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nuscenes-devkit's Introduction

Lyft Dataset SDK

Welcome to the devkit for the Lyft Level 5 AV dataset! This devkit shall help you to visualise and explore our dataset.

Release Notes

This devkit is based on a version of the nuScenes devkit.

Getting Started


You can use pip to install lyft-dataset-sdk:

pip install -U lyft_dataset_sdk

If you want to get the latest version of the code before it is released on PyPI you can install the library from GitHub:

pip install -U git+

Dataset Download

Go to to download the Lyft Level 5 AV Dataset.

The dataset is also availible as a part of the Lyft 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles Challenge.

Utils for converting LEVEL5 data into Kitti format

Simply run
python -m lyft_dataset_sdk.utils.export_kitti nuscenes_gt_to_kitti --lyft_dataroot ${DS_PTH} --table_folder ${TBL_PTH}
for converting data.
See help ( python -m lyft_dataset_sdk.utils.export_kitti nuscenes_gt_to_kitti --help ) for more information.
You can draw results after converting with utils:
python -m lyft_dataset_sdk.utils.export_kitti render_kitti

Tutorial and Reference Model

Check out the tutorial and reference model README.

Dataset structure

The dataset contains of json files:

  1. scene.json - 25-45 seconds snippet of a car's journey.
  2. sample.json - An annotated snapshot of a scene at a particular timestamp.
  3. sample_data.json - Data collected from a particular sensor.
  4. sample_annotation.json - An annotated instance of an object within our interest.
  5. instance.json - Enumeration of all object instance we observed.
  6. category.json - Taxonomy of object categories (e.g. vehicle, human).
  7. attribute.json - Property of an instance that can change while the category remains the same.
  8. visibility.json - (currently not used)
  9. sensor.json - A specific sensor type.
  10. calibrated_sensor.json - Definition of a particular sensor as calibrated on a particular vehicle.
  11. ego_pose.json - Ego vehicle poses at a particular timestamp.
  12. log.json - Log information from which the data was extracted.
  13. map.json - Map data that is stored as binary semantic masks from a top-down view.

With the schema.

Data Exploration Tutorial

To get started with the Lyft Dataset SDK, run the tutorial using Jupyter Notebook.


We would be happy to accept issue reports and pull requests from the community.

For creating pull requests follow our contributing guide.

nuscenes-devkit's People


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nuscenes-devkit's Issues

Cartographic Information not available in v1.01-train

In the dataset Lyft page it is reported:

This dataset includes a high quality semantic map. A semantic map provides context to reason about the presence and motion of the agents in the scenes. The provided map has over 4000 lane segments (2000 road segment lanes and about 2000 junction lanes) , 197 pedestrian crosswalks, 60 stop signs, 54 parking zones, 8 speed bumps, 11 speed humps.
All map elements are registered to an underlying geometric map. This is the same frame of reference for all the scenes in the dataset.

After completing the tutorial using the Lyft dataset v1.01-train I noticed that:

  • the cartographic information are drawn in the .png file in the maps folder
  • I could not find any table that contains cartographic information
    (like traffic lights, road segments, etc ...)

Is there any way to get the OpenStreetMap info you used to generate the .png file with the HD map information on top?
Is there any way already to extract these info?
(nuscenes released the map expansion for that purpose )

Axis definitions

I'm trying to transform the dataset to KITTI format, but I think the export_to_KITTI file is not updated so I've made some modifications but the axis transformation part is more complicated.
Are the axis definition is the same as in NuScenes, such that for KITTI transformation we can apply kitti_to_nu_lidar = Quaternion(axis=(0, 0, 1), angle=np.pi / 2) ?

Front lidar only available for 1/5th of scenes

Front lidar data is missing for 4/5th of the scenes. There are 148 scenes out of the 180 without front lidars.

The specs at say that there are 3 lidars: 'One 40-beam roof LiDAR and two 40-beam bumper LiDARs.'

There is no mention of scenes with only partial lidar data.

You can check these scenes with the following code snippet:

for scene in level5data.scene:
    sample_token = scene['first_sample_token']
    sample = level5data.get('sample', sample_token)
    if 'LIDAR_FRONT_LEFT' not in sample['data'].keys():

pose translation to lat/long


Is there a way to convert the translation field in ego_pose to lat/long?


{'rotation': [-0.6004078747001647, -0.000868287440477486, 0.0018651459228555055, 0.7996912850004297], 'translation': [1007.2332778546752, 1725.4217301399462, -24.58000073380586], 'token': 'dbdc26bb9a33d0a5e8eb51100bc488986da68636c4a4b7d59d68f80a0eb4447e', 'timestamp': 1557858039502712.2}

LIDAR_TOP visualizations are mixed up on the website

On the website, the LiDAR top view visualization sometimes do not match the RGB images.

Scene 4 for example:
In the beginning of the sequence, the RGB images show a lot of cars in front of the ego vehicle,
the LiDAR top view visualization does not show any.

Others seem to be mixed up, too.
I think Scene 4 visualization should probably belong to Scene 2 data and Scene 5 visualization should probably belong to Scene 4 data.

I hope it is just wrong on the website and not also mixed up in the training data.

Running render_scene in Jupyter notebook throws error


I've found an issue related to render_scene function, running it in Jupyter notebook throws following error:

error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-13531c073da2> in <module>
----> 1 level5data.render_scene(my_scene['token'])

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/lyft_dataset_sdk/ in render_scene(self, scene_token, freq, imwidth, out_path)
    508     def render_scene(self, scene_token: str, freq: float = 10, imwidth: int = 640, out_path: str = None) -> None:
--> 509         self.explorer.render_scene(scene_token, freq, image_width=imwidth, out_path=out_path)
    511     def render_scene_channel(

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/lyft_dataset_sdk/ in render_scene(self, scene_token, freq, image_width, out_path)
   1155         window_name = "{}".format(scene_rec["name"])
-> 1156         cv2.namedWindow(window_name)
   1157         cv2.moveWindow(window_name, 0, 0)

error: OpenCV(4.1.0) /io/opencv/modules/highgui/src/window.cpp:610: error: (-2:Unspecified error) The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Cocoa support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script in function 'cvNamedWindow'

Running the same function in a python script works perfectly fine.
Here's my Kaggle kernel which you can copy and rerun to produce the error:

Very big difference when between eval and test scores using Reference Model.ipynb

I tried to use the model and trained parameters in Reference Model.ipynb to generate a test csv file to submit to kaggle. However while eval score is 0.104 using official api , the test score in the website is only 0.005.
Is that right or somewhere wrong when I generating csv file? What's your test score if using Reference Model.ipynb?

Help with getting started

Terribly sorry, don't know where else to write this and can't figure this out for a while now. As per the instructions I downloaded the lyft-dateset-sdk and the nuscene 1.02 dataset. The dataset only contained one v1.02-train file. The jupyter notebook tutorial sais that I should provide a "dataset path that contains at least the following four folders (or similar): images, lidar, maps etc". I have nothing like this at all. Can someone please tell me what step I'm missing here? Thank you.

Problem with rotation format in

I'm trying to convert NuScenes (v1.0-mini) dataset into Kitti format. I just set up env. and lyft_dataset_sdk and run something like that:
lyft_dataset_sdk nuscenes_gt_to_kitti --lyft_dataroot ~/nuscenes --table_folder ~/nuscenes/v1.0-mini
using PyCharm. And get error:

assert (velo_to_cam_rot.round(0) == expected_kitti_velo_to_cam_rot).all(), velo_to_cam_rot.round(0)
AssertionError: [[-1. -0.  0.]
 [-0. -0. -1.]
 [ 0. -1.  0.]]

The exception is called from that place :

# Check that the rotation has the same format as in KITTI.
if self.lyft_ds.get("sensor", cs_record_cam["sensor_token"])["channel"] == "CAM_FRONT":
    expected_kitti_velo_to_cam_rot = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]])
    assert (velo_to_cam_rot.round(0) == expected_kitti_velo_to_cam_rot).all(), velo_to_cam_rot.round(0)
assert (velo_to_cam_trans[1:3] < 0).all()

What does Check that the rotation has the same format as in KITTI mean, and why we want to check it?

Inaccurate calibration matrix

When fusing lidar points from all 3 sources I noticed while using the dataset v1.01 that you get artifacts.
The calibration matrix for one of the sensors is not correct. This happens for the a101 sequence but not for the a102 (first 2 images below from a101, following images from a102).

Is this calibration issue fixed in the v1.02 of the dataset? I'd like to know before I download it entirely again.



Accelerating map_pointcloud_to_image by loading LIDAR data only once

This following function performs a pretty expensive computation:

def map_pointcloud_to_image(self, pointsensor_token: str, camera_token: str) -> Tuple:
"""Given a point sensor (lidar/radar) token and camera sample_data token, load point-cloud and map it to
the image plane.
pointsensor_token: Lidar/radar sample_data token.
camera_token: Camera sample_data token.
Returns: (pointcloud <np.float: 2, n)>, coloring <np.float: n>, image <Image>).
cam = self.lyftd.get("sample_data", camera_token)
pointsensor = self.lyftd.get("sample_data", pointsensor_token)
pcl_path = self.lyftd.data_path / pointsensor["filename"]
if pointsensor["sensor_modality"] == "lidar":
pc = LidarPointCloud.from_file(pcl_path)
pc = RadarPointCloud.from_file(pcl_path)
im = / cam["filename"]))
# Points live in the point sensor frame. So they need to be transformed via global to the image plane.
# First step: transform the point-cloud to the ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the sweep.
cs_record = self.lyftd.get("calibrated_sensor", pointsensor["calibrated_sensor_token"])
# Second step: transform to the global frame.
poserecord = self.lyftd.get("ego_pose", pointsensor["ego_pose_token"])
# Third step: transform into the ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the image.
poserecord = self.lyftd.get("ego_pose", cam["ego_pose_token"])
# Fourth step: transform into the camera.
cs_record = self.lyftd.get("calibrated_sensor", cam["calibrated_sensor_token"])
# Fifth step: actually take a "picture" of the point cloud.
# Grab the depths (camera frame z axis points away from the camera).
depths = pc.points[2, :]
# Retrieve the color from the depth.
coloring = depths
# Take the actual picture (matrix multiplication with camera-matrix + renormalization).
points = view_points(pc.points[:3, :], np.array(cs_record["camera_intrinsic"]), normalize=True)
# Remove points that are either outside or behind the camera. Leave a margin of 1 pixel for aesthetic reasons.
mask = np.ones(depths.shape[0], dtype=bool)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, depths > 0)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] > 1)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] < im.size[0] - 1)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] > 1)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] < im.size[1] - 1)
points = points[:, mask]
coloring = coloring[mask]
return points, coloring, im

I am curious: does this function take so much time to run because of the process of loading the lidar cloud points, or transforming the 3D coordinates into 2D for a specific camera?

I am personally using this function in my public kernel for the Kaggle competition, and I realized that running this for all cameras, and across multiple timestamps takes a considerable amount of time, which could be partially caused by the data loading, I could cache it so that the lidar data is not redundantly loaded for every camera for a single timestamp.

No pip package

I would prefer using this loader from a package rather than cloning the repo and setting the PYTHONPATH manually. (Especially with docker containers)

There is no compiled package in pypi. The original devkit can be installed via pip install nuscenes-devkit. This option would make usage so much easier.

Also there is no to build the package as the original devkit had:

Normally one would be able to install the package from source using
pip install git+

What's the type of 40-beam lidar ?

I'm very curious about the 40-beam lidar. I haven't seen 40-beam lidar before.
Can you tell us what's the type of 40-beam lidar? It's from velodyne or other companys?

Some details about the competition


I'd like to make sure whether all the categories detection precision/mAP will be calculated. (Nuscenes selected only 10 interested categories from their annotations.) Besides, do the prediction of attribute and velocity not considered right now?

Thanks a lot!

Unable to load dataset

I downloaded the dataset successfully but not able to load it.
When I try:

# Load the SDK
%matplotlib inline
from nuscenes.nuscenes import NuScenes

# Load the dataset
# Adjust the dataroot parameter below to point to your local dataset path.
# Note that using "~" for your home directory typically won't work here, thus specify the complete pathname.
# The correct dataset path contains at least the following four folders (or similar): images, lidar, maps, v1.0-mini
# In case you didn't download the 'v1.0-mini' version of the dataset, also adjust the version parameter below.
level5data = NuScenes(version='v1.01-train', dataroot=r'D:\Projects\lidar\dataset lidar\v1.01-train', verbose=True)

It gives me the below error:

Loading NuScenes tables for version v1.01-train...

FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
8 # The correct dataset path contains at least the following four folders (or similar): images, lidar, maps, v1.0-mini
9 # In case you didn't download the 'v1.0-mini' version of the dataset, also adjust the version parameter below.
---> 10 level5data = NuScenes(version='v1.01-train', dataroot=r'D:\Projects\lidar\dataset lidar\v1.01-train', verbose=True)

~\Desktop\lyftml\python-sdk\nuscenes\ in init(self, version, dataroot, verbose, map_resolution)
62 # Explicitly assign tables to help the IDE determine valid class members.
---> 63 self.category = self.load_table('category')
64 self.attribute = self.load_table('attribute')
65 self.visibility = self.load_table('visibility')

~\Desktop\lyftml\python-sdk\nuscenes\ in load_table(self, table_name)
97 def load_table(self, table_name) -> dict:
98 """ Loads a table. """
---> 99 with open(osp.join(self.table_root, '{}.json'.format(table_name))) as f:
100 table = json.load(f)
101 return table

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\Projects\lidar\dataset lidar\v1.01-train\v1.01-train\category.json'

Front LiDAR point cloud incorrectly rendered in tutorial?

In the jupyter notebook tutorial, it seems that the point cloud from both LIDAR_FRONT_RIGHT and LIDAR_FRONT_LEFT do not match the annotated boxes.
From the example rendered picture above, it looks like the point clouds are somehow flipped with respect to a 45° or 135° axis, but even after i flip them back, the point cloud still suffer from distortions.
Guessing the transformation between coordinates or calibration parameters got some minor bugs there? Any suggestions?

Issue with mAP function


Currently, mAP function get_average_precisions fails when for a particular category there are no ground truths boxes but there are predicted ones. (possibly for a bad validation set)

We get divide-by-zero error here for such cases.

We make sure the class_name is present in predicted boxes here we should also make sure that the same class name is present in ground truth boxes too.

So, This can be fixed by replacing

        if class_name in pred_by_class_name:


        if class_name in pred_by_class_name and class_name in gt_by_class_name:

Invalid lidar point file

During handle with the lidar point cloud, the sample(which token is
has a wrong dimention of lidar point file. The sensor channel is LIDAR_TOP.
When I do
scan = np.fromfile(str(file_name), dtype=np.float32) points = scan.reshape((-1, 5))[:, : cls.nbr_dims()]
the the error orrured:
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 265728 into shape (5)

Issue regarding box visibility


We have three levels of box visibility:

    """Enumerates the various level of box visibility in an image."""

    ALL = 0  # Requires all corners are inside the image.
    ANY = 1  # Requires at least one corner visible in the image.
    NONE = 2  # Requires no corners to be inside, i.e. box can be fully outside the image.

Notice how the description of ANY says "at least one corner visible in the image" and rest say "corners inside the image" This creates the confusion. As by visibility, people infer that the object should actually be visible in that particular image without occlusions.

Also, the docstring of box_in_image says

"""Check if a box is visible inside an image without accounting for occlusions.
   Returns: True if visibility condition is satisfied.

Here it talks about "visible inside an image without accounting for occlusions". I think this clears the confusion, and BoxVisiblity should also explicitly mention this in its docstring. I propose new docstring and comments for BoxVisiblity class:

class BoxVisibility(IntEnum):
    """Enumerates the various level of box visibility inside an image without accounting for occlusions"""

    ALL = 0  # Requires all corners are visible inside the image.
    ANY = 1  # Requires at least one corner is visible inside the image.
    NONE = 2  # Requires no corners to be visible inside, i.e. box can be fully outside the image.

I would love to know your thoughts.


I would include all sample tokens for each scene as a list.
It would be better then cycling over next_sample_token = my_scene.get("sample", my_sample_token)["next"] for 126 times to get all sample tokens.

Also, I am not sure where the naming convention is coming from, but if I had a choice I would name all samples as scene_token_000 scene_token_001 ... scene_token_125, so that scene token is a part of the sample token name, which belongs to that run

MapMask is broken

I'd like to report the following problems with MapMask:

  1. It uses foreground=255, but if you look to the map, you'll notice that white color means background.
  2. Function is_on_mask is broken because it ignores 3 channels of RGB picture. (Python complains about indexing). The fix would be to check if all channels are white or non-white, like:
    mask = np.all(this_mask[py[on_mask], px[on_mask]], axis=-1)

where is point's intensity

Hello Lyft team,
Thanks for releasing this wonderful dataset.
I found the point intensities of the lidar files are all set to 100.
May I know is there a way that I could find back the intensities?


website often goes dead

Hi Lyft Level 5 team,

Your website, often goes dead.
I don't know the reason, but guess the website has lots of video running on the screen.

I am not sure it's only me who has this problem.
Could you check it?

Anyway, I think this is great work. Thank you for the Lyft Level 5 team's contribution to the research comunity.

KeyError: 'score' in

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 97, in <module>
  File "", line 84, in main
    joined_df["score"] = joined_df["score"].astype(float)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/", line 2980, in __getitem__
    indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2899, in get_loc
    return self._engine.get_loc(self._maybe_cast_indexer(key))
  File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 107, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc
  File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 131, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc
  File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1607, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item
  File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1614, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item
KeyError: 'score'

Got this error when tried convert ground truth type

A small issue in render_annotation function


In render_annotation function you don't need a for loop (here) as there will always be one box in boxes (we are doing assertion checks for the same). And you are passing boxes[0] to view_points within the loop anyways. (here)

And, this time I wanna fix this by raising a PR, do let me know if I can process with that :)

Introduce Paper

Hi author
I want to know if there have the paper to introduce lyft dataset, expecially it include the sensor calibration. I am engaged in the sensor calibration, so need know more information about sensor calibration. Thank you for your help.

Why the two classes ?

Thanks for open sourcing the tools. Not sure where to post Q&A but I'm just wondering why we have a nuscenes class and a nuscenesExplorer class? Many functions seem to be similar e.g. render_sample_data in nuscenes calls the render_sample_data function in the explorer class.

Incorrect map path on kaggle dataset

Here we see that map path in train json is incorrect.
Also in kernels i see this code:

!ln -s $DATASET_PATH/train_images images
!ln -s $DATASET_PATH/train_maps maps
!ln -s $DATASET_PATH/train_lidar lidar

Maybe paths other than train_maps also broken

A bug in render_scene function


The render_scene function uses cv2.VideoWriter here the first argument of which should be a string not a Path instance due to which it is throwing type error.

So, it should be
out = cv2.VideoWriter(str(out_path), fourcc, freq, canvas.shape[1::-1])

No train/val split in the Kaggle competition?


I think there could have been validation set for this dataset (see, but I don't find it in the Kaggle competition. So I'd like to know is there any train/val split like nuscenes?

Actually I think it will be more convenient and fair to do ablation studies if there is a given train/val split. :) (Or I may need to submit results on the test set again and again to have the system evaluate them...)

How to distinguish between BETA_V0 and BETA_PLUS_PLUS

Is it possible from the meta data to know if the current scene is from a BETA_V0 vehicle or a BETA_PLUS_PLUS vehicle? I want to use the LIDAR_TOP and am curious about how many scenes have 40 beam lidar and how many scenes 64 beam lidar.


Reference Model.ipynb: get_semantic_map_around_ego: IndexError: tuple index out of range


In Reference Model.ipynb, Cell [12]:
function: get_semantic_map_around_ego():
When I run the line

ego_centric_map = get_semantic_map_around_ego(map_mask, ego_pose, voxel_size=0.4, output_shape=(336,336))
I get
indexError: tuple index out of range

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
32 return ego_centric_map.astype(np.float32)/255
---> 34 ego_centric_map = get_semantic_map_around_ego(map_mask, ego_pose, voxel_size=0.4, output_shape=(336,336))
35 plt.imshow(ego_centric_map)

in get_semantic_map_around_ego(map_mask, ego_pose, voxel_size, output_shape)
14 return cropped_image
---> 16 pixel_coords = map_mask.to_pixel_coords(ego_pose['translation'][0], ego_pose['translation'][1])
18 extent = voxel_size*output_shape[0]*0.5

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lyft_dataset_sdk/utils/ in to_pixel_coords(self, x, y)
98 pts = np.stack([x, y, np.zeros(x.shape), np.ones(x.shape)])
---> 99 pixel_coords = np.round(, pts)).astype(np.int32)
101 return pixel_coords[0, :], pixel_coords[1, :]

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lyft_dataset_sdk/utils/ in transform_matrix(self)
53 [
54 [1.0 / self.resolution, 0, 0, 0],
---> 55 [0, -1.0 / self.resolution, 0, self._base_mask.shape[0]],
56 [0, 0, 1, 0],
57 [0, 0, 0, 1],

IndexError: tuple index out of range`

Thank you,

God bless.

Bug in Intersection over Union calculations

I find that predicting 3d boxes with increased lengths and widths (x100 from original) somehow change score from 0.233 to 0.408. I think it should bug in Intersection over Union calculations.

evaluate range

I'd love to know whether the mAP 3D calculation file is consistent with the evaluation mechanism in Kaggle's competition. As far as I know, all the categories are counted but I don't know the distance range for evaluation. Does anybody have some ideas? Thanks!

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.