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pymagicc's Issues

Missing Output files

Like CARBONCYCLE.OUT output discussed in #84, #85 there are a few other outputs not named DATSOMETHING.OUT -- should we read them all or add them as we go when someone actually needs them?

Thought @znicholls @NortonAlex ?


@rgieseke I was in the zone and accidentally pushed to master...

Single commit with no breaking changes

Become units agnostic

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

One of the most annoying things is having to do all your unit conversions yourself before you run your model. I'd love for us to find a way that users can just throw dataframes with whatever (well-defined) units and magicc will run properly.

Describe the solution you'd like

I think my ideal solution would have two components:

  • find a library which can actually do unit conversions for us or build out to achieve this
  • have a units module which defines all of the expected MAGICC units and can convert any input dataframes to the required units before writing files and running MAGICC

Describe alternatives you've considered

Continue to do this stuff by hand because it's tricky. That is an option but I think we could produce something really nice if we tried.

Refactor tests

@rgieseke @lewisjared

How would you feel about starting to refactor the tests to make them scale slightly more easily? In my MATLAB code to write files for CMIP6 stuff I ended up having something like:

|--- writer_tests
|--- reader_tests
|--- plotter_tests

I felt this made it much easier to keep track of what was going on rather than just having one big test_everything file.

MAGICC7 shipping

When this happens, can we ship with a minimal run directory. The tests being so slow because we're copying so many files for MAGICC7 is driving me insane.

Package with statement

This API can be improved by being able to use this package in a with statement which automatically initialises and cleans the package i.e.

with Package() as p:
    for i in range(10):

Explicitly defined root dirs should not be automatically initialised
Need to add an argument for initialising Package in the initialiser

Release v1.2

  • update changelog
  • re-run generated API docs (maybe move to separate file)
  • ensure examples are working

Release automation

The release process needs to be written down and, ideally, automated more:

  • check notebooks
  • check plot
  • cut release for Zenodo tagging

Drop Python 2 support

A general question, with Numpy dropping Python 2 support in 2019 ( and Pandas (

The final release before December 31, 2018 will be the last release to support Python 2. The released package will continue to be available on PyPI and through conda.

Starting January 1, 2019, all releases will be Python 3 only.

Since there are very few users of Pymagicc right now I propose we drop Python 2 support now.
Any project starting now will likely be in Python3. People who need Python2 for some reason can still install an old Pymagicc version.

This would allow us to use e.g. (the very nice) pathlib or unittest.mock without having to import/install compatibility backports.

Thoughts, @lewisjared @znicholls @matthiasmengel?

Standardising variable names

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

At the moment the native variable names are all over the place and not always that descriptive e.g. CO2B_EMIS doesn't really tell you anything.

Describe the solution you'd like

Defining a set of mapping dictionaries to change MAGICC's raw output to nicer names. I'm not sure how exactly this would look. I don't know if it's better to have trees so you access things with e.g. output['emissions']['co2']['AFOLULUC'] or delimited variable names e.g. output['emissions-co2-AFOLULUC']. In both cases having standardisation across variables should make life easier.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Sticking with the native variable names. I don't like this because they're not that descriptive.

_magiccbinary variable is broken

This points to the same value and _magiccbinary is not used anymore I believe.

# default parameters and cannot be changed after module load
_magiccpath, _magiccbinary = MAGICC6().original_dir, MAGICC6().original_dir

Can we get rid of this?

_magiccpath could likely be replaced when reading scenario data.

Config writing

The config file writing currently done in should become part of the API

Run existing Scenario files

Currently Pymagicc always re-writes the Scenario from a DataFrame -- it should have the ability to directly to run a SCEN file if given as parameter. (Similar to what Pandas does with inputs.)

Slow copying of large MAGICC distributions

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Some development copies of MAGICC end up being very large due to large untracked files such as temporary build output. Using pymagicc with these directories can take several minutes to copy the large number of files which limits pymagicc utility.

Describe the solution you'd like

Only copy the top-level files in the run directory and create the out directory rather than copying it. The configuration in the run directory is currently flat and anything not in the root run directory are build artifacts.

Describe alternatives you've considered

  • Whitelisting files to copy - this seems like it could cause headaches to maintain a list of white lists which may differ between MAGICC6 and MAGICC7
  • Blacklisting - That causes too much coupling between the development processes of magicc and pymagicc

Assigning different MAGICC versions

In the docs we have,

Using a different MAGICC version

Robert and Jared I'm pretty sure this isn't true anymore?

The _magiccpath and _magiccbinary can be changed to point to different MAGICC
development versions.

Is this still true?

Provide access to AOGCM tunings besides the default C4MIP_BERN

Describe the bug provides tunings for the other bench marked atmospheric-ocean general circulation models mentioned in the main MAGICC reference paper ( These tunings appear to be defined in specific files named MAGTUNE_tuningname.CFG and MAGTUNE_FULLTUNE_tuningname.cfg. They don't seem to exist in the kit delivered by pymagicc or even the windows zip from These files are also used to build up the data used in bulk runs.

The names of the tunings are as follows, and taken from bulk runs from

file_tuningmodel_1 = list[

file_tuningmodel_2_1 = list[


System (please complete the following information):
macOS 10.13.6, pymagicc 1.3.1
(and additionally the native Windows: windows zip file: Magicc6.801 Beta)

Additional context

Some settings are in the appendix tables for the paper mentioned above, but don't appear to match the default settings.

Expose more MAGICC input files

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I'd like to read and probably change (e.g. for sensitivity analyis) more of the input files that ship with MAGICC. Currently only parameters and scenarios are exposed.

Describe the solution you'd like

Not sure about nicest API yet.

Describe alternatives you've considered

It's possible to read the files manually.

Discussion: API to add read and write for HIST EMIS and CONC input files

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

At the moment you can't read or write HIST_XXX_EMIS.IN files or HIST_XXX_CONC.IN files from pymagicc. This is annoying because you can't see the input to MAGICC easily nor modify it to see what effect it has.

I think this issue should largely focus on a discussion of how we keep the metadata with the data, given that pandas does not yet have a good way of doing this.

Describe the solution you'd like

An api which offers the ability to write and read these files. After conversations with @lewisjared and @rgieseke it's still not clear what the best way to deal with the metadata is. In my ideal world the api would be something like

  • reads in the data
  • fails if it can't find the file
  • fails if the file isn't in the expected format
  • warning if the file has some metadata inconsistencies i.e. was written misleadingly/in an unexpected way (this one can be for stage 2 but I'm writing it down so I don't forget)

This would print a dataframe in wide format by default, same as human readable data files, however the data would actually be stored in long format internally.


This would be the long format data frame

I'm not sure what the best way to access data is given that our data is effectively multi-dimensional, perhaps

MData.df.xs(('CO2I_EMIS', 'WORLD'), level=['Variable', 'Region'])
From this link: 'Note that df.loc['bar', 'two'] would also work in this example, but this shorthand notation can lead to ambiguity in general'

MData.df.loc[('CO2I_EMIS', 'WORLD'),] # 

Custom options

MData.filter(gas='Gas', region='Region') # copying pyam

I'm not sure what this should return, maybe a Pandas DataSeries with year as the index? We could also include units in the index..


I think something like this should return a dataframe with all of the available regions (subject to same access question as above)

Re metadata, perhaps our class should have a metadata attribute which is a dictionary

  • prints dictionary of metadata
  • warns you where metadata is missing
  • returns a string with the source

Where the units should sit is tricky. I'm leaning towards having them as an index, despite the extra cost of duplicating them however many times, to ensure they stay with the data. Another option may be to have something like


i.e. the units are simply stored in the class's metadata attribute and can be looked up when necessary. We could then have a decorator on data setting which requires a 'units' argument and raises a warning/error if they're not provided.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Making changes by hand or only using files which are made elsewhere. These seem like bad options.

no available as indicated in Readme.

I tried to "use a different MAGICC version" following

export MAGICC_EXECUTABLE_7=tmp/magicc/run/magicc.exe

However, a file does not exist, nor does a

Could you update this section?

Add carbon cycle variables to output

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Enabling carbon cycle output in pymagicc does not return carbon cycle output variables. It seems that the output file name (CARBONCYCLE.OUT) may need to be standardised by placing DAT at the start of the filename in the same format as other optional output.

Describe the solution you'd like

It would be good to return the carbon cycle output variables (currently in CARBONCYCLE.OUT) when the flag is on (i.e. out_carboncycle=1).

Describe alternatives you've considered

I could write my own python script to handle this. But, the infrastructure is already in place with pymagicc so it "should be" trivial to add this feature in.

Additional context

Note that the carbon cycle output file differs from others such that the columns are different variables (e.g. CURRENT_GPP), not different regions (e.g. GLOBAL, NH-OCEAN). However, I don't think this should change how it is handled.

Automatic testing of notebooks with CI

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

At the moment our notebooks aren't run automatically under CI, I don't think.

Describe the solution you'd like

Use scons or something else to run all our notebooks under CI to make sure our examples actually work.

Add instructions for installed `wine`

Ensure that pymagicc also runs with wine installed from installer package available from

With wine on your path in should in principle work โ€ฆ The 32-bit version is required, but it seems this is the default for all downloads.

which wine

Following up from openjournals/joss-reviews#516 (comment)
@scollis Can you give some more error details? For example

wine --version

Any error message that is shown from Python?

import pymagicc

Improve API docs

  • review doc strings
  • check config module
  • maybe split in separate files and link to them from Readme

Automatic linting

  • automatic linting (PEP8 and docstyle) would be useful
  • either automatic on PRs or at least documented and callable from the Makefile

Accessing MAGICC input data

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

At the moment I don't know what a sensible way to provide access to dataframe data is. Using a multi-indexed frame can make things pretty nasty.

Describe the solution you'd like

It'd be good to have some sort of wrapper included in #49 which makes it easy for users to access data through our api. I'm not sure what the best way for that to look is. It seems like now is a good time to define how we want it to look/behave, given it's not built yet.

I'm guessing we probably want to be able to do things like:

minput.df.loc['ASIA', 'CO2_CONCS']

and have sensible values returned (in this case a dataframe, the values of which could then be extracted with .values). At the moment you have to specify every 'dimension' (e.g. minput.df.loc['ASIA', 'CO2_CONCS', 'SET', 'ppm', slice(2015,2100)] to get data and I don't think that should be the case).

Describe alternatives you've considered

We could just force all users to learn how to use multi-indexed dataframes but that seems contrary to the spirit of the project.

Region names

At the moment MAGICC input files use a mix of region names. In the API I figure we may as well make them all come out the same for the regions which are equivalent. Hence how do we feel about always using:

'GLOBAL' rather than 'WORLD'
'RASIA', 'RREF' etc. rather than 'R5ASIA', 'R6ASIA', 'R5REF', 'R6REF' (or should we actually keep these separate because their definitions are, in a very minor way, different and instead just allow people to access both 'R5ASIA' and 'R6ASIA' with 'RASIA' depending on what is in the dataframe)

Dealing with two versions of MAGICC

As a user of pymagicc I would like to be able to run both MAGICC6 and MAGICC7 scenarios in the same interpreter
As a magicc developer I want to be able to dynamically specify a local version of MAGICC which is used with pymagicc

This would currently be possible using our MAGICC_EXECUTABLE environment variable, but it isn't a nice API. You would have to update os.environ between simulations.

Perhaps we actually need two configuration parameters MAGICC6_EXECUTABLE and MAGICC7_EXECUTABLE. The low level API then chooses the appropriate executable and as a byproduct already knows which version of MAGICC it is using! This suggests that we might need a more complex config handling methods sooner than I anticipated

MAGICC7 compatibility

General question, @lewisjared @znicholls -- might be helpful for decisions on how to make design decisions.

Do we need to maintain MAGICC6 compatibility once MAGICC7 is publicly available?

Will there be a need to run both from one installation? Do you need this to run regressions tests/comparisons for MAGICC7?

One could always install version 1.x and run MAGICC6, might mean separate Virtualenvs if you actually do need both but I'd think that would be fairly rare.

Check examples

Will running MAGICC with only three input gases work as shown in the examples?

Trailing \0 in parameters.out

Some strings in PARAMETERS.OUT are fixed width strings padded with \0 (which aren't rendered by GitHub...). For example the last item in the array below is 7 * an empty string.

 FGAS_FILES_CONC="HISTCMIP6_CF4_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                            ","HISTCMIP6_C2F6_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                           ","HISTCMIP6_C3F8_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                           ","HISTCMIP6_C4F10_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ","HISTCMIP6_C5F12_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ",
 "HISTCMIP6_C6F14_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ","HISTCMIP6_C7F16_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ","HISTCMIP6_C8F18_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ","HISTCMIP6_cC4F8_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ","HISTCMIP6_HFC23_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ","HISTCMIP6_HFC32_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ",
 "HISTCMIP6_HFC4310mee_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                     ","HISTCMIP6_HFC125_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                         ","HISTCMIP6_HFC134a_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                        ","HISTCMIP6mod_HFC143a_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                     ","HISTCMIP6_HFC152a_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                        ","HISTCMIP6_HFC227ea_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                       ",
 "HISTCMIP6_HFC236fa_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                       ","HISTCMIP6mod_HFC245fa_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                    ","HISTCMIP6mod_HFC365mfc_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                   ","HISTCMIP6_NF3_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                            ","HISTCMIP6_SF6_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                            ","HISTCMIP6_SO2F2_CONC_ENDOFYEAR.IN                                          ",
  7*"                                                                            ",

Which is serialised to:

"fgas_files_conc": [

I am proposing right stripping the null chars in parameters.out to make them empty strings instead of fixed width null chars.

Plot in

The current image in shows the old scenario names:

When running the code mentioned to create this plot, I get the following:

Obviously there is some style differences. Perhaps @rgieseke can regenerate the plot with the correct size and style.

Config Module

We need a way of accessing configuration from anywhere within pymagicc in a consistent manner. This state should not be stored in the root as that would cause lots of circular dependencies (Module A imports Module B which imports Module A). There is a need to define default config, long-lived somewhat static config and to be able to override these values dynamically. Having a separate module with a simple interface will hide the complexity of this.

Here is how I propose that we lookup configuration variables in other parts of the library. The config object looks like a dict, but it knows how to find the appropriate parameter value.

from  pymagicc.config import config
executable = config['MAGICC6_EXECUTABLE']

Any feedback on the API?

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