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formattable's Issues

[Question] How to adjust format AND change style in the meanwhile?

for example, I have a column called rate, it comes in 0.xx format.

On one hand, I want to style it as colored bar chart using the formatter(style) function.
On the other hand, I'd like to change the text to xx%

Could you provide a minimal example on how to achieve this?


comma() not working for column in DT::datatable within an R Markdown document

Should this work within an R Markdown document? When I print out the df in the console the Value column has commas, but the column does not have commas within the datatable

df <- data.frame(Category=c("A", "B", "C"), Value=c(1324, 560, 2000), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df$Value <- formattable::comma(df$Value)

Can't format tables with just one row

There seems to be an issue formatting tables with just one row using the formatter. Using the example code given in the readme, replacing "df" with "df[1,]" invokes the problem:

formattable(df[1,], list(
# instead of
formattable(df, list(

The error message is:

Error in data.frame(mapply(function(x, name) { : 
  'row.names' should specify one of the variables

And the end of the traceback shows that there might be a problem in the "format_table" function in formattable.R:

13: stop("'row.names' should specify one of the variables")
12: data.frame(mapply(function(x, name) {
        f <- formatters[[name]]
        value <- if (is.null(f)) 
        else if (inherits(f, "formula")) 
            eval_formula(f, x)
        if (is.formattable(value)) 
        else value
    }, x, names(x), SIMPLIFY = FALSE), row.names = row.names, check.rows = check.rows, 
        check.names = check.names, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
11: format_table(list(id = 1L, name = "Bob", age = 28, grade = "C", 
        test1_score = 8.9, test2_score = 9.1, final_score = 9, registered = TRUE), 
        list(age = function (x) 
            if (length(x) == 0L) 
            values <- lapply(args, function(arg) {
                value <- if (is.function(arg)) 
                else if (inherits(arg, "formula")) 
                    eval_formula(arg, x)
                else arg
                if (is.null(value)) 
                else value
            tags <- .mapply(function(...) {
                attrs <- list(...)
                htmltools::tag(.tag, attrs[! & nzchar(attrs)])
            }, values, NULL)
            vapply(tags, as.character, character(1L))


I've tried to debug it, but my understanding of R are not that good yet. Maybe someone know what needs to be done?

Thanks :)

Truncating long strings

Is there a way to truncate long strings to n characters for the table but then displaying the full string as a mouse-over tooltip?

An example here from DT package: See section 4.4.

Pass check.names to data.frame

I'd suggest check.names = FALSE in the call to data.frame in the body of (Otherwise, spaces in the column names get clobbered.)

Great package!!!

Named vectors lose their names

For example, if I run:
percent( c(a = .13, b =.34))

I get:
[1] 13.00% 34.00%

The vector still has the names property, but it is not being printed.

PS. Awesome package!

formattable webshots

Made this simple function to be able to put a formattable in a pdf report; not sure if something like this is useful in the package itself. It exports a formattable as e.g. png. Possibly something more generic would be useful in the webshot package (see also wch/webshot#1). Also it has the external dependency on phantomjs. But in any case, I thought I'd share it here:

#' Export a Formattable as PNG, PDF, or JPEG
#' @param f A formattable.
#' @param file Export path with extension .png, .pdf, or .jpeg.
#' @param width Width specification of the html widget being exported.
#' @param height Height specification of the html widget being exported.
#' @param background Background color specification.
#' @param delay Time to wait before taking webshot, in seconds.
#' @importFrom formattable as.htmlwidget
#' @importFrom htmltools html_print
#' @importFrom webshot webshot
#' @export
export_formattable <- function(f, file, width = "100%", height = NULL, 
                               background = "white", delay = 0.2)
  w <- as.htmlwidget(f, width = width, height = height)
  path <- html_print(w, background = background, viewer = NULL)
  url <- paste0("file:///", gsub("\\\\", "/", normalizePath(path)))
          file = file,
          selector = ".formattable_widget",
          delay = delay)

Weird encoding issues

Hi, found a bug related to encoding, very weird. Here's a mini repo exmpale.


          Name = '分红险农行'


          Name = '分红险-农行'

Session info

R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

[1] LC_COLLATE=Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936 
[2] LC_CTYPE=Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936   
[3] LC_MONETARY=Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                                                   
[5] LC_TIME=Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[7] base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] shiny_0.12.2.9006 htmlwidgets_0.5.1 R6_2.1.1         
 [4] markdown_0.7.7    htmltools_0.3     tools_3.2.2      
 [7] yaml_2.1.13       Rcpp_0.12.3       formattable_0.1.6
[10] highr_0.5.1       knitr_1.12        jsonlite_0.9.19  
[13] digest_0.6.9      xtable_1.8-0      httpuv_1.3.3     
[16] mime_0.4     

percent(NA) gives error

Thanks for the fantastic package! I have wanted something like this for a long time.

Small issue (on the CRAN version): percent(NA) gives an error: Error during wrapup: no applicable method for 'percent' applied to an object of class "logical"

However, percent(as.numeric(NA)) does work.

Workaround: formattalbe:::percent.numeric(NA)

Differences in bar length for same grades

I really enjoy this package! There is only one problem I would like to deal with. Take al look at this screenshot.

difference in lenghts between same grades

The two columns show scores with (I pressume) theoretically the same ranges. To my opinion the bar lengths should have the same length when dealing with the same score. As you can see this is not the case with score 9.1. I would like to be able to compare scores in two or more columns 'in one glance'. Because of the different bar lengths this not possible.

Is there way to fix the ranges withing the bar function? Many thanks in advance!

RFC: ggplot2 support

Attaching formatting to values is a very neat approach. Any thoughts on making this compatible with ggplot? Example:

data.frame(x=formattable::percent(1:10) / 100, y = 1:10) %>% ggplot(aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_point()

I would expect the formatting to show up on the axes.

Content alignment

Hi, How can content be aligned (left, center, right) within the table? For text as well as icons. Thanks.

    var1=formatter("span", style = x ~ style("text-align" = "center"))

Possible to add sorting and filtering to formattable?

Hi Renkun-Ken,

Thanks for this cool package! It really looks good and works well. I was wondering if it is possible to easily integrate dataTable features like sorting and filtering (as implemented in RStudio's DT library). I guess it's not that easy, but I am curious about you opinon.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Should not preserve integer class if mode changes to numeric

The current implementation of operators and methods for formattable class preserves the base class in a way that may not work if mode has changed.

> z <- formattable(1:10) + 0.1
> z
 [1] 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
> str(z)
Classes 'formattable', 'integer'  atomic [1:10] 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.1
  ..- attr(*, "formattable")=List of 4
  .. ..$ formatter: chr "formatC"
  .. ..$ format   : list()
  .. ..$ preproc  : NULL
  .. ..$ postproc : NULL

First `formatter` column always too wide (generated table/col widths using `%` not `px`?)


UPDATE : I only see this problem with the output of knit HTML but not when running the R script and Export Save as Web Page.

Using version 0.1.7 my first column that uses the formatter syntax always appears too wide.
I notice in the generated HTML that the generated table width and col width values appear to be using % rather than px - is this a local knitr/RStudio/formattable setup issue or an issue with the package.

If I run your id name age grade example I see the following output...




saveWidget not working?

[df <- data.frame(
  id = 1:10,
  name = c("Bob", "Ashley", "James", "David", "Jenny", 
    "Hans", "Leo", "John", "Emily", "Lee"), 
  age = c(28, 27, 30, 28, 29, 29, 27, 27, 31, 30),
  grade = c("C", "A", "A", "C", "B", "B", "B", "A", "C", "C"),
  test1_score = c(8.9, 9.5, 9.6, 8.9, 9.1, 9.3, 9.3, 9.9, 8.5, 8.6),
  test2_score = c(9.1, 9.1, 9.2, 9.1, 8.9, 8.5, 9.2, 9.3, 9.1, 8.8),
  final_score = c(9, 9.3, 9.4, 9, 9, 8.9, 9.25, 9.6, 8.8, 8.7),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

test <- formattable(df, list(
  age = color_tile("white", "orange"),
  grade = formatter("span",
    style = x ~ ifelse(x == "A", style(color = "green", font.weight = "bold"), NA)),
  test1_score = color_bar("pink", 0.2),
  test2_score = color_bar("pink", 0.2),
  final_score = formatter("span",
    style = x ~ style(color = ifelse(rank(-x) <= 3, "green", "gray")),
    x ~ sprintf("%.2f (rank: %02d)", x, rank(-x))),
  registered = formatter("span", 
    style = x ~ style(color = ifelse(x, "green", "red")),
    x ~ icontext(ifelse(x, "ok", "remove"), ifelse(x, "Yes", "No")))


Error in system.file(config, package = package) : 
  'package' must be of length 1](url)

make formattable also works as an htmlwidget

Explore different ways to allow formattable to work as an htmlwidget. Currently, formattable only works when in the context of a rmarkdown document. Adding htmlwidget functionality would allow it to work in other contexts such as console, RStudio Viewer, and Shiny.

Encoding problem in RStudio viewer pane but not in rmarkdown html output

When a data frame with unicode characters (e.g. Chinese), the formattable is not correctly rendered in RStudio viewer pane but rendered correctly in html document produced by rmarkdown renderer.

df <- data.frame(id = 1:2, name = c("小明", "小红"), age=c(10,20))

The locale of the R session must be set as Chinese first using

Sys.setlocale(locale = "Chinese")

could not find function "as.htmlwidget" without explictly library(formattable)

I really love beautiful tables, and this package gives me all I want! Thanks.

However, I would like the package has one feature that is: It should behave the same using library(formattable) or just use formattable::fun

However, when in a shiny app, it cannot work, with error could not find function "as.htmlwidget"

here's a mini reproducible example.

Can't run

  ui = fluidPage(
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$test <- formattable::renderFormattable({
      df <- data.frame(
        id = 1:10,
        name = c("Bob", "Ashley", "James", "David", "Jenny", 
                 "Hans", "Leo", "John", "Emily", "Lee"), 
        age = c(28, 27, 30, 28, 29, 29, 27, 27, 31, 30),
        grade = c("C", "A", "A", "C", "B", "B", "B", "A", "C", "C"),
        test1_score = c(8.9, 9.5, 9.6, 8.9, 9.1, 9.3, 9.3, 9.9, 8.5, 8.6),
        test2_score = c(9.1, 9.1, 9.2, 9.1, 8.9, 8.5, 9.2, 9.3, 9.1, 8.8),
        final_score = c(9, 9.3, 9.4, 9, 9, 8.9, 9.25, 9.6, 8.8, 8.7),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      formattable::formattable(df, list(
        age = formattable::color_tile("white", "orange"),
        grade = formattable::formatter(
          style = x ~ ifelse(x == "A", formattable::style(color = "green", font.weight = "bold"), NA)),
        test1_score = formattable::color_bar("pink", 0.2),
        test2_score = formattable::color_bar("pink", 0.2),
        final_score = formattable::formatter(
          style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(rank(-x) <= 3, "green", "gray")),
          x ~ sprintf("%.2f (rank: %02d)", x, rank(-x))),
        registered = 
                                 style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(x, "green", "red")),
                                 x ~ formattable::icontext(ifelse(x, "ok", "remove"), ifelse(x, "Yes", "No")))

Be able to run

  ui = fluidPage(
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$test <- formattable::renderFormattable({
      df <- data.frame(
        id = 1:10,
        name = c("Bob", "Ashley", "James", "David", "Jenny", 
                 "Hans", "Leo", "John", "Emily", "Lee"), 
        age = c(28, 27, 30, 28, 29, 29, 27, 27, 31, 30),
        grade = c("C", "A", "A", "C", "B", "B", "B", "A", "C", "C"),
        test1_score = c(8.9, 9.5, 9.6, 8.9, 9.1, 9.3, 9.3, 9.9, 8.5, 8.6),
        test2_score = c(9.1, 9.1, 9.2, 9.1, 8.9, 8.5, 9.2, 9.3, 9.1, 8.8),
        final_score = c(9, 9.3, 9.4, 9, 9, 8.9, 9.25, 9.6, 8.8, 8.7),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      formattable::formattable(df, list(
        age = formattable::color_tile("white", "orange"),
        grade = formattable::formatter(
          style = x ~ ifelse(x == "A", formattable::style(color = "green", font.weight = "bold"), NA)),
        test1_score = formattable::color_bar("pink", 0.2),
        test2_score = formattable::color_bar("pink", 0.2),
        final_score = formattable::formatter(
          style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(rank(-x) <= 3, "green", "gray")),
          x ~ sprintf("%.2f (rank: %02d)", x, rank(-x))),
        registered = 
                                 style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(x, "green", "red")),
                                 x ~ formattable::icontext(ifelse(x, "ok", "remove"), ifelse(x, "Yes", "No")))

The only difference is the later one explictly calls library(formattable)

make formattable the htmlwidget of the week

Assuming we can work through some of the lingering small issues, I'd like to make formattable the new htmlwidget of the week especially since it helps illustrate the various contexts in which R might use html/javascript. Would this be ok?

Interactive rendering of data frame produces different output from Rmd output

Create a simple HTML Rmd document and put a chuck with the following code:

formattable(head(mtcars), list(mpg = color_bar("lightpink", 0.5)))

If the code is evaluated in interactive mode (in RStudio), the Viewer pane shows the following result:


The column mpg with color_bar is left-aligned, which is inconsistent with the rendered html output by Knit HTML from the Rmd:


variable name formatter

Love this idea. It might be nice to also have a function that will apply simple rules for the variable names to format them as well. For example, include an option to make variable names title case, and replace "_" and "." with a space. Probably could be set at the data.frame level.

Preserve formattable class for *apply functions

> lapply(percent(c(0.1,0.2,0.3)), function(p) class(p))
[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

formattable atomic vectors do not preserve formattable class when called with *apply functions. Note that lapply coerces input vector by as.list. Implement as.list.formattable should work.

Subsetting does not work with formattable data.table

Create a formattable data.table data.frame object,

x1 <- formattable(data.table(x=1:5, y=rnorm(5)))

and subsetting does not work:

 Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : 
  Invalid column: it has dimensions. Can't format it. If it's the result of data.table(table()), use instead.

Possible namespace issue with plotly::last_plot()

The following code works perfectly;

df <- data.frame(A = 1:10,
                 B = 10:1)
formattable(df, list(
  A = formatter('span', style = x ~ ifelse(x >= 5, style(color = "green"), NA)),
  B = formatter('span', style = x ~ ifelse(x >= 5, style(color = "green"), NA))

However, when the plotly package is loaded, I get the following error:

Error in last_plot() : The last plot doesn't exist

Any insight would be great.

sessionInfo() with only formattable loaded

R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.0.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.11.1 (El Capitan)

[1] en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/C/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] formattable_0.1.6

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] shiny_0.12.2.9006 htmlwidgets_0.5   R6_2.1.1          markdown_0.7.7   
 [5] htmltools_0.3     tools_3.2.3       yaml_2.1.13       Rcpp_0.12.2      
 [9] highr_0.5.1       knitr_1.11        jsonlite_0.9.19   digest_0.6.8     
[13] xtable_1.8-0      httpuv_1.3.3      mime_0.4

sessionInfo() with formattable + plotly loaded

R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.0.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.11.1 (El Capitan)

[1] en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/C/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] plotly_2.1.0      ggplot2_2.0.0     formattable_0.1.6

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.2       magrittr_1.5      knitr_1.11        munsell_0.4.2    
 [5] colorspace_1.2-6  xtable_1.8-0      R6_2.1.1          stringr_1.0.0    
 [9] highr_0.5.1       httr_1.0.0        plyr_1.8.3        tools_3.2.3      
[13] grid_3.2.3        gtable_0.1.2      htmltools_0.3     yaml_2.1.13      
[17] digest_0.6.8      gridExtra_2.0.0   shiny_0.12.2.9006 viridis_0.3.2    
[21] base64enc_0.1-3   htmlwidgets_0.5   mime_0.4          stringi_1.0-1    
[25] scales_0.3.0      jsonlite_0.9.19   httpuv_1.3.3      markdown_0.7.7

Displaying a Space in a Column Name

Is it possible to escape characters in the column name so they will appear in the table? For example, if I have a column named "Profit Margin" when it is rendered into a table the name will be converted to "Profit.Margin". I have attached a sample image below:

I looked into using the formatter function, but from what I can tell it is only used to create different html attributes, such as style, for a given html tag, and not manipulate the inner text.

graident and csscolor do not handle missing values

> gradient(c(1:10, NA), "white", "red")
Error in if (max == min) return(rep(1, length(x))) : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

If normalize in gradient is called with na.rm = TRUE then a column of NAs will appear in the matrix, which causes csscolor to produce #NANANA color string.

Conditional formatting based on 2+ columns

I wonder whether it is possible to define a formatter based on multiple columns of a data.frame. I would like to do something along these lines...

p_format <- formatter("span",
style = x ~ ifelse(x <= 0.05 && my_second_variable <= 0, "background-color:red",NA))


Incorrect handling of minus operator

The current implementation of operators for class formattable does not correctly handle - which is + with missing y.

> library(formattable)
> z <- comma(123)
> -z
 Error in create_obj(op(remove_class(x, class), unclass(y)), class, attr(x,  : 
  argument "y" is missing, with no default 

Format column by different column?

On your example page, would there be a way to (for example) make all the 27 year old student's names be green? ie.. Can I reference a different column somehow?

tile/bar helper functions do not work with formattable object

> num <- rnorm(5, 0.01, 0.01)
> num
[1] 0.020818893 0.004526958 0.009157277 0.030189282 0.005815931
> color_tile("white", "red")(num)
[1] "<span style=\"display: block; padding: 0 4px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ff5d5d\">0.0208188925786569</span>" 
[2] "<span style=\"display: block; padding: 0 4px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ffffff\">0.00452695838799669</span>"
[3] "<span style=\"display: block; padding: 0 4px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ffd0d0\">0.00915727656078365</span>"
[4] "<span style=\"display: block; padding: 0 4px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ff0000\">0.0301892822241635</span>" 
[5] "<span style=\"display: block; padding: 0 4px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #fff2f2\">0.00581593056279019</span>"
> color_tile("white", "red")(percent(num))
 Error: missing attribute for class 'formattable'. 

Easy way to reduce column width?

Hi, been loving formattable. Right now I am trying to reduce formattable column widths in a shiny app, the table I am working with is only 5 columns and it stretches across all available area!

Thanks for your help and time :)

Incorrectly placed table caption using pandoc format

Create a rmd with a chuck of the following code:

formattable(head(mtcars), list(mpg = color_tile("transparent", "lightpink")))

formattable(head(mtcars), list(mpg = color_tile("transparent", "lightpink")), 
  format = "pandoc", caption = "table 2")

The caption of the table 2 in output html goes to table 1, as shown below:


However the resulted md look normal but pandoc seems to regard the caption Table: table 2 below table 2 as the title of table 1.

Subset modification returns inconsistent results with atomic vectors

> x <- 1:10
> x[5] <- 2.5
> x
 [1]  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  2.5  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0 10.0
> str(x)
 num [1:10] 1 2 3 4 2.5 6 7 8 9 10
> x <- formattable(1:10)
> x[5] <- 2.5
> x
 [1] 1  2  3  4  2  6  7  8  9  10
> str(x)
Classes 'formattable', 'integer'  atomic [1:10] 1 2 3 4 2.5 6 7 8 9 10
  ..- attr(*, "formattable")=List of 4
  .. ..$ formatter: chr "formatC"
  .. ..$ format   : list()
  .. ..$ preproc  : NULL
  .. ..$ postproc : NULL

htmlwidget not working with pandoc output

If a formattable data.frame is rendered to markdown, then htmlwidget feature would work. However, some table style like caption seems unsupported by markdown but supported by pandoc. If one runs

formattable(head(mtcars), format = "pandoc")

Then the resulted htmlwidget will be a messy output since pandoc table representation is not recognized by markdown. One way to avoid this is to unsupport pandoc output in format_table. But a minor consequence is that arguments of knitr::kable like caption will no longer be supported or will be always ignored.

shiny render function

Loving formattable in rstudio but would love to use it in shiny. Is there a plan to add render and output functions?

Getting weird error message when trying to render data frame in formattable

Hi. I have created a matrix object to show specific values based on cluster assignment. Originally, it had 5 columns and 17 rows. But I want the formatting to be specific to the rows, so I transposed it when I created it as a data frame. This threw the following error:

Error in : 
      c("'structure(list(list(structure(list(name = \"i\", attribs = structure(list(' is not a function, character or        symbol", "'    class = \"glyphicon glyphicon-user\"), .Names = \"class\"), children = list()), .Names = c(\"name\", ' is not a function, character or symbol", "'\"attribs\", \"children\"), class = \"shiny.tag\")), NULL), class = c(\"shiny.tag.list\", ' is not a function, character or symbol", "'\"list\"))' is not a function, character or symbol")

So I went back and redrew the matrix to make the rows the columns and created my data frame from that, but I'm still getting the same error. I ran r is.formattable(clustMedian) which came back FALSE, and then r is.formattable(formattable(clustMedian)), which came back TRUE, but to no avail. I'm still getting the same error.

Here is my data frame code and a summary of the output.

# Prepare cluster summaries
clustMedian <- matrix(0,0, ncol = 17, nrow = 5)
rownames(clustMedian) <- c("Cluster 1", "Cluster 2", "Cluster 3",
                           "Cluster 4", "Cluster 5")
colnames(clustMedian) <- c("Total Players per Cluster", 
                           "Mean Annual Visits", 
                           "Mean Bet Amount",
                           "Mean Bet Total Per Visit", 
                           "Mean Win/Loss Per Visit",
                           "Jan 15 Bet Mean", "Feb 15 Bet Mean",
                           "Mar 15 Bet Mean", "Apr 15 Bet Mean",
                           "May 15 Bet Mean", "Jun 15 Bet Mean",
                           "Jul 15 Bet Mean", "Aug 15 Bet Mean",
                           "Sept 15 Bet Mean", 
                           "Oct 15 Bet Mean",
                           "Nov 15 Bet Mean", "Dec 15 Bet Mean")
clustMedian[,1] <- round(tapply(hClustReCluster$Player, 
clustMedian[,2] <- round(tapply(hClustReCluster$Track.Visit, 
                                mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,3] <- round(tapply(hClustReCluster$MeanBet, 
                                mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,4] <- round(tapply(hClustReCluster$MeanPerVisit, 
                                mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,5] <- round(tapply(hClustReCluster$MeanWinLoss, 
                                mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,6] <- 
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,7] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,8] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,9] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,10] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,11] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,12] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,13] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,14] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,15] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,16] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian[,17] <-
               mean), digits = 2)
clustMedian <- data.frame(clustMedian)
# Fix variable names
names(clustMedian) <- gsub(" ", ".", names(clustMedian))
names(clustMedian) <- gsub("/", ".", names(clustMedian))
> head(clustMedian)
          Total.Players.per.Cluster Mean.Annual.Visits Mean.Bet.Amount
Cluster 1                       177               1.72            4.85
Cluster 2                        62               6.85            9.13
Cluster 3                        68              24.62           11.21
Cluster 4                        64              57.52           15.01
Cluster 5                       133             128.37           14.07
          Mean.Bet.Total.Per.Visit Mean.Win.Loss.Per.Visit
Cluster 1                    28.21                   -6.21
Cluster 2                   123.57                  -42.31
Cluster 3                   158.91                  -47.54
Cluster 4                   200.60                  -59.81
Cluster 5                   448.72                 -118.81
          Jan.15.Bet.Mean Feb.15.Bet.Mean Mar.15.Bet.Mean
Cluster 1           10.53            5.07            1.71
Cluster 2           59.56           41.35            6.29
Cluster 3          261.73          168.33          116.73
Cluster 4          608.93          476.53          396.54
Cluster 5         3597.77         3965.24         4337.09
          Apr.15.Bet.Mean May.15.Bet.Mean Jun.15.Bet.Mean
Cluster 1            0.61            6.10            3.05
Cluster 2            4.65           50.88           50.70
Cluster 3           57.82          135.29          125.58
Cluster 4          423.97          497.18          493.23
Cluster 5         4666.22         4579.95         3484.20
          Jul.15.Bet.Mean Aug.15.Bet.Mean Sept.15.Bet.Mean
Cluster 1            0.47            0.74             0.86
Cluster 2           12.89           17.81             8.70
Cluster 3           81.64          120.59           127.57
Cluster 4          352.38          320.27           345.01
Cluster 5         3387.89         3717.29          3284.13
          Oct.15.Bet.Mean Nov.15.Bet.Mean Dec.15.Bet.Mean
Cluster 1            3.69            2.18            8.73
Cluster 2           51.18           32.18           80.69
Cluster 3          161.89          174.77          145.09
Cluster 4          529.89          345.20          371.67
Cluster 5         3787.63         3572.47         3506.76

And here is the code I'm using to create the formattable table.

formattable(clustMedian, list(
  Total.Players.per.Cluster = icontext("user"),
  Mean.Annual.Visits = formatter("span",
          style = x ~ style(color=ifelse(x > 46, "green","red"),
          icontext(ifelse(x > 46, "chevron up", "chevron down")
  Mean.Bet.Amount = formatter("span",
          style = x ~ style(color=ifelse(x > 10,"green","red"),
          icontext(ifelse(x > 10, "chevron up","chevron down"))
  Mean.Bet.Total.Per.Visit = formatter("span",
          style = x ~ style(color=ifelse(x >190,"green","red"),
          icontext(ifelse(x > 190, "chevron up","chevron down"))
  Mean.Win.Loss.Per.Visit = formatter("span",
           style = x ~ style(color=ifelse(x >-53,"green","red"),
           icontext(ifelse(x > -53,"chevron up", "chevron down")
  Jan.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("cadetblue1", 0.2),
  Feb.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("coral1", 0.2),
  Mar.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("aquamarine1", 0.2),
  Apr.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("goldenrod1", 0.2),
  May.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("orchid1", 0.2),
  Jun.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("lightcyan2", 0.2),
  Jul.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("palevioletred1", 0.2),
  Aug.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("lightcoral", 0.2),
  Sept.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("paleturquoise1", 0.2),
  Oct.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("plum", 0.2),
  Nov.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("lightsteelblue1", 0.2),
  Dec.15.Bet.Mean = color_bar("salmon1", 0.2)))

For some reason, it does run if there Cluster IDs are the variables, but I want to be able to format the values for each cluster and don't see a way to apply formatting to rows. (I see that someone has asked that question.) Would appreciate any help you could offer.

Also would like to know if it's possible to combine the output with r xtable in order to render the table vertically on the page. I tried it and got a mess.


color_bar size and alignment

Hi, discovering this package has made my day / week / month ... thank you!

I've found two issues with color_bar. Here is the original (ignore the yellow stuff bleeding over from the next column):


  1. normalize creates non-proportional sizes. E.g., in the table below, it appears the first cell is a tiny fraction of the second, but it really is just half of it. So the bar should be half as well.

My solution was to override your normalize function and return x / max.

  1. When color_bar is really small, it pushes the number right. My solution was to add a css tag "direction:rtl"

Here is the result


Set width in knitr?


What a great package!

I see on the cran pdf a couple of ways to set width, but none of them seem to work anymore?

I just want to set the width for two tables I would like to place side by side in knitr via html.


table rendered to RStudio Viewer using rmarkdown::render

In RStudio, create an HTML RMarkdown document with a chunk of the following code:


The options of the chunk is

echo=FALSE, results='asis'

If one clicks Knit HTML toolbar button to render the document, then everything works fine. If one calls


to render the document, assuming the document is saved at ~/test1.Rmd, then the formattable data.frame will be rendered to RStudio Viewer pane rather than the output html file. As a result, the file does not contain the table at all.

It seems that calling rmarkdown::render does not set interactive() to be FALSE so that print.formattable thinks the render should happen in an interactive environment.

Internally, rmarkdown::render calls knitr::knit to produce md from Rmd. I tested with


and the resulted md does not contain the table contents.

getting error in is.finite(x)

I think this is a conflict with df from another package.

For some reason, I get this now. Can you check to see if you might also be having this problem? I'll keep digging for a solution.

Error in is.finite(x) : default method not implemented for type 'closure'
In addition: Warning message:
In formatC(function (x, df1, df2, ncp, log = FALSE)  :
  class of 'x' was discarded

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