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jekyll-theme-basically-basic's Issues

Categories page lists full content of posts and not exercpts


Theme: 1.4.0
Jekyll: latest
GH Pages: No
Operating System: macOS 10.14

Expected behavior

Categories page lists posts with full content.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  • Installed theme
  • Setup theme
  • Made categories page
  • Set up front matter
  • Categories page lists full content of posts with an unnecessary read more navigation button. I'd like to just show excerpts



Pagination no longer works.

Pagination does not seem to be working anymore after github-pages gem version 146/147 or the most recent commit for this repo. I just noticed that pagination for my repo site stopped working after I merged with the most recent commit for this repo.

Should the example website at be displaying pagination?
I tried cloning and downloading a copy of the repo and following the steps to enable pagination and could not get pagination to work. Reverting to github-pages v145 with gem install github-pages -v 145 makes no difference. Maybe I am wrong about the example site?

Not sure if this is somehow related to the gems to plugins text change specifically or to the github-pages gem.


Update default theme skin to meet WCAG 2.0 AA contrast ratio thresholds


The default theme has a number of elements that fail the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA contrast ratio thresholds (

The Lighthouse Accessibility audit identifies the failing elements:

  • hyperlinks/buttons
  • quote/blockquote
  • footer text

The failing elements can be addressed with the following CSS changes:


  • Increase contrast of $accent-color with change from #00848a to #00838a


  • Increase contrast of $text-color with change from #222831 to #181c22, or
  • Change color value from tint($text-color, 40%) to tint($text-color, 35%) to reduce tint for blockquote, q (_base.scss) and .site-footer (_footer.scss)

The first approach can be implemented with a new theme skin.

Alternatively, the default theme can be updated directly with the $accent-color change, and either the $text-color change or reduced tint.

I'm happy to create a pull request if any of these approaches are acceptable.


  • Basically Basic version: 1.4.0
  • Ruby gem or remote theme version: Both
  • Jekyll version: 3.7.3
  • Git repository URL:
  • Operating system: All
  • GitHub Pages hosted (if yes provide URL to site):

Expected behavior

Increase the default theme skin score to 100 on the Lighthouse Accessibility audit.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. In Google Chrome, go to
  2. Open Chrome DevTools.
  3. Click the Audits tab.
  4. Click Perform an audit. DevTools shows you a list of audit categories. Untick all except Accessibility.
  5. Click Run audit. Once completed, the Lighthouse report lists the elements that do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.

Tweak to docs ?

Thanks a million for providing this!

In your docs you suggest to remove:


but I couldn't see this in the download.

I just mention it in case the docs need updating.

An Error?

when i changing the content of

layout: home
paginate: true
alt_title: "Res0liya"
sub_title: "To be or not to be"
image: /assets/images/amine-ounnas-180287.jpg

introduction: |

  • label: "My Github"
    icon: github
    url: ""
  • label: "Download"
    icon: download
    url: ""

and i find that when the quality of paginate is true,there are no posts in the html and no button which leads to next page (i'm thinking those posts are not generated in the .html) and when i set it false then those posts come out... i don't know where it's my wrong operation or there lie a bug.

Next/previous post navigation links

i am trying to use your theme as my blog pages and find that when i come in and read one posts, there are no links to other posts like 'last post' or 'next post'. i feel it is essential to add this function and i will be very happy to use this, thanks!

It cannot show the navigator "about" and "cv"

hello, when I fork this and I run it.The screen shows that only a home navigator.And github always email me that "The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning for the master branch:

You are attempting to use a Jekyll theme, "jekyll-theme-basically-basic", which is not supported by GitHub Pages. "
what should I do?
and the first question looks like this
2017-10-19 1 07 36

Change language post date

I would like to see the dates near the posts in French instead of English. I already changed the "lang" variable in "_config.yml" but I don't know how to change the date's language.

A data file cant be found

2017-10-19 8 39 17
Seems everything goes well.But I cant found the source code that the right shows.Its a picture in your example.But on my page its just a code.Could you tell me how to solve it?
thx again

rtl support

How can i add rtl direction to theme?

Adding search to the theme

Hello, I'm the author of the jekyll-algolia plugin. jekyll-algolia lets you push the content of your Jekyll website to Algolia, so you can then add search capabilities directly from the front-end. (Full disclosure, I work at Algolia).

I've created a live demo of what it looks like on the minima default theme. I wondered if you would be interested in adding something similar to your awesome theme.

Animated gif of the previous example

The minima theme is nice for a starter, but I assume most people would like to switch to another theme pretty quickly. I really like yours as it is simple but yet extremely readable and customisable. If you think that would be a valuable addition to the theme, we can collaborate together on that.

Using Algolia requires an account (to get an appId and apiKey), but we provide forever-free community accounts that can hold up to 10k records. In the context of jekyll-algolia, one record will be created for each <p> of content. To give you an idea, I've been blogging for 5+ years and I'm only using 4k records so it's safe to assume it can be used for free for a long time :)

I've written an extended tutorial on how to integrate front-end search into minima, and you can find more information about the actual indexing part (pushing data from Jekyll to Algolia) here. The documentation website is still a WIP but you should be able to find most of the info.

Let me know if you'd be interested in collaborating on that front, I'd be very happy to provide any help I can.


Question: jQuery requirement

Hey, what addition in the latest release requires jQuery? I've managed to make due without it, and hoping to keep it that way.

index filtered by tag or category

Is there a way to serve requests like[categoryname-or-tag-name]
in a way that looks just like the root index but shows posts filtered by given category name or tag name?

Cannot override CSS settings as described in docs


Trying to override the default theme with a couple of tweaks, primarily a few colors and the font. I followed the docs and created
You can see I added a few color tweaks to that. But nothing shows up when the site is generated.
I admit, I'm new to Jekyll, so I'm probably missing something. But everything I'm seeing in your docs and the jekyll docs seem to just say to copy the desired base file to the same path, and add the tweaks you want. I also tried with main.scss empty other than my tweaks as seems to be implied in your docs. But same issue.


Expected behavior

For the colors and fonts to be updated by updating /assets/stylesheets/main.scss

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  • Create /assets/stylesheets/main.scss
  • Add SASS tweaks
  • rebuild

How to update

I've been using this theme since long ago feeling comfortable about it and think what is the best way to upgrade the version of my theme to the latest version without breaking things. Is there is a docs for that?

posts URL

How can I omit the date in the posts URL? E.g:

should be

Deprecation warnings.

I am keeping seeing deprecation warnings like this:

DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a string to call() is deprecated and will be illegal
in Sass 4.0. Use call(get-function("variable-exists")) instead.

DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a string to call() is deprecated and will be illegal
in Sass 4.0. Use call(get-function("variable-exists")) instead.

DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a string to call() is deprecated and will be illegal
in Sass 4.0. Use call(get-function("mixin-exists")) instead.

DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a string to call() is deprecated and will be illegal
in Sass 4.0. Use call(get-function("variable-exists")) instead.

DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a string to call() is deprecated and will be illegal
in Sass 4.0. Use call(get-function("variable-exists")) instead.

DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a string to call() is deprecated and will be illegal
in Sass 4.0. Use call(get-function("mixin-exists")) instead.

Additional section in CV


I'm pretty new to the json-CV technique. I assume you are using a certain template if I understand it correctly. But how could I customize the CV template? For example, if I'd like to add a section for presentations, or research products, how could I do that?

Thank you.

Unusable in Internet Explorer 10

Theme should support the latest 2 versions of each major browser and gracefully degrade for anything older.

  • Find alternative to pointer-events: none as it is not supported in IE10. Sidebar overlay covers entire page making it impossible to click on any links. Possible solution.
  • Use -ms- prefixed flexbox properties to cleanup minor layout issues.

I was wondering about the Search Feature

I really think your search function is awesome, is there any chance you'd be willing to show the basics of what I need to implement it into other themes. What files.

I think it would be an awesome plug-in to many themes.

Navigation lists twice the Home page, when home page has a title.


The home page is listed twice on the sidebar navigation, if it has a title.


Jekyll 3.7.3 using the theme from Github pages, developed on MacOS 10.13.
On Github:

Expected behavior

Home page should be listed only once, either as "Home" or with the page title.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Just create a page with layout: home and give it a title: Welcome. Open the navigation bar and it will show both "Home" and "Welcome". This is not reproduced on your example @mmistakes because you use alt_title (which I would consider using for accessibility reasons)..

Fix is live on, spygi/tech-blog@60bed52

See here together with my fix

Not seeing the posts

I'm sure I'm doing something stupid. I'm new to this. Anyway, I changed a minima-based site to your theme, and everything seems to work except I'm not seeing any posts. I just know it'll be obvious, but unfortunately, I'm still stuck. Any ideas? Thanks.

By the way, this is an awesome theme, and exactly what I wanted... well, when I finally see posts... :). Thanks so much for your efforts!

Hero image enhancement

On my 27 in monitor, 2k resolution, the hero image takes up the entire screen. At other smaller widths, the hero image looks perfect. It is only when you fullsize a 27 in screen like mine that the image is overwhelming.


lots of extra blank pages when printing CV

For some reason I see a bunch of extra blank pages when trying to print the CV view.

To reproduce:

  • Load a long CV page
  • crtl+p (or whatever your OS has for print preview)
  • Scroll to the bottom and see the extra blank pages at the end
  • note: While trying to debug this with my own CV I only see one extra blank page

As a side note .sidebar should probably be hidden to as I can see the background of it in the preview.

github page build warning

I forked your theme in my own repository to build a personal ghPage. All went well, but everytime the page is built I will reiceive an email from github with following content:

Subject: [horstschroeder/] Page build warning

The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning for the master branch:

You are attempting to use a Jekyll theme, "jekyll-theme-basically-basic", which is not supported by GitHub Pages. Please visit for a list of supported themes. If you are using the "theme" configuration variable for something other than a Jekyll theme, we recommend you rename this variable throughout your site. For more information, see

For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see:

Any ideas ??

More Social Media Links via Sidebar

Apologies if this should be straightforward, I'm new to Jekyll and playing around with your example project, just trying to quickly determine if I can add more social media links to the side navigation bar besides the email, twitter, github and rss feed that come as the default. For instance, modifying the config.yml to the following:

name: Dugan Nash
twitter: Towlette_Pettetucci
facebook: Towlette_Pettetucci
twitter_username: Towlette_Pettetucci
github_username: Towlette_Pettetucci
facebook_username: Towlette_Pettetucci
logo: /assets/icons/basically-basic-logo-light.svg

does not add a facebook link, so I am assuming there is no support for adding more links to the sidebar through the config, and I would have to write a rule in somewhere to populate the navigation sidebar with a facebook icon and link? Could anyone point me in the correct direction for accomplishing this?

Page build warning when host to Github-Page

I get email from github when push git to github

The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning for the master branch:

You are attempting to use a Jekyll theme, "jekyll-theme-basically-basic", which is not supported by GitHub Pages. Please visit for a list of supported themes. If you are using the "theme" configuration variable for something other than a Jekyll theme, we recommend you rename this variable throughout your site. For more information, see

How to deal with that? Am i missing something?

Edge Case: _collections bug (solved)

So I have been working on adapting this theme to my needs, and I found a slight bug in the theme (or in Jekyll itself, how you like), the issue is that when you create a collection and you use the Boolean output: true which will create a hyperlink/permalink based on title: it also creates an invisible date. That date is then seen by the page-intro.html '` IF statement and thus all of my collection html pages had an author name, date of creation and read time. Not what I needed.

In theory, there should not be been an IF statement created for the blog meta since there is only one case when you want it to be posted, which is on the articles themselves.

Solving the issues required some working out of the code. I first broke down the page-intro.html into component parts.

  • page-image.html
  • page-meta.html
  • page-introduction.html
  • page-action.html

I did this in order to isolate the page-meta.html.
I then took the common code along with my new pages and added it to default.html in _layouts:

 <header class="intro">

{% include page-image.html %}

<div class="inner">
<div class="intro-text">

{% include page-meta.html %}
{% include page-introduction.html %}
{% include page-action.html %}


At this point this was my page.meta.html file.

 {% if %}
    {% include author %}
           <p class="entry-meta">
      {% if author_name %}
<span class="byline-item">{{ author_name | prepend: 'by ' }}</span>
{% endif %}
<span class="byline-item"><span class="icon">{% include icon-calendar.svg %}</span><time datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}">{{ | date: "%B %-d, %Y" }}</time></span>
{% if page.read_time %} <span class="byline-item"><span class="icon">{% include icon-stopwatch.svg %}</span>
{% capture read_time %}{% include read-time.html %}{% endcapture %}{{ read_time | strip }}</span>
{% endif %}
 {% endif %}

After that I needed to create an if statement to only add the meta file if it was a post. So I added this around the include (page.layout == 'post'):

 <header class="intro">
{% include page-image.html %}
<div class="inner">
<div class="intro-text">

{% if page.layout == 'post' %}
{% include page-meta.html %}
{% endif %}

{% include page-introduction.html %}
{% include page-action.html %}


Which says if this is a post, add this.

The other problem I had was that the CV file has it's own intro.html file which mimics a lot of the page-intro.html file, but changes the title filter to include the json title filter. I ended up removing that file entirely from the control flow and took the parts that were necessary and included them back into the default.html. I mainly took the includes out of the CV.html _layout file like this. heads-up: The {% include cv/intro.html %} was removed.

1 ---
  2 layout: default
  3 ---
  4 {% assign cv = %}
  6 <main id="main" class="page-content" aria-label="Content">
  7   <div class="index inner">
  8     <div>{{ content }}</div>
  9     <div>
 10       <div class="entries">
 11         {% include cv/basics.html %}
 12         {% include cv/work.html %}
 13         {% include cv/volunteer.html %}
 14         {% include cv/education.html %}
 15         {% include cv/awards.html %}
 16         {% include cv/publications.html %}
 17         {% include cv/skills.html %}
 18         {% include cv/languages.html %}
 19         {% include cv/interests.html %}
 20         {% include cv/references.html %}
 21       </div>
 22     </div>

I was then able to create an IF statement that would only show the CV title when it was actually the CV page. I also made an if statement for the CV subtitle filter that included an AND statement (see below). I know it seems like a lot, but in the end it works. Here is the new default.html. (one other thing of importance- I needed to re-add the variable {% assign cv = %} to the default.html file above the CV title string for this to work): My new code begins on like 43 just below: <div class="initial-content"> and ends on line 73 in the default.html file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  2 <!--
  3     Basically Basic Jekyll Theme 1.3.1
  4     Copyright 2017-2018 Michael Rose - | @mmistakes
  5     Free for personal and commercial use under the MIT license
  7 -->
  8 <html lang="{{ page.lang | default: site.lang | default: 'en-US' }}" class="no-js">
  9   {% include head.html %}
 11   <body class="layout--{{ page.layout | default: layout.layout }}{% if page.classes or layout.classes %}{{ page.classes | default: layout.classes | join: ' ' | prepend: ' ' }}{%     endif %} {{ page.title | slugify }}">
 13     {% include skip-links.html %}
 15     <div class="sidebar-toggle-wrapper">
 16       {% if %}
 17         <button class="search-toggle" type="button">
 18           <svg class="icon" width="16" height="16" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 15.99 16">
 19             <title>{{ | default: 'Search' }}</title>
 20             <path d="M15.5,13.12L13.19,10.8a1.69,1.69,0,0,0-1.28-.55l-0.06-.06A6.5,6.5,0,0,0,5.77,0,6.5,6.5,0,0,0,2.46,11.59a6.47,6.47,0,0,0,7.74.26l0.05,0.05a1.65,1.65,0,0,0,.5    ,1.24l2.38,2.38A1.68,1.68,0,0,0,15.5,13.12ZM6.4,2A4.41,4.41,0,1,1,2,6.4,4.43,4.43,0,0,1,6.4,2Z" transform="translate(-.01)"></path>
 21           </svg>
 22         </button>
 23       {% endif %}
 25       <button class="toggle navicon-button larr" type="button">
 26         <span class="toggle-inner">
 27           <span class="sidebar-toggle-label visually-hidden">{{ | default: 'Menu' }}</span>
 28           <span class="navicon"></span>
 29         </span>
 30       </button>
 31     </div>
 33     <div id="sidebar" class="sidebar">
 34       <div class="inner">
 35         {% include navigation.html %}
 36         {% include contact-list.html %}
 37       </div>
 38     </div>
 40     <div class="canvas">
 41       <div class="wrapper">
 42         {% include masthead.html %}
 43   <div class="initial-content">
 44   <header class="intro">
 46   {% include page-image.html %}
 47 {% assign cv = %}
 49   <div class="inner">
 50     <div class="intro-text">
 52 {% if page.layout == "cv" %}
 53       <h1 class="intro-title">{{ | default: page.title | markdownify | strip_html }}</h1>
 54 {% else %}      
 55 <h1 class="intro-title">{{ page.alt_title | default: page.title | default: site.title | markdownify | strip_html }}</h1>
 56       {% endif %}
 58 {% if cv.basics.label and page.layout == "cv" %}
 59         <p class="intro-subtitle">{{ cv.basics.label | markdownify | remove: '<p>' | remove: '</p>' }}</p>
 60       {% endif %}
 61 {% if page.sub_title %}
 62         <p class="intro-subtitle">{{ page.sub_title | markdownify | strip_html }}</p>
 63       {% endif %}
 65 {% if page.layout == 'post' %}
 66 {% include page-meta.html %}
 67 {% endif %}
 69 {% include page-introduction.html %}
 70 {% include page-action.html %}
 71     </div>
 72   </div>
 73 </header>
 74   {{ content }}
76    </div>
 79         <div class="search-content">
 80           {% include search-form.html %}
 81         </div>
 82       </div>
 83     </div>
 85     {% include scripts.html %}
 87   </body>
 89 </html>

Adding font declarations in theme.yml only reflected in <link>

I tried adding the following:

  - name: "Libre Franklin"
    weights: "300,400,400i,700,700i"

to _data/theme.yml and while I can see they are being loaded, they are not reflected in the CSS.

I presume this means I will need to change all the CSS to reflect the new font-face?

Sidebar Width and Font Size on Mobile

First of all, thank you for providing us with a awesome theme!

I noticed that the side bar menu width is too big when viewed on mobile. Below is a screenshot:

screen shot 2017-09-10 at 3 47 16 pm

I think it would be nice to let side bar cover certain percentage of current width, not an absolute width. Also, decreasing the font of the navigation menu can contribute to making the width smaller.

These are just suggestions. Any method to improve UI on mobile would be appreciated!

Display tags or categories

Hi there,

Could you please explain what's the purpose of having category or tags except for the convenience of search? And what would be a good practice to use them?

Thank you

CV Not working for me

I have generated a cv.json file, placed it in _data yet it still doesn't render. Just shows up with nothing on it.

I think this is because I am not exactly sure where the path is supposed to be.


My layout: cv and default: pages. It's using the blog post default. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Single post in another lang

Can I override the global lang settings for a single post?

layout: post
title: "Ein Post in einer anderen Spache"
categories: [blog]
tags: [t1, t2]
author: kerner1000
comments: true
share: true
lang: de-de

webs shows blank

when I copy and paste your /docs files
looks like this
2017-10-19 4 12 52
then the webs goes to blank

How can I host this theme on GitHub Pages?

I'm trying to push the theme to an gh-pages branch but jekyll complains about "_config.yml".
When I tried to move for an example, the contents of example or docs folder and commit and push to gh-pages it continues going wrong.

Can you help me?

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