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terraform-github-repository's Issues

Owner (org) not being set

Hi folks!

I came across your repos from this article: which has given me a great headstart as a complete noob to Terraform. Thanks so much for the article and the resources! I have over 90 repos to manage in our open source project and I think this is going to be a very efficient way to work once I get my head around it all!

I'm stumbling upon a challenge though.

In your article you declare the organisation in the file however this doesn't seem to be working when I try to use the up-to-date example code from your repos.

I had to change a bunch of things by copying from your latest repos because I guess things have changed in the GitHub API since the article was written, so I expect maybe the way to declare the organisation has changed too.

I tried checking your repos for how to declare it with the updated templates but I can't seem to find it in any of your example files. I think that either it's set at the or the level, so hedging my bets and making the request here for a snippet on how to get this working!

So far it's working perfectly, but creating everything in my personal account, not the org.

Thanks in advance for any help!

How to Ignore changes for branches

We have a strong circulation of pull requests/branches. So we have to ignore this branches change. Since terraform does have lifecycle support only for resource scope, we need a workaround for this. Any help would be much appreciated.

Add support for Dependabot PRs - `automated-security-fixes`

The automated-security-fixes key is not supported by this provider which prevents Dependabot PRs to get enabled.

vulnerability_alerts only enable alerts, while the former key enables associated PRs to be enabled.

Configure existing repositories

Is there a way to scan for repositories which already exist, and to apply the configuration to those? Or does this only apply to new projects?

Support for github provider >= 3.1.0

Hi, do you plan support for github provider >= 3.1.0? We would like to use vulnerability scanning of dependencies that was introduced in this provider version.

Deprecation for required_status_checks contexts

The Terraform GitHub Provider deprecated the field contexts and from now on checks should be used. Would be good to reflect this change in the module.

Warning: "required_status_checks.0.contexts": [DEPRECATED] GitHub is deprecating the use of contexts. Use a checks array instead.

Documentation about dismiss_stale_reviews does not match with the result

Checking about protected branches and the key required_pull_request_reviews, documentation about the dismiss_stale_reviews setting mentions that the default value is false.
However, when running a plan adding a protected branch without setting that value, as this:

 branch_protections = [
    branch         = "master"
    enforce_admins = false
    required_pull_request_reviews = {
      require_code_owner_reviews      = true
      required_approving_review_count = 2
    restrictions = {
      apps  = []
      teams = ["novum-moves"]
      users = []

a terraform plan is going to set this setting as true.

  # module.repository.github_branch_protection_v3.branch_protection[0] will be created
  + resource "github_branch_protection_v3" "branch_protection" {
      + branch                 = "master"
      + enforce_admins         = false
      + etag                   = (known after apply)
      + id                     = (known after apply)
      + repository             = "repository"
      + require_signed_commits = false

      + required_pull_request_reviews {
          + dismiss_stale_reviews           = true
          + require_code_owner_reviews      = true
          + required_approving_review_count = 2

      + restrictions {
          + teams = [
              + "novum-moves",

Checking, I think this value comes from this merge:

Tested version:

module "repository" {
  source                                = "mineiros-io/repository/github"
  version                               = "0.10.1"

Not sure what it should be updated, documentation or code ?
I could open a PR to update the needed value.


Does not support terraform 0.14.2

Tried to use module on Azure Cloud Shell:

Initializing modules...
Downloading mineiros-io/repository/github 0.5.1 for repository...
- repository in .terraform/modules/repository

Error: Unsupported Terraform Core version

  on .terraform/modules/repository/ line 6, in terraform:
   6:   required_version = ">= 0.12.20, < 0.14"

integrations/github 5.9.0 - at least one permission expected from permissions map

When using latest GitHub provider (integrations/github 5.9.0)
I get the following error for the given repository definition.

│ Error: at least one permission expected from permissions map

│   with module.my_repo.github_team_repository.team_repository_by_slug["my_team"],
│   on .terraform/modules/my_repo/ line 441, in resource "github_team_repository" "team_repository_by_slug":
│  441: resource "github_team_repository" "team_repository_by_slug" {

module "my_repo" {
  source               = "mineiros-io/repository/github"
  version              = "0.18.0"
  name                 = "my_repo"
  defaults             = var.defaults.private
  visibility           = "private"
  has_downloads        = false
  archived             = false
  archive_on_destroy   = true
  vulnerability_alerts = true
  push_teams           = [var.teams.my_team]

I can solve it for now by downgrading to integrations/github 5.8.0

`delete_branch_on_merge` default in docs is incorrect

The docs state the default for delete_branch_on_merge is false, but in the code it defaults to true.

Happy to submit a PR to fix by either changing the docs or the code, but not sure which is preferred. My personal opinion is that this should default to false as per the docs, so the code should be updated to reflect that, but this will change the behaviour for anyone who hasn't explicitly set this in their config so may need some more thought.

Add support for require_last_push_approval and lock_branch

Functionality outlined in this blog:

Implemented in the provider here:

These would be great additions to have, thanks for the great module!

I understand that branch protections are currently a bit up in the air (broken in ~5.7.0), per a previous comment made here:
#132 (comment)

But hopefully this can be added once that is fixed, or in anticipation of 👍

Fix warning from GitHub Provider

Hi, it seems private has been deprecated for visibility.

I have got the below warning when terraforming --->

Warning: "private": [DEPRECATED] use visibility instead

Allow to configure Branches

A last (for me) missing feature in this module is the possibility to configure branches (besides the default branch). For this github_branch exists and could be easily integrated.

Example not runnable?

I don't know if the example is supposed to be runnable without modification, but the result when I try to do that is (after a successful "terraform init"):
➜ terraform plan

│ Error: Invalid count argument

│ on .terraform/modules/repository/ line 162, in resource "github_branch_protection_v3" "branch_protection":
│ 162: count = length(local.branch_protections)

│ The "count" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created. To work around
│ this, use the -target argument to first apply only the resources that the count depends on.

`app_installations` appears to be broken

I'm not entirely sure here why a set would be preferred over a numbered list, but with this usage:

app_installations = [ var.some_number ]


The given "for_each" argument value is unsuitable: "for_each" supports maps
and sets of strings, but you have provided a set containing type number.

Error: Invalid for_each set argument

  on .terraform/modules/terraform_github_modules/ line 505, in resource "github_app_installation_repository" "app_installation_repository":
 505:   for_each = var.app_installations
    │ var.app_installations is set of number with 1 element

New release with no maximum version constraint

Can we please get a release of this module with the maximum version constraint removed so we're not stuck on version 5.x of the GitHub provider.

According to the Terraform Documentation, modules should ideally not specify a maximum version constraint.

I'm also waiting on support to control the commit message format but just fixing this would unblock me from being able to upgrade the GitHub provider.

It was commented in February in #165 that something might be released soon, we're now in June with no release(s).

Likewise for your GitHub team module, as that's also pinned to < 6.

@soerenmartius @mariux

repo_id attribute from github_repository resource not generated

As explained here all attributes from the github_repository resource should be exported by the module.
There is an attribute on the github_repository documentation named repo_id.

However, when I create a github repository with the mineiros-io module, this repo_id attribute does not exist. For example, my attributes look something like this:

  "attributes": {
    "allow_merge_commit": true,
    "allow_rebase_merge": true,
    "allow_squash_merge": true,
    "archived": false,
    "auto_init": false,
    "default_branch": "master",
    "delete_branch_on_merge": false,
    "description": "",
    "etag": "W/\"b62fa29d48ada996cea8f6f4742c81c0c62b21256e886a72a356089eb57077c4\"",
    "full_name": "exampleorg/repo-anonymized",
    "git_clone_url": "git://",
    "gitignore_template": null,
    "has_downloads": true,
    "has_issues": true,
    "has_projects": false,
    "has_wiki": true,
    "homepage_url": "",
    "html_url": "",
    "http_clone_url": "",
    "id": "repo-anonymized",
    "is_template": false,
    "license_template": null,
    "name": "repo-anonymized",
    "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk3NDU4OTg4NQ==",
    "private": true,
    "ssh_clone_url": "git@exampleorg/repo-anonymized.git",
    "svn_url": "",
    "template": [],
    "topics": [],
    "visibility": "private"

Is there any reason this one attribute is not generated by the module?

Allow compatibility for pages and environments

Hi, I have been trying to import some repos into a master repo forked from this, but some repositories couldn't be imported because the module doesn't support pages or environments which a repo may have. Is there anything we can do about this, even if it is just so it doesn't make any change to it but allows me to import the repo?

thoughts about defaults for 0.1.0

i would like to discuss changing some defaults in this early phase:

  • change private to default to true to make it more secure/private by default.

  • change has_issues to default to false so you have to specify the features you want to have and not those you do not want to have (opt-in instead of out) In addition this would be more consistent with other has_* options (and match the current description)

  • set allow_merge_commit, allow_squash_merge and allow_rebase_merge to false so that you have to opt-in and are forced to specify at least one.

Partial failure if the repository name contains any space

The module seems to allow spaces to be used in the name of the repository.

It will apparently converts them into - while building the plan (I've not found yet where this is done).

However, it partially fails to apply the plan: the repository will be created in GitHub but Terraform will fail.

How to reproduce

  1. Create a new repository like this:
module "space_repo" {
  source  = "mineiros-io/repository/github"
  version = "~> 0.18.0"

  name = "space repo"
  1. Execute terraform plan - should give something like this:
# module.space_repo.github_repository.repository will be created
+ resource "github_repository" "repository" {
   + name = "space repo"
  1. Execute terraform apply - should fail with this error:
module.space_repo.github_repository.repository: Creating...

Error: PATCH 422 Validation Failed []

  with module.space_repo.github_repository.repository,
  on .terraform/modules/space_repo/ line 91, in resource "github_repository" "repository":
  91: resource "github_repository" "repository" {
  1. Subsequent terrafrom apply should fail again with this other error:
module.space_repo.github_repository.repository: Destroying... [id=space-repo]
module.space_repo.github_repository.repository: Destruction complete after 0s
module.space_repo.github_repository.repository: Creating...

Error: POST 422 Repository creation failed. [{Resource:Repository Field:name Code:custom Message:name already exists on this account}]

  with module.space_repo.github_repository.repository,
  on .terraform/modules/space_repo/ line 91, in resource "github_repository" "repository":
  91: resource "github_repository" "repository" {

(Because archive_on_destroy is set to true by default I suppose).

Expected behavior

I suppose the terraform plan command should explicitly fail and report the presence of invalid character(s) in the name.

Failed to query available provider packages

When trying to upgrade to the latest integration/github version I get this error.

Could not retrieve the list of available versions for provider integrations/github: no available releases match the given constraints >= 4.20.0, 5.14.0, >= 5.15.0, < 6.0.0

I am currently running github version 5.14.0 and i have tried upgrading to the different version 5.15.0, 5.16.0, and 5.17.0 I get the same error message on each version.

I have wiped the modules and providers directory and still get the error.

Has any one else had an issue upgrading?
Terraform version 1.3.7
Mac M1

The required providers section of the module seems like it would allow anything between 4.2.0 and 6.0.0

Allow for underscores in team name/slug

GitHub allows for team slug to contain underscores, therefore these shouldn't be replaced with hyphens in code such as at

team_admin = [for i in var.admin_teams : { slug = replace(lower(i), "/[^a-z0-9]/", "-"), permission = "admin" }]
team_push = [for i in var.push_teams : { slug = replace(lower(i), "/[^a-z0-9]/", "-"), permission = "push" }]
team_pull = [for i in var.pull_teams : { slug = replace(lower(i), "/[^a-z0-9]/", "-"), permission = "pull" }]
team_triage = [for i in var.triage_teams : { slug = replace(lower(i), "/[^a-z0-9]/", "-"), permission = "triage" }]
team_maintain = [for i in var.maintain_teams : { slug = replace(lower(i), "/[^a-z0-9]/", "-"), permission = "maintain" }]

Add support for is_alphanumeric in autolink reference

GitHub recently added an option for is_alphanumeric in github_repository_autolink_reference. This was added to v5.8.0 of terraform-github-provider and documented here

Bumping the provider causes a change to all our current autolinks, like below.

-/+ resource "github_repository_autolink_reference" "repository_autolink_reference" {
      + etag                = (known after apply)
      ~ id                  = "346367" -> (known after apply)
      + is_alphanumeric     = true # forces replacement
        # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)

It would be great if autolink_references could be extented to support setting is_alphanumeric.

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