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rapport's Issues

easy access of user specified templates

Users might create some custom templates not incorporated in rapport. The usage of those templates is quite thorny ATM: users have to specify the full path of the template at each run.

This (well: @aL3xa) suggests to create some functions to easily add custom directories holding templates to tpl.find path.

Keywords for the process: tpl.example, assignInNamespace, methods for add/remove/reset

Add more juice to HTML exports

This one would require some CSS/JS tweaking, like adding skeleton and other JS plugins. It's here just for my reference.

Math containers are aligned center

As we have the following in custom.css, each paragraph with an inline LaTeX formula gets centered:

.math-container {
    text-align: center;

I might be able to fix this, but you would not love that :)
Could you please tweak it a bit?

rapport class: add "call" or "src" of called command

rapport class has many useful information in its structure like metadata and inputs besides the most important report.

Unfortunately metadata and inputs are only based on template and not dealing with the command that returned the rapport class - which would be really handy to.

The structure looks like now:

res <- list(
            metadata = meta,
            inputs = inputs,
            report = report

I would suggest adding something like src or call to that list holding the raw command, eg..:

res <- list(
            metadata = meta,
            inputs = inputs,
            call =,
            report = report

I just did not wanted to modify your function, but if you would not have time and currently not working on template.R, just reply here and will take care of that modification. That would be important for exporting multiple examples to GH pages ATM but I would easily imagine other situations too when that would be handy (eg. saving a rapport class to disk and later loading again to find out where the data sourced).

Description: NULL

Just to have something to play with in the morning: Description shows NULL in HTML export.

Name changes in template.R

IMO, name tpl.header is too uptight - it should be renamed to, 'cause that's exactly what you get by calling it. Likewise, tpl.header should only extract the header part and that's it...

Package versions

It would be awesome if package versions could be also specified in the packages section of templates. With the help of multiple packages can be installed in the same R environment.

Maybe adding this feature as optional with only suggest repmis?

Towards flexible input type definition

This one came to my mind while developing t-test template. It would be nice to provide more control to input definition. For example, if I'm about to specify y variable for t.test function, I'd like it to either be factor or numeric. Right now, it's not possible to add multiple rules in input definition field, but you can do that via variable convention, which will match "any" variable type (not to confuse with the Any type).

So my idea was to provide multiple types in input definition, like factor,numeric or smth. We should probably use ; or any other non-comma-or-pipe separator, as they have special meaning.

Allow multiple examples in template header

Letting template writers to specify multiple examples in a template (e.g. with different input settings for the same dataset) would be a cool feature.

It would allow users to check different settings of a template with ease.

Some parts of the code to be changed:

  • regexp checks in header
  • tpl.example (I would do that one)
  • gh-pages & generator-script (I would do that one)

Suggestion for format: comma separated list of rapport commands (in one line). You could easily write a regexp for that :)

Example: rapport('correlations', data=ius2009, vars=c('age', '', 'it.leisure')), rapport('correlations', data=ius2009, vars=c('age', '', 'it.leisure'), cor.plot=FALSE)

New feature: add suport for config files

Okay, the idea is to add an R file (as @daroczig suggested), in which various rapport settings will take place. File should probably be named like .rapport.R or something. This issue should summarise all user customisable settings. Feel free to add/request new ones. At first, we'll support all settings available in init.R file.

Input limits

Our rapport docs page it says that "number" etc. input fields's limit deals with the number of passed elements. This is strange, and I have must forgot something really obvious, please recall why we needed this kind of limit.

But even if this is OK, the result seems to be strange:

> tpl <- strsplit('<!--head
Title: test
Description: test
Author: test
x | number[1] | x | x
<%=x%>', '\\n')[[1]]

+ + + + + + > Error in stopf("input \"%s\" has length of %d, and should be %s", name,  : 
  input "x" has length of 3, and should be 1

So it seems that we rather check the passed one number if it's inside the limited interval, which makes more sense anyway. So e.g. I could create a template which would take one number as parameter between e.g. 1 and 10, which is working now (although the docs should be updated):

> tpl <- strsplit('<!--head
Title: test
Description: test
Author: test
x | number[1,10] | x | x
<%=x%>', '\\n')[[1]]

+ + + + + + > _3_

But the current implementation does not allow users to specify the limits below 1. E.g. I would want to ask users to pass a number between 0 and 100:

> tpl <- strsplit('<!--head
Title: test
Description: test
Author: test
x | number[0,100] | x | x
<%=x%>', '\\n')[[1]]

+ + + + + + > Error in check.limit(gsub(re5, "\\3", x), "number") : 
  only positive integers should be provided as a limit

But I might even want to specify the limits as negative numbers.

Anyway, a quick fix would be really welcomed. @aL3xa: pls think about the limit specification and pls also fix the "number" input type to let users pass any numbers there (e.g. 0.231234), which latter is a really high priority for

Digit rounding

So, you used global settings for rounding from getOption("digits"), which can be a bit too verbose for "ordinary" usage. We agreed that 4 is OK. But should we add several levels of digit rounding, or let the print methods decide about that one? If you define stat helpers to, say, calculate mean and round result on 2 digits, that would be OK, but sometimes you may want to get 3 digits (p-values, ANOVA tables, etc.)

Should we do something like:

  • 2 digits for inline evaluation
  • 4 digits for blocks

or should we let print methods decide? IMO, we need to think about this one in more details, but for now, for the sake of KISS principle, let's stick with 4 as default value.

Add NA and Valid to rp.freq

rp.freq should contain NA and Valid rows, so users could get more insight on missing data in their dataset.

nested rapport calls: increment header level

I've just pushed a live demo of multiple levels of nested rapports in aL3xa/rapport@c675b18.

There I made up a 3-level templates in templates structure as follows:

  • multivar-descriptive.tpl calls univar-descriptive.tpl
  • univar-descriptive.tpl calls nortest.tpl

It runs fine thanks to modifications done in rapport lately and later, but there are something to tweak :)

Just run an example from multivar-descriptive, eg.:

rapport.html('multivar-descriptive', data=mtcars, vars=c('hp','wt'))

Sorry for not using ius2008 but here I need more then one numeric variable.

The problem in the output is that nested rapport classes retain the header level, which is not the best solution as is screws up the structure of the document IMHO.

Feature request: add an optional parameter to rapport to be able to "lag" header levels by given value. Eg. that way we could call rapport in templates (as nested template) with added parameter, like:


## Title

rapport('template', inputs, header.lag=1)

If you are ready with modifying template.R, I am open to implement this quite easily, just ping me.

tpl.export and list of rapport classes bug

Just committed (aL3xa/rapport@dcc13b2) a new feature of tpl.export: exporting multiple rapport classes at once.

Check it out: tpl.export(tpl.example('example', 'all'))

A strange bug occured: an extra "Description" field is added to the bottom of the report. I'll investigate it, posting here not to forget.

Remove datasetRequired from meta definition

@daroczig mentioned this earlier, dunno where, but here goes... officially: datasetRequired should be set within rapport call, so there's no need to define it explicitly in the template. Just *apply through inputs and see if any there's one that's not standalone. Job done.

img caption in exported HTML

Image caption is just a paragraph with caption class in a div with figure class (besides the img tag) ATM.

@aL3xa: could you please tweak the CSS/JS part to center images and boost caption somehow? :)

Error in ius2008 dataset script

Note to me: fix this!!!

* looking to see if a 'data/datalist' file should be added
* re-saving .R files as .rda
Error in rp.label(ius2008$gender) <- "Gender" : 
  could not find function "rp.label<-"
Execution halted
Error: Command failed (1)

Passing multiple variables to rapport fails

It seems that some commit broke rapport to work with multiple variables :(

See eg. anova.tpl or correlations.tpl, all results in the following error:

Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) : 
  object 'normal' of mode 'function' was not found

in the assign part somewhere in lapply(inputs, function(x) { .... }.

It seems that the added new rapport option is causing the problem (mode='normal'), sorry for that.


> rapport("anova", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = c("gender", "partner"), mode='performance')
Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) : 
  object 'performance' of mode 'function' was not found

I am braindead now to debug. Templates with vectors works fine.


Please consider moving packages from Depends to Imports and import them in your NAMESPACE file.

Dependencies mess up the user's namespace, make R slower and have a risk of masking other functions. You should only use 'depends' for packages that you really want to expose to the user. If you are loading them only because they are needed by functions in your package, it is better to use import and not pollute the user's namespace.

Change directory structure in inst/ folder

IMO, there's too much clutter in inst/ folder. We should have a neat structure like in CI or Rails. I vote for assets directory with css and js stuff, and definitely a separate directory for i18n templates. Think about html folder as includes, etc.

ascii/pandoc bug: table with missing element in header after list

If a table or data frame with row names is outputted after a list, it possibly breaks up pandoc exported formats.


It's based on that the header's first element is missing and somehow it breaks up pandoc. Adding some extra space there solves the problem somehow :S

Possible workarounds till fix:

  • add a block like the following between the list and the table (will not output anything, no worries):
'<!--- end of the list, ha! -->'
  • Or just add some sentences between the two :)

Minimal example:

Title:        TEST
Author:       My n
Description:  test

 - x
 - y


 - x
 - y


Optional/required inputs and string inputs

At this point, it's not possible to supply optional inputs other than CSV or boolean types. Template author should specify whether or not an input is required, and header parser should also be aware of differences between values and variables. For instance, "age" can be just a string, and it can also refer to eponymous column name of supplied data.frame.

My suggestions on this issue:

  • add more inputs, like: string for string input, number for numeric input
  • add some wildcard character to indicate required input, like * or !
  • [ and ] should remain as wildcard for length limits
  • an option to specify default value - this will probably require another |-delimited section in header. @daroczig if you have any better idea about this one, please do tell.

So, in a nutshell, string and number inputs can be specified like this:

str  | string[1] | String input | this is a string input
num | number[1] | Number input | this is a number input

we can specify mandatory field with * and put something like = after size limits to indicate default value, like this:

str | *string[1] = foo | label | description

or should we move required stuff in name section, rather than limit section. @daroczig, please send your suggestions!

New input specification - going "native"

With recent YAML inputs we opened up a Pandora's box. Instead of doing slight redesign of input specifications, a need for rewrite of input specifications emerged. Rationale: we're doing this to make inputs feel more native to R, hence other users, hence make rapport more cooler, etc.

While I was implementing integer inputs, it came to me that there's no need for yet another input type, but we can pass something like integer: TRUE to existing number input. A plea for option input to accept multiple values was also a game changer. Then why not making multiple available for all standalone inputs? When it comes to string inputs - why not performing more checks in there, like nchar or regexp validation, etc. That said, let's unlock this further.

As I like renaming stuff, this is a perfect opportunity to do it (again) 👍 , like changing mandatory attribute to required, or changing default to value. Backward compatibility is a must. Reason: they seem more intuitive. mandatory was my "invention" and it sucks.

Key changes:

  • drop type attribute and/or perform checks based on native R object attributes, like class (or storage.mode, and the likes)
  • provide more class-specific checks, like nchar for strings or integer for numbers
  • use method dispatching to perform input validations (write bunch of validators for custom classes)
  • use YAML as an intermediary format (d'uh) to facilitate parsing/deparsing + making it more rea

Dataset inputs

We have them for a good reason. I guess that inputs should have one additional attribute like: standalone (I don't like it, doesn't sound native enough). Currently rapport accepts only data.frame objects, but when I think about #41 , it makes me wonder if we can expand the data argument a bit. What if we can pass all kinds of objects in there, and match inputs more dynamically. Imagine this: you pass a list or other recursive object, and match its named attributes with the provided inputs.

Standalone inputs


Dilemma: how to perform nchar checks? Should we provide only one number, or a vector to perform vectorised nchar check? What about limits? Should we drop 'em, and replace with length. In that case, I guess that length will take over min and max attributes, as it feels more native.

- name: s
class: character
label: String input
description: Bla bla string string
required: TRUE
- fee
- fi
- foo
- fam
nchar: 10
  min: 1
  max: 100
regexp: "^.+$"


Of course, length can take min and max, but I'll omit it here. Notice the change from number to numeric

Q: should we add class: integer or provide separate argument to bypass precision issue (in case you want round numbers larger than .Machine$integer.max + 1). Or to check via storage.mode, or dunno what.

- name: n
class: numeric
label: Number input
description: Bla bla numeric numeric
required: FALSE
value: 10
length: 1


Yes, length can be different, as well as value. Should we check anything other than that? I mean... what's specific to NA and useful at the same time, so that it's worth implementing?

- name: b
class: logical
label: Logical input
description: Bla bla logical logical
required: TRUE
value: TRUE
length: 1


Okay, how should we make this native? My guess is either to provide a custom object (new class), or to provide an additional argument that will allow matchng like match.arg or something else.

Stuff to think about

I'll just brainstorm in here:

  • how to handle NA and should we do that at all?
  • names attribute: this should be handy in, say populating select boxes in HTML form (label: value)
  • custom validations: write custom methods or pass a handler that will check given attribute

Roxygen usage

I have just updated the roxygen comments to use the #' convention instead of unique ##' in aL3xa/rapport@e8cc9b7 and also did some debugging about R CMD check yesterday.

I have found and fixed some not so neat solutions, but there some others left:

  • print functions should not have any parameters it seems as those not being @exported as normal functions, but being S3 methods. I have cleared up print.rapport to not take arguments, this should be done in other functions too. We might create a new function instead of print and use the parameters there, print should stand for default settings. I did not changed anything in @aL3xa's code there as not sure which of other functions use those.
  • there are some undocumented functions, which is no good. I see the followings in the check log: elem.eval.default and elem.eval.rp.block
  • besides these only 2 small warning:
    • one is about rp.label<- which should be (and can be fixed)
    • one about extract.meta, which is a roxygen bug (?). This should be investigated too. If not manageable, then will have to update the 1.0 release there before sending to CRAN.

YAML header definition

Setting this just for the sake of consistency. YAML (not R) should be used in header to define both metadata and inputs. Implementation is located in yaml-header branch.

Current problems:

  • UTF8 support (or lack thereof)
  • desc and description metadata field (not a YAML bug per-se, but should be handled correctly)

Ideas & suggestions:

  • add methods to convert metadata and/or inputs to YAML (not manageable by extending the generic function, as as.yaml ain't one)

Fix CSS in HTML export

Fixes to be done:

  • white bold text in table headers
  • scrollable (overflow: auto) body of the table, header should hold still =)

More Rails-inspired conventions

As you could see in L654 in template.R, there are some assign statements going on. I always found it tedious to type/assign variable length. Why not doing some more things like adding precomputed input length, like <input name>.len?

Add significance stars (SPSS-like behaviour)

I would be convenient to make significant correlations/differences/whatever jump up from the rest of table. We need a simple wrapper for that, but it may be tricky to implement it in correlation tables "out of the box". This one just came to my mind, so no milestone will be set right now.

Integers in tables are treated like floats

OK, dunno if this is a global rounding feature, but it's fugly when you see counts with .00 appended. As far as I can see, it's ascii that does the damage:

> ascii(rp.freq("gender", data = ius2008))

        **gender**   **N**    **pct**   **cumul.count**   **cumul.pct**  
------- ------------ -------- --------- ----------------- ---------------
1       male         410.00   60.92     410.00            60.92          
2       female       263.00   39.08     673.00            100.00         
Total                673.00   100.00    673.00            100.00         
------- ------------ -------- --------- ----------------- ---------------

Note that this happens if you explicitly set integers:

> mtcars$am <- as.integer(mtcars$am)
> str(head(mtcars[, c("cyl", "am")]))
'data.frame':   6 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ cyl: num  6 6 4 6 8 6
 $ am : int  1 1 1 0 0 0
> ascii(head(mtcars[, c("cyl", "am")]))

                    **cyl**   **am**  
------------------- --------- --------
Mazda RX4           6.00      1.00    
Mazda RX4 Wag       6.00      1.00    
Datsun 710          4.00      1.00    
Hornet 4 Drive      6.00      0.00    
Hornet Sportabout   8.00      0.00    
Valiant             6.00      0.00    
------------------- --------- --------

Add template metadata to the environment

We already provide some helper variables in the "rapport" environment for user to built on like and e.g. input.iname, but we do not add anything about the template.

So here goes: please add author, title and description fields maybe with a tpl or template prefix to the envir. I just dunno how we missed this so far.

Normality tests template

Template for normality tests should contain following tests:

from stats:

  • Shapiro-Wilk's test (shapiro.test)
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (ks.test)

from nortest:

  • Anderson-Darling (ad.test)
  • Lilliefors (lillie.test)
  • Cramer von Mises (cvm.test)
  • Pearson chi-square (pearson.test)
  • Shapiro-Francia (sf-test)

with following graphs:

  • Q-Q plot
  • histogram
  • density plot
  • boxplot

Add input labels and description to template environment

I realised that we're using input labels and description from header only in tpl.inputs and functions, in order to show a user-friendly info about template inputs. Why not saving them too in rapport's evaluation environment?

Vectorise rp.label

rp.label method currently operates only on atomic vectors, which sucks. IMO, we should extend it so that we don't get those pesky X[[1L]] stuff as result from sapply loops.

t-test template

t-test template should contain:


  • response variable - numeric
  • grouping variable - factor
  • welch or student's alternative - boolean (defaults to .... ahm.... Student? by default)


  • table of descriptives
  • normality tests
  • homoscedascity tests
  • graphs (yet to decide which ones)
  • t-test table

Add density plot

OK, you can guess it from the title... something like rp.densityplot should be added. It can be a simple wrapper for lattice function, I don't mind... =)

unreturned R object in chunks

Filing this issue not to forget a sly bug: a chunk which returns an R object in an if condition is not returned by rapport. Strange :)

Example code:

if (TRUE) {


I hope it's not connected to invisible return and the commit that changed that, will investigate tomorrow.

namespace collision with GenomicRanges

Not sure if this is avoidable:

> source("")
> biocLite("GenomicRanges")
> library("GenomicRanges")
> library("rapport")
> tpl.export(tpl.example('example', 'all'))
Error in envRefSetField(x, what, refObjectClass(x), selfEnv, value) : 
  "time" is not a field in class “Report”
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] rapport_0.31        reshape_0.8.4       plyr_1.7.1         
[4] RColorBrewer_1.0-5  lattice_0.20-0      evaluate_0.4.1     
[7] ascii_2.1           GenomicRanges_1.6.7 IRanges_1.12.6     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.14.1 stringr_0.6

pandoc reportedly not installed

I run W7 64bit. I have pandoc installed (and in PATH), but when I run demo(rapport, ask = FALSE), it stops at step 6 (or there about) and says I don't have pandoc installed.

tpl.export(tpl.example('correlations', 'all'))
Error: Specified backend (pandoc) is not installed! Please see details in INSTALL file or rapport homepage (

method based reporting

Currently rapport() always assumes a dataframe, similar to e.g. ggplot2. It would be nice if there would also be functionality that uses method-based reporting, similar to R's plot() and print() methods. There are a lot of advantages to levering R's class/method system. It will be easier to use for the user, and allow package developers to create report templates for their custom objects based on the class of the object, in the same way as they might define summary(), print() and plot() methods for their objects.

I think it would not be too hard to introduce this. You would start with a generic method:

report <- function (data, template, package ...) {

and define some basic reports for standard methods:

report.numeric <-function(data, template = "default", package="rapport", digits = 5, align = "right", ...){
    #the default is to use default_numeric.tpl from the package 'rapport'
    tpl <- system.file(paste(template, "numeric.tpl", paste="_"), package=package)
    rapport(tpl, data=data, digits=digits, algin=align, ...);

You would define one or more, flexible templates standard templates for the standard R classes in e.g. report.list, report.matrix, etc. This way the user can do:

report(cars, digits=10);
report(cars, template="descriptives", somecustomarg=TRUE);

Additionaly, this allows package developers to include reporting templates in their packages. Hence Douglas Bates could define a function like:

report.lmer <- function(data, template = "multilevel", package="lme4", plotranef=TRUE, descriptives=TRUE, ...){
   tpl <- system.file(template=template, package=package);
   rapport(tpl, data=data, plotranef=plotranef, descriptives=descriptives ...);

So the advantage of this is not only that a user can do:

fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy);

And get something nice 'out of the box' as defined by Douglas bates. If none of the attached packages are defining a report.lmer, it will natually fall back on report.list, that might try to do something standard. Also you can easily check the required arguments for a report for a certain class:


Fix htest helper

htest helper is in pretty uptight state, as it's not working properly. This is only reminder to myself.

Add hook to `evals` to catenate vectors to a comma-separated string

OK, so far we've been throwing an error if inline chunk evaluates expression that yields result with length >= 1. What if I have a character string and I'd like to get a pretty output?

x <- c("foo", "bar", "fee", "fi")

and I'd like to get this:

Elements of vector `x` are: "foo", "bar", "fee" and "fi".

So this hook should:

  • check if expression evals to character
  • check its length (fail for lengthy expressions, or display them in blockquote)
  • choose separator (, , and) - e.g. c("Gergely", "Alex") should yield Gergely and Alex and you may want to add Hungarian copula
  • decide whether results should be quoted or not, or specify custom quote (', ")

ANOVA template

Add ANOVA template, with automatic recognition of One/Two-Way variant(s). In a nutshell, it should contain following sections:

  • introductory annotation specifying the ANOVA variant, and some basic info about the model per se
  • table with descriptives
  • normality/homoscedascity tests
  • Q-Q plots, histograms and/or density
  • ANOVA table
  • diagnostic plots (means/interaction plots + R native plot.lm stuff)

For One-Way variant, means plot should take place, for Two-Way ANOVA - interaction plot. Maybe a helper for ANOVA should be added (rp.anova, of course), just to play well with the template conventions

Old header -> YAML header converter

In order to make transition from old syntax to YAML (new) one less painful, it'll be kewl to write a helper that takes template with old syntax and converts it... you get the rest. @daroczig I reckon you'll like the idea, just drop a few more lines to tell me what do you think about it. Suggestions are welcome, and I'll also take no, you're crazy, don't f***in' do it!!! as an answer. =)

Nested templates: performance issue

We were aware of the fact that nesting templates in each other might have a small performance issue, but in my last commit I could set up some 3-4 levels of sub-templates, which showed decent differences - although almost the same was run:

> system.time(rapport.html("nortest", ius2008, var = "age"))
Trying to open /tmp/RtmpMXGtSg/R-report7b9eb363.html with xdg-open...
   user  system elapsed 
  0.497   0.020   0.514 

> system.time(rapport.html("descriptives-univar-numeric", ius2008, var = "age"))
Trying to open /tmp/RtmpMXGtSg/R-report54c5ab21.html with xdg-open...
   user  system elapsed 
  1.326   0.050   1.382 

> system.time(rapport.html("descriptives-univar", ius2008, var = "age"))
Trying to open /tmp/RtmpMXGtSg/R-report2dd50213.html with xdg-open...
   user  system elapsed 
  2.730   0.030   2.778 

> system.time(rapport.html("descriptives-multivar.tpl", ius2008, vars = c("age")))
Trying to open /tmp/RtmpMXGtSg/R-report248d48fe.html with xdg-open...
   user  system elapsed 
  5.512   0.114   5.651 

TODO: investigate which lapply loop is the devil one - which I can handle tomorrow.

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