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Stopping criteria

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Originally posted by N-Wouda July 20, 2022
We currently use a time-based stopping criterion. That makes a lot of sense, since the competition is really aimed at solving something in a fixed time budget. But for testing, time-based stopping criteria are horrible: sometimes you get a few more iterations in, sometimes a few less, and that makes it hard to compare different implementations.

I propose we generalise the stopping criteria to arbitrary objects (like we did in ALNS, @leonlan). Then we can use the MaxRuntime one for the final implementation, and MaxIterations for reproducible testing.

Single static solver builder

Since we now are building the static solver in 3-4 different places, I would propose making a single function that handles this.

Something like:

def solve_static(
    config = hgspy.Config(seed=seed, **config["params"])
    params = hgspy.Params(config, **tools.inst_to_vars(instance))

    rng = hgspy.XorShift128(seed=seed)
    pop = hgspy.Population(params, rng)

    for sol in initial_solutions:
        pop.add_individual(hgspy.Individual(params, sol))

    ls = hgspy.LocalSearch(params, rng)

    for op in config["node_ops"]:

    for op in config["route_ops"]:

    algo = hgspy.GeneticAlgorithm(params, rng, pop, ls)

    for op in config["crossover_ops"]:

    if max_runtime is not None:
        stop = hgspy.stop.MaxRuntime(max_runtime)
        stop = hgspy.stop.MaxIterations(max_iterations)

  • Note that I removed the explicit lists with operators out of here. I suggest to handle this in the configuration files, with a default in static/config.???

[ML] Dynamic problem

Solving the dynamic problem requires some sort of classification system to decide which customers to dispatch, and which to have wait until the next epoch.

Params constructor does not use number of vehicles configuration option

The following Params constructor does not use the config to determine the number of vehicles.

Params::Params(Config const &config,
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> const &coords,
std::vector<int> const &demands,
int vehicleCap,
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> const &timeWindows,
std::vector<int> const &servDurs,
std::vector<std::vector<int>> const &distMat,
std::vector<int> const &releases)
: config(config),
nbClients(static_cast<int>(coords.size()) - 1),
// Number of vehicles: 30% above LP bin packing heuristic, and three more
// just in case.
int totalDemand = std::accumulate(demands.begin(), demands.end(), 0);
auto const vehicleMargin = std::ceil(1.3 * totalDemand / vehicleCapacity);
nbVehicles = static_cast<int>(vehicleMargin) + 3;

As a result, passing in nbVehicles doesn't do anything and the bin packing heuristic always used to determine the number of vehicles. The fix is to replace the lines above with the ones in the other Params constructor that reads from an instance file:

// Default initialization if the number of vehicles has not been provided by
// the user
if (nbVehicles == INT_MAX)
// Safety margin: 30% + 3 more vehicles than the trivial bin packing LB
nbVehicles = static_cast<int>(
std::ceil(1.3 * totalDemand / vehicleCapacity) + 3.);
else if (nbVehicles == -1) // unlimited
nbVehicles = nbClients;

Furthermore, and etc. should also not take nbVeh=-1 as configuration option, but use the default nbVeh=INT_MAX instead.

[ML] Operator selection

We need a way to select which operators to apply, in a manner that is hopefully better than what we do now. I have collected some (20GB uncompressed; <400MB compressed) data to facilitate this. See below for data explanation.

Data gathered on commit 6e8e3de. The file is available here, as raw operator selection

Static move descriptors (SMDs)

SMDs are basically pre-computed delta costs for particular moves. Since a large part of the solution does not frequently change, such precomputed deltas remain valid for quite a while. They can be used to shortcut repeat move evaluations, speeding up the local search procedure.

See e.g. Beek et al. 2018 for a description of an "efficient implementation". The idea was introduced by Zachariadis and Kiranoudis 2010.

Feasible initial solution

The initial population is currently initialized with random solutions. This doesn't matter too much for long-run performance, but having no good/feasible initial solution may cause issues later, especially when we are solving for small time limits (e.g., solving multiple instances within a single epoch). Some observations:

  • There are quite some 300-500 instances where it takes 1 second to get to a feasible solution. I've even seen larger instances which take >4 seconds to get to a feasible solution.
  • Not only does it take long to get to a feasible solution, the solution quality of random solutions is also very bad. The local search will eventually punch all of this out. But this can take another few seconds.

Some ideas:

  1. Add (feasible) constructive heuristics.
  2. Apply educate local search with high penalty to some random individuals at the start.

TODOs in code

There are a few TODOs here and there in the current implementation. Most are low-value things that we should at some point look at, others are odd implementation details we've inherited from the baseline. We should get a list of these and discuss their resolution at some point (maybe soon?).

Decouple local search operators

Similar to #32 for the crossover operators: we should decouple the operators from the LocalSearch (LS) class to allow testing their added value. This is difficult, because the LS class is a bit of a beast. I attempted to clean this up before in #24, but that eventually did not work out. Another attempt might be more successful, however.

First, we need to determine a good signature for the local search operators. What must they minimally know about the current neighbourhood? What do they use currently? Can we pass that data in as arguments, and somehow get a (possibly improved) solution out?

Guiding solution crossover

Voigt et al. (2021) propose a new crossover operator. In short, a single individual from the population is used together with the best solution found so far. For every client $i$, if we have $i \rightarrow j$ in the best solution but $i \rightarrow k, j \ne k$ in the selected individual, then we place $i$ in a so-called removal pool. It could be seen as removing all "broken pairs" as in similar to the currently used diversity measure. When all pairs have been checked, a subset of clients from the removal pool are selected based on ALNS-type destroy operator criteria e.g., randomly, worst cost, etc. Those clients are removed from the individual and are then repaired again using greedy insert. Same idea in Voigt et al. (2022).

Originally posted by @leonlan in

Can we implement this ourselves?

Stochastic offspring selection

Right now, we always select the best (min cost) offspring generated by the crossover operators. That's not terrible, but does mean we lose out on diversity. We should probably sometimes skip the best, and instead move further down the list.

More statistics

This issue mostly exists as a wishlist, it is not necessarily a do this now and then close type of thing.

I will kick off:

We need more data on LS performance. E.g. the number of iterations/moves in the LS procedure. Perhaps split by operator? And also track operator effectiveness compared to its runtime cost?

Neighbourhood sizes

There is a nbGranular parameter that controls the size of the explored node neighbourhoods. This value is set as follows (for now):

    // Granular search parameter, limits the number of moves in the RI local
    // search
    size_t nbGranular = 40;

I am slightly bothered by the fact that this value restricts the search to a somewhat arbitrary number of clients: on instances where $n = 200$, 40 is 20% of the total number of clients. But for instances where $n = 880$, it's less than 5%. That seems 'wrong'. I can think of a few solutions:

  • Set different values for different instance sizes, as could happen when we start tuning in #33.
  • Set nbGranular to be a percentage of the number of clients, rather than an absolute value.

Or maybe both?

How to structure codebase

Let's discuss here how we want to structure our code base. I will propose something, you shoot :)

As main layout:

|--- .github/workflows
|--- data
|--- dynamic
|--- hgs_vrptw
|--- instances
|--- notebooks
|--- static
-- poetry.lock
-- pyproject.toml
-- setup.cfg

It would actually be my preference to move any file that cannot be directly called as a script out of the main folder (e.g.,,

However, not sure if/how we could do that, without messing with code we are not allowed to mess with.

We then add a directory that handles the static solves:


Where is the only place in all of the code that imports hgspy and contains a method "solve_static" that builds a (customizable) solver.
The init exposes this method and exposes all operator (names)s or other things that might be needed as input for this method.

And one directory for the dynamic solves

|--- strategies
-- contains three functions:

  • ("private") solve_epoch that wraps around static.solve_static and handles input/output
  • ("public") solve_dynamic that solves an entire dynamic instance
  • ("public") run_oracle that uses dynamic.solve_static to solve the hindsight problem of a dynamic instance.

The init exposes the "solve_dynamic" method as well as all strategies to choose from

With a subdirectory for all strategies. (Which I think is a lot cleaner than just putting them in dynamic directly)

|--- rollout

Where contains methods for the greedy, random and lazy baselines (+ one generic private method that is used by all three of them).

init exposes all strategies to the "dynamic" level.

-- config.??

One file with a method for each different rollout algorithm.
One file with a method for simulating an instance and one that wraps around the static solver.

I would then propose having a config file in static, dynamic and dynamic/strategies/rollout where we put all the solver configurations we use, that are overwritten in a hierarchical fasion. But let's discuss how we want to handle configuration afterwards / seperately as soon as we have the codebase structure clear.

Configuration management

We have quite a few parameters in the static solver and the rollout algorithm. Right now these are managed fairly ad-hoc:

  • We pass in the defaults for the static solver, but have no good way to change its operators or parameters without changing the code.
  • Similarly, rollout has various configuration settings that are also stored in or near the code. Some parameters are passed into the rollout function as arguments, others are read directly from another Python file.

We should streamline this a bit more. I'm thinking of a general Config class on the Python side, that stores the relevant static operators, and the static and dynamic parameters. It should support being constructed from code (for tuning), or by reading from a file (e.g., with a classmethod from_file).

Fitness comparison in binary tournament

The old fitness and diversity ranks were divided by popSize - 1:

double const divRank = idx / (popSize - 1);
double const fitRank = ranking[idx].second / (popSize - 1);

The reason for this division is to normalize the biased fitness onto [0, 2] instead of [0, 2 * (popSize-1)]. This is important for binary tournaments, because we can pick individuals from both subpopulations. If one subpopulation has different size than the other, the normalization helps to compare fairly between the individuals.

We no longer do this in the current version:

auto const popSize = subPop.size();
for (size_t divRank = 0; divRank != popSize; divRank++)
// Ranking the individuals based on the cost and diversity rank
auto const costRank = diversity[divRank].second;
auto const divWeight = std::max(0UL, popSize - params.config.nbElite);
subPop[costRank].fitness = popSize * costRank + divWeight * divRank;

The result is that binary tournament is biased towards individuals from subpopulations that are smaller in size.

The fix is to change fitness to type double and divide the last line by popSize.

Set partitioning heuristics

Relevant papers (added by Leon):

  • Kelly & Xu (1999): I think this paper is a nice introduction to the idea to the concept of combining heuristics & set partitioning.
  • Cavaliere et al. (2022): This is an advanced version of a set partitioning heuristic.

I think the simplest implementation idea is: 1) creating a pool of feasible solutions that is stored throughout and 2) write a MILP that takes this pool, solves the set partitioning problem, and returns the corresponding individual.

The advanced set partitioning heuristic is interesting but too complicated I think. bBut maybe there are some interesting bits in there that could be useful!

Evaluate value and time-cost of preprocessing instances

Trivial improvements can be made to the instances before any routes are made. Example: direct edges are not always the shortest path between two nodes. Removal or penalization of such edges may help local search operators.

First evaluate whether reducing available edges in such a way even results in significantly better results. If so, determine if efficient implementation of this does not take up too much computational time. Should be highly parallel, consider CUDA programming due to availability of GPU.


  • All-pairs dijkstra
  • Minimal arrival time feasibility

Impact of simulation-solution quality on rollout performance

To investigate

  1. Run $N$ simulations with very good solution quality and $N$ simulation with not so good solution quality, what do we see? (to try this out, we can just set the environment time limit really high)
    • 25 iterations gets us to roughly 10% gap. 20s/2000 iters get us to roughly 2% gap (for 400-500 cust instances)
  2. (WIP) Increase the lookaheads to 8 (which is the maximum). Use 120s time limits, because otherwise the number of simulations may be too small. Other setting are the same.


  • Running more simulations did not help (60s epochs vs 120s epochs). This seems to suggest we already run enough simulations, which is surprising since it's only 50-150 per epoch.

Hamming distance as diversity measure

Not sure if it adds a lot, but it should be easy to implement. Saw 1 team in DIMACS use this diversity measure as well.

Prins (p. 36) also outlines three other measures for the giant tour chromosome: 1) Hamming, 2) Broken Pairs, and 3) Levenshtein distance. I think the Hamming distance might be interesting to try out. It's easy to compute, cheap (same time complexity as broken pairs, and for VRPTW does not have the drawback of "circular shifts" as stated in the slides.

Originally posted by @leonlan in #22 (comment)

Filter instance method unsafe?

When you put in a non-boolean mask into these functions, you will get unexpected results instead of an error.

E.g. mask=np.array([1,1,1,0,0]) will return an instance with 3 times request one and 2 times the depot instead of only the depot + requests 2&3 as intended.

Do we trust ourselves or should we explicitly check for this?

def _filter_instance_value(value: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray):
"""Filter an n dimensional value based on a provided mask"""
ndim = np.ndim(value)
if ndim == 0:
return value
elif ndim == 1:
return value[mask]
elif ndim == 2:
shape = np.shape(value)
if shape[0] != shape[1]:
return value[mask]
return value[mask][:, mask]
raise NotImplementedError()
def filter_instance(instance: dict, mask: np.ndarray):
Filter all items of an instance using the passed-in mask.
return {
key: _filter_instance_value(value, mask)
for key, value in instance.items()

Individual is possibly added twice in educate

void GeneticAlgorithm::educate(Individual &indiv)
{, params.penaltyCapacity, params.penaltyTimeWarp);
if (!indiv.isFeasible() // possibly repair if currently infeasible
&& rng.randint(100) < params.config.repairProbability)
{, // re-run, but penalise infeasibility more
params.penaltyCapacity * 10.,
params.penaltyTimeWarp * 10.);
if (indiv.isFeasible())
// TODO should we also register this individual in the load/time
// feasibility lists?

It seems that there is a possibility for an individual to be added twice. The passed-in individual is added to the population after the first local search. If it was infeasible and we decide to repair, then another local search is applied again (with higher tw/load penalties). If the individual becomes feasible, then it is added again to the population.

Is my understanding here correct? If so, is this desired behavior that add both the infeasible and feasible individual?

A more sensible conditional is as follows:


if not feasible(indiv) & <= repair_probability:
    increase penalties
    add indiv to population

   add indiv to population

Here, if we repair an individual to feasibility, then we only add the feasible individual.

Postprocess after finishing LS

In the TSP example for ALNS, I added a simple postprocessing step: a single pass over all nodes, optimally choosing (by enumeration) a subpath of length k starting at each of these nodes. This remedies a lot of fairly small stuff that's a little inefficient.

We can probably do something like this after finishing the local search procedure. Maybe set k = 6 or something and go through all the routes once to fix these subpaths.

Improve rollout dispatching criteria

See original discussion here.

To investigate

  • Look at expected epoch in which a customer is dispatched (Link)
  • Adaptive threshold (lower/higher at each epoch) (Link)
  • Lower/higher threshold based on how many epochs left (Link)
  • #100 combined with different dispatching criteria


  • Keep statistics for dispatch epoch action per simulation
  • ....

Algorithm tuning

There are lots of parameters to the HGS algorithm, not many of which seem to be tuned particularly well. At some point, we should run a tuning tool (e.g., smac) to determine a good set of parameters.

Parameters, in this sense, also includes "which operators to use" (see also e.g. #32).


Github Discussions doesn't interact nicely with Github Projects. E.g., discussion threads cannot be linked with todos, but issues can.

Constexpr configuration settings

We have the jumpDistance in the Route, and will have something like a "cutoff on the probability that this is an improving move" threshold parameter for #65.

Those values don't really change, but they should be in a place where we can find and/or modify them easily. Maybe we should make them constexpr and static on the Config object.

EAX Crossover operator

Nagata et al. (2010) presented the time warping concept together with the EAX crossover for VRPTW, improving on many best known solutions at that time. We could try to implement the EAX crossover.

My gut-feeling is that this has already been tried before by the ORTEC team (since they got time-warping from this paper), but it might have performed worse than SREX (which is also by Nagata, but for pick-up and delivery VRPTW). No idea though, unless we try it out ourselves :-).

Ortec has already tried this, but it was buggy/not working well.

Determining minimum number of vehicles

In the dynamic problem, the minimum number of required vehicles can vary a lot depending on the instance that we are trying to solve. This became apparent in #79 when benchmarking the dynamic problem, where adding +30 to the current bin packing heuristic is insufficient. We need to determine a good value to make sure that the dynamic problem can be solved. This may also be relevant for the static problem.
This paper discusses lower bounds on the number of vehicles for VRPTW
Originally posted by @leonlan in #79 (comment)

Restarting mechanism

Improving the restarting mechanism could help to squeeze out more of the algorithm. Some ideas:

  • Lower the number of non-improving iterations
  • Add the best solution to the restarted population
  • Add a more diverse pool of solutions to the restarted population
  • For the above two, it might also be worthwhile to add the solutions only after X amount of iterations, so that the initial population develops (hopefully) new and good aspects

Links to benchmark results can be found here.

One important observation is that the algorithm can get dead-stuck in sub-optimal solutions. For example, the figure below shows the objective plots for 9571b29. The first restart was useful, but the ones after are just completely wasted.

Parent selection for crossover

[Based on what we dicussed today.]

Currently we do two binary tournaments to select the two parents that will be used for crossover. If the two parents are identical, we attempt to find another one that is not.

@leonlan had an idea to select only the first parent by binary tournament. Then, the second parent can be selected based on proximity (broken pairs distance). This ensures we find parents that are somewhat similar, so the offspring can benefit from their 'good genes' (and, hopefully, not need so much local search after crossover). The downside is a potential lack of diversity, so perhaps we should also make sure that's not impacted too much.

Population management

Added by Leon:

  • Never remove the best feasible solution from the population
  • Re-create the "sandwich" between infeasible, best and feasible solutions.

Rename rollout and parameters

  • Rename rollout to simulate.
  • Rename rollout_tlim_factor to simulate_tlim_factor.
  • Change dispatch threshold to postpone threshold.
  • Add comment to dynamic parameter tuning notebook.
  • Run benchmarks to sanity check

High variance in solution quality

When running experiments with the same setting, I notice that there is high variance in solution qualities among different runs. See e.g. plots #75, where restarting can sometimes be very good, and sometimes be very bad.

I think it's worthwhile to let the algorithm run many times (without restarting) and analyze the solutions.



  • Update root-level README with brief explanation
  • Write up some of the key ideas (insofar they're not already documented in a discussion somewhere)
  • Prepare a few slides for the workshop early December

Route minimization procedures

Following #111, I tried to analyze for which instances we have a large gap w.r.t. the best known solution (BKS). Gap is defined as (cost - best_cost) / best_cost * 100. What I noticed is that for the solutions with large gap, this is often due to having 1 more route than in the best known.

Here is some data using the main branch from 30 September. The route difference is how many more routes the found solution uses than the BKS. A consistent pattern among solutions with large gap is 1 more route is used than what is used in the best known solution.

[('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-844ea26c-d1-n231-k15', 'Gap: 2.23', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-5d8fd227-d1-n211-k15', 'Gap: 2.15', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-62980c46-d1-n254-k20', 'Gap: 1.40', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-b3059fbe-d1-n325-k20', 'Gap: 1.37', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-8bc1fa17-d1-n302-k23', 'Gap: 1.35', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-37572525-d1-n240-k16', 'Gap: 1.30', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-a1081c7b-d1-n325-k20', 'Gap: 1.27', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-d0d70aec-d1-n290-k18', 'Gap: 1.23', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-8bc13a3f-d1-n421-k40', 'Gap: 1.22', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-dd43a785-d1-n880-k50', 'Gap: 1.17', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-e814fc2f-d1-n247-k25', 'Gap: 1.10', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-d137e14b-d1-n257-k17', 'Gap: 1.09', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-7ef1213a-d1-n292-k23', 'Gap: 1.07', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-ce78488d-d1-n332-k30', 'Gap: 0.98', 'Route diff: 0'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-4fe9435f-d1-n418-k28', 'Gap: 0.95', 'Route diff: 1'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-a59d64ac-d1-n328-k20', 'Gap: 0.89', 'Route diff: 0'),
 ('ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-6aedfe61-d1-n308-k35', 'Gap: 0.87', 'Route diff: 1'),

It may be helpful to look into route minimization procedures. One possible direction is to use the one proposed in Christiaens and Vanden Berghe (2020).

Change restarting mechanism

Benchmark results show that keeping the best solution is not good for final phase performance. By setting nbKeepBest=0, we gain 100 more points on the final phase when compared to the quali phase. There is no gain at all if we set nbKeepBest=1.

I have an idea to mutate best before putting it into the new population. This will be done after finishing #96. I don't know if it will work, but we'll see!

Slack-induced string removals as mutation operator

It's common for genetic algorithms to add a mutation operator after crossover. I think our static solver can benefit from this as well. Especially when our population gets stuck on a local optima, for some reason our current diversity factors such as SREX and the population management don't give enough punch to get out of it.

A mutation operator such as SISR could be a possible solution. Specifically, we remove a number of adjacent substrings and then repairing the solutions again. This was already done as crossover in #42, but it didn't work out at the time. So it's good to revisit this again but then as mutation operator.

Tracking statistics on debug builds

From the meeting notes:

We need a way to track many more statistics during iteration, both for evaluating performance, and to train machine learning models on. Statistics collection hurts performance, so it should only be done in debug builds. Things to collect (at least):

  • Improvements to the current solution: (iteration, runtime, objective).
  • Size and diversity of the current population (each iteration?).

[ML] Function approximation for "definitely bad" moves

A large number of LS operator moves are really bad. Like, stupid bad, and a human being never would've even computed them. But the LS procedure doesn't know that until after evaluating, so it wastes a ton of time on stuff that wasn't even close to a good move. This hurts particularly in operators that explore large neighbourhoods, like the route operators RELOCATE* and SWAP*, but those partially build on the node $(N, M)$-Exchange operators. So we might already realise a significant gain by starting with the node operators.

I think we can quickly fit a very simple cost model to some of the moves explored by our LS operators. That cost model doesn't have to figure out what the actual cost will be (that's what the operator will do), but rather serves as a really fast screening check for really bad moves that will never result in an improvement.

Somewhat related: cost function approximation for VRPs, e.g. this.

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