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functional-php's Issues

Comparison operations API

About implementing comparison operations as functions, before I'd like to discuss the API first.

Suggestions are:

PHP Doc Name API
Equal equal, equals, eq
Identical identical, strict_eq, seq
Not equal not_equal, not_equals, neq
Not identical not_identical, not_strict_eq, nseq
Less than less_than, lt
Greater than greater_than, gt
Less than or equal to less_than_or_eq, lte
Greater than or equal to greater_than_or_eq, gte
Spaceship spaceship, lteqgt

I personally prefer the abbreviations. e.g.:

// using cond/always from #123

$message = cond([
    [lte(16), always('Can drive in USA')],
    [lte(18), always('Can drive and drink in Brazil')],
    [lte(21), always('Can drink in USA')],
    [gte(60), always('Getting old')],

echo $message(18); // ~> Can drive and drink in Brazil
echo $message(60); // ~> Getting old

flip function

Similar to ramda's flip. Sometimes it is beneficial to flip the argument order of a function. Is this something that would be useful in this project?

I would be willing to implement this. Thoughts?

Add poll() and retry()

mixed poll(callable $function, $timeout, Traversable $delay = F\delay_constant(0, 0))
mixed retry(callable $function, $maxRetries, Traversable $delay = F\delay_constant(0, 0))
Traversable delay_constant($start = 0, $increment = 1)
Traversable delay_linear($start = 0, $increment = 1)
Traversable delay_fibonicci($start);


Poll for 1000ms with a linear increase:

if (F\poll([$promise, 'isResolved'], 1000, F\linear())) {
   // Promise eventually resolved

Retry calling a function ten times with a 10ms delay in between:

if (!F\retry(function() {throw new Exception('Will never work');}, 10, F\constant(0, 10))) {
   // Retry didn’t work

the removed C extension


I am pretty interested in that extension, would you mind moving the extension into a separated repository?


why flatten isn't like this:

function flatten($ls)
    if ($ls instanceof \ArrayIterator) {
        $ls = flatten($ls->getArrayCopy());

    return array_reduce($ls, function ($carry, $item) {
        if (is_array($item)) {
            return array_merge($carry, flatten($item));

        $carry[] = $item;
        return $carry;
    }, []);


Shouldn't moving to PHP7 be a major version release? (1.0 = php5, 1.2 = php7)

According to most semantic versioning guidelines (and primarily the ones used by composer on most projects) it should go:


Where major allows non-backwards compatible changes, minor is always backwards compatible but offers new features, and bug is for general bugfix/maintenance.

In the case of the lstrojny/functional-php package, it is possible to have a composer.json with something like ~1.0 for the pinned functional-php version, run it on a PHP7 machine and end up with a composer.lock file that is no longer compatible on a PHP5.x machine (therefore requiring manually figuring out the last version that worked with PHP5.x and pinning to an exact version like 1.0.0).

For this reason, I strongly advocate in favor of making the PHP7+ release lstrojny/functional-php 2.x.x (don't be afraid to increment that major version!)

with has undocumented behaviour

This will not work as documented:

$f = static function ($x) { return $x + 1; };
with($f, partial_any('map', [1, 2, 3], …));

Possibility of C Extension in future releases

Some background. I found out about this library via the Functional Programming in PHP book, which is a great read. The author recommends this library and rightly so — it looks really great! I'm excited to start using this more in my work.

I'm opening this issue because I was a little confused. The Functional Programming in PHP author recommended using this library via the C-extension but when I came to this repo I couldn't find the C-source. Then I saw the PECL link in the repo's description, which is clearly out of date and was quite confused if I even had the correct lib. It took a little digging to find the Removing C extension commit and the 1.0 Roadmap issue which illuminate the deprecation of the C-extension.

I'm opening this issue partly to suggest updating the readme to highlight the deprecation but also curious if you'd consider implementing the C-extension at some point in the future? I was curious to test out the performance difference between the C-extension and the pure-PHP implementations but it seems like the difference was maybe negligible?

In situations where I have the option I'd tend to prefer using a C-extension if it I knew it had measurable performance benefits, but I suspect that maintaining both code-bases in tandem is more headache than help.

Collection pipeline feature

Collectione pipeline is a nice design pattern to transform your collections:

It would be really nice if this library supported java 8 like streams (

int sum =
                  .filter(w -> w.getColor() == RED)
                  .mapToInt(w -> w.getWeight())

I guess it should't be too hard. The transformation functions should return some kind of Stream instance instead of an array.

Memoize as a high order function

What do you think about transforming the memoize function into a high order function? I think it would become easier to use from the client perspective and it may simplify its internal implementation. I'm thinking of something like

function memoize(callable $function, callable $hashGenerator = null) {
    if (null === $hashGenerator) {
        $hashGenerator = function(array $arguments) {
            // ...

    return function (...$arguments) use ($function, $hashGenerator) {
        static $localCache = [];

        $key = $hashGenerator($arguments);

        if (!array_key_exists($key, $localCache)) {
            $localCache[$key] = $callback(...$arguments);

        return $localCache[$key];

filter/select by property

$persons = ....
$lars = 'Lars'
$larses = selectByProperty($persons, ['name' => $lars]);

much less verbose than:

$persons = ....
$lars = 'Lars'
$larses = select($persons, function ($person) use ($lars) {
    return $person->name == $lars;

It could work with multiple properties too, plus nesting. Like graphQL.

The name, alternatively, could be 'where'.

Good idea?

Ive created an implementation here:

It's a bit too large to be contained in one function.

[RFC] `pick` should be renamed `picker` to be consistent with `invoker`

hey there :)

I'd like to have a function that returns the value of an array at a given index for each element of a collection. like invoke does currently for collections of objects).

I think pick should be renamed to picker (like invoker respectively)
and a new pick function would map picker to a collection.

Now I know renaming things is a big BC break so I wouldn't bother naming it differently.

New function: F\indexes_of()

Returns a list of array indexes, either matching the predicate or strictly equal to the the passed value.

array Functional\indexes_of(Traversable|array $collection, mixed|callable $predicate)

Is it possible to tag a release for composer?

Currently you can only install dev-master which means in composer you have to set the minimum-stability flag to dev (at least for that package). If you could create a tag that would be awesome.

Documentation for drop_first and drop_last

The examples show a return value $index === 2 which should be $index <= 2. The records are dropped as long as the callback returns true. Records are kept when the callback returns false.

Introduce autocurring and function composition

What do you think about introducing to functional php autocurring and function composition?

I have created working prototype of library with autocurring, function composition and making$collection as last argument:

In my opinion it looks promising, allows to take advantage of functional programming in even better way. There is the chance to make new release, aka "functional php 2"?

Add sort function

Behave like usort but for traversables and arrays and behaves deterministic

More efficient autoloading?

This is a great library, but unfortunately we may end up having to uninstall it because installing it with Composer has added a huge difference to the page load, as profiled with BlackFire.

(Sadly autoloading functions won't be added to PHP anytime soon).

One solution I thought of it adding generation of the functions to Symfony's bootstrap.php.cache file.

However I'm wondering if this library would benefit from providing its own solution for optimizing the loading of functions?

screen shot 2016-03-31 at 11 59 28

screen shot 2016-03-31 at 11 59 54

sort is not reliable

Every few (between 3 and 10 times) I use sort() comparing floats the returned array is in backwards order.

$sortedRates = F\sort($rates, function($r1, $r2) {
    if($r2->weight === $r1->weight) {
        return 0;

    return ($r1->weight < $r2->weight) ? -1 : 1;

weight are floats. I expect the returned array to be in ascending order. It unexpectedly comes back in descending order every so often.


For my own use I wrote a function called hashMap to create associative arrays:

>>> hashMap(
...     ['abc', 'foobar'],
...     function ($value) {
...         return [$value[0], $value];
...     }
... )
=> [
     "a" => "abc",
     "f" => "foobar",
function hashMap($collection, callable $callback)
    InvalidArgumentException::assertCollection($collection, __FUNCTION__, 1);

    $aggregation = [];

    foreach ($collection as $index => $element) {
        list($key, $value) = $callback($element, $index, $collection);
        $aggregation[$key] = $value;

    return $aggregation;

Is this something that would also be useful to others? If yes, I can prepare a proper pull request. Of course it can be named differently if there is a better term for what this function does.

partition function

Would a partition function similar to the lodash one be something useful here? I can work on it.

Unable to install C extension on PHP 5.5.20

Both sudo pecl install functional-0.6.0 and sudo pear upgrade -f pecl/functional end with ERROR:make' failed`.

Based on the stack trace, I think it's incompatabilities with the new PHP ZendEngine. The log filtering for 'error':

/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:451:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:451:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:492:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:492:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:539:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:539:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:585:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:585:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:629:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:629:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:675:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:675:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:719:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:719:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:777:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:777:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:830:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:830:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:880:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:880:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:941:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:941:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:999:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:999:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1045:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1045:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1098:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1098:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1153:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1153:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1200:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1200:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1333:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1333:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1554:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘zend_user_it_get_current_key’
/tmp/pear/temp/functional/functional.c:1554:4: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be

I can post the full logs if you want.

HHVM usage broken

Started getting this error on our Travis builds, first seen today:

Fatal error: Parameter $functions is variadic and has a type constraint (callable); variadic params with type constraints are not supported in /home/travis/build/equip/assist/vendor/lstrojny/functional-php/src/Functional/Compose.php on line 54

Full build is here

Documentation is hard to use

I used to be able to search the usage of functions easily since they were all on the same page. After the docs have bee divided into multiple pages, I find it's rather inconvenient when finding usage for a specify function.

I propose that this repo should revert back to the old way of organization for documentations.

Covinience of the reduce?

Is there any convenience or thought about putting the $reduction as the last argument in the function that take reduce_right|left?

[RFC] provide a `not` function

Is it me or one currently can't invert a boolean-returning function ?

I'd like a not function looking like:

namespace Functional;

function not(callable $callback) {
    return function($value) use ($callback) {
        return !$callback($value);

see for a working impl.

Do you think it's a good idea?
If yes, I can try to make a PR.


First and last should throw an error if the collection is empty.

I my opinion fist and last should throw sth like a NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty instead of returning null. This would avoid the ambiguity with null as a value.
Further, I would prefer removing the callable argument and introduce a find function for that purpose.

P.S.: Great library. Thanks!

Flat map with key preservation

I found myself in need of such a function

So you could transform a list to a dictionary like so:

$dictionary = flatMapWithKeys($list, function($element) {
    $key = ...
    $value = ...
    return [
        $key => $value,

Naive implementation would be something like this:

function flatMapWithKeys(array $array, callable $fn)
    $result = [];
    foreach ($array as $key => $value)
        $result += $fn($value, $key);
    return $result;

Would this be useful?

Compose, partial application, currying?

Are there any plans for things like partial function application? Anything like currying or composition? Would pull requests be welcome for something like this or does it go against some design goal?

Cool library btw.

Bundled functions in single file for production

I reckon that including ~70 files on every script execution might be a bit of a performance hit. Would you consider adding a bundled file with all functions inside as some kind of dist "build" and autoload just that file in composer.json definition?

zip: keys are taken from the first array

I would expect it to look in all arrays like it does in lodash. And fill the missing indexes with null like it does now.

I can provide a fix if you want, or maybe we can define another function, maybe 'zipLongest'

Older stable releases on packagist?

There are missing older stable releases on packagist. Do you recommend using newer alfa version in production? If not please add them to packagist. It will make our live easier. Thanks!

Why does \filter sometime return an array of arrays?

Say we have a $towns array:

    town: "Easton",
    customers: 5
  }, {
    town: "Andover",
    customers: 9

The following

$result = F\filter($towns, function($town) {
  return $town->customers > 5;

returns an array of items keyed by the original position:

  1: {
    town: "Andover",
    customers: 9

but comparing greater than -1

$result = F\filter($towns, function($town) {
  return $town->customers > -1;

returns the expected structure

    town: "Easton",
    customers: 5
  }, {
    town: "Andover",
    customers: 9

Any thoughts?

Implode/Join for lists

I may be missing something here, but is there some kind of join function that behaves like implode but returns a list?

join('-', ['a', 'b', 'c']) === ['a', '-', 'b', '-', 'c']

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