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App preference for overriding font size

I’m currently running iPad Metatext on macOS [Apple Silicon] (which I realize is not properly within the scope of this project). However, everything seems to be working fine. Yet, there is no equivalent (to my knowledge) of Dynamic Type on macOS, so the font size winds up looking quite small (and it is not possible to make it bigger).

Having an in‐app slider to increase the font size within the app would be greatly appreciated!

Add Tor support

Now that Mastodon supports running on Tor this feature is a must have in metabolist.

Friendica compatibility: Getting "NSURLErrorDomain-Error -1000" when timeline infinite scroll loads

Hi, first of all thank you for your work on a Mastodon-compatible client on iOS!

At Friendica we have been implementing most of the Mastodon API endpoints and our users have been reporting success using their Friendica account with Metatext, except for this error showing up: friendica/friendica#10547

Tracking down the error seems to be about a malformed URL inside the app. I own an iPhone, is there anything I can do to debug this error further? Nothing suspicious shows up in my Friendica node access/error logs when using Metatext, so the error seems to be preventing an API call to Friendica. Maybe we are sending the wrong info in an earlier call but without seeing the actual malformed URL there's little we can do about it.

"Add/remove from lists" is displayed for users who cannot operate the list

All users see "Add / remove from lists", but it doesn't work for users who aren't following. A condition to hide is required.

var actions = [UIAction(
title: NSLocalizedString("account.add-remove-lists", comment: ""),
image: UIImage(systemName: "scroll")) { [weak self] _ in
self?.addRemoveFromLists(accountViewModel: accountViewModel)

Alternatively, when you try to add it to the list, you can ask the user "Do you want to follow?"

Have Metatext interact with Siri Shortcuts

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I do love Siri when I'm on the move, so enabling Metatext to interact with Siri would enhance it for me.

Describe the solution you'd like
It would be cool to have Siri Shortcuts for actions that you often do like start a new toot, open my timeline / local timeline / federated timeline, open my mastodon messages (start/open metatext and jump directly to the requested timeline).

Describe alternatives you've considered
Doing it the old fashioned way and open the app by clicking. :-)

Additional context
Dug up a tutorial for the Siri Shortcuts

Boost with comment

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
For understandable reasons, the mastodon developers did not implement the feature to add a comment to a boost.

People just quote anyway and do it manually. The extra effort is certainly worth the benefit.

Mastodon should surely not simply copy Twitter. But not everything at Twitter is bad.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add an option to add a comment to a boost.

Describe alternatives you've considered
The workaround is to copy the link to the toot you want to boost and write a new toot manually.
Works, but causes extra effort.

Additional context
Preventing users from something they want to do by technical means will not change the culture.

Boost button does not work

I find that most of the times I tap the Boost button, though it gives me a visual feedback that I pressed it (it slightly changes its color) does not do anything. All the other buttons work correctly. What gives?

I’m using Metatext on my iPad Pro 9,7 (lasted OS version) and my iPhone SE (latest OS version). The issue remains in the last few Metatext versions.

Accessibility: A couple of suggestions to streamline rotor actions

I've been loving MetaText so far and the work you've put into it. I particularly love the number of options available from the VoiceOver rotor actions. I have a couple of small suggestions to streamline the experience even more, based on behavior from other Mastodon and Twitter clients.

  • Put any clickable links, usernames and hashtags as the first actions. They're currently sandwiched between a couple of options, so it takes 4 or 5 swipes from either direction to get to the first link. Having them show up first would make it easier to quickly open links from a post.
  • Speaking of the links, you probably don't need the "Activate link: " phrase before each action. At least in my opinion hearing the URL or hashtag is self explanatory on its own what selecting the action would do and it also takes up less space on a braille display, it's also how the Twitterrific app does it which popularized the concept of putting links in actions like this. Alternatively the message could just be shortened to just "open" or "link" which is how a few other apps do it.
  • Lastly, If the post contains any media, there could also be an action to quickly open the image in fullscreen or bring up the video/audio player, put as one of the first actions like links. This would just cut down on the number of taps you have to do to start playing a video or audio attachment, since right now you first need to go into the details screen and tap on the media again to do this which takes some flicking to find.

data isn't in the correct format for URLs with non-ASCII code

Describe the bug
When URL field in opengraph card or search hash tags contains non-ASCII code, which is common in pleroma or other non-Mastodon instances, e.g. this response of search api:
or this in response of timeline api:

	    "card": {
	        "description": "---",
	        "image": null,
	        "pleroma": {
	            "opengraph": {
	                "card": "summary",
	                "description": "---",
	                "image": "",
	                "site_name": "Telegraph",
	                "title": "---",
	                "type": "article",
	                "url": "タグ"
	        "provider_name": "",
	        "provider_url": "",
	        "title": "---",
	        "type": "link",
	        "url": "タグ"

this error will occur:
The data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Explore tab of any pleroma site
  2. Click on Hashtags
  3. Type 标签
  4. See error The data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format.

Expected behavior
search result should be properly parsed.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

(please complete the following information):

  • iPhone 12
  • iOS 14.4.1
  • App Version 1.0.2(5)

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Additional Icon Option — Black Logo with White Background

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Not a problem, necessarily, just a personal preference. I like having contrast between app icons on my iPhone home screen and having a white background option would give me a bit more freedom to place the icon next to apps with darker icons. I suspect there are others that feel the same.

Describe the solution you'd like
Introduce another app icon option that uses the same design as the default icon, but with a black logo and white background.

Add option to change notification sound

Right now, Metatext just uses the default iOS Tritone sound for notifications, which can very easily get lost in other notifications. It would be really cool if you could select from a list of sounds for a notification in addition to the standard iOS one, maybe even selecting different sounds for each notification type individually which would be even more useful and not something any other social media app is doing AFAIK.

While I can't help implement the feature in code, I can at least provide alternative sounds if this is something you'd be interested in implementing. Over the last few months a few friends and myself have been putting together small packs of musical interface sounds which could be used for things like notifications which you can find here, these are released under CC attribution so we'd only ask for a mention on the credits screen. I'd also be happy to make something custom if you have more specific ideas for how you'd like it to sound.

Positioning the timeline some pixles lower while checking for new toots

When Metatext is started or gets visible, a check for new toots starts automatically: fine.

But nothing is visible: I can‘t see if the check is ongoing or done (if no new toots get visible) Only if I start a check by pulling down, the spinner gets visible.

Alleways automatically seeing the spinner would help but may look odd.
Positioning the timeline some pixles lower while checking for new toots may feel good.

Not recieving push notifications

Describe the bug
No longer receiving push notifications.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Get a notification on the fediverse
  2. Observe you didn't get a push notification.

Expected behavior
I should get push notifications...

(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 13 Pro
  • OS: iOS 15.4.1
  • App Version 1.5.0

Additional context
I seem to have stopped receiving them yesterday, 2022-04-29.

Draft Support

The ability to save draft posts is offered by other mastodon apps and is a hallmark of twitter apps as well. Drafts should support media attachments and their captions.

Closing an in-progress toot in the compose view should prompt to save as a draft, and the draft list should be incorporated in the compose options. The draft list should include time stamps for when the drafts were last edited.

Can't search for posts or users by URL

Describe the bug
Searching for a Mastodon user or post by URL returns no results.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open the "Discover" tab
  2. Set the search type to "All"
  3. Paste or type in an HTTPS URL representing a Mastodon user or post (public, unlisted, or followers-only).

Expected behavior
If the user or post is accessible to this user, searching should fetch and display the user or post.


Version and device information:

  • Device: iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • OS: iOS 14.4.2
  • App Version: 1.0.4 (4)

Additional context
This is definitely a regression vs. Mastodon's web interface, Toot!, Mast, and Amaroq (at least). I'm not sure if it's a regression from previous versions of Metatext, or if it's normally implemented as a client or server feature.

Opening Mastodon URLs sent by friends through channels other than Mastodon is a major part of my workflow.

VoiceOver not reading custom emoji in timelines

Describe the bug

While browsing through any timeline, if either the display name or post include custom server emoji, other clients speak their shortcode, which is usually descriptive enough to figure out what it is. currently, Metatext strips them out completely, to the point that if you use the "characters" option on the VoiceOver rotor, in the space where the emoji should be, you just hear silence. Interestingly enough, on the details screen for a toot, VoiceOver announces the emoji correctly.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

With VoiceOver on, open any timeline and find a toot which either contains custom server emoji, or whose author's display name contains them.

Expected behavior

In the place where the emoji appears, VoiceOver should read its shortcode, IE :blobcat_smile:

(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone SE
  • OS: iOS 14.5.1
  • App Version 1.5.0

Additional context

Funnily enough, this bug could also be adapted into a pretty useful feature. Twitterrific has a setting to filter out emoji from display names for VoiceOver, and a lot of people really like to have it turned on, so I can see a similar toggle being popular in Metatext as well, though then it would have to filter out both regular unicode Emoji as well as the server ones. Having said that the default behavior should definitely be that custom emoji get read out.

Stuttering when scrolling through timeline

Describe the bug
When I scroll through a timeline, I notice frequent frame drops/stutters.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Scroll through timeline

Expected behavior
No stuttering

Here is a recording of scrolling through the federated timeline on The stuttering should be obvious.


(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPad Pro 10.5"
  • OS: iOS 15.0.2
  • App Version: 1.5.0 (4)

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Character counter showing a 500 char limit regardless of server

I'm on an instance (Hometown based) which has a 1000 character limit instead of the typical 500. The other clients I use respect this and display 1000 characters remaining on the composing interface. Metatext still seems to show 500. Thankfully, this issue seems to be only presentation related, you can still send a post longer than 500 characters with the counter going into the negatives.

Emoji picker doesn't appear when replying

Describe the bug
When I reply to a toot, the smiley-face emoji picker control seems to be inert. When I write a toot that is not a reply, touching the same control gives me a very nice emoji picker that includes my instance's custom emoji (thank you for that feature!).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Reply to a toot.
  2. Touch the app's built-in emoji picker control.
  3. Nothing happens.
  4. Switch to iOS's default emoji keyboard.
  5. That still works, but doesn't have the custom emoji in it.

Expected behavior
I would expect the app's much nicer emoji picker to show up, as it does when I'm not replying to a toot.

(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone SE (2021 version)
  • OS: iOS 14.4.1
  • App Version: 1.0.2 (2)

Additional context
I think this was also happening in v1.0.1, but I hadn't had the time to test it well enough to write up a useful bug report until today.

Link previews still appear when post content is hidden by content warning

Describe the bug
Previews in posts with a content warning will show underneath the post without being hidden when the post body is collapsed. This happens in both posts with or without attached media. This is most noticeable when looking at art posting bots that upload the artwork and put the sources in the post body under a content warning. The media is hidden but the media shows in the link preview underneath the post while the body is collapsed

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Make or find a post with a link in it, with or without images attached, but with a content warning line and not with just the media marked sensitive
  2. Wait for the preview to load, may require expanding the CW however sometimes loads before opening it
  3. Make sure the content warning is collapsed (button says "Show More")
  4. See link embed under the post

Expected behavior
Link previews should collapse behind the content warning with the rest of the post body.

Post collapsed: preview should be hidden

Post expanded: preview should be visible (put here to show the post body text as an example)

(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPad 8th Generation (2020)
  • OS: iPadOS 15.3
  • App Version 1.5.0 (4)

Custom emojis in the name is misaligned in iOS 15

Describe the bug

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update iOS to 15
  2. Open a profile with a custom emojis in the name (eg me)
  3. See broken names on the timeline.

Expected behavior
Custom emojis and name letters should be in the same alignment


iOS 14


iOS 15


  • Device: iPhone SE (2nd Gen) [MHGQ3J/A]
  • OS: iOS 15.0
  • App Version: 1.5.0(4)

Square Profile Picture Option

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The Mastodon web interface displays profile icons as square, not round. It would be nice if there was an option to do the same within Metatext.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add an option in the app's Preferences screen to display profile pictures as square.

Custom themes

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I want to add custom themes in Metatext so people can browse in their preferred aesthetic.

Describe the solution you'd like

These themes will likely be added in the near future:

  • A theme based on the colors of the Mastodon web UI
  • Some themes inspired by popular text editor themes (e.g. Solarized, Dracula)

These would be cool and might happen one day but will likely not be part of the initial implementation:

  • Creating a completely custom theme in the app
  • Creating a JSON theme format for downloading and sharing themes
  • Instances being able to do something like have a /.well-known/metatext-theme to specify a default custom theme if desired

Fold long posts

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'm always frustrated when a very long post takes up multiple vertical screens.

Describe the solution you'd like
Long posts should be folded with a Show More button like CWed posts in timeline views.

In notifications views, it's okay for long posts to be visually truncated with no unfolding control, because notifications views are just signposts to the actual posts, in their timeline or thread contexts.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Long posts in timelines could be left folded until they are "focused" in a single-post or thread view.

Additional context
Example of current behavior on the notifications screen:

big bright blue "Show More" is too catchy

This is a bit subjective but when scrolling thru the timeline, often the big blue "Show More" button is the most catchy object on screen, which seems counter intuitive to me. Wondering if anyone feel the same, and maybe a less catchy (darker? smaller?) button/icon is better?

Deleted posts persist in cache

Describe the bug
When a user deletes their post, even upon refresh it remains in Metatext.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a post.
  2. Load that post in Metatext.
  3. Delete the in a web interface.
  4. Refresh your timeline in the Metatext app.
  5. Note that the deleted post still shows.

(please complete the following information):

  • Device: Recent iPhone :)
  • App Version: Fresh install from App Store :)

Crash when muting profile you follow

App crashes when muting a profile you follow

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to profile you follow
  2. Mute profile
  3. App crashes

Expected behavior:
App shouldn't crash.

  • Device: iPhone 6S

  • OS: iOS 15.0.2

  • App Version: 1.5.0 (4)

  • I looked for duplicate issues.

Badges on app icon for mentions

Hi♥, I'm kinda new to iOS. On iPad OS 15.0.2, how do I set it up so that the icon has a number badge for unread mentions? I don't want other notifications (like banners or sounds) nor for other types of interactions (likes or follows). I maybe did something wrong because I currently don't get any notifications at all, not even badges.

In the OS settings for Metatext, I have it set to badges. In Metatext's preferences, I have all notification types on, and and under notifications I have them all off except for mentions.

Posting thread with media can initially fail and then post as multiple separate threads

Version: 1.5.0 (4)

I just tried posting a short, 6-message thread all at once. Two of the toots had image attachments with captions. After composing all the toots and hitting the send button, it showed a loading spinner for 30-60 seconds, then the spinner disappeared and it went back to the composing screen. There was no error message, but it looked like it didn't work, so I hit send again. This time, after a shorter wait, it looked like it succeeded. I went to my profile to confirm and saw all the toots. But they were in two separate threads: the first two messages in one, and all the rest in another.

Emoji in profile names renders incorrectly

Some posts from users with emoji in their profile name render badly. Looks like a text wrap issue maybe. Attaching an image with an example of this happening. The emoji gets rendered twice and behind the text of the post.

Link navigating to toot instead of browser

Steps to reproduce

  1. Navigate to this toot in Metatext 1.1.
  2. Observe that the entire text past the hash tag incorrectly appears as a link.
  3. Tap the link at the bottom of the toot.

Expected result: The toot opens in the browser as configured in settings.

Actual result: The toot pushes another view controller displaying itself.

Bluetooth Keyboard Shortcuts Support

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Describe the solution you'd like
As an iPhone user who regularly uses a paired magic keyboard with my phone, I would love it if Metatext could implement Bluetooth keyboard shortcuts support via UIKeyCommand.

Additional context
I would expect this feature addition to be of particularly low priority considering how few of us use Bluetooth keyboards with our iPhones, but - as far as I understand it - iPadOS Keyboard Support is still fairly easy to duplicate back to iPhone, and iPad users continue to have more and more reason to use their physical keyboards.

Machine translation feature

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

It would be nice to be able to see automated translations of content within the app

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like to keep it so that Metatext still only communicates with instances and not an external translation API that can track requests.

Solutions in order of preference:

  1. Apple introduces an API for third-party developers that does the same offline machine translations as the system Translate app
  2. Use a Core ML model on the device for machine translation
  3. Metabolist self-hosts a machine translation API
  4. Use a third-party machine translation API

Supporting Misskey

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe..

Describe the solution you'd like
Making Metatext work as a client for Misskey, too.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Using one of the very few, buggy and old apps on the App Stire.

Additional context

Enhancement: Remember per-instance preferred timeline

It'd be nice when switching between instances to remember the last viewed timeline for that instance. Currently when switching between them the Home timeline is always selected.

For example, I might be using instance A primarily through the Home timeline but on instance B I might always prefer the Local timeline.

Share sheet action to "Open in Metatext"

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
When I encounter a Mastodon HTTPS link in one of these contexts, I want to be able to open it in Metatext:

  1. Safari or another web browser.
  2. Generally, any app that's capable of opening a share sheet for a URL.

Describe the solution you'd like
Implement an "Open in Metatext" Action app extension that takes an HTTPS URL. If the user has multiple Mastodon accounts, Metatext should offer the user a choice of which one to open it with. If the user has only one, Metatext should just proceed to try to open it.

Opening the URL will probably depend on #31, which provides a method for resolving an arbitrary URL as a Mastodon user or post.

If the link doesn't resolve to a Mastodon user or post, an error message should be shown informing the user that they tried to open something that probably isn't a Mastodon URL.

Describe alternatives you've considered

  1. Apple's Universal Links feature won't work because Metatext doesn't own arbitrary Mastodon instances.
  2. Apple's browser entitlement seems like overkill. Since Metatext is not a true browser, just an app that wants to open some kinds of HTTPS URL, it would be unlikely to be granted this entitlement anyway.
  3. A Share app extension could be used to implement this feature, but would conflict with Metatext later introducing a Share action that lets you post a URL to Mastodon.

Additional context
The third-party Reddit client Apollo implements an "Open in Apollo" Action for opening links to Reddit. This would be exactly how I'd want Metatext to do it.

Apollo error for non-Reddit URLs:

New replies to only yourself aren’t empty

Describe the bug
New replies to yourself and no one else aren’t empty, contain a single space

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Find one of your posts
  2. Click the 'Reply' button
  3. Observe a single space in the text area instead of the placeholder text

Expected behavior
New replies to yourself, and no one else, are blank

(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 12 Pro
  • OS: iOS 14.6
  • App Version 1.5.0 (4) (TestFlight)

Deleted toots aren't reliably removed from the in-app timeline

Describe the bug
Deleted toots and the before versions of delete-and-redrafted toots can persist in my timeline, at least under certain conditions.

To Reproduce

  1. Toot something, from outside Metatext.
  2. Refresh the in-app timeline.
  3. Delete it outside Metatext (either a straight delete or a delete-and-redraft will get the same result).
  4. Refresh the in-app timeline.
  5. The deleted toot is still there. If it was a delete-and-redraft, both versions are visible.
  6. Try to boost, fave or delete the already-deleted toot.
  7. That gets a "record not found" error.

I have also seen this happen with other peoples' toots, but I'm writing the repro steps from the perspective of seeing my own deleted toots because that's easier to test. I don't know if it's a consistent, reliable phenomenon with other peoples' toots, or whether it happens without the refresh in repro step 2.

Expected behavior
Deleted toots should go away, and I should only see the redrafted versions of delete-and-redrafted ones.

The "record not found" error in repro step 7 does not in itself seem like a problem, since at that point the API is presumably returning something like that. I'm just including it in case it's helpful as additional diagnostic info.

(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone SE (2021 version)
  • OS: iOS 14.4.1
  • App Version: 1.0.2 (2)

Additional context
I'm a beta tester. I think I was also seeing this in v1.0.1, but I hadn't checked against the web app timeline so it's possible that I saw a couple of instances of people failing to delete toots.

Notifications are not shown in sorted order

Describe the bug

Notifications are not sorted by date: some recent notifications are in the middle of the list, with older ones at the bottom and some medium-new ones at the top. For example (1 is the newest, 9 is the oldest timestamp):


To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to "Notifications" tab
  2. See notifications out of order

Expected behavior
The notifications should be listed most-recent-first.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 12 Mini
  • OS: iOS 14.6
  • App Version: 1.5.0 (4)

Additional context

Push notifications arrive at the correct time, but when I open Notifications, I need to search for what just happened.

Image copy from share sheet not working

In the last couple of betas, copying an image from the share sheet no longer appears to work.

To Reproduce

  1. View a image from a post
  2. Open the share sheet
  3. Select copy
  4. Go somewhere that allows image pasting
  5. Try to paste

Expected behavior
Image is copied and pasted

  • Device: iPhone XS
  • OS: 14.4.2
  • App Version 1.4.0 (3)

New Icon

Would the devs like to add a new icon for the app? I could design a new logo following the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.

I have some ideas like using an elephant in the icon, to symbolise that the app is a mastodon client.

Artifacts on some animated emojis

Describe the bug

If an account has an animated emoji in its name, it (might?) appear(s) sluggish in the account picker:

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Profile icon
  2. Account >

Expected behavior

The animated emoji should not be weird... I don't know how to describe it :D

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


(please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 12
  • OS: iOS 14.5.1
  • App Version: 1.5.0

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Compatibility with Hometown's local-only posting

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Metatext makes using the Fediverse very nice on my phone. I prefer it to my Hometown instance's progressive web app, to my surprise.

Describe the solution you'd like
It would be really cool to support its local-only posting.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Use two apps. Not fun.

Additional context
The venerable Darius Kazemi makes and maintains Hometown, which has this feature.

Here's what it looks like:


The API endpoint is the same as that of a status, with one additional parameter:

When viewing a conversation thread, pressing the “Toot” button should reply in thread, not create a new post.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'm not sure it's a problem so much. It just doesn't feel like the proper flow.

Describe the solution you'd like
While in a thread, the "Toot" button should default to reply.

Describe alternatives you've considered
I suppose an alternative, or even better solution would be long-press options attached to the button, giving even more functionality.

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