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Swiss QR Bill for .NET

Open-source .NET library to generate Swiss QR bills (jointly developed with the Java version).

Try it yourself and create a QR bill. The code for this demonstration (React UI and RESTful service) can be found on GitHub as well.

This library implements version 2.2 and 2.3 of the Swiss Implementation Guidelines QR-bill from November 20, 2023, and Swico Syntax Definition (S1) from November 23, 2018.


The Swiss QR bill is the QR code based payment format that started on 30 June, 2020. The payment slip is sent electronically or presented online in most cases. It can still be printed at the bottom of an invoice or added to the invoice on a separate sheet. The payer scans the QR code with his/her mobile banking app to initiate the payment and then just needs to confirm it.

If the invoicing party adds structured bill information (VAT rates, payment conditions etc.) to the QR bill, the payer can automate the booking in accounts payable. The invoicing party can also automate the accounts receivable processing as the payment includes all relevant data including a reference number. The Swiss QR bill is convenient for the payer and payee.

QR Bill

More examples can be found in the Wiki


The Swiss QR bill library:

  • generates QR bills as PDF, SVG, PNG and EMF files
  • generates payment slips (210mm by 105mm), payment part (148mm by 105mm), A4 sheets or QR code only
  • is multilingual: German, French, Italian, English, Romansh
  • validates the invoice data and provides detailed validation information
  • adds or retrieves structured bill information (according to Swico S1)
  • parses the invoice data embedded in the QR code
  • is easy to use (see example below)
  • is small and fast
  • is free – even for commercial use (MIT License)
  • is built for .NET Standard 2.0, i.e. it runs with .NET Core 2.0 or higher, .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher, Mono 5.4 or higher, Universal Windows Platform 10.0.16299 or higher, Xamarin etc.
  • core library is light-weight and has a single dependency: Net.Codecrete.QrCodeGenerator
  • enhanced version uses SkiaSharp for PNG file generation
  • Windows version uses System.Drawing for generating PNG and EMF files
  • available as a NuGet packages (see below)

Getting started

  1. Create a new Visual Studio project for .NET Core 3.x (File > New > Project... / Visual C# > .NET Core > Console App (.NET Core))

  2. Add the library via NuGet:

    Either via Project > Manage NuGet Packages... / Browse / search for qrbill / Install

    Or by running a command in the Package Manager Console

Install-Package Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator -Version 3.3.0
  1. Add the code:
using Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator;
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Examples.Basic
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Setup bill data
            Bill bill = new Bill
                // creditor data
                Account = "CH4431999123000889012",
                Creditor = new Address
                    Name = "Robert Schneider AG",
                    Street = "Rue du Lac",
                    HouseNo = "1268/2/22",
                    PostalCode = "2501",
                    Town = "Biel",
                    CountryCode = "CH"

                // payment data
                Amount = 199.95m,
                Currency = "CHF",
                // debtor data
                Debtor = new Address
                    Name = "Pia-Maria Rutschmann-Schnyder",
                    Street = "Grosse Marktgasse",
                    HouseNo = "28",
                    PostalCode = "9400",
                    Town = "Rorschach",
                    CountryCode = "CH"

                // more payment data
                Reference = "210000000003139471430009017",
                UnstructuredMessage = "Abonnement für 2020",

                // output format
                Format = new BillFormat
                    Language = Language.DE,
                    GraphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.SVG,
                    OutputSize = OutputSize.QrBillOnly

            // Generate QR bill
            byte[] svg = QRBill.Generate(bill);

            // Save generated SVG file
            const string path = "qrbill.svg";
            File.WriteAllBytes(path, svg);
            Console.WriteLine($"QR bill saved at { Path.GetFullPath(path) }");
  1. Run it

API documentation

See DocFX API Documentation

NuGet packages

Swiss QR Bill generation is available as three different NuGet packages. They all include the basic QR bill generation for PDF and SVG and only differ with regards to the PNG and EMF generation.

NuGet packages PDF SVG PNG EMF Platform neutral Recommendation
Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core ✓ † Platform-independent core without PNG and EMF generation.
Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator ✓ † Core plus platform-independent PNG generation (based on SkiaSharp).
Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Windows ✓ † Windows specific package including core plus PNG and EMF generation based on System.Drawing.Common

† See the note below related to PDF generation with the extended Latin character set.

Changes effective November 21, 2025

On November 21, 2025, the QR bill specification 2.3 and further changes in the Swiss payment standards will become effective. The library is ready for these changes:

  • QR bills may use an extended character set (Extended Latin instead of a subset of Latin-1). To enable it, use bill.CharacterSet = SpsCharacterSet.ExtendedLatin. Do not use it before November 21, 2025. Also see the below regaring PDF generation.
  • Payments may no longer use combined address elements (aka unstructured addresses). In the library, the related methods have been marked as deprecated. Use structured addresses instead. Stop using unstructured addresses long before November 21, 2025 or customer will be unable to pay your bills.

PNG generation

PNG generation requires a raster graphics library. Starting with .NET 6, the System.Drawing classes have become a Windows-only technology and standard .NET no longer supports raster graphics out-of-the-box. With this library, you have several options:

  • If you do not need PNG generation, you can use the light-weight core library: Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core.
  • If you need PNG generation, you can use the enhanced version: Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator. It uses SkiaSharp as a platform independent raster graphics library. Note that on Linux, SkiaSharp depends on native libraries that might not be installed on your machine. The easiest solution is to add the NuGet package SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linux.NoDependencies to your project.
  • If you creating a Windows-only software, use the Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Windows package. It uses the System.Drawing classes for PNG generation and adds EMF generation on top.

PDF generation

To generate QR bills as PDF files, this library uses its own, minimal PDF generator that requires no further dependencies and comes with the same permissive license as the rest of this library.

The built-in PDF generator does not support font embedding and is thus restricted to the standard 14 PDF fonts, which in turn are restricted to the WinANSI character set. This is sufficient to generate QR bills using the original character set (a subset of Latin-1). However, it is insufficient to generate QR bills using the extended Latin character set (allowed from November 21, 2025). If the extended character set is to be used, use one of the below options.

The libary can be integrated with iText or PDFsharp. See the example projects for more information:

These examples also support adding a QR bill to an existing PDF document.

Code examples

This library comes with multiple code examples:

  • Basic: A basic example showing how to generate a QR bill.

  • WindowsForms: An extensive example showing how to use this library in a Windows Forms application (display of QR bills on the screen, printing, working with the clipboard).

  • WindowsPresentationFoundation: An example for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications. It shows how to display and print QR bills.

  • WinUI: An example for WinUI applications. It shows how to display and print QR bills.

  • MicrosoftWordAddIn: Implements an add-in for Microsoft Word capable of inserting a QR bill as a resolution independent EMF graphics. As C# add-ins use the Microsoft Word Interop interface, this example is also relevant for other software interacting with Microsoft Word.

  • iText: Example showing how to generate PDFs using the iText library, including how to add a QR bill to an existing PDF document.

  • PDFsharp: Example showing how to generate PDFs using the PDFsharp library, including how to add a QR bill to an existing PDF document.

More information

This library is the .NET version of Swiss QR Bill. There is also a Java version with the same features. More information about both libraries can be found in the Wiki.

Other programming languages

If you are looking for a library for yet another programming language or for a library with professional services, you might want to check out Services & Tools on's People


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 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues

Image quality

first I want to say thank you for your job. It's excellent and very useful!

I've a question about the image quality, is it possible to set the quality of png image generated?
My image is a little bit low quality when I generate it.

Thank you for your support.

PNGCanvas exception with 3.0.1 version


I've a working .net 4.62 project that generates QR bill with Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator 2.5.3 version.

I've tryed to update to 3.0.1 version and I got this exception :

Impossible de charger le fichier ou l'assembly 'SkiaSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756' ou une de ses dépendances. Impossible de vérifier la signature de nom fort. L'assembly a pu être falsifié ou il est à signature différée, mais pas totalement signé avec la clé privée correcte. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80131045)

The code is ;
using (PNGCanvas canvas = new PNGCanvas(QRBill.QrBillWidth, QRBill.QrBillHeight, 300, "Helvetica, Arial, Sans"))
{ ..... }
I rollback to 2.5.3 and it work fine

Thank's a lot for help
Best regards,

ICanvas implementation for PDFsharp (formerly known as: Embed fonts in PDF / Font Resolver)

It looks like currently the font specified in BillFormat does not get embedded in the generated PDF.

Embedding fonts would be a nice feature to make sure the result looks the same on every system, especially when using less common fonts like "Liberation Sans" (which has the least permissive license of all the fonts allowed by the QR bill specification).

Ideally such an implementation would allow to provide a custom font resolver (use case: PDFs generated on a server where no fonts are available on the system). As an example, PDFsharp allows for custom font resolvers using an interface like this:

Scan mit PostFinance App

Wenn man mit der PostFinance App die QR-Rechnungen scannt, kommt bei diversen Rechnungen mit Type QRR ein Error.
So auch mit dem Beispiel Example 4: Debtor to be filled in, in German.

Wir da etwas falsch generiert? Oder ist das möglicherweise ein Bug in der PostFinance App? Mit der Raiffeisen App klappt es prima.

Vertikale Perforationslinie

Ist es möglich, die vertikale Perforationslinie nicht zu zeichnen?

Hintergrund: Kunde hat bereits performiertes Papier

Signed Assemblies

Is it possible to Sign the assemblies? (Strong Naming)
Because to avoid tampering and because of a Third Party Component. I sign my Assemblies, But this requires that all referenced Assemblies are signed.

Changes in the Project file (in Project):


Or Visual:


Postfinance AltPmt

It seems that even if I don't specify an AlternativeSchemes, the qr is invalid by postfinance (see below). Strangely by UBS it does work. Any Idea why ? I tried also to put AlternativeSchemes =null.

// Setup bill data
Bill bill = new Bill
// creditor data
Account = qriban,
Creditor = new Address
Name = values[10],
AddressLine1 = values[12],
AddressLine2 = values[13],
CountryCode = "CH"

            // payment data
            Amount = amount,
            Currency = "CHF",

            // debtor data
            Debtor = new Address
                Name = values[17],
                AddressLine1 = values[22] + " " + values[21],
                AddressLine2 = values[25] + " " + values[24],
                CountryCode = "CH"

            // more payment data
            Reference = values[51],
            UnstructuredMessage = values[39],

            // If it's commented or not still doesnt work
            //AlternativeSchemes = new List<AlternativeScheme>(){
            //    new AlternativeScheme()
            //    {
            //        Instruction =  "test",
            //        Name = "test"
            //    }

            // format
            Format = new BillFormat
                Language = Language.FR


19/05/2021 13.28.14 Compte-rendu

Fichier : FactureQR-V016-2020-01-26-20210126-084748-20210519-130534.pdf.xml
Type :    Facture QR
Résultat :
    La structure du fichier est incorrecte.
    Erreurs :        1
    Avertissements : 0
    Remarques :      0

Erreur dans la structure de l'élément de données du code QR /QRCH/AltPmtInf/AltPmt[1]
Message d'erreur :
    L'élément 'AltPmt' doit uniquement être fournis s'il n'est pas vide.


Refused IBANs

Thank you for the great job with this SwissQR!

However, I experienced an issue with the IBAN I want to use. It causes errors in the .Net version.

I first tested the Nuget package and got errors.
Then I tested the source code and tried to find a Unit Test to reproduce the error.

The IBAN I want to use is accepted in the IBAN validation Unit Test. For exemple it is OK if I add:

public void ValidJCS() { Assert.True(Payments.IsValidIban("CH23 0900 0000 1275 7975 8")); }`

However, when it comes down to generate an Invoice, this IBAN fails. For example, if I add the following code to QRBillTest.cs:

    public void CreateQrBillJCS1()
        // Test with default sample data from Example1
        Bill bill = SampleData.CreateExample1();
        bill.Format.GraphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.SVG;
        bill.Format.Language = Language.FR;
        const string path1 = "qrbill_jcs1.svg";
        byte[] svg1 = QRBill.Generate(bill);
        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path1, svg1);

    public void CreateQrBillJCS2()
        // Test with default sample data from Example1, then change the IBAN to a real one in Switzerland
        Bill bill = SampleData.CreateExample1();
        bill.Account = "CH23 0900 0000 1275 7975 8";
        bill.Format.GraphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.SVG;
        bill.Format.Language = Language.FR;
        const string path2 = "qrbill_jcs2.svg";
        byte[] svg2 = QRBill.Generate(bill);
        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path2, svg2);

The first test is OK, but the second (which only had a change of the IBAN) fails with this error:
QRBillValidationException : QR bill data is invalid
(It also fails with my private IBAN. If I test this IBAN on , it works, but not in the .Net implementation)
The problem is the same with the Nuget package which what I'd like to use....

I hope this will help you find what's wrong with the library...
Thank you for your help

Package-install fails for .NET Fx 4.6.2 -> 4.8

according to every SPEC, your nuget should be compatible, but it doesnt install in PM console:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core -Version 3.0.6
Installing 'Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core 3.0.6'.
Successfully installed 'Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core 3.0.6'.
Adding 'Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core 3.0.6' to SwissQR.
Uninstalling 'Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core 3.0.6'.
Successfully uninstalled 'Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core 3.0.6'.
Install failed. Rolling back...
NuGet\Install-Package : Could not install package 'Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core 3.0.6'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2', but the package does not contain any
assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

At line:1 char:1

  • NuGet\Install-Package Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core -Version 3.0.6
  •   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand

OutputSize "QrBillExtraSpace" is not high enough

Dear Manuel

The scissors are truncated and it has no separator line (see screenshot)

"Format": {
"Language": "DE",
"OutputSize": "QrBillExtraSpace",
"FontFamily": "Arial",
"SeparatorType": "SolidLineWithScissors",
"FileType": "png"


Thank you for your support.

Kind regards


Decoding structured bill information

The structured bill information is currently being returned as raw string by the QrBill.DecodeQrCodeText, do you plan on decoding that as well? Or would you accept a PR (since we would need to implement it ourselves in any case)?

Das Element 'StrdBkgInf' darf nur geliefert werden, wenn es auch befüllt ist

Bei einem Kunden ist die Version des SwissQRBill.NET Generators in Verwendung.
Erzeugt er eine QR-Rechnung und prüft die Rechnung danach mit der Testplattform von PostFinance, erhält er jeweils den folgenden Hinweis:

32;Rechnungsinformationen;Hinweis;Das Element 'StrdBkgInf' darf nur geliefert werden, wenn es auch befüllt ist.

Die Rechnungsinformationen bzw. Bill.BillInformation wird beim Erstellen der QR-Rechnung nicht befüllt.
Es ist aber nicht null zugewiesen, sondern ein leerer String.

Ist dieser Fehler bekannt und in einer aktuelleren Version behoben?

QrCodeOnly with quiet zone

Is it possible to generate a QrCode (QrCodeOnly without the entire payment slip) that has a quite zone (white margin) around it? If not, would it be possible to add such a feature?

Graphics format PNG not available


I've a working .net 4.8 project that generates QR bill with Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator 2.5.3 version.
I've tryed to update to 3.0.0 version but I got this exception.
Graphics format PNG not available (are you missing the NuGet package Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator?)
I've this packages installed:
Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator 3.0.0 and Net.Codecrete.QrCodeGenerator 2.0.1
Try to with Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core 3.0.0 (same result)

What I have to do to get the last version working?

Kind regards.

Swiss cross in QR-code as SVG file as combination of rectangles

Hi there,

Apache FOP is unable to properly render the QR-code that SwissQRBill generates as SVG file.
This is due to a bug in the AFP renderer of Apache FOP:

The problem is related to the path of the Swiss cross that SwissQRBill generates.

The cross is described as

<path fill="#FFFFFF" shape-rendering="crispEdges"

Unfortunately, FOP doesn't interpret this white cross correctly when generating an AFP file, and adds a black square in the middle of the Swiss cross.

Would it be okay to change the way the cross is added to the QR code?

<!-- 2 Rectangles as workaround for Bug in FOP's AFP-Renderer -->
<rect x="59.685" y="-66.85" width="11.024" height="3.307" fill="#FFFFFF"/>
<rect x="63.543" y="-70.709" height="11.024" width="3.307" fill="#FFFFFF"/>

I am fully aware that this would only be a workaround for a bug in a different software library, but it would certainly be much simpler and quicker to implement this workaround in SwissQRBill.

What do you reckon?

Kind regards,

Fontsize Amount

I guess the font size of Amount should be same as other text, or?
BillLayout.cs about line 177 graphics.PutText(_amount, currencyWidthPp, y, _labelFontSize, false);
-> _textFontSize

Did some testing with with the library ... makes to me a very good impression ... everything works as expected so far
... I learned quite few things about good coding und pdf generation..
Thank you very much

PNG support missing

According to the README file PNG is supported. Unfortunately I can't find the method to create a PNG file. Shouldn't there be a PNG flag in the GraphicsFormat enum?

QR data ends mistakenly with an empty line

When testing the generated QR bills against several banking solutions several portals raises the following error:

The last delivered data element must not be terminated with a line feed (CR + LF or LF).

"Das letzte gelieferte Datenelement darf nicht mit einer Zeilenschaltung (CR + LF bzw. LF) abgeschlossen werden."

For more infos, check paragraph 4.2.4:

I verified the contained QR data and "they" are correct, at the moment an empty line closes the payment/qr data

Frage apropos der Strukturen für Adressen


Wie funktioniert das, wenn eine Adresse mehre als 3 Linien benötigt?

Name de Firma
Das Département
Die Adresse
CP 339393
3000 Bern

Ist es möglich der Name oder eine Adresse auf 2 Linien zu schreiben?

Wie zum Beispiel:
Name der Firma
Das Departement


Die Adresse
CP 33456

Ich habe gesehen das die «line feed» nicht funktionieren.


PDF Issue with Acrobat Reader (cont.)


Thank you very much for your reply. I compiled the sources on Win 10 (1909) with VS 2019 and and on an other machine with VS 2017 on Win 10 (1909). I tryed different .Net Versions with the same result. The software I wrote is a .Net Core 2.1 Application (VS2017) and integrates your lib with NuGet. Version is 2.3.4 (2.3.1 produces the same result).
The file can be read from Sumatra, Firefox or Edge (Chromium) and fails with Edge (older version) and Acrobat Reader DC (current version).

Originally posted by @stefanDge in #18 (comment)

Swico invoice information - format of invoice date

Hi there
According to the syntax definition version 1.2) dates have to be formatted like yymmdd (year, month, day). In practice I found quite a lot of invoices with dates formatted like yymmddhhmmss (year, month, day, hour, minute, second).
I could create a pull request so that both formats are accepted and parsed correctly. But before I do the work, I wanted to ask if such a pull request would be accepted at all.

BTW: Thank you for the great library!

Valid IBAN

I am trying to create bill with slovenian IBAN and I keep getting error account_is_ch_li_iban.
I used this site to check my IBAN and it is valid
IBAN that's failing: SI56610000003603509.

Why is this working only for Liechtenstein and Switzerland?

PDF Issue with Acrobat Reader

I use this great Library to create PDF-Files. It works fine with different PDF-Viewers, but Acrobat Reader reports error 14 „dict object expected“. Acrobat Reader opens and displays your reference files from the test-project without erros. When I run the tests, CreateA4PdfBill1() fails when files are compared. Analyzing the corrupted file the page-dimensions are shown as 595 x 0.

This is my testcode

   bill.Format.GraphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.PDF;
   bill.Format.SeparatorType = SeparatorType.DottedLineWithScissors;
   bill.Format.Language = Language.DE;
   byte[] pdf = QRBill.Generate(bill);
   File.WriteAllBytes(path, pdf);

when I use
PDFCanvas canvas = new PDFCanvas(QRBill.A4PortraitWidth, QRBill.A4PortraitHeight);
QRBill.Draw(bill, canvas);

the same error comes up. Is there any solution for this problem?

Thank you very mutch in advance


Question: Can "UnstructuredMessage" contain text with \r\n ?

I'm porting an old red invoice to QR.
AFAIK, the whole conceptually not thought through QR thing is new-line sensitive.
But SwissQRBill.Generator.Bill.UnstructuredMessage allows messages with newlines.
Is this correct ?

RPT_ES_Zweck => UnstructuredMessage

SELECT [...]
	'Rechnungs-Nr. '
	FORMAT(KZ_Druck_Datum, 'yyyy')
		WHEN LEN(KZ_Druck_Auftragsnummer) > 4 THEN FORMAT(KZ_Druck_Auftragsnummer, '00000')
		WHEN LEN(KZ_Druck_Auftragsnummer) > 3 THEN FORMAT(KZ_Druck_Auftragsnummer, '0000')
		ELSE FORMAT(KZ_Druck_Auftragsnummer, '000')
	CHAR(10) + CHAR(13)
	'KOA 8300 9901/PC DL-IT'
	CHAR(10) + CHAR(13)
	AS RPT_ES_Zweck
FROM [...] 

Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator.QRBillGenerationException: Graphics format PNG not available

Hello everyone!

I am upgrading from version 2.4.3 to version 3.0.5 and I get this exception when I want to generate the QR Bill in .PNG format.

Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator.QRBillGenerationException: 'Graphics format PNG not available (are you missing the NuGet package Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator?)'

Works well in SVG and PDF formats.

The framework of my project is .NET 4.6.1.

Supposedly this issue was fixed with version 3.0.1, in my case it is not.
Graphics format PNG not available

Thank you in advance.

Adding the possibility to have 3 address lines

Actually it's impossible to have address with 3 lines. The insurances use some time this.
1950 Sion

We have some client that can't send the bills because the address on the QRCode is incorrect.

Less stringent checks of QR bill data

User Werni <werner....@...> sends the following message to the owners of Package 'Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator 2.0.0'.

Hallo Manuel

Wenn das QR-File eine leere Zeile zu viel enthält so wird eine Exception geworfen. Das PDF wurde nicht von uns generiert und ich weiss das es nicht korrekt ist. Wäre gut wenn in diesem Fall die Zeile einfach ignoriert wird und keine Exception geworfen wird.

Meldung: ValidationException QR bill data is invalid: Message: qrTextLocalized error message: Valid data structure starts with SPC and consists 32 to 34 lines of text.

Danke und Gruss

problem using nuget package

Hello there,
I'm having a problem using the package.
{"Could not load file or assembly 'Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6aa6bd7a159d47c2'
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.":"Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6aa6bd7a159d47c2"}

It looks like that the in the Core.csproj was not updated

I'm running .Net Standard 2.0 project on the win machine
Can you help?
Thank you

Perforation bei OutputSize.QrBillOnly

Wenn die QR-Rechnung mit OutputSize.A4PortraitSheet gezeichnet wird, erscheint sowohl oberhalb als auch zwischen Empfangsschein und Zahlteil eine gestrichelte Linie mit Scherensymbol. Wird die QR-Rechnung mit OutputSize.QrBillOnly gezeichnet, erscheint die Perforation nur zwischen Empfangsschein und Zahlteil aber nicht oberhalb der beiden Elemente. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Ausgabe der Perforation zu steuern, damit sie auch bei OutputSize.QrBillOnly oberhalb der Elemente Empfangsschein und Zahlteil gezeichnet wird?

P.S. Herzlichen Dank für die Korrektur in V2.2.1 :)

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