new window
-b new buffer (default)

The default is to open a new buffer.

For Page! commands, STDERR is suppressed.

I recommend adding set hidden to your .vimrc.

If the command is one of man, perldoc, pydoc or ri it will be handled specially, overstrikes will be removed and filetype will be set to man or perldoc.

Ansi escapes will be handled with AnsiEsc if available, or removed otherwise. See here for details. The g:vimpager.ansiesc setting applies to the Page command if set.

Here is an example (that is already enabled in the plugin) of how you can use this command to look up the python documentation for the module under the cursor in a new tab:

autocmd FileType python setlocal keywordprg=:Page!\ -t\ pydoc

Then pressing K on a module name under the cursor will open the pydoc for it in a new tab.

This is done by default in the plugin now for python, ruby, perl and sh (bash help.) The global default is man.


-h | --help | --usage

Print summary of options.

-v | --version

Print the version information.

+ | +G

Start at the end of the file, just like less.


Follow file, like tail -f or less +F, equivalent to pressing F in less mode.


Turn on line numbers, this can also be set with let g:less.number = 1 .

-c cmd

Run a vim command after opening the file. Multiple -c arguments are supported.

--cmd cmd

Run a vim command when entering vim before anything else. Multiple --cmd arguments are supported.

-u vimrc

Use alternate .vimrc or .vimpagerrc.


Squeeze blank lines into a single blank line. GNU man passes this option to /usr/bin/pager.


If files fit on the screen, print them with syntax highlighting using vimcat instead of invoking the pager.


Always print files with syntax highlighting to the terminal instead of invoking the pager, regardless of whether they fit on the screen.


Never print files with syntax highlighting to the terminal with vimcat, always invoke the pager.


Enable debugging output for the shell script part of vimpager.


If your source is using ANSI escape codes, the AnsiEsc plugin will be used to show them, rather than the normal vim highlighting, however read the caveats below. If this is not possible, they will be stripped out and normal vim highlighting will be used instead.

Overstrikes in man pages, perl, python or ruby docs will always be removed.

vimpager bundles the AnsiEsc plugin (it is expanded at runtime, there is nothing you have to do to enable it.)

However, your vim must have been compiled with the 'conceal' feature enabled. To check, try

:echo has('conceal')

if the result is '1' you have conceal, if it's '0' you do not, and the AnsiEsc plugin will not be enabled.

If you're on a Mac, the system vim does not enable this feature, install vim from Homebrew.

To disable the use of AnsiEsc.vim, set:

let g:vimpager.ansiesc = 0

If the file has a modeline that sets ft or syntax, the setting will override the use of AnsiEsc.

To turn off AnsiEsc while viewing a file, simply run


To turn off AnsiEsc on the commandline, use an invocation such as the following:

vimpager -c 'set ft=&ft' somefile

NOTE: The conceal feature of vim is still very buggy, especially as concerns spacing, and the line wrapping in files highlighted with AnsiEsc will not be correct (they are wrapped too soon.) The tab stops will be correct however, this is fixed up with a vim script.

NOTE: AnsiEsc is a work in progress, and will only display files with simple ANSI codes correctly, such as that output by git tools. More complex highlighting is likely not going to work right now. We are working on this.


If the text sent to the pager is smaller than the terminal window, then it will be displayed without vim as text. If it has ansi codes, they will be preserved, otherwise the text will be highlighted with vimcat.

You can turn this off by using:

let g:vimpager.passthrough = 0


vimpager works correctly with the native Windows gvim, just put it in your PATH and set the vimpager_use_gvim option as described above.


VIMPAGER_VIM can be set to the vim binary you want to use, if it starts with gvim or mvim then gui mode will be used. Will fall back to EDITOR if it contains vim.

You can specify the vimrc to use with the VIMPAGER_RC environment variable.

Setting VIMPAGER_DEBUG to a non-zero value will disable suppressing vim errors on startup and when switching to the next file.

vimpager's People


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vimpager's Issues

screen flashes before opening in iTerm2

I'm using iTerm2 on OSX 10.8 and when I use vimpager (e.g. man vim), the iTerm2 screen goes from the regular terminal display to all-black (the background color), then back to showing the regular terminal display, and then finally to vimpager. See this video for a demonstration. Note that the delay there is accentuated, perhaps due to screen recording. Sometimes the flashing happens 'twice': terminal-blank-terminal-blank-terminal-vimpager.

I'm a bit of a noob to bash and vim, so I'm not entirely sure to go about debugging this myself.

my ~/.vimpagerrc:

set noloadplugins
let vimpager_use_gvim = 0
let vimpager_disable_x11 = 1
set mouse=a

I am using MacVim with an alias set up, but if I do unalias vim, the flashing still occurs.

vimpager always uses system vim...

I installed MacVim on my system, and I use MacVim's terminal Vim, which I aliased to vim.
vimpager always uses the system vim, which is a bit troublesome since I have the YouCompleteMe plugin, which requires Vim 7.3.584+, and the system Vim is a couple versions below that. So I get an error message from YouCompleteMe everytime I run vimpager...

There should be a way to specify the path to Vim imho, with a fallback to system Vim.

vimpager does not handle spaces in path to .vimrc due to unquoted vars

Simple thing, on lines 80, 205, and 225 ${vimrc} isn't escaped, so attempting to use vimpager from a home folder with a space in the path will result in errors. If the path was /volume/foo bar/home/ for example, it'd result something along the lines of:

E282: Cannot read from "/volume/foo" 
2 files to edit
Skipping non-existing file bar/home/.vimrc
"/tmp/vimpager_659/.zshrc" "/tmp/vimpager_659/.zshrc" [readonly] 53 lines, 1456 characters
E282: Cannot read from "/volume/foo"
Press ENTER or type command to continue

It's quoted elsewhere and quoting those three instances seems to fix the problem.

vimpager_ptree is not setup correctly with Zsh's run-help

When using zsh's run-help, vimpager_ptree is not setup correctly, e.g.:

% run-help man 
man is /usr/bin/man
vimpager_ptree: []
Error detected while processing /home/user/.vimpagerrc:
line    9:
E684: list index out of range: -2
E15: Invalid expression: exists("vimpager_ptree") && vimpager_ptree[-2] == 'wman'
Press ENTER or type command to continue

vimpager_ptree is "[]" in this case.

I have not investigated much, but it appears that ps awo ... behaves strange in this situation.

Please note that it works with run-help true:
% run-help true
vimpager_ptree: ['zsh', 'bash']
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Throws error when trying to use with pathogen.

Whenever I run vimpager, I get this error:

Error detected while processing /Users/mark/.vimrc:
line    4:
E117: Unknown function: pathogen#infect 

I tried adding source $HOME/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim to my .vimrc to no avail.

Avoid buffering entire files


One issue that's been slitghly annoying me when using vimpager is that whenever I try to open a big file with it, the program hangs until it has seemingly buffered the whole file and then display it. I don't know if it's a desired feature or not, but as less and vim open immediatly any large file I throw at them I suppose it's an issue to be fixed. Another inconvenience comes when we pipe stuff to vimpager, because it also hangs till the program writing to stdout terminates to display stuff (and if the said program is quite slow, it might be painful to just wait).

Steps to reproduce the issue:
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=40 | base64 | vimpager
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=40 | base64 | less

ANSI escape sequences

ANSI escape sequences appear as line noise. It seems from looking at Dr. Chip's ANSIEsc plugin that there may be no clean way to handle these shy of patching vim. Please consider adding a 'col -b' or similar filtering step to remove ANSI escapes.

For example, ' git log' should show quite a bit of escaping that it would be ideal to clean up automagically.

can't open $MYVIMRC (version 1.6)

I'm using
system: Mac OS X (10.6.8)
vim: 7.3.315 (MacVim, compiled with brew)
vimpager: 1.6
If I use vimpager to read a file or view a man page I get this error inside vim, before the contents are displayed correctly:

"/tmp/vimpager_82068/stdin" [readonly] 45 lines, 1555 characters
Error detected while processing command line:
E484: Can't open file $MYVIMRC
Press ENTER or type command to continue

I have searched the source file of vimpager but only found four occurrences of the string "MYVIMRC", all in command lines to call vim but none where the variable was set. But the variable is not described in the man page for vimpager. So do I have to put it in my environment? Because if I run MYVIMRC=/dev/null man vimpager all works fine. But then there is the VIMPAGER_RC environment variable already. Why would we need two?

If it is possible I suggest to set the variable to a meaningful value or remove it. If that is not possible I would like to see it documented in the man page.

Thanks for your effort

vimpager runs commands of other users

vimpager uses /tmp in a very insecure way, which allows another user on the system to tamper with vimpager's data. For example, an attacker can run any command in the context of a user that uses vimpager. To do that, the attacker runs

for i in $(seq 1 65535); do echo '123 | autocmd VimLeave * !echo hello world > /tmp/arbitrary_command' > /tmp/vimpager_cols_$i; done

which sets up many /tmp/vimpager_cols_XXXX files. Line 115 of the vimpager script will fail to overwrite the file (permission denied if run as normal user), but the script will keep running. Line 118 then sets

cols='123 | autocmd VimLeave * !echo hello world > /tmp/arbitrary_command'

And if you configured "gvim" to be used as your editor, lines 337-344 will run

gvim ....... -c "....... set columns=123 | autocmd VimLeave * !.............

which defines a command that is executed when gvim terminates, because it uses the $cols variable that contains the attacker's data.

The fix for this is rather simple, use code like

mkdir -m 700 /tmp/vimpager_directory_$$ || { echo failed to create tempdir; exit 1 }

to create a secure temporary directory. Then, create all your tempfiles in that directory.

No longer works correctly under the root user

After upgrading vimpager from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2, it no longer correctly displays any file or the standard input (when piped to), when ran as a root.

Typical scenario:

# less any-file
E282: Cannot read from "-E"
Press ENTER or type command to continue
2 files to edit
E282: Cannot read from "--cmd"
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Vim then opens with an empty buffer, statusbar containing:

"let vimpager=1 | runtime! macros/less.vim" [New DIRECTORY]

The second buffer contains the data to be viewed, with no syntax higlighting.

(The root user has no special configuration, not even a .vimrc file.)

j does not scroll when <cr> is mapped to ':' in vimrc

In my vimrc i have the line
nnoremap :
so I'm able to enter commands faster since enter in normal mode does essentially the same thing as 'j'. However, in vimpager when I press 'j' it brings me into command mode.

Doesn't play nice with binding j and k to gj and gk

I recently added the following bindings to my .vimrc and it's been interfering with Vimpager:

nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk

Normally, Vimpager behaves like less in that moving up and down scrolls rather than moving the cursor, but this binding messes that up.

Detecting (or delcaring) filetype for content piped in

This, I would have thought, would be an obvious one:

9/10ths of the purpose of vimpager is to have a syntax-hilighting pager. So, when I coffee --print | vimpager for the first time after installing it, and see this …

un-hilighted source-code

… I'm a bit put-off. Is there really no way to have vim, or vimpager, “sniff” the file or something to try and determine file-type? Failing that, may we please have a way to specify the relevant :setf <foo> command on the command-line, so I don't have to type it every time I open my pager? (=

Custom Filetype Detection Support?

Vimpager right now does some basic filetype detection with do_ptree. But this feature is not easily extendable without touching vimpager itself.

The best soluion I can think of right now in terms of extensibility is to pass the result of do_ptree to a variable in vim. Then users can do whatever they want with it in .vimpagerrc or .vimrc.

Any thoughts? I would be willing to implement this.

Getting "cannot allocate color" errors

When I try to use vimpager wth MacVim, I get a few screenfuls of "Cannot allocate color" errors before I'm able to view my file. When I open the same file in vim I have no such problems. The same executable is being used in both cases.

Any ideas how to fix this?


Was just wondering if there was a reason you were launching vim with --no-plugins. It causes a ton of errors on my end (my statusline assumes that certain plugins are loaded…)

Uses bin/sh to run bash script (not valid on ubuntu)

Ubuntu has a highperformance posix dash for its /bin/sh. This means that vimcat does not work on ubuntu.
vimcat uses #!/bin/sh but explicitly states in the header comment that it is a bash script. This is incorrect behavoir. I would expect that the script should either be updated to avoid any non-posix functionality or more likely the interpreter line should be changed to /bin/bash so that it uses the interpreter it expects.

No LICENSE information

I cannot find the license information of this product.
3-clause-BSD license is in vimcat script, but it is unclear whether it affect to whole script or only AnsiHighlight part.

Could you note license information in each scripts and/or README?

vimpager_use_gui does not open MacVim

With 1.4.5 I can use vimpager, but I have this line in my vimrc:

let vimpager_use_gvim = 1

but it keeps opening vim in the terminal. Any pointers on troubleshooting this? I'm using MacVim.

v1.6.9 in conflict with ToggleComment

It does NOT quit vimpager and show the follow message when I press `q' (same key used in ToggleComment)

Error detected while processing function ToggleComment_toggle:
line 16:
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
line 17:
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
line 18:
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
Press ENTER or type command to continue

There is no problem in v1.6.8

Need to be able to customize search path

The copy of VIM that I use is located in my ~/bin directory. vimpager and vimcat completely ignore this version as it is not found in their default search path. There should be a way to customize the search path to include non-standard binary locations.

Scroll up?

when I scroll up, I can't go more than ~2-3 lines back. This makes vimpager very difficult to use.


i don't appear to receive mouse support with the present mouse=h, mouse=a works

Scrolling with ^D/^F problem (less.vim)

When opening man pages the script /usr/share/vim/vim74/macros/ seems to run and setting up mappings for ^D and ^F (and others). This causes problems with scrolling using those mappings (where there now is a delay from the keystroke till the scrolling actually happens).

Is there some way of disabling that less script to run (and source less.vim in the macros directory) or any other way to just make it work as meant to work?

Edit: Disabling loading of plugins does work. That disables colorscheme etc as well though (and custom syntaxes). Maybe it's possible to just disable macros from loading somehow.

:nmap <CR> mapping

I'm using Ubuntu 12.10, vim 2:7.3.547-4ubuntu1.1

In my $VIMRC, I have nnoremap <CR> o<Esc>

This seems to clobber some of the keys in vimpager. Specifically, keys that are listed as :noxb, :noxe, :noxj, etc. I can fix this by just calling :unmap <CR> The vimpager keys work as advertised after this step.

I casually replaced instances of :noremap and :nmap to :nnoremap in the vimpager source, but that didn't help out with ignoring my <CR> mapping. I figured nnoremap should work out, but I guess those aren't the lines I'm looking for.

Any suggestions? Or should I just stick with the unmapping for now?

"h" does not scroll left

I just installed this (and love it), but with unchanged settings I am unable to scroll left with the h key. What happens instead is I get a help output:

<Space>   One page forward          b         One page backward
d         Half a page forward       u         Half a page backward
<Enter>   One line forward          k         One line backward
G         End of file               g         Start of file
N%        percentage in file

/pattern  Search for pattern        ?pattern  Search backward for pattern
n         next pattern match        N         Previous pattern match

:n<Enter> Next file                 :p<Enter> Previous file

q         Quit                      v         Edit file
Hit Enter to continue

l, j, and k all work as expected.

Problem of col

While open large string stream like git log -p will got warning message col: Illegal byte sequence, and the string-stream be cut off.
I haven't Linux, Just tested on Mac OS X Lion.

Visual selection is not inserted to X selection

I normally use vim with mouse=a, so when I highlight some text with the mouse in urxvt, that selection is put into the primary X selection. However, with vimpager that is not the case. It seems that any selected text does not update the X selection. If I write the contents of the pager to a file, then open that file for editing, the X selection still does not work properly. But, if I quit vim, then open that file, the X selection does work normally.

Uudecode is not widely available

There is no such program neither in MSYS nor in MSYS2, and it looks like Linux distributions will include uudecode under optional packages such as sharutils in Ubuntu. These distributions should however come with base64 from coreutils, which is also available in MSYS2. This is a follow-up to issue #83, according to Rafael:

The situation with base64 vs. uudecode is this. Many platforms like Solaris 10 or OpenBSD have uudecode, but not base64, because they don't use coreutils. Mac OSX has base64, but it comes from OpenSSL. Perl is another possibility that is widely available, but not universally either. On the other hand, linux distributions are more likely to have base64 (coreutils) and not uudecode, which is often in an optional package (GNU sharutils.)

openbsd ps command

  • do_ptree
  • awk $2 ~ /(^|/)(man|perl(doc)?([0-9.]*)?|py(thon|doc|doc2))/ {t=1} END { exit 1-t }
    ps: comm: illegal keyword specification

extra_cmd="let vimpager_ptree=[$(do_ptree | awk '{ print """ $2 """ }' | tr '\n' ',')] | call remove(vimpager_ptree, -1)"

  • do_ptree
  • awk { print """ $2 """ }
  • tr \n ,
    ps: comm: illegal keyword specification

tested on openbsd 5.1: comm -> command ? (man ps)

Can't copy-paste

When trying to copy text from vimpager, I get E481: No range allowed, and nothing goes to the system pasteboard. It's the same with vim shortcuts (e.g. yy) and with mouse selection and Command C.

This is with iTerm 2 on Mac.

vimpager's use of --noplugin interferes with fugitive statusline

I use the fugitive plugin for vim (loaded via vundle), and my vim statusline includes "%{fugitive#statusline()}". Since vimpager starts vim with --noplugin, the fugitive#statusline() function doesn't exist and vim shows an error whenever it is invoked via vimpager: "E117: Unknown function: fugitive#statusline".

I tried to have a conditional "if exists()" block in my .vimrc to check whether the function exists and switch the statusline accordingly, but this didn't work.

If I remove the "--noplugin"s, fugitive is loaded as expected and everything works.

Why does vimpager use --noplugin?

vimrc configuration just for vimpager

Hi, I have been using vimpager more lately. Since vimpager reads vim .vimrc
it ends up with some settings that I prefer to have for text editing which I would like
to turn off when in vimpager mode.

Is there any way you can modify the script to either read an alternate vimrc file
(maybe specified in a enviroment variable VIMPAGER_RC), if this variable is null just go with the
Or alternatively would it be possible to set some variable before reading the vimrc file so I could
do something like in my vimrc:
if in_vimpager_mode
do setting 1;


doesn't play nicely with git

vimpager as pager doesn't work nicely with git. Maybe git is just too less specific implemented and there is no other option than making git use less instead of pager. I know the configuration option core.pager of git where I can supply any pager I want and it works if I set less there. I just thought I mention here that it doesn't play nicely in case you can and want do something about it. One good example is "git grep something", especially if it gives less results than screen lines. Then the different behaviour in paging, exiting and coloring between less and vimpager is seen best.

Add scrolloff=5

Add scrolloff=5 so when searching manpages (which is done a lot) we can see the context of our search hit.

Example 'man curl', search for 'directory' and press n a few times. do it again with scrolloff=5 to see the difference

Support opening ``vimpager`` in a buffer

I would love to be able to open a new buffer in vim with vimpager. This would allow, for example, reading documentation side-by-side with what I'm coding without having to do shenanigans with terminals.

As a related request, it would be incredibly helpful if there were a command that one could run via command-mode to open a new man page (rather than needing to close vimpager and then rerun man with the desired page).

/etc/vimrc not sourced if ~/.vimrc doesn't exist

I have no ~/.vimrc because I'm the only user on my system and I like vim to behave the same whether I'm logged in as the user or root account.

vimpager works fine for me using vim, but if I would like it to use gvim if possible.

Adding let vimpager_use_gvim = 1 to my /etc/vimrc seems to have no effect... so apparently /etc/vimrc isn't being sourced.

Creating /etc/vimpager or ~/.vimpager with contents let vimpager_use_gvim = 1 does cause vimpager to use gvim, but then it doesn't seem to be correctly source my /etc/vimrc like gvim ordinarily does.

Creating ~/.vimrc with the let vimpager_use_gvim = 1 and any theme configuration is my current workaround but I don't think this should be necessary, as the gvim spawned by vimpager should source /etc/vimrc regardless, just like normal gvim does.

Why not use Vim keybinding to move up and down?

I don't understand why I can't use j, k, <C-u> and <C-d> to move up and down. For instance j is mapped to <CR> which makes no sense to me..

EDIT: I can use u to go up, and d "kinda" works (it goes down after a delay).

Fold Headings

I don't know if you consider this to be part of the scope of the program, but I always thought that it would be nice to have vim folding for the section headers (.SH).

scrolling issue

Not really sure if this is an issue of vimpager, I just happen to notice it only with vimpager. When scrolling through a man page, I randomly use the up/down arrows or the pageup/pagedown keys. The problem is that after using the up/down keys, the pageup/pagdown change its behavior. That's the result of a vim "feature" and the way arrow keys are defined:

:nmap <up>
n <Up> * 1<C-U>
'scroll' 'scr'      number  (default: half the window height)
            local to window
    Number of lines to scroll with CTRL-U and CTRL-D commands.  Will be
    set to half the number of lines in the window when the window size
    changes.  If you give a count to the CTRL-U or CTRL-D command it will
    be used as the new value for 'scroll'.  Reset to half the window
    height with ":set scroll=0".

In my own config I have the arrow keys defined as

<Up> * gk
<Down> * gj

and I don't see this issue.
BTW, thanks for your work, I love vimpager.


less.vim forces vim to use the default syntax color

I found a small problem around the vim-launching process of vimpager.

Although if you are setting your own highlights in your .vimrc, vimpager sets syntax highlights to the default of your colorscheme during the launching process.

(Line 177 and 186)

The problem is that since these lines call macros/less.vim after vim starts,
so the syntax on code in macros/less.vim (line 39 on my environment) resets highlights to its default.

I know this is not a big problem, but could you consider about it?
(re-executing ~/.vimrc after loading macros/less.vim might be an easy approach?)


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