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nvim-dbee's Issues

Some postgresql statements don't have output

For example;

DELETE FROM <table>;

doesn't show anything in the result buffer;

  │ Rows Affected 

but the same statement in psql does;

dev=# DELETE FROM <table>;

[Help wanted] "dbee" command not found

When I try to open the UI, an error occurs:

DbeeGetCurrentConnection Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument cmd: 'dbee' is not executable
stack traceback:
^I[C]: at 0x562fee0b0130
^I[C]: in function 'pcall'
^I...ocal/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/handler/init.lua:160: in function 'get_current_connection'
^ in function 'new'
^I....local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/entry/init.lua:93: in function 'setup_ui'
^I....local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/entry/init.lua:135: in function 'open_ui'
^I....local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/entry/init.lua:130: in function 'toggle_ui'
^I...e/troysigx/.local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee.lua:24: in function 'toggle'
^I[string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk

Here is my config using lazy.nvim:

    dependencies = {
    build = function()
      -- Install tries to automatically detect the install method.
      -- if it fails, try calling it with one of these parameters:
      --    "curl", "wget", "bitsadmin", "go"
    config = function()
      require('dbee').setup(--[[optional config]])

Clickhouse Nullable columns in result window

Nullable columns seem to print the address of a pointer in a table view of results, instead of the stored value or null.

But the values are copied ok, when yanking json with hotkeys.

How do I add connections with secure secrets?

This is kind of 3 parter:

  1. It's not clear how to add connections. I see from the help file that you can add connections from the setup config, I think that should be prominently displayed on the README because it's the first thing a new user will need to do.
  2. It would be really great if we could add connections interactively while it is running, with a user command and/or buffer local mapping on the sidebar.
  3. I don't see any way that I can configure a connection without storing the password in plain text.

It would be ideal if it could pull a password from pass on linux, and/or read them from environment variables. I use doppler a lot at work, so it would be convenient for me to just configure connections using environment variable substitution and then I can run nvim with doppler to get those variables. for example:

  connections = {
        -- example:
        -- {
        --   name = "example-pg",
        --   type = "postgres",
        --   url = "postgres://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASSWORD}@${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/${DB_NAME}",
        -- },

or maybe if you just have your own internal way of specifying placeholders for secrets, you can then add a separate section for secrets, like:

  connections = {
           name = "example-pg",
           type = "postgres",
           url = "postgres://{{SECRET_USER}}:{{SECRET_PASSWORD}}host:5432/mydb",
           secrets: {
             user: { source="env", key="WORK_DB_USER" }, -- pull from environment variables
             password: { source="pass", key="work_db_password" } -- pull from `pass`

[Feature] Nvim Tree integration

Hello Everyone,
This is request to integrate with Nvim Tree, that connection tree list will be open under same tree as Nvim Tree for easy navigation.

Feature suggestion: Yank CSV/JSON for results

The save to csv/json is a great feature, but often we might want to use the results in an existing buffer.

It's faffy to save somewhere, load that in a buffer, select and yank, paste it into the buffer we wanted it in, then go back to delete the saved buffer from disk and vim.

It would be really helpful to be able to yank-as-csv or yank-as-json from the results buffer, then we could simply paste it where we want it.

It would be super great if we could also yank a row or selected rows of the output, too, but I suspect that's a much bigger fetaure!

CSV yanks only part of the data

When yanking a reasonable amount of results (i had 200+) using a CSV formatter only parts of the data appear in the register.

I assume it happens because Go CSV writer uses a buffered writer, which flushes buffered data whenever it reaches a certain threshold (4096 bytes i think), which in turn triggers setreg call on each flush.

I managed to workaround it with a local copy of a plugin using a bytes.Buffer instead of a register as a io.Writer and writing resulting bytes to the register:

func (yo *YankRegisterOutput) Write(result models.Result) error {
    writer := new(bytes.Buffer)
    err := yo.formatter.Format(result, writer)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    reg := newRegister(yo.vim)
    _, err = reg.Write(writer.Bytes())

    return err

I'm nowhere near a proficient level in Go though, so maybe there's a better solution to this :)

P.S.: Really loving this plugin! Let me know if I can help with anything.

Doesn't work with packer and LunarVim

Tried to install nvim-dbee to my LunarVim via packer by adding this configuration to my configs:

    requires = {
    run = function()
      -- Install tries to automatically detect the install method.
      -- if it fails, try calling it with one of these parameters:
      --    "curl", "wget", "bitsadmin", "go"
    config = function()
      require("dbee").setup( --[[optional config]])

but got this error when installing the package:
And this error when starting LunarVim (which is weird as I don't use lazy, I use packer):

My versions:
NVIM v0.9.5
LunarVim 1.3

Cannot connect to MySQL

Excited to try this, but on entering my mysql connection details I get

[init]: function Dbee_register_connection[1]..remote#define#request, line 2: Vim(let):Unable to connect to database: default addr
for network '' unknown

My config:

  dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", },
  build = function()
  config = function()
      connections = {
          name = "Something",
          type = "mysql",
          url = "mysql://root:[email protected]:13306/my_database",

The credentials, the port are correct and work from the command line with the standard mysql client.I've tried localhost and too.

Could this be a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

Feature request: database helpers

I have several queries I like to run periodically which are not specific to any table, but rather the database as a whole, e.g. for "active queries"

    age(clock_timestamp(), query_start) AS started_at,
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE state = 'active' AND query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
ORDER BY query_start DESC;

It would be nice to have an extra_helpers configuration option at the database level rather than the table level

[bigquery] Cannot finish fetching results with BigQuery resource

There seems to be an issue with the BigQuery adapter, where the results are not able to render fully. This seems possibly due to how the BigQuery row iterator is used in relation to the hasNext check required for iterators.

Failed retrieving results after 0.753 seconds
    no more items in iterator

Running a minimal example to reproduce (no additional connection configuration needed, except :

I noticed that in the result go code, there is this part where hasNext would be used after the results builder is generated -> and wonder if the native BigQuery Done error being returned here -> is incorrectly being interacted with.

Dbee ui toggle throws error

A recently introduced change has broken my ability to open the ui tray. An attempts result in the following error

E5108: Error executing lua function DbeeGetCurrentConnection[1]..remote#define#request, line 2: Vim(let):Error invoking '0:fun
ction:DbeeGetCurrentConnection' on channel 3:                                                                                
Invalid channel: 3
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'DbeeGetCurrentConnection'
        ...ocal/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/handler/init.lua:156: in function 'get_current_connection' in function 'new'
        ....local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/entry/init.lua:88: in function 'setup_ui'
        ....local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/entry/init.lua:130: in function 'open_ui'
        ....local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/entry/init.lua:125: in function 'toggle_ui'
        ...e/tuc55745/.local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee.lua:24: in function 'toggle'
        [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk

Add gcloud spanner driver

I'm interested in having access to this driver.
When I find the time, I might attempt to implement it myself.
If creating this driver (or issue) is not something you want, please inform me.

MongoDB usage

Hi, many many thanks for this work. Have been trying it out and it looks pretty good. However i was also trying to use mongodb with it, but couldn't figure out how to use that. For example i could use db.createCollection("test_collection") in mongosh but how would i go about it in this setup ? if you have had any tryouts or example please share.

Special characters muck up the results view

See screenshot as an example:


The more characters like this the more the table becomes unreadable.

I think a solution would be to calculate the width that vim will need to display the values and use that as column width; instead of what I presume is just a length-of-characters-in-string function?

DuckDB error

I have the following setup (lazy.nvim).

return {
	ft = "sql",
	dependencies = {
	build = function()
	config = function()
			sources = {
						id = "duck-in-memory",
						name = "duck-in-memory",
						type = "duck",
						url = "file::memory:",

After Lazy sync all is well, however when I open a .sql file I get the following error.

Error detected while processing BufReadPost Autocommands for "*":                                                                                                       
Error executing lua callback: ...en/.tea/ Error executing lua: ...en/.tea/
pe.lua:22: BufReadPost Autocommands for "*"..FileType Autocommands for "sql": Vim(append):[handler]: BufReadPost Autocommands for "*"..FileType Autocommands for "sql"..
function Dbee_register_connection[1]..remote#define#request, line 2: Vim(let):unable to connect to duckdb database: could not open database: IO Error: Extension "/Users
/john.allen/.duckdb/extensions/v0.8.0/osx_arm64/file.duckdb_extension" not found.                                                                                       
stack traceback:                                                                                                                                                        
        [C]: in function 'nvim_cmd'                                                                                                                                     
        ...en/.tea/ in function <...en/.tea/>                    
        [C]: in function 'nvim_buf_call'                                                                                                                                
        ...en/.tea/ in function <...en/.tea/>                    
stack traceback:                                                                                                                                                        
        [C]: in function 'nvim_buf_call'                                                                                                                                
        ...en/.tea/ in function <...en/.tea/> 

Looks like a version mismatch.

❯ ll
 .
 ..
 17ec2ab20
 v0.7.1
 v0.8.1

FWIW — I didn't have v0.8.1 installed prior to installing dbee. I did a brew install duckdb after first error but current HomeBrew version seems to be v0.8.1.

Can't see error output for failed queries?

I'm trying out the refactored version of dbee and everything is great! Except I can't figure out how to see the error output for failed queries :/

The result buffer just shows:
"Call execution failed after ..."

and the call log just says "state: executing_failed"

The old version of dbee used vim.notify (I think?) to display runtime errors?

Specify ScratchPad directory for each connection

The saved queries are likely unique for each connection, or at least for each project. Right now it seems the scratchpad directory is global and not customizable.

I am loading the connections for each project using ENVIRONMENT variables, I would also like to save queries for each connection in a unique folder.

[postgres] too many clients already

I eventually get this error after running queries with dbee for an extended period of time (keeping the dbee windows open).

Call execution failed after 0.005 seconds
    pq: sorry, too many clients already

Strange characters in place of symbols

This is my first time using the plugin, I find it really useful, although in my current setup (Ubuntu 22.04) for some reason some symbols are wrongly being showed (see below screenshot). Do you know what could cause this kind of issue? This is probably something related to my current font ("Source Code Pro"), can you tell me which fonts are compatible with the symbols used in the project?


Can the connection configuration file be added to be compatible with sqlls?

I want to use sqlls smart completion.
But their configuration connection information is not compatible. I don't want to maintain two sets of roughly the same connection information.
dbee must be in square brackets
Expect to get the following connection information template

    "connections" : [{
      "id": "__master_connection_id_postgresqlpostgres__",
      "page_size": 20,
      "type": "postgres",
      "url": "postgres://postgres:pg_pass@localhost/pg_test?sslmode=disable",
      "name": "postgres-project",
      "adapter": "postgres",
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 5432,
      "user": "postgres",
      "password": "pg_pass",
      "database": "pg_test",
      "projectPaths": ["/Users/joe-re/src/postgres_project"]


[postgres] no output when executing some statements inside of transaction block


Running just the UPDATE statement yields the expected output, e.g.

   │ Rows Affected 
 1 │             N 

however when run within the transaction block (regardless whether you finish it off with a ROLLBACK or a COMMIT) yields:

  │ No Results 

It seems that SELECT statements still produce output when run within a transaction block, but UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements do not (they all produce the "No Results" output above).

I haven't tested SAVEPOINTs.

MySQL DSN with a port

I'm trying to connect to a MySQL server available on localhost on non-standard port.

I've tried the following DSNs (all fail):

  • user_name:pass_word@tcp(
    Error  05:20:44 PM notify.error nvim-dbee mysql: invalid url: parse "user_name:pass_word@tcp(": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon
    Error  05:20:44 PM notify.error nvim-dbee [handler]: .../share/lazynvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/handler/conn.lua:65: problem adding connection
  • mysql://user_name:pass_word@tcp(
    Error  05:23:29 PM notify.error nvim-dbee mysql: invalid url: parse "mysql://user_name:pass_word@tcp(": invalid port ":3308)" after host
    Error  05:23:29 PM notify.error nvim-dbee [handler]: .../share/lazynvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/handler/conn.lua:65: problem adding connection
  • mysql://user_name:[email protected]/dbname
    Error  05:24:30 PM notify.error nvim-dbee unable to connect to mysql database: default addr for network '' unknown
    Error  05:24:30 PM notify.error nvim-dbee [handler]: .../share/lazynvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/lua/dbee/handler/conn.lua:65: problem adding connection

This is similar to the #14, but the solution posted there no longer works due to URL parsing check added since it was posted: d461eb1

Feature request: disconnect from active connection

Self explanatory.

Also, I know I've been creating a bunch of issues (because I love this plugin so much and it is by far my most used plugin), so if some of these are (relatively; I don't know Go) simple and you can point me in the right direction I can submit a PR

Unable to connect to sqlite db `Dbee_register_connection` 'dbee' is not executable

Hi i am trying this plugin for the first time. Attempting to connect to a sqlite db in my current directory.

dependencies = {
build = function()
	-- Install tries to automatically detect the install method.
	-- if it fails, try calling it with one of these parameters:
	--    "curl", "wget", "bitsadmin", "go"
config = function()
	require("dbee").setup({ lazy = true, debug = true })




Despite enabling logs

cat ~/.cache/nvim/dbee/dbee.log                                                                                                                                                                            
cat: /home/kay/.cache/nvim/dbee/dbee.log: No such file or directory
NVIM v0.9.1
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3

Full error message:

 Error 08:41:07 notify.error nvim-dbee [handler]: BufWriteCmd Autocommands for "<buffer=34>"..FuncUndefined Autocommands for "Dbee_register_connection"..function remote#define#FunctionBootstrap[1]..remote#host#Require[10]..29_Start_dbee, line 1: Vim(return):E475: Invalid value for argument cmd: 'dbee' is not executable

Ability to set default connection

In my projects, I often have multiple DB connections and Dbee often picks the "wrong" one by default. It would be nice to specify the default connection, either as an environment variable or as an option to the "open/toggle" functions

unknown function: Dbee_register_connection

Hi there!

I'm really looking forward to trying out this plugin. Also, I'm really fascinated to read through your code and see how the go-lua interop works.

When I first attempted to setup a connection to my local db, I started getting this error on startup and all subsequent execution commands seemed to fail as well.

Here is a screenshot of the error
Screenshot 2023-05-14 at 10 15 05 PM

Here is my configuration:


  use ({
  requires = {
  build = function()
    -- Install tries to automatically detect the install method.
    -- if it fails, try calling it with one of these parameters:
    --    "curl", "wget", "bitsadmin", "go"
  run = function()
    -- Install tries to automatically detect the install method.
    -- if it fails, try calling it with one of these parameters:
    --    "curl", "wget", "bitsadmin", "go"

here is my config function called from my init.vim file:

local status_ok, dbee = pcall(require, "dbee")
if not status_ok then
	vim.notify("dbee not found ")
 connections = {
      name = "examplemysql",
      type = "mysql",
      url = "mysql://root:redacted@localhost:3306/db1",

Is there a mistake that I made in the config?
Thanks in advance,

module secrets not found

I'm really looking forward to trying out this plugin but I failed on the initial load. i get this on startup of nvim:

Failed to load `plugins.dbees`                                                                                                                                
/home/user/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/dbees.lua:4: module 'secrets' not found:                                                                                  
^Ino field package.preload['secrets']                                                                                                                         
cache_loader: module secrets not found                                                                                                                        
cache_loader_lib: module secrets not found                                                                                                                    
^Ino file './secrets.lua'                                                                                                                                     
^Ino file '/usr/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta3/secrets.lua'                                                                                                         
^Ino file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/secrets.lua'                                                                                                              
^Ino file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/secrets/init.lua'                                                                                                         
^Ino file '/usr/share/lua/5.1/secrets.lua'                                                                                                                    
^Ino file '/usr/share/lua/5.1/secrets/init.lua'                                                                                                               
^Ino file './'                                                                                                                                      
^Ino file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'                                                                                                                 
^Ino file '/usr/lib/lua/5.1/'                                                                                                                       
^Ino file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'                                                                                                                 
# stacktrace:                                                                                                                                                 
  - ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/dbees.lua:4                                                                                                                    
  - ~/.config/nvim/lua/lazy-bootstrap.lua:14                                                                                                                  
  - lua/:1 

I used the quickstart for lazy from the README:

return {
  dir = require("secrets").get("dbee_path"),
  dependencies = {
  build = function()
    -- Install tries to automatically detect the install method.
    -- if it fails, try calling it with one of these parameters:
    --    "curl", "wget", "bitsadmin", "go"
  config = function()
    require("dbee").setup(--[[optional config]])

Change which register is used for "yank"

It looks like dbee is setreg()ing to the unnamed register, but often I will copy the result output so that I can paste it somewhere else (Slack to share with teammates, GitHub gists, etc) and I don't want to do :let @+=@" every time :/

So there's two things:

  1. Configure option to specify which register to use by default when yanking.
  2. Respect the register provided as part of the command sequence: ""yaJ would mimic the current behavior, but I could do "+yaJ to use the selection register.

Ui interactive commands

Some research needs to be done for implementation of interactive commands in results buffer.

Examples of these commands are:

  • goto foreign key
  • delete row
  • duplicate row
  • change cell value

TODO: investigate what works and what makes sense to progress the story

If anyone stumbles upon this issue, any help/feedback is valuable.

show column number on `relativenumber` options


Hello my options have vim.opt.relativenumber = true. How can I disable line number in dbee-drawer, dbee-call-log, dbee-result. They don't have custom buftype or filetype to customize by autocmd, they're just filename

dbee not found after add the plugin by lazy

I added this plugin by lazy, but when I trying to add a new connection, it says that dbee not found

I have to do find the install path and then manually give the runnable permission and add it to the PATH, then it can work

❯ ls

❯ dbee
zsh: command not found: dbee

❯ ./dbee
zsh: permission denied: ./dbee

❯ chmod u+x dbee

❯ ./dbee

nvim/dbee/bin took 5s
❯ export PATH=$(pwd):$PATH

❯ cd

❯ dbee

Helper SQL should select the selected database

If you are in the 'drawer' and browsing the structure and hit Enter on a table, it brings up a list of 'helpers'

Choosing a helper fails if the database name does not match the database name from the connection config. It is valid not to specify a db name in the config, but that then means you can't use any of the databases because of this issue.

I think two improvements would be:

  1. the helper - which is executed in the context of having selected a database from the drawer - should know to work on the database selected in the drawer.
  2. where a db is pre-selected in the config, it should be easier to get to it. It is still useful to show all dbs reachable with the connection, but some way to show the one pre-selected in config would be helpful. On a host with 100 databases, it would be nice not to have to search for something that's specified in config. Perhaps the selected one could simply be sorted to the top of the list?


[Bug] Doc issue; Duplicate "DefaultLayout"

I encountered this error while trying to install the plugin:

...hare/nvim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/manage/task/plugin.lua:84: Vim:E154: Duplicate tag "DefaultLayout" in file /home/troysigx/.local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-dbee/doc//dbee-reference.txt

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