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friendica-for-android's Issues

Red Compatibility

In order to achieve compatibility with Red and Zot, which is the long term successor to Friendica.

Error: null in Timeline

How to reproduce:

Scroll timeline until it loads more items
Select an item to view conversation
Press back or "Timeline" button

Main view shows "Error: null" and an hex dump of json data

Tested on commit d534fb9

Feature requests

Button to refresh timeline instead of having to flip back and forth from the main menu,
threaded conversation view
ability to click on links within posts
ability to delete posts
ability to thumb up/down posts
tag posts
ability to specify how many posts to load/keep in the timeline.
Automatic loading of newer or older posts when scrolling to the top or bottom of timeline
Ability to click on notification and have app lead you to post/comment in question
Offline viewing of timeline when not connected the Internet (instead of being prompted for a login or getting a java exception)

Image for the main menu button

The main menu button currently got a -> as a label. This could be improved either with an icon or with a 'Menu' or 'Home' label instead.

Documentation of code

Just forked the repository to see if I can help with the development. Unfortunatly the code is scarcely documented. Would be great to have more documentation in the source code to understand how the application works.

Show comments with context in timeline (not standalone)

Currently comments appear without connection to the status the belong to. Would be great to show them with context (with the status update and potential other comments).

Should be made configurable if you want to see comments on updates that a user is not involved in.

no login to frendica. thanks java

i use a android 4.2, frendica 0.9 fresh installed from fdroid shop. i start the frendica app at firstrun. i give my username,pw and svr name. but every time i get the error msg from java 'username may not be 0

i test it whit my username and email. no login

Force close on picture upload

Able to authenticate with the Friendica instance, but the app force closes when the picture upload starts.

Here's a paste of the alogcat capture

--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
W/InputManagerService( 132): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40ab15a8
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
D/dalvikvm( 132): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 135K, 33% free 9321K/13767K, external 3342K/3357K, paused 127ms
I/ActivityManager( 132): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10100000 } from pid 132
I/RenderView(27812): GLObject has changed from to
I/RenderView(27812): First Draw
D/dalvikvm(27812): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 56K, 49% free 3197K/6215K, external 4987K/5421K, paused 58ms
D/dalvikvm(27812): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 150K, 51% free 3097K/6215K, external 6717K/6996K, paused 37ms
I/RenderView(27812): First Draw
I/GridLayer(27812): Slot changing from 0 to 0
D/dalvikvm(27812): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 227K, 50% free 3134K/6215K, external 7835K/8008K, paused 34ms
D/dalvikvm(27812): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 62K, 51% free 3098K/6215K, external 6444K/7978K, paused 36ms
D/AudioHardwareQSD( 98): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Handling packet...
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Callback...
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Packet[121] Protocol: 6 , UID: 10070 , port: 20480
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Calling back into Java.
W/NetfilterThread(27315): Checked permission cache: 1
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Setting verdict: 1
I/ActivityManager( 132): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SEND typ=image/jpeg flg=0x1 (has extras) } from pid 27812
I/RenderView(27812): OnPause RenderView
I/ActivityManager( 132): Start proc for activity pid=28339 uid=10075 gids={3003}
I/TwAjax (28339): PROXY SETTINGS:
I/TwAjax (28339): Host=null
I/TwAjax (28339): Port=-1
I/TwAjax (28339): User=null
I/FileTypes(28339): URI = content://media/external/images/media/14, scheme = content
D/dalvikvm(28339): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 81K, 47% free 2878K/5379K, external 2052K/2137K, paused 52ms
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Handling packet...
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Callback...
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Packet[122] Protocol: 6 , UID: 10075 , port: 20480
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Calling back into Java.
W/NetfilterThread(27315): Checked permission cache: 1
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Setting verdict: 1
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Handling packet...
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Callback...
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Packet[123] Protocol: 6 , UID: 10075 , port: 20480
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Calling back into Java.
W/NetfilterThread(27315): Checked permission cache: 1
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Setting verdict: 1
I/ActivityManager( 132): Displayed +1s30ms
I/CacheService(27812): Starting CacheService
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Handling packet...
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Callback...
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Packet[124] Protocol: 6 , UID: 10070 , port: 20480
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Calling back into Java.
W/NetfilterThread(27315): Checked permission cache: 1
I/libnetfilter_queue_jni(27315): Setting verdict: 1
I/Andfrnd/UploadFile(28339): before startService
I/Andfrnd/UploadFile(28339): after startService
I/=== UPLOAD SERVICE ===(28339): on New()
I/Andfrnd/UploadFile(28339): onHandleIntent exec
I/FileTypes(28339): URI = content://media/external/images/media/14, scheme = content
I/RenderView(27812): GLObject has changed from to
I/CacheService(27812): Preparing DiskCache for all thumbnails.
I/CacheService(27812): DiskCache ready for all thumbnails.
W/AudioFlinger( 98): write blocked for 165 msecs, 643 delayed writes, thread 0xea50
I/RenderView(27812): First Draw
D/dalvikvm(28339): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 264K, 46% free 3239K/5959K, external 21744K/23783K, paused 134ms
D/dalvikvm(28339): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 0K, 46% free 3239K/5959K, external 21744K/23783K, paused 84ms
D/dalvikvm(27812): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 105K, 49% free 3197K/6215K, external 4987K/5421K, paused 82ms
I/dalvikvm-heap(28339): Clamp target GC heap from 33.539MB to 32.000MB
D/dalvikvm(28339): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed <1K, 46% free 3239K/5959K, external 26664K/28712K, paused 59ms
D/dalvikvm(27812): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 3K, 49% free 3196K/6215K, external 5629K/6984K, paused 76ms
I/RenderView(27812): First Draw
W/IInputConnectionWrapper(28339): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
W/InputManagerService( 132): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@40a66ab0 (uid=10075 pid=28339)
D/dalvikvm(28339): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 400K, 53% free 2841K/5959K, external 26238K/28286K, paused 277ms
E/dalvikvm-heap(28339): 884736-byte external allocation too large for this process.
E/GraphicsJNI(28339): VM won't let us allocate 884736 bytes
D/dalvikvm(27812): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 153K, 51% free 3098K/6215K, external 6659K/6997K, paused 49ms
I/dalvikvm-heap(28339): Clamp target GC heap from 32.733MB to 32.000MB
D/dalvikvm(28339): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed <1K, 53% free 2841K/5959K, external 26238K/28286K, paused 149ms
W/dalvikvm(28339): threadid=9: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015560)
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[Andfrnd_FileUploadService]
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/AndroidRuntime(28339): at
D/dalvikvm( 132): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 346K, 33% free 9347K/13767K, external 3074K/3173K, paused 245ms
I/GridLayer(27812): Slot changing from 0 to 0
D/dalvikvm(27812): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 222K, 50% free 3135K/6215K, external 7835K/8208K, paused 36ms
D/AudioHardwareQSD( 98): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.
I/Process (28339): Sending signal. PID: 28339 SIG: 9
W/InputManagerService( 132): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40b5c810
I/ActivityManager( 132): Process (pid 28339) has died.
W/ActivityManager( 132): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 5000ms
D/dalvikvm( 132): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 69K, 33% free 9348K/13767K, external 3243K/3260K, paused 226ms
I/ActivityManager( 132): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10100000 cmp=org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity } from pid 132
I/RenderView(27812): OnPause RenderView
W/InputManagerService( 132): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40b80eb8
I/CacheService(27812): Starting CacheService
I/CacheService(27812): Preparing DiskCache for all thumbnails.
I/CacheService(27812): DiskCache ready for all thumbnails.
D/AudioHardwareQSD( 98): AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby.

SSL fails with "No peer certificate"

When logging in with HTTPS (on an SNI enabled host), an exception occurs : No peer certificate

This happens on several Android versions (2.3 and 4.0 tested), and only on some servers (zottel's and, for now).

API Login on cgi

I would really like to test and use your app.
But unfotunately my server works in cgi mode and I always
get an "This api requires login" when trying to login.

Any Idea what i can do?

eg. get some Logfiles to see whats submitted...


Andfrnd Uploader Beta, URI and filename appears on uploaded images

Why this text is added on image post description ?
It isn't very nice in timeline :-(

In mw-android-friendica-01/src/de/wikilab/android/friendica01/
t.setText("Andfrnd Uploader Beta\n\n[b]URI:[/b] " + fileToUpload.toString() + "\n[b]File name:[/b] " + fileSpec);

Publish at Google Play

Would you mind publishing this App at Google Play? This would also make distribution of updates easier.

Post Urls

Bilder posten ist super - posten von Urls wäre schön

Updating status: choosing crossposting and permissions

When I update my status from web, I can choose who can see it and where it is crossposted to.

I'd like to have a similar option when updating status from this app. For example: I want to retweet something on Twitter and quote it on Friendica. I don't want to post it also to Twitter in such case, of course.

No SSL Connection

yesterday i download the client and try to connect to my friendica instance, but always get an error like Error: This Api requires login

after checking very carefully the login credentials i could not find there an error, also i tried it from another android device too, same message

my friendica is only available with https (valid startcom cert; no http because i don't want unsecure connections)

after checking my server logfiles (for vhost friendica), i can't find a entries which logs the connections from my android tablet, but i found entries in my default server log (the only one which has port 80 open).

so i think, the dropdown field, where i can choose between http and https did not working as assumed and the client will ever try to connect over unsecure port 80

---------- schnipp ----------------
[Fri Jul 19 05:56:27 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/api
----------- schnapp --------------

Force Close on startup : missing

After the first run, the app Force Closes immediately on startup. The log starting the HomeActivity generates an exception that the device does not have package :

This is running on CyanogenMod 7.0 without any Google apps installed.

App was downloaded from the F-Droid store ( )

Add to Friendica

Statt "Friendica" als Menü-Eintrag (share) "Add to Friendica" - VORTEIL: Erscheint weiter oben (vor facebook ;-)

"invalid dataset!" in post view

When using the app to connect to a recent friendica installation (such as, I cannot "thumb-up" / "thumb-down" / "star" any post in there or see who did so. All I see is an "invalid dataset!" message at the bottom of the post view. Known issue? How to help tracking this down?

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