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ms-700-managing-microsoft-teams's Issues

Senisitivy label wizards have changed - need to update instructions

Module: 02

Lab/Demo: 02

Exercise: 03

Task: various

The wizards to create, update and publish sensitivity labels have changed, and the instructions are now wrong. Several of my students are finding it confusing to work out what to do.

Please could you update the instructions in the various tasks in this exercise that create, modify and publish sensitivity labels?

"Personas" are misused in the Lab

Module: 02

Exercise: 04

Task: 01

Steps: 07 & 08

Description of issue
Naming these personas "New York office" and "Los Angeles office" implies that we need a persona for each office. By the logic of this lab, we should create a new persona for each location--this is incorrect, we need to create personas to match the different types of users in the organization, regardless of location (otherwise the report could not support more than three locations, the limit of custom personas.) In the example in the documentation ( they create a "Calling Only" persona. I suggest we (at least) change the names of these personas to "All Apps" and "No Phone" (or something similar) or create different personas.

"Contoso Emergency Address" is used before it is created

Lab/Demo: 06

Exercise 1

Task: 3

Step: 10

Description of issue

In this step you are told to select the "Contoso Emergency Address". However, this address is not added until later in the lab, Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 5.

It appears this step in Exercise 2 (creating the emergency address) needs to be moved to before the address is used in Exercise 1.

Repro steps:

  1. Lab 6, Ex1, Task 3, Step 10: There is no emergency address to select.
  2. Lab 6, Ex2, Task 1, Step 5: The address is created in this step.

Sensitivity label instructions in Lab 2, Exercise 3 are still wrong

Module: 02

Lab/Demo: 02

Task: 02

The instructions for creating sensitivity labels are still wrong. I reported this before and it's marked as closed but the instructions stil don't match the wizard that the students are seeing. lt's causing a lot of confusion.

I don't know what changes (if any) you made recently, but please could you look at the whole task and check all the instructions?

There are numerous problems For example, the text on some of the options has changed, and there are also some new options. Also, the instructions keep referring to sections, e.g. "in the scope section", "in the Goups and Sites section". Most of these sections are actually separate pages in the wizard, so the instructions need to refer to them as pages, and tell the student to click Next to get to the next page.

The instructions really need to be rewritten from scratch, not just tinkered with.

We should always run Disconnect-MicrosoftTeams before closing the PowerShell window.

Module: 01 (both Lab & Lab AK)

Exercise: 02

Task: 02

Step: 09

Description of issue
Step 9: When you are finished with exploring the Microsoft Teams PowerShell cmdlets, close the PowerShell window.

Because the new Teams PowerShell module creates an implicit remote session, we should always run Disconnect-MicrosoftTeams before closing the PowerShell window.

(This correction should also be made in later labs when we use PowerShell.)

Why not use Teams admin center to restore Team?

Module: 04

Exercise: 01

Task: 03 - Delete and recover teams

Steps: 05 -13

Description of issue:
Why do we use the Azure admin center to restore the Group instead of the Teams admin center to restore the Team?
I'll do a pull request if this should be corrected.

Teams room free trial error

Lab 03:

Exercise: 02 Deploy Teams device profiles

Task 2 - Create a Microsoft Teams Room

Step: 22

Description of issue
Site error after hitting 'Try now' to purchase a Microsoft Teams Rooms Standard Trial - Step 22.

Lab 4 Ex 1, pop-up blocked in browser

Learning Path: 4

Lab/Demo: 4

Exercise: 1

Task: 5

Step: 2

When you try to create a new Webinar, the pop-up that should open to allow you to configure the webinar is blocked.

Either the settings for Edge need to be modified to allow pop-ups, or the instructions need to tell the student how to allow pop-ups.

Dynamic Query does not return results identified in lab

Module: 04

Lab/Demo: 04

Exercise: 1

Task: 06

Step: 16

Description of issue
Allan DeYoung is still a member of the group.
Allan should still be a member of the group because his user account is enabled and his usage location is Canada.
All of the users used in the lab were setup in module 1 to be in the Usage Location Canada.
This needs to have steps written to have you change the usage location of Allan, then refresh the group membership.

Repro steps:

Creating access review

Module: 02

Lab/Demo: 02

Exercise: 1

Task: 4

Step: 2

Description of issue

On the Review type tab, you can't select "All Microsoft 365 groups with guest users". It's greyed out.

So you can't create the access review as described in the lab.

Azure AD Portal is now Entra portal

Module: various

Lab/Demo: various

Task: various

Step: various

Description of issue

The URL now redirects to the new Microsoft Entra Admin Center.

There are several places in the labs where the student is told to go to this URL, and the instructions that follow assume the student is in the old Azure AD portal. Since this URL actually takes the student to the Entra admin center, the instructions are now wrong.

There are several places in the lab where the instructions need to be modified so the student can complete the task in the Entra admin center. The ones I've found are:

Lab 1, Ex 4, Tasks 1, 3 and 5

Lab 2, Ex 1, Tasks 1 and 4

Lab 3, Ex1, Tasks 5 and 6

We need to remove the Naming Policy!

Module: 04

Exercise: 01

Task: 02

Step: 06

Description of issue
The creation of the Team fails because we still have the naming policy. (We either need to remove the naming policy or name the Team "Group_CA-Office_United States" and the mail nickname would have to be: "Group_CA-Office_UnitedStates".)

New-Team : Error occurred while executing Code: Request_BadRequest Message: The property is missing a required prefix/suffix per your organization's Group naming requirements.

In the previous version of Lab 2, we removed the naming policy at the end of the lab.

DLP reports will not select today's date

Module: 02

Exercise: 03

Task: 10

Step: 13

Description of issue:
The DLP reports now have a date range selected by default and will not let you select today's date, so there will be no DLP match.

Why aren't you updating the labs in this course?

Please can someone from Microsoft explain why you're not acting on any error reports for this course?

None of the labs have been updated for at least 6 months. But there have been various changes in the admin centers over that time.

When I submitted error reports for MS-721 recently, they were resolved within less than a week.

MS-700 Issue with GDPR Lab

Module: 02

Lab/Demo: 02

Task: 08

Step: 07

Description of issue: The sensitive info type 'Austria Physical Address' isn't supported for 'Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps' location currently. It doesn't support the next country (Belgium) either.

Repro steps:

  1. Follow along with what is documented (nothing is mentioned about MS Defender for Cloud Apps) and see what happens
  2. If you remove the Cloud Apps from the policy, I received a different error
  3. Policy is still created, just an error occurs.
    MS700 Lb 2

Org-wide settings has been removed from the Teams admin center

The "Org-wide Settings" heading has been removed from the Teams admin center and the settings distributed to other locations ("Teams Settings" and "Users", mostly) updates needed in various labs. Also, any instruction to "click on Users" needs to be updated to "click on Users --> Manage users"

Mod 03, new value needed in instructions

Module: 03

Exercise: 01

Task: 01

Steps: 08 & 09


Module: 03ak

Exercise: 01

Task: 01

Steps: 13 &15

Description of issue
New setting added to page in the admin center:
Internet link capacity

needs to be added to instructions.

PowerApps app creation completely does not work as written

Module: 05: Modify collaboration settings for Teams

Exercise 2: Manage App Settings

Task: 6 - Add a custom app from Microsoft Power Apps

Step: 9-35

Description of issue: The creation of PowerApps is now completely different. None of the steps from 9-35 work any longer.
The entire task instructions need to be rewritten to reflect the new PowerApps portal.

Repro steps:

Still need the private preview (now public preview could be used) for PowerShell in Mod 04 lab

Module: 04

Exercise: 01

Task: 02

Steps: 05 & 07

Description of issue

  1. In step 5, the current version of MicrosoftTeams PowerShell module is 1.1.4 (As of 7/22/2020) and does not contain the -MembershipType parameter in New-TeamChannel cmdlet, so the instruction "if the version is equal to or greater than 1.0.18" is not correct.
  2. In step 7, -AllowClobber needs to be added to the Install-Module command.

Change of UI to create a Webinar

Module: 04

Lab/Demo: 04

Exercise 1

Task: 05

Step: 00

Description of issue
The user interface used to create a webinar has changed, so the instructions in this task don't work as written.

Also, when you choose New Webinar, it opens a new tab in the browser, but the page is blank. There's a warning in the address bar that pop-ups are disabled, so you have to enable them in order to see the page where you set up the webinar.

Lab 2, Ex 1, tasks 5 and 8 - variable names inconsistent

Module: 02

Lab: 02

Exercise 1

Task: 05 and 08

Description of issue

There are several inconsistencies with the name of the $settings variable in this task. At times it's referred to as $setting. The steps in this task don't work. There seem to be problems in task 8 too.

Repro steps:

Cmdlet fails with error

Module: 02

Lab/Demo: 02, Exercise 1

Task: 2

Step: 13

Description of issue
This cmdlet fails with error, "Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Id' because it is null."

I think this is because what were formerly tasks 1 and 2 (classifications) have been removed. In the old task 1, step 12, you had to run this cmdlet:

New-AzureADDirectorySetting -DirectorySetting $Setting

If you run this cmdlet before running the Set-AzureADDirectorySetting in the new task 2 step 13, it works without error.

Repro steps:

DLP Changes

Module: 02

Exercise: 03

Task: 02

Step: ALL

Description of issue
Create DLP sequence has changed (again)
NOTE: Can't set the override setting unless we do a custom rule.

MOD Admin cannot create Teams in the clients

Module: 04

Exercise: 03

Task: 05

Step: 01

Description of issue
MOD Admin cannot create Teams in the clients
Repro steps:

  1. Because MOD Admin is the owner, but not a member of the GroupCreators security group, they cannot create Teams in the Teams clients, only the admin centers. This task tries to use the web client. we either need to use Joni (and make it a Public team) or the Teams admin center. (Or, add Mod admin as both the owner AND a member back in Mod 01 Lab.)

DLP policy instructions need updating in Lab 2, Ex 3

Module: 02

Lab/Demo: 02

Ex: 03

Task: 8 and 9

The instructions for creating a DLP policy are no longer correct. For example, there is now a page that asks whether the policy should apply only to a specific admin unit. There are other minor differences, where text has changed.

The students are getting confused because there are so many discrepancies between the instructions and what they are seeing in the wizard.

Please can the instructions be thoroughly checked and corrected?

Lab 2 Ex 1 Task 2 - More Detail Needed

Module: 02

Lab/Demo: 02

Ex 01 Task: 02

Description of issue
The instructions on creating the sensitivity labels needs more detail in some of the steps.

In other exercises the section of the Compliance Center is detailed in the lab instructions but not in this one.

In creating the first sensitivity labels it would be useful to includes steps to tick on the option so that the settings are available and then the further labels could simply detail the settings to be chosen as current.

The "+ Add cloud storage" button no longer appears.

Module: 05

Lab Exercise: 03

Task: 02

Step: 09

If all external storage options are removed, the "+ Add cloud storage" button no longer appears.
(This change makes sense, but the student may be confused unless we show the button to them before we remove it, or we could leave one option selected and verify that the rest are gone.) DLP Policy Outdated

Module: MS-700

Lab/Demo: 02

Task: 02

Step: 02-3 now sends admins to This means you can update the name to be Office 365 Security & Compliance for task 2 and 3. MSFT has also changed the navigation and it now requires users to click on "Policy" from the flyout menu(Image2). This leads to step 4 using the wrong wording as users are now on the "Policy" page within the "Data loss prevention" section

Step 3 also has . for some reason.



Lab01 -Ex 1 Task 2 Alex Wilbur

Module: 01

Lab/Demo: 01 - Ex 1

Task: 02

Step: 06

Description of issue
Errors when changing Alex's location to Canada
Repro steps:

Skipped change - no work around

Confusion in Lab 5 re: Google Analytics

Module: 05

Lab/Demo: 05

Exercise: 02

Task: 03

Description of issue

There are two Google Analytics Apps, suggest blocking both. Delegates are confused if they block one and the other still shows up when they add an app to test the app permission policy. Leads them to believe the policy hasn't worked.

Mod 02 Exercise 3 Task 3 missing?

Module: 02

Exercise: 03

Task: 03?

Step: missing?

Description of issue
The introduction of Exercise 3 ends with:

At the end you will perform scoped directory search.

and Step 15 of Task 2 says:

  1. Leave the browser open for the next task.

But there is no Task 3. If the removal is intentional, remove the last sentence of the intro and change Task 2, Step 15 to "Close all windows."

Lab 02: Configure security and compliance for teams and content - PowerShell error

Lab 02: Configure security and compliance for teams and content

Exercise 1

Task: 8

Step: 10

The PS command Set-AzureADDirectorySetting -Id $Setting.Id -DirectorySetting $Setting is used in 3 different Tasks.

1: Task 1, Step 12. Creates confusion with the note and should simply use the New-AzureADDirectorySetting -DirectorySetting $Setting cmdlt.

2: Task 5, Step 11. The cmdlet works correctly

3: Task 8, Step 10. The cmdlet results in a null error

Something like this will work to correct the error in Task 8.
Set-AzureADDirectorySetting -Id (Get-AzureADDirectorySetting | where {$_.DisplayName -eq 'Group.Unified'}).id -DirectorySetting $setting

Meeting policy settings in Lab 4, Ex 1

Lab: 04

Exercise: 01

Task: 01

Step: 04

Description of issue

The categories and settings in Meeting policies have changed.

Step 4 should say:

On the Meetings policies page, turn Off the Meeting recording setting under the Recording & transcription section.
Repro steps:

Wrong person or lack of permissions

Module: 06

Lab/Demo: 06

Task: 03

Step: 06

Joni Sherman is supposed to create new resource account, but can't create it because user account has only Teams admin permissions and not global admin. Either user should be mode administrator or Joni should have more permissions.

Searching by Location (City Name) is slow/doesn't work.

Lab/Demo: 06

Task: 04

Step: 11

Description of issue:

I believe this to be far from a blocking issue, and more of an intermittent annoyance to end users.

This issue we're running into begins at step 11:


It either takes a long time to search/find new phone numbers to assign to users based on city names, or doesn't find them at all.

In my experience, I've seen it take anywhere from a couple minutes, to 15 minutes when searching by city name (If results populate at all).

What I have found to be a great work around/solution is simply using the "search by area code" option.
The results seem to be instantaneous.

For this I would ask that a note be added that suggests "Search by area code", as an alternative if Searching by City name doesn't resolve in a timely manner. Honestly, I might just suggest having them search by area code instead.

Repro steps:

  1. Search for location based on city name. Huntington, Texas was a bit of a sore spot via this search method.
  2. Search for location based on area code. Now try Huntington, Texas using the area code option (I believe it was 218?).

Format Suggestion

Module: MS-700

Lab/Demo: 04

Task: 02

Step: 0010-13

In steps 1-10 a code blocked is used but steps 10-13 contain powershell and are not within a code block or have any type of "call to action" styling. Is this by design?


No Org-wide team in trial account

Lab: 01

Exercise: 02

Task: 01

Step: 03


Lab: 02

Exercise: 03

Task: 04

Step: 06

Description of issue
Microsoft is no longer creating an Org-wide team for the trial account, so the Contoso team is not present in Lab 01, and can't be used for the guest in Lab 02.

MS-700 client error lab 2


I'm preparing to deliver the MS-700 within a few weeks using the Learn On Demand (Skillable) environment. I encounter the following issue at:

Module: 2

Lab/Demo: 2, Exercise 3: Implement compliance for Microsoft Teams

Task: 2 - Configure sensitivity labels for Teams

Step: 7. Publish sensitivity labels, after performing each step select Next (if required).

Description of issue

Repro steps:
Everything works smoothly until:
When at xii. Select Submit > Done, I get the following error as shown in the attachments. Am I overlooking something? How can this be fixed?

Lab 02, Ex 3, Task 2, step 7, l client error
Error Lab 2.txt
The attached txt file contains the diagnostic information
I hope anyone can solve this?

Thanks a lot with kind regards!

Lab 2, Ex 3, DLP policy changes

Module: 02

Lab: 02

Exercise 3

Task: 04 and 05

Description of issue

The wizard for creating the Data Loss Prevention policies in the Complance Center has changed. The instructions no longer work.

Lab 5, Ex 2, Task 5, Step 2 - Notification Bot link broken

Hidden teams not visible

Module: 04

Lab/Demo: 04

Task: 04

Step: 12

Description of issue
Hidden teams are not visible.
Also, the instructions in step 10 tell you to logon as LynneR, then the instructions in step 12 indicates you should be seeing information for Megan.

Repro steps:

Retention policy instructions in Lab 2, Exercise 3 need updating.

Module: 02

Lab/Demo: 02

Task: 5 and 6

The instructions for creating retention policies are wrong - they no longer match what the students are seeing when they use the wizard. For example, there is now a page asking the user whether to restrict the policy to an admin unit.

Please could the instructions for using the wizard in each of these tasks be thoroughly checked and corrected?

Network Testing Companion no longer works

Module: 03

Exercise: 01

Task: 02

Step: All

Description of issue
Network Testing Companion no longer works

Getting Time out errors, even installed on my own machine--is it supported anymore?

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