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lamplighthelp's Issues

Section 13

"In a profile, you can also drag one record onto another to create a link."
I can't find a way to do this, and haven't been taught it.

13.2 Introduces cases through work records, and creating one from a work record, but not adding one directly till much later. Probably a clear choice, so just an FYI

"You can link records to cases in two ways: right-click and select 'link to case', or in profiles, drag the record onto the case"
It hasn't yet introduced the caseview, to see cases and records together. in 13.7 it introduces turning on the case view.

Section 26

26.1 - Custom attendance field, charge rule
Needs adding in.
Also needs a section explaining it.

26.1 'Other-person relationship payee rule'.
Also needs a section explaining it.

26.1.2 onwards for the whole of the section.
All of the pictures are missing - maybe a folder change or something...

"However, if you edit a work record and keep the same policy, charges will be re-calculated when you save the record. It may be better to create a new policy in these circumstances."
Is it worth saying that you can change the name of a policy without it affecting records it is attached too. So, if you need to replace a policy, but leave an old one in place, you can rename it to 'Old charging policy', to ensure people move over.

"If you do want to see the details, use the right-click menu and select 'view calculations'. This will show you the total amount that was charged, and who else is paying towards it. You can also view the work record, and the invoice (if it has been batched into an invoice (see below or section 26.5.2))."
Options are new 'View Work Record, and View Charge Calculations
Add in text for view work record, on right click, as above.

Section 25

25.1 Waiting List removal
"If you wish the members to be removed automatically when they attend a specific work record linked to a work area and/or subworkarea, select this from the dropdown list."
Select the work areas you want to include.

25.1 Waiting list removal
Need to add in 'Whop to alert' and how it alerts.
Add in 'Target time' option.

"You can addpeople"

25.2.1 Waiting Lists
Right click options doesn't mention Delete

Section 8

  • If global settings are set to 'Do you want to split up the "person -> add" main menu item?' this will change what is shown on the menu bar and some of the process given here. Do we need write another process for this, try to combine the two or leave it as it is? - a picture at at the beginning of each to differentiate? (to think about)

  • 8.4 update link name. "Along from their name is a series of buttons; print, del and edit".(Is now Edit name)

  • Picture also shows previous link name.

  • "Edit: will open up a form so that you can edit the name and type of profile." (Change to Edit name)

  • 8.6 Add info about the View History / View current button Not currently mentioned.. New page - this one is getting quite long. LB suggested text below:

Below the relationships table, on the right hand side of the screen next to the 'Add' button, there is a 'View History' button. If you click on this you will see all the {{people}} who have ever been shown as having a relationship with the {{person}} in this profile.

Screenshot of contact history table here

The 'Since' and 'To' columns allow you to see the dates between which the relationship was recorded in {{Lamplight}}.

  • 8.6 Need to add info about other contents of 'relationships' box

  • 8.6 Need new screenshot of relationships box - old one does not show all details

  • 8.6 Do we want to take the video off?
    (09/11/17 - video not showing on screen...)

  • 8.8 Work Tab - new right click options Need to add -
    Duplicate record
    Creates a duplicate record, which you can then edit to reflect changed information (e.g. dates)
    Edit case
    Edit's the case, if a record is in a particular case.
    8.9 New right click options
    View case details
    Edit case

  • 8.10 Groups Tab - Extra column, Print right click options
    The table shows the name of the group, the group description, how many people are in the group, group notes, and what type of group it is (auto, manual or merge).
    Right clicking on table has add. option: Print. Creates a new print-friendly page with all profile information for everyone in the group, with ability to choose which sections to print

  • 8.11 Changed buttons, New right click options
    "You can also create or log communications with the person you are viewing: click the 'Add' or 'Log' buttons in the bottom right hand corner (see sections 12.1 and 12.2 respectively)."
    Buttons are now called Create communication, and Log Communication

  • Additional right click options, as before Edit Case View case details

  • 8.13 - Deleted Profiles, Add new method
    The search for deleted people needs adding. Suggested text below.
    8.13 Deleted profiles

Deleted profiles are archived, and can be restored if needed.
Once you have deleted a profile, they are archived in the system. This means that they and the work you have done with them will be included in reports. These profiles can be re-instated from the archive. There are two ways to do this.
Option 1
From the main Menu, choose People -> View ->Client (or different role as appropriate.) -> All
Click in the large search bar. If you have permission to undelete you'll see three options, the middle of which is labeled 'Limit list to'.
In this select box, choose 'Deleted People' and then press the 'Fetch Data' button.
Right click on the person you wish to undelete, or use the left-hand menu, and choose 'undelete'.
Option 2
You also receive a warning of any deleted possible duplicates when you create a new user. (see section 8.4) When creating a user with the same name, ir will warn you of a possible duplicate. When you see the deleted profile, you can click on their name in the duplicate box. When their profile appears, click on the undelete button on the top right of their profile.

16.13.1b.png isn't necessary

I've changed the text in 16.13.1 'downloading names and profile IDs' as you don't need a view - you can just show the ID column in a group members listing, and download. The image referenced will be a bit confusing (as it shows the view) so I've removed it: not sure if we want to replace?

Output from diagnostics - 19/03/19

Hope this might be helpful: this is what the new diagnostics mode generates as of now (ignore the ones that say 'Problem looking at page .'

Errors while building help files:
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{group dataview}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{group dataview}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.3 contains "{{group dataview}}".
Faulty link: Page 9.1.2 not found in page 10.1.2.
Faulty link: Page 18.2.3 not found in page 10.1.2.
Translations: Page 16.13.1 contains "{{service user}}".
Translations: Page 16.13.1 contains "{{service user}}".
Translations: Page 16.13.1 contains "{{group data view}}".
Translations: Page 16.13.1 contains "{{group data view}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{reports}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{reports}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{reports}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{reports}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{manager}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{system administrator}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{reporting}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{reports}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{reports}}".
Translations: Page 13 contains "{{matching}}".
Translations: Page 16.9 contains "{{rereferral}}".
Translations: Page 16.9 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Translations: Page 16.9 contains "{{reports}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.1 contains "{{service user}}".
Faulty link: Page 24.6.1 not found in page 17.2.
Faulty link: Page 24.6.2 not found in page 17.2.
Faulty link: Page 24.6.3 not found in page 17.2.
Translations: Page 16.12 contains "{{cases}}".
Translations: Page 16.12 contains "{{case}}".
Faulty image: file 25b.png not found, used in page 3.9.
Faulty image: file 21a.png not found, used in page 3.8.1.
Faulty image: file 21b.png not found, used in page 3.8.1.
Faulty link: Page 18.2 not found in page 7.1.2.
Faulty link: Page 18.8 not found in page 10.1.5.
Faulty link: Page 9.2.10 not found in page 10.1.5.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.1 not found in page 20.2.5.
Translations: Page 17.2.3 contains "{{projects}}".
Translations: Page 17.2.3 contains "{{projects}}".
Translations: Page 17.2.3 contains "{{projects}}".
Problem looking at page .
Faulty image: file 259a.png not found, used in page 20.6.3.
Faulty link: Page 26.6.1 not found in page 20.6.3.
Translations: Page 12.2 contains "{{group data views}}".
Faulty link: Page 18.3 not found in page 28.2.
Translations: Page 28.2 contains "{{families}}".
Translations: Page 28.2 contains "{{families}}".
Translations: Page 28.2 contains "{{projects}}".
Translations: Page 28.2 contains "{{projects}}".
Faulty link: Page 26.6.2 not found in page 20.7.1.
Faulty link: Page 24.6 not found in page 17.
Faulty image: file 249a.png not found, used in page 20.2.8.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.1 not found in page 20.2.8.
Faulty link: Page 18.6.2 not found in page 16.5.2.
Faulty link: Page 18.4 not found in page 7.1.
Faulty link: Page 9.1.1 not found in page 7.1.
Faulty link: Page 9.1.2 not found in page 7.1.
Faulty link: Page 9.1.4 not found in page 7.1.
Faulty link: Page 14.8.1 not found in page 16.4.
Faulty link: Page 17.1.1 not found in page 24.5.
Faulty link: Page 14.8.1 not found in page 12.2.4.
Faulty link: Page 15 not found in page 23.2.
Faulty link: Page 9.1.2 not found in page 23.2.
Faulty link: Page 15 not found in page 23.2.
Translations: Page 23.2 contains "{{eval data}}".
Problem looking at page .
Translations: Page 9.2 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.8.2 contains "{{groups}}".
Faulty link: Page 18.2 not found in page 16.6.1.
Translations: Page 16.6.1 contains "{{grsoup}}".
Translations: Page 16.6.1 contains "{{workareas}}".
Translations: Page 16.6.1 contains "{{workareas}}".
Translations: Page 16.6.1 contains "{{workareas}}".
Translations: Page 13.1.1 contains "{{relationship}}".
Faulty link: Page 17.1.2 not found in page 14.5.
Faulty link: Page 9.2.2 not found in page 28.3.2.
Faulty image: file 234a.png not found, used in page 17.2.4.
Faulty image: file 234b.png not found, used in page 17.2.4.
Translations: Page 8.2 contains "{{link case}}".
Translations: Page 8.2 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Faulty link: Page 17.3.1 not found in page 13.4.3.
Faulty image: file 107a.png not found, used in page 11.6.
Faulty link: Page 9.1.2 not found in page 11.
Faulty link: Page 17.1.1 not found in page 11.
Problem looking at page .
Translations: Page 9.9 contains "{{linked cases}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.2 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Faulty link: Page 17.5 not found in page 23.6.
Faulty link: Page 17.1.4 not found in page 23.6.
Faulty image: file 1222.png not found, used in page 20.
Problem looking at page .
Faulty link: Page 18.3 not found in page 5.5.
Faulty link: Page 17.51 not found in page 23.3.
Faulty link: Page 17.51 not found in page 23.3.
Faulty link: Page 14.8.2 not found in page 12.3.
Faulty link: Page 17.1.1 not found in page 13.1.3.
Translations: Page 13.1.3 contains "{{groups}}".
Faulty image: file 227a.png not found, used in page 30.1.
Translations: Page 30.1 contains "{{waiting lists}}".
Translations: Page 30.1 contains "{{subworkareas}}".
Translations: Page 30.1 contains "{{subworkareas}}".
Translations: Page 30.1 contains "{{service user referred}}".
Translations: Page 30.1 contains "{{projects}}".
Faulty image: file 225a.png not found, used in page 21.2.1.
Problem looking at page .
Faulty image: file 252a.png not found, used in page 20.4.1.
Faulty image: file 42a.png not found, used in page 5.8.
Translations: Page 29.1.1 contains "{{staff profiles}}".
Faulty link: Page 8.7 not found in page 13.3.
Faulty image: file 243a.png not found, used in page 20.2.3.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.1 not found in page 20.2.3.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.5 not found in page 20.2.3.
Faulty link: Page 15 not found in page 8.
Faulty image: file 229a.png not found, used in page 30.2.
Faulty link: Page 14.8 not found in page 30.2.
Translations: Page 30.2 contains "{{lampglight}}".
Faulty image: file 257a.png not found, used in page 20.6.1.
Faulty image: file 257b.png not found, used in page 20.6.1.
Faulty link: Page 26.6.2 not found in page 20.6.1.
Faulty link: Page 26.7.1 not found in page 20.6.1.
Faulty link: Page 26.7.2 not found in page 20.6.1.
Faulty link: Page 26.7.1 not found in page 20.6.1.
Faulty link: Page 26.7.2 not found in page 20.6.1.
Faulty link: Page 26.6.2 not found in page 20.6.1.
Faulty image: file 117b.png not found, used in page 22.2.
Faulty link: Page 9.1.1 not found in page 22.2.
Faulty link: Page 9.1.2 not found in page 22.2.
Translations: Page 16.12.4 contains "{{service user}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.4 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.4 contains "{{referrals}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.4 contains "{{evaluation}}".
Faulty image: file 4a.png not found, used in page 5.1.
Faulty link: Page 18.3 not found in page 5.1.
Faulty link: Page 11.1.2 not found in page 8.1.
Faulty link: Page 18.4 not found in page 8.1.
Translations: Page 25 contains "{{reports}}".
Faulty image: file 256a.png not found, used in page 20.6.
Faulty image: file 256b.png not found, used in page 20.6.
Faulty link: Page 26.2 not found in page 20.6.
Faulty link: Page 26.6.1 not found in page 20.6.
Faulty link: Page 26.6.2 not found in page 20.6.
Faulty link: Page 8.7 not found in page 13.5.
Translations: Page 13.5 contains "{{reports}}".
Faulty link: Page 8.6 not found in page 4.2.
Faulty link: Page 18.12 not found in page 4.2.
Faulty link: Page 18.2.1 not found in page 16.6.2.
Translations: Page 9.1 contains "{{linked Case}}".
Faulty image: file 221a.png not found, used in page 30.4.
Faulty image: file 221b.png not found, used in page 30.4.
Translations: Page 16.7.1 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.1 contains "{{group dataview}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.1 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.1 contains "{{group data views}}".
Translations: Page 16.10 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Translations: Page 16.10 contains "{{referrals}}".
Faulty image: file 106a.png not found, used in page 11.5.
Problem looking at page .
Translations: Page 11.5 contains "{{group data view}}".
Translations: Page 11.5 contains "{{group data views}}".
Translations: Page 16.4.1 contains "{{users}}".
Translations: Page 16.4.1 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.4.1 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.4.1 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.4.1 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.4.1 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{workareas}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Translations: Page 16.12.3 contains "{{case}}".
Faulty image: file 255a.png not found, used in page 20.5.
Faulty image: file 255b.png not found, used in page 20.5.
Translations: Page 14 contains "{{matching}}".
Translations: Page 11.1.1 contains "{{work area}}".
Translations: Page 21.1.1 contains "{{first name}}".
Translations: Page 21.1.1 contains "{{first name}}".
Faulty link: Page 4.9 not found in page 24.2.
Translations: Page 27.2.1 contains "{{lampglight}}".
Faulty link: Page 4.3.5 not found in page 3.5.3.
Faulty image: file 104b.png not found, used in page 11.2.
Translations: Page 16.7.2 contains "{{group data views}}".
Faulty link: Page 4.4.1 not found in page 3.7.
Translations: Page 3.3 contains "{{activites}}".
Faulty link: Page 18.12 not found in page 4.1.
Translations: Page 16.4.2 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Translations: Page 16.4.2 contains "{{outcomes}}".
Translations: Page 16.4.2 contains "{{work area}}".
Faulty image: file 258a.png not found, used in page 20.6.2.
Faulty link: Page 26.7.1 not found in page 20.6.2.
Faulty link: Page 26.7.2 not found in page 20.6.2.
Faulty link: Page 17.6.1 not found in page 14.1.2.
Translations: Page 7.1.1 contains "{{work area}}".
Translations: Page 5.6.1 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 11.1 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 11.1 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 11.1 contains "{{groups}}".
Translations: Page 11.1 contains "{{cases}}".
Faulty link: Page 14.8 not found in page 11.8.
Faulty image: file 254a.png not found, used in page 20.4.3.
Translations: Page 10 contains "{{comms}}".
Problem looking at page .
Problem looking at page .
Faulty link: Page 14.8.2 not found in page 12.
Faulty image: file 230a.png not found, used in page 30.3.
Faulty image: file 242a.png not found, used in page 20.2.2.
Translations: Page 5.6 contains "{{orgs}}".
Translations: Page 16.7.5 contains "{{attendance}}".
Faulty image: file 253a.png not found, used in page 20.4.2.
Faulty image: file 248a.png not found, used in page 20.2.7.
Faulty image: file 248b.png not found, used in page 20.2.7.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.1 not found in page 20.2.7.
Faulty image: file 245a.png not found, used in page 20.2.4.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.1 not found in page 20.2.4.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.5 not found in page 20.2.4.
Faulty link: Page 18.2 not found in page 6.1.2.
Translations: Page 16 contains "{{case}}".
Faulty link: Page 18.12 not found in page 4.
Faulty link: Page 26.1.1 not found in page 20.4.
Faulty link: Page 26.5 not found in page 20.4.
Faulty image: file 235a.png not found, used in page 17.2.2.
Faulty image: file 235b.png not found, used in page 17.2.2.
Faulty image: file 250a.png not found, used in page 20.3.
Faulty link: Page 26.2 not found in page 20.3.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.1 not found in page 20.3.
Faulty image: file 247a.png not found, used in page 20.2.6.
Faulty link: Page 26.2.1 not found in page 20.2.6.
Faulty image: file 77b.png not found, used in page 8.1.3.
Faulty link: Page 18.2 not found in page 8.1.2.

Image 210a.png is broken

It's there but doesn't load (afraid I've no idea why) - a few of the others in that range also appear to be broken. let me know if I can help with these...

Section 9

9.1 Adding a work record
Need to add a step in adding a work record
Is: Work, Add
Should be: Word, Add, Work

9.1.1 When and where
Default time for work records
"The time by default it set to an hour after the start time. If you wish this to be different, please let us know."
This is now set in 'Global Settings', 'Data to store' tab.

Description is of drop-down boxes to select work areas, rather than radio tabs. Needs rewriting fully, and new screenshots.

9.1.2 Add - Update all rows
Adding attendance details to a work record. Text doesn't include the 'Update all rows' options at the bottom of the Attendance table. Need to add.

9.2 - Dates displays for work records etc are now customisable
"This lists all work records occurring in the last month, ordered by date with the most recent showing at the top."
The dates shown in work and other records can now be changed in Personal Settings: Default values for dates on lists of work and other records
The 'Download data' button at the bottom of the table is now simply 'Download'.

9.2.1 Communicate: Change text
"Click on the 'task content' tab" should read, Click on the 'Message content' tab.

Latest diagnostics

(some are mine, sorry!)

Faulty image: file 16.12.3b.png not found, used in page 16.12.3.
Faulty image: file 16.12.3c.png not found, used in page 16.12.3.
Faulty image: file 16.12.3d.png not found, used in page 16.12.3.
Faulty image: file 16.12.3e.png not found, used in page 16.12.3.
Faulty image: file 16.12.3f.png not found, used in page 16.12.3.
Problem looking at page .
Problem looking at page .
Problem looking at page .
Problem looking at page .
Problem looking at page .
Problem looking at page .
Problem looking at page .
Faulty image: file 26.4.1a.PNG not found, used in page 26.4.
Translations: Page 14 contains "{{volunteer opportunity}}".
Translations: Page 14 contains "{{volunteer application}}".
Faulty image: file 12.3.0a.png not found, used in page 12.3.
Faulty link: Page 12.2.3 not found in page 16.4.1.
Problem looking at page .
Translations: Page 21.2.2 contains "{{list}}".
Problem looking at page .

Section 22

22.1 - Adding a date
"Date - Use the arrow keys to alter the month. If the year needs to be altered, click over the month, year in between the two arrow keys and the option to type in a different year appears. Click Okay when altered and select the day."
This now uses a date selector, or type in your text.

"The finance management section can be found via Admin> Finances."
Need to add 'Expenses' as the extra menu.

Section 11

11.1 Adding outcomes - update terms
Work -> Add -> Outcomes
Work -> Add new -> Outcome

"The first two tabs, 'When and where' and 'attendance' are standard"
Attendance Tab is now called 'Respondent' Still fairly standard though...

11.1.1 Adding outcomes - when and where
Same as before: Pictures a description show previous drop-down buttons.

11.1.2 Attendance
There is a different format for attendance entering, changeable in global settings. Do we need to reflect this. (Steve note - I should check back over other 'Attendance' pages for this.

11.2 Viewing all outcome records
"To restrict the listing to particular dates or work areas, click the '-' icon on the right of the search bar, and search options will appear. "
You can now simply click the search bar itself.

Section 18

SDS note -
All done but 18.4
Finish existing tabs, add custom columns, add links and any imagine, spell check.

18 - The help gives examples, without showing which links to click in the system admin. This may be deliberate, but could also easily lead to more support calls.

18.3 Tabs and fields
Possibly worth adding a note of the importance of populating a tab with at least one field, before leaving the page.

Suggested needing to contact LL to add fields to work recorsd, outcome etc. These are now in the Sysadmin menu.

"f the Copy my display settings? box is ticked, the new operator will have the same set-up as chosen by you in your 'Change my personal settings' section 18.12"
You can now choose whose personal settings to copy...

" view this profile click 'View file' on the context menu. See section 8.3 for more about profiles."
Bottom of the page - is now 'View full details'

"Receptionist: intended for occasional, low level staf."

18.6 Communications Templates
Some explanations of the limits may be good here. SO for example, happening feels can only work if you come from that happening.

Might be useful to be specific about how to get to the Comms Library

Sections 15

15.2 Work-> Add-> Evaluations->
Should read Add New

15.2 Picture showing old work area choosing system

Section 12

12 Communications (whole section)- Doesn't mention communication roles to send a single letter with merge fields from multiple profiles

12.3 Viewing all Communication records
"This lists all communication records occurring in the last month, ordered by date with the most recent showing at the top."
Should be something like 'Period of time set by your system administrator.

12.6 Onwards
This should include information about Mail Chimp (p'haps taken from the admin section, where it gives help.)
Campaign Manager is still used by some people??
I have no way of knowing if this information is still accurate.

Section 4

  • 4.1 some duplication

  • 4.41 some duplication.

  • 4.4.2 Shows using documents templates, without saying in Comms Module. Hard to check, but I believe this is just in the Comms module, and my training Doc says this too.

  • 4.5 references drop-down buttons, with examples as work areas. Assuming these have been changed in favour of the current system.

Section 14

"In the main menu go to Groups -> Add auto group and you will see the following screen:" Is now Groups -> Add -> Add auto group

14.1 Doesn't mentioned the 'Lock for editing, and the side-effects associated with it.

Pictures could also do with updating to show additional fields, but I don't think it's essential as some other are.

Again, it's now Groups -> Add -> Add manual group

I think it might be worth putting something in about the Work tab, and how it can select by date, and attendance etc.

Section 17

17 Needs a section on Work report templates

17.11 New picture required showing report pop-up with new work area radio buttons

Section 10

10.1.1 Referrals when and where - new screenshot required

10.2 viewing referral records - dates are customisable
"This lists all referral records that have occurred in the last month, ordered by date with the most recent showing at the top."
As before: These dates are customisable by your system administrator.

Viewing case info in a table

Especially the filtering, and adding extra columns. The info that you can get from the table (that isn't visible in a report...) When it's done, add the link to the 'Report Troubleshooting' sheet.

Section 24

24.2 Picture is showing a work record, not the profile publishing tab.

Doesn't discuss or mention the option 'Do you want to allow the addition of attendees through the Lamplight API'
Right picture, but doesn't show this option either.

24.4 Plings Publishing
Plings is no longer operational (Government Services)

24.5 The picture shows only two of four options. Not essential but nice to update.

"To do so, go to Admin -> System administration and click on "rebuild publishing search index - people""
Is now 'rebuild publishing search index - people and orgs'

24.6.1 and 24.6.2 - Project Sharing Policies
I'm not currently able to verify this, as I don't have project admin access to any system with projects. I've made a note to follow-up once I do.

Query about 21.1.4

21.1.4 says that you won't be able to resize an image in your communication... I don't think that's true... is this a bug I don't know about, or functionality you don't know about?!

I've left it as is for now.

Section 7

  • 7.1 Diary, Staff module viewing. Please note that only those with the Staff Management Module will be able to view the records associated with the module, such as non-contact work, staff training or staff appraisals. Might be worth adding 'And authorised' to this to forestall questions about that.

  • 7.2 My Users - List of options when you right click has changed
    Is now:
    View full details
    Close Relationship
    Copy Address


To update - not sure if Libby or Matt - will need to look at content

This is now live as part of the publishing module - check to see if any of this is already in help. (It's not a new module.) Register module help page overview

Initial thoughts on how it all works, outline for help pages to come... Will need a space in the manual, re-structuring probably, and some screenshots... Also still unsure of the name.

Register Module

1. Overview

The Register module allows you to use a public device to record sign-ins and sign-outs of users at your events. Users identify themselves with a QR code (or email address) which is scanned on the device, and updates the published work record in your system.

No software is needed on the public device: you simply navigate to a particular URL. The device camera is used to scan QR code, which can be printed from Lamplight using a communications module template.

2. Adding permissions for a device

Before you can access the register page on your public device it will need to be registered in Lamplight. This process places a security token (similar to a cookie, it acts like a device-specific password) onto the web browser of the device you will use. This token will then give that device access to the register page until access is revoked.

To register a device, log in to Lamplight and go to admin > ????

Enter the name of the new device. This can be anything, but should be something that tells you which particular device it is. When you click ### you will see a QR code. This is a web address. Using a QR reader on the public device to go to this URL will store the security token on it and allow you to use the register page.

You will also need to give your browser permission to use the camera for How to do this varies between devices and browsers, but when you first navigate to the register page you should be prompted for permission. If you do not allow the camera to be used you will not be able to use QR codes to sign in and out.

3. Publishing work records

To use the public register, you will need to publish the work records you want to display, and which you want people to be able to sign in to.

As you create the work record as normal, click on the 'publishing' tab. You will need to tick the 'Publish this record via Lamplight API?' checkbox, and provide a title for the record that will be displayed on the registration page.

If you want people to be able to sign in and out, also tick the 'Do you want to allow the addition of attendees through the Lamplight API' checkbox, and provide a sufficiently high number in the 'Maximum number of users allowed' box. The registration page will not allow people to sign in or out if this is not ticked, or if the number of attendees reaches the maximum number you enter here.

Save the record.

The record is immediately visible on the public registration page.

4. Signing in to an event with QR

Each published work record has it's own URL (??? how do we find this?) which allows you to sign in and out of that record. Alternatively you can navigate to the general Register URL (??? how we find this?) and all published records today will be shown.

If a record allows adding attendees, and has space, you will see 'sign in' and 'sign out' buttons next to the record. Click/touch the 'sign in' button.

If a camera has been found and given permission you'll see a video window. Hold your QR code near the camera and when it's recognised you'll see a message saying ?????, and then confirming your attendance.

If there are any problems adding you to the record you'll see an error message and you may need to try again, or sign in with email.

5. Signing in to an event with email

Once you have clicked the 'sign in' button on the public register page, you will see the option to sign in via email. Enter your email address and click the 'register using email' button. Lamplight will try and add you as an attendee at the relevant record.

This is not as reliable as QR codes, because there may be more than one profile with the same email address in Lamplight, or it might not be there at all, or the end user may mis-type their email. Lamplight will try and find a unique match to the email address provided, and add them to the record, and will display an error message if it can't.

6. Registering a new user and signing in

New users can join by clicking the 'please join us' button. They will see a screen asking for name and contact details and permissions. If they complete this, a new profile will be created in Lamplight, and the register page will show: they can now sign in directly.

7. Signing out

To sign out from a record, click the 'sign out' button and scan your QR code or enter your email address

8. Generating user QR codes

To create a QR code for a user, you will need to be logged in to Lamplight. Start a new communication, and use the mail merge placeholder {qr_code} ???? (confirm this). When you generate the communication the QR code will be generated and added.

To create membership cards we recommend using mailing labels of the right size for your cards, and a communication template that includes the QR code, name, and any other information you want to appear on the card.

You can also add them to Word Templates using ${qr_code} as the merge placeholder.

Sections 20

"The login page is only valid for 25 minutes or so. So if you've logged out, gone for lunch, and come back, you'll need to refresh the page (press the f5 key on your keyboard) before you try and log in."
Is this still true?

Links need updating
CES is closing down. (Points yout ot NCVO, and another site which is down.)

Section 6

6 - Web browsers needs updating
Mentions IE 9 as the latest version, doesn't mention Edge browser. Maybe lose the 'current version' and details numbers onwards.
Have to check with Matt that works with Edge ok. I'll have a go later.

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