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calhep avatar fredericpoitevin avatar gadorlhiac avatar pegiaco avatar russell-marasigan avatar sbotha89 avatar thomasbnon avatar yilaili avatar





btx's Issues

Trigger a DAG run as `user1` from a DAG run triggered by `user2`

The use case would be:

cxiopr triggers a DAG run that will create a directory and populate it in its home (which it will need to execute on cxi-daq), by copying files from some accessible location in the file system (i.e. not from the web).

However, the location it copies from is a git repository that should be updated with the GitHub remote before anything happens. This should be another DAG executed by another user from the ps-data group, on a node with web access.

Discuss possibility to define a JIDPythonOperator

At the moment, we have a JIDSlurmOperator that is really a JIDBashOperator where a "control doc" (json dictionary) is given to the remote procedural call (rpc) server (the JID?) which will execute the def["executable"] entry.

This entry at the moment needs to be a bash script. It would be great if it could be a python script - previous attempts failed.

This could be useful to deploy Cheetah for example.

Refine geometry from AgBehenate run

At the moment geom_opt finds the detector distance.

New features to add:

  • find center
  • refine individual panel geometries (requires adding some logic for area detector geometry refinement)

`process_run` DAG

We list the tasks that define each DAG. We consider a task completed when successfully ran manually on the FFB nodes, and a DAG completed when successfully ran through the eLog.

  • run_analysis
$ . -c ../tutorial/mfxlv4920.yaml -t run_analysis -n 8
  max_events: -1

Figures visualizing the powder pattern and run statistics will be saved to ${config.root_dir}/powder/fig/*_r{run:04}.png.

  • opt_distance
$ . -c ../tutorial/mfxlv4920.yaml -t opt_distance -n 1
  center: 960 960

If the run is a silver behenate run, this will estimate the distance to the detector and generate a new CrystFEL-style geometry file with the coffset parameter updated accordingly. A figure of the fit can be found at: ${config.root_dir}/geom/figs/r${run:04}.png

  • find_peaks: #46
$ . -c ../tutorial/mfxlv4920.yaml -t find_peaks -n 8
  tag: ''
  psana_mask: False
  min_peaks: 10
  max_peaks: 2048
  npix_min: 2
  npix_max: 30
  amax_thr: 300.
  atot_thr: 600.
  son_min: 10.0
  peak_rank: 3
  r0: 3.0
  dr: 2.0
  nsigm: 10.0
  • index
$ . -c ../tutorial/mfxlv4920.yaml -t index -n 8
  tag: 'test'
  int_radius: '4,5,6'
  methods: 'mosflm'
  cell: '/cds/data/psdm/mfx/mfxlv4920/scratch/apeck/cco.cell'
  tolerance: '5,5,5,1.5'
  no_revalidate: True
  multi: True
  profile: True
  • display

SFX Milestone - Plan

Experiment Timeline


We list below the DAGs in order of appearance during the experiment:

  • Before the experiment:
  • After collecting a run:
  • After collecting several runs for a given sample:
  • After the experiment:

Directory structure


Processing is performed in the scratch/ folder, with one sub-directory per "task".

|____ mask/
|     |____ r${RUN}.npy
|____ geom/
|     |____ r${RUN}.geom
|     |____ figs/
|           |____ r${RUN}.png
|____ powder/
|     |____ r${RUN}_{avg/max/std}.npy
|     |____ figs/
|           |____ powder_r${RUN}.png
|           |____ stats_r${RUN}.png
|____ index
      |____ r${RUN}_${TAG}.stream
      |____ figs/
      |     |____ cell_${TAG}.png
      |     |____ peakogram_${TAG}.png
      |____ r${RUN}/
            |____ *.cxi (+.lst)
            |____ peakfinding.summary

Result display

Results are organized in the summary/ folder, with one sub-directory per "DAG".

|____ update_metrology/
|     |____ r${RUN}/
|           |____report.html
|____ summarize_sample/
      |____ ${TAG}/
            |____ report.html

Automatic monitoring node assignment to OM config through Airflow

From @valmar:
We can work on these files, because they currently contain "default" nodes. For example, for cxi has the following nodes: daq-mfx-mon02,daq-mfx-mon03,daq-mfx-mon04,daq-mfx-mon05

These are usually OK! I can make an empty template and we could fill them in with the correct nodes. Or we could just use these if they are usually OK!

The main problem I see is this: in order to get the available nodes, we must run wherepsana but we must run it on the DAQ machine (say cxi-daq), which might be a problem

One thing we could do is have this information "somewhere" on the network where AirFlow can get it, like the queue as we discussed yesterday

Originally posted by @fredericpoitevin in #42 (comment)

ARP Report to eLog function: not working yet

I can't seem to be able to report back to the eLog.

This is what we are using:


Lines 11 to 16 in b547499

# Fetch the URL to post progress update
update_url = os.environ.get('JID_UPDATE_COUNTERS')
def test(config):
print(config), json=[config])

No report is made:

Everything else seems to work:

  • Airflow log:
*** Log file does not exist: /opt/airflow/logs/test/test/2022-04-14T00:29:46.023176+00:00/1.log
*** Fetching from: http://airflow-worker-0.airflow-worker.airflow.svc.cluster.local:8793/log/test/test/2022-04-14T00:29:46.023176+00:00/1.log

[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: test.test 4646cb75-ce29-4375-9e8f-8c81f9bdbbb1 [queued]>
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for <TaskInstance: test.test 4646cb75-ce29-4375-9e8f-8c81f9bdbbb1 [queued]>
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - 
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Starting attempt 1 of 1
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - 
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Executing <Task(JIDSlurmOperator): test> on 2022-04-14 00:29:46.023176+00:00
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Started process 2096 to run task
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Running: ['airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'test', 'test', '4646cb75-ce29-4375-9e8f-8c81f9bdbbb1', '--job-id', '1033', '--raw', '--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmphqx2f85d', '--error-file', '/tmp/tmpwqwgfspf']
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Job 1033: Subtask test
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Running <TaskInstance: test.test 4646cb75-ce29-4375-9e8f-8c81f9bdbbb1 [running]> on host airflow-worker-0.airflow-worker.airflow.svc.cluster.local
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Exporting the following env vars:
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Attempting to run at SLAC...
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Queueing slurm job...
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - {'_id': '230295b1-8c39-4a69-b9f0-27954f2f437e', 'experiment': 'mfxp19619', 'run_num': '592022-04-14T00:29:45.893539', 'user': 'fpoitevi', 'status': '', 'tool_id': '', 'def_id': '46e88852-b70e-45f0-acb3-4f318f1a46eb', 'def': {'_id': 'ec7ed17a-aa86-4e40-911c-93085cd6b522', 'name': 'test', 'executable': '/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/', 'trigger': 'MANUAL', 'location': 'SLAC', 'parameters': '--config_file /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml --dag test --queue psanaq --ncores 1 --jid_update_counters http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/62576af8b72ad5a60048f9e2 --task test', 'run_as_user': 'airflow'}}
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - Calling http://psdm02:8446/jid_slac/jid/ws/mfxp19619/start_job with {'_id': '230295b1-8c39-4a69-b9f0-27954f2f437e', 'experiment': 'mfxp19619', 'run_num': '592022-04-14T00:29:45.893539', 'user': 'fpoitevi', 'status': '', 'tool_id': '', 'def_id': '46e88852-b70e-45f0-acb3-4f318f1a46eb', 'def': {'_id': 'ec7ed17a-aa86-4e40-911c-93085cd6b522', 'name': 'test', 'executable': '/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/', 'trigger': 'MANUAL', 'location': 'SLAC', 'parameters': '--config_file /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml --dag test --queue psanaq --ncores 1 --jid_update_counters http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/62576af8b72ad5a60048f9e2 --task test', 'run_as_user': 'airflow'}}...
[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO -  + 200: {"success":true,"value":{"_id":"230295b1-8c39-4a69-b9f0-27954f2f437e","def":{"_id":"ec7ed17a-aa86-4e40-911c-93085cd6b522","executable":"/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/","location":"SLAC","name":"test","parameters":"--config_file /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml --dag test --queue psanaq --ncores 1 --jid_update_counters http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/62576af8b72ad5a60048f9e2 --task test","run_as_user":"airflow","trigger":"MANUAL"},"def_id":"46e88852-b70e-45f0-acb3-4f318f1a46eb","experiment":"mfxp19619","run_num":"592022-04-14T00:29:45.893539","status":"SUBMITTED","tool_id":360306,"user":"fpoitevi"}}

[2022-04-14, 00:29:47 UTC] {} INFO - jobid 360306 successfully submitted!
[2022-04-14, 00:29:57 UTC] {} INFO - Checking for job completion...
[2022-04-14, 00:29:57 UTC] {} INFO - Calling http://psdm02:8446/jid_slac/jid/ws/job_statuses with [{'_id': '230295b1-8c39-4a69-b9f0-27954f2f437e', 'def': {'_id': 'ec7ed17a-aa86-4e40-911c-93085cd6b522', 'executable': '/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/', 'location': 'SLAC', 'name': 'test', 'parameters': '--config_file /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml --dag test --queue psanaq --ncores 1 --jid_update_counters http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/62576af8b72ad5a60048f9e2 --task test', 'run_as_user': 'airflow', 'trigger': 'MANUAL'}, 'def_id': '46e88852-b70e-45f0-acb3-4f318f1a46eb', 'experiment': 'mfxp19619', 'run_num': '592022-04-14T00:29:45.893539', 'status': 'SUBMITTED', 'tool_id': 360306, 'user': 'fpoitevi'}]...
[2022-04-14, 00:29:57 UTC] {} INFO -  + 200: {"success":true,"value":[{"_id":"230295b1-8c39-4a69-b9f0-27954f2f437e","counters":[{"setup":{"root_dir":"/cds/data/psdm/mfx/mfxp19619/scratch/test/"},"test":{"parameter":"value"}}],"def":{"_id":"ec7ed17a-aa86-4e40-911c-93085cd6b522","executable":"/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/","location":"SLAC","name":"test","parameters":"--config_file /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml --dag test --queue psanaq --ncores 1 --jid_update_counters http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/62576af8b72ad5a60048f9e2 --task test","run_as_user":"airflow","trigger":"MANUAL"},"def_id":"46e88852-b70e-45f0-acb3-4f318f1a46eb","experiment":"mfxp19619","run_num":"592022-04-14T00:29:45.893539","status":"DONE","tool_id":360306,"user":"fpoitevi"}]}

[2022-04-14, 00:30:27 UTC] {} INFO - Calling http://psdm02:8446/jid_slac/jid/ws/mfxp19619/job_log_file with {'_id': '230295b1-8c39-4a69-b9f0-27954f2f437e', 'counters': [{'setup': {'root_dir': '/cds/data/psdm/mfx/mfxp19619/scratch/test/'}, 'test': {'parameter': 'value'}}], 'def': {'_id': 'ec7ed17a-aa86-4e40-911c-93085cd6b522', 'executable': '/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/', 'location': 'SLAC', 'name': 'test', 'parameters': '--config_file /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml --dag test --queue psanaq --ncores 1 --jid_update_counters http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/62576af8b72ad5a60048f9e2 --task test', 'run_as_user': 'airflow', 'trigger': 'MANUAL'}, 'def_id': '46e88852-b70e-45f0-acb3-4f318f1a46eb', 'experiment': 'mfxp19619', 'run_num': '592022-04-14T00:29:45.893539', 'status': 'DONE', 'tool_id': 360306, 'user': 'fpoitevi'}...
[2022-04-14, 00:30:27 UTC] {} INFO -  + 200: {"success":true,"value":"/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/ -c /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml -t test\nDEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): psdm02.pcdsn:8442\nDEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/ \"POST /jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/230295b1-8c39-4a69-b9f0-27954f2f437e HTTP/1.1\" 200 103\nError: required argument 'global' is not configured.\nError: required argument 'global' is not configured.\n{'setup': {'root_dir': '/cds/data/psdm/mfx/mfxp19619/scratch/test/'}, 'test': {'parameter': 'value'}}\nTask successfully executed\n"}

[2022-04-14, 00:30:27 UTC] {} INFO - Marking task as SUCCESS. dag_id=test, task_id=test, execution_date=20220414T002946, start_date=20220414T002947, end_date=20220414T003027
[2022-04-14, 00:30:27 UTC] {} INFO - Task exited with return code 0
[2022-04-14, 00:30:27 UTC] {} INFO - 0 downstream tasks scheduled from follow-on schedule check
  • eLog log:
Actual command /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/ -d test -q psanaq -n 1 -c /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml 
  "conf": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoiZnBvaXRldmkiLCJleHBlcmltZW50X25hbWUiOiJtZnhwMTk2MTkiLCJleHBpcmVzIjoxNjQ5OTI0OTg1LjQxNzY1Nn0.Hj_15vVfGLxsi7dZC3PJ2mHq7_JA49WipgCiBoAByS1D81H7VCV6ZufZQgcGOa4X8wOi6yvpdmvNyfvfuno1n0rMvAqUJdEuODC4FKRnNDRfXwCkuYq2XP-J7EsXh-Cx7VCbblpMQUMZCKUTn5vy4jblMG5k7ldlmW3o9NtoU5oQRpkWzU2V1V7kU-2n5HIAgWGwltDtjRG71b4oot4exOBWRq6cA8_nRKdFOOTvQtB1yM24OnwKQOg3qQDgYK5rDfp3lgtAWhyHbMQToqS6lHqP7K5sjmWrVaGd3ViPwURGRc-F1HNyqlcz9BEuEcf5dkuKOd8YIFdkOp0S5m5z2cu4sGWzlL0GkDki7seTVkJr8NWF_0D_z8M6dKV3MpskVEfue4rVgB72PgG3tA3QBVhvMxsEf3PsX8VAJqPwwaoEilxx8TQZbKt4Bw6x58UgEqJb5itKEo8fFITSBBSAesW0abFXF9OEGVu2N8qxWZerYocwu9Rej6KgoWsFp-FzP0LflHDnJ8pu6GIG_J9c5LOuojubFRLLqPeI26iyorysuIcKbotDubOtf_uQOsCq9JvfNskpAOZ7lGLsXxOBoxJVNRyVZ_lkowJxE9fpV4HhIlscO9zj58tvDeCd3ER0OHDpLDAWoFGvYUL-iGkG6aj_2Z16ZniXDIRIpDcd7Tg",
    "JID_UPDATE_COUNTERS": "http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/62576af8b72ad5a60048f9e2",
    "experiment": "mfxp19619",
    "parameters": {
      "config_file": "/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml",
      "dag": "test",
      "jid_update_counters": "http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442/jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/62576af8b72ad5a60048f9e2",
      "ncores": "1",
      "queue": "psanaq"
    "run_id": "592022-04-14T00:29:45.893539",
    "user": "fpoitevi"
  "dag_id": "test",
  "dag_run_id": "4646cb75-ce29-4375-9e8f-8c81f9bdbbb1",
  "end_date": null,
  "execution_date": "2022-04-14T00:29:46.023176+00:00",
  "external_trigger": true,
  "logical_date": "2022-04-14T00:29:46.023176+00:00",
  "start_date": null,
  "state": "queued"
  • SLURM log:
[fpoitevi@psanagpu107 scratch]$ cat slurm-360306.out 
/cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/scripts/ -c /cds/sw/package/autosfx/btx/tutorial/test.yaml -t test
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): psdm02.pcdsn:8442
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:http://psdm02.pcdsn:8442 "POST /jid_slac/jid/ws/replace_counters/230295b1-8c39-4a69-b9f0-27954f2f437e HTTP/1.1" 200 103
Error: required argument 'global' is not configured.
Error: required argument 'global' is not configured.
{'setup': {'root_dir': '/cds/data/psdm/mfx/mfxp19619/scratch/test/'}, 'test': {'parameter': 'value'}}
Task successfully executed

`setup_metrology` DAG

We list the tasks that define each DAG. We consider a task completed when successfully ran manually on the FFB nodes, and a DAG completed when successfully ran through the eLog.

  • fetch_mask: #71
$ . -c ../tutorial/mfxlv4920.yaml -t fetch_mask -n 1
  dataset: '/entry_1/data_1/mask'

Creates ${config.root_dir}/mask/r000.npy

  • fetch_geom: #71
$ . -c ../tutorial/mfxlv4920.yaml -t fetch_geom -n 1

Creates ${config.root_dir}/geom/r000.geom

  • report

Automatic DAG definition from YAML file.

That sounds good! As an alternative, I wasn't sure if we were going to have another entry in the yaml that defined which of the tasks would be run and in which order.

@apeck12 that's a nice feature to have in the future! This would require something that interprets the YAML and writes the DAG definition file, something like:

write_dag_from_yaml(config, dag_file)

where config would be and dag_file would be

Definitely something we should implement!

Originally posted by @fredericpoitevin in #34 (comment)

List available detectors

more generally, it would be useful to have a method that quickly lists all the PVs available.

Test cases/tutorials

We should add little tutorials with test files for people to test things on. Especially for students coming to the LCLS for the first time this would be useful.

I was also thinking a general description of file formats would be helpful. e.g. A lot of people don't seem to know where to find specific information, or how to check whether detector offsets have been applied correctly in crystfel etc. Maybe a troubleshooting wiki would be useful too... e.g. my data isn't indexing, what are common causes at LCLS and how do I check that I'm doing what I think I am doing?

Write and document `setup_om` scripts

We need a dag that spans the following tasks:

  1. fetch_mask, which takes as input the detector (e.g. jungfrau4M or epix10k2M), experiment, format (crystfel, cctbx, psana), and savename. If the experiment is latest, then the latest mask from the given detector will be retrieved. After retrieving the correct mask, it will be formatted if needed and saved.
  2. fetch_geom, which does the same as above, except retrieving / converting / saving the most recent geom file.
  3. deploy_om, which deploys OM.

update Wiki

Transfer from the apeck12/sfx_utils repository.

Stream interface IndexError

The following worked:

st = StreamInterface("/reg/d/psdm/mfx/mfxlz0420/scratch/tmalla/optimize/lyzozyme/stream_files/") 

But this one did not:

st = StreamInterface("/reg/d/psdm/mfx/mfxlz0420/scratch/tmalla/optimize/clen-p2/stream_files/")
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_29822/ in <module>
----> 1 st = StreamInterface("/reg/d/psdm/mfx/mfxlz0420/scratch/tmalla/optimize/clen-p2/stream_files/")
      2 st.plot_peakogram()

~/sfx_utils/sfx_utils/ in __init__(self, input_file, cell_only)
      9         self.stream_file = input_file
     10         self.cell_only = cell_only
---> 11         self.stream_data = self.read_stream(input_file)
     13     def read_stream(self, input_file):

~/sfx_utils/sfx_utils/ in read_stream(self, input_file)
     62         stream_data = np.array(stream_data)
     63         if not self.cell_only:
---> 64             stream_data[:,-1] = xtal_utils.compute_resolution(stream_data[:,2:8], stream_data[:,8:11])
     66         return stream_data

IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

`run_diagnostics` DAG

We list the tasks that define each DAG. We consider a task completed when successfully ran manually on the FFB nodes, and a DAG completed when successfully ran through the eLog.

  • image_stats
  • display

Figure out how to kill DAG jobs through eLog

Also: if a SLURM job is killed outside of Airflow, Airflow does not seem to report it as "CANCELLED", but reports it as "DONE. Would be nice to see the job "CANCELLED" in Airflow - or some information that it failed somehow

NERSC remote analysis

Write a short note on how to login to NERSC (using sshproxy so the connection lasts 24h), and using NoMachine.

Write eLog script for automation

Figure out how to write a slurm script that will be used to define a Workflow in the eLog, that would launch at the end of each run, and display some result in the eLog Summary.

`update_mask` DAG

We list the tasks that define each DAG. We consider a task completed when successfully ran manually on the FFB nodes, and a DAG completed when successfully ran through the eLog.

  • build_mask: #72
$ . -c ../tutorial/mfxlv4920.yaml -t build_mask -n 1
  thresholds: -10 2000
  n_images: 10
  n_edge: 2
  combine: True

pulls a collection of random images from the run and masks pixels whose intensities fall outside the user-defined threshold values. This mask can be combined with a previous mask, and a set width of border pixels can be masked as well depending on the config task arguments.

  • report

  • display

Update geom header when fetching from mrxv

This hack was used:

In [1]: from btx.misc.metrology import modify_crystfel_header
In [2]: modify_crystfel_header("r0000.geom", "r0001.geom")

Essentially we always want the header to be CrystFEL compatible by uncommenting the lines that crystfel expects. Not currently done when just fetching from mrxv, but behenate (which this is done for) won't always be run.

AutoSFX legacy scripts

`summarize_sample` DAG

We list the tasks that define each DAG. We consider a task completed when successfully ran manually on the FFB nodes, and a DAG completed when successfully ran through the eLog.

  • stream_analysis
$ . -c ../tutorial/mfxlv4920.yaml -t stream_analysis -n 8
  tag: 'test'

can be used to produce the peakogram and cell distribution plots, which will be saved in: ${config.root_dir}/index/figs

  • wilson_plot

  • cell_volume: #60

  • clean_up

  • report

  • display

Read HKL files and compare them

It would be nice to be able to read 2 HKL files (say light and dark), and show how their intensity compare across similar reflections.

[h1,k1,l1,i1] + [h2,k2,l2,i2] ---intersect----> [h,k,l,i1,i2]

and plot i2 versus i1 across resolution shells.

Cell volume as a function of time

Add a diagnostic to plot the cell volume as a function of time / run number. It seems that this may be an issue at MFX but not CXI, where the cell volume gradually fluctuates due to drift in the detector distance or beam energy.

sourcing the correct python in

For some reason, we've had to specify the full python / mpirun paths in since the line source /reg/g/psdm/etc/ -py3 supplied to sbatch doesn't seem to be properly recognized. With tpprwr we may be able to avoid this altogether, but we should address this issue in the meantime regardless.

Check for gain artifacts

Generate a task that checks for gain artifacts. Sabine's suggestion: examine radial profiles for 3k random patterns from a run and look for discontinuities in the individual image radial profiles. May be useful to generate an average radial profile from the misses. Flag images that don't match the expected radial profile.

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